
BadConnectionHow do I uninstall packages I installed with QApt01:41
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BadConnectionahoneybun: hey you here02:12
BadConnectionahoneybun: I got nuvola installed. I had to sudo apt-get update then install both dep's then the install worked. I then had to launch 'Tilado Repositories' and select Nuvola. Works great though.02:13
ahoneybunthats great to here BadConnection02:34
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BadConnectionCan anyone help me with this KDEInit could not launch 'PacketTracer6': Could not open library '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkdeinit5_PacketTracer6'. Cannot load library /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkdeinit5_PacketTracer6: (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkdeinit5_PacketTracer6.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)03:06
BadConnectionThat was supposed to be a pastebin sorry03:06
BadConnectionahoneybun: can i pick your brain again03:32
ahoneybunsadly it's 11:30pm and I have work tomorrow03:33
ahoneybunI'm always around03:33
BadConnectionok thanks ill try to catch you when im at work03:33
* ahoneybun sleeps03:34
BadConnection!seen tj-03:44
ubottuI have no seen command03:44
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llucasCan someone give a quick tip?04:10
llucasThere is a icon in the upper left corner of the screen04:10
llucasif I click in it, it show some options. I think that it is a widget, but I can't find a way to disable or remove it04:11
excalibrPlasma 5?04:25
excalibrRight click on desktop -> Folder view settings -> Tweaks ->Uncheck show the desktop toolbox04:26
BadConnectionHow do I change a symbolic link?04:28
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ejayHi all.08:16
svend-evGood morning08:18
kokkoQuestion: I got telelaphy running. But I always get infos like "contact is offline/contact is available/contanct is offline...) in the chat windows. How can I disable this uneccessary info. thx09:06
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napoleaoVhello, I am using kubuntu with plasma5.4 some icons dont appear the image, for example, skype,teamviewer and so on, I have tried to change icon theme, but same thing happens10:34
hateballnapoleaoV: in the tray?10:35
alvin5.4, that's Wily? Is the system tray bug still not fixed there?10:49
hateballIt's not a bug as far as I can tell10:55
hateballwell, bug in the form of packaging maybe10:55
napoleaoVnot in the tray11:10
napoleaoVin the application menu11:11
napoleaoVand in application dashboard11:11
napoleaoVi dont think is too buggy11:12
napoleaoVi only havge a problem when I login, krunner crashes and then it comes back11:12
napoleaoVapart from that, is very fast11:13
napoleaoVthe application dashboard is very handy11:13
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BluesKajHey all12:17
svend-evhejsa BluesKaj12:36
BluesKajhi svend-ev12:40
emnzI'm trying to run kubuntu 15.04 in virtualbox (win7-64), but I get "kernel panic - not syncing:VFS:unable to mount root fs unknown-block"12:58
emnzany ideas? I've googled but can't find anything related to virtualbox, only normal installations12:59
emnzUsing the same settings as I did with ubuntu, xubuntu and lubuntu13:00
emnzIs it possible a corrupt ISO could cause this?13:01
soeeemnz: no idea, never used VB under windows :|13:08
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emnzok thx, file is corrupt again it seems13:17
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lordievaderemnz: What kind of disk is VB presenting to the VM?14:01
emnzlordievader: no worries, the ISO was corrupt, its working now14:02
lordievaderDid you get that error when bootin the live cd?14:05
emnzlordievader: I had the ISO set as virtual disk in virtualbox, when I started up the virtualOS it gave that error14:07
emnzlordievader: redownloaded the ISO, and now its installing fine14:08
KSX"Executable: plasmashell PID: 1157 Signal: Segmentation fault (11)", plasma crashed again14:09
lordievaderemnz: Ah, I thought you got that error after installing.14:12
BluesKajmost home users using VMs have a linux host and windows as the guest OS...guessing you're at work, emnz14:13
KSXwhen will the kde team fix the segmentation fault issue?14:14
BluesKajwhich kubuntu, KSX?14:15
KSXBluesKaj, 15.0414:15
KSXwith plasma 5.3.214:15
KSXi thought i fixed this issue after removing the /.kde and /.config14:17
BluesKajKSX, plasma 5.4 is available for 15.04  http://askubuntu.com/questions/666175/how-to-install-plasma-5-4-on-kubuntu14:17
KSXi will update, but i doubt that this will fix anything14:18
emnzBluesKaj: nah, I'm a windows7 user that's trying out all the different distros14:20
BluesKajemnz, well, even VMs can be somewhat restrictive, but maybe I'm wrong because windows is always the guest on a linux host here14:23
