
sethjhmm, I just noticed two finger tap doesn't open the context menu on 15.10. Anyone else experiencing that?01:32
sethjjust to be clear, I mean two finger tap on the touchpad.01:32
pittiGood morning02:40
duflupitti: Yes good morning (still is in Australia too)03:06
pittiduflu: heh yes, couldn't sleep any more03:07
didrocksgood morning05:04
pittibonjour didrocks !05:04
didrockssalut pitti, ça va ?05:07
pittididrocks: un peu fatigué, je m'ai levé à 4h15 ..05:07
pitti(avec Annett)05:07
pittimais bien, merci ! et toi ?05:08
didrockstu n'es pas resté encore une heure au lit cette fois ?05:08
didrocksça va, merci!  mais pas mal occupé avec du snappy…05:08
pittididrocks: on va à Dresden cet après-midi, alors je veux encore utiliser "bandwidth"05:08
didrocksah, d'accord :)05:09
pittididrocks: oui, je vais faire ça (snappy demo) aussi aujourd'hui ou le prochaine semaine05:09
didrockshey hikiko ! How are you?05:44
hikikobonjour didrocks :)05:44
hikikoi am good, you?05:44
didrocksI'm fine, thanks !05:45
didrocksbonjour larsu !06:19
larsuhey how are you didrocks?06:20
pittihellas hikiko!06:21
pittiguten Morgen larsu06:21
* larsu winkt pitti06:22
didrockslarsu: I'm good, thanks!06:22
larsugreat thanks!06:22
larsusun is shining so much I have problems seeing the screeen06:22
larsuwhich is *awesome* in this season06:22
pittiyeah, chilly but sunny autumn, nice!06:22
hikikohey :) hi pitti and larsu06:25
larsugood morning hikiko!06:26
seb128good morning desktopers07:04
pittibonjour seb128 !07:05
seb128hey pitti, wie gehts?07:05
pittiseb128: gut, danke! je suis travaillé depuis 4h20, on va à Dresden aujourd'hui à nouveau07:06
seb128pitti, c'est déjà l'après-midi pour toi alors !07:07
pittiseb128: en effet !07:07
seb128oh, pitti is piloting07:11
seb128that queue is going to be back in 0 today ;-)07:12
pitti57 → 42 so far07:12
pittiI think I achieved that only once :/07:12
seb128that's quite good, it was up to 80 earlier in the week07:12
pittiand with FF it won't be today07:12
seb128Laney did a good shift yesterday07:12
seb128I was pondering having a look today, but after you guys I bet only the difficults one are going to be left ;-)07:12
seb128I might still pick a few ones and at least nag server team or whoever should review them07:13
didrockscyphermox did quite some as well overnight, that was nice :)07:14
* pitti -> train station, bbl07:31
hikikohello willcooke08:00
willcookemorning hikiko - did you see my message re: old bugs in Compiz...08:01
willcookescript says 708 Compiz bugs > 2 years old, and of those only 64 have had any comments in the last year08:01
willcookeSeems like we can auto-close a lot of them08:01
willcookeor rather, auto-incomplete08:01
hikikono I didn't :s but I closed all the bugs before aug 201008:02
seb128hey willcooke hikiko Laney08:02
hikikoit's not in my inbox :S08:02
hikikohi Laney seb12808:02
Laneyhey hey08:03
LaneyI just checked the calendar and it is indeed Friday08:03
Laneychrisccoulson: oxide> no, I didn't look further than that push-state thing08:03
seb128Laney, don't be sad, monday is not that far and then you can hack again on cool Ubuntu things ;-)08:06
LaneyI know, I just hate the weekend and going to work at the climbing centre08:06
Laneyall the time I'm there I am just looking forward to being back at launchpad.net08:07
seb128going climing this w.e? ;-)08:07
Laneynot outdoors though... maybe I should...08:07
Laneyhow's it going? ;-)08:07
Laneyhey hikiko08:08
seb128going good!08:08
hikikowillcooke, I can't find your email :/08:08
seb128I spent another hour triaging unity bugs, but start having enough of those so time to do something else08:08
willcookehikiko, was IRC08:08
seb128I'm going to try to keep doing one hour in the morning for a bit08:08
willcookethanks seb128 !08:08
willcookebtw - please let me know (or fill in the spreadsheet) the days you expect to need a hotel room everyone08:09
willcookequite surprised how few people have done that08:09
Laneypeople usually look at their travel options first08:10
hikikowillcooke, I can't find it, but I closed some bugs before so we have even fewer08:11
willcookeWe need to get the hotel book asap, otherwise we're sleeping under desks in Blue Fin08:11
pittiwillcooke: I'm sure London has better places to spend the nights at :)08:18
Laneysleepover at willcooke's house08:18
