=== petersaints_ is now known as petersaints [10:38] git url? [10:38] hey guys* [10:39] i'm following http://sourceforge.net/p/lxde/_list/git [10:39] which looks empty [10:39] sourceforge?! nope [10:39] links old then [10:39] github? [10:40] found it [10:40] thx [10:40] sure, I never worked on SF :D [10:40] GIT [10:41] yeah im new, so looks like the link here is old: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Developers [10:41] under LXDE Development [10:41] thanks, I¡ll have to change it [10:41] *I'll [10:42] https://github.com/lxde [10:43] got it :) [10:46] anyway, wulfgarpro, some parts are in bazaar [10:46] artwork, for instance [10:47] yeah, i've seen that [10:47] okies :) === brenda_ is now known as ianorlin [23:03] hey guys [23:03] what's the diff between lubuntu-dev and lubuntu-desktop on launchpad? [23:03] i want to work on features but I'm only a member of lubuntu-desktop [23:03] wulfgarpro: -dev is wqhere you'll find up to date ppas :) [23:04] wxl: how do I get a member invite? [23:04] wulfgarpro: don't need one to access the ppas [23:07] wxl: where's the wiki page on how you guys work? what's the process of working on blueprints? [23:07] wulfgarpro: hwo exactly would you like to contribute? [23:07] wulfgarpro: is your intention to actually supply code? [23:07] wxl: pick up something from here: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/~lubuntu-dev and work on it [23:08] wxl: yeah, code [23:08] wulfgarpro: comfortable with c++, gtk, qt? [23:08] wxl: yah [23:09] wulfgarpro: i'll run you up the flagpole. :) julien (gilir) is head of development, so he's the right person to talk to but is rarely on [23:09] wxl: less comfortable with trying to join the project from the outside [23:09] wulfgarpro: can you email a reminder to wxl@ubuntu.com? that will give me some contact info so i can get back to you. wiki/lp links would be nice. [23:09] wxl: ok, I sent him an email yesterday requesting access to the launchpad group [23:10] wxl: ok, im new to launchpad etc, so things might be light [23:10] wulfgarpro: while we wait to talk to him, you may want to sort through bugs and look for fixes [23:10] wulfgarpro: that';s fine. as long as there's something :) [23:11] wxl: 2 questions [23:11] wxl: is the lubuntu code on github? [23:11] wulfgarpro: well, yeah, that's where it gets confusing [23:11] because what is lubuntu? [23:11] wxl: exactly [23:11] wxl: isn't it ubuntu with lxde? [23:12] lubuntu = minimal ubuntu (no apps) + lxde + some special picked applications [23:12] wxl: yeah [23:12] so if you're talking about the lubuntu-specific stuff then you're not talking about minimal ubuntu [23:12] the UPSTREAM lxde code is on github now. [23:12] afaik upstream fixes flow through debian down to ubuntu fairly easily [23:13] wxl: ok, question 2 [23:13] but we're still working on getting access for the latest development branch which is lxqt [23:13] e.g. lxde - gtk + qt [23:13] wxl: kk [23:13] (by access i mean having sponsors in debian) [23:13] debian stuff is autosynced to ubuntu afaik [23:14] there are a few items (lubuntu-software-center, e.g.) that are entirely on lp, and for that you would need bzr [23:14] wxl: where are bugs reported then? [23:14] wulfgarpro: bugs are reported to lp and then forwarded upstream [23:15] wxl: I see 2 bugs from 2014 on lo [23:15] lp* [23:15] yeah… [23:15] we are a small team unfortunately [23:15] lxterminal and policykit-1 [23:15] so if i were you, i would find bugs that you can fix easily [23:16] see if you can fix them upstream and if so, submit them [23:16] easy that :) [23:16] wxl: unreported bugs [23:16] wxl: thanks for the info :) [23:19] OH [23:19] then report them wulfgarpro ! [23:20] wxl: no sorry, I mean find unreported bugs [23:20] oh no! [23:21] wxl: as per your suggestion to "find bugs" [23:21] i mean reported and unresolved bugs [23:22] wxl: well, thanks a total of 2, or do you mean work on upstream bugs? i.e. debian/ubuntu [23:22] wulfgarpro: oh there should be some there. [23:22] wxl: can you pls link me? [23:23] wulfgarpro: usu. if you join https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-packaging you'll get updates on bugs [23:24] there's https://bugs.launchpad.net/~lubuntu-packaging [23:25] here's the qt stuff (mostly) https://bugs.launchpad.net/lubuntu-next [23:25] wxl: I see, im confused as to the seperation of the teams and lp groups [23:25] yeah lp can be a little weird at times [23:26] lubuntu-packaging means to collect bugs related to lubuntu [23:26] if you join it you'll get updates on bugs related to any package in lubuntu [23:26] for example, lxterminal, but also transmission-gtk [23:26] wxl: yeah, this is better [23:26] (so it might not be specific to lubuntu but it should affect lubuntu) [23:27] wxl: ill join these groups [23:27] lubuntu-dev should collect development work [23:27] wulfgarpro: i really appreciate your interest in contributing. if i can be of any further help, do not hesitate to find me here or email me [23:27] we need more devs! [23:28] wxl: is there better documentation on the segregation of the lp pages/groups and how they all interact? [23:28] wxl: would def help noobs coming in [23:28] i agree [23:29] wxl: if it's missing I could write it up [23:29] wxl: once i understand haha [23:29] sounds good :) [23:29] as i said we're a small team, wulfgarpro