
bpromptaustin6598:    right, is newer, wondering if it was the reverse, 20years old or so =), anyhow , is just safeboot, disable it, and turn on "legacy csm" mode in bios00:00
MichaelTunnellBadConnection: so is this just a binary you launch?00:00
austin6598its less than 10 years old and i dont see those options00:00
bpromptaustin6598:     then boot with the usb stick00:00
bpromptaustin6598:      pretty sure they're there... in some of those menus00:01
bpromptaustin6598:    the usb stick not booting up, is due to that, is using UEFI mode to boot and safeboot is on00:01
BadConnectionI have a directory in my home folder i extracted the program to, I want to be able to use fn+s to launch SoundNODE00:01
austin6598theres no such option00:02
MichaelTunnellBadConnection: does it have to be function? that can be problematic00:03
MichaelTunnellhow about Super+S?00:03
MichaelTunnellaka Windows key00:03
austin6598but windows isnt super 0.o00:04
BadConnectionthats meta on my envrionment00:04
BadConnectionwhich doesn00:04
BadConnectiont map. meta-a does and a bunch of other letters but meta-s doesn't map00:04
austin6598bprompt> i can boot to other usbs just not this one00:05
bpromptaustin6598:   ohhh... ahemm.. you never said that00:06
bpromptaustin6598:    that just means the usb stick image is not bootable or miswritten00:06
austin6598bprompt> no caus my laptop can boot to it00:06
bpromptaustin6598:    so, just need to rewrite it a good iso to it00:07
MichaelTunnellBadConnection: that seems odd00:07
BadConnectionvery odd MichaelTunnell00:07
bpromptaustin6598:    as far as the stuck part at login, try booting turning off "acpi" and "apm"00:07
austin6598i dont see apm on apci=off00:08
MichaelTunnellBadConnection: well Super+S is a default command for "Stop Current Activity"00:08
MichaelTunnelldo you use activities?00:08
bpromptaustin6598:     your laptop can boot..    then something is up with the image you burned to it, it should boot anywhere if it boots, the bootcode is the same for either machine00:08
BadConnectionMichaelTunnell: I don't even know what activites are. Are they worth using?00:09
austin6598well it shows the same problems as the installed IS so this is weird00:09
bpromptaustin6598:      when using the liveusb, first screen, press F6, shows the apm and acpi checkboxes00:09
austin6598i only see acpi not apm00:09
bpromptaustin6598:   ok... go with that then :)00:09
MichaelTunnellBadConnection: some people will suggest they are and some wont...for me they are pointless. The do the same thing as virtual desktops for me but I havent tried them thoroughly to be fair00:10
bpromptaustin6598:    there's a switch to pass it in the grub boot line as well, to turn off acpi .... .the issue often is, just power management hardware compatibility drivers00:10
MichaelTunnellBadConnection: so lets just solve this and you can try Activities later if you want to00:10
BadConnectionSounds good to me00:10
austin6598still stuck00:10
MichaelTunnellBadConnection: version of Kubuntu?00:11
ahoneybunBadConnection: http://www.datamation.com/open-source/11-activities-for-kde-plasma.html00:11
MichaelTunnellok so I am still on 14.04 so you have Plasma 5 and I have KDE 4 so there might be some clunkiness in my steps so try to bear with me00:12
bpromptaustin6598:    hmmm you could try turning off a few others, if it's having hardware compatibility issues..... anyhow need to dash... but I think pressing F5 has more boot options, and also F4, to resolve hardware compatibility matters00:12
MichaelTunnellBadConnection: System Settings -> Shortcuts and Gestures00:12
austin6598ok thanks00:12
BadConnectionahoneybun: thanks00:12
MichaelTunnellBadConnection: still with me?00:13
MichaelTunnellBadConnection: System Settings -> Shortcuts and Gestures00:13
MichaelTunnellby default you should be on Custom Shortcuts00:14
MichaelTunnellyou will see a big Edit button in the middle towards the bottom00:14
MichaelTunnellclick that and choose New Group00:14
MichaelTunnellI suggest naming the group Misc or whatever else because I do this as a "catch all" type place for my custom shortcuts00:14
BadConnectionI named it my username00:15
MichaelTunnellonce you do that click Edit again and choose New Shortcut00:15
MichaelTunnellworks for me00:15
MichaelTunnellBadConnection: you want New Shortcut -> Global -> Command/URL00:16
BadConnectioncommand/url | dbus command | send keyboard input00:16
MichaelTunnellclick the trigger tab, then click the part that says none and then hit Super+S00:16
MichaelTunnellit will then tell you "conflict with registered ..."00:17
MichaelTunnelljust say reassign00:17
MichaelTunnellnow move to the Action tab00:17
BadConnectioni got it from there thanks, created, tested, working00:18
MichaelTunnellcool cool00:18
BadConnectioni really appreciate it. so much to learn about kde, never used it before but i know i will eventually love it00:20
MichaelTunnellBadConnection: I have been a GNOME fanboy for 10 years and I tried KDE 9 months ago...I am now a KDE Fanboy00:21
BadConnectionPlasma5 was just too pretty not to try00:21
