
pstolowskihey trainguards, can somebody help me understand the cause of silo 35 failure; i've debhelper in my dependencies? i'm generating debian/control from debian/rules on the fly, following the solution we recently succesfuly established in another project. i know that robru made some changes to CI train to make it possible, but I'd hope it was a generic change, not just for per-project?07:16
Mirvsil2100: pstolowski is asking some really hard questions :D07:42
Mirvsil2100: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12446862/ - any idea?07:42
pstolowskiMirv, sil2100 looks like we've just found the problem, there was an empty line in debian/control07:43
Mirvpstolowski: oh, great!07:43
Mirvsil2100: unping!07:43
Mirvpstolowski: let us know if it still fails07:43
Mirvpstolowski: looking good!07:47
Mirvthat gen-debian-files.sh really feels like "things could be better", but I'm glad that there's at least _a_ solution07:49
sil2100pstolowski: did the empty line removal help?07:51
sil2100I tried that locally yesterday and it didn't07:51
Mirvah, no landing meeting07:59
pstolowskisil2100, the build is in progress, built successfuly for some archs already08:02
pstolowskisil2100, yeah, it should work fine; built for wily, failed for vivid because we need uhm, silo 10 landed first08:13
sil2100pstolowski: seb128 is on it! But I really thought that maybe Steve would have time this time08:14
sil2100Or maybe he even did review but didn't press teh buttonz08:14
pstolowskisil2100, okay08:16
seb128sil2100, pstolowski, that libunity-scopes3 already existed08:21
seb128it's sort of bad test to reuser a lib name/soname that existed for a different version/api08:21
pstolowskiseb128, in vivid we need to release the same exact so we had, so that existing scopes don't break. there are no api changes in this branch, just packaging. not sure if that answers your question..?08:23
seb128well, I was more pointing a detail08:23
seb128pstolowski, is that silo 24 we are talking about?08:23
seb128I just got pointed to https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-010-2-publish/80/artifact/unity-scopes-api_packaging_changes.diff08:24
pstolowskiseb128, i'm talking about silo 1008:24
seb128I'm talking about 2408:24
seb128which one needs a binNEW review?08:24
pstolowskiseb128, 24 is not ready to be reviewed, it will be simpilified and rebuilt one 10 lands.08:25
sil2100ogra_: hey! I actually checked the cdimage code just now and it looks like there's actually no ubuntu-rtm-related code there (for the subproject) but many many lines for ubuntu-touch (the project) - from the code I glimpsed it seems subprojects just work out-of-the-box, without much configuration08:25
pstolowskiseb128, i was asking sil2100 to land silo 1008:25
sil2100ogra_: they're just using everything from the main project + append the subproject name08:25
sil2100seb128: yeah, silo 10 needs landing as it introduces those new bin packages (at least in theory)08:26
ogra_sil2100, ah, cool08:26
sil2100ogra_: I'll look into it more, but that's what I saw after the first greps and looks08:27
ogra_yeah, as i said, i wasnt sure08:27
seb128sil2100, pstolowski, it's buggy08:28
seb128-Package: libunity-scopes-qt0.108:28
seb128+Package: libunity-scopes-qt208:28
seb128but on https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-010/+build/790798408:28
seb1282 vs 0.208:28
seb128the diff suggests your binary should be -qt208:29
seb128not -qt0.208:29
seb128since when do we have dot so numbers?08:30
seb128the diff is confusing, the unpacked source uses 0.2 in its control08:36
sil2100pstolowski: could you poke michi about that?08:36
seb128unsure what's going on08:36
sil2100Would be good to decide on one08:36
seb128otherwise the new binaries seem fine08:37
seb128if you are happy with the 0.2 soname +108:37
pstolowskiseb128, hmm, i will pass these remarks to michi. can this be landed regardless of the problem with this particular lib package and we will deal with it separately? this library is not used by anyone, all it has is in experimental namespace still08:37
seb128just feels weird08:37
