
tjaaltonwhich initramfs hook installs the firmware?07:39
tjaaltoni915/* is missing07:40
smbtjaalton, i915 needs firmware therese days?07:59
tjaaltonskylake does07:59
tjaaltonand broxton next year07:59
tjaaltonwell, it works without but complains08:00
tjaaltonbug 149616308:00
ubot5bug 1496163 in linux (Ubuntu) "Wily: firmware load for i915/skl_dmc_ver1.bin failed with error -2" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149616308:00
smbnow that I call a step backwards... errm. 08:00
smbNot sure here but probably depends were the binary comes from... would that not be the linux-firmware package08:01
tjaaltonit doesn't install any hooks at least08:01
TJ-The hook is via /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hook-functions::manual_add_modules() 08:04
tjaaltonI guess it's udev08:04
smbtjaalton, ok, so the file of that name (or better link to skl_dmc_ver1_19.bin) is in the linux-firmware package08:05
tjaaltonyes, checking with -v08:05
tjaaltonsmb: yep08:05
smbthe loading would be triggered by the driver08:05
tjaaltonAdding firmware /lib/firmware/i915/skl_dmc_ver1.bin08:06
tjaaltonlib/firmware/i915/ is still empty08:07
tjaaltonmaybe because skl_dmc_ver1.bin is a symlink08:07
smbtjaalton, have you unpacked the produced initrd to sanity check whether or what might be missing?08:07
smbok so you say that is completely empty08:08
tjaaltonyes the dir is empty08:08
TJ-I wonder if it's a hanging symlink? That 'file' is a sylink in /lib/firmware/i915/08:08
tjaaltonno, it points to a real file08:08
smbTJ-, maybe though at least for the source of the package its there08:08
smbtjaalton, can you look whether the W system has the right link08:09
smbto the ver1_19?08:09
TJ-Yes, that's what I mean. The source is there, but in the initrd image is it a dangling symlink08:09
tjaaltonshould use cp -aL08:09
smbTJ-, as I understand tjaalton there is nothing there08:09
smbnot even the link08:10
tjaaltonlib/firmware/i915 is empty in initrd08:10
smbtjaalton, let me finish that coffee and bring up a system actually running W...08:11
TJ-I see:08:11
TJ-Adding module /lib/modules/4.2.0-10-lowlatency/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915.ko08:11
TJ-Adding firmware /lib/firmware/i915/skl_dmc_ver1.bin08:11
tjaaltonyep, modifying the copy command to use 'cp -aL' fixed it08:12
tjaaltonso adding the L08:12
TJ-Yes, confirmed here too. Empty initrd08:13
smbtjaalton, is that -aL getting you a softlink in initrd or a file08:13
tjaaltonsmb: a file08:14
smbtjaalton, hm, which might not be exactly what we want but of course better than nothing08:14
tjaaltonwell, in this case it's the best there is08:15
tjaaltonno need to add several versions of the fw in initrd08:15
smbnormally I'd expect -a to preserve things and get everything... a bit odd08:15
tjaaltondoesn't follow links08:15
tjaaltonbut odd that it doesn't even copy the link08:15
caribouapw: remember Bug 1496317 from yesterday ?08:15
ubot5bug 1496317 in kexec-tools (Ubuntu) "kexec fails with OOM killer with the current crashkernel=128 value" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149631708:15
tjaaltonmaybe it's cleaned afterwards08:16
smbtjaalton, Oh I understand only used on a specific path08:16
smbcaribou, he may as soon as he becomes concious08:16
caribousmb: :)08:17
apwtjaalton, does cpio represent those i wonder08:18
apwcaribou, yep08:18
smbapw, I thought it should 08:18
smbapw, but I try to look there in a min08:19
caribouapw: so using MODULES=dep in initramfs.conf brings down the size of the initrd to 12M and it fixes the problem08:19
apwcaribou, that does sound like a good option for such a resource constrained space ... but we'd need to actually have one08:20
caribou"have one" ?08:21
caribouI'm a bit concerned to change the initrd for such a corner case.08:21
caribouapw: the other option is to raise the value of crashkernel again. 08:22
caribouapw: but at the moment, we're shipping wily with a broken crash dump mechanism08:22
apwtjaalton, there is a changelog entry saying broken symlinks will be removed08:23
apw  * mkinitramfs: Filter out looping or broken symlinks from the08:23
apw    initramfs. (closes: #575157)08:23
apwtjaalton, so i would say either -L is appropriate, or we need to detect and add the file it points to as well08:24
smbOh, yeah sounds plausible08:24
apwtjaalton, do you want to file a bug against initramfs-tools for this08:24
tjaaltonapw: I reused the bug above08:24
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1496163 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu Wily) "Wily: firmware load for i915/skl_dmc_ver1.bin failed with error -2" [Medium,Triaged]08:25
apwbug 14961608:25
ubot5bug 149616 in ruby1.9 (Ubuntu Hardy) "Net::HTTPS Vulnerability" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14961608:25
apwbug 1496163  08:25
* apw slaps ubot508:25
apwtjaalton, thanks08:25
apwtjaalton, i assume i have this firmware on my wily boxes already, right?08:26
tjaaltonand vivid/trusty08:26
UNIm95Hi 2 all. I think kernel 3.13-64-generic has bug. I'm getting kernel panic with this kernel on 2 different PC's.08:29
UNIm95One Desktop with Athlon x2 4800+, other toshiba tecra laptop.08:29
UNIm95This all comes randomly.08:29
UNIm95The strangest thing is that desktop has 32 bit kernel and laptop 64 bit.08:29
UNIm95The only same thing is that begin to happen after 3.13-63 to 3.13-64 update.08:29
apwUNIm95, ok if it was introduced by an update like that and its detectible then it should be findable08:32
apwUNIm95, can you file a bug against the kernle "ubuntu-bug linux" for us, and put that info in it08:33
apwUNIm95, if you have a picture or something of the kernel panic can you put that in08:33
apwUNIm95, we might know what it is from that08:33
UNIm95apw:  with next panic i will make screen photo of panic. 08:36
UNIm95But every time i get different messages. The most strange message i saw was Kernel tried to execute NX-protocol page - exploit attempt?08:36
UNIm95It is strange cause i saw it on CPU Athlon x2 64 4800+ than was produced in 200608:36
apwUNIm95, it may be somewhat random you never know08:38
UNIm95apw: Ok. I will wait for another panic.08:39
manjobjf, wily will be released with 4.2 correct ? 21:02
bjfmanjo, correct21:03
manjobjf, and 16.04 will be based on 4.5 ? any idea ?21:04
bjfmanjo, you can probably assume 4.4 ... don't know about 4.5. it's possible21:05
manjook yep thanks a ton for that info21:05

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