
TJ-Finally tracked down why Abiword starts every session. Something to do with kde-telepathy and the abiword Dbus service: bug 149533601:34
ubottubug 1495336 in meta-kde-telepathy (Ubuntu) "15:10 Auto-starts Abiword every session due to Telepathy Dbus service" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149533601:34
ahoneybunvalorie: ping: #kubuntu-council is alive03:13
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: join #kubuntu-council04:49
valoriealso Mamarok, yofel and anybody else interested04:55
=== rperier_ is now known as rperier
apolI don't know if you are aware, but some images on the website are broken http://kubuntu.org/09:54
yofelovidiu-florin: ^10:00
viphi ho10:00
vipanybody with kmail url opening problems?10:00
kfunkvip: yep. known issue10:29
kfunkvip: fixed in kdepim master10:29
kfunkvip: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34637010:29
ubottuKDE bug 346370 in composereditor-ng "KMail does not accept to insert an URL (Copied from Chromium) into a message" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]10:29
vipkfunk: great, hope it will be released as bugfix version10:31
vipkfunk: ah, it is different bug 10:40
vipmine is about clicking url on received message, KDEInit cannot (run/execute)  '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/kf5/kioexec'10:40
vipit downloads url and opens as local file://, kmail is freezed, then message from above appears10:41
kfunkhm, works for me. does that file (kioexec) exist for you?10:48
BluesKajHi folks11:35
=== tazz_ is now known as tazz
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: ping14:07
pursuivantmuon (master) v5.4.0-38-g6b7acad * Aleix Pol:  (4 files in 2 dirs)15:26
pursuivantExpose UpdatesModel::hasUpdates15:26
* genii makes more coffee15:30
shadeslayergenii: http://kci.pangea.pub/ < the machines are taking over15:30
shadeslayergenii: as well as http://dci.pangea.pub/15:30
geniishadeslayer: A lot of times when I see on the mailing list a package was approved by bot, it gets me wondering....15:31
shadeslayergenii: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Pq-S557XQU15:32
shadeslayernot sure if you've seen that15:32
shadeslayerbut brilliant video overall :)15:32
shadeslayeryay all my tests pass15:32
geniiHeh, recommended on that same page: "Coffee: The Greatest Addiction Ever"15:34
shadeslayerGoogle knows you too well15:34
shadeslayeryou have to wonder, perhaps google knows you better than your partner/parents15:35
shadeslayeror your best friend15:35
* ovidiu-florin is here and he's pissed15:59
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: ^15:59
ahoneybunI just got back in the house lol15:59
ahoneybunoh boy15:59
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: hangout now?16:01
ahoneybunif you up for it16:01
ovidiu-florinvalorie: ping16:03
ahoneybunvalorie: hangout?16:03
marco-parilloWork serves three purposes: To produce products and services buyers desire; To enable workers to acquire goods and services; To give workers a sense of contributing16:04
marco-parilloIf now 1% of farmers can produce far more food than the 99% used to that is good for humanity as a whole. The trick is to enable the former (for example, truck drivers in the video) consume at least as much as they did before; and gain some sense of contributing.16:07
yofelovidiu-florin: what's up?16:27
ovidiu-floringot into a fight about the terms an onditions on a contest.16:27
yofelah ^^16:27
ovidiu-florinorganizers claimed that the terms said something it didn't16:28
ovidiu-florinshadeslayer: are you around?16:43
ovidiu-florinshadeslayer: you have a mackbook, do you know how to check a checksum on osX?????16:43
ovidiu-florinfor this: https://trello.com/c/rGFyOEFP/24-add-instructions-for-checking-the-iso-checksum-in-the-new-docs16:43
shadeslayerperhaps disk utility16:43
shadeslayerbut OS X should have md5sum too16:44
shadeslayerso launch a terminal16:44
shadeslayerand use the command line tool16:44
