
UNIm95apw: Hi. I got kernel panic again. Where should i paste photos?08:59
apwUNIm95, file a bug, and add them to that bug: use 'ubuntu-bug linux' to make the bug09:01
UNIm95apw: what is ubuntu-bug linux? Console program? Website?09:01
apwsomething to run in a terminal yes09:01
UNIm95apw: Damn. I got Launchpad error =)09:17
UNIm95apw: I have submitted this. What should i do next? Wait?09:20
apwUNIm95, let us know the LP# here for one09:28
UNIm95apw: What do you mean with LP#?  if you mean bug number under launchpad it is #1497184. Link here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/149718409:31
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1497184 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel-panic with 3.13-64 generic kernel" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:31
apwyep that09:31
apwhenrix, ^ looks like a regression in trusty-proposed kernel ...09:34
apwUNIm95, does that trace seem consistent in your failures ?09:34
apwUNIm95, particuarly is that "BUG: ..../skbuff.c:1290" part appear in other ones09:35
UNIm95apw: Not sure. Now I'm still using *-64- kernel and wait for another panic. When it happens i post more photos.09:36
apwUNIm95, thanks that is exactly what we need, you are not the only person "feeling" there is an issue in here09:36
apwUNIm95, and thanks for 1) testing -proposed and 2) reporting the issues to us09:37
UNIm95apw: Please. I is not a problem for me. I have backups =)09:38
apwheh, thanks09:38
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* smb feels a disturbance in the coffee namespace09:47
henrixsmb: ok, i *may* have found something related with this bug.  if your bored, here's what i found:09:55
henrixsmb: trysty -64 kernel includes commit 738ac1ebb96d ("net: Clone skb before setting peeked flag")09:55
apwthat sounds suspicious indeed09:55
henrixsmb: however, there's an upstream commit (not included in trusty yet): a0a2a6602496 ("net: Fix skb_set_peeked use-after-free bug")09:56
henrixwhich fixes the other one09:56
smbhenrix, yeah. I am currently trying to cause it to crash with -64 in a VM. If that succeeds I can have a look with that added09:56
henrixsmb: cool, thanks09:57
smbhenrix, but use-after-free sounds a lot like what may happen09:57
henrixsmb: yeah, the only thing is that none of these functions actually show up in the kernel trace.  but since the kernel is tainted, it could have happen before09:58
henrix*don't show09:58
smbhenrix, absolutely. the pain with use-after-free09:58
henrixsmb: btw, if the issue you're hitting is really due to this commit, it seems to be related with broadcast/multicast ;-)10:03
henrix(according to the commit msg)10:03
smbhenrix, hmmm... so the method to trigger it is actually the dhcp client running... likely...10:04
henrixsmb: build on-going in gloin:/tmp/kernel-henrix-RVtd9xTj11:17
henrixUNIm95: i've commented on the bug with a link to a test kernel12:39
henrixUNIm95: The comment points to the possible issue (and the fix)12:39
UNIm95henrix: ok.12:39
apwUNIm95, how long did it take to reproduce in general ?12:40
henrixapw: smb: btw, looks like this also impacs vivid12:40
UNIm95apw: At home laptop worked for 4 hours, than sleep for 8 hours and, finally, after 2 hours word panic.12:42
UNIm95apw: one time a got this after ~30min uptime12:44
apwhenrix, gah12:45
UNIm95henrix: i will try this kernel a later. I need to do my work12:45
apwhenrix, i've nom'd it to those two for now12:45
UNIm95henrix: i have downloaded this kernel12:46
apwUNIm95, let us know how you get on12:46
henrixUNIm95: ack, thanks!12:46
apwbut i am suspicious this is the issue and fix12:46
UNIm95henrix: the only question: "and introduces a use-after-free bug, fixed with upstream commit"12:49
UNIm95It means than this bug appers with high memory load?12:49
henrixUNIm95: from these commits description it should occur in the broadcast and multicast packages receive paths, so not really a memory stress issue12:50
henrixs/packages/packets 12:51
UNIm95henrix: network packets?12:51
henrixUNIm95: yep12:52
UNIm95should i emulate DDOS?12:52
UNIm95on my own laptop?12:52
UNIm95Or is possible to make some thing like this.12:53
apwUNIm95, it is predicted taht dhcpclient would tickle the bug12:53
apwUNIm95, so setting your dhcp refresh time on your router to 5m might make it a lot more likley to occur12:53
apwlots of packets not so likley to trigger it, as tehy are normally unicast12:53
