
=== petersaints_ is now known as petersaints
Unit193http://bugs.debian.org/798912 - http://mentors.debian.net/package/libmpris2client08:50
ubottuDebian bug 798912 in wnpp "ITP: libmpris2client -- Library to control mpris2 compatible players" [Wishlist,Open]08:50
knomeochosi, hah, well, mostly moving postponed items there, or items that have raised up from items this cycle but aren't realistic now08:57
knomebluesabre, that works for me, though if it's tomorrow, then it's bad :P08:57
knomeand friday is badish as well..08:57
knomeand saturday or sunday might be just as bad08:58
knomebut i'll try to be there!08:58
bluesabreknome: so... that leaves thursday then?10:27
bluesabreoh wait10:27
bluesabretoday is wednesday10:28
bluesabreUnit193: pin10:50
* Unit193 pins bluesabre up on the board.10:51
bluesabreI think10:51
bluesabrewant your opinion...10:51
bluesabrewould you agree that this new version would not need a freeze exception for feature freeze or UI freeze?10:52
bluesabresince it has no new features or changes the UI10:52
bluesabreonly adds templates and fixes bugs10:52
Unit193Templates could be seen as a new feature.  Is the template system new, or just "hey, now we ship files it already supported!"?10:54
bluesabreit was already there, just no preinstalled templates10:55
Unit193Alright, I'd personally think that'd be fine then, since it's not a new feature to break.  If you did go for FFe, would think it'd be quick and painless though.10:57
bluesabrejust hard to write the FFe (any new features?? well nothing really)10:58
bluesabrethanks for your opinion! :D10:59
Unit193Hah, sure.11:01
=== Floris is now known as Flory
knomebluesabre, lol... yeah, it kind of only leaves sat OR sun, but i don't know which yet12:54
knomebluesabre, i have the sameish with mon/tue, i don't know which one doesn't work for me yet12:54
flocculantjjfrv8: thanks for confirming that shutdown hang :)16:01
drcflocculant: Shutdown works on (my) hardware.16:24
flocculantyep - thanks - confirms my suspicion - virtual issue again ;)16:25
drcNope, got rid of it the last time Canonical really ticked me off a while ago..16:25
drcThat's why I couldn't report the Network Monitor thingie.16:26
flocculantok - would have been useful to get a good report on the tracker 16:28
flocculantbluesabre knome: perhaps not worry about knocking a meeting out quickly just because beta16:37
flocculantI'd mail the two groups anyway on Monday - possibly also users this time 16:37
knomeas i said, i can do one either or monday or tuesday - i just don't know which yet..16:38
flocculantI'm easy - other than beta I've nto got anything to bring up 16:41
knomeme neither really16:41
knomeand since we plan not to do the team updates..16:41
knomewell, maybe that's one16:41
knomekick off the voting for that16:41
flocculantnot sure if I'd said the tracker multiple team things was working out ok or not - but it is for me :)16:41
knomeheh, good :)16:42
flocculantyea perhaps - or just take it to m/l straight away 16:42
knomei will make sure you can link to any filter state you want16:42
flocculantvoting always ends up on m/l anyway 16:42
knomewell actually, you can already, but you need to construct the url manually16:42
flocculantyep - that might help16:42
knomethe syntax is:16:42
flocculantknome: probably not going to do that 16:43
knomewhere [filters] is one (or more of):16:43
flocculantI'd have so many different bookmarks I'd end up ignoring them :)16:43
knomeif you specify multiple assignees, separate by comma16:43
knomeeg. a=knome,flocculant16:43
knomeand if you specify multiple filters, specify by +16:44
knomeeg. a=flocculant+text=qa16:44
knomebut yeah, i'll make sure you will always have a link to the current filter sooner or later16:44
knomestatuses aren't filtered yet... or sort16:44
flocculantthe thing is - that almost all other bp's are ones that I would look at together at some point - all impact on qa in some way16:45
flocculantor rather be things that qa needs to know 16:45
flocculantjust not all at the same time :)16:46
knomeit's possible i'll reintroduce the work item stuff in the overview in a way or another16:46
knomebut that's in the bottom of the list tbh16:46
knomemaybe something that shows open items quickly16:46
flocculantI'm not convinced it's need now really 16:48
knomeyeah - what did i tell you :)16:48
flocculantwell 16:48
knomei wanted to merge it and the details tab from the moment i split them up...16:48
flocculantyou told me things after I'd told you it was just a pita to me now ;)16:48
knomehaivng hard time acknowledging i was right? ;)16:49
knome*having too16:49
knomehahah, those things were on the works already then16:49
knomei wouldn't have done a dumbed down details page16:49
flocculanthaving a hard time working out why you'd think I have suddenly acquired esp :D16:49
knomeor something that didn't replace the features in overview16:49
flocculantextra sensory perception 16:50
flocculantie mind reading ... 16:50
flocculantpleia2: funnily enough I was thinking along those lines too "it looks like a great initiative that may be valuable enough to be replicated by the flavors"19:25
pleia2great minds, sir19:26
pleia2the Unity desktop team is doing a series of Bug Bonanzas leading up to 16.0419:37
pleia2they have it very nicely organized :)19:37
flocculantthe only obvious difference being we'd have 2 or 3 people arrive to help ;)19:44
knomeinstead of 4 or 5 for ubuntu19:45
pleia2haha, now now :)19:45
flocculantha ha ha 19:45
knomepleia2, well it's the truth... :P19:47
flocculantwell - me out for the day now - night all19:56
pleia2night flocculant 20:00
ochosievening all20:58
knomeok everybody, you can now get a permalink to any of the pages21:35
knomeerr, to any filters21:35
knomesee the permalink button there21:35
knome(it'll appear when you add filters)21:36
knomeit doesn't save sort - yet21:37
knomeok, sort is saved and applied now as well22:05

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