
=== leecowdrey__ is now known as leecowdrey_
mappmorning all06:25
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
* zmoylan-pi looks at watch... what time do you call this? :-)06:27
mappjust home from work:P06:30
MooDoomorning all07:19
mappsnarcos is so good07:38
mappsalmost finished e407:38
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
davmor2Morning all08:07
MooDoomorning davmor208:11
davmor2MooDoo: I got "forget you" stuck in my head this morning08:19
foobarryreplaces it with "fix you"08:19
davmor2foobarry: no that's the developers job I tend to "break you"08:20
knightwisehey peeps08:25
davmor2morning knightwise08:26
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davmor2morning czajkowski08:26
czajkowskidavmor2: howdy08:26
knightwisehey davmor2 czajkowski08:27
* knightwise remembers he needs to update his ubuntu phone08:29
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Guacamole Day! 😃08:54
davmor2JamesTait: http://holysmokesbatman.com/tracks/holy-guacamole.html08:57
JamesTaitdavmor2, it doesn't need to be holy. Just good, fresh guacamole will do.09:01
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:12
MooDoomorning brobostigon09:16
brobostigonmorning MooDoo09:18
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
selinuxiumHi all, Having a problam with an init.d script for an acient peice of odbc layer the work system uses. If I trigger the start command outside of scritp it works fine... But if I use the service to start it... Not so... Any ideas?13:19
davmor2JamesTait: Hang your head in shame, Yesterday was the 20th anniversary of the initial release of hackers and you gave us happy dot day ;)13:49
JamesTaitdavmor2, yeah, but "Happy Dot Day" is a bit less verbose than "Happy 20th Anniversary of the Release of the Movie Hackers".13:51
davmor2JamesTait: Happy Movie Hackers Day13:51
JamesTaitI don't hack movies.13:52
daftykinsCrash & Burn13:57
leecowdrey_ IMHO must admit most films/TV programmes are not worth the "hack"13:57
AzelphurWhelp this is gonna hurt my wallet, in one hour I'm going to buy 4 4k 40" monitors.13:59
Azelphur$2,123 >.<13:59
daftykinsi hope they're IPS for that low13:59
mappswhat the hell is going on13:59
Azelphurdaftykins: www.ebay.co.uk/itm/19168227754213:59
Azelphurgot a deal out of him since I'm buying 414:00
MyrttiMr. Robot14:00
popey+ VAT14:00
mappsbray properties,agents for apartment we were in for a year sent an email saying we need to get electric and water reconnected else we get £100 admin fee 85£ harge..WE'VE MOVED OUT..who leaves eectric and water connected when they've moved14:00
Azelphurpopey: yea if customs nabs me I'll probably have an extra ~£300 to pay :<14:00
popeyI doubt my laptop can even drive that display :)14:00
popeylet alone 214:00
mappsso they can 'clean' ...you have to get it cutoff to get connected elsewhere14:00
Azelphurpopey: putting 3 on my main PC (GTX 980) and one for the gf to use14:00
popeyyou're generous :)14:01
Azelphuramusingly £350 for a 40" TV is actually a very good price, and it's all round better than any TV I'm gonna buy anyway for her use case14:01
popey40" is huge for a desktop monitor tho14:01
Azelphurpopey: well, it's going in the office and we'll hook her xbox up to it and she can watch TV on it and stuff, want her to have something to do while she's here and I'm working :)14:01
popeygreat for that!14:02
AzelphurIndeed, and hook my laptop up to it too (GTX 970M) I imagine it could probably just about drive some 4k gaming14:02
bashrca 40" monitor?14:02
Azelphurbashrc: 4 of them :P14:03
bashrcthat would be great for flight simulators14:03
daftykinsdoesn't really answer my questions that ebay page, ah well14:08
Azelphurdaftykins: maybe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o553bTyFElQ will?14:09
Azelphur(Tek Syndicate \o/)14:09
daftykinseh, effort :)14:10
Myrttimy XPS 13 9333 really hates the 3.19.0-29 kernel, it seems14:40
Myrttior something that's happened in the past few days updates14:40
daftykinsseen tonnes of folk have issues with -29, over in #ubuntu14:40
daftykinsseems one to be avoided :>14:41