Laneyhey pitti08:18
pittihey Laney, how are you?08:19
willcookeI think there is a direct correlation between hotels with rooms available at short notice and the murder rate for that area08:19
Laneyfeeling strangely fine (/me puts that album on)08:19
Laneywent round a friend's for cheese and board games last night08:19
pittiLaney: feeling quite okay too, although a bit tired; started early today as we go to Dresden over the weekend08:21
Laneythat means you're closer to being finished for the week :)08:23
pittiLaney: exactly :)08:24
* Laney swears at mips* https://buildd.debian.org/status/package.php?p=gdk-pixbuf&suite=experimental08:25
willcookeTrevinho, hey - any thoughts on when/if the dash overlay scroll bars will land?08:52
Sweet5harkhmm, when did we cross the border to insanity: When we had a ./configure script with more then 10.000 lines? Or when we had a ./configure.ac with more than 10.000 lines?09:44
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willcookehi Laney, seb128 - I've opened a bug with the new wallpaper.  I will speak to the doc team about exceptions10:02
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1497177 in ubuntu-wallpapers (Ubuntu) "15.10 default desktop wallpaper" [Undecided,New]10:02
seb128willcooke, popey, that screen corruption on monitor config changes (like plugin one or undocking), did you ever try changing workspaces? does that workaround it for you?10:02
willcookeseb128, I tried it, made no difference.  I think it's a different bug.  Things like vt1 were effected as well10:03
Laneywillcooke: thx, will look later/monday10:03
willcookethanks Laney10:03
popeyseb128: i dont recall, but andyrock has made a patch which I am using now10:03
seb128willcooke, k, I just saw it here with an external vga monitor but changing workspace fixed it10:03
popeyand have been able to change monitor config without it breaking10:03
seb128popey, is that working?10:04
popeyso far, yes10:04
seb128so it was a compiz/unity issue?10:04
popeylooks like it10:04
seb128andyrock, ^ should https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/1421575 be marked invalid?10:04
willcookepopey, so your wife-problems are fixed ;)10:04
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1421575 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "Desktop corruption when changing monitor config" [High,Triaged]10:04
seb128lp #148572710:04
ubot5Launchpad bug 1485727 in unity (Ubuntu) "Corrupted unity desktop after resizing vbox/vmware window." [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148572710:04
willcookeI spoke to andyrock yesterday about this10:05
seb128what I though, they seem similar problems10:05
willcookeand he said there was no way I should be seeing it on 14.0410:05
seb128but then changing workspaces should workaround it10:05
seb128willcooke, your bug might be different from the one others are seeing then...10:05
popeyseb128: ok, let me revert back to stock unity and try that10:05
seb128popey, thanks10:05
willcookeseb128, yeah, I think so10:05
popeyseb128: reverted to stock wily unity, rebooted, logged in (had a separate issue I will mention in a moment) screen config changed, screen freaked out, switched desktops, desktop back to working!10:14
popeySo yes, switching workspaces _does_ work around the issue10:14
seb128popey, thanks for testing10:17
seb128popey, I bet you wish you knew about that workaround before ;-)10:17
popeyYes. I was thinking exactly that :)10:18
seb128well at least it's good, we have a workaround and andyrock has a fix10:19
seb128just suck to be willcooke who seems to have a different issue :-/10:19
popeywillcooke: does switching workspaces not "fix" it for you?10:19
willcookeit didn't, but let me try again now...10:19
* willcooke saves everything first10:20
popeyWell, seb128 has made my day. So that's good. Thanks seb128 :)10:21
seb128popey, yw!10:21
willcookethat's a no then10:23
willcookealthough, actually vt1 is fine10:23
willcookemine smells like drivers to me10:26
popeymine smelled like drivers too10:27
popeydid you not test vanilla 14.04 from a stick?10:28
popeypre-HWE stack?10:28
willcookewell, seb128 and I tried a load of old kernels10:28
willcookeI can't remember what we found out though.  I'll try again later10:28
seb128the iso from usb didn't have the issue10:28
