
teddy-dbearMorning peoples, critters and everything else12:20
teddy-dbearWelcome back power twins ;-)12:21
lazypowerI thought we got those modes set to where it takes an implicit action to become op18:38
ChinnoDogI need to learn Ruby21:07
ChinnoDogoverride.vm.network :private_network, :ip => ""21:07
ChinnoDogWhat is that? A function call? A hash of a hash? I'm not sure.21:08
jthanChinnoDog: Puppet? Lol21:56
ChinnoDogThat is part of my Vagrant configuration22:00
ChinnoDogI'm trying to read my private network IP out of the vagrant configuration but I don't know how.22:00
waltmanChinnoDog: If you already know perl or python, ruby's not hard to pick up.22:07
jthanwaltman: Really?22:12
* jthan is very afraid of ruby 22:13
jthanI don't know.. I guess I'm more afraid of perl, too.22:13
jthannot too22:13
* jthan needs a nap 22:13
* jthan shuts up before he denounces something he actually likes or something22:13
waltmanruby's kind of the bastard stepchild of perl and python22:20

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