
bluesabremorning all10:34
flocculantwith doc freeze today - we got updates for our docs? 11:42
flocculantslickymasterWork: ^^11:42
flocculantnvm - stopped being lazy and went to look :)12:22
flocculantquick comment on that stuff - restricted drivers, why do we tell people all that usc-edit-software sources and settings manager - software/updates 13:13
flocculantwhen people just need to type additional or less in menu text box and open additional drivers from there? 13:13
flocculantand I assume there's an easy way to read the docs rather than the xml files 13:22
krytarikflocculant: I'm usually using this, ftm: https://unit193.net/xubuntu/docs/13:29
flocculantkrytarik: is that wily? 13:29
krytarikYep - look at the revision number. :)13:30
krytarikOr the version up top. LOL13:30
flocculantthe revision number means zilch if you don't know where it is now :D13:30
flocculantwily could be 752 ... 13:31
flocculantanyway - assume it is - has LO in it :p13:31
krytarik"Welcome to Xubuntu 15.10 Documentation!" :P13:31
slickymasterWorkflocculant: we now, do have the pdf's13:31
flocculantI tried building it - just got a bunch of recipe errors - whatever they are 13:31
krytarikflocculant: Probably missing build depends.13:32
flocculantkrytarik: ha ha ha - I never read the 'you need these tools' bits of manuals either :)13:32
flocculantkrytarik: yea - was my assumption - so just 'read' the xml 13:32
flocculantslickymasterWork: yea - I have seen those discussions ongoing 13:33
flocculantand hi :)13:33
krytarikflocculant: Or just build the HTML version, for example.13:33
slickymasterWorkflocculant: check if you have coreutils (>= 8.16),  debhelper (>= 9),  docbook-xml,  docbook-xsl, fonts-droid, fop, gnome-doc-utils and xsltproc13:33
slickymasterWorkyou'll need them to build the -docs13:33
slickymasterWorkand also hi ;)13:33
slickymasterWorkand krytarik, of course13:34
krytarikHah, yeah, you too. :D13:34
flocculantslickymasterWork: didn't have some 13:35
flocculantI'd pieced together some things from the docs team wiki13:35
slickymasterWorkthere you have it. That's why you were'nt being able to build it13:35
flocculantdoing more this time - building pdf's :)13:36
flocculantthough bit late this cycle to be looking ;)13:37
* slickymasterWork smiles13:37
flocculantif you're really unlucky I might next cycle :p13:38
flocculantslickymasterWork: all that aside - did you see comment re restricted drivers? 13:38
slickymasterWorkwas reading it now13:39
slickymasterWorknow I lost them13:40
slickymasterWorkwill have to wait until http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2015/09/17/%23xubuntu-devel.html catch up13:40
flocculant<flocculant> quick comment on that stuff - restricted drivers, why do we tell people all that usc-edit-software sources and settings manager - software/updates 13:40
flocculant<flocculant> when people just need to type additional or less in menu text box and open additional drivers from there? 13:40
flocculantor not :)13:41
flocculantsomething to ponder in a month or two :)13:41
slickymasterWorkwell, that section is prior to menulibre, I think that's the reason13:41
slickymasterWorkI'll put that correction on my todo list13:42
flocculantjust a thought13:42
flocculantless to read :)13:42
slickymasterWorknot so much a correction but some additional info on that13:42
slickymasterWorkstop being so lazy :P13:42
flocculantha ha 13:43
* slickymasterWork is the same, tbh13:43
flocculantalso - quick lesson in searching menulibre 13:43
flocculanttwo birds with one stone - even lazier \o/13:43
slickymasterWorkyeah, kind of killing two rabbits with one stone13:43
flocculantmuch better - more meat 13:43
flocculantunless it's a really bug stone 13:44
* slickymasterWork was convinced that in en the old saying was with rabbits, not with birds13:44
flocculantwell - we are different nationalties 13:44
slickymasterWorkin pt, it's with birds13:44
flocculantit is here too 13:45
slickymasterWorkmy mistake then13:45
krytarikflocculant: Ftm, if you want to fix something, look at the intro on the startpage. :)13:49
flocculantand which page is that 13:52
flocculantthe one with 15.10 on it? 13:53
flocculantbah 13:53
flocculantwhy does that say to ... 13:53
flocculantprovides information to the most13:54
slickymasterWorkthat paragraph has been there since (slighted altered) since I remember flocculant 13:55
