
sakrezzzZZzso i have done everything, but i get a fatal error debuild -S -sa14:10
sakrezzzZZzdpkg-buildpackage: error: dpkg-source -b scribus-ubuntu gave error exit status 214:11
sakrezzzZZzdebuild: fatal error at line 1374:14:11
sakrezzzZZzdpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -d -us -uc -S -sa failed14:11
sakrezzzZZzand uploading to ppa failed too14:12
sakrezzzZZzNot a .changes file.14:12
sakrezzzZZzPlease select a .changes file to upload.14:12
sakrezzzZZzi will be arround today during the afternoon hoping someone can give me a little guidance... :)14:13
=== sakrezzzZZz is now known as sakrecoer
sakrecoerpatch: **** Only garbage was found in the patch input. 14:18
sakrecoer:'C :D14:18
cubThe ctrl-alt-t for terminal disappeared some time ago, several releases ago. I don't remember the reason either but I think it was something with xfce new shortcuts. Hopefully OvenWerks will find out from the Xubuntu team, they might remember.19:59
cubAnyhow, I sort of went off grid again. I'm quite involved with networks helping refugees arriving to Europe and Sweden and it seems it will not lighten up anytime soon, quite the contrary. I'll keep reading the logs when I can, but don't expect to get much time to continue my ideas on PR stuff and meetings. 20:01
cubAt least not in while.20:02
cubSo, g'nite people!20:02
OvenWerkscub: sakrecoer: I can add ctrl/alt/t quite easily locally. This adds a line to ~/.config/xfce4/xconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts.xml <property name="&lt;Primary&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;t" type="string" value="exo-open --launch TerminalEmulator"/>21:33
OvenWerksI think we should be able to just add this to /etc/xdg/xdg-ubuntustudio/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts.xml21:35
OvenWerksI will try it here (and create a new user to check) when I have time. This would go into our -settings package.21:36
OvenWerksThere may be another systemwide shortcut that takes presedence though...21:37
OvenWerksTry FX86TERM or something like that... nope I was wrong on that too. I'll try adding it.21:39
OvenWerksOK, Yes adding that line to the system file above make c/a/t open terminals for a new user. (Not quite, I changed "Primary" to "Control") Then when I logged in as me and wnet to the Application shortcuts in settings... there is a "Reset to Defaults" that added C/A/t to my shortcuts as well.21:57
OvenWerksholstein: Cub, zequence, sakrecoer and anyone else, do we want C/A/t opens terminal enabled? If so I will add it.21:58
* OvenWerks figures there are at least two yes votes already :)21:58

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