popeyAzelphur: that was an interesting video, pretty amazing display for the price14:41
Azelphurpopey: indeed, I'm hyped :)14:41
popeyi keep looking at my desk and thinking "I wonder if I could fit one on here"14:42
MyrttiI've rebooted twice today because laptop has just died14:42
Myrttiand returning from suspend, wifi is turned off14:42
Azelphurpopey: haha14:42
daftykinsi just caved and watched the vid too XD14:51
daftykinsi'm fortunate though, i own no equipment that'd drive that res :P14:51
popeyyeah, me either14:52
awilkinsAnother sinkhole in the Mancunian Way16:20
awilkinsI drove over that bit on Sunday16:20
diddledanawilkins: yey16:28
diddledanawilkins: bumpy bumpy16:28
diddledanis it a full-on sinkhole or more a pothole?16:29
awilkinsThat photo is the original hole though16:37
diddledanoh wow, it really is a full-on sinkhole!16:42
diddledanthat's amazeballs16:42
awilkinsIf you look at the Google Streetview pictures, they were taken the month before it opened up16:43
awilkinsYou can see the cracks forming in the road16:43
shaunoso google broke manchester?16:50
mappswhat is going on with my internet;[16:57
davmor2mapps: wibble16:58
mappsits super bad today16:58
mappsslow and oing down loads16:58
davmor2mapps: wibble17:03
davmor2mapps: without knowing the network you are on/the issues you are having it's kinda hard to judge17:04
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
shaunouff.  nothing more annoying than a server that doesn't finish shutting down18:14
zmoylan-pishutting down a windows system to run for a bus only for it to say installing updates? :-)18:17
shaunonah, ubuntu saying it's stopping kvm and then ... ?18:26
zmoylan-picopying files on windows and it stops at 99% for eternity18:27
daftykinsyou'd have to be quite the idiot with Windows to not know how to control updates :)18:49
zmoylan-piwell with w10 consumer version the choice is made for you18:49
daftykinsnot quite, still get prompted when you want to restart18:50
daftykinsso another bit of FUD spreading there Mr. zmoylan-pi :P18:50
zmoylan-pideciding when to restart makes all the difference :-)18:50
daftykinsyep invalidates your above claim18:51
daftykinsbut prior versions still had far greater control18:51
daftykinsof course we haven't even touched on dependency hell and package messes the likes of #ubuntu get themselves into :D18:52
zmoylan-piprior version had better controls.  but most people left if on auto and found their systems brought down w10 update even if they never planned to install it18:52
daftykinsbut i can be reasonable there, accepting it's mostly new users fiddling with PPAs18:52
zmoylan-pibut after managing the dll hell of windows dependency hell on linux is a picnic :-D18:53
daftykinsyeah see that claim is currently wordly very dangerously online, articles try to make out like it's doing it regardless - but actually if you read through the article carefully like i did, you see that the person did still run through the wizard and sign up to get the update18:53
zmoylan-pii didn't18:54
daftykinswhich again is just clickbait18:54
daftykinsnow here's a real concern we can all get behind...18:57
daftykinscan't believe i saw mince pies in the supermarket!18:57
foobarryis it possible to copy wii dvds? my skyward sword occasionally fails to read18:59
foobarrywnat to save it before more damage occurs19:00
davmor2foobarry: if it will read you can surely just dd the /dev/sr019:00
daftykinsi thought they inverted the disc read, from outside to in?19:01
daftykinsif it's already started playing up you're probably knackered19:02
foobarrythere's some scratches19:03
zmoylan-piand i've seen the selection boxes appear in supermarkets too but it is now 100 days to christmas i think19:04
zmoylan-piso once halloween/guy fawkes* is over the crimbo carols will be blasted at you 24x7 *delete as applicable19:05
foobarryWii discs are not exactly DVDs. Nintendo uses a special format that is based on the DVD specifications called RVL-006, most PC DVD drives cannot read this format.19:09
foobarryquote from interwebs19:09
