
=== chriadam|away is now known as chriadam
jpastoreold_benz: you raise some itneresting points. I meant secure as in I'm not worried about my physical security and I will maintain possesion of my phone and someone can't remotely install malware like those FBI drones00:58
old_benz2jpastore: pure speculation, in my opinion, separating the stack driving the firmware is a promising security feature.  On the other hand, owning the hardware is owning the hardware (ie. give the FBI s…01:21
old_benz2…ome credit, they can probably patch any phone and OS combination).  You then have to factor in the code itself, I assume Ubuntu Touch has a fair amount of new features, that means bugs, which in turn …01:21
old_benz2…means possible security vulnerabilities.01:21
old_benz2I don't think there's such a thing as a secure phone, at least not for any civilians01:22
old_benz2I run CyanogenMod without Google, but I don't review any code nor do I even (usually) compile it01:23
jnxdhello, anyone got the OTA6 on BQ aquaris e5?04:32
Stanley00jnxd: I think it's in the wild for weeks?04:36
jnxdStanley00: dunno why, but I only got upto rc504:36
Stanley00jnxd: did you set your phone to writable?04:37
jnxdStanley00: yes, but I changed it back04:38
jnxdas was expected to work04:38
Stanley00jnxd: https://system-image.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/stable/bq-aquaris.en/vegetahd/ looks like version 5 is latest release for bq e5 now :304:38
jnxdStanley00: aha!04:39
jnxdthat's the date where the press started going halellujah over OTA6, so I guess that's it.04:40
jnxdStanley00: dunno if you rememebr it, but a few days ago, we'd talked of getting wifi and proxy to work. So yesterday I finally edited all the files as on the posts, and got net working on the browser.04:44
jnxdsadly that's where it seems to end. seems like No app works except the ones using the webview.04:45
Stanley00jnxd: sorry, I got away for a while. How did you set the proxy? via gsetting or enviroment variable?05:17
mokmeisterI have to say before I go, battey life is amazing on r25 for bq4.5! 82% charge after 90 hours, a couple of calls made and received in that time, wifi and dual sims active, no surfing during that time though. Amazing!07:03
mokmeisterBy comparison my Sony Xperia Z, charged twelve hours ago, is now at 90%.07:04
dholbachgood morning07:10
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Tuesday, and happy International Dot Day! 😃08:32
seb128dednick, hey, could you get somebody to approve/land https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/ubuntu-settings-components/icon-aspect-ratio-crop/+merge/265146 ? (I comment approved but I'm not in the right team to be able to change the status)08:54
dednicktsdgeos: ^?08:55
dednicktsdgeos: i can do the landing if you like.08:55
tsdgeostop approved08:56
tsdgeosdednick: you do the landing :)08:56
dednicktsdgeos: ta08:56
seb128dednick, there are other approved mps that you might want to batch in the same landing ;-)08:57
seb128dednick, tsdgeos, thanks08:57
dednickseb128: sure. will take a look09:05
seb128dednick, thanks09:07
seb128dednick, in fact one bumps the import to 1.3 and might need more consideration, I'm unsure if the other one is a design change ... maybe just landing the fix for now would make more sense09:07
dednickseb128: fyi - https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-05609:17
seb128dednick, thanks09:17
dednickoo. 1.3 hm09:17
dednicknot sure if that can land in overlay09:18
seb128dednick, it should, the new uitk is there since previous ota updates09:18
dednickseb128: ah. ok then09:19
dednickmight need to bump the 1.2 change in the icon aspect to 1.3 now then. just to sync with the deprecation branch09:20
dednickyeah, there's a conflict.09:22
* guest42315 aw-food09:59
jgdxJamesTait, did you get to eat a hoagie?10:31
davmor2jgdx: did you not realise that he lives in subway10:32
JamesTaitjgdx, I didn't. :(10:32
JamesTaitjgdx, but then given the amount of food I managed to consume in SA, that's probably for the best.10:33
jgdxdavmor2, :P10:37
jgdxJamesTait, you gotta walk the walk man10:37
JamesTaitjgdx, I know, I'm letting the side down. :(10:38
bkchrHi, at the moment I got some problems with adb, dmesg shows 'adb_open' but the device isn't showing up at my pc. Mtp shows the device, any ideas what I could test?10:51
jgdxbkchr, developer mode is on?10:51
bkchrjgdx: I replaced the adbd executable and enabled the Android tools override. This should be sufficient? Because I can't activate the developer mode, display isn't working :D10:54
jgdxbkchr, can't say, but you can flash with developer mode enabled if ^ doesn't work.11:02
bkchrjgdx: How can I flash with developer mode enabled?11:04
jgdxbkchr, ubuntu-device-flash touch … --developer-mode --password 123411:05
