
RevertToTypethis is gonna be effort as heck meh00:02
sarnoldRevertToType: looks like chromium has a download locations thing, check about:settings, open advanced, and set the thing..00:04
sarnoldRevertToType: then check where it is set in ~/.config/chromium* ...00:04
RevertToTypeyeah the problem is while i can set that since there's like an ext. to open office docs and whatnot we thought that was super useful given our typical use... so if someone has to save it's a right click save as situation for like 90% of the types of files we'd be using... and then it's gotta go to filechooser,00:06
sarnoldyou probably just need to pre-populate the save-as with something that they can actually write to00:06
RevertToType i set the download location to /media/usb0 which is perfect for the auto-downloads but moreso when they're using say the office extension or a ... umm thingamabob that requires a right click i'd love it to just force the filechooser to either be bypassed altogether cause it's just auto-choosing /media/usb0 or the chooser shows just that one choice00:06
patdk-lapsarnold :)00:37
patdk-lapgood in apparmor?00:37
patdk-lapI want a rule that just logs connections, just does like a warning, not block00:38
patdk-lapjust so I know what user/program/...00:38
sarnoldpatdk-lap: hmm, that might be difficult. You might try to use "audit network," or "audit network tcp," in a  profile, but I'm not sure that'll work.00:45
sarnoldpatdk-lap: you could use auditd and log accept() syscalls; that would apply to all programs, without requiring apparmor profiles00:46
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patdk-lapI would love to limit it to apparmor, as it would limit the insane amount of logging to the specific things I care about :)01:11
patdk-lapbut if I have to01:11
patdk-lapaudit network tcp connect, seems like it will do the trick01:16
sarnoldpatdk-lap: let me know if it works :)01:21
patdk-lapbesides the connect part it does01:30
patdk-lapI think connect requires src/dst addresses01:30
patdk-lapmanual is very fuzzy01:30
patdk-lapheh, connect doesn't work, says it needs v3.001:43
patdk-lapand only v2.801:43
patdk-lapand without it, I'm blowing up the kernel, logging stuff to fast01:43
patdk-lapaudit_printk_skb: 43755 callbacks suppressed01:44
sarnoldpatdk-lap: ouch :)02:16
lampshadesHi there, I'm trying to provision an ubuntu server with chef and capistrano for a rails site, and Im having a really hard time finding good resources for this task05:19
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silvervulcanI have created my own apache ssl cert for my home server and am using the https address on port 443. I noticed that my server does DNS requests every time I access any page. When I use the regular port 80 address this doesn't happen. Is apache trying to look my home-made certificate in a public database?08:23
lordievadersilvervulcan: I'd checkout what the DNS packets contain.08:26
silvervulcanI should have said self-signed certicate instead of home-made, that's what I meant.08:26
silvervulcanlordievader, how do I do that?08:26
lordievadersilvervulcan: tcpdump/wireshark08:26
silvervulcanlordievader, will the output be in an easy to understand format or binary/hex?08:27
lordievaderWireshark will display it in an easy to understand format and in hex.08:28
orogoranyone knows a good/simple tool for proviing a referential of the server inventory10:00
jamespagehallyn, zul: I jumped to a conclusion for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qemu/+bug/149589510:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1495895 in qemu (Ubuntu) "Unable to attach rados block device to instances" [Undecided,New]10:00
jamespageit may be wrong10:00
jamespagebut it might not be10:01
orogorsomething that can allow to define the server as test/prod and a role like db/web ?10:01
sysrexorogor, you mean puppet / chef like10:14
orogorwell no conf management; more like inventory10:21
orogormore like icmdb or glpi10:21
orogorbut simpler10:21
orogori am also looking for centralised ssh key management that supports the management server being offline/disconnected10:22
orogorand eventually a tool like keypass, but for multiuser10:22
