
=== ezobn1 is now known as ezobn
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fgimenezgood morning07:06
dholbachgood morning07:10
mvofgimenez, Chipaca, ricmm: image r152 should be good for testing07:58
fgimenezmvo, ok thanks, on it08:06
fgimenezmvo, 147 for armhf, right?08:08
mvofgimenez: I have not build a armhf image with the latest snappy for 15.04 yet, I started that some minutes ago, wanted to verify on amd64 first08:13
mvoand there were a bunch of integration issues, but hopefully all good now08:13
fgimenezmvo, ok08:14
mvofgimenez: there a some version (r151, r150) that are broken and will not work with system-image-cli correctly, just fyi when you do rollback testing08:14
fgimenezmvo, ok, should it work from r149?08:15
mvofgimenez: yeah, that sounds good, from the latest you have faith in :)08:16
mvofgimenez: to r152 or later and it should be good08:16
fgimenezmvo, :) ok i'll let you know how it goes08:17
Chipacamo'in, whippersnappers!08:27
* Chipaca adds a "whipper" subcommand08:27
mvohey Chipaca - new 15.04 is ready08:27
Chipacamvo: so i hear :) congrats08:27
Chipacamvo: i also hear it's been painful08:27
mvothanks, was a hard fight08:27
Chipacamvo: there is go generate in 1.408:30
Chipacamvo: 15.04 has go 1.308:30
Chipacaoh dear08:31
* Chipaca is pedantic today08:31
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Tuesday, and happy International Dot Day! 😃08:32
Chipacamvo: wait, it worked with xreadPassword and not with readPassword?08:33
Chipacaor am i misunderstanding somehting08:33
* ogra_ notes that mvo did quite some imae builds :)08:33
mvoChipaca: yes08:36
mvoChipaca: thats exactly it, I still have not tracked that down, but will soon08:36
fgimenezmvo, rolling back from 153 to 149 doesn't seem to work http://paste.ubuntu.com/12416211/08:38
mvofgimenez: hrm hrm hrm08:41
* mvo tries to reproduce08:46
ogra_mvo, more kids ? oO08:47
ChipacaJamesTait: ⡧⢼⡮⢵⡯⡯⢱⠁  ⣏⠆⢎⡱⢹⠁⠮⡲⡃08:47
ogra_(and you really dont need to tell us)08:47
JamesTaitImpressive, Chipaca!08:48
ChipacaJamesTait: sorry for not even trying to write "international" :)08:48
Chipacaogra_: maybe we should tell him about getting off irc for that, also08:49
ogra_Chipaca, true true ... germans ... tsk08:51
Chipacaogra_: ooh! did you know "tsk" and "tut" are american and british ways of writing the same ("dental click") sound?08:52
ogra_hah, nope :)08:52
Chipacame neither08:52
ogra_heh, that page makes me wanting to do a handstand to read it08:54
ogra_all that phonetic upside down stuff :)08:54
mvofgimenez: r152->153->152 seems to work, I'm downloading 149 now08:54
ogra_looks like my amd64 installed system  has properly updated from 148 to 151 via autopilot over night :)08:56
fgimenezmvo, ok i'll try that path too, the integration suite is passing on 15308:59
fgimenezbut including fake updates, i'll try it now with real updates and executing from a rollback09:00
Chipacamvo: we don't need https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/snappy/15.04-services/+merge/270965 now do we?09:06
mvoChipaca: indeed, no09:07
Chipacamvo: https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/snappy/snappy-lp1490574-systemd-type-forking/+merge/270142 could use a bit of love09:08
mvofgimenez: I think I found the issue, for some reason the boot-ok job seems to have not triggered09:11
mvoChipaca: will do once I found the root cause for the rollback problem09:12
mvopitti: did anything change between vivid and wily re "After=multi-user.taget"? I changed the ubuntu-snappy.boot-ok.service to have after=multi-user.target and that appears to be fine in wily (I can see that the service gets started and the output in wily but on vivid I don't see it starting, just that its active09:15
pittimvo: "active" means that it started -- perhaps you mean "enabled"?09:16
pittimvo: nothing wrt. After=, Requires= or enablement changed, but maybe the enablement link somehow got dropped in vivid?09:16
mvopitti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12416363/ is what I see on vivid09:17
pittimvo: can you pastebin the journal?09:17
fgimenezmvo, great! thanks :) the rest of tests seem to be fine so far09:18