seb128we didn't find what update started it by doing updates of xorg&co and restarting session10:29
seb128we also tried to boot old kernel from the installed laptop10:29
seb128but those didn't fix it10:29
willcookeI should try andyrock's fix then, just out of interest10:30
andyrockwell that patch applies to 15.10 (15.04 too?)10:31
willcookebut not 14.04 right?10:31
andyrockwell you should try to merge hikiko's branches10:32
andyrockthen my fix10:32
andyrockand see what happens10:32
andyrockor just try to reproduce the problem on 15.10 + that fix10:32
willcookethis sounds like something for the weekend10:33
andyrockif you can't reproduce the problem anymore we can try to build a ppa with all the patches10:33
andyrockto test on 14.0410:33
andyrockand see what happens10:33
hikikoyes you need the save_state() restore_state() otherwise the unity transformations will be applied in all running compiz plugins causing weird artifacts10:34
hikikoand then andyrock's fix10:34
andyrockmakes sense10:34
andyrockI'll try to build a ppa in the weekend10:34
popeyandyrock: dunno if it's related, but when I tried your patched unity, if I changed the desktop config (via pulling my laptop out of the docking station) the display froze10:44
popeyif I plug it back in again it recovers10:44
seb128Laney, larsu, lol, I found how to use youtube in totem, usability fail imho10:45
popeyits not the whole system that freezes, because on the frozen laptop display if I "click" (blindly) things, then it catches up, or does them without showing me the result, so when I plug it back into the display, I suddenly see all the apps I launched10:45
seb128Laney, larsu, it's not in the channels, you need to be on the "videos" tab, type something on the keyboard and then click on the "filesystem" label on the right of the text entry, which is a combo, and pick "youtube"10:47
seb128I wonder if I'm just a dumb user10:47
seb128or if that's really non obvious10:47
andyrockpopey so without the patch what's the problem?10:48
andyrockit's the same right?10:49
popeywithout the patch the screen goes crazy when I change monitor config10:49
popeywith the patch the screen freezes10:49
popeywill test some more though.10:49
larsuseb128: that is really dumb10:50
* larsu is off for lunch though10:50
seb128larsu, lunch is a good idea, I should do the same10:50
seb128larsu, enjoy ;-)10:50
andyrockk thanks i'll try to test it too10:51
Trevinhowillcooke: OSB... I've fixed the bugs in nux, I'm almost done now... But there's one last bug in nux that I'd need to clear11:10
willcookeTrevinho, coolio, thanks.  You're already on the case11:10
* Trevinho finally got a silo!11:12
didrocksTrevinho: happy siloing :)11:13
popeywillcooke: did the new font land on the desktop?11:14
willcookepopey, heh - which one?11:15
popeyours :) Ubuntu Font.11:15
* Trevinho heard that they were testing it yet?11:15
willcookeright, it's not quite that easy11:15
popeyoh okay.11:15
willcookev. 0.83 of the Ubuntu font is release which includes fixes for Mac11:15
popeyjust noticed my desktop font looks horrid, and wondered if that was why11:15
popeyprobably just my eyes :)11:16
willcookepopey, humm, worth looking in to.  Can you do a screen grab?11:16
popeywillcooke: http://i.imgur.com/zxuuUJa.png11:20
willcookepopey, humm, doesn't look quite as smooth as it should does it11:22
willcookepopey, what about the dash?11:22
popeyi have logged in to other (non-unity) desktops on this laptop recently, wonder if that's messed my font settings up11:22
popeynvm, will have a play11:22
willcookepopey, let me check my vanilla 15.10 vm...11:23
tkamppeterhi, I have a problem with bug 1449875. I could fix it by adding a dependency to Ghostscript but the new dependency recommends tons of unneeded packages. Do all these get installed then, too?11:35
ubot5bug 1449875 in ghostscript (Ubuntu) "ghostscript fails on some EPS files" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144987511:35
popeywillcooke: do you still have an iphone kicking around?11:47
popeythe #4 crash on errors.u.c is upower, on 14.04 (which you're running?) I have a theory that it only happens when an iphone is left plugged in and charging off the computer - i see it here on my 15.10 system.11:48
popeyI can tell upower has crashed because I get randomly sent to the lock screen while I'm working, and my machine slows as apport does its dance :)11:49
