
=== Metacity|znc is now known as Metacity
bekks!ask | xubuntu55w07:26
ubottuxubuntu55w: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:26
xubuntu55wWill xubuntu run on my Eee pc ok, windows 7 home premium is slowing my machine and heating up07:27
xubuntu55wNo one?07:30
xubuntu55wWill xubuntu run on my Eee pc ok, windows 7 home premium is slowing my machine and heating up07:30
bekks!patience | xubuntu55w07:30
ubottuxubuntu55w: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/07:30
zulemaHi guys, can anybody give me a hand i have a doubt on unistalling windows 8 on a uefi machine and resizing xubuntu / and /home partitions13:56
xubuntu65wcan I upload MS access cd with xubuntu?14:50
holsteinupload a microsoft access CD?14:51
xubuntu65wyes, well load actually - i have the cd14:51
cfhowlettxubuntu65w, load it to what14:51
holsteinwell, to be precise, nothing about linux/ubuntu/xubuntu is preventing anything, since, its all open.. but, im not clear what you are trying to do?14:51
xubuntu65wto the computer that has xubuntu as the operating system14:52
holsteinshare a microsoft installation iso with someone? i dont think MS allows you to share that..14:52
holsteinon the CD, there may just be simple installer files, etc. you can share those as you wish, and as the license allows..14:52
xubuntu65wI'm no sharing it.  I bought the CD specifically to load on this old computer.14:52
cfhowlettxubuntu65w, MAYBE in wine.  or perhaps virtualbox.14:52
xubuntu65whow do i use wine, or virtual box?14:53
holsteinyou mean, "load", as in, install.. *not* upload? then?14:53
xubuntu65wyes yes - install (sorry)14:53
holsteinanyway, nothing is preventing microsoft from providing you with a version that runs on linux.. its all open, if they want to do that.. otherwise, i say, try the well supported alternatives.. libreoffice14:53
xubuntu65wdo I download libreoffice?14:54
holsteinxubuntu65w: libreoffice is in the distro repositories.. so, yes.. but, you dont install the same as in windows14:54
holsteinhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibreOffice .. you can install however you install software.. search "liibreoffice" in the software center,for example..14:55
xubuntu65wok - so I find libreoffice and then go from there?14:56
holsteinxubuntu65w: libreoffice is a "free" alternative, that does provide native linux support14:56
xubuntu65wthank you all15:08
rando_guy824Hi all has anyone had trouble connecting to a WPA2 enterprise network with xubuntu?15:39
knomerando_guy824, why don't ask the real question, eg. what your problem is16:02
rando_guy824haha good point.16:02
rando_guy824I can't connect at all to my WPA2 enterprise network with xubuntu.16:03
knomecan you connect to other networks?16:03
knomewhat's your wifi device?16:03
knomewhich xubuntu version?16:03
rando_guy824ok. I'm on xubuntu 15.04, I'm not sure exactly which wireless card I have. I also tried mint which didn't work either, and I was able to connect to this network when I was running windows.16:04
rando_guy824I have this laptop: http://shop.lenovo.com/us/en/laptops/thinkpad/t-series/t440s/16:05
rando_guy824I'm not sure which wireless device I have.16:05
=== xangua1 is now known as xangua
sergio-br2anyone knows what the closest ubuntu version to the debian jessie?18:03
sergio-br214.04 ?18:03
Unit193No. Try vivid or so.  Why do you ask?18:15
sergio-br2humm, a guy trying to use ubuntu packages in the debian jessie18:22
sergio-br2*from ppa18:23
noaudioHi, I have a thinkpad x201 and today I installed Xubuntu on it but I cannot get any audio to come out of the speakers18:52
noaudioWhen I plug headphones in, I can get sound out of those just not anything from the main speakers18:53
HysTy'all using any nice skins?19:09
HysTor themes to be more specific :)19:09
FabriceI have a very basic question about installing Xubuntu20:16
FabriceHow can you create a bootable usb drive to install it from ?20:16
holsteinFabrice: i use unetbootin ..but there are many ways.. dd copy.. lots of specific tools20:17
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate20:17
FabriceThanks a lot Ifound everything I need ^-^ !20:20
holsteinFabrice: cheers20:21
=== todblu is now known as ReqSer

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