seb128pstolowski, ^08:38
pstolowskiseb128, unfortunately michi is not around anymore today (he is from australia), and we have silos for ota that need scopes lib from this silo08:38
pstolowskiseb128, yes, i'm happy with this lib for now, there are no Qt scopes yet08:39
seb128k, so +1 from the NEW review side08:40
pstolowskiseb128, thanks08:41
ogra_sil2100, do you know why the sensors api was dropped ? seems all sensors are gone now, i got no haptic feedback on my phone anywhere anymore ...08:53
ogra_(and the sensorstatus app from the store doesnt find anything either for any sensors)08:54
sil2100huh, indeed it got dropped, maybe it wasn't seeded and the dependency that was pulling it got removed09:00
sil2100Let me look into that09:00
sil2100ogra_: yeah, the qtubuntu landing from yesterday dropped it...09:02
sil2100Let me add it to the seeds09:02
sil2100I'll rebuild an image then09:02
ogra_feels weird ...09:05
* ogra_ notes how much he got used to the vibration09:06
sil2100hah ;)09:06
davmor2sil2100: I wonder why that didn't show up in testing.....Oh of course old packages are not removed are they, I wonder if we can add apt-get autoremove to citrains instruction set maybe?09:08
sil2100https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-touch.wily-add_sensors/+merge/271622 <- I'm uploading the vivid package now09:10
sil2100I'll kick a new image once that builds09:11
pstolowskisil2100, hey, so silo 10 is good to land?09:11
sil2100pstolowski: yes! Noooow we need someone to still push teh buttonz, since I can't because of a train bug ;p09:14
sil2100seb128: can you push teh button on the silo 10 publish?09:14
sil2100seb128: I can't publish dual-silos right now since the permission check is wrong (fix in a MP)09:15
seb128sil2100, k09:15
sil2100pstolowski: ^ \o/09:16
jibeldavmor2, we should definitely do an autoremove or check for orphan packages after installing a silo. It is not the first time this hits us.09:16
davmor2jibel: I'm just looking at it now it seems like I can copy the format of the other package instructions to add an autoremove maybe09:18
sil2100Kicking new image09:28
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Saviqcihelp, hey, something went wrong in the last two jobs for unity-api, jenkins failed to mkdirs somewhere https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/unity-api-ci/10:00
psivaaSaviq: let me take a look10:01
brendandjibel, are we sure the autoremove is desirable in every case?10:37
jibelbrendand, I don't know any other way to find and remove dropped dependencies10:39
jibeldeborphan would work too but it is not on the image10:39
brendandjibel, i just get the feeling if it was straightforward we would have done it a long time ago10:40
brendandjibel, i seem to recall some objections when it was proposed originally10:40
brendandjibel, we should at least get a bug in phablet-tools10:46
pstolowskisil2100, huh, merge failed in silo 10?10:48
jibeldavmor2 was about to file a bug10:48
davmor2jibel: proposed a merge instead :)10:49
jibelbrendand, https://code.launchpad.net/~davmor2/phablet-tools/add-autoremove/+merge/271631 :)10:49
jibeldavmor2, can you file a bug too and link it to the MP so discussion can happen there10:50
davmor2jibel: filing10:50
brendanddavmor2, i just did10:51
davmor2brendand: where10:51
brendanddavmor2, in phablet-tools...10:51
brendanddavmor2, just linked it10:52
brendandjibel, i think the tricky thing is we need a way to test this in a realistic way, usually when these issues are discovered the situation has passed10:52
brendanddavmor2, i'm not positive your change will do the trick, since SourceList is set to /dev/null at the point when you do the autoremove10:53
jibelbrendand, since it a dependency that move from a package dependency to the seed, the only way to realistically test it is to build an image10:53
brendanddavmor2, so apt only 'sees' what's in the PPA i believe10:53
brendandjibel, yeah citrain will never be perfect10:54
brendandjibel, the main question is whether this change would catch the issue in question10:54