pittimvo: that's not affected by the "too late bind mounting" issue, right? (as /etc/systemd/ gets bind-mounted in initramfs already009:18
mvopitti: yeah, it gets bind mounted early09:18
mvopitti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12416373/09:18
pittimvo: systemctl cat ubuntu-snappy.boot-ok.service09:19
pittimvo: find /etc/systemd -name '*boot-ok*'09:19
pittimvo: nevermind09:20
pittiBreaking ordering cycle by deleting job ubuntu-snappy.boot-ok.service/start09:20
mvopitti: ohhh09:20
mvopitti: \o/09:20
pittimvo: so cat'ing the unit would help09:20
ogra_pitti, just FYI https://launchpadlibrarian.net/217937303/initramfs-tools-ubuntu-core_0.7.7~ppa6_0.7.7~ppa7.diff.gz09:21
mvopitti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12416384/ <- its the wantedby=gettey, right?09:21
mvohm, no09:21
pittiogra_: nice!09:22
ogra_pitti, i'm considering moving all the bind mounts to that next iteration09:22
mvoogra_: I was wondering about this too, I don't think it matters much but why have two places if one is sufficient09:22
pittimvo: ah, yes indeed -- getty.target wants boot-ok, but this runs after multi-user; maybe newer versions accept this kind of mixed wants/after cycle, but not yet vivid's?09:23
pittimvo: or do you get a different cycle on wily, and it's just pure luck?09:23
ogra_and who knows what other races we might cause by mounting half of them later09:23
mvopitti: yeah, now I just need to figure out what Install synatx to use instead of getty.target09:24
pittiogra_: do we have fsck of the /writable partition in initramfs?09:24
pittimvo: multi-user.target doesn't work?09:24
mvowe do09:24
mvopitti: simply wantedby=multi-user.target ? or removing the wantedBy entirely?09:24
ogra_pitti, yeah, a few lines before the function above gets called09:24
pittimvo: no, WantedBy=multi-user.target instead of getty.target (not sure why it's getty)09:24
mvocool, will do09:25
mvoprobably a historic accident09:25
mvoi.e. not talking to the right people :-D09:25
* mvo hugs pitti09:25
ogra_pitti, http://paste.ubuntu.com/12416406/ ... handle_writable_paths does the mounting09:25
ogra_the mount/umount to speed up e2fsck is a funny trick09:26
ogra_(and works really well)09:26
dholbachtedg, do you know what's happening here? https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/149552509:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1495525 in Snapcraft "qml plugin: example is broken" [Undecided,New]09:27
mvoChipaca: I woder if the rollback issue could be releated to the new static grub.cfg09:35
* mvo looks deeper09:35
Chipacamvo: i'd suggest waiting for sergio on that one, as he'd know without looking :)09:36
Chipacait's possible we said "no rollback from this change"09:36
Chipacabut i think the new static grub should deal with it as long as there's a versionless symlink09:36
Chipacawhich there used to be, at leastr09:36
mvoChipaca: hmm, looks like we have the old non-static grub.cfg in /boot/grub/grub.cfg :(09:38
Chipacamvo: woo :-p09:42
* guest42315 aw-food09:59
mvoChipaca:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/12416556/ <- not looking great10:01
ogra_mvo, uuh Bug 1495688 i see that too here (seems we have more fish to fry )10:03
ubottubug 1495688 in Snappy "system-image-cli tool fails on rolling/edge; missing file '/etc/system-image/config.d/00_default.ini" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149568810:03
Chipacaogra_: there's a dangling symlink10:04
ogra_hmm, not related to recent changes though ... my RPi image from sept. 2 has it too10:05
ogra_Chipaca, yes, but why10:05
ogra_it should ship client.ini10:05
ogra_should come from system-image-common10:06
* ogra_ checks the manifest 10:06
mvoChipaca: so we may need this services backport branch afterall10:06
ogra_system-image-common is installed in the latest image10:07
Chipacamvo: D:10:08
ogra_my phone only has system-image 2.5.1 ... snappy has 3.0.1 ... (both on vivid)10:08
Chipacamvo: can we ship an override to update-grub that does something useful?10:10
Chipacamvo: we're calling the _old_ update-grub on update?10:15
Chipacaor are we calling the new one?10:15
mvoChipaca: we call the new one, maybe this could work http://paste.ubuntu.com/12416613/10:16