jgdxnot sure why that's not documented11:05
jgdx(the elipsis means other arguments like channel and whatnot)11:06
bkchrjgdx, could I maybe activate this mode manually? Because at the moment I'm working in some sort of dual boot mode and I'm booting the kernel with fastboot :D11:10
jgdxbkchr, idk, sorry.11:12
bkchrjgdx, okay thank you, then I should examine the script.11:14
jgdxbkchr, np. If you hang around someone might know. The America's are not up for another two-three hours11:17
bkchrjgdx, thx, I will stay online ;)11:19
KnightmareHi All, how do I tell what OTA version I am using? (On Meizu MX4)11:21
jgdxKnightmare, what revision number and channel are you on?11:25
KnightmarejgdxL stable/r411:26
Knightmarejgdx stable/r411:26
jgdxKnightmare, ota611:27
jgdxKnightmare, there's no way to tell right now. See bug 147556811:27
ubot5bug 1475568 in Canonical System Image "Use OTA terminology in system settings" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/147556811:27
KnightmareGreat stuff, wasn't sure. The revision number threw me.11:27
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mptWhy do we have, by default, both a “Tasks” app and Reminders in the “Notes” app?11:29
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davmor2mpt: because tasks are different to notes?  Just a guess12:57
mptdavmor2, yes, tasks are different to notes, but tasks are almost identical to reminders12:58
popeympt: because the notes app brings with it the capabilities of the Evernote APi, of which reminders is one.12:58
davmor2mpt: by the way I agree with you I don't use tasks but I will write a check list in a note instead13:00
davmor2mpt: when tasks was originally written and added though I don't think reminders had the checklist facility and the notes app well was a little bit pants to be honest13:00
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popeypeople still use the old notes app - evidenced by the number of people who complained when it broke in OTA-613:13
popeyaround 600-700 people use that app (or at least have it installed [it's not default]) according to the store.13:14
ondrej_hi folks, MX4 just arrived (mainly for work purposes, we want to look how to port a DNSSEC-validating resolver we develop to it), but few questions popped when I booted the phone.13:16
ondrej_is there an CalDAV and CardDAV support available?13:16
popeynot yet13:16
ondrej_and planned?13:17
svijondrej_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calendar-app/+bug/119977413:18
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1199774 in Ubuntu Calendar App "No DAV and ICAL support" [Medium,Triaged]13:18
popeyit will come when we move to buteo I think.13:18
ondrej_popey: thanks I'll subscribe to the bug13:19
ondrej_CardDAV would be nice too, I have Fastmail for my personal emails and I use Zimbra for work stuff13:21
popeyI agree13:22
ondrej_back to my original purpose - we are developing a new DNSSEC validating DNS Resolver - Knot Resolver and I would like to replace the resolver in the Ubuntu Touch with this one.  Any pointers where to start?13:23
ondrej_e.g. it's not an app development, but it has to be modified system image13:23
=== ondrej_ is now known as ondrej
popeyondrej: i think step one is it needs to be in the ubuntu archive13:35
popey(which logically means it should probably be in the debian archive, which we pull many packages from)13:35
ondrejpopey: understood, but it's still WIP, so I am looking for a custom builds just for us.  I can take care of Debian packages afterwards - but I am interested in #ubuntu-touch internals at this phase.13:40
davmor2ondrej: not sure I understand what you are after doing, But if I'm right, you can make the system writable add your software and test to your hearts content, this will likely break your next upgrade or wipe your changes, as for specific images I am not aware of a way to build one currently.13:47
oSoMoNkenvandine, not sure if Elleo mentioned it already, we were discussing earlier today the possibility of adding a QRCode type to content-hub, that would allow tagger to advertise itself as a content provider, and other apps to delegate scanning/decoding QR codes to another app13:52
oSoMoNkenvandine, the actual content type would be text13:53
Elleokenvandine: yeah, or alternatively bumping up the priority of the mimetype transition and allowing for vendor specific mimetypes to handle this sort of circumstance13:53
oSoMoNor that, yeah :)13:53
kenvandineoh mimetypes :)13:55
ElleoI think mimetypes was about the first change I suggested when joining the company :P13:56
kenvandineyeah... and it was already on my wishlist :)13:56
perracomaxHi all13:57
kenvandinei never liked the idea of the well known types13:57