flocculantlet's change that before 16.04 then :)13:55
slickymasterWorkit has been change in 15.04, or 14.10 iirc13:56
flocculantI could have sworn knome and I were looking at something like that recentlyish13:56
flocculantmight have been slideshow ... 13:56
slickymasterWorkwhat about it do you disagree?13:57
krytarikflocculant: That was here: https://unit193.net/xubuntu/docs/C/index.html13:57
flocculantaaah yes 13:58
flocculantslickymasterWork: to needs to be on at the least13:58
slickymasterWorkyeah, but that relates to the copyright stuff13:58
flocculantnot sure we're talking about the same thing 13:59
slickymasterWorkso "The Official Documentation provides information on the most common issues with Xubuntu." instead?13:59
slickymasterWorkflocculant ^^13:59
flocculantyea 13:59
flocculantor "on some of" 14:00
flocculantbut not 'to' 14:00
slickymasterWorkok, adding it also to my todo list14:00
flocculantslickymasterWork: is this todo list for xx ?14:00
slickymasterWorkthe irony, a lazy one putting some extra work on me :P14:00
flocculantha ha 14:00
slickymasterWorkyes, for the x cycle14:01
flocculantI can do an MP :)14:01
slickymasterWorkI'd do it now, but over here I'm unable, was thinking of doing it tonight14:01
flocculantok - well I'd not take too much notice of that just yet then, you can xx workitem me for reading through the whole lot14:01
flocculantwhich might be a longer list ... 14:02
slickymasterWorkbut if you want you can, I'll review and merge later when I get home14:02
flocculantok 14:02
qwebirc298254flocculant, yeah, if going to do it, please deal also with the restricted drivers 14:03
krytarikqwebirc298254: I'd plan *that* for the X series though.14:04
qwebirc298254well, if he's eager to work krytarik, don't stop him 14:05
krytarikThe other can and should still be done now.14:05
krytarik+ one14:05
qwebirc298254but yes, I was planning it for X14:05
=== qwebirc298254 is now known as slickymasterWork
krytarikI'm referring to the need to (re-)translate stuff - Doc String Freeze is today.14:06
flocculantwhich is why I was saying maybe leave it all as it's doc freeze day14:07
krytarikNot relevant for the startpage though.14:07
flocculantso - do that or not? 14:07
krytarikYep, do that. :)14:07
krytarikBut not the other one.14:08
krytarikI mean, yep it's on the spot, but still. :P14:08
slickymasterWorkwell the source doc strings have be in order today, but it's still day ;)14:08
slickymasterWorkand doc string freeze doesn't mean translations krytarik 14:09
krytarikslickymasterWork: Like I said, we could still do it, but I'd rather *not* have everyone retranslate that due to such a slight change. ;P14:11
flocculantwell I pushed it - seems to have got mixed up with the thing still pending from before14:12
slickymasterWorkI'm not disagreeing with you krytarik, just stating that translators should technically start their work after doc freeze14:12
flocculantand I would agree that no reason to look at restricted today 14:13
flocculantagain that's been the same since we got menulibre and additional drivers - at least 1 cycle 14:13
slickymasterWorkbut that's not my policy as you know, otherwise I wouldn't make those translators calls at the start of each cycle14:13
slickymasterWorkthis one flocculant-> https://code.launchpad.net/~flocculant/xubuntu-docs/xubuntu-docs14:15
flocculantslickymasterWork: that's what I mean by mixed up - that's the one that unit has showing that krytarik pointed at14:16
flocculantguess because it was left pending14:16
flocculantis what I just did 14:16
flocculantno idea tbh - stupid bzr 14:17
slickymasterWorkyeah rev 404 is already merged14:18
slickymasterWorkI'll deal with rev 436 when I get home flocculant 14:18
flocculantok :)14:19
krytarikflocculant: Since it also says "Merged", it'd seem that's just for historical purposes - just MP again now.14:20
flocculantdo it again? 14:21
slickymasterWorkdid you do it the first time?14:21
krytarikflocculant: No, you just pushed, didn't MP yet.14:21
slickymasterWorkI'm asking because I didn't get the mail about the MP flocculant?14:22
slickymasterWorkexactly krytarik 14:22
flocculantremember now ... only done half of it :)14:22
slickymasterWorktss tss... silly lazy flocculant 14:23
flocculantdone :)14:23
flocculantslickymasterWork: I can read the whole lot now and find some more ... 14:23
krytarikHah, and the other one is gone now. :P14:24