foobarryn addition to this the original Wii discs usually have a BCA mark on the inner ring of each disc, e.g. a bar code. This BCA mark cannot be reproduced by a DVD writer and the Wii appears to read out this bar code. If the code is not present on the disc, the Wii won't accept the inserted media.19:09
zmoylan-pimost... so some can?19:09
daftykinswell i mean you're not going to be able to copy a Wii game disc regardless without modifying your console :)19:10
davmor2foobarry: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/wii-backup-fusion-simply-to-use-backup-solution-for-your-wii-games.html you can look into this I guess19:19
ali1234willcooke: i just read your blog post and wiki page about the "big bug scrub"19:23
ali1234i think abusing the "opinion" status to mark low priority bugs is going to rub people the wrong way19:23
willcookeali1234, where am I abusing it?19:24
ali1234"As part of the big bug clear up for 16.04 this bug is being marked as  Opinion.  While this bug is affecting you, and potentially others, we do  not consider it a priority for work and so it won't get fixed by us."19:25
ali1234you acknowledge that it is a bug which affects someone, but then mark it opinion anyway19:25
willcookeali1234, good call, let me fix that19:26
ali1234i mean there's a whole "importance" field for that, it seems like a better fit to me19:26
popeypip pip19:32
* brobostigon just found a jem, metallica's black album.19:35
ali1234brobostigon: it's the trning point where they went from being good to being terrible19:37
ali1234many consider it their last good album, and many consider it the first bad one19:37
brobostigoni agree, i think its their best.19:38
ali1234it's certainly their most popular and well known19:38
brobostigonthat as well.19:38
brobostigonfor example. my opinion is, piper at the gates of dawn, is pink floyds best work, but by no means is it their most popular nor most well known.19:39
willcookeali1234, fixed, or at least made more accurate19:40
ali1234willcooke: better, thanks19:41
willcookeali1234, thanks for the feedback19:41
popeyhey willcooke bug 1118648 is probably a dupe of that one you and I saw in London19:46
lubotu3Error: Launchpad bug 1118648 could not be found19:46
* popey marks dupe19:47
popeyof a bug I also filed :)19:47
* brobostigon is also on his first week of not having any tobacco, and just using his nicotine vaporiser on orders of his gf.19:49
popeyrobo-fags ftw19:50
brobostigonthat they are, yes.19:50
diddledanthe world is craycray: http://www.standwithahmed.com/19:51
daftykinswell, 'murica specially ;)19:52
brobostigonso they have odd rules in the US as to?19:54
mappsgibraltar is so backwards20:04
mapps moving out so we cutoff electric and water estate agents say they want it recomected else we get a fine20:04
mappsthey want it connected for 'cleaning'20:04
mappswhen you move out you ALWAYS get utilities cut off so its not in your name..no?20:05
ali1234you don't get it dosconnected, you just inform the electric company you are moving out and ask for a final bill20:06
daftykinsjust take values and call with final personally20:06
mappswhen i moved in i had to get it 'connected'20:06
mappsand pai £60 for electric an £30 for water20:06
mappsand im moving tomorrow right and i took the previous tenants forms for disconnection and i had to pay again to be reconnected20:07
mappsthats how they do it here it seems20:07
ali1234one time i lived in a rented flat with a pre pay gas meter20:07
ali1234when we moved in the landlord gave us the card20:07
ali1234few days later the gas man came and read the meter, which it turned out had like £100 of debt on it20:07
ali1234told us to "just pay it" and we'd get a refund when the account was switched over to our name20:08
ali1234luckily i didn't believe a word of it20:08
ali12346 months later they switched it over, no refund20:08
mappsand the girl moved out monday..form said cutoff date 14th september (monday) my start date 17Th, i handed our forms in to disconnect our old place on 17th - and they say we were meant to leave it connected, surely this is utter garbage -- look at what i said..i had to pay to be connected when we moved in and i had to pay for the new place20:08