* davidcalle reports popey for not using the Ubuntu font11:50
* popey runs away to the French Foreign Legion 11:51
Sweet5harkseb128: libreoffice 5.0.2 for wily building in ppa (and locally) fwiw ...11:55
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seb128Sweet5hark, great12:43
seb128Sweet5hark, did you get the ffe approved?12:43
Sweet5harkfor 5.0.2? not yet12:44
Sweet5harkseb128: building != finished building for libreoffice. and I need build logs for a FFE, dont I?12:45
seb128Sweet5hark, ignore me, I was asking about 5.0 but it looks like that landed during my holidays12:45
Sweet5harkseb128: yes, it did. kudos to cyphermox for that.12:46
seb128Sweet5hark, now you have more sponsors for the DMB application, right? ;-)12:46
Sweet5harkseb128: he wondered how it can be that Im not either drunk or in a asylum when seeing the packaging.12:46
Sweet5harkseb128: hopefully insane packages need insane maintainers.12:47
Sweet5hark(there is supposed to be a dot between hopefully and insane)12:47
willcookepopey, I do have an iphone kicking around12:55
popeywillcooke: bet upower crashes if you leave it plugged into your ubuntu laptop :)12:56
willcookepopey, will find cables and such and try it12:57
willcookehi aquarius13:00
aquariuswillcooke, hey13:00
willcookeseb128, do you happen to know off the top of your head if any ibus or fcitx changes landed in 14.04 recently?13:01
willcookeaquarius, are these keyboard oddities limited to Unity and/or Gtk apps, Qt apps?13:01
aquariusOK. Ctrl-arrows fail in Telegram (which is Qt), gnome-terminal, xchat-gnome (Gtk)13:02
aquariusas does ctrl-f13:02
aquariusctrl-s works fine in xchat-gnome13:03
willcookeand xev shows that ctrl is being seen?13:03
willcookeTrevinho, is Unity doing any extra keyboard grabbing in 14.04 recently?13:03
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willcookeaquarius, you dont happen to have another keyboard kicking around?13:04
seb128willcooke, not that I know, why?13:04
seb128tkamppeter, don't add that depends/recommends if it pulls too much in13:04
seb128willcooke, I guess for what aquarius is asking13:04
seb128aquarius, do you get the issue in a guest session?13:04
aquariuswillcooke, yup; xev shows ctrl is being seen, and as noted some other ctrl combinations work, so the key's not broken13:04
willcookeseb128, aquarius is suddenly having strange kbd issues, ctrl-arrows stopped working, ctrl-f stopped working13:05
willcookeseb128, yeah13:05
aquariusanother keyboard -- you mean, another physical keyboard? Um. Somewhere :)13:05
seb128willcooke, do you see the same?13:05
aquariusguest session: good idea, I'll try that.13:05
willcookeaquarius, yeah, I dunno, would be good to rule that out13:05
willcookeseb128, nope, everything is fine here13:05
aquariusconfirmed: I see the same issue in a guest session13:07
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seb128well at least it's not user config13:08
willcookeaquarius, do you happen to have a spare USB stick kicking around.  Would be interesting to see if a live 14.04 or 15.04 do that too13:08
aquariusand the other ctrl key on the keyboard exhibits the same problem too, having just thought of tsting that13:09
aquariusso it's not that someone hexed the ctrl key with "now you hate F and the arrows" :)13:09
desrtseb128: this is not strictly a behaviour change13:10
desrtseb128: the old glib would have done this too if it was "fast enough" (or if you moved the file slow enough)13:10
desrtbut the thing where events were always delayed 1s means that you never got the chance to see that before13:10
seb128desrt, in practice it is though, enough to make working code behave differently13:10
desrtso now that event reporting is faster, it makes sense of course that you have a chance to see more events13:10
seb128hum, k13:10
desrti'd argue that the existing code wasn't _really_ working because there were cases where it could have still failed (like if the fs was super-heavy-loaded or something)13:11
desrtalthough in practice, i have to agree with you :(13:11
seb128same argument that the gsettings change some cycles ago13:11
desrtbut i'm really not sure what we should do to fix it....13:11
seb128yeah, dunno either13:11
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desrtwell, this one was weaker, and had an easy fix13:11
