
=== dzho_ is now known as dzho|split
=== dzho|split is now known as dzho
greg-gcmaloney: pt for the next 3 weeks, though, at least :)01:16
greg-gbut yeah, better than the worst case01:16
greg-galso, I should stop typing01:16
rick_h_greg-g: hah, dragon work on linux?01:19
greg-grick_h_: not sure :)04:10
rick_h_linked to me by a team member today as "team lead 'must have'" http://goo.gl/3MV2HM11:53
wolfgerI take it you are team lead?11:56
rick_h_one of them11:57
rick_h_http://goo.gl/hGbw2A looks good as well11:57
cmaloneyrick_h_: That's too true12:21
rick_h_cmaloney: you hitting up CHC tonight?12:21
cmaloneyyeah, planning on it12:22
cmaloney(that mug isn't as good)12:22
cmaloneyrick_h_: You planning on going?12:22
rick_h_cmaloney: yea, thinking about it.12:23
rick_h_have permission :)12:23
cmaloneyThat's the most important thing of all12:23
cmaloneyThat's cool though/ We've missed you. :)12:25
rick_h_yea, with school starting schedule shuffling12:27
rick_h_and have a meeting at 1am so might as well go get some coffee :)12:27
cmaloneyOh God.12:37
mrgoodcatoh wow12:39
mrgoodcati don't even like it when work calls me after 812:39
mrgoodcat1am meeting out of the question12:39
cmaloneybrousch: Great minds. :)12:40
brouschdid you click it in here, visit it, and then think it neded to be posted here as the most appropriate place?12:45
cmaloneyNo, I read my RSS feed, noticed it, and decided it needed posting12:48
cmaloneyand then realized we posted the same thing one minute apart.12:48
cmaloneyBecause I didn't pay attention until that point12:49
brouschYou never listen to me!12:49
cmaloneyYou're just now realizing this? :)13:23
cmaloneyHah, love this email I got13:31
rick_h_well when folks are in russia, dubai, and then me in EST..meetings are hard to do13:31
cmaloneyI get great spam: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12426782/13:31
rick_h_and doesn't happen often13:31
cmaloneyThat was the body of the message13:32
cmaloneyChalking it up to a botnet that can't get the payload.13:32
greg-gtoday is one of a very few days that I'd like a projector in my office. I'd play Hackers on repeat all day.15:13
greg-git's also 1:1 day, so it'd be perfect15:14
cmaloneyAny particular reason for the Hackers love?15:52
greg-g20 year anniversay today (or yesterday, not sure)15:59
jrwrenthe 686 prototypes with the artificial intelligence risc chip17:05
greg-gI can almost hear it exactly in my head :)17:21
cmaloneyHeh, I really didn't pay attention to that movie19:27
rick_h_well it's been 20 years :P19:57
cmaloneyYeah, maybe I should get around to rewatching it.20:13
cmaloneyI think I've seen TRON: Legacy more times than Hackers20:14
cmaloneyand Hackers didn't piss me off nearly as much as TRON: Legacy20:14
gamerchick02rick_h_ i can't get over how quick the xps 13 is. it's a sweet machine. how's your thinkpad?21:44
rick_h_gamerchick02: space bar needsd love but happy with the move22:14
gamerchick02what was up with the space bar?22:15
rick_h_it's not the best. misses on occassion22:15
gamerchick02ugh. :(22:15
rick_h_keyboards aren't what they used to be22:16
gamerchick02especially with "thin" being the most important requirement of a laptop22:16
gamerchick02have you see the new switches on the macbook?22:17
rick_h_no, done with apple stuff22:17
gamerchick02not the air, but the macbook? they're some odd butterfly switches. i tried it at best buy and it was ok but i wouldn't want to type for a long time on it22:17
rick_h_the air has me running from thinking there again22:17
gamerchick02eh apply stuff is usually well built22:17
gamerchick02apple. not apply. i can't type22:17
gamerchick02i like my ipad air 2. i'm trying to sell the ipad mini22:18

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