oSoMoNkenvandine, Elleo: how much work would switching to mime types involve?13:57
kenvandineit's not trivial13:57
kenvandineso... QRCode is just a link right?13:57
kenvandineso tagger could register itself as a source for links13:58
kenvandineright now it would be the only source for links13:58
Elleokenvandine: they don't want to have to pick from amongst all the other non-QR related link providers13:58
perracomaxsomething about dual boot?13:58
kenvandineElleo, i don't think there are any apps that register as sources for links13:59
Elleokenvandine: I think mimetype support is going to become increasingly important as things like the libreoffice document viewer land, as the Documents type is incredibly broad for all the file types it could support13:59
kenvandineand i can't think of a use case for one that does that, besides qrcodes13:59
kenvandineso what type of mimetype would tagger use for qrcodes?14:00
Elleowell it could use a vendor specific one, which is apparently the approach taken on android for this sort of thing14:01
Elleosince we don't have to restrict it to just well known mimetypes as long as both the sender and receiver agree on the mimetype it'll work14:01
kenvandineElleo, i still think it makes sense for tagger to register as a provider of ContentType.Link14:03
Elleokenvandine: that was my initial suggestion, but I can see a future where we have lots of link providers14:03
Elleokenvandine: e.g. an app the synchronises a list of bookmarks between computers14:03
kenvandinebut we should really look to get the mimetype work scheduled14:04
Elleokenvandine: or the browser exporting its bookmarks14:04
oSoMoNkenvandine, the content of a decoded QR code is any free-form text, not just links14:05
kenvandineah, i thought it was just links14:05
brendandjgdx, kenvandine - is there a dbus/gsettings setting i can check for the status of the rotation toggle?14:06
oSoMoNtagger would have to advertise as a provider for ContentType.Text, of which there are a few already, so not a great UX for an app requesting scanning a QR code…14:06
kenvandinebrendand, not sure off hand, the indicator manages that, and settings just talks to the indicator14:07
kenvandinebut i think it twiddles gsettings14:07
brendandkenvandine, any idea what the schema might be?14:14
jgdxbrendand, hold on14:16
kenvandinejgdx, you're looking for it?  thanks :)14:16
kenvandinebrendand, sorry we were in a meeting :)14:17
Elleobrendand: gsettings get com.ubuntu.touch.system rotation-lock14:17
jgdxthanks Elleo14:18
Elleono problem :)14:18
Mirvmardy: hey, almost forgot, I've this https://www.verkkokauppa.com/fi/product/17279/dqbqh/Delock-HDMI-A-SlimPort-Adapteri14:23
Mirvnot on stock though14:24
Mirvbut I've some output with it even with mako running Ubuntu vivid as is14:24
Mirva bit clipped, but that's what bug fixes are for :)14:24
mardyMirv: I ordered this, I think it's from the same brand: multitronic.fi/showprod.php?prod_id=SLIM-1002-K&b=114:28
brendandElleo, thanks14:29
Mirvmardy: it probably works, when I googled about it Slimport seemed mostly just work14:31
bkchrjgdx: Got adb working :D Needed to add adb to "persist.sys.usb.config". Do you know if it is still possible to boot with surfaceflinger? I added surfaceflinger to lightdm, but the lightdm only showed some "GLIBC" error.14:41
jgdxbkchr, good stuff. I am unfamiliar with that part of the stack.14:58
dholbachwhich arale channel did ota-6 go to?15:22
dobeydholbach: yes, stable should be it15:24
m0n5t3r_meh, now syslog and dmesg are flooded with "[SPM] CANNOT GET UART SLEEP ACK (0x2feeffd)"15:29
nik90ogra_: you got a fan :D on ubuntu-on-air :P15:54
seb128charles, tedg, any chance you could review https://code.launchpad.net/~mdeslaur/indicator-power/fix-priorities/+merge/260903 ?16:01
kenvandinejgdx: have you seen this? https://github.com/nemomobile/libqofono/pull/8516:09
kenvandinejgdx: i think you have some magic for dealing with that scenario, this might help16:10
ogra_nik90, oh ?16:16
nik90ogra_: just a ubuntu-on-air viewer claiming you're one of the friendliest ubuntu-devs out there :D....I know rite, what was he thinking :P16:17
charlesseb128, mdeslaur, looking now16:28
charlesmdeslaur, 2015-06-02?! :(16:29
old_benzJust reporting back here.  I have a late revision Nexus 7 (shipped with Android 5) that I have not been able to install Ubuntu Touch on.  I was able to downgrade the bootloader and install a factory 4.4 image, which worked.16:38
old_benzI'm seeing the exact same this referenced here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/674179/ubuntu-device-flash-fails-on-nexus-7-2013-android-5-0-2-cant-copy-image-to16:39
old_benzI "believe" the issue is that the CWM recovery shipped with Ubuntu Touch fails to find the block devices to install on16:39