brendandjibel, can we arrange for a silo to be created that reproduces the issue in question?10:55
jibelbrendand, only way to know is to try. flash 108, upgrade qtubuntu and run autoremove10:55
jibelbrendand, just upgrade qtubuntu on 10810:55
jibelbrendand, 115 sorry10:56
jibelwell latest -1 :)10:56
brendandjibel, still doesn't tell us what the effect is of SourceList being /dev/null at that point10:56
brendandjibel, but it would be a start10:56
brendandjibel, is that 115 on krillin?10:56
jibelbrendand, on arale10:57
jibelbrendand, on krillin it would be 12710:57
brendandjibel, sure? i'm on 127 now10:57
brendandjibel, 126?10:57
jibelbrendand, 126 you're right, 128 has just been released with the fix10:58
* ogra_ gives sil2100 a vibrating hug 10:59
ogra_all back to normal with the new image :)10:59
pstolowskiseb128, hey, any idea what's wrong with silo 10 now?11:01
seb128no idea no, sorry11:02
seb128that states there are merge conflicts11:03
pstolowskiseb128, yes i saw that, but it merges cleanly here11:03
seb128no idea, sorry11:03
brendandjibel, maybe it would be more effective if we could somehow pre-validate the changes going into an image?11:06
brendandjibel, although i guess the archive is constantly moving, so11:06
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pstolowskiseb128, is it possible to examine /srv/juju/8cf85e56-3fc7-4e9b-97df-423d87ebb8f5/var/lib/jenkins/silos/ubuntu/landing-010/unity-scopes-api/ ?11:10
sil2100ogra_: \o/ ;)11:15
sil2100pstolowski: I'll check in a moment11:16
brendandjibel, those steps certainly do result in qtubuntu-sensors being removed11:17
pstolowskisil2100, thanks. bbiab11:17
sil2100pstolowski: something strange happened in this silo indeed11:24
sil2100pstolowski: looking at the CI Train contents, it seems it didn't commit some changes... I better take a look at the package11:25
sil2100pstolowski: I think, to avoid confusion, we should really just merge it in manually11:41
sil2100I'll try to do it the right way11:41
pstolowskisil2100, hmm okay... is there any way to ensure that it was rebuilt after all the commits? shall we rebuild just in case?11:53
sil2100pstolowski: no no, all is ok it seems11:53
sil2100I just checked, it's just the train having problems11:53
sil2100Pushing manually11:53
pstolowskisil2100, uff, thanks11:54
sil2100pstolowski: ok, silo freed and branches pushed ;)11:54
Saviqpsivaa, something bad happened with devices as well https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-deb-autopilot-runner-wily-mako/390/console11:55
pstolowskithat was quite a battle. i'm sure michi will open a champagne11:55
* alecu opens a diet coke11:56
alecunow, where's my 12yo rum...11:56
alecupstolowski: this means that we'll be able to land "social interactions" soon, right?11:57
pstolowskisil2100, is to going to be immediately available to other silos, or do i need to wait?11:57
pstolowskialecu, yes, hopefully! if nothing unexpected happens (such as last events related to silo 10)11:57
pstolowskialecu, i.e. the coming landing will have single-tree branch for shell plugin, so i expect some bumps11:58
alecupstolowski: so, we'll need another packaging ack from the ubuntu devs, like with silo 10, right?11:59
pstolowskialecu, probably, yes, although it's going to be less important change than with scopes api12:00
psivaaSaviq: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/unity-api-ci/337/ has now succeded12:01
psivaaSaviq: regarding the failure in the devices, i'll add a card for the team to look at.12:01
Saviqpsivaa, thanks12:01
psivaai'm about to go for my lunch, i'll take a look when i return if that is not picked up12:02
sil2100pstolowski: you can now prepare other landings, since the change is now in your trunk :)12:05
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pstolowskisil2100, joy of joys, thanks for help! :)12:18
sil2100pstolowski: yw! Sorry this was such a bumpy ride ;)12:21
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sil2100kenvandine: ugh!13:07
kenvandinesil2100, ?13:08
sil2100kenvandine: soooo... I just pushed a package to silo 00913:08
sil2100kenvandine: I'm testing something in staging and thought that it allocates silos the right way13:09
