=== daker_ is now known as daker | ||
belkinsa | ahoneybun, any word for funding for OpenHelp? | 02:15 |
ahoneybun | I can't make it | 02:15 |
belkinsa | Bummer. | 02:16 |
ahoneybun | I can't take the time | 02:16 |
ahoneybun | yea major | 02:16 |
belkinsa | Maybe next year? | 02:16 |
ahoneybun | maybe | 02:16 |
ahoneybun | but then I have to pick OpenHelp or FOSSETCON again | 02:16 |
belkinsa | Do OpenHelp next year and switch off every other year if you liked it. | 02:17 |
ahoneybun | yea true | 02:18 |
ahoneybun | this year had to FOSSETCON as I have made promises | 02:18 |
ahoneybun | and already had the funding | 02:18 |
ahoneybun | plus my friend is speaking | 02:18 |
belkinsa | Who? mhall119? | 02:18 |
ahoneybun | no a friend who I got to speak as a keynote | 02:19 |
belkinsa | Ah | 02:19 |
ahoneybun | I know the guy behind fossetcon | 02:19 |
* mhall119 pictures ahoneybun having RMS on speed-dial and just hanging out with him | 02:19 | |
ahoneybun | nah | 02:20 |
ahoneybun | I want to show him the RMS Ubuntu Touch app XD | 02:20 |
mhall119 | heh | 02:20 |
mhall119 | Stallboard | 02:20 |
ahoneybun | mhall119: I'm going to make it to the catchup btw | 02:20 |
ahoneybun | it is on a day that I'm off thankfully | 02:20 |
mhall119 | great, it's so hard to get everybody together at the same day and time, but we should at least have a pretty good turnough | 02:21 |
mhall119 | turnout | 02:21 |
ahoneybun | I'm not sure how many are making it but at least half the KC will try | 02:22 |
mhall119 | I think we'll have 2 or 3 from the CC there | 02:22 |
ahoneybun | mhall119: I just made a Ubuntu Touch blogpost | 02:22 |
ahoneybun | http://usefoss.com/index.php/2015/09/16/converting-to-ubuntu-touch/ | 02:23 |
mhall119 | ahoneybun: nice | 02:24 |
mhall119 | the Google ecosystem lock-in is going to be hard for us to break | 02:25 |
ahoneybun | if not impossible | 02:26 |
ahoneybun | tbh | 02:26 |
ahoneybun | I've really meant to try GPS | 02:27 |
ahoneybun | but I've heard it did not work well on the N4 | 02:27 |
mhall119 | I haven't had any success with GPS stuff on my N4 | 02:28 |
mhall119 | I generally get accurate data these days, but it doesn't update | 02:28 |
mhall119 | GPS and cwayne's activity tracker both fail to update within about a minute | 02:28 |
ahoneybun | that is the top thing for me as I travel a bit for events | 02:28 |
mhall119 | I've been told that the Bq and Meizu phones don't have this problem | 02:29 |
ahoneybun | installing the sdk breaks my kubuntu machines so I've stayed away from dev mhall119 | 02:46 |
dholbach | good morning | 06:21 |
elacheche | Morning LoCos!!! :) | 07:52 |
Kilos | morning all | 07:59 |
=== czajkows1i is now known as czajkowski | ||
hades29 | bonjour | 11:18 |
elacheche | Bonjour hades29 :) | 11:18 |
hades29 | je cherche un renseignement a propos de ubuntu-gnome | 11:19 |
elacheche | OK :) peut être je peux aider | 11:19 |
hades29 | peut etre :) | 11:19 |
elacheche | Go ahead and ask hades29 :) | 11:19 |
hades29 | j'ai graver le fichiers iso pour avoir un disque bootable | 11:20 |
hades29 | ensuite il y a des erreurs qui surviennent | 11:20 |
elacheche | Tu dois vérfiier 2 choses.. si le fichier ISO est le bon ISO :) → md5sum check | 11:21 |
elacheche | Et verifer que t'as un bon CD/DVD → ou utiliser un USB c'est mieux :) | 11:21 |
hades29 | comment comparer le md5sum avec " l'oficiel | 11:23 |
elacheche | Un instant :) | 11:23 |
hades29 | officiel* | 11:23 |
elacheche | T'as téléchargé quel ISO? | 11:23 |
elacheche | passe moi le nom du fichier :) | 11:23 |
hades29 | ubuntu-gnome-15.04-desktop-amd64.iso | 11:25 |
hades29 | actuellement je telecharge la version 14.04 amd64 | 11:26 |
elacheche | hades29, t'es sur Winfdows actuellemnt? | 11:26 |
hades29 | oui | 11:26 |
elacheche | utilise http://winmd5.com/ pour trouver le md5sum de ton ISO | 11:27 |
elacheche | Après compare le md5sum avec la valeur dans le lien http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-gnome/releases/15.04/release/MD5SUMS | 11:27 |
elacheche | Tu peux faire même chose pour 14.04 :) | 11:27 |
elacheche | Je recommande que tu grave le ISO sur un USB http://unetbootin.github.io/ de cette façon tu peux re-créer le USB bootable si tu utilise un mauvais ISO :) | 11:28 |
elacheche | hades29, T'as pas visité #ubuntu-fr ? | 11:28 |
hades29 | j'ai pris le fichier 15.04 sur la page officiel | 11:29 |
hades29 | anglaise | 11:29 |
hades29 | resultat du test ..... not match :( | 11:30 |
elacheche | Re-telecharge le ISO :) | 11:30 |
* elacheche BRB | 11:30 | |
hades29 | brb !!! ? | 11:31 |
hades29 | qu'estce que tu entend par BRB ? | 11:46 |
elacheche | re | 12:11 |
mhall119 | ahoneybun: is that because you're running bleeding-edge KDE packages, or is there a conflict in stable packages? | 13:28 |
elacheche_anis | o/ all :) | 19:38 |
elacheche_anis | mhall119: You're arround? | 19:38 |
mhall119 | elacheche_anis: I am | 19:39 |
elacheche_anis | Oh! Hey! | 19:41 |
elacheche_anis | So, about the CC.. As I can understand all current CC will expire, so if we have all new CC members, who'll mentor the new members how to do things the right way? Or they are supposed to don't this that! | 19:43 |
elacheche_anis | mhall119: :) | 19:43 |
pleia2 | elacheche_anis: there are always several incumbents | 19:43 |
pleia2 | I've served 3 terms on the CC, not running again this time, but I'm sure some others will :) | 19:44 |
mhall119 | elacheche_anis: ^^ what pleia2 said, if existing members are re-elected there will be continuity. Also Mark is always going to be on the CC, so even if all the elected seats are filled by new people, he can guide them | 19:45 |
elacheche_anis | Awesome :D This way I can be more confortable thinking about applying x) :D | 19:46 |
mhall119 | elacheche_anis: also, it's not like we're all going to disappear from the community, you can always ask former members for advice | 19:47 |
elacheche_anis | I hate it when I need to learn everything by myself from scratch, especially community related stuff! I had that hard experience when I joined my LoCo leaders team.. | 19:47 |
elacheche_anis | Great thx mhall119 & pleia2 for the advice :D :) | 19:48 |
mhall119 | no problem :) | 19:48 |
elacheche_anis | Ah! BTW, MB members can apply too? | 19:48 |
elacheche_anis | :D | 19:48 |
mhall119 | any Ubuntu Member is eligible | 19:49 |
elacheche_anis | Great :) :) | 19:49 |
elacheche_anis | thx | 19:49 |
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