mvoChipaca: or simpler, we make the new update-grub write the static config and loose the ability to rollback (because the kernel will not be in /boot/grub/b10:17
Chipacamvo: maybe we can make a release note about rollback not working10:20
mvoChipaca: just making 09_snappy write the new static conf and stop would be ideal, least risky option but no rollback10:20
ogra_mvo, oh ... do we need to seed system-image-snappy-common ?10:20
mvoogra_: why?10:20
ogra_mvo, system-image-common does not ship any client.ini file anymore10:20
ogra_and i also assume we want the client.ini for snappy, not the phone one10:21
mvoogra_: we can ship it in ubuntu-core-config then10:21
mvoogra_: and we actually should do that already as 20_snappy iirc10:21
ogra_fine with me too ... currently system-image-cli only throws exceptions10:21
ogra_(on 15.04 edge that is)10:21
mvoogra_: system-image-cli -v work for me on 154 (I also see the broken symlink)10:24
ogra_mvo, and -i ?10:24
mvoogra_: that explodes indeed10:25
ogra_-v gets me a ton of permission denied errors (it shoudlnt)10:25
ogra_hmm, ignore that ... happens on the phone too10:26
ogra_i thought that uses the dbus backend so it doesnt need sudo10:26
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fgimenezmvo, should i file a bug about the rollback issue?10:46
mvofgimenez: a good question, I think its understood, the hard questions is now what to do about it10:47
sergiusensdholbach, thanks for the branches!11:19
sergiusensdholbach, btw, have you read the new intro? I hope it is to your liking ;-)11:19
ogra_workarounds for bug 1495688 and bug 1495683 uploaded11:24
ubottubug 1495688 in Snappy "system-image-cli tool fails on rolling/edge; missing file '/etc/system-image/config.d/00_default.ini" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149568811:24
ubottubug 1495683 in Snappy "Drop /etc/profile.d/Z99-cloud-local-test.sh from Cloud target" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149568311:24
sergiusensogra_, they are called fixes ;-)11:32
dholbachsergiusens, the google doc or updated docs in the branch?11:32
sergiusensdholbach, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/snapcraft/core/view/head:/docs/your-first-snap.md11:33
dholbachsergiusens, great - I'll check it out - thanks a bunch!11:33
sergiusensdholbach, I need to add a config walkthrough and extend that more (to get a bit more of a complicated example) ;-)11:33
sergiusensdholbach, but it has all the new stuff trunk has already11:33
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dholbachsergiusens, what's still on your list for the 0.2 release?11:40
sergiusensdholbach, I think we are good to switch already11:43
sergiusensdholbach, well, I want my config branch in and to extend the docs11:44
dholbachok cool11:44
ogra_mvo,  triggering an image to make sure the file removals worked11:44
dholbachjust asking to get an idea of what's planned :)11:44
sergiusensdholbach, soon after comes an interesting feature ;-)11:48
dholbachsergiusens, which one11:49
Chipacaanybody got a snap with an invalid yaml lying around?11:50
Chipacawanting to test some error reporting11:50
Chipacaelopio: fgimenez: you, by chance? ^11:51
sergiusensChipaca, just unpack and repack ;-)11:52
Chipacasergiusens: how do i repack? trying with "ar" i can never get it to work11:53
fgimenezChipaca, there's an integration test for that, but iirc it generates the wrong yaml on the fly, let me check11:53
Chipacaand snappy build won't let me build a broken one :)11:53
ogra_Chipaca, ar and snappy build indeed11:53
Chipacai'm wanting to build a snap with an *invalid yaml* :)11:54
Chipacasnappy build is not down with that11:54
ogra_yeah, only read the last line after typing11:54
Chipacai can build subtly broken ones, but not "aiee yaml parser kaput" broken ones11:54
Chipacaand that just happens to be an error case unlike others11:55
sergiusensChipaca, I thought dpkg-deb would do the trick11:55
Chipacain that it's a 500 error, from a yaml, in an async handler11:55
Chipacatrying dpkg-deb...11:56
fgimenezChipaca, sorry nope, the test just check that actually you can't build it http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/snappy/snappy/view/head:/_integration-tests/tests/build_test.go#L7511:58