sil2100But it seems it was your silo ;p13:10
sil2100Anyway, let me remove it13:10
sil2100kenvandine: sorry about that ;p13:10
kenvandinesil2100, no... somethings wrong there13:11
kenvandinesilo 9 has landed13:11
kenvandinesil2100, and those branches have been merged13:12
kenvandinenot sure why it's lingering in bileto13:12
sil2100kenvandine: those are landed, yes?13:17
sil2100kenvandine: ok, so let me use that, I'll abandon it in a moment13:18
kenvandinesil2100, thx13:18
sil2100kenvandine: I'll test the silo in this case13:18
kenvandineno idea why it's still there13:18
kenvandinedefinitely landed though13:18
sil2100kenvandine: probably because of my staging assignment... it assigned it in the staging bileto, and the production one got confused13:19
dobeycihelp: does jenkins not understand @replaceme@ in the symbols files?13:29
dobeythe jobs for MP verification, not silo builds, that is13:30
rvrjamesh: Approving silo 1513:40
kenvandinetar: ./control: Cannot write: No space left on device13:45
kenvandinesil2100,  trying to rebuild silo 5313:45
kenvandinesil2100, ^^13:50
kenvandinejgdx, i tried rebuilding silo 53, which was dirty... but jenkins is angry with us :)13:51
sil2100Eh, the pbuilder seems to be full13:51
sil2100Since the instance itself has a lot of space13:52
sil2100Let me check what we can do about this situatio13:52
kenvandinesil2100, thx13:52
jgdxkenvandine, right, because of the ofono landing.13:55
jgdxkenvandine, and a new build failed?13:55
kenvandinejgdx, yeah... but now we can't build13:55
kenvandineout of space13:55
kenvandinesil2100's going to get us going again :)13:55
* sil2100 still looking13:55
jgdxkenvandine, out in space? like LEO?13:56
oSoMoNsil2100, I’m affected too with the no space left on device issue: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-035-1-build/64/console13:58
barry_trainguards: testing14:15
sil2100barry_: what's up?14:15
sil2100kenvandine: try now :)14:15
barrysil2100: just testing my erc notification setting :)14:15
Mirvbarry: hmm :D14:17
barryemacs ftw14:18
* kenvandine tries14:19
kenvandinesil2100, that worked :)14:35
kenvandinesil2100, thx14:35
sil2100yw ;)14:36
jgdxsil2100, thanks!14:43
jgdxkenvandine, you started a build of the whole whack?14:45
kenvandinejgdx, just settings14:45
kenvandinejgdx, did indicator-network need a rebuild too?14:45
jgdxkenvandine, don't think so, just curious14:46
Saviqtrainguards, ENOSPC during source package build: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-010-1-build/231/consoleFull14:50
Saviqshould I just try again?14:50
fgintherdobey, can you provide an example of the @replaceme@ problem? I think the answer is no, but I'd like to verify15:00
dobeyfginther: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/pay-service-15.04-vivid-amd64-ci/30/console15:01
dobeydpkg-gensymbols: error: @replaceme@ is not a valid version15:01
pstolowskisil2100, hey, may i ask you to purge unity-scopes-api from https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-024 ?15:03
mterryrobru, I am in no way trying to poke you to push something along.  I just want to confirm I did the process correctly, since I don't think I've requested a silo using bileto yet.  Is silo ticket 381 ready from my side?15:04
fgintherdobey, do you know where this is documented? From looking at the ci-train code, it looks like the correct string should be "0replaceme". But I could be missing something15:09
sil2100pstolowski: sure, on it15:09
sil2100Saviq: try again, I just recenly cleaned the pbuilders15:10
sil2100mterry: let me take a look, robru is on holidays ;)15:10
mterrysil2100, ah thanks  :)  dang leaving IRC on15:10
sil2100pstolowski: deleted15:11
pstolowskisil2100, ty15:11
dobeyfginther: oh ok. so the closing @ is not supposed to be there?15:12
sil2100mterry: almost perfect ;) You need to switch the last drop-down to 'QA Required'15:12
sil2100mterry: you can do that by editing the request15:12
sil2100mterry: once you're done, try assigning the silo :)15:12
fgintherdobey, and the first character is a '0' (zero), not an '@'15:12