MichaelTunnellit can be messy and it can be confusing for some tasks but if you can imagine it then KDE can probably do it and that is what makes KDE so freaking good00:21
MichaelTunnellI am on KDE4 still because Plasma5 is not technically done so I will wait but I customized my KDE to look better00:22
BadConnectionJust hope I can get my windows serial back, I accidentally screwed up my win directory and lost the Win10 Pro serial... fml00:22
MichaelTunnellBadConnection: that is my KDE http://i.imgur.com/hQzrnrg.png00:22
BadConnectionWhen 15.10 comes out I can upgrade without doing fresh install, yes?00:23
MichaelTunnellBadConnection: yes00:23
BadConnectionAwesome. Sad I'm a Win Sys Admin and here I am jumping ship to Linux.00:23
MichaelTunnellKubuntu versions are upgradeable as well as LTS to LTS is possible . . . non-LTS is not upgradeable to LTS unless it is the version right before00:24
MichaelTunnellfor example 15.10 -> 16.04 = YUP but 16.10 -> 18.04 = NOPE00:24
BadConnectionMost of the programs I use on my personal machines are ported to Windows from linux anyways.00:24
MichaelTunnellBadConnection: not sure how that is sad. Windows is a mess and Linux is glorious control00:24
MichaelTunnellstill a mess but glorious mess really00:25
BadConnectionNext I'm going to try to get box/dropbox/googledrive/mega.nz/onedrive for mah clouds00:25
MichaelTunnellall of them?00:26
BadConnectionoh and nice desktop00:26
BadConnectionas many of them as i can get00:26
BadConnectioni use them all00:26
MichaelTunnellbox I am not sure00:27
MichaelTunnellDropbox guaranteed full support00:28
MichaelTunnellMEGA supported as well but I have never tried it to say full or not http://www.webupd8.org/2014/09/download-megasync-for-linux-desktops.html00:28
MichaelTunnellonedrive I dont know00:28
MichaelTunnellgoogledrive yes but kind of00:28
MichaelTunnellnot sure if that is available yet or not though00:29
MichaelTunnellBadConnection: I dont use any of them as I roll my own but thats the info I have for those00:29
_kmh_i got question regarding enabling/disabling wifi00:29
MichaelTunnell_kmh_: just ask00:29
_kmh_in the tray where the symbol for the network connection is, i get them listed when clicking on it00:30
_kmh_but when i looked at that it shows me wireless disabled00:31
_kmh_and i don't know where to enable it00:31
_kmh_i vaguely recall having disabled it myself 6 months ago or so, but i completely forgot how i did it00:32
MichaelTunnellthere is a checkbox next to it I think00:32
_kmh_and i don't find any configuration menu to do it00:32
MichaelTunnelltry clicking slightly next to it00:32
_kmh_no the top bar of that popup window just shows symbols and wireless has a red cross00:33
_kmh_und the right side there is tool symbol with which i can configure wifi connections, but if i do so they don't show up as enabled00:34
BadConnectionDrive for Linux isn’t ready just yet, but you can still access Drive on the web and on your phone.00:34
_kmh_they are just configured and not accessible to due wifi being disabled00:34
_kmh_any ideas?00:35
TJ-In 15.10, how is all the Akonadi background fluff disabled?00:59
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BadConnectionanyone here use musicbrainz picard01:44
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BadConnectanyone use moun?03:29
BadConnector can someone reccomend a package manager?03:29
ahoneybunI use Muon Discover from time to time03:33
ahoneybunI'm just used to the termina03:33
BadConnecti didn't see moun-discover was included03:34
BadConnectim not a big fan of synaptic03:34
ahoneybunit is03:35
ahoneybunvery pretty03:35
BadConnectbrb reboot03:36
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badconnectanyone know how to install nuvola on kubuntu05:01
badconnectalso box.com and yandex.com both work on kubuntu as WebDAV if anyone was wondering.05:02
ahoneybunbadconnect: you can just use the ppa for package no>05:04
badconnecthttps://tiliado.eu/nuvolaplayer/repository/ gives me a missing dependencies error but not sure what i'm missing05:07
ahoneybunyour on 15.04 right?05:08
ahoneybunyour using that installer I'm guessing05:09
badconnectYes the 15.04 Ubuntu installer05:09
ahoneybunapt, apt-transport-https, python3, python3-gi, gir1.2-gtk-3.0, libgtk-3-0 (>= 3.10), python3-xdg, python3:any (>= 3.3.2-2~)05:10
ahoneybunthats what the installer needs it seems05:10
ahoneybunI wonder05:10
ahoneybunno vivid has the right version of python..05:11
ahoneybunbadconnect: see what it says in konsole with this: dpkg install tiliado-repositories_0.3.5-1_all.deb05:14
badconnecterror need an action option ahoneybun05:16
badconnectwant me to apt-get instead05:16
ahoneybundpkg -i tiliado-repositories_0.3.5-1_all.deb05:16
badconnectno such file or directory ahoneybun05:17
ahoneybunare you in the directory where you downloaded the .deb?05:18
badconnectoh durr one moment05:20
badconnectPackage gir1.2-gtk-3.0 is not installed and Package python3-xdg is not installed ahoneybun05:22
ahoneybungot it looking for something05:22
