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blahdeblahjose: Sorry I didn't get back to you the other day; other work preempted the charm I was working on.  I ended up basing mine on a newer python-based charm.08:48
Odd_BlokeCould a charmer have a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~daniel-thewatkins/charms/trusty/ubuntu-repository-cache/hotfix-leader-election/+merge/270838, please?09:49
Odd_Blokemarcoceppi: lazypower: $others: ^09:50
gnuoyjamespage, would you mind taking a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~gnuoy/charm-helpers/1496746/+merge/271443 when you have a moment?10:10
jamespagegnuoy, For pagesize, size, min_size and nr_inodes options, you10:12
jamespagecan use [G|g]/[M|m]/[K|k] to represent giga/mega/kilo.10:12
gnuoyjamespage, ok, but that leaves me with some horrible code converting that to bytes.10:13
jamespagegnuoy, hmm10:15
jamespagegnuoy, well we need to support human usable config somewhere in the stack10:16
jamespagegnuoy, but I don't think that's exposed just yet right?10:16
jamespagegnuoy, some sort of general K M G functions would be good I think10:16
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gnuoyjamespage, would you mind taking another look pls?11:05
jamespagegnuoy, +111:08
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gnuoyjamespage, thanks11:12
gnuoyjamespage, got a sec for https://code.launchpad.net/~gnuoy/charms/trusty/nova-compute/1496746/+merge/271451 ? Mainly just a charmhelper sync plus setting the new set_shmmax12:22
bloodearnestanyone know of a charm with amulet tests that test the upgrade step from previous version of the charm?13:03
bloodearnestI can just install from the charmstore, right? Like cs:trusty/gunicorn-0 ?13:06
Odd_Blokejose: marcoceppi: lazypower: Any chance you could have a look at the merge I linked about?14:45
Odd_BlokeThere's also https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/charms/trusty/ubuntu-repository-cache/inline-release/+merge/27110714:45
rick_h_Odd_Bloke: I think they're sprinting today so might be slow to respond14:54
Odd_Blokerick_h_: Ah, thanks for the heads up.14:56
Odd_BlokeI'll try in all caps in a bit, I'm sure that'll help. ;)14:56
rick_h_Odd_Bloke: wfm :)14:57
joseOdd_Bloke: lazypower says that he'll take a look later today and merge, we're in a summit right now14:59
Odd_Blokejose: lazypower: <3 thanks.15:00
josethanks to you!15:00
jamespagethedac, can you tip the video down a bit15:08
gnuoythedac, hi (is what I meant15:08
wolverineavhey, this is aditya15:08
jamespagethedac, question sounds like its about branching strategy?15:10
thedacYou also have options when you branch a charm. bzr branch lp:charms/trusty/$CHARM15:11
jamespagethedac, this https://github.com/openstack-charmers is probably waht the charms will look like once migrated to git15:13
wolverineavI have a question very specific to openstack neutron - the subordinate charm for DHCP and L3 agent is deployed on the controller node (the neutron-api / gateway).15:14
wolverineavnow, is there a way to deploy this on the compute node instead? (at scale, the controller node becomes a bottleneck when VMs are brought up and it requests DHCP and L3). so i would like to disable DHCP and L3 on controller and enable it only on compute. (or enable it on all nodes)15:14
jamespagethedac, we'll switchover once we release from bzr15:15
gnuoywolverineav, not at the moment. You can have dhcp and metadata on the compute nodes but only if the gateway is not deployed15:15
wolverineavneutron-gateway would always have to be deployed, right?15:16
gnuoywolverineav, right15:16
thedacjamespage: is the hangout public?15:16
jamespageprobably not15:16
gnuoywolverineav, you can use DVR t oreduce traffic through the gateway15:16
jamespagewolverineav, erm not sure that's accurate15:16
gnuoyfwiw the link quality isn't good enough to follow everything that's being said15:18
ddellavwe've got some people here that want to screen share so can we switch to a public hangout so they can be invited?15:19
ddellavor how else should we accomplish this?15:19
gnuoyI'm happy to switch15:19
wolverineavah, so the bottleneck I'm talking about is pre-DVR15:20
wolverineavI haven't tried it with DVR enabled.15:20
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coreycbwolverineav, https://git.launchpad.net/~sdn-charmers/charms/+source/openvswitch-odl/tree/15:28
coreycbwolverineav, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ost-maintainers/openstack-charm-testing/trunk/view/head:/bundles/ovs-odl/ovs-odl.yaml15:30