dobeyfginther: oh15:13
mterrysil2100, aha did it15:15
mterrysil2100, now I have LP permission to upload to landing-051 PPA?  will try that15:15
dobeyfginther: is that documented somewhere?15:17
sil2100mterry: you should have, you're a core-dev15:17
mterryindeed, i"m in that team15:18
mterryThat was a surprise.  But I'm in so many teams it's hard to keep track15:18
fgintherdobey, I was able to find this which still appears to apply: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DailyRelease/FAQ#I.27m_exposing_a_new_C.2BAC8-C.2B-.2B-_symbols_in_my_library.2C_it_seems_that_some_packaging_changes_are_needed.2BICY-15:18
rvrkgunn: Approving silo 6015:40
kgunnrvr: awesome!15:42
fgintherSaviq, FYI, I restarted the MPs that were impacted by the failure of one of the mako devices.15:47
Saviqfginther, thanks15:47
robrusil2100: nothing you can do in staging has any ability to touch anything in production. The only "confusion" i can think of is that the staging bileto ppa links to production PPAs. But it's just a link, it would be up to you to copy packages into production by mistake15:56
sil2100robru: all is good, I noticed that already when testing ;)15:58
robrusil2100: OK, some scrollback is making me nervous16:02
kgunntrainguards: strangely...i've got me first chance to land something with bileto...if i have QA approaved, is it "publish" & then "merge & clean" ?16:49
robrukgunn: yes except merge & clean is automatic and you don't have permission to publish. I'm afk but perhaps barry is around to publish that for you. Just tell him what request it is16:52
rvrbfiller: ping16:52
barrykgunn: you will be my guinea pig16:52
kgunn:) barry it's silo 60 thanks16:52
barrykgunn: you want me to publish that silo, right?16:53
kgunnbarry: please sir16:54
barrykgunn: i need to ack packaging changes, so let me take a quick look at the mp16:55
kgunnyou bet16:55
barrykgunn: um, now i'm not sure which request this is.  if i search for Publishable i see landing-022 and landing-053, neither of which is yours16:58
barryah, wait16:59
barryubuntu/landing-60 right?16:59
barryit's in a different bucket now i think16:59
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barrykgunn, robru i admit i am confused trying to find the landing you want to publish17:01
fgintherSaviq, The requested changes for lp:unity8, lp:unity-api and lp:qtmir have all been deployed (since late yesterday)17:38
fgintherSaviq, please let us know if something is not quite right17:38
Saviqfginther, oh yeah we're very happy :)17:45
Saviqfginther, there were some issues today but they seem resolved now (unrelated to job configs, the broken mako and some weird mkdirs problem psivaa solved)17:46
ChrisTownsendtrainguards: I'm ready for landing-015 to go into the Publishing phase.  Do I click Publish in my landing request or do one of you do it?17:49
SaviqChrisTownsend, they need to, we've no rights17:53
ChrisTownsendSaviq: Oh ok.  So we always ping when we are to publish?17:54
SaviqChrisTownsend, generally they monitor the queue and will publish if they see one that's ready17:55
ChrisTownsendSaviq: Sorry for the questions, but how to I set it that it is ready?17:55
SaviqChrisTownsend, QA does17:55
SaviqChrisTownsend, and in your case you set it to "publish without QA"17:56
Saviqsince you didn't require QA17:56
ChrisTownsendSaviq: Ah, ok.  "No QA needed" is not the correct one.17:57
SaviqChrisTownsend, it is, before you verify it17:57
SaviqChrisTownsend, basically, it has to show up in https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/trainguards17:57
ChrisTownsendSaviq: Ok, now I got it.  Thanks!17:57
ChrisTownsendSaviq: This is the first time I've done a release since the change away from the spreadsheet.17:58
SaviqChrisTownsend, nw, I'm only doing my own first landing after being back, too17:58
ChrisTownsendSaviq: lol, you seem to have The Knowledge:)17:59
SaviqChrisTownsend, likely I've just been through the process so many times I know the levers to pull by now ;)17:59
ChrisTownsendSaviq: heh18:00
kgunnbarry: still confused? afaik it's this one18:01