ahoneybunodd that they are marked as deps but not being installed05:23
ahoneybuneasiest thing to do is install those packages then then run dpkg -i again05:24
ahoneybunthe packages are in the repos05:24
ahoneybunI've checked both of those05:24
badconnecti can just sudo apt-get install them right05:25
ahoneybunwe'll see XD05:26
badconnectE: Package 'python3-xdg' has no installation candidate05:27
ahoneybun??? http://packages.ubuntu.com/vivid/python3-xdg05:28
ahoneybunI'm guessing the other package installed fine then05:28
ahoneybunmm maybe you need python installed05:29
ahoneybunI have it installed and that package installed just fine05:30
ahoneybundamn its 1:30am lol05:30
ahoneybunsudo apt-get install python05:31
ahoneybuninstall that then try python3-xdg again, if those work out then the try the .deb again with dpkg -i05:32
badconnectok lets see05:32
badconnectpython already newest version then i get the05:34
badconnectE: Package 'python3-xdg' has no installation candidate05:34
ahoneybunreally weird05:34
ahoneybunI dont' have a vivid system to try much more05:34
badconnectits ok05:34
badconnectthe other pkg installed fine but i still get ackage gir1.2-gtk-3.0 is not installed05:34
ahoneybunall my systems are on wily05:35
ahoneybunso it is gir1.2-gtk-3.0?05:35
badconnect^ said it installed but when i .deb again with dpkg -i i get both dep errors still05:36
ahoneybunreally odd05:37
ahoneybunsadly I really do need to sleep lol05:37
ahoneybunI'll be around tomorrow and some others as well05:37
badconnectthanks, i need sleep too05:37
ahoneybunnight badconnect05:38
badconnectat least i got all but 2 of my clouds added05:38
badconnectnight ahoneybun05:38
ahoneybunthat is goof05:38
TJ-Is it an architecture error?05:38
* ahoneybun is out05:38
badconnectTJ-: that would be way over my head05:38
TJ-If you have multilib enabled - e.g. the host is 64-bit (amd64) but the package being installed is Foreign  32-bit (i386) then it will expect the foreign architecture version of the package. I would have thought with Python packages they'd all be architeture 'any' though, since they are basically text files for the interpreter - but if they contain compiled libraries they'd have a binary architecture package05:40
badconnectmakes sense05:42
badconnectthough I don't really know. I've tired my best to make sure everything is 64bit05:42
TJ-badconnect: the package you're trying to install manually: what arch is it for (the arch is usually the last segment in the filename) ?05:58
TJ-badconnect: e.g. _amd64.deb or _i386.deb or _all.deb05:59
badconnectTJ-: https://tiliado.github.io/nuvolaplayer/documentation/3.0/install.html#ubuntu06:00
TJ-!info python3 vivid06:05
ubottupython3 (source: python3-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default python3 version). In component main, is important. Version 3.4.3-1 (vivid), package size 8 kB, installed size 100 kB06:05
TJ-!info gir1.2-gtk-3.0 vivid06:06
ubottugir1.2-gtk-3.0 (source: gtk+3.0): GTK+ graphical user interface library -- gir bindings. In component main, is optional. Version 3.14.13-0ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 180 kB, installed size 994 kB06:06
TJ-!info libgtk-3.0 vivid06:09
ubottulibgtk-3-0-dbg (source: gtk+3.0): GTK+ libraries and debugging symbols. In component main, is extra. Version 3.14.13-0ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 4316 kB, installed size 15440 kB06:09
TJ-!info libgtk-3-0 vivid06:10
ubottulibgtk-3-0 (source: gtk+3.0): GTK+ graphical user interface library. In component main, is optional. Version 3.14.13-0ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 2338 kB, installed size 9475 kB06:10
TJ-badconnect: did you try to install those missing packages manually?06:13
badconnectgirl.2-gtk-3.0 installed, the other did not but when i try to install nuvola it says both are missing06:15
TJ-Is that 'dpkg' reporting packages missing, or the nuvola program? Can you pastebin the terminal output when trying to install the package?06:17
badconnectTJ-: http://pastebin.com/XuC1uAdg06:20
TJ-badconnect: and what happens when you do "sudo apt-get install python3-xdg gir1.2-gtk-3.0" ?06:23
TJ-badconnect: how about "apt-cache policy python3-xdg gir1.2-gtk-3.0" ?06:27
badconnecthttp://pastebin.com/Khuaz06k TJ-06:28
TJ-badconnect: something major is wrong with the system's archive config06:28
badconnectnuvola or my rig06:29
badconnectim on a fresh install :(06:30
TJ-badconnect: "pastebinit <( grep -r '^deb' /etc/apt/sources.list{,.d/} )"06:30
badconnectTJ-: major wrong06:31
badconnecti can't even apt-get pastebinit fml06:32
TJ-badconnect: OK just do " grep -r '^deb' /etc/apt/sources.list{,.d/} " and paste it manually06:32
badconnecthttp://pastebin.com/DQnqgYFS would apt-get update help me?06:33
TJ-badconnect: It should. I mentioned that earlier; thought you'd done it06:35
badconnectTJ-:  sorry didn't see that let me run some stuff again06:36
svend-evGood morning06:38
badconnectTJ-: ok i got everything installed no errors but when i open start menu and search nuvola nothing appears in results06:40