Chipacafgimenez: sergiusens: ogra: dpkg-deb -R, and dpkg-deb --nocheck -b, do the trick11:58
Chipaca^ that's what the rest api thinks of you having a fortune instead of yaml12:18
Chipaca(that's with my still in-progress "give context to errors" branch)12:19
sergiusensChipaca, \o/12:32
ogra_neither /etc/system-image/config.d/00_default.ini nor /etc/profile.d/Z99-cloud-local-test.sh seem to exist at build time (i see the sccript to remove them being executed during build but it doesnt rm any files)12:49
ogra_i wonder where they come from if not the build12:49
* ogra_ twiddles thumbs waiting for the importer 12:51
dholbachdavidcalle, which articles were you working on?13:18
dholbachdavidcalle, is there any stuff which should go into the individual branches? or will it be just for developer.u.c?13:19
Chipacadarn, yesterday i was able to make the yaml parser panic, but today i can't reproduce it13:19
Chipacashould've written down the yaml13:19
davidcalledholbach, not me directly, but some new snappy doc being written. Just duc :)13:19
davidcallenot *by me13:19
tedgdholbach: No, are you on vivid? Perhaps things changed in wily.13:21
dholbachtedg, I'm on wily, yes13:21
dholbachtedg, would it make sense to let qml snaps just depend on ubuntu-sdk-libs?13:22
tedgdholbach: No, not really. The SDK requires a lot more than we can support today.13:23
dholbachok, I was just wondering it we could simplify the list of packages in snapcraft/plugins/qml.py somehow13:25
rickspencer3does anyone know what I need to do figure out what to hw-assign so that my snap can use gpio pins on the rpi2?13:26
rickspencer3jdstrand, ^ ?13:26
rickspencer3apparmor only reports net_admin getting denied13:26
ogra_sigh !13:30
mvosergiusens, Chipaca: do you think https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/snappy/snappy-all-for-15.04 covers the bases? I want to tidy it a bit more and I think its good but a second opinion from an expert would be great13:30
ogra_(amd64)ogra@aleph2:~$ ls -l /etc/system-image/config.d/00_default.ini13:31
ogra_lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Sep 15 15:26 /etc/system-image/config.d/00_default.ini -> ../client.ini13:31
* ogra_ doesnt get where it comes from, it doesnt seem to exist at rootfs build time 13:31
sergiusensmvo, you don't like asking questions with simple answers, eh? :-)13:32
Chipacamvo: i agree, we need an opinion from an expert.13:33
Chipacamvo: we're going to have to go find one13:33
ogra_do we have spare headcount to hire one ?13:33
ogra_job description "expert"13:34
mvoI think its good, it just needs its own (blocking) systemd-job to ensure everything is in place before the user can hit the commandline13:34
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ogra_GRRR ... so calling [ -e ... ] on a dangling symlink isnt the cleverest of things13:34
tedgdholbach: I think it does make sense to do some sort of meta-package, but the SDK has too much other stuff in it.13:35
* ogra_ switches to -L13:35
mvoogra_: if you have spare cycles, system-image.ubuntu.com//pool/device-f6dbcd89372ad1bd2b6a37df25b2e02fae38530d92c9ebd541bf327c27048794.tar.xz has also some danling symlinks in assets/vmlinuz13:35
* mvo dives back into grub13:35
dholbachtedg, I thought ubuntu-sdk-libs was just the stuff phone apps could know to expect around13:36
ogra_ARGH !13:36
Chipacamvo: that code seems correct, but i'd test it all the ways13:36
ogra_copy pasting a filename with typo out of a bug report isnt so clever either13:36
* ogra_ should take the day off 13:37
tedgdholbach: Sure, but we don't want all of those things for a QML snap. We can't provide all the services that they require. That's gotta be provided by the U8 framework.13:37
rickspencer3jdstrand, could you take a look and let me know why I am seeing the denial here, considering what is in my apparmor profile?13:41
jdstrandrickspencer3: sorry, in a meeting13:41
jdstrandbe bak in a minute13:41
jdstrandok, back13:49
jdstrandrickspencer3: instead of /sys/devices/platform/soc/3f200000.gpio, use /sys/devices/platform/soc/3f200000.gpio/**13:51