orogordoesnt need to be the same app for everything10:23
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rbasakteward: I just triaged bug 1494869 and noticed you were involved in the bug upstream. Perhaps you could help drive it? There's not enough for anything to be done in Ubuntu based on the report filed IMHO.10:32
ubottubug 1494869 in bind9 (Ubuntu) "OPENSSL_CONF confuses dig, host, nslookup" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149486910:32
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zuljamespage: ive jumped to the same conclusion11:54
sudhir__ Hi guys.. I'm facing an issue while doing a net install of ubuntu server 14.4.2.  it says "configuring pkgsel fails with error code 127", can anybody help.??  I'm using preseed file for the installation.  I face this issue in select and install softwares step. in the screen i see ,running popcorn..tasksel..  cleaning up.. and then it just gives a red screen sayin installation step failed.. !!12:13
sudhir__guys any insights would be a great help.. :)12:14
jamespagezul, there is a 'configuration failed' message during configuration phase of the build12:25
zuljamespage: looking12:26
zuljamespage: can use qemu-img create to create a file with the rbd backend just to make sure12:37
sudhir__Hi guys.. I'm facing an issue while doing a net install of ubuntu server 14.4.2.  it says "configuring pkgsel fails with error code 127", can anybody help.??  I'm using preseed file for the installation.  I face this issue in select and install softwares step. in the screen i see ,running popcorn..tasksel..  cleaning up.. and then it just gives a red screen sayin installation step failed.. !!12:41
zuljamespage: its definenly built with rados/rbd support though12:51
jpdssudhir__: Sounds like your preseed file is broken?12:56
jamespagezul, why is it not linked against that then?13:24
zulim not sure13:24
zulbut its building with -lrados13:25
zuljamespage, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12417537/13:28
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zuljamespage: erm http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12417627/13:49
zuljamespage: looks better now http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12417636/13:50
kgirthoferif I want to pipe the output of a command into another command how do I do that13:51
kgirthoferi.e. if I want the output from "aws ec2 describe-instances --filter Name=tag:Name,Values=MYSERVER01 | grep "InstanceId" | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d '",'"13:51
kgirthoferto be piped into "aws ec2 reboot-instances --instance-ids $serveridhere13:52
kgirthoferhow do it13:52
KlausedSourcewell you save it in a variable and use the variable in the command14:04
KlausedSourcebasically as you just did with $serveridhere14:04
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jamespagezul, ok so which piece of the puzzle are we missing? is this a packaging fix, or a charm fix?15:27
zuljamespage: packging fix, rharper and hallyn are already working on it15:28
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tewardrbasak: which bug?16:31
rbasakteward: https://launchpad.net/bugs/149486916:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1494869 in bind9 (Ubuntu) "OPENSSL_CONF confuses dig, host, nslookup" [Low,New]16:31
tewardrbasak: What do you specifically need?16:31
rbasakteward: I don't need anything, but it looks like this needs to go upstream?16:31
tewardrbasak: to where, OpenSSL?  or bind9?16:32
rbasakteward: it isn't clear to me.16:32
tewardrbasak: nor me, the only reason I was involved was because their script failed16:32
tewardbeyond that, they're the SSL experts16:32
rbasakteward: I just thought you might care to drive it because of your upstream involvement. If you aren't so inclined, then that's no problem.16:33
tewardrbasak: the only thing I can think of is an Ubuntuism / OpenSSLism where openssl_conf isn't defined as an env var16:33
tewardrbasak: yeah i'm not particularly driven about that16:33
tewardsince the issue appears to have autoresolved itself over time :/16:33
tewardmy guess is because a fix was made in the script16:33
rbasakteward: could be. I don't feel that the bug is reported well enough to know.16:33