TJ-badconnect: Try log-out/log-in that may refresh the application cache06:41
badconnectok thanks brb06:41
BadConnnectionTJ-: still no result when I search. I'm also getting a KDE Wallet Service error error Code -9 read error possibly incorrect password but I know it's not.06:44
TJ-Maybe it's something to do with nuvola package. Is it supposed to install a desktop application entry?06:45
TJ-BadConnnection: You did reinstall that package after fixing the dependencies ?06:46
BadConnnectionI believe so. It's a wrapper for services like google music. Yes I did.06:46
TJ-BadConnnection: can't help you there, then. Sounds like a nuvola issue06:47
BadConnnectionOk thanks06:47
BadConnnectionAny idea about the KDE Wallet error TJ-06:47
TJ-BadConnnection: I think you need to set the password on the wallet, so it matches your log-in password06:49
BadConnnectionI need sleep anyways, I'm going to reboot and try then go to bed. I swear I already set it.06:49
TJ-Good luck :)06:50
ButaTineI'd like some help06:58
ButaTineI've got an ubuntu 15.04 install updated to kernel 4.206:58
ButaTineexcept it was the linux mint desktop version06:58
ButaTineI have now uninstalled Mate, and installed XFCE, which seems to be missing some utilities06:59
ButaTineI wish to install KDE, properly, so that I get all standard utlities06:59
ButaTineis the correct action to do kde-full as described on this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE07:00
ButaTineor will kubuntu-desktop be fine and not break anything?07:01
badconnectgot it working!07:07
ejayHi all. Did they just shiped 5.4.1 for wily?08:26
lordievader!info plasma-desktop wily08:29
ubottuplasma-desktop (source: plasma-desktop): Tools and widgets for the desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:5.3.2-0ubuntu3 (wily), package size 1643 kB, installed size 8233 kB08:29
lordievader!info plasma-workspace wily08:29
ubottuplasma-workspace (source: plasma-workspace): Plasma Workspace for KF5. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:5.3.2-0ubuntu2 (wily), package size 6768 kB, installed size 31798 kB08:29
lordievaderHmm that is odd.08:30
ejaylordievader: I am downlaoding for example plasma-desktop amd64 4:5.4.1-0ubuntu2 [1492 kB]08:31
ejayand new kernel08:31
ejayvia dist-upgrade08:32
lordievaderYes, I'd say that is 5.4.1. Don't know why ubottu says 5.3.2 is in Wily.08:35
soeeejay: 5.4.1 is since lastr week i think08:40
soeeif you have different mirror than main server, you might get them a bit later08:40
ejaysoee: I remember that KDE announced 5.4.1 last week and it takes couple of days for kubuntu to ship it, but this is super fast. That is why I am asking.08:43
soeeejay: well 5.4.1 packages were ready before official release, thats why it is so fast this time08:47
ejaysoee: did they fixed out-of-nowhere plasma crashes?08:54
soeeejay: depends of what crahses you are talking. I had a lot of crashes after mesa update i think as there is bug in intel driver and it caused plasma crashes for me09:14
ejaysoee: I can't remember when intel or mesa were updated. Well, will see.09:20
soeeejay: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=intel-plasma-5-driver-crash09:39
nenntmicheinfachhi at all11:14
BluesKajHi folks11:35
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CannotInstallCan anyone help m,e12:09
CannotInstallI am trying to install kubuntu 15.0412:09
CannotInstallbut there seems to be a problem with installer12:09
CannotInstallcause when I choose 'Manual' for partitioning option12:09
CannotInstallnothing is shown to me12:10
CannotInstallit looks like this: http://postimg.org/image/srm7swiez/12:10
BluesKajCannotInstall, do you just get a spinning icon after clicking continue?12:13
soeeBluesKaj: is it possible somehow that he had partition mounted when running live session and this caused the problem ?12:15
soeeor this should not have any influnace on installer ?12:15
BluesKajsoee, i thought the same thing , but I've never had to unmont any drives when installing an OS and choosing manual partitioning when installing an OS, think the drive is auto unmounted12:18
lordievaderOr he simply needed to wait longer. If you already have a complex setup it takes longer for the partition manager to load.12:19
BluesKajlordievader, maybe he didn't click on continue , because he left right after I mentioned it  :-)12:20
soeeBluesKaj: might be, so maybe there should be message rendered ater this option is selected like "Click Continue button to go ... xxxx "12:25
TJ-I suspect there was a fault device attached, probably spamming the kernel log with I/O errors12:29
BluesKajsoe, lordievader it could be a language problem, the user lives in Serbia abds didn't understand the word 'continue"12:29
BluesKajsoee, ^12:29
BluesKajperhaps  he didn't understand, can't be sure , maybe the devs should insert "next" instead of "continue" in the button12:31
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novacainehello everybody, i'm looking for a software that let me monitor multiple computers on a lan network16:06