old_benzIn fact, I have only found one working recovery for this device posted on XDA, however I haven't found the sources for it16:40
old_benzany pointers?16:42
old_benzHere's the relevant thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/nexus-7-2013/nexus-7-2013-qa/mount-recovery-t306456216:45
old_benzis it possible to push Ubuntu Touch without a custom recovery?16:51
old_benzI used fastboot flash to flash boot, recovery, and userdata, but the tablet was stuck on the Google logo16:52
old_benzie. wouldn't boot system from 'userdata'16:52
seb128charles, thanks for looking16:53
mdeslaurthanks charles!16:53
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kenvandineElleo, how do you feel about adding readonly a convenience property which can be used to get the title, useful for setting the page title yourself?16:56
kenvandineElleo, ^^ like that16:56
davmor2old_benz: Install android 4.4, login into that system once that activates everything, then drop the device into fastboot mode, and run,  ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/ubuntu --bootstrap,  this will then take a long while for the initial flash and startup but then should be good16:57
old_benzdavmor2: you think that should work?  I just found the TWRP patch: https://github.com/Tasssadar/android_kernel_google_msm/commit/0f7854f7c9fa23651a904f77675518038e85ce6716:58
old_benzwas going to ask for UT CWM sources to check if you have this commit16:58
kenvandineElleo, i don't love the idea, but it's nice to be able to set the title to something consistent16:58
davmor2old_benz: Yeap that should work16:58
kenvandinei tested it with address-book-app and showTitle: false16:58
old_benzwill run today and report back.  thank you!16:59
popeyold_benz: thats the way I do it too16:59
old_benzthank you guys! sounds promising16:59
old_benzdavmor2: so this assumes the user has downgraded the boot image?17:02
old_benzdavmor2: since out of the box this tablet refuses to run 4.417:02
seb128charles, thanks for the review. Do you think you can organize a landing for that? if you do can you get the "start the right settings under unity8" change included as well?17:03
charlesseb128, sure17:04
seb128charles, thanks17:04
davmor2old_benz: https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/images#razor comes with 4.3 as the earliest setup17:06
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
* tathhu tries to get ssh for rpi w/out hdmi17:08
tathhulawl wrong channel17:08
jgdxkenvandine, I think the magic we have is largely removed as that bug was fixed.17:09
old_benzdavmor2: that's true, but later revisions of the table have a bootloader that refuses to boot anything prior to 5 (without a new boot.img flashed)17:09
davmor2old_benz: if you download the 4.4 from there it will give you a flash all command just do that again it take a while but if you follow the instructions here https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ubuntu-for-devices/reinstalling-android/17:09
jgdxkenvandine, the magic was kept for the one interface in libqofono that hasn't been migrated to the new qofono base object (mtksettings).17:09
old_benzdavmor2: going to try...17:09
kenvandinejgdx: great, that PR just rang bells17:09
jgdxbut it's awesome that the valid flag now works, as IIRC it didn't17:09
tathhuold_benz: refuses to run 4.4? nexus 7 2013? w00t17:16
* tathhu should flash ubuntu to n7 17:16
old_benztathhu: yes, the latest N7's that come with Android 5 will not boot a 4.4 factory image17:16
old_benzwithout a modified boot.img17:17
tathhu(at repair they flashed 4.3 on to mine every time?????? like wtf :D)17:18
old_benzI'm guessing I'm gonna have to get the UT source and patch the recovery myself17:21
Elleokenvandine: yeah, I'd be okay with that17:34
kenvandineElleo, thx17:38
zzarr_hello! have the problem with invisible mouse cursor when connecting a bluetooth mouse been fixed?17:39
zzarr_and if, will it be available in next OTA release?17:40
pmcgowanbarry, you about?17:46
barrypmcgowan: yep17:48
pmcgowanbarry, user on the mailing list has an empty channel.ini file after a faulty update17:49
pmcgowanwondering what we can do to gather logs and then to restore him to working17:49
barrypmcgowan: is this related to LP: #1495688?17:50
ubot5Launchpad bug 1495688 in system-image (Ubuntu) "system-image-cli tool fails on rolling/edge; missing file '/etc/system-image/config.d/00_default.ini" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149568817:50
pmcgowanbarry, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image/+bug/149520717:51
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1495207 in Canonical System Image "BQ E4.5 (r24): after fine update to r25 system is reported as r-1 and as "never" updated" [Undecided,New]17:51