tewardrbasak: TBH I don't think it warrants fixing, unless someone cares enough to.  I know that 15.10+ is not affected, and I"m more concerned currently with the state of 15.10+ than I am a weird bug that had a workaround applied as part of the script that Dirk was developing16:36
tewardi'm also more concerned about why openssl ftbfs on my rpi, but that's a different issue :)16:36
rbasakYeah that's fine. I commented on the bug just because otherwise reporters have the expectation that we're supposed to be doing something but aren't, rather than the bug not being actionable.16:36
tewardand i'm about 3 weeks behind on the PPA packages lol16:36
tewardsarnold: ping, if you're around.  If not i'll bug you later16:54
lochlannI have done so many searches on google about the proper way to automount ntfs drives and have come up with so many "different" answers.  Please someone help me with the "proper" way to do this.  I want to automount ALL ntfs drives so they are RW by all users on the local machine and accross the network.17:16
tewardlochlann: are the NTFS drives on a file share server?17:18
tewardor are they actual drives/partitions17:18
lochlannsome are internal Sata and some are external USB ... It's for a media server17:18
tewardlochlann: /etc/fstab entries for each partition/device to mount it rw, anonymous FTP internal to the rest of your network.  Or use an actual media streaming solution rather than sharing partitions and files and such17:20
lochlannthere is 5 internal hdd and 6 external drives. I have a media streaming solution in use *Plex* and this is the Plex Server where all the drives are to be mounted.17:21
tewardlochlann: /etc/fstab entries then17:22
tewardand either Plex to share from, or ftp/sftp internal only for direct files access17:22
teward(internal network that is, i.e. your LAN)17:22
lochlannteaward: yes I know fstab... my issue as stated is I am finding *via google* way to many different ways of adding it to fstab. I have tried some and they are not working properly. I'm looking for the proper way to "add" it to fstab17:23
tewardyou didn't say that lol17:23
tewardread the manpage perhaps, it explains NTFS mount options17:23
tewardThis is how I mount an NTFS USB Hard disk: UUID=fwafwefwafweffwaew  /media/DIRTY_150G    ntfs-3g    defaults,locale=en_US.utf8,windows_names,umask=0000,nobootwait,uid=1000,gid=1000,user   0       017:26
tewarduid=1000, gid=1000 is my user id, umask=0000 ends up giving chmod 777-like perms (read/write)17:27
teward(to all)17:27
lochlannwhat is this windows_names thing in yours? I am guessing it has something to do with windows and not needed by me? I have no windows machines in this house17:27
tewardlochlann: as i said it's an NTFS drive and I want cross-compatibility at times17:28
tewardlochlann: that's just one example17:28
tewardas i said, you need to read the manpages for mount options for ntfs17:28
tewardlochlann: we don't know your requirements.  which is why you need to read the manpages.17:29
lochlannwhat manpage are you speaking of?    mount -h says nothing about ntfs17:29
tewardthat's not a manpage17:30
tewardtype `man mount`17:30
tewardand then read through the general fs-nonspecific section, as well as the ntfs options17:31
lochlannteward: so then, from  what I just read, this should work -->   UUID=1293078mnbndf89      /media/VideoDrive01      ntfs-3g     auto,defaults     0     017:48
tarpmancareful. ntfs and ntfs-3g are different things and have different options. mount(8) has ntfs options, ntfs-3g options are in ntfs-3g(8)17:50
tarpmanntfs-3g has many more options than ntfs17:50
teward^ that17:52
lochlannI really just want it to 1. automount in the off-chance of a system reboot. 2. be accessible via Plex for all. 3. be rw so new media can be added from other machines on the network.17:53
tewardlochlann: ideally if you don't know what you're doing, though, you shouldn't be messing with mounting things.17:53
teward(in my opinion)17:53
lochlannteward: it's not about messing with it..... I just need to do it once...17:55
tewardlochlann: `man ntfs-3g` may be of interest moreso17:55
tewardand yes it's 'messing' until you get it right17:55