seb128I guess we can fix unity, which is where we noticed it and too bad for other potential users13:11
desrt(which i still didn't do, i admit... i still think people should just "fix" their code) :)13:12
desrtbut this case.... really, we fixed a bug that we had before, which is that events were being missed13:12
desrt(due to the mandatory delay)13:12
seb128yeah, same good old "apps relying on the runtime behaviour, not the theorical one"13:13
desrtwhich is fair enough13:13
desrtTDD is a thing, right?13:13
desrtnobody writes code to be correct anyway -- only to pass tests13:13
desrtbecause the first way is apparently impossible13:13
desrtbtw: good morning :)13:13
seb128good morning, happy friday ;-)13:13
desrthells ya friday13:14
seb128I hope you had some coffee already before jumping on IRC§13:14
desrtgotta go to the airport and rent a car tomorrow13:14
desrtactually, i didn't13:14
desrtand there's a story about that, and i _should_13:14
seb128you should ;-)13:14
desrtbasically, i owe money to the store downstairs13:14
desrtwent yesterday and tried to pay with my credit card, which was cancelled13:14
desrt(new one was in the mail and they got too 'excited' about transfering the account too soon)13:15
desrtso i couldn't pay... so i really do have to go down today to get a coffee.... and pay for two :)13:15
seb128enjoy! :-)13:15
aquariusOK, crisis over13:16
aquariusIt is the keyboard's fault13:16
aquariusUsing a different keyboard; works fine13:16
aquariuswell, it's good from the point of view of the Ubuntu desktop team13:17
willcookesucks to be aquarius13:17
aquariusit was good13:18
willcookeaquarius, Logitech k72013:18
aquariusbut this one keeps failing13:18
aquariuskeys don't register sometimes13:18
aquariuswhich I suppose might be *this* keyboard also failing13:18
aquariuswillcooke, the broken one is a Logitech K520 :)13:18
aquariusI like logitech stuff13:18
aquariusall the spacing is wrong on this one and everything :)13:20
aquariusstill, things work now at least.13:20
desrtso lol.  got my new 20Ah usb battery yesterday, plugged it in overnight to charge13:56
desrt...it's still charging13:56
Laneyoh yeah, the unity fix13:58
* Laney buildz13:58
tkamppeterseb128, and as I do not know whether it pulls to much in, I am asking.14:13
Laneywhy do I have some kind of fcitx indicator in a wily live session?14:41
Laneyhappyaron: any clue?14:42
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seb128Laney, "some kind"?14:50
seb128Laney, what locale?14:51
Laneyit's a tux penguin14:51
Laneyen_US I guess, didn't change anything14:51
seb128ps aux | grep fcitx?14:51
Laneyit's in /etc/xdg/autostart14:52
Laneyif I kill that it gets replaced with a normal fcitx one14:54
Laneythen kill fcitx and both gone14:54
seb128I lost track, I though we wouldn't install fcitx by default by pull them through langpack/language-selector?14:57
seb128we probably need GunnarHj and/or happyaron for the details14:58
Laneyit's meant to be shipped as a .deb on the iso so that you can install it if you have internet14:58
Laneybut not actually installed14:58
Laneynot working right anyway14:58
seb128if you have "no" internet?14:58
seb128so why is it installed? ;-)14:59
seb128but yeah, seems buggy14:59
seb128please open a bug?14:59
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1489717 in fcitx (Ubuntu) "wily: fcitx indicator shown when fcitx isn't in use" [Undecided,New]14:59
* seb128 assigns, High, tag rls-w-incoming15:00
seb128Laney, thanks for pointing it out!15:00
Laneyquality triaging15:03
Laneywould report bug again15:03
Laneymaybe I'm wrong about how it was meant to be installed in the iso15:05
Laneyit might be that it should be installed there and removed after if you don't have chinese15:05
Laneycan't quite remember the discussion15:05
Laneybut if so then fixing that bug would be enough15:05
LaneyI saw that it was me who merged the change into the seeds15:07
Laneyand thought hey that guy is usually right, it's probably *me* that is wrong15:07
seb128desrt, larsu, Laney, can any of you remind me the environment variable that can be set to see the gdbus traffic?16:09
desrt=message is better16:14
desrtall is too verbose16:14
seb128Laney, desrt, thanks16:17
seb128brb, session restart16:17
larsudesrt: it's all too verbose16:18
Laneyno YOU'RE too verbose16:19