pmcgowanso doesnt seem related to me17:52
barrypmcgowan: probably not, but it's suspicious.  just want to verify that this is system-image 3.0, right?  it probably is because of the config.d directory17:53
pmcgowanbarry, but how would his channel.ini file become empty?17:54
barrypmcgowan: yeah, it shouldn't :/17:54
pmcgowanI assume he is on latest stable17:54
pmcgowanbut we cant tell since thats in channel17:54
barryright.  that's messed up.  no idea how that could be happening17:55
pmcgowanbarry, he has two bq phones so he can put a correct channel.ini in there, but then how to make sure he is at the right rev17:55
barrypmcgowan: hang on17:55
kenvandinezzarr_, there's a fix, but not landed yet.  I'm not sure when that'll be in an OTA, hopefully soon17:55
barrypmcgowan: do you know when the phone adopted s-i 3.0?  it was on 2.5.1 for a long while.  is this a recent change?  maybe there's a bug in the upgrade process?17:56
kenvandinepmcgowan, that sounds like the problem asac was talking about earlier17:56
pmcgowanbarry, not sure17:56
barrypmcgowan: that would be really good to know17:57
pmcgowanbarry, oh its still 2.5.117:58
pmcgowanwhy didnt we update that?17:58
barrypmcgowan: then why is there a config.d directory?  that's a si 3.0 thing17:58
pmcgowanbarry, I just checked on my mx4 and its 2.5.1 and I have the config.d17:59
kenvandinebarry, i just checked on my krillin too, same17:59
barrypmcgowan: idk.  i vaguely remember discussions about this. 3.0 is mostly for snappy, but it has some things that could be seful for the phone.  i think it's a matter of being overly conservative and never getting around to it17:59
kenvandinewith /etc/system-image/config.d17:59
barrymy bq has been busted for a long while.  i should try to reflash it and see if it happens to me18:00
kenvandinenot owned by any package18:00
kenvandinethe files in it18:00
kenvandineso must come from the custom tarball18:01
barryyeah, that's very strange18:01
pmcgowanmaybe to have same custom tarball for vivid and wily?18:01
pmcgowansomeone fixed something?18:01
barrythat's a possiblility18:02
kenvandinelrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14 Sep 15 12:13 01_channel.ini -> ../channel.ini18:02
kenvandinelrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Sep 15 12:13 00_default.ini -> ../client.ini18:02
kenvandineso they are just links18:02
pmcgowanbut it seems benign18:02
barryright, but 2.5.1 shouldn't even look in config.d18:02
pmcgowanbarry, not sure it does18:03
pmcgowannot sure what that other bug was running18:03
pmcgowanthis bug is just complaining about an empty channel.ini18:03
barrypmcgowan: okay, let's ignore that other bug then for now, and the mystery of config.d18:03
barrypmcgowan: yeah, i don't know how channel.ini could get corrupted or zeroed18:04
pmcgowanbarry, how do you suggest he recovers? put in a good file then do a -b 0?18:06
barrypmcgowan: but channel.ini is by default just coming from the binary package, so if they haven't modified it, you can probably just grab it from there and install it.  it's channel.ini that has all the interesting device/channel specific stuff18:06
pmcgowanbarry, so just at-get the package? which one18:08
pmcgowanthen how to ensure he has all the bits he needs18:08
barrypmcgowan: it should be in system-image-common and he just needs the channel.ini file from the unpacked .deb18:08
* barry is pretty sure that would fix it18:08
kenvandinedpkg-query: no path found matching pattern /etc/system-image/channel.ini18:09
pmcgowanbarry, he can copy it from his other phone which may be easier for him18:09
pmcgowanyeah I saw that too18:09
kenvandineclient.ini comes from system-image-common18:09
pmcgowanwe must override it in the build?18:09
kenvandinechannel.ini does get changed when the device upgrades, maybe something happened during update that caused it to fail to write the file back out18:10
barrypmcgowan: oh sorry, i think i've been confused.  yes, channel.ini needs to be channel/device specific.  *client.ini* is the default18:10
pmcgowanbarry, I think he should get a good channel.ini then tell it to reflash the entire image18:10
barrybut it's channel.ini the bug says got zeroed out18:10
pmcgowanwhats the s-i-c command to do a full image18:11
barrykenvandine: possibly a bug in recovery?  that's what applies the updates18:11
kenvandinedunno, just speculation18:11
kenvandinecan't see when else that file could get emptied18:11
pmcgowanthis is the first time we hear of such a thing18:11
barrykenvandine: unless the user did something deliberate18:13
kenvandineit sounds like the same thing happened to asac, which is what scares me18:13
kenvandinehe was complaining about this like an hour ago in #phablet18:13
ogra_kenvandine, he cant fire you, no worries18:13