tewardyou also haven't said how data's being written to it from remote sources17:55
tewardFTP?  SFTP?  Windows file shares (Samba)?  etc.17:55
tewardthat also has a factor too17:56
tarpmanlochlann: just curious: if you have no windows machines in your house, why are you bothering with ntfs?17:56
tewardtarpman: external USB media, perhaps preformatted17:57
teward[2015-09-15 13:21:45] <lochlann> there is 5 internal hdd and 6 external drives. I have a media streaming solution in use *Plex* and this is the Plex Server where all the drives are to be mounted.17:57
tewardpretty certain preformatted17:57
lochlanntarpman: from what I read, ntfs was the way to go for the size of the drives. 11 drives all 4TB each. plus the usb drives came this way when bought17:57
tewardif your backend is *nix, then ext4 works17:58
lochlannplus there is, albeit not very often, 1 windows laptop that connects when family comes to visit.17:59
tarpmanthe stuff you read probably assumed you need compatibility with windows or mac17:59
tarpmanI format all my usb drives as ext4 because I find dealing with the permissions-translation stuff (unix to ntfs and back) to be a massive pain18:00
lochlannalthough I don't see the need for ntfs if all they are using is Plex.... but everything I read says this18:00
tarpmananyway, not advice per se, was just curious about the rationale18:00
tewardlochlann: if they aren't connecting the drives themselves then NTFS is not a requirement18:00
tarpmanyeah, only the machine the usb drives are actually plugged into cares about the filesystem. over the network, it's irrelevant18:00
tewardif they're always connected to your media server, then filesystem matters only to the server18:00
tewardand ext4 is more... linux friendly, and flexible, I think18:00
tewardover the network it's irrelevant18:00
lochlannand now I think it is too late....  all 11 drives have media on them now18:01
RoyKxfs is probably better unless you want to shrink the fs18:01
RoyKlochlann: how large drives? what raid level?18:02
lochlannRoyK: no raid... all drives are 4TB each18:02
RoyKlochlann: that's lunacy18:02
tewardRoyK: they're also not completely internal according to the user18:02
RoyKlochlann: with 11 drives, create a raid-6 on top of them18:02
tewardRoyK: they want all 11 to automount and have the media on them available r/w to the system and to external 'file dropping' into the server probably18:03
RoyKoh - lots of usb drives around?18:03
tewardRoyK: [2015-09-15 13:21:45] <lochlann> there is 5 internal hdd and 6 external drives. I have a media streaming solution in use *Plex* and this is the Plex Server where all the drives are to be mounted.18:03
lochlann5 internal 6 external18:03
RoyKget it18:03
* RoyK would prefer a large raidset18:03
lochlanntechnically there is 6 internal, but one houses Ubuntu18:03
tewardRoyK: wouldn't the RAIDing nuke the data on the disks already?18:04
sarnoldlochlann: yikes, this sounds terrifying..18:04
sarnoldthat's a lot of singlepoints of failure..18:04
tewardsarnold: there you are18:04
sarnoldheya teward :)18:04
lochlannand here I thought this would be simple.... lol....  as it is it took my wife and I almost a year to take the media off over 1,200 DVD's18:04
tarpmanteward: in theory that's not a problem because one has up-to-date backups...18:04
tewardtarpman: in theory18:04
tewardtarpman: in practice, people making in-home media servers aren't up to theory18:05
RoyKteward: just empty one drive, create a broken r5 on that drive, create lvm on top, mkfs on that, copy data, empty another, extend etc18:05
sarnoldpff too easy to screw that up; buy a nice new system with a dozen drives, set up a raidz3 on them, start copying, and pray to all the dieties of your choice that those usb drives last long enough to copy everything off18:06
lochlannsarnold: all the drives are 1year old or less :)18:06
bekkslochlann: drives can be dead on arrival, their age basically doesnt mean much.18:08
sarnoldlochlann: even worse, some haven't even been alive long enough to be stressed :)18:08
RoyKsarnold: well, you can't extend zfs vdevs18:09
lochlanntrial and error I suppose. I will start with -->   UUID=1293078mnbndf89      /media/VideoDrive01      ntfs-3g     auto,defaults     0     0 and see if it works for me18:12