ogra_ok ... since all good things in life are three ...13:52
* ogra_ triggers the third image for that file removal stuff13:52
rickspencer3ok, I'll try that13:54
rickspencer3jdstrand, the only difference is the *?13:58
rickspencer3because I am still seeing the denial13:58
rickspencer3jdstrand, I just added /* to the app armor profile and reparsed it13:58
rickspencer3I didn't do hw-assign again13:58
ogra_it is /** not /*13:59
jdstrandrickspencer3: use '**'. not '*'13:59
rickspencer3oops, text wrapping in xchat :/14:00
jdstrandbut yes14:00
jdstrandthe /sys/devices/platform/soc/3f200000.gpio/** means 'everything under (but not including) /sys/devices/platform/soc/3f200000.gpio'14:01
mvopitti: I assume "before=multi-user.target" and "wnatedby=multi-user.target" is safe and will ensure my service has finished before a user can login?14:01
fgimenezogra_, with these changes https://code.launchpad.net/~fgimenez/snappy/resize_test2/+merge/271131 the resize test works (and passes) on 15.04, r155 :)14:22
ogra_fgimenez, yay14:22
mvoogra_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12417786/ should hopefully fix the broken symlinks in assets/ that I saw earlier. its basicly just a forward port of the wily code, but a second pair of eyes would be great14:23
ogra_mvo, can we copy the config too if we copy abi  and System.map ?14:24
ogra_mvo, looks fine otherwise14:25
ogra_i still fight with /etc/system-image/config.d/00_default.ini :(14:26
ogra_i dont get why14:28
pindongamvo, hi there, remember that bug about supporting forking services in systemd unit files? I saw the mp pending review... is there anything blocking that?14:33
mvojust lack of tme, shoud land rsn14:38
pittimvo: before/wantedby is the usual combination indeed14:38
pittimvo: but stuff in multi-user.target can happen after gettys; if you strictly want "before users can log in", you want Before=systemd-user-sessions.service (WantedBy=multi-user.target is still okay)14:39
pittimvo: the thing that seems to cause loops/trouble is if you order (After=) a service *past* a target it's wanted in; before is always fine14:40
clobranohi there, I'm looking for info sources about installing udev rules in snappy (other than using hw-assing). Any suggestion? :)14:41
pindongamvo, ack, thx14:49
sergiusensChipaca, mvo dholbach https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/snapcraft/wiki/+merge/27114014:54
fgimenezogra_, on bbb i'm getting this while executing the resize test http://paste.ubuntu.com/12417958/14:55
fgimenezogra_, this is the script used http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~fgimenez/snappy/resize_test2/view/head:/_integration-tests/scripts/install-test-initramfs14:57
ogra_fgimenez, thats not the initrd14:58
ogra_you want the one under /boot/uboot14:58
fgimenezogra_, ok i'll fix that, thanks! :)14:59
dholbachsergiusens, replied15:03
sergiusensdholbach, thanks, replied (I wasn't part of the discussion either fwiw) :-)15:07
dholbachsergiusens, the summary of the example package is still a bit weird, but apart from that it looks good to me15:13
sergiusensdholbach, oh, if you have a better suggestion; just go ahead :-)15:16
dholbachmaybe I just don't understand it :)15:16
dholbachsergiusens, is it meant to say "downloader"?15:16
dholbachor "downloaded"?15:17
dholbachI mean I'm nitpicking - the rest looks fine AFAICT :)15:17
sergiusensdholbach, yeah, the package name is downloader and it downloads from the wiki to create it15:17
sergiusensdholbach, I should of not worked on a downloader snap for this I guess :-)15:18
sergiusensdholbach, oh, but now I see the typo15:18
sergiusensdholbach, now that's fixed15:20
dholbachsergiusens, approved15:21
fgimenezChipaca, is this a good source of info for integration tests of the api http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/snappy/snappy/view/head:/daemon/api_test.go ? is there anything else not covered there?15:41
mvopitti: hi, sorry for bothering you again, I added a new service to snappy, its configured exactly like the boot-ok service and yet http://paste.ubuntu.com/12418278/15:49
pittimvo: any cycle in the journal? can you please cat the unit?15:52