kenvandinejust sounds like we might have 2 people that hit this18:14
kenvandineis r25 ota-6?18:15
pmcgowankenvandine, why do you think its the same? he says he has r25 so he must have that file18:15
kenvandineor ota-5?18:15
barrykenvandine: that's scary indeed if true18:16
pmcgowanI meant to make a decoder ring18:16
kenvandinepmcgowan, not sure... just sounds like a similar issue since he can't get updates18:16
kenvandineit must be ota-618:18
kenvandinebug 149520718:18
ubot5bug 1495207 in system-image (Ubuntu) "BQ E4.5 (r24): after fine update to r25 system is reported as r-1 and as "never" updated" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149520718:18
kenvandinethere shouldn't actually be an update past that, so maybe asac isn't hitting a bug at all18:19
pmcgowankenvandine, I have a bad feeling, I am seeing messages indicating both ota5 and 6 are r2518:19
kenvandinedon't we have some table some where referencing channels and revisions for releases?18:20
kenvandinei know i've never seen one, but hopes it exists :)18:20
mcphailI'm 90% sure OTA5 wasn't r2518:21
pmcgowanno I was going to make one18:21
pmcgowanota6 certainly shows as r2518:21
kenvandinei'm thinking r25 must be ota618:21
pmcgowanit is on my bq18:21
kenvandineaccording to that bug they had just gotten that update18:21
mcphailI was doing a bit of channel surfing when rc-proposed was r26 and was disappointed when OTA6 only incremented me to r25. But it _was_ an increment18:22
kenvandinethat sounds wrong too18:23
kenvandinerc-proposed revisions climb much faster than stable18:23
pmcgowanthe release note shows versions and ota5 was r2418:23
kenvandinepmcgowan, ah... the decoder ring :)18:23
mcphailkenvandine: maybe it wasn't rc-proposed, but it was some non-stock channel18:24
pmcgowaneach channel is at a different number its maddening18:24
kenvandinesays 2518:24
kenvandineso that makes sense18:24
pmcgowanso thats settled18:24
kenvandineso asac shouldn't be seeing updates...18:24
pmcgowanbarry, never answered my question on how that user should proceed? I guess he can just fix the channel.ini18:25
ogra_pmcgowan, once you have 100 devices with 20 channnels each you will cover all numbers from 1-1000 at least :)18:25
pmcgowanI have a bug to show the ota number on the main revision, like 15.04.618:25
pmcgowanbut thta woud be too logical18:26
ogra_yeah, stop complicating things18:26
pmcgowankenvandine, we should just do that18:26
kenvandinewe need to get that info from somewhere though18:26
kenvandinemaybe add a release property to system-image-dbus18:27
kenvandinethat we tag for releases18:27
barrypmcgowan: the problem with channel.ini is that it's device/channel specific, so you can't just grab it from anywhere.  if he has a duplicate model and he wants to stay on the same channel, then he could grab it from there.  otherwise, you'll have to unpack the update that corresponds to what the device *should* be at, and then get the channel.ini from there18:28
kenvandine15.04.6 for tagged ota6 and 15.04.6~ for revisions between 15.04.5 and 15.04.618:28
pmcgowanbarry, he has an indentical one for himself, this is his wife's18:28
barrykenvandine: si-dbus does have an interface for giving a bunch of information (basically parsing out the ini files)18:29
barrypmcgowan: that will probably do it18:29
kenvandinebarry, yeah, we use that in settings to display this type of info18:29
pmcgowanbarry, in cae, shat is the incantation to reload the entire image18:29
barrypmcgowan: you mean, do a full update?18:30
pmcgowanso he can be sure he has all the latest18:30
barry`system-image-cli -b 0` should do the trick.  that forces the device to think it's at build 0 so it will force a full update to the latest revision18:30
pmcgowanright thought so thanks18:30
pmcgowanbarry, that needs a sudo yes?18:32
barrypmcgowan: yep18:32
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mcphailDoes anyone agree that if you select "delete" on an SMS or dekko notification, the message should be deleted (rather than just the notification)? If so, where should I file a bug?18:43
tathhuNo. :P18:43
mcphailtathhu: grr :)18:43
tathhuAtleast not by default :P18:44
mcphailtathhu: I don't mean the "clear all" button. I mean dragging the notification to the right and selecting "delete". Surely "delete" should "delete", otherwise it should be named "hide"?18:45
tathhuAhh.. :D18:45
mcphail(that's what my android phone does, and it is very convenient)18:46
* ogra_ votes for renaming18:46
mcphailogra_: but then you have to unlock the phone to delte spam email18:46
ogra_nah, i have a server that deletes it before it reaches me ;)18:47
DanChapmanYou would have to unlock the phone anyway to bring dekko to the foreground so it can delete it18:47