yofelovidiu-florin: did you see the notice about wrong URL images on the website?16:45
TJ-ovidiu-florin: It would be very useful to add instructions for also checking the hash of the image *on the removable media* 16:45
ovidiu-florinyofel: where?16:46
yofelovidiu-florin: look at the frontpage16:46
yofela couple URL's still point to kubwp16:46
yofelwhich now seems to be down16:46
ovidiu-florinyofel: fixed16:48
ovidiu-florinwhere was the notice?16:48
yofelapol pointed it out in here in the morning16:48
yofeland I pinged you16:49
yofelovidiu-florin: the kubuntu logo at the top is still broken - is that part of the theme?16:49
ovidiu-florinyofel: just fixed that too16:49
yofelah yes, perfect, thanks!16:49
ovidiu-florinyofel: I scrolled up, and saw ahoneybun's ping, and thought that was it16:50
ovidiu-florinthanks for telling me again16:50
ovidiu-florinyofel: ^16:50
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-images17:02
clivejoRiddell: ping17:26
Riddellhi clivejo17:26
clivejogot a few minutes?17:26
Riddellyes, although only a few17:26
clivejoor has someone done frameworks17:27
Riddellnobody but you :)17:27
clivejoI been out fixing Windows machines all day17:27
clivejoI feel dirty17:27
Riddellfixing by installing linux of course I assume17:27
clivejosadly not17:28
Riddellso where did you get to with frameworks?17:29
clivejook so I had issues last night17:29
clivejodepot wasnt letting me on17:29
clivejobut I fixed that17:29
Riddellach we all have issues, but there are friends here17:29
clivejoyou fell asleep on me last night!17:29
clivejoso I eventually got package-name-list -d wily -r frameworks to run17:30
Riddelllovely, anything new?17:30
clivejowasnt any output17:30
clivejobut then I was thinking my bzr isnt updated17:31
clivejomy kubuntu-automation is a month or so old17:31
RiddellI don't think it will output anything if there's nothing new17:32
Riddellit'll just write to package-name-lists/frameworks-wily17:32
Riddellin the directory you checked out kubuntu-automation into17:33
Riddellit'll output got version 5.14 stable17:33
Riddellwrite package-name-lists/frameworks-wily17:33
Riddellbzr diff package-name-lists/frameworks-wily17:33
clivejoit did17:33
Riddelland wc -l package-name-lists/frameworks-wily says 68?17:34
Riddellhere's mine, run a diff on it   http://embra.edinburghlinux.co.uk/~jr/tmp/frameworks-wily17:35
clivejoshould I rm the automation folder and get a fresh copy17:35
Riddellno just bzr update or bzr pull as appropriate17:35
Riddellso what happened next?17:37
clivejoIm missing17:37
clivejoI keep getting Permission Denied with bzr commands17:40
Riddellset up ~/.ssh/config to pre-set the username to ftpubuntu17:42
clivejoI have :/17:43
clivejofor what host?17:44
yofelwith bzr commands? That would mean your authorization settings for launchpad aren't right..17:46
clivejoah working17:46
clivejoNow on revision 614.17:47
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=614&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 61417:47
Riddellemail = Jonathan Riddell <jriddell@ubuntu.com>17:47
Riddelllaunchpad_username = jr17:47
Riddellsomething like that17:47
clivejoI have that17:48
clivejoI need to add bazaar.launchpad.net into ~.ssh/conf17:48
clivejoanyways its worked17:48
clivejo68 in there now17:49
clivejoso I need pause CI?17:52
clivejoRiddell: ^17:53
Riddellhmm I guess so17:55
Riddellmaybe you don't have permissions for that17:55
* clivejo shakes head17:55
clivejoI dont17:55
Riddellclivejo: I ran it17:56
Riddellask sitter how to get permissions for that17:56
Riddellreminds me to unpause it again later17:56
clivejois the version 5.18.0?17:57
clivejoor just 5.1417:57
clivejostupid gpg agent18:02
clivejohow do I get the gpg-agent to enter my key passcode?18:05
Riddellit should just be running18:05
Riddelland use pinentry-qt as the UI18:05
clivejowell its not!18:05
yofelwhat's the error? pinentry not working or the agent not working?18:06
clivejono error, just have to enter my passcode twice per source sign18:07
