
josejust got home01:44
joseworking on publishing01:44
joseWelcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 434 for the week September 7 - 13, 2015 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue43402:25
josePaulW2U: still around?02:27
joseurgh, fridge scripts are not working02:39
Unit193Great, ca-certs is screwed up, that's why the issue didn't validate...02:43
PaulW2Ujose: silly error - issue 343 -didn't spot until now - sorry - first line of newsletter !04:47
joseoh damn!04:47
joselet's edit the wiki for that one04:47
josealso, g'morning, early bird!04:48
josethanks for the heads up, edited04:48
PaulW2Ustill half asleep here :)04:49
PaulW2Uand the forum copy?04:50
joseoh, right, let me fix that real quick!04:59
joseverified that fridge is good05:00
joseso that means discourse should be good to05:00
joseand g+/facebook updated too. twitter is unchangeable, though :)05:02
PaulW2Ujose: just done that - thought you'd gone05:03
PaulW2Uforum ^05:04
joseI've been struggling with forums lately05:05
joselogs me out randomly05:05
PaulW2Uother people say that too05:06
josehuh. I'll have to check tomorrow with IS05:17
PaulW2Udo you live at home or on university campus?05:29
PaulW2UI ask as some are finding their IP address changes which means an automatic logout from the forum05:31
joseI live at home, and when I do something I don't tend to change machines05:32
joseI believe it's a bug - I've seen it when I double-clicked by mistake, I just need to confirm05:32
PaulW2Uok, anyway must go to work now, g'night :)05:33
josehave a great day!05:34
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pleia2woo dyslexia (swapped numbers, sorry)16:33

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