mcphailDanChapman: no way to "cache" the deltes soo they happen automagically when dekko is next brought to foreground?18:47
zzarr_kenvandine, thanks,18:48
kenvandinezzarr_, np18:48
zzarr_opps, I got an extra ","18:49
mcphailDanChapman: btw, I think it is fair to say I get notified about a selection of my emails, rather than all of them. Can't work out why, though.18:51
DanChapmanmcphail: if they were cached you would be relying on the UID's not changing between sessions. Which they are not guaranteed to persist.18:53
mcphailaah. shame18:54
pmcgowankenvandine, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1F36EeZbS3Gzqq_tivKZHyoLDCOxT1TPh0vubhvWJafI/edit#heading=h.e8455ywmlctg18:56
kenvandinepmcgowan, woot, that'll prove very useful :)18:56
DanChapmanmcphail: ahh yes the notifications aren't yet clever enough to figure out new mail that arrived during periods of no connection.19:00
mcphailDanChapman: tbh, it can miss a notification at any time19:01
mcphailDanChapman: I can set up a job to spam my phone with emails every few seconds, and only occasional clusters get through. No idea why19:02
mcphailSorry, not "get through". Rather "raise notification"19:03
mcphail(but it is nice to get notifications at all - definite improvement :) )19:04
DanChapmanmcphail: not seen that before. I'll look into it :-)19:04
mcphailDanChapman: cheers!19:04
old_benzdavmor2: same issue, 2015/09/15 12:20:30 error pushing: failed to copy '/home/dima/.cache/ubuntuimages/ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/ubuntu/flo/version-239.tar.xz' to '/cache/recovery/': Is a directory19:22
old_benzrunning your command from earlier today19:22
old_benzthis is on a N7 downgraded to 4.4 with a modded boot.img19:23
old_benzCan someone link me to the source of the CWM UT recovery?19:24
bkchrHi, how can I use surfaceflinger instead of mir? Is there a configuration option?20:31
popeywe used to support that but I don't think we do anymore, kgunn may know20:34
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kgunnbkchr: right, that option doesn't exist20:45
bkchrkgunn: okay, so if my mir is dying with exceptions, I need to compile it for myself?20:48
kgunnbkchr: can you explain a little what you're doing ?20:51
kgunnlike what hw? are you using our image?20:52
bkchrI'm trying to port a caf kernel to my Oneplus One.20:59
bkchrhttp://pastebin.com/wYJijmWE That's the error I get.21:00
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kgunnbkchr: ah yeah...interesting enough, we just ran across an abi break from that same chip vendor....i wonder if this is the same21:12
kgunnkdub: ^21:12
kgunnbkchr: fwiw, yes, we did just to verify...have to rebuild mir against the driver we were working with, so you might want to as well21:12
kgunnwe shouldn't have to, but then again chip vendors aren't really looking out for abi breaks for downstream binary users :)21:13
bkchrOkay ;)21:20
vitimitiAre there any plans on adding the ability to download files (at least on desktop) for the Ubuntu web browser?21:52
faenilvitimiti: I'm quite sure I've seen some design about that21:55
vitimitifaenil, I see, that's good21:55
bkchrkgunn: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Testing/Mir is this guide still valid?22:00
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kgunnbkchr: yes it should be22:08
kgunnbkchr: is that webpage loading for you? it's not for me...22:08
faenilvitimiti: not sure about the implementation side ofi t22:11
vitimitifaenil, if it can download stuff, even if it's just to the Downloads directory, I'm fine with it. As of now it opens the download page in Firefox, which is a workaround, but annoying22:12
faenilvitimiti: I haven't tried the desktop version yet :)22:13
bkchrkgunn: Yeah the website is loading for me. But it seams that I should need to upgrade to willy22:13
faenilvitimiti: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/webbrowser-app/+bug/135439122:15
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1354391 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "[browser] Can't download random files" [High,In progress]22:15
kgunnbkchr: well...hang on22:15
vitimitifaenil, thank you22:15
kgunnbkchr: if you're on a phone...i assume you're using our vivid release plus the stable-phone-overlay ?22:16
kgunnthis is what is used in building all our images22:16
kgunnas wily is a bit of a wild ride lately22:16
kgunnyou can get the src for mir from either the tarball in the ppa22:16
kgunnor from lp:mir/0.1522:16
* faenil is off to bed, good night people o/22:17
kgunnbkchr: ok....and that wiki isn't right, it is rather old, sorry i said ok...22:18
kgunnbkchr: what you're probably looking for is22:18
kgunnthis one https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mir/GetInvolved22:19
kgunnactually the "hacking mir"22:20
