
ogra_(amd64)ogra@aleph2:~$ sudo htop.htop12:44
ogra_aa_change_onexec failed with -112:44
ogra_. errmsg: No such file or directory12:44
* ogra_ doesnt get it 12:44
ogra_sergiusens, do we have any example how to use multiple bits with the ubuntu plugin ? i always end up with "Error: parts spamassassin and postfix have the following files in common:" (followed by a list of files both use)14:34
ogra_perhaps my snapcraft.yaml is wrong though http://paste.ubuntu.com/12467912/14:34
sergiusensogra_, use ppa:snappy-dev/tools-proposed and http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/snapcraft/core/view/head:/docs/your-first-snap.md14:37
sergiusensogra_, might be better off ;-)14:37
ogra_sergiusens, well, the readme is identical to the doc14:38
ogra_oh, i use the snapcraft daily PPA14:38

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