novacaineminitor all of them at the same time (I have do "admin" a classroom of high school students  and i want to see what thery're doing)16:06
novacainei was googling a bit, i'd like t have something like this software http://www.lanvisor.com/16:07
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Trechow do I install software from tar.gz18:17
lordievaderTrec: Unpack and compile. Though this usually isn't recommended. Especially not if it is in the repo.18:19
Trechow do I know if it's in the repo18:22
lordievaderTrec: What are you looking for?18:26
Treclordievader, in general, I constantly have issues with that concept, I waste hours for installing software18:27
Treclordievader, how do I check the repositories that are saved on my system? that my system drains from right now?18:28
lordievaderTrec: In general "apt-cache search <package-name>"18:29
Treclordievader, what does that do? searches for software in my current repositories?18:30
lordievaderIt searches the configured repo for the string you give it.18:31
Trecthe repo I have right now?18:31
Trechow do I know what the repositories I use18:31
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lordievaderTrec: cat /etc/apt/sources.list{,.d/*}18:36
Trecwhat is the difference between RPM and PPA??18:41
sithlord48RPM is a package format.18:41
sithlord48PPA is a repositry of packages (Personal Package Archive)18:42
lordievaderRPM is used on Redhat based systemd.18:42
PiciPPAs contain deb packages.18:42
sithlord48*buntu being built on debian uses DEB package . and as lordievader just said RPM is used in red hat and its derivitides18:42
Trecoohhh, so RPM is just like DEB, and PPA is a dumpster of RPMs and DEBs18:43
sithlord48RPM and DEB both are packge formats .18:44
sithlord48since PPA's are generally for *buntu i don't think you will find many RPMs in them.. some other distros have similar to PPA but they are called somethign different18:45
Trecbut.. do redhats use PPAs as well? Or this term is alien to them?18:45
sithlord48for instance Arch Linux calls it  PPA system the AUR (Arch User Repsitory)18:46
sithlord48it does not act or work like the PPA's hosted on launchpad.net since those are for ubuntu . but the end result is the same you can package programs for others to use that are outside the "Offical" software channel18:47
TrecI think I don't understand the term repository, it's a place where software is stored, or a place where software gets somewhat converted to a usable matter and a PPA is a software itself?18:47
sithlord48a repository is where software is stored18:48
Trecso why it's called PPA instead of just "Ubuntu repository"18:48
sithlord48you can have you own Repos . on *buntu they are called PPA18:48
sithlord48the ubuntu repositry is the main software repo for ubuntu (and its deritivies like kubuntu ) . PPAs are made by users and have software that the ower of that ppa builds18:49
Trecohh, so PPAs are repositories maintained unofficialy by other people?18:49
sithlord48sorry caps18:49
sithlord48but the term PPA is used only for those that are hosted on Launchpad.net18:49
Trecoh, so what are PPAs called on redhat?18:50
sithlord48idk i don't use redhat.18:50
sithlord48they may not have a similar system18:50
TrecPPAs are only ubuntus?18:50
sithlord48yes they are hosted on launchpad.net18:50
BluesKajTrec, go ask at the redhat chat18:50
Trecok now it's a lot more clear to me18:50
sithlord48as i was saying above other distros might have a system that is like that but they are called something else18:51
TrecBluesKaj, but I use Ubuntu I'm just confused18:51
sithlord48and may or maynto work the same behind the scenes18:51
sithlord48so for examaple i have a PPA on launchpad18:51
Trecyou have your own PPA and you store software on it?18:51
sithlord48thats my stuff thats built daily ..18:52
BluesKajredhat uses a different packaging system rpm files ubuntus use the debian /deb packages/dpkg18:52
Trecbuild you mean compile?18:52
Trecso I could download it straight to my kubuntu?18:52
sithlord48yes launchpad it compiles and builds teh whole package for you18:53
sithlord48if you add my ppa you will see those programs in your package manager or can install with apt18:53
BluesKajif he needs them18:53
sithlord48well yes if you need them18:53
sithlord48chances are you dont cause they are really just tools for hacking FF718:54
Trecoh lol18:54
sithlord48it very kindly makes a .deb for each version of ubuntu (14.04,14.410 , etc.. ) that you ask it to18:54
Trecok so, let's say I want to download a software X, do developers have their own PPAs or do I have to download a tar.gz and do something with it?18:54
sithlord48this makes it so i know that package will work on what ever version your on . since libs change18:54
sithlord48IDk depends on the software if they have a ppa or provide a ubuntu deb file18:55
Trecso wait, launchpad builds it from the source code for me?18:55
Trecyes! this is it18:55
sithlord48if it fails you need to fix you package or the programs code.18:56