bkchrkgunn: stable-phone-overlay whats that? :D I'm using a vivid image, but it's all hacky at the moment22:21
kgunnbkchr: right if you have a recent image...and you go look at /etc/apt/source.list.d/ you should see an "extras-ppa.list" there22:22
kgunnthat lists this ppa22:23
kgunnwhich is this https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/stable-phone-overlay22:23
bkchrOkay, that's not there :D22:23
kgunnbkchr: just to make sure i understand...you're working on a phone right ? oneplus one?22:24
kgunnand using an image from our image server ?22:24
kgunncan i ask what image channel you used ?22:24
kgunnbkchr: and i have to admit...i'm not completely familiar with how somebody goes about porting and pulling apart all the primordial bits :)22:25
bkchrkgunn:  Yeah I'm working on the phone, but I used an image from mariogrip who already ported the aosp kernel to the oneplus one ;) Maybe i should update to one of your images22:25
kgunnbkchr: ah...yeah...might be. he probably just based off an older image some time in history22:26
kgunnobviously before 14.04 was released...we were just plain old vivid22:26
bkchrkgunn: It took me a lot of work and trying to get it all working. So the image wasn't so important^^22:27
kgunnwhen wily got cranked up, and we wanted new phone features..but not to step fwd onto wily...the stable overlay was created22:27
kgunnso in reality, i think you can just add that ppa to your sources list and update....22:28
kgunnif you're on vivid22:28
kgunnunsure how old your vivid is..22:28
bkchryeah it's an vivid22:29
kgunnbkchr: and actually...now that you say this...you will get a very modern mir doing that22:29
bkchrkgunn: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/vivid/daily-preinstalled/current/ , could I use the vivid-preinstalled-touch-armhf.tar.gz image?22:29
kgunnbkchr: on your device if you do apt-cache policy libmirserver* what does it say is installed ?22:29
bkchrkgunn: http://pastebin.com/X3GV68ec that's the output22:30
kgunnah... bkchr you're not completely old in terms of mir....we just moved to 15.1 from 14.122:32
kgunnin fact i think that means you're on the latest "stable"22:32
kgunnota6 image22:33
kgunnbkchr: that's even more dirty laundry....we have that "stable-phone-overlay" that we use on the rc-proposed images...and we take a "snapshot" for stable release...hence "ci-train-ppa-service/stable-snapshot/"22:34
mariogripI use system-images now, so some of the tarballs might be old yeah22:34
kgunnmariogrip: yeah, but if you're on stable...that's not really what i would call "old"22:35
kgunnso bkchr i don't think you need to upgrade or anything, prolly just a rebuild to get past that hwcomposer issue22:36
kgunnbkchr: and you can also join #ubuntu-mir on freenode and ping if you hit issue with builds and what not there...22:36
kgunnwe have 2 dudes in australia...so someone should anwer22:37
mariogripThe system image issnt old, but the tarballs for using rootstock installer is old22:37
kgunnhey i need to jump off for a bit..feel free to ping, nice chatting o/22:38
bkchrkgunn: thx for your help ;)22:38
mariogripHi bkchr, how's plasma working on the one?22:41
bkchrI didn't tried much of it ;) Just installed it and played a little bit. I would say, all that was working on ubuntu also worked on plasma.22:43
bkchrbut it's much more unstable :D22:43
mariogripYeah, I haven't got time to try it out yet. But I got some solid progress on cellular on the one, and I also gonna start porting to the OnePlus two :D22:44
bkchrYeah, I follow your topic ;) I'm willed to help :D I'm also using some of your stuff with the cyanogenmod kernel.22:46
elimiste1eHas anyone collected any data on the most-desired Ubuntu Phone apps (that don't yet exist)?22:51
elimiste1eas in, which apps are stopping people from switching?22:52
mariogripbkchr: That would be awesome. We need more developers at ubports if we want to reach our goal :D22:53
elimiste1ewhich goal?22:55
elimiste1e"to port Ubuntu Touch to as many devices as possible"?22:58
mariogripJup! :D22:58
elimiste1ecool :-)23:00
OerHekselimiste1e, you might want to check sturmfluts blog http://sturmflut.github.io/ubuntu/2015/06/27/ubuntu-app-scope-wishlist-june-2015/23:00
elimiste1eDoes anyone know why Canonical's Ubuntu Phone apps are closed source?23:03
elimiste1ethanks OerHeks, that looks handy23:03
elimiste1elike https://uappexplorer.com/app/com.canonical.scopes.tasks is closed source, for example23:09
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cwayneelimisteve: that's a bug that it's listed as closed source, source lives here: https://code.launchpad.net/task-app23:17
elimistevethanks cwayne23:19
cwaynenp, that's probably the case for a lot of them tbh23:20

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