emnzBluesKaj: im sure you're right, but all the distros are running well enough to just test with, havent had any major issues yet14:27
BluesKajemnz, that's good then :-)14:27
n8whey, do u guys know how to enable icon labels for kde panel?14:30
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terminalVelocityi'm currently using kubuntu 15.04 with plasma 5.3 (i think)15:38
terminalVelocityevery so often15:38
terminalVelocitythe entire desktop freezes15:38
terminalVelocityon me15:38
terminalVelocityis there a way to kill the desktop from the command-line?15:39
lordievaderterminalVelocity: Restart sddm/ligthdm.15:39
TJ-terminalVelocity: depending on which display maanger started it, "sudo service <DM> restart"15:39
terminalVelocitygreat!! thanks.  any idea on how to determine which display manager i would be using?15:40
lordievaderterminalVelocity: What version of Kubuntu are you running?15:40
BluesKajsddm is default on 15.04 Kubuntu15:42
lordievaderterminalVelocity: sudo systemctl restart sddm15:42
terminalVelocityok, thanks BluesKaj and lordievader15:42
BluesKajthink ubuntu still uses lightdm15:43
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EvilRoeyhey BluesKaj16:40
BluesKajhi Roey16:41
EvilRoeyBluesKaj: so I found out why my external hard drive on my machine at home wasn't showing up in dmesg16:50
EvilRoeyBluesKaj:  (it was off)16:50
EvilRoeyso I turned it on, and the KDE notification let me open it in a new Dolphin window, yet I still couldn't mount it with mount...16:50
BluesKajdid you try rebooting first?16:53
BluesKajBBL, errands to do16:56
lordievaderEvilRoey: Are there any partitions on it?16:58
EvilRoeylordievader:  no not really I just do it at the device level17:04
EvilRoeylordievader:  it has not been an issue before17:04
EvilRoeymaybe I left the HD in the car in the hot summer days?  Maybe that did something?17:05
lordievaderHmm, is the filesystem intact?17:05
EvilRoeylordievader:  Dolphin opens it (via the KDE notification panel, so it isn't mounting it to /backup like I normally do)17:05
lordievaderNo Dolphin mounts it to /media/<username> or something.17:07
EvilRoeylordievader:  ok17:10
EvilRoeylordievader:  yeah that's what I know from my experience with Dolphin17:10
EvilRoeylordievader:  still though I do not understand why I cannot mount succesfully with the mount command17:10
lordievaderEvilRoey: What error do you get?17:11
EvilRoeylordievader:  hrm.17:17
EvilRoeylordievader:  I'm suddenly unable to access my home box from work17:17
EvilRoeylordievader:  I'll tell you when I have access to it, then17:17
EvilRoeylordievader:  but the exact error code, which environment variable holds this?17:17
EvilRoeyecho $! ?17:17
lordievaderEvilRoey: If mount fails it will tell you.17:18
lordievaderExit codes are retrieved by 'echo $?'17:18
EvilRoeyyeah.. it just said couldn't mount17:18
EvilRoeyor something nondescript like that17:18
EvilRoeyI was hoping that the errorlevel would give more insight17:18
EvilRoeyor dmesg17:18
EvilRoeyor /var/log/syslog17:18
EvilRoey(what's the difference between these two?")17:19
lordievadermount -v sometimes gives more insight.17:20
lordievaderSyslog is the system log, dmesg is for the kernel.17:20
EvilRoeyahh, mount -v17:21
EvilRoeylordievader:  so dmesg is only kernel stuff.17:21
EvilRoeyok.. that makes sense now.17:21
EvilRoey(given the outputs I am familiar with)17:22
lordievaderYes. Mount does sometimes show up there (since it is kernel business)17:22
EvilRoeyok, so:17:22
EvilRoey1. I will issue mount -v17:22
EvilRoey2. I will read its error message, and also check $?17:22
EvilRoey3. I will check dmesg, then syslog17:22
EvilRoeyhow's that sound17:23
EvilRoeylordievader:  and thanks very much btw :)17:23
lordievaderWhatever gets you a clear error.17:23
EvilRoeyhopefully this will float my boat.;17:23
EvilRoeyhey packi17:23
EvilRoeylordievader:  I'll report back once I do17:23
lordievaderIf something doesn't work you want as much information as possible as to why it doesn't work.17:23
HaaliAnyone had issues with Netrunner16x64 being unable to boot after seting Ntfs partitions to automount in Disks?17:26
ip10a123a208a6kill my clone17:27
ip10a123a208a6problémes whith nvidia driver17:29
ip10a123a208a615/09/2015 19:13:49ACPI Warning\_SB_.PCI0.XVR0.VGA_._DSM: Argument #4 type mismatch - Found [Buffer], ACPI requires [Package] (20141107/nsarguments-95)17:29
deitarionAny ideas how to prevent blueman-applet from launching? It's not in any of the startup item control panels I checked and it'd be nice to have it available for use without undoing the `sudo apt-get autoremove blueman` I'm currently using to keep it from running on startup.17:39
deitarionThat is, it wasn't in any of the control panels when it was installed, yet it kept running on startup.17:39
HaaliAnd they said Linux was fun huh17:42