ddellavare you guys seeing the juju-gui jamespage gnuoy ? He's got a full openstack deployment but juju-gui is not displaying any charms15:33
ddellavwe've got mbruzek helping him but it's pretty bazaar15:33
gnuoyI see the gui, not sure whats causing the issue though15:34
rick_h_ddellav: gui issue? hatch can help if you need a hand with something.15:35
ddellavhey hatch we have a charm partner that's having issues with the gui15:36
ddellavhe has the gui deployed to an lxc container alongside a full openstack deployment but the gui is showing no charms or machines15:37
ddellavit previously worked but in the last few weeks it started doing this15:37
hatchddellav: can you get them to open the browser console to see if there are any errors?15:38
hatchalso, do they still have to log into the gui? (it didn't get switched to sandbox mode by accident?)15:38
thedachatch: he does log in15:39
ddellavhatch, no errors in the browser console15:39
hatchand the `juju status` in the cli shows the gui?15:40
thedacYes as well as the rest of the openstack deploy15:40
hatchok give me a moment to think about this one :)15:41
thedacsure. One other point is this is a MAAS deploy15:41
hatchthedac: which browser are they using?15:42
cory_fuMerlijn_S: Welcome.  https://jujucharms.com/docs/devel/authors-charm-composing15:42
hatchddellav: thedac ok I'm going to investigate locally here and will get back to you15:42
Merlijn_Scory_fu: Thanks15:42
thedachatch: thanks15:43
stubtvansteenburgh1: http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/view/Juju%20Ecosystem/job/charm-bundle-test-aws/735/console is looking promising. Formatting a little off with the update, but close enough.15:45
jamespagethedac, coreycb: for those interested - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/224797/15:45
jamespagegnuoy, ^^15:45
jamespagepulled my finger out15:46
gnuoyjamespage, tip top. thanks15:46
tvansteenburgh1stub: \o/15:47
coreycbjamespage, when do you think we'll have base charms available for SDN charm composing?15:47
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coreycbwolverineav, https://jujucharms.com/docs/devel/authors-charm-composing15:48
jamespagecoreycb, context?15:48
jamespagecoreycb, probably this month15:48
jamespageneed to make some time15:48
ddellavthanks hatch15:48
tvansteenburghstub: i have some follow-up questions/comments to your latest remarks, but will get to those later today. thanks for taking the time15:48
coreycbjamespage, I'm chatting with wolverineav from big switch and showing him the odl charm15:48
jamespagecoreycb, right15:48
ddellavhatch, not sure if this helps but here's a screenshot: http://cl.ly/image/2z1F3Y100I1215:50
hatchddellav: very odd, thanks - I'm just spinning up a local env here to see if I can reproduce15:51
hatchddellav: can you check `juju get juju-gui` and look for the 'sandbox' property value15:54
jamespagewolsen, dosaboy, Tribaal: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/224797/215:58
bdxhatch: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12438918/15:58
ddellavhatch, bdx is the user with the gui issue, he's pasted that output you wanted15:59
hatchahh alright15:59
hatchyeah so this is very weird15:59
ddellavhatch, can you let us know the best place to submit a bug report for this issue?16:01
hatchbdx: ddellav https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui16:01
hatchbut this shouldn't be possible :)16:01
ddellavlove those impossible bugs haha16:03
hatchbdx: can you run `app.env.getAttrs()`16:03
hatchit shouldn't contain any sensitive information, just take a look before pasting16:04
hatchbdx: does the machine view show your other maas machines? have you tried to deploy something? If you deploy a simple charm via the gui, like say Ghost, does it deploy as expected?16:05
hatchddellav: yeah I could see this happening if there was some exception raised, but with no errors in the browser console it's quite odd16:05
bdxhatch: no, the juju-gui shows no sign of anything from my juju env.16:05
bdxhatch: I don't know how you want this formatted: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12438981/16:09
bdxor I don't know how to get it into a better format16:10
hatch:) no that's fine16:10
hatchbdx: and the ip of your bootstrap node is
bdxhatch: .73 is my juju-gui16:11
hatchahh alright, so bdx what I would recommend trying is destroying this instance and deploying a new one16:12
hatchit appears that the connection between the GUI and your bootstrap node has somehow become broken16:12