* larsu shuts up16:20
* willcooke switches the light on16:44
willcookeit's not even 6pm yet, and its too dark16:44
Trevinhooh... so sad... :(16:46
Trevinhowillcooke: ah, you asked me about new grabs in 14.04 somewhere?  But well, I don't think anything changed recently16:46
willcookeTrevinho, s'ok it was aquarius dodgy keyboard all along ;)16:47
aquariusI am exceedingly sad about this, since now I've gotta buy a new keyboard16:47
aquariusand I liked my logitech one16:47
Trevinhooh, well mechanical ones are the new old stuff :)16:48
willcookebuy a new one the same16:48
aquariustrying to decide whether I should ask G+ and get a billion answers to make myself feel popular16:48
TrevinhoI'd just love to get a full keyboard with trackpad... but lenovo doesn't care about that :(16:48
willcookeaquarius, screw that, go on eBuyer, wireless keyboards, sort my popularity, done16:49
aquariuswillcooke, but... this one's bust. This is not encouraging me to buy another. especially since I've only had it 18 months!16:49
willcookeah, I have a picture of your keyboard round here somewhere....16:49
willcookepopey sent it to me...16:50
aquariusblimey, that's horrid16:51
TrevinhoSpeaking of membrane keyboards, I'm experiencing lot of pleasure with this one http://www.logitech.com/en-us/product/wireless-illuminated-keyboard-k800?wt.mc_id=global_social-k800_redirect_FY1116:51
aquariusmy keyboard is not like that :)16:51
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robert_ancelldesrt, decided not to come in to XDC today then?17:02
desrtrobert_ancell: no.  had too much work to do17:05
* desrt has been dealing with travel, emails, etc. for most of the morning17:06
willcookehappy weekend all17:12
willcookesafe travels robert_ancell17:12
Laneyhappy weekend!17:20
desrtLaney: take care!17:20
larsuhave fun!17:20
mterryseb128, this bluetooth fix...17:21
seb128mterry, yes?17:22
mterryseb128, am I supposed to see a dialog when trying to pair?  I still don't see one  :(17:22
mterryi mean, a pin prompt17:22
mterryseb128, I install the package and then restart the control center17:22
seb128mterry, yes, for me when I select the keyboard in settings and do next I get pincode to enter17:23
mterryseb128, well the code change seems similar to the old one.  But I don't know if I should comment in the bug, since it doesn't seem to change things for me.  Maybe my keyboard has additional special problems17:25
mterrycomment in the MP I meant17:25
seb128mterry, I Cced you mainly so you could try17:25
seb128you might have more issues17:25
seb128feel free to ignore the mp if that doesn't do it for you17:25
seb128mterry, I get that with the patch here, http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/bluetooth.png17:26
seb128where it was spinning/failing before17:26
mterryseb128, you are living the dream17:26
mterryseb128, now you're just bragging  :)17:26
mterryseb128, that's a nice dialog though17:27
seb128mterry, you can try to  G_DBUS_DEBUG=all bluetooth-wizard17:27
seb128and see if there is anything useful in the log17:27
mterry >>>> METHOD ERROR org.bluez.Error.Rejected17:28
mterry      message 'Rejected bluetoothd generated PIN code'17:28
mterry      in response to org.bluez.Agent1.DisplayPinCode()17:28
mterry      on object /org/bluez/agent/gnome17:28
mterryseb128, ^17:28
mterryseems bad17:28
seb128unsure why, but it's a different method that the one used on my keyboard (DisplayPasskey)17:29
seb128mterry, I'm about to call it a week, unsure what's going on but I can try having a look on monday if I see something in that code (a bit difficult to debug without device to test though)17:33
seb128mterry, did you find something?17:33
mterryseb128, my keyboard is a weird combo keyboard/touchpad17:33
* Trevinho probably got nux under control to get the new scrollbars not to be badly rendered...17:33
mterryseb128, don't worry about it, go eod17:33
seb128Trevinho, great17:33
mterryseb128, no didn't find any thing, just slowly responding to your message  :)17:33
seb128mterry, I'm still interested if you figure out something so please comment on the bug if you do ;-)17:33
mterryseb128, yar17:34
seb128have a nice w.e everyone!17:34
Trevinhoyah... using nux is always like guessing random numbers17:34
* Trevinho leaves for WE17:47

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