slickymasterWorksome more wthat, flocculant?14:24
flocculantone or two word fixes if you really think I'm silly lazy flocculant :p14:25
slickymasterWorkdon't overburden yourself ;P14:26
krytarikPersonally, I think the whole sentence needs an overhaul that doesn't involve the word "issues". :D14:29
krytarik(But that'd be for X too.)14:30
flocculantwell - as I said, I'll look at the whole caboodle if slickymasterWork puts a workitem on docs bp :)14:30
krytarikflocculant: Can't you add yourself?14:31
flocculantI could14:31
slickymasterWorkgentlemen -> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xubuntu-x-docs14:31
flocculantbut that's like carrying extra load deliberately :D14:31
slickymasterWorkjust assign it to me flocculant 14:32
flocculantassign what? 14:32
slickymasterWorkI'll look at the whole caboodle if slickymasterWork puts a workitem on docs bp :)14:33
slickymasterWorkthat was you ^^^14:33
flocculantI've added me :)14:33
slickymasterWorkgood boy :)14:33
SwissBotfeed xubuntu-docs had 4 updates, showing the latest 315:03
slickymasterflocculant ^^18:28
knomeslickymaster, you want those in for this cycle?20:43
flocculantslickymaster: saw - thanks20:44
flocculanthi knome :)20:44
knomehey flow-currant20:44
flocculantoh my20:44
flocculantthat's a bit risque ... 20:44
knomeit's a less known sibling of blackcurrant20:44
flocculantwon't like 20:45
knomemuch more tart and sour20:45
flocculantsounds about right though 20:45
knome(i'm just kidding)20:45
knomeof course..20:45
flocculant... 20:46
flocculantI'm not ;)20:46
knomeand for the docs issue - since it's the startpage, nvm me20:46
FlavioViniciusBoa tarde!21:18
knomeummm... hello21:18
FlavioViniciusEstive agora a pouco no canal com uma dúvida, sobre as traduções da documentação do Xubuntu.21:19
FlavioViniciusAlguém no canal faz parte do team de traduções?21:19
knomeenglish please21:19
FlavioViniciussorry guys rsrs21:20
FlavioViniciusi forgot that by a second 21:20
knomeno problem21:20
FlavioViniciusIs there anyone here who get involved in the team traductions?21:21
knometraductions? do you mean translations?21:22
FlavioViniciusknome: yes21:22
knomewhat's up?21:23
FlavioViniciusi'll try to explain for you what i want to know... but my english is not that good21:25
knomeit looks ok this far :)21:27
FlavioViniciusDocumentation in Portuguese Brazil is hard to find. There are several suggestions on the launchpad, but it makes two months that no updates. How can I do to help to speed up this process?21:32
knomeright, you'll need somebody who can review the translations21:33
knomelet me dig up some information.21:33
knomeFlavioVinicius, https://launchpad.net/~lp-l10n-pt-br21:35
knomeFlavioVinicius, people in that team (contact information and more on the description) should be able to help21:36
knomei don't understand portuguese, but i'd imagine it has the information you need21:36
knomesorry, that's the wrong team..21:37
knomeFlavioVinicius, it would be this: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-l10n-pt-br21:37
knomebut both of those teams should be more or less useful21:38
knomeFlavioVinicius, but generally, you will need to have at least 70% of the documentation translated until it will be included in the ISO21:39
knomeFlavioVinicius, once that's done, it will be included without any further actions really21:39
knome(those 70% need to be reviewed)21:39
FlavioViniciusknome: Thanks, I will try to contact and follow the information that is available on the pages you posted.21:41
knomesure, np21:41
knomeif you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask - we'll help if we cna21:41
knomeand thanks for the interest and work with the translations!21:42
FlavioViniciusI know thats necessary 70% of the documentation translated, but i wanna know why the review take so long. I'll contact the team.21:42
knomei don't know how the process actually goes (i guess i should, i'm a reviewer too...) but maybe they just aren't aware of it21:44
bluesabreknome: need an upload tonight?21:44
knomebluesabre, nah. it was the startpage, so it's not translatable anyway21:44
knomebluesabre, thanks for asking though :)21:44
bluesabreknome: any time21:44
knomethat said, we might want to think about making that translatable at some point too21:45
knomeand more specifically, get it into the docbook system21:45

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