clivejogpg-connect-agent: can't connect to the agent: IPC connect call failed18:09
yofelsounds like the agent isn't running18:10
clivejogpg-agent[9747]: gpg-agent (GnuPG) 2.0.28 started18:11
yofelhow did you start it?18:12
Riddellgpg-agent is spooky voodoo18:12
yofelusually, yeah :(18:13
clivejoFFS !!  Enter passphrase: gpg: problem with the agent - disabling agent use18:14
clivejoit just confirmed it was running!18:15
sgclarkmake sure you have a pinentry app installed18:15
Riddell when it randomly breaks for me I turn my computer off and on again and it sometimes starts to work18:16
sgclarkalso I had to put GPG_TTY=$(tty)  export GPG_TTY in my bashrc18:16
sgclarkoh and eval $(gpg-agent --daemon) also in bashrc18:17
sgclarknever breaks for me anymore18:17
clivejoit says its running18:18
clivejobut when I run the staging script it keeps asking for my passcode18:19
mamarleyThe gpg-agent doesn't seem to have worked properly for me since I upgraded to Vivid a long time ago.  gpg-agent is running and pinentry-qt4 is installed, but it never remembers the password and I never get the graphical prompt.18:19
yofelthe eval part is important, you need an environment variable set in your shell for it to work18:19
clivejoyofel: it is18:19
soeeovidiu-florin: you pinged :)18:20
clivejoyofel: could it be the way I have a separate account I work in?18:20
ovidiu-florinsoee: yes18:20
yofelclivejo: shouldn't be...18:21
ovidiu-florinsoee: can you have a hangout with us? right now?18:21
soeeoh i can't make it today.. have one project to do small changes and 1 hour for my boss :)18:21
yofelclivejo: at least not if said var is set in the shell you work in, the process is reachable and you can connect to X from that shell18:21
clivejoremember I had "issues" connecting to X18:22
yofelhm, you can try pinentry-curses18:22
ovidiu-florinsoee: are you good with designing web pages?18:22
yofelwon't work if a GUI app tries to ask for the gpg password though, remember that18:22
soeeovidiu-florin: depends, i do a lot of backend stuff and sometimes when i have to frontend, but when it comes to design it is good to have proffesional designer18:23
ovidiu-florinok, then we'll look for a designer18:23
clivejonow Ive killed kate18:24
soeeovidiu-florin: but a good designer not someone who thinks he can design :)18:24
ovidiu-florinI agree18:24
soeei could always ask my friend (he does graphics etc.) when he comes back to work 18:26
soeebut hes off for 2 weeks to spend this time with his daughter (born 2 weeks ago) :)18:26
yofeltalking about agents, I found a funny process command line...18:27
yofelyofel     3105  0.0  0.0  11168   336 ?        Ss   18:20   0:00 /usr/bin/ssh-agent /usr/bin/gpg-agent --daemon --sh --write-env-file=/home/yofel/.gnupg/gpg-agent-info-T550 /usr/bin/ck-launch-session /usr/bin/dbus-launch --exit-with-session /usr/bin/im-launch /usr/bin/startkde18:27
Riddellclivejo: or edit the script to add -us -uc to the debuild and it won't sign them then just do it in batch later with debsign manually18:27
yofelhow's that supposed to do anything useful o.O18:27
clivejook pinentry is installed18:28
clivejoIve added those lines to bashrc too18:29
clivejostill not working18:29
yofelsource your bashrc in the shell you're trying to sign something, then try gpg --clearsign /tmp/foo and tell what it does18:29
clivejoasks from my passphrase18:31
yofelany other output?18:31
clivejoYou need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for18:31
yofelthat's all o.O?18:31
clivejofor my key clivejo@aol.com18:32
yofelis "use-agent" in ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf ?18:32
clivejohow do I list the keys it knows about?18:34
yofelgpg --list-keys18:34
clivejoso it knows about that key :/18:34
TJ-There's a severe issue with the SDDM greeter. when it is in use it causes ecryptfs-recover-private to fail because it has created a separate @s (session) keyring but e-r-p puts the keys in the @us (user session) keyring18:35
clivejoI dunno :/18:35