sarnoldRoyK: true :(18:12
tarpmanlochlann: i'd suggest 0 2 instead of 0 018:13
tarpmanoh, nevermind. there's no fsck.ntfs-3g anyway...18:15
lochlannwouldn't it be bad to have it utilize parallelism on 11 drives though?18:16
tarpmanI can't think why18:18
lochlanntook a while to add all those, but so far all seems good.18:35
RoyKjust don't use ntfs on linux18:36
lochlannyea, all future drives added with be EXT418:36
lochlannwe still have approx 900 DVD's to convert18:37
lochlannmy wife is a bloody dvd fanatic18:37
lochlannthank the gods and goddesses for .mkv .....18:38
jrwrenlochlann: not 11 drive, but I have 5 drives in an LVM VG of ~11TB with larget LV being 5TB, but each grows as I add disks.18:39
jrwrenlochlann: I'd NEVER use NTFS for any of it. It is ext4. I use some smaller LV to experiment with btrfs, but I'm overly cautious and do not trust it just yet.18:40
lochlannI suspect we will be adding at least a few more drives....  only got about 7TB left of space from all 11 4TB drives... and still over 900 dvds to convert ......18:40
lochlannmaybe I will take the new drives as an opportunity to convert the existing ones to ext418:41
jrwrenlochlann: it is probably worth adding them all to some kind of pool with parity drives so that you can suffer a disk outage. raid6 or btrfs or something.18:44
lochlannjrwren: no point in me doing that honestly....  That's another 11 drives I would have to buy plus anymore that I add in the future.....  This is only a media server... Should 1 drive fail I will just reconvert the dvd's that were on that drive. much cheaper option18:59
jrwrenlochlann: no, you strongly misunderstand. I wrote parity on purpose.19:03
jrwrenlochlann: it is only cheaper if your time is free. My time is very expensive and very valuable to me.19:03
freezeveeI am trying to do sudo passenger-install-nginx-module while I have installed ruby 2.2 via rvm and checked with ruby -v but it keeps installing for the 1.9.3 version. What am I doing wrong ?19:05
jrwrenfreezevee: sudo resets your path. try sudo -E19:05
lochlannjrwren: that involves buying more drives does it not? If so that means buying another 11 4TB drives just for what I have now. Further, my machine only has 4 more USB ports available which would not accommodate another 11 drives19:08
jrwrenlochlann: no, parity means some, not all. Yes you would sacrifice some space. Its ok. I was only suggesting. We may value time differently.19:09
freezeveejrwren: should I install without the sudo ? nice idea19:10
lochlannjrwren: not a bad suggestion, but financially for me it is more worth the time to reconvert19:10
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dftany incrontab afficionados here?19:41
dfthaving issues trying to pinpoint execution of a python script from incrontab19:42
dftI can see that the inotify signal is being caught and incrond is executing my python script, but the desired result of mailing me the results is not happening.19:42
dftwhen I run the python script from the users shell, all is well.19:43
sarnolddft: how are you checking the email delivery?19:43
dftsarnold: email delivery works fine when I run the script from my shell19:45
dftas in it reaches my inbox19:45
dftsarnold: before tracing that, I don't see the script executed in the users shell under top at all when I would normally expect it.19:46
dftI tried sourcing .bashrc for the user account prior to executing the python but I get other errors using that method19:46
sarnolddft: so, the script itself is doing the mailing? does it make assumptions about the PATH or other environment variables that might be set in your shell but not set in incron?19:47
sarnolddft: top is probabilistic, it's easy for it to miss executions; fatrace or "execsnoop" can help there...19:47
sarnolddft: see http://www.brendangregg.com/blog/2014-07-28/execsnoop-for-linux.html for more information on execsnoop; awesome blog overall, it's well worth a few days of reading :)19:48
dftI'll check those out.19:48
dftbut as far as assumptions, I think I've covered them all.19:48
dftshebang points to /usr/bin/python, then just importing all my required classes19:49
