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klubuntuis LXDE THE MOST lightweight DESKTOP enviroment?15:07
bioterrorklubuntu, environment yes15:13
rahulbansalI installed a package, when I try to execute it, it runs, but when I try to uninstall it, terminal says package not installed. How can I uninstall that package ?15:50
CooloutAChow did you install it?15:55
rahulbansalI have 2 versions of proxychains 3 and 4 . I installed the 3rd version using the sudo apt-get install and 4 th version, using the zip file15:56
rahulbansalI removed the 3rd version, which removed the config file common to both of them15:57
CooloutACok you lost me sorry i'm noob lol15:57
CooloutACthe 4th version most likely you will have to go and delete it everywhere it is15:58
CooloutACyou can do a fake install just to see where it puts the stuff15:58
CooloutACthen manually delete it15:58
rahulbansalI want to avoid it15:58
CooloutACyou want to avoid what?15:59
CooloutACmanually removing the files?  you have no choice15:59
CooloutACits the same when you do a make install,  since they almost never put an uninstaller in there15:59
CooloutACyou have to manually remove the files wherever they go15:59
rahulbansalusing locate command will help ?15:59
rahulbansalto find all the location of the file16:00
CooloutAChow did you install it using a zip file i don't understand16:00
rahulbansalmake install16:00
CooloutACright ok so16:00
CooloutACthere is no uninstaller for that16:00
rahulbansalhow to find htat16:00
CooloutACwhat you can do is the command for a test make install16:00
CooloutACand then look at all the places it puts it16:00
CooloutACi forget command i have to look it up16:00
rahulbansalthere is a way to make test install ?16:01
rahulbansallet me check that16:01
CooloutACi'm looking too16:01
CooloutACi think make test?16:01
CooloutACtry that16:01
CooloutACinstead of make install16:02
CooloutACor make install test16:02
CooloutACstill looking16:02
rahulbansalit does not work16:02
rahulbansalits checkinstall16:02
CooloutACmake -n install16:03
CooloutACrun that,  then look in the terminal at all the places it puts files,  manually go there and delete them16:03
CooloutACyou can try a make uninstall first16:03
CooloutACbut i doubt the package has it16:03
CooloutACif not you have to do it the other way16:04
CooloutACrahulbansal: make -n install,  did you try it?16:04
CooloutACthats what i have done in the past16:04
rahulbansali am trying it16:05
rahulbansalit says nothing to be done for install16:05
CooloutACmake uninstall,  if that dont' work make -n install16:05
CooloutACdid you do it in the same directory?16:05
rahulbansalmake: *** No rule to make target 'uninstall'.  Stop.16:06
CooloutACI don't know what to tell you then bud,  that should work16:06
rahulbansalgetting this error16:06
CooloutACok so now do make -n install16:06
CooloutACand look at all the steps and directories it puts files and manually go there and delete them16:07
rahulbansalmake: Nothing to be done for 'install'.16:07
CooloutACi can't help you then16:08
CooloutACmaybe delete the folder and unzip and start over16:08
CooloutACand this time instead of doing make install16:08
CooloutACdo make -n install16:08
CooloutACdo make clean first maybe16:09
CooloutACthen make -n install16:09
CooloutACif not do it all over then do make -n install16:09
CooloutACand look at all the steps16:09
rahulbansalwhich folder to delete ?16:10
CooloutACthe one you unzipped16:11
CooloutACmaybe someone else can help you man sorry16:11
CooloutACthat is the folder you should be running the command in16:11
CooloutACthe same folder you did make install the first time16:11
rahulbansalcommand works from everywhre16:11
rahulbansalwhat ?16:12
CooloutACyou told me you did make install to install it right?16:12
CooloutACso go to that folder you typed make install and type make -n install16:12
rahulbansalwhen I do that, i gets the error16:12
rahulbansalmake: Nothing to be done for 'install'.16:12
CooloutACdon't know what to tell you16:12
CooloutACgo ask in #ubuntu16:12
CooloutACdo make clean in that folder first16:13
rahulbansaldid that, nobody is replygin16:13
CooloutACor remove the folder and unzip again and do it all over16:13
CooloutACjust like how you did it the first time,  except instead of doing make install,   do make -n install16:13
CooloutACthen look at all the steps it takes on screen and go to the folders it puts files and delete those files16:13
Smirnovi'm trying to find a pager with a 2d workspace grid for LXDE. is it possible?17:02
SmirnovI was able to manually tweak openbox into giving me a 2d workspace grid, but the lxpanel desktop pager is busted because it only shows everything in the first workspace17:03
CooloutACwhat is a 2d workspace grid?17:03
Smirnovam I completly SOL without switching out lxpanel with something else?17:03
SmirnovCooloutAC: it means a rectangular workspace (e.g. 3x3) instead of flat (1x3) , see for example here (except its unity 2d so doesnt apply) http://askubuntu.com/questions/21755/how-to-add-multiple-workspaces-in-unity-2d17:04
CooloutACcan't you set it to 3x3?17:08
CooloutACis there a dconf editor or something in lubuntu i'm not on my machine17:09
CooloutACSmirnov: what if you do soemthing like this but make ie 0 3 3 0 https://superuser.com/questions/347528/openbox-make-4-desktops-2x217:10
CooloutACSmirnov:  http://java.divshot.io/en/Chapter-IV/Part-V:-Layouts.html17:11
CooloutACBrightside is another suggestion i see online instead of setlayout17:17
CooloutACon my name machine i use compiz which would have your option but i don't know if thats practical for you17:18
SmirnovI did use 'setlayout' with 0 3 3 0 and it was fine, the pager is the problem17:19
Smirnovyeah I just think I might end up switching to gnome classic17:19
CooloutACoh you mean in the panel?17:25
CooloutACya thats what i use the compiz on gnome classic on another machine17:25
CooloutACi guess if you got enough memory17:25
CooloutACI use lxde on a machine cause i only got the 1 gb of slow ram17:25
CooloutACSmirnov: does openbox have a pager?17:26
Smirnovi have plenty of ram, i just dont like the 3d shit17:27
Smirnovopenbox just says to use something like rox-pager which seems to require another panel (not lxpanel)17:27
NOOB_hi.  i am having a problem with my phone generating issues with my laptop when plugged in.  it is generating "couldn't find matching udev device" errors.  i found this. http://blog.mpshouse.com/?p=609 but when i do lsusb my phone is not listed.  please advise20:23
SmirnovCooloutAC: well I switched to gnome classic. works lightning fast and does everything I want.20:33
CooloutACya i love the gnome-classic20:33
CooloutACI use it on trisquel another ubuntu fork20:33
Smirnovi dont like all these new whizzbang 3d uis, just kills performance the moment you have more than 4 windows open20:35
Smirnovmaybe if they figured out how to properly swap graphics memory...20:35
Smirnovgames have no problem displaying 1000s of objects but people cant write a non-laggy WM displaying 100 windows20:35
CooloutACSmirnov: ya haha20:35

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