yofeldoes it say "gpg: gpg-agent is not available in this session" ?18:35
TJ-I'll post a bug report after dinner; spent the last 45 minutes diagnosing it with Ty hicks18:35
clivejowhen the script runs debsign is says gpg: gpg-agent is not available in this session and to enter passphrase18:36
TJ-yofel: nothing to do with gpg-agent; the tools insert the keys into the kernel (@us) directly (using the keyctl API), but the mount command cannot access the key because it is working from a different keyring (the @s). I only hit this because I switched from lightdm to sddm last night18:37
yofelok, so it does try to use the agent but fails to connect to it18:37
yofelTJ-: that was for clivejo18:37
TJ-yofel: Ahhh, sorry! doh!18:37
clivejooh wait18:38
clivejoits working18:38
clivejobut how, I have NOOOO idea!18:38
clivejoit popped up a graphical prompt for the passcode this time18:38
clivejowhere can I find the lastest wily iso?18:39
clivejothanks yofel18:45
clivejoyofel: probem: the screen has stopped on a diff file18:45
clivejowith a :18:46
clivejoas it its expecting input from me18:46
yofelRiddell: ^18:46
yofelI haven't run that script in a while...18:46
clivejoits a debian/control file18:47
clivejoreds and greens18:47
clivejowill I just hit enter?18:47
yofelsounds like it's asking you about a merge?18:49
clivejoI just pressed q and enter18:50
clivejomust be using less to echo out the diffs18:51
yofelgit diff does that automatically18:52
clivejodoes it need user input if the output is greater than screen lines?18:52
clivejothat must be what it is718:53
clivejohere we go again18:53
ovidiu-florinKubuntu Promotion meeting over19:02
clivejowhat did you guys achieve?19:04
clivejo3 more packages to do19:08
clivejoRiddell: can you unpause CI19:10
clivejoRiddell / yofel : So they are going to https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/staging-frameworks/ ?19:12
clivejois it safe to run - for f in *.changes ; do dput ppa:kubuntu-ppa/staging-frameworks $f ; do19:28
clivejois someone working on the qa server?19:44
clivejohttp://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ppa-status/frameworks/ doesnt seem to be working19:44
Riddellclivejo: done19:46
Riddellclivejo: have you updated the file in kubuntu-automation?19:47
Riddellclivejo: build-status-conf/frameworks.conf19:47
clivejoI havent19:47
clivejoIve just finished the upload19:47
clivejothey are failing on Cmake19:47
clivejobut when that gets published it should be ok#19:48
Riddellyes cmake is always the first that needs done19:49
Riddellit'll need retries, that's what this line does   while true; do ./kubuntu-retry-builds --frameworks --ppa=kubuntu-ppa --ppaname=staging-frameworks --force; sleep 1200; done19:51
clivejook Ive updated the frameworks.conf file19:55
clivejothat needs to be pushed to bzr?19:55
clivejoso do a bzr commit locally19:57
clivejoand then push?19:57
clivejoRiddell: Im in trouble :/20:02
clivejoRiddell: did you move qa.kubuntu.co.uk ?20:45
clivejolooks like LP authoriation token is acting up20:46
valoriesorry guys, I've gone back to nightowl/late riser pattern again21:00
valorieand now it's time to clean the dirty floors and suck up the giant spider on my ceiling21:05
sgclarkeek. yeah been spotting spiders today. Time to call the exterminator21:06
clivejosgclark: do you know how qa.kubuntu.co.uk works?21:12
sgclarkyikes. that seems broken21:16
* clivejo nods21:16
sgclarkwhatever user they use to auth looks to be broken. Riddell will have to help there I think21:17
clivejoI think the server was moved or something21:18
Riddellclivejo: yeah I did move it21:24
clivejoknow how to fix it?21:25
Riddelldunno, let's see what happens when I run it21:28
clivejois it linked to your LP account?21:29
RiddellI really don't remember21:30
Riddellit seems to be running something21:30
ahoneybunvalorie: check out Kubuntu Family on telegram21:35
Riddellahoneybun: what's the purpose of that group?21:45
ahoneybundisussion on the go21:45
ahoneybunyour in that group too21:46