Trecoften when I wanted to install a software, they gave me a source file, a tar.gz file and I was trying to install it like a retard18:56
sithlord48Trec:  you get it now ?18:56
sithlord48that maybe need to be built locally .. you can search launchpad for a ppa with taht package maybe you will find it maybe not18:56
Trecso launchpad could make that source code usable for me?18:56
sithlord48yes. but you have to be able to compile to make the build insructions18:57
Trecok now it's way cleared to me18:57
Trecso it requires skill it's not something any peasant can do?18:57
sithlord48as an end user know launchpad is there and you can add PPAs18:57
OkitainTrec: tell us the name of the software18:57
sithlord48you have to make a debian complient package for launchpad to build and need to set up a ppa.. its not usually something a non dev would do18:58
BluesKajTrec, you can also compile from source like tar.gz files, you just need soem extra tools to do so like build-essential, make and sometimes mercurial18:58
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)18:58
BluesKajTrec, ^18:58
Trecok so building ppas are not for peasants, so not for me definitely18:59
sithlord48i would not recommend it unless you are making software or have experance packaing .18:59
BluesKajno leave building ppas for the devs19:00
sithlord48what is this software maybe we can find you a ppa that has it19:00
TrecI don't remember now, because earlier I spent a lot of time scanning the internet to get the software I wanted installed tried "make" "configure" commands, everything, yesterday I finally gave up and today I decided to just understand the basic principles19:01
Trecless frustrating19:01
sithlord48understanding helps with fustration alot...19:02
OkitainTrec, you do understand different software may require different ways of compiling it, right?19:02
TrecPPA RPM DEB Tar.GZ everywhere things that I did not understand19:02
TrecOkitain, nope19:02
OkitainOkay, let's break it down19:02
TrecOkitain, I mean yes, I know that different programming languages require different compilers that's it19:03
OkitainThere are two ways of packaging software: either you package sources, which means the user must compile it according to the instructions supplied19:03
Okitainor you package binaries, which means the user only has to unpack the software to use it19:04
geniiBasically when wanting to install software, the order of operations should be: try searching the packages which are already available in the repositories. If not there, search the Personal Package Archives (PPAs). If not there, as a last resort, look at compiling it yourself19:04
sithlord48each is good for its own reason19:04
sithlord48what genii is very true19:04
TrecI have to read it a couple of times19:05
sithlord48the main advantage of installing a PPA version over building your own is you will recive updates from the PPA whe nnew versions are released19:05
sithlord48other then of couse not having to build the software your self19:05
geniiTrec: The type of packages which Ubuntu uses are called DEB files, it was used originally in Debian, from which Ubuntu comes. RPM is for RedHat and not Ubuntu. tar.gz is a compressed file ( tarred and gzipped), which is usually how source code for an application comes19:06
Trecin the repositories, which repositories? the official ones provided by default by ubuntu?19:07
sithlord48first use the included package manager19:08
Trecok now it makes a lot of sense19:08
geniiTrec: Yes. the official ones are listed in the file /etc/apt/sources.list   ...when you add PPas, they go in their own separate files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/<somenamehere>19:08
sithlord48when you first install ubuntu there is a provided list of sources that it will check ..19:09
BluesKajyes Trec look in your /etc/apt/sources.list for default repos (repositories)19:09
sithlord48if you add a PPA it will add that to your list as well. you can look in your package manager to find programs if its in a repoisitory you have added (ppa or otherwise)19:09
Trecso the provided software manager with a gui scans the insides of said official repositories and PPAs ?19:11
sithlord48yes but you need to add the PPAs first they are not added by defalut19:11
Trecand the repositories get updated over time?19:11
Trecmhmm ok now I understand it a lot more than before19:12
sithlord48that is good19:12
Trecso the software in repositories is already in .DEB format?19:12
sithlord48yes the packages you download will be in deb format19:13
Trecthank you so much guys now I know where to do a further research, I know the directions I should go to learn more19:14
sithlord48your welcome .19:15
Treclet's say I want latest nvidia drivers, are they compiled by the nvidia devs? are they in repositories? or do Nvidia have their own PPA how does that work with licensed software?19:16
sithlord48PPA's will mosty avhe freesoftware19:16
sithlord48i can't really say i don't use any of the blob drivers i have all FOSS drivers on here.19:17
Trecyou mean open source software?19:17
Trecopen source drivers*?19:17