mvoogra_: more ininitramfs troubel it seems, /etc/systemd/system is a writable path, it contains a symlink in getty.target.wants to boot-ok which I removed from the image but because its a writable path with transition the file is never removed15:52
pittimvo: ah, but this one is disabled too -- did you actually systemctl enable (or update-rc. enable) it?15:52
mvopitti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12418301/ is the journal15:53
ogra_mvo, yeah, what i said during the meeting :)15:53
ogra_we dont have any way to remove such files yet15:53
mvoogra_: I bet thats the same issue for migrate-grub, its a new file in multi-user.tar.get.want but its not copied up too15:54
pittimvo: ah, so I suppose that's related to "can't remove symlinks"?15:54
mvopitti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12418313/15:54
pittimvo: I suppose you just didn't enable this then?15:55
mvopitti: yeah, I think its exactly this, /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants is in mode "transitional" but after the initial copy I think it never updates new files or deletes files so we are lost15:55
mvopitti: it should be enabled via the deb, let me double check15:55
ogra_\o/ ...15:56
ogra_ok, the most recent rootfs only has 20_snappy.ini in the system-image/conf.d dir15:56
mvopitti, ogra_: so the image has the new ubuntu-snappy.grub-migrate.service but the bind mount over it hides it. thats pretty terrible if we can not add or change job and that we can't fix bugs like that there is a wrong getty.target.wants15:58
* mvo scratches head15:58
ogra_hmm, did you try setting the dir to sync instead of transition ?15:59
ogra_(and reboot)15:59
mvoogra_: I cross all fingers that I have16:00
ogra_well, else we need a hack in initrd16:00
ogra_actually it might be cool if we could use rsync instead of cp in that code ... that might fix some issues16:01
mvoogra_: no, synced does not help at all :/16:05
seb128mvo, you noticed that the snappy update in wily is depwait on goget-ubuntu-touch which depwait on golang-uboot-go-dev?16:06
mvoogra_: hm, looking at the source synced should work, it should at least make my files appear16:10
ogra_mvo,  even transition should work16:11
* ogra_ doesnt get it 16:13
ogra_i wonder if we could force it with an extra "cp -u $redaonly-dir $writable-dir"16:14
mvoogra_: so /etc/systemd/system/getty.target.wants/ubuntu-snappy.boot-ok.service needs to go and /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/ubuntu-snappy.{grub-migrate,boot-ok}.service must appear16:20
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ogra_mvo, yeah, not sure how we should do that ... it seems to never update anything actually16:22
ogra_mvo, if i unmount the dir i also see a webdm service that got never copied16:23
mvoogra_: yeah, I'm not suggesting to hack it, jsut do document the issue16:24
mvoogra_: pretty alarming16:24
cyphermoxogra_: ricmm: could you please let me know when we have a rolling image with fwupdate included?21:07
cyphermoxwe'd shoud probably include fwupd too.21:07
cyphermoxzomg, I can't type.21:07
ogra_whats that ?21:08
ogra_(firmware ? firewall ? )21:08
ogra_(funny witches)21:09
cyphermoxdisregard fwupd for now since it's not even in Debian.21:11
ogra_cyphermox, thats for bluez ?21:17
cyphermoxno. it's for firmware updating magic in the EFI specification21:18
cyphermoxas in, permanent updates :)21:18
ogra_ah, shudder ,... you said EFI21:18
cyphermoxit's the future.21:18
* ogra_ pets uboot 21:18
* cyphermox kicks uboot :)21:19
ogra_hey !21:19
ogra_our grub setup is closer to uboot than to anything else nowadays :)21:19
* ogra_ joins the yoga class21:20
cyphermoxogra_: you can do some very cool magic with grub and EFI.21:20
ogra_nah, i cant :)21:20
ogra_but i can do some very cool magic with uboot :)21:21
cyphermoxok then, I can :)21:22
ogra_yeah, and i'm happy i know whom to poke if it comes to grub ;)21:22
ogra_tough in regard to snappy ...21:23
ogra_(amd64)ubuntu@localhost:~$ wc -l /boot/grub/grub.cfg21:23
ogra_54 /boot/grub/grub.cfg21:23
ogra_we dont really have much there :)21:24
ogra_(static file btw)21:24
cyphermoxfeel free to ask me21:26

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