clivejois there a terminal based browser?21:46
ahoneybunfor telegram?21:47
ahoneybunRiddell: http://imgur.com/33qIBuV21:47
clivejoahoneybun: nope, for qa.kubuntu.co.uk21:47
ahoneybunthere is telegram-cli XD21:47
Riddellahoneybun: oh nice, but what's the font?21:48
Riddellahoneybun: keep a copy for release time then :)21:48
ahoneybunandrea on telegram did the konqi artwork21:48
Riddellahoneybun: have you checked it fits on the new website?21:49
ahoneybunwill do21:49
ahoneybunsame size as the old one21:49
ahoneybunRiddell: so yes it will look nice!21:51
clivejoRiddell: how did you fix it?21:56
Riddellclivejo: did I fix it?21:58
clivejoits working21:59
clivejoand I know it wasnt me!21:59
Riddellwell well, amazing what one does22:00
RiddellI looked at the output of ps -ef to see the command that ppa-build-status-cron ran was  /usr/bin/python ./ppa-build-status -r frameworks -d wily -v 5.14.0 -c /home/kubuntu/kubuntu-automation/kubuntu-automation/cred -p kubuntu-ppa/staging-frameworks --cache ./cache-wily22:00
Riddellthen I ran that command and it asked for a web browser to open a url so I did that locally and told launchpad to allow it22:00
Riddellso yay maybe it's now fixed22:00
Riddellyep looks like it22:01
ahoneybunI think kconfig has the same issue that it had before22:01
Riddellok then time for bed for me22:01
Riddellclivejo: will you run that retry command?22:01
clivejoRiddell: retry what command?22:03
Riddellwhile true; do ./kubuntu-retry-builds --frameworks --ppa=kubuntu-ppa --ppaname=staging-frameworks --force; sleep 1200; done22:04
clivejoon your box?22:04
Riddellclivejo: yes just run it locally22:08
Riddelland hopefully in the morning all will be compiled22:08
* Riddell snoozes22:08
clivejoso there is no intelligence about this at all, it just keeps retrying over and over until they build?22:14
sgclarksadly yep22:15
ari-tczewdoes Framework 5.14 not need a FFe?22:16
sgclarkclivejo: run that command Riddell stated above in your terminal and it will retry22:16
clivejoI have22:17
clivejojust not in a loop22:17
clivejoas I shut down my computer at night22:17
sgclarkthe loops will keep retrying. ahh ok22:17
sgclarkwill then keep retrying till you go to bed heh22:18
clivejobut thought there might be some kind of structure to the retries!22:18
clivejosgclark: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/217944572/buildlog_ubuntu-wily-amd64.attica-kf5_5.14.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu15.10~ppa1_BUILDING.txt.gz22:20
clivejolot of missing symbols22:20
clivejobut qa has it marked green?22:20
sgclarkmuch to much jetlag today to much help with symbols. Missing needs to be researched though..22:23
clivejowhere you been?22:24
sgclarkRanda, Switzerland for KDE sprint meeting22:24
clivejooh right, how did that go?22:25
sgclarkexcellent. very tired today from trip, just resting haha22:25
clivejoyou are in the states?22:26
sgclarkyeah, west coast22:26
clivejolong flight!22:27
sgclarkindeed lol22:27
clivejodo you go every year?22:27
sgclarkwas my first one22:27
clivejowhat projects you work on?22:28
sgclarkbuild.kde.org is mine22:29
clivejothe front and back end?22:30
clivejowhat distro is that for?22:32
sgclarkit is not a distribution. it tests all KDE projects.22:32
sgclarkprobably better explained when my brain is not broken. 22:34
clivejomy brain is fried too!22:34
sgclarkanyway, must afk to spend time with family. Should be around in the next day or so though to help a bit.22:35
clivejoIll trigger another rebuild22:35
clivejothey all showing as waiting or failed22:36
yofelclivejo: it's green even with a symbol diff because all the missing symbols are "optional"22:43
yofellooks like gcc internal stuff22:43
clivejoa symbol can be optional?22:44
yofelyes, in this case it's symbols that the last couple gcc4 versions put there, but that don't actually belong to the library.22:48
yofellike in this case, most are the auto-generated class constructors/destructors 22:49

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