deitarionDefinitely more fun than any other operating system. When some genius removed the "don't nag me to reboot after a kernel update" checkbox, it was far easier to rip out the update notifier and MacGyver something together using Zenity and Shell Script than it would have been to do something equivalent on Windows or OSX.17:43
deitarionhttp://blog.ssokolow.com/archives/2014/08/08/hacking-together-a-quick-update-notifier/ in case anyone's wondering.17:44
Haaliwell, I'm not a linux expert, but you can get updates for most of software from package manager in pretty much any distro or no?17:46
ip10a123a208a6Halli and they said linux was fun hud :D17:46
HaaliI crached 4 distros on startup17:46
deitarionHaali: I'm not sure what you mean. I get all of my updates via the package manager... I just didn't like the GUI trying to impose its will on me so I ripped it out and hacked together a quick custom GUI on top of the apt-get command-line interface.17:47
deitarionHaali: That is, I'm not sure how what you said related to what I said.17:47
Haaliit's ok17:48
ip10a123a208a6who can tell me the right driver for my card17:50
HaaliI'd hack too if I knew how XD17:50
Haaliwhat card?17:50
ip10a123a208a6NVIDIA GT 220M17:51
Haaliwhich ditro are you on? PS they are all geforce since 200317:51
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Haalithat awkward silence...17:53
deitarionHaali: This is #kubuntu. I'd assume he's on the Kubuntu distro.17:53
Haaliwell Im on Netrunner and Im here?17:54
ip10a123a208a6GT220M for my card17:54
Haaliits pretty much the same thing except 3rd party software17:54
deitarionHaali: In which case, it shouldn't matter for the purposes of drivers.17:55
HaaliYou should find Additional drivers under system setting and see if there are some drivers listed17:55
Haaliand shoce one of (proprietary) kind17:55
Haalihowever you wont have vsync17:55
deitarionip10a123a208a6: The GT220M should be well within the range of versions supported by the recommended version of the nVidia binary drivers on offer.17:55
HaaliWhy are you searching for a driver?17:56
HaaliDid you find it?17:57
deitarionIf you're on KDE, then System Settings > Driver Manager should give you an easy selector where you can just pick the one marked "(Recommended Driver)"17:58
ip10a123a208a6I have problems at startup whit my card17:58
Haaliwhat problem?17:58
ip10a123a208a6deitarion thank you message received18:00
ip10a123a208a6error acpi18:01
Haaliall nvidia cards have that error18:01
Haaliacpi smth failed18:01
Haalistarted with version 21918:01
Haalior smt18:01
ip10a123a208a615/09/2015 19:13:48ACPI Warning\_SB_.PCI0.XVR0.VGA_._DSM: Argument #4 type mismatch - Found [Buffer], ACPI requires [Package] (20141107/nsarguments-95)18:02
ip10a123a208a6I tried safe mode to repair the pack but still the same problem18:03
HaaliYou should switch distro18:03
Haaliif you can't boot with that error18:03
ip10a123a208a6I can start but the error is returned each start18:05
Haalican you use that notebook like surifn n stuff?18:05
ip10a123a208a6haali yes i can18:07
Haalithen I would ignore the error msg and go on about lollygagging18:07
ip10a123a208a6I did not download the right driver the first time here is my error18:08
ip10a123a208a6haali ok I got it18:09
ip10a123a208a6i  started with version 21918:10
Haaliwell that's +1 for me I as I see it.18:10
Haalican you click on the start thingy and try to find driver manager?18:11
Haalithere you should be able to see if any additional drivers are available18:12
Haaliif there are try to chose one of those that have (proprietary) at the end of them18:12
HaaliYou can always try to find some1 more experienced to help you18:13
ip10a123a208a6I'm going to try18:13
ip10a123a208a6thanks for the info byebye18:15
Haalik tc18:15
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Joe____my question is this19:31
Joe____How to install ubuntu kubuntu with19:32
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Okitainokay that was...something.19:34
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charlliehello how can i make 2 virtual desktops in which i could switch app from one dekstop to another (horizontally)20:03
finetundra__charllie: I believe so20:03
purxizanyone here?20:04
finetundra__purxiz: sup20:04
purxizHey, trying to write a systemd file for running a perl script but having some trouble with X window dependencies20:05
purxizit's for xSwipe to enable multi-finger gestures on the trackpad20:06
* finetundra__ looks to see what flew overhead20:06
finetundra__ok then20:06
genii!info xswipe20:08
ubottuPackage xswipe does not exist in vivid20:08
purxizis there a channel where systemd experts reside?20:09
Okitainoh no20:16
bpromptoh yes20:18
arist0vhello, i try to start a livecd of kubuntu 14.04.3 and i got acpi pcc probe failed and it stuck there anyone could help please??20:35