barrykgunn: yeah, sorry, i got pulled into a meeting.  give me a few minutes to wrap that up and i'll take a look again18:02
barrykgunn: okay, i think i've got it.  i should talk to robru about the ui.  i find it difficult to go from an irc request that says "landing-60" to finding the actual line in the ui that refers to that.  really my first use of the new ui18:08
barrykgunn: there ya go ^^18:09
kgunnthanks barry! have a great weekend18:14
Saviqhmm is citrain tool supposed to prevent overlay packages from getting installed? not happening here18:15
kgunntrainguards i know it's late on a friday but i just hit assign on bileto, but it gave me an assignment error19:09
kgunnmentioning silo 60...which ironically was the silo i had earlier today19:09
kgunnjust a weird bug getting the same silo twice ?19:09
kgunnthe landing i had in silo 60 earlier says "landed"19:10
kgunnso i would assume it's free19:10
robrubarry: can you file a bug against lp:bileto? "Publishable" page should include silos needing ack but doesn't19:46
barryrobru: yep.  i think i'll file another bug which is that it should be possible to search for something like 'landing-60' and get the silo needing attention.  i think 'landing-60' didn't turn up anything, but i found it by searching for '60'19:51
robrubarry: weird it should work if you search by landing-xxx19:52
robruExcept that it would show every request that ever went through that silo19:52
barryrobru: maybe that was the problem.  it's too hard to find the thing i need to poke when someone ask for help with "landing-60"19:53
robrukgunn: can you send me the exact request you had when you got that prepare error? I've seen that before but haven't been able to reproduce it, also the error makes no sense as there are checks in place to prevent that situation19:53
robrubarry: yeah people should probably just be trained to use the requestid or just send links19:54
barryrobru: but that's human nature :)19:54
robrubarry: saying "silo x" was OK when there were only 20 but it hasn't really scaled19:55
barryrobru: agreed19:56
robrubarry: but there are definitely growing pains where bileto could be better, in trying to iterate on it19:56
kgunnrobru: i gotta run, but i actually abandoned that...it's a qtmir request19:56
kgunni started another one, but now it says "out of silos"19:56
barryrobru: what?  the first release wasn't perfect?  madness19:57
kgunnhow dear he19:57
kgunntry to improve and not achieve perfection on mark 119:57
robrukgunn: well i could have left you with the spreadsheet while i perfected bileto :-P19:57
barryrobru: LP: #149743419:59
ubot5Launchpad bug 1497434 in Bileto "Silos needing ack don't show up in Publishable page" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149743419:59
robrubarry: thanks, next week will see a bunch of fun improvements i think20:00
barryrobru: LP: #1497435 is the other one.  see if that makes sense20:02
ubot5Launchpad bug 1497435 in Bileto "Difficult to search for silo referred to by humans" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149743520:02
robrubarry: yeah I think I"ll have to implement a new search just for silonumbers that hides older landings.20:04
barryrobru: +120:04
robrukgunn: ah, the issue with your latest request is that you had a branch instead of a merge in there. I'll have to clean up that traceback20:28
oSoMoNtrainguards: can silo 59 be published, please?20:49
barryoSoMoN: yep20:50
robruoh goody20:53
oSoMoNwhat is this "'NoneType' object is not iterable" error?20:54
robruoSoMoN: somebody else's silo has a branch instead of a merge and the train explodes while trying to mark other silos dirty20:54
robruoSoMoN: the publish was successful20:54
oSoMoNrobru, ok20:55
barrywell, i've reached my destination for the week, so i'll no longer be guarding the train today20:55
robrubarry: thanks for filling in20:55
barryrobru: so much nicer than the spreadsheet! :)20:56
robrubarry: glad you like it! it's only going to get better!20:56
robruoSoMoN: ^^ that's a better status20:56
oSoMoNrobru, yeah, that’s better indeed :)20:57

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