dftalthough I'll have to look into os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)19:50
dftI'm not sure if that pulls from env vars19:50
dftotherwise, any other filesystem path is explicitly defined19:51
sarnoldcan you pastebin the incrontab file?19:51
RevertToTypei don't have network-manager installed would this be a reason why my wifi keeps dropping or is that just a suite of tools to make things easier?19:52
dftsarnold: standby19:52
dftit's the last entry that's problematic atm19:52
dftsarnold: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/d1a540bab1f8f5bb338d19:53
sarnolddft: that . is a little funny but it shouldn't cause problems to the kernel...19:54
sarnolddft: is there a newline at the end of the file? some programs require a newline at the end, and some editors don't put one there19:55
dftit's never been an issue with the first 4 entries19:55
dftsarnold: let's find out...19:55
sarnolddft: are the modes on /home/elimg/scripts/./funcCollectDefectImages.py  set correctly?19:55
dftI think I may have found the issue19:57
dftyour comment about assumptions may have sparked a notion19:57
dftI have some logfile writing functions but the log file path is not fully qualified19:57
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dftsarnold: ty20:03
dftneeded someone to bounce this off of20:03
sarnolddft: woot :)20:03
dft:facepalm: I've been chasing this all day20:04
dftso future reference20:04
dftdon't use os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__) to getcwd20:05
dftat least when calling your py from cron or incron20:05
dftdeclare a wrkdir='<home>' and use os.chdir(wrkdir)20:06
sarnolddft: funny, I would have expected that to work20:15
dftsarnold: as you first stated....assumptions....20:16
dftI thought so too20:16
dftbut as it turns out I've bounced between os.path.dirname and my 2nd in some of these scripts.20:17
dftafter some googling I found some references to issues with incrontab and CentOS not providing a full shell when executing the referenced script20:18
dftso that's when I tried sourcing my .bashrc...however that just made matters worse.20:18
sarnoldyeah, things that make a shell friendly for humans often make it less friendly for programs ;) hehe20:20
dftoh well, in the end I get to level up ..haha20:21
* dft +120:22
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RevertToTypeso i've narrowed down at least kind of a seeming culprit to my wireless drops (drops around 1800/30 minutes) and it's something to do with dhclient apparently... once it drops the retry isn't kicking in either so even after five minutes...  so it's like dhclient isn't renewing or even running apparently22:22
RevertToTypehow do i fix this awfulness22:25
geniiRevertToType: Is the wireless adapter running on the USB bus? It may be going into power saving mode22:26
sarnoldgenii: that's genius :)22:26
RevertToTypegenii it's likely ... it's a netbook like half the internals are technically on the usbbus22:27
RevertToTypei thought i killed out all powersaving...22:27
RevertToTypealso i don't have acpi-tools or network-manager installed at all22:28
RevertToTypewhere would i futz that one maybe i did it wrong (power saving stuff)22:29
geniiApologies on lag, just getting ready to leave work here...22:30
geniisarnold: I had a broadcom like that, drove me nuts22:30
RevertToTypenp grateful for any things22:30
geniiRevertToType: Does it show up on hte: lsusb   ..command?22:31
RevertToTypeumm the only named thing i recognize aside from linux foundation..... is the camera22:31
RevertToTypeso maybe it's not on usb22:33
geniiRevertToType: Could you please pastebin the output of: lsusb   and: sudo lspci    and: sudo lshw -short     please22:33
RevertToTypeoh it's on pci22:34
sarnoldgenii: it reminds me of a usb hard drive I used to use for backups. It'd go to sleep and the mount failed and all kinds of hell would break loose and then it'd require fscking every time I wanted to use it. Horrible annoyance.22:34
geniiSo in this case it looks like some other issue, unfortunately22:35
RevertToTypei mean i think the culprit has something to do with dhclient not doing what it's supposed to22:35
RevertToTypecause when it drops22:36
