
brouschpyramid saves the day! I was down to mod_wsgi with apache or waitress for a working wsgi server on Windows14:58
brouschFor Django14:59
rick_h_pyramid always wins15:05
cmaloneyfor great justice15:07
jrwrenits because the aliens built them.15:37
brouschIn your Python projects, do you have Makefile commands for creating/populating/activating a virtualenv, or do you leave it to the user?15:53
jrwrenbrousch: /I/ never assume or require venv use. i consider it an antipattern. Everything I work on at work does the opposite and has makefile commands which do venv sutff.15:55
brouschjrwren: Interesting17:14
brouschI think it's a good practice, but I'm not sure I should be imposing it for developing/running17:16

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