BluesKajTrec, check the driver manager in systemsettings , it links to the repos , but recommends the best driver for your gpu and then it installs the driver if you cheoose to continue19:19
Trecoh, what if something is not open source, I had issues with Flux earlier https://justgetflux.com/linux.html and for the KDE plasmoid they did not give ANYTHING at all, I did not know what to do (now I know I should've searched the ppas)19:19
geniiAs far as NVidia or AMD/ATI drivers... if you add the official repository which is called "restricted" you will get official but slightly older drivers.19:19
geniiFor newer but not strictly offical drivers, there is the xorg-edgers PPA19:20
sithlord48genii:  does that have the properitary drivers there also ?19:20
geniisithlord48: Yes, the reason it is in the "Restricted" repos is because of the licensing which is not OSS19:20
Trecgenii, what do you mean by not strictly official drivers, you mean they are not straight from NVIDIA?19:21
sithlord48genii:  i ment the xorg-egers PPA ..19:21
sithlord48trac they are not offically supported by ubuntu as they are usually newer then what has been tested19:21
geniisithlord48: Yes, xorg-edgers have newer proprietary drivers than the "restricted" repo19:21
sithlord48oh that i didn't know ..19:21
sithlord48Trec:  this flux thing seams to be a gnome applet.. your not gonna get it working in kde19:22
BluesKajgenii, xedgers doesn't always upgrade their drivers so they're up to date ...had problems with them after kernel upgrades etc19:23
Trecgenii, why do they have newer drivers how come? I thought only Nvidia could have the newest drivers for linux19:24
Trecsithlord48, well yeah I somehow could not make it work, they say it should work on KDE with terminal, but I didn't bother and installed redshift instead19:25
geniisorry, busy, just messed up a ban in #ubuntu19:26
ik_how are you ?19:26
sithlord48Trec:  nvidia does make the drivers19:26
sithlord48the xorg edgers PPA hosts them19:26
Trecgenii, so xorg-edgers have newer Nvidia drivers? How did they get that are they connected with nvidia somehow?19:26
sithlord48teh "supported" driver version for any given ubuntu release may not be the current version released by nvidia19:27
ik_do you know sites of Tor onion ?19:27
Trecsithlord48, you mean open source drivers?19:28
sithlord48no the propertary drivers that are "offically" supported by any ubuntu release19:29
Trecso you mean the official drivers are older, and the newest are "beta" drivers19:30
Trechosted by xorg-edgers19:30
sithlord48they don't have to be beta just newer version then what was offically tested..19:30
Trecok I understand now19:30
sithlord48versions go in to freeze like 2 months before release if i new driver comes out after that freeze its not tested .19:31
sithlord48that is what the xorg edgers ppa will have19:31
BluesKajTrec, the nouveau driver is the open source driver for nvidia gpus on ubuntu and flavours, the nvidia-340 for example is considered proprieatary19:31
Treccan you tell me why xorg-edgers host them, are they some kind of specialists?19:31
sithlord48its kinda like a staging area people can get the whole new X stack and test so bugs can be found19:32
Treceverything makes a lot of sense now wow19:33
sithlord48sometimes you just wnat to be on that edge also .. if you want to you can be.19:33
Trecthat's a pretty awesome community-driven structure19:33
sithlord48i like to be on the most current kde stuff so i use a ppa for that19:33
Trecwho maintains that ppa? KDE devs?19:34
sithlord48kubuntu maintainers.19:34
Trecor someone else, getting it from KDE devs19:34
sithlord48kde devs are not really assoited with any specific distro19:34
sithlord48they use many distros some use kubuntu some open suse.. some redhat some debian.. etc...19:35
sithlord48a large project like kde will have a package maintainer for each distro so that persons job is to focus on packaging the software for a specific distro19:35
sithlord48could be a group or a single person ..19:36
Trecwow that is some big time chain here, KDE develops the desktop, ubuntus develops the distro and are taking the desktop, xbuntus are taking the ubuntus to develop xbuntus.....19:36
sithlord48everyone does their part.19:37
bpromptTrec:   nothing new there, for the last hmmm 30years or so19:37
Treclike ants in a nest19:37
sithlord48kinda.. but we have a bunch of nests all tangled together like a super colany19:38
Trecyeah I don't understand really why it doesn't get more attention than windows19:39
sithlord48were not doing it for $ .... we don't have ads...19:40
Trecoh how did you know that the flux software was for gnome?19:42
sithlord48 "The new package uses Gnome's AppIndicator, so it works on Ubuntu 10.04+"19:43
sithlord48you want the xflux deamon  and need to start it via CLI . since kde don't work with gnome applets.19:44
Trecso it would work the same just without gui?19:44
Trecwhat's X-Windows?19:44
sithlord48i would think so .. you might need to make a config file19:44
Trecoh there's a wiki entry for that19:45
sithlord48X is our display server19:45