ali1234but luckily i had refused to put any money on the thing after we found out how much debt their was, so they only owed us like £1020:09
ali1234did have to go 6 months without gas though20:09
mappswhat a pain20:09
ali1234we got a camping stove20:09
mappspeople always lie and scam20:09
ali1234it was actually cheaper to buy the cans of gas than to put money on the meter20:09
mappsbut seriously see the above when we moved here we paid to get elec/water connected after prev tenant moved..and again i had to pay for new apartment20:09
shaunowe had an odd one when they figured out I'd been paying upstairs' electricity, and he'd been paying mine20:10
mappsso why would we leave it on when we moved?20:10
ali1234well you're in gib so the law probably doesn't apply to them, or they think it doesn't20:10
ali1234hence they do whatever they can get away with20:10
mappshow was that shauno20:10
ali1234i had another landlord pull a funny trick20:10
shaunothe leccy co's 'solution' was to charge me everything I should have paid in 18 months, but promised me I'd get what I paid against the wrong account back later20:10
ali1234actually now i think about it, it was the same landlord20:11
ali1234the house was advertised at a weekly rent "plus 1 month deposit"20:12
ali1234and the way he calculated the monthly deposit was to wait not, it was monthly rent plus 1 month deposit20:12
ali1234oh i don't remember what it was exactly but it boiled down to taking the monthly rent, dividing by 4 to get the weekly rent, multiplying by 52 to get yearly rent, and then dividing by 12 to get the deposit.20:14
ali1234which is of course about 8% more20:14
mappsso many peope up to little tricks20:15
ali1234i didn't let him get away with that either20:15
ali1234he also wanted 12 months of post dated cheques20:15
mappsthing is with this case with my estate agent, if i had t pay fees to get connected when i move in, why are they shocked i got it disconnecte? AND the girl moving out got it cutoff an i got it connected and paid again?20:15
mappsso it's the normal thing ? if they made me get it connected when i moved in here..and its not like im the first person there...loads lived there before..same with new place getting that connected20:16
ali1234there is no "normal"20:16
mappsgah sick of gibraltar being so useless20:16
popeywhen i moved out of rented accomodation you just note the numbers on the meter and tell the company.20:16
ali1234if you were in the UK there's people you can complain to about this kind of stuff20:16
popeymind you, that was wales20:16
ali1234i always had to produce final bills to get my deposit back20:17
shaunothe impression I get of most the med, is that if you're not bribing someone, you're doing it wrong.  and will continue to do it wrong, even if you follow instructions20:17
ali1234one time it took me nearly a year to get a final bill from the water company because of a dispute, which once again i did not let them get away with20:17
ali1234i think i've told that story before though so i won't bore everyone20:17
mappsyea everything is slow here20:18
mappstediously slow20:18
mappsparcel from the uk of mine sat at the post office in 'clearing' for a week20:18
mappsabsolute nonsense its obviously been scanned etc when it left the uk20:18
mappsmy bank account where it's taken 5 months and still haven't got it..but they said it's all sorted now...we shall see20:19
shaunoI almost feel sorry for the water company.  they would have had no idea what they were getting into, when they tried to argue technicalities with ali1234 ;)20:20
daftykinsi'd be wary about putting anything in an account that good :D20:20
daftykinsshauno: :D20:20
daftykinsali1234: aww i haven't heard that one i don't think :D20:20
ali1234they said they read my meter, but couldn't tell me where my meter actually was20:20
zmoylan-pidoes water meter use rfid?20:21
daftykinsooh that's a sneaky one20:21