UNIm95apw: and doesn't matter Wlan or ethernet?12:55
apwi don't believe so from the description12:55
apwhenrix, ^12:55
henrixapw: i... don't think so either, it's in the core network code.  anyway, looking at UNIm95 photos, it seems to have occurred while using ethernet (e1000e)12:57
apwgood point12:57
henrixbut again, i believe that's irrelevant -- if this is the issue, it's in the core code, so it doesn't matter12:57
UNIm95henrix: apw yesterday at home i used wlan and got only kernel oops that was catched with apport-gtk.12:58
UNIm95do you have access to ubuntu's apport infrastructure?  12:59
apwUNIm95, the symptoms of this would be pretty random, as it is a use after free which could literally break anything12:59
apwUNIm95, we may be able to find it yes12:59
UNIm95look for toshiba tecra laptop a1113:00
UNIm95It was at evening. 20:00<x<22:00 Berlin time13:01
smbapw, henrix, so far not been able to hit it in a more artificial environment but I guess its random by nature13:19
apwtjaalton, hey are you fixing this initramfs-tools thing for the firmware ... i was about to, but i see you ahve it assigned13:43
tjaaltonapw: that's when it was a kernel bug, you can have it :)13:44
apwtjaalton, ack13:44
psivaacking_: hello, it's me again :) 14:42
psivaaJust was going to disable the memory threshold for NM health check but noticed that it's been passing for a few days. 14:42
psivaa*memory threshold tests14:42
psivaaso i'm wondering if that's OK to let that run for a few more days to see if this has really settled14:43
cking_psivaa, ok, lets see how it runs over the next few days14:43
psivaacking_: ack, thanks14:43
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t3hStevehey all, is anyone around that could help me with a cpuacct cgroup question/issue/bug?15:47
apwt3hSteve, it is eod for me, but it is just best to ask the question and see who responds17:20
t3hSteveok, so basically I notice that on (at least up to) 3.13.0-64, the cpu usage reported in cpuacct.stat is significantly lower than the actual CPU usage as reported by say, top or /proc/<pid>/stat17:22
t3hStevethis is on ubuntu 12.04, I seem to recall on 14.04 it was correct, but oddly enough I think it was on the same kernel version17:25
apwt3hSteve, hrm, that sounds odd if the kernle version is the same17:40
t3hSteveyeah, its very odd =/17:40
t3hStevelooking around bug trackers I cant see any reference to anything like this17:40
t3hStevebut its a significant under-reporting from the cgroup17:41
apwt3hSteve, sounds like some repeatable test is required, if you could file a bug against the kernel "ubuntu-bug linux", and could detail the two platforms that produce different numbers, and how to get the numbers17:41
t3hSteveex top reports 120% and the cgroup reports .917:41
apwt3hSteve, then someone might be able to repro it17:41
t3hSteveI can do that17:41
t3hStevealthought we'll see how easy it is to reproduce :P17:41
apwt3hSteve, heh .. i know ... things like this normaly go away when you try and make them reproducible17:42
t3hStevethe full context is we're running mesos in AWS17:43
apwt3hSteve, drop the LP#number in here when you have done so, so we can find it17:43
t3hSteveand the numbers I get out of mesos (which just reads the cgroup) are way different from what I see on the machine itself (top, /proc, etc)17:43
UNIm95henrix: apw damn. without kernel change i have 10 hours uptime without panic.18:34
t3hSteveso re: my cgroup issue, it looks like the more threads a process has the more the cpuacct.stats numbers diverge19:59
t3hSteveapw: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-lts-raring/+bug/149744720:36
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1497447 in linux-lts-raring (Ubuntu) "cgroup cpuacct.stats underreports cpu usage" [Undecided,New]20:36
t3hSteveI'm not sure if I filed it against the right package?20:36
old_benzHi all, I think the "flo" branch needs to be patched to support newer Nexus 7 devices with an updated eMMC controller, I need to compile a new kernel and patch my boot.img and recovery.img in order to get Ubuntu Touch to install on my Nexus 720:43
old_benzdetails are here: https://github.com/ddagunts/UTCWM_N7_patch20:43
apwold_benz, if you could file a bug against linux-flo with that information and drop the bug # in here ...21:41
old_benzapw: will do, need to make an account22:27

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