geniiRevertToType: Did you check on the place it's getting it's lease from to see what the default lease length is?22:36
RevertToTypeit's still saying it's connected to the network/associated and the ip address drops out of ifconfig after a few minutes22:36
RevertToTypei have no access to the network settings or even the router (this is for a small library and the IT is just the county folks... if something goes wrong and it's not windows they tell us to leave)22:37
sarnoldRevertToType: check dmesg, auditd logs, etc.. there might be some clues hidden somewhere you may not expect22:38
RevertToTypeand while somewhat windows/mac savvy i'm like just one step above totally clueless on linux (so enough knowledge to do damage)22:38
RevertToTypeall i ever see is a deauthenticate reason 108; unknown everything else looks like it's getting orders from the accesspoint/router/whatever just fine22:39
sarnoldwpa2 vs wep or something?22:39
RevertToTypewpa2-personal so form wht i can tell wpa-psk ccmp22:40
RevertToTypehidden ssid22:40
RevertToTypewhen i finally got wireless working i had to make a systemd service to run "dhclient" at startup22:40
RevertToTypecause it wasn't pulling down an ip22:40
geniihidden SSID can be problemmatic22:41
geniiAre you using a wpa_supplicant.conf file ?22:44
* genii ignores the phone ringing in his office and makes more coffee22:45
RevertToTypegenii yup22:48
RevertToTypeit's set to scan=1 so it picks up and connects just fine22:48
RevertToTypeafter 30 minutes it drops though22:48
RevertToTypeyet running dhclient -r / dhclient or just dhclient picks it back up22:48
RevertToTypeso i assumed the retry was just too long and the lease was just generally expiring so i waited the 300 seconds and no dice still down22:49
RevertToTypei had to run dhclient manually at boot every time to get an ip and be able to do normal internet things22:50
geniiRevertToType: Might want to see if the dhcp server accepts request for specific lease time by twiddling with the: send dhcp-lease-time 3600;    ..line in the /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf file22:51
RevertToTypedhclient is a one shot... i don't have dhcpcd installed... that might be the issue?22:52
RevertToTypeor run dhclient -w?22:52
RevertToTypecause i need something ongoing when the lease expires?22:52
RevertToTypeam i just that cluelessly stupid?22:53
RevertToTypei am i think22:53
geniiYou don't need dhcpd, that one is for assigning IPs to clients :)22:55
RevertToTypenot dhcpd22:55
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
geniiAh, misread. Possibly, it does try to renew automatically. But the regular dhclient should too.22:57
RevertToTypehrm well that was a failure of epic proportions...22:58
sarnoldI wonder if systemd is killing the dhclient unexpectedly?22:58
RevertToTypei just installed and tried it gave a whole minute of connection and then was like nope22:58
sarnoldyou might want to do some ghetto-troubleshooting like having a while true ; do sleep 1; ps auxw >> jobs ; done   -- and when the IP drops, see if dhclient was running at the time..22:59
RevertToTypeyeah i was really thinking some hacky thing like that ugh22:59
RevertToTypereally didn't want to22:59
geniiRevertToType: I have to leave, but I'm around weekdays 9:30am-5pm EDT  ( later tonight than usual) , if it's not solved tonight we could poke at it again tomorrow23:02
RevertToTypeok... i'm really grateful for all of your help folks23:02
RevertToTypelike honestly23:02
RevertToTyperemoved dhclient from the systemd services and am gonna test with dhcpcd to see how that goes just in case23:04
RevertToTypecause it was for sure not playing well together maybe with a bit-o-luck that was all i needed to do... i'm sure i'll be back in 30 minutes tho :V23:05
tewardthought dhcpd was a dhcp server/daemon, not a dhcp client23:07
genii!info dhcpcd23:08
ubottudhcpcd (source: dhcpcd): DHCP client for automatically configuring IPv4 networking. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3.2.3-11 (vivid), package size 46 kB, installed size 151 kB23:08
* teward misread :)23:08
sarnoldnot at all confusing is it? :)23:08
* genii wanders off23:09
tewardsarnold: heh23:11

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