ali1234and they said i used about 10x as much water as a normal family would, when i lived alone20:21
ali1234zmoylan-pi: this was about 10 years ago, so maybe. they did claim that the meter was inside the property, in a location that didn't actually exist20:23
ali1234they were like "our records show the meter is under the stairs" when it was a flat20:24
zmoylan-pidoesn't mean there weren't stairs or remains of stairs if house had been converted to flats20:24
ali1234sure, but that's not my problem :)20:25
zmoylan-pimy brother used to run drains unblocking business.  the amount of times he found people had concreted over access points...20:25
ali1234i had the ground floor too20:25
mappsdaftykins id be wary getting my wages into this jok gib bank..everyone else gets paid..im stil waiting 'oh sorry we have a backlog' lol20:25
ali1234i scoured the whole place inside and out and could not find a meter20:26
zmoylan-pithey can be in odd places that people don't think to look.  but landlord should have been able to tell you20:27
ali1234yeah he didn't know anything about a meter either20:27
ali1234i don't think i have ever lived in a house with a water meter20:27
zmoylan-pithen ask a neighbour.  seeing were there's are might have helped20:28
ali1234the eople in the upstairs flat also claimed to not have a meter20:28
daftykinssounds like a water co trying to make a quick few bob from a lack of dispute20:28
zmoylan-pisounds like it20:29
daftykinsi've got fixed rates here based on my properties TRP value, i've heard some people that convert to meters end up paying more20:29
ali1234nah... probably just a computer snafu20:29
daftykinsi pay about £105 a quarter20:29
shaunoI'm meant to be getting a meter, I think.  but I've had no mail about it, and I'm not inclined to phone them and ask if they want money20:31
zmoylan-pithey try not to warn you in ireland when in case the protesters appear20:33
mappshaving a meter works out better for single occpants i think?20:33
ali1234probably, when it works properly20:33
shaunowell, we're transitioning from not paying charges at all, to meters.  so there really is no 'better'20:35
AzelphurHmm, I'm trying to update Ubuntu 15.04 server edition running inside libvirt, it's hanging at "Found memtest86+ image: /memtest86.bin" during the update. Any ideas?20:39
ali1234that's the grub install script20:40
ali1234it's probably looking for a physical disk partition20:40
ali1234so just skip it20:41
ali1234no idea20:41
Azelphurjust kill the grub processes?20:41
AzelphurI think I'll give that a go, hopefully it'll continue the upgrade and I can always fix grub if it breaks.20:41
ali1234so i've got a question about libvirt actually20:42
daftykinsserver non-LTS! for shame :)20:42
ali1234i need to build and run a kernel on a headless server which is on the other end of the internet20:42
ali1234i need to do that because i need the ext3 48 bit patch set to access a weird filesystem image which is 1TB20:42
mappscor narcos is so good20:43
mapps2 eps left.il have finished it tonight20:43
ali1234i don't want to install that kernel natively for obvious reasons20:43
ali1234so what's the best way to set up a VM with that kernel when i only have ssh access?20:43
Azelphurali1234: virt-manager is really easy, it can connect to a remote server over SSH and provides a piss-easy graphical way to control libvirt, I use it.20:44
ali1234interesting, i'll check it out20:44
mappsi recommend narcos to everyone, decent show..and i watch loads of tv;p20:44
* daftykins noticed :D20:48
zmoylan-piand some one seems to be flogging the idea of 8k tvs today21:37
diddledanmoar pixies!21:42
zmoylan-piyou can spot every hair sticking out of newsreaders nose21:46
Azelphurso going back to my original issue, any ideas folks? https://dpaste.de/3mky it's just hanging.22:07
Azelphurcompletely unusable apt :(22:07
Azelphuraha, workaround, GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=true in /etc/default/grub :)22:15
daftykinsmust be something it was seeing that it didn't like?22:40

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