hatchbdx: are you able to destroy/deploy the GUI to see if it resolves?16:15
thedachatch: he has destroyed and redeployed several times. Same result.16:24
thedache is at lunch at the moment16:24
hatchmaybe the best case would be to file a bug...the issue is that the gui server is not able to communicate with the bootstrap node to get the environment details16:26
hatchso we need to surface that error16:26
hatchas there isn't anything the GUI can do to resolve it16:26
mbruzekhatch: I am working with bdx on this problem.16:41
mbruzekWe will file a bug on this when he returns from lunch.16:41
mbruzekhatch: I had him destroy the service and redeploy with the same result.  The juju status shows all the deployed units, but the gui does not.16:42
hatchmbruzek: great thanks - The only way I was able to reproduce was to block the gui server from accessing the bootstrap node16:42
hatchso I'm assuming that there is something from the guiserver > bootstrap node which is blocking that communication16:43
mbruzekWe did find an error in the web browser console a connection problem.16:44
hatchahh there we go16:44
mbruzekIs there anything else that I can check.16:44
hatchdid you happen to copy it somewhere I could see the error?16:44
mbruzekHe is still at lunch16:44
hatchmbruzek: well the GUI thinks that it's connected16:44
mbruzekSo ssh to the gui and see if I can ping the bootstrap node?16:45
hatchmbruzek: yeah that would be a good place to start16:45
hatchalso, if there is an error in the console that might explain it16:45
wolsenjamespage: woot! on it17:01
lazypowerOdd_Bloke, o/17:15
lazypowerhaving a look now17:15
Odd_Blokelazypower: Yo!  Thanks!17:18
lazypowerOdd_Bloke, this merge makes me a little sad but I understand why its necessary17:19
lazypowerOdd_Bloke, did you run into instances where this code was not being run on >= 1.23.217:19
Odd_Blokelazypower: The problem is that other parts of the code assume that 'lowest numbered == leader'.17:19
lazypowerwas this the only merge? or was there another one?17:20
Odd_Blokelazypower: So, for example, unit 0 would go "I'm not the leader, I don't need to sync stuff down" and other units would still try to sync from unit 0.17:21
Odd_BlokeProofs to tier 1 reset currency:806.52 Qa / 1.18 Qt (+3.89 Qa Proofs/tick)17:21
Odd_BlokeProofs to tier 1 reset currency:806.52 Qa / 1.18 Qt (+3.89 Qa Proofs/tick)17:21
Odd_Blokelazypower: ^17:21
lazypowerOdd_Bloke, yeah, that makes sense that the rest of the charm would need to be updated to us leader-set receivers on where they should sync from17:21
Odd_Blokelazypower: Yeah, precisely.17:22
lazypowerOdd_Bloke, as the leader may change in flight over the course of the lifetime17:22
lazypower*service lifecycle17:22
Odd_BlokeSo we do have a way of coping with the leader changing, but it isn't plumbed in to the leader election stuff yet.17:22
lazypoweryeah this works for me as a conceptual fix until proper leader election bits can be landed17:23
Odd_Bloke(And, actually, given the response on that hook bug earlier, it might actually never get called.)17:23
Odd_BlokeOK, great!17:23
lazypowerOdd_Bloke, not suree what should be done to the bug triage here if anything. https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/80425217:29
mupBug #804252: Please support InRelease files <Launchpad itself:In Progress by cjwatson> <ubuntu-archive-publishing:In Progress by cjwatson> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/804252>17:29
lazypoweri'm going to head back into the charmer summit. Ping if you need anything else17:29
Odd_Blokelazypower: I'll just let cjwatson know. :)17:30
hatchmbruzek: hey, any luck?18:48
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bdxhatch: whats up19:03
bdxhatch: so what I was able to ascertain about the juju-gui not showing env issue is that.... it doesn't look like it is requesting to the bootstrap node....it seems to be requesting to itself....http://cl.ly/image/2q001V0F3v1o19:06
bdx10.16.100.73 is the address of the juju-gui19:07
bdx10.16.100.151 is the ip of the bootstrap node19:07
hatchbdx: ok thanks, I'll look into that code to see if I can figure out why it might be doing that19:09
bdxawesome, thanks19:09
hatchbdx: what version of juju are you using?19:20
hatchthe gui used to work then just stopped? Can you remember any changes to the env made around that time?19:20
hatchthe issue appears to be with the gui's websocket connection to the gui's server19:20
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