
RevertToTypesarnold: if you're there it seems the problem is that the realtek driver / module isn't loaded so i can't load the -d part of my wpa_supplicant command00:13
RevertToTypelsmod is saying it's loaded but wpa is saying nope00:14
sarnoldRevertToType: o_O really?00:15
sarnoldcan you pastebin it all?00:15
RevertToTypewhich thing?00:15
RevertToTypelsmod or the error?00:15
sarnoldwpa output. lsmod output00:15
sarnoldmight as well do em both ;)00:15
sarnold(pastebinit command helps immensely here, if you haven't seen that package yet..)00:15
RevertToTypelsmod | grep rtl lists All of the things /lib/modules........./rtl8192se is present00:16
RevertToTypethank you for that tip by the way!!!00:16
RevertToTypei was like "how do i do that!?!00:16
RevertToTypeit's saying "unsupported driver rtl8192se' for wlan000:16
RevertToTypeoh crap... is this a hardware revision thing (lenovo is the bane of all that is holy for this)00:17
RevertToTypeno it can't be.. the damn lshw shows it as realtek00:17
sarnoldit is common for vendors to release something completely different under an old and well-established name..00:18
RevertToTypewell lenovo is notorious for it00:18
RevertToTypei have like 3 catalog computers here that are all the same model, 3 different wireless cards00:45
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RevertToTypeugh why is it not liking this driver.... butttt01:24
RevertToTypemeh start over from scratch nbd now i know what's up i can do it from the start right01:27
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FishsceneGreetings. I have a fresh install of Ubuntu Server 15.04. I ran "sudo apt-get install mysql" and I've had trouble ever since. I finally got it to install, but now when I run "sudo mysql -u root", it throws: "ERROR 1524 (HY000): Plugin 'unix_socket' is not loaded" Several websites have mentioned adding "plugin-load-add = auth_socket.so" to /etc/mysql/my.cnf", then running "sudo mysql -u root", but it spits the same error. Any ideas?03:21
lkthomashey folks03:38
lkthomashey folks, what happen if you have two interface which on the same subnet ?03:38
TJ-lkthomas: You've already had an answer to that a few hours ago in ##networking :)05:09
lkthomasTJ-, yes sure :)05:28
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DulcinHi I'm about to clean install my server and copied (hopefully) all files, but can anyone double check if they think I might be missing something? I copied: all websites, a mysqldump of all databases, mysql config, apache config files08:45
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revolvedoes anyone know how to get dlm-pcmk on ubuntu trusty?09:52
revolveI've got the sources but they won't build :-|09:52
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kgirthoferhey all - if I want to copy a file (same name) from many directories and keep the directory beneith the file into a nother dir how do I do that14:32
kgirthoferi..e copy dir1/config.xml and dir2/config.xml into confits/dir1/config.xml and configs/dir2/config.xml14:32
kgirthofercp --parents dir*/config.xml configs/14:34
dftkgirthofer: is that what you've been trying or what actually worked?14:35
kgirthofergold star14:36
dftassuming all dir* is in your cwd?14:36
dftI was thinking of something a little more complex regardless of cwd14:43
dftfind ./Documents/ -type f -name "config.xml" -ls | sed -e 's/.*\/\(.*\)\/\(config.xml\)/ \1 \2/g' | while read -r d f; do echo "cp $d/$f config/$d/$f";done;14:43
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cwillu_at_workkgirthofer, rsync has builtin functionality to do that16:38
cwillu_at_workdft, no solution that involves ls and sed is correct, ever16:41
cwillu_at_work(find -ls counts as ls for our purposes here)16:42
MeerkatI would like to install ubuntu server from a USB stick with preset preferences. So all I need to do is plug it in and the installation with my settings starts and completes without any interaction. Is there a simple way to do this?16:43
jpdsMeerkat: Yes, create a preseed file16:45
jpdsMeerkat: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/amd64/apbs02.html16:46
LihisI'm running simple server which services are mostly used by me and couple of my friends. Server IP is dynamic. How I could make simple failover for the server? By simple I mean that I could let the users to see static "server down" page.16:49
jpdsMeerkat: If you're managing a fleet of servers, you're better off creating a provisioning server16:49
jpdsLihis: If the server is down, how are you going to make it display any page?16:49
Lihisjpds: Maybe with another server, maybe some cheap VPS?16:50
cwillu_at_workLihis, in which case, that's where you should put your services, typically16:50
cwillu_at_work(perhaps having it forward some things to your other server, depending on your needs)16:50
Meerkatjpds, thanks. looking into this. seems promising. =)16:50
Lihiscwillu_at_work: Okay. How I could do the forward? And stop the forwarding when the server is down?16:53
cwillu_at_workLihis, depends on what you're forwarding16:54
cwillu_at_workapache has builtin things for this, for instance16:54
jpdsLihis: That would involve some fancy DNS/IP flipping, easier to just fix the server ;-)16:54
cwillu_at_workwithout some sort of heartbeat system though, this usually requires one failure before apache (or whatever) notices that it's not working16:54
cwillu_at_work(otherwise it could interfere with a working connection and foul things up, which is why planes with 2 engines crash more than planes with 1 engine)16:55
cwillu_at_work(more things to go wrong)16:55
cwillu_at_workLihis, active error handling tends to be like this: you have to do a lot more work before the end result is actually more reliable than the do-nothing approach, let alone simple passive approaches16:56
Lihiscwillu_at_work: Apache and UDP traffic. I'll stick with the do-nothing approach then.17:00
Lihisjpds: As you said, probably just easier to fix the server :)17:01
cwillu_at_workyeah, apache is straightforward'ish (I do something like this just to local services listening only on localhost, exposed by apache), but really only because http has lots of provisions for these sorts of things17:01
cwillu_at_workand, on the other hand, a random udp protocol almost certainly does not17:01
cwillu_at_workLihis, if your protocols have some way of determining if they're up unintrusively17:02
cwillu_at_worki.e., via a no-op udp message that gives a reply you can check17:02
cwillu_at_workthen you could add a service that polls it on some interval, and emails someone if it's brokejn17:02
cwillu_at_workthat's an example of the "passive" style approach I referenced, where instead of trying to actively fix something, it just makes sure someone knows that it broke17:03
cwillu_at_workwhere a simple active approach might try to restart the service, causing hilarity if the service was actually working fine, but something else broke in the monitoring program, or the network config (potentially in a way that doesn't matter to actual users; think hardcoded ip address in the monitoring app, while users use dns to get the current address, etc)17:04
Lihiscwillu_at_work: Yeah.. You have a good point. I will do some kind of passive approach. Thanks for the help!17:11
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