bprompt_arist0v:    retry, boot, once at the splash screen, press F6, disable the acpi, and try loading kubuntu from there20:36
arist0vbprompt_, i'll try brb20:38
SternJust configured krfb and successfully setup an remote connection from gnome-ubuntu. I can see the screen, but when i click screen changes are only displayed on my kubuntu desktop.20:40
arist0vbprompt_, the computer freeze before i could do anything20:40
SternAny idea what is going wrong?20:40
bprompt_arist0v:     ctrl-alt-del twice, if it doesn't do it, then force a shutdown, by holding the power button for 5secs20:41
arist0vbprompt_, and what did i do after that?20:42
bprompt_arist0v:    retry, boot, once at the splash screen, press F6, disable the acpi, and try loading kubuntu from there20:42
arist0vbprompt_, that what i try last time but didn'T work20:43
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bprompt_arist0v:   there are a few other checkboxes under the F6 menu, you may want to see if disabling some, may get it going through that hardware compatibility issue20:44
arist0vbprompt_, the computer freeze before i got any menu20:45
coyotehi all I need some trouble shooting with a new install I am looking in t no dice yetthe wiki bu20:45
Guest94901hello. i installed 15.04 but after restart it boots straight into kubuntu, ignoring Windows. I want to have Dual boot instead. What can i do now?20:45
coyoteI just installed kubuntu vivid vervet on a x200 thinkpad no problems20:45
bprompt_arist0v:    then is sounds like you may want to reburn the iso, and retry that, maybe the previous force shutdown broke something20:46
coyotebut i installed lxqt via ppa and a bunch of other software via synaptic20:46
bprompt_Guest94901:    is windows installed already?   how big is your hdd?20:46
coyoteI restarted and now i just get a blank screen20:46
coyotewhen I turn the computer off cia power button i see the jubuntu splash screen20:46
Guest94901bprompt_: its installed. 256G SSD20:47
arist0vbprompt_, it'S in fact a live usb20:47
coyoteI see the kubunt logo when I first boot up also but it just hangs20:47
bprompt_coyote:   could try holding down the Shift key while booting, to get to the Grub menu, and use the Recovery boot option from there,  then go to a root shell session and try an "fsck", or some other option from the Recovery boot20:48
bprompt_arist0v:    yes, but improper shutdowns can break "open files" loaded in ram, thus20:48
bprompt_arist0v:  yielding the usb system with all kind of errors20:48
Guest94901kubuntu 15.04 is the first Linux  distro that does not offer dual boot as default for me. never had issues before20:49
bprompt_Guest94901:     ok.. once in kubuntu, run konsole and do a -> sudo update-grub <-   it should find windows and add it to the menu20:49
Guest94901bprompt_: i try that thanks20:49
coyoteI am in bios but i dont see an option to go to recovery mode, just to change the boot order20:54
coyoteis it boot mode that i need to change?20:54
bprompt_coyote:   could try holding down the Shift key while booting, to get to the Grub menu, and use the Recovery boot option from there,  then go to a root shell session and try an "fsck", or some other option from the Recovery boot20:55
coyoteI got into recovery mode21:00
bprompt_coyote:   see if any of those options may work from that menu, if not, you can always drop to a "root" shell session, and do an fsck21:01
ahoneybunenable networking in case you ned it21:06
coyoteran the recovery stuff21:15
coyotesame deal :(21:15
bprompt_coyote:    ok.... go back to the same menu, by holding the Shift key, once at that menu, pick the regular kubuntu entry and press "e", to edit, go to the line for booting the image, and remove the "quite splash" and add "acpi=off apm=off", and press ctrl-x<-- to boot with  those changes21:18
bprompt_s/quite/quiet/  rather21:19
arist0vbprompt_, i still got other issue, but for the one i came here the answer was: i need to set the OS in the bios to windows 7 and not windows 8.1. FYI21:20
bprompt_arist0v:     you mean, in the menu that shows up after booting up?21:21
arist0vbprompt_, non in the BIOS21:29
bprompt_arist0v:    bios doesn't have menus for OSes, thus, grub would, or nt loader would21:30
TJ-arist0v: In UEFI the boot menu may not be editable from the firmware setup; you could it using the EDK2 shellx64.efi, or from a booted OS. In Linux you can use efibootmgr21:31
TJ-s/could it/could edit/21:32
arist0vbprompt_, i know usually yes but this bios HAVE21:32
arist0vand i know the diference between the bios and the boot menu :P21:32
TJ-arist0v: It's UEFI, not BIOS :)21:32
arist0vTJ-, no it's an option in the bios21:34
TJ-arist0v: No, there is no BIOS. It's UEFI21:34
arist0vyeah right lol sorry :P21:34
arist0vhave to go now good by everyone21:35
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