sithlord48accually called  xorg now19:46
TrecI know it has something to do with graphics only19:46
Trecoh ok I get it now19:47
Trecman there's a lot to learn19:50
sithlord48you will in due time.. i have been using linux for about 10 years as my main os and have toyed with it for years before that..19:52
sithlord48i still don't know alot of stuff.. it all depends on how deep you want to go19:53
wbill Hiya has anyone been able to dual boot a Macbook 2,1 from late 2006ish with Kubuntu?20:52
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gjhow to install smplayer22:55
clivejogj from the terminal you can use "sudo apt-get install smplayer"22:57
clivejoor via Muon Discover, just type smplayer in the search22:58
gjah ok let me see in Muon23:00
gjdon't see it in Muon23:01
clivejowhat version of Kubuntu are you on?23:02
clivejoyou might have to enable the universe repro23:03
clivejoIf you open up "Software Sources" and make sure the Community-maintained free and open-source software (universe) is checked23:06
ahoneybunclivejo: it is in the graphic department23:08
ahoneybunin core ubuntu23:08
clivejotrusty (14.04LTS) (graphics): complete front-end for MPlayer and MPlayer2 [universe]23:08
ahoneybunalso just found it in Muon Discover23:09
clivejoneed universe enabled though?23:09
ahoneybunI have enabled nothing23:09
ahoneybunstock install23:09
clivejogj cant see it in Muon23:10
ahoneybunmuon or muon discover?23:10
ahoneybunapt seein23:11
ahoneybunapt search smplayer and it is there23:11
ahoneybunthat should work23:12
gjwhere do i find Muon Discover23:14
clivejoAlt-Spacebar to bring up KRunner then type Muon Discover23:15
gjok cool got it thanks so very much23:16
gjoh how do  i add quick launch to the task bar? with this new version?23:17
clivejo menu click over the application icon in the taskbar and select "Show a Launcher when not running"23:19
gjok did that did not see a change on the task bar23:21
gjoh no wait i do see it now23:21
clivejoyou might have to close the app for it to appear23:21
gjcool thanks so very much have a good day23:22
onclejibehello guys !23:22
clivejono problem gj23:22
clivejohi onclejibe23:22
onclejibesomebody's can help me maybe...?23:22
clivejosure :) Maybe if we knew what the problem was ?23:23
onclejibei just want to upgrade ubuntu to kubuntu so i install the kubuntu-desktop paquage23:23
onclejibeand in my console i write sudo apt-get install kdm23:23
clivejowhat version of ubuntu23:24
onclejibePackage kdm is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source However the following packages replace it:   kde-wallpapers23:24
clivejoI believe it moved from kdm to sddm in 15.0423:24
ahoneybunit has23:24
onclejibeubuntu 15.0423:24
ahoneybunkdm is gone23:24
onclejibeso ?23:25
clivejothen you dont need kdm in 15.04 its been replaced by sddm23:25
ahoneybununless the -desktop package is still calling for it23:25
onclejibesudo apt-get install sddm ?23:25
clivejowhich I believe is installed when you install Kubuntu-desktop#23:25
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clivejohi Guest36157 aka user23:26
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Guest36157how are you?23:27
ahoneybunclivejo: you know about https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Tasksel23:27
onclejibeKubuntu-desktop is installed but i'm still on ubuntu desktop...23:27
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onclejibei don't know why..23:28
onclejibemaybe you know a command to type in the console?23:28
clivejowhen  you installed the kubuntu-desktop package did it display a screen to select the display manager?23:28
kunguz\join #pardus23:29
onclejibeit don't23:29
clivejoonclejibe: have you tried ahoneybun suggestion and use tasksel?23:30
onclejibewhat is it?23:30
ahoneybunI've never used it tbh just know about it23:30
ahoneybunthe wiki page says it just installs meta packages basically23:31
clivejojust helper app that installs software for certain tasks23:31
* ahoneybun would just do a clean install23:31
clivejowhen I moved over from Ubuntu I just installed kubuntu-desktop and it pulled in all the required packages23:32
clivejobut that was a long time ago!23:32
clivejoand I have no desire to see Unity again to test or find out23:33
onclejibei just try to install packages by tasksel23:34
clivejohopefully that will install all the packages you need to boot into Kubuntu23:35
onclejibeand is doing something when i choose kubuntu full packages but nothing more and i am still in ubuntu desktop... arff23:35
clivejohave you rebooted?23:35
onclejibeok i will try23:36
ahoneybunclivejo: well log out23:37
onclejibethanks a lot !!23:44
onclejibetha's working !23:44
clivejoyou in kubuntu now?23:45
onclejibethank you !23:45
clivejono problem23:45
clivejohope you like it as much as we do23:45
clivejothe Krunner is a handy tool, press Alt-Spacebar and it brings up a search box.  You can do lots of things from it, from open apps, find docs and even use it as a calculator!23:47

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