
daftykinstgm4883: this skynet guy =|00:24
daftykinsnot cut out for life00:24
tgm4883heh, yea I know00:24
daftykinsweekend duty ^_^00:26
* daftykins shakes his head02:05
lotuspsychjegood morning to all07:11
lotuspsychje36 users, its full house in discuss :p07:12
lotuspsychjelookin neat also07:20
lotuspsychjegood morning lordievader07:23
lordievaderGood morning.07:23
lotuspsychjeTJ-: morning mate07:59
TJ-Hiya :)07:59
lotuspsychjeTJ-: on my updated system my rt2800pci driver showed driverversion= generic firmware and number08:10
lotuspsychjeso those generic driver versions must be in the updates somehow08:10
lotuspsychjethe rt2800pci.ko doesnt work by default so it seems08:11
lotuspsychjeim wondering wich package these generic firmwares are in08:13
lotuspsychjei didnt manually installed myself08:13
lotuspsychjeTJ-: would be interesting to know if we can download these firmware on usb, to install on offline boxes08:14
lotuspsychjein the future08:15
TJ-dpkg -S $(modinfo -F firmware rt2800pci)08:15
TJ-linux-firmware: /lib/firmware/rt2860.bin08:15
lotuspsychje!info linux-firmware08:15
ubot5linux-firmware (source: linux-firmware): Firmware for Linux kernel drivers. In component main, is optional. Version 1.143.3 (vivid), package size 24170 kB, installed size 84290 kB08:15
lotuspsychjewould this hold all firmwares for every card then?08:16
TJ-All freely distributed firmwares are in linux-firmware08:16
lotuspsychjenice one08:16
lotuspsychjeive seen that broadcom driver also on default 14.04.3 iso also, but thats another story08:17
lotuspsychjeso lets say i have an offline box and install linux-firmware off the usb and install on system, it should recognize the rt2800pci08:17
TJ-'recognise' is done by the Linux driver itself. 'be able to use' would require the firmware image08:18
lotuspsychjeill try that next box with nonworking card08:20
lotuspsychjeTJ-: tnx for the linux-firmware tip, seems like all firmwares inside that tar11:42
lotuspsychjestrange it shows as 'optional' and i never installed it11:45
lordievaderlinux-firmware contains all the stuff, you might just want to install a subset.11:47
lotuspsychjelordievader: yes ive noticed all brands inside, but was wondering why it got installed on my box11:47
lotuspsychjehey hey11:55
Ben64hey hey hey11:55
lotuspsychjechannels get more crowdy bit by bit11:55
BluesKajI have too many chats on the go as ikt is :-)11:56
lotuspsychjeah right11:56
lotuspsychjebut your supporting mates you dont forget right :p11:56
BluesKajI try to help if I can, if that's what you mean .11:58
lotuspsychjeno i just mean to gather here for chitchat under volunteers :p11:58
lotuspsychjeits nice to discuss news and changes n stuff11:59
BluesKaji did a total clean install od 15.10b eta so guess I forgot to include "discuss" when configuring konversation a couple of weeks ago12:04
BluesKajof 15.10 beta even12:05
lotuspsychjehows it running so far?12:05
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: your on kubuntu 15.10b then?12:07
BluesKajquite well actually , some crashes with system settings. Plasma 5.4/KDE is still using X  tho , no change to wayland until 16.04 I think12:07
lordievaderMight not even be 16.04. Too large of a change for an LTS release I'd say.12:07
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: did you read this lol: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Ubuntu-16.04-Unity-Bugs12:08
BluesKaji read that 16.04 was going begin the transition to wayland, perhaps it was speculation, but tit didn't seem like it was12:13
lordievaderHmm, seems a bit daring to me.12:15
MonkeyDustwhen is 15.04 eol?13:44
ubot5Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/15.04/ - Read the release notes at http://ubottu.com/y/vivid13:45
DaekdroomMonkeyDust, I think it's about 3 months after 15.10 is released13:45
MonkeyDustok, i'm not reinstalling it in my vm13:47
BluesKajOS support lasts 9 months afte release14:00
ubot5Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases14:01
BluesKajexcept for LTS14:01
* lotuspsychje waits unpatient on 16.04 :p14:02
BluesKajimpatient  even :-)14:02
MonkeyDustsilly verbal wit: the patient is impatient14:06
BluesKajand an unpatient is therefore not a patient14:08
* lotuspsychje feels like a paranoia patient addicted to the w3b14:09
lotuspsychjeyou skared him MonkeyDust14:10
MonkeyDustpatience... time will tell14:11
MonkeyDusttiet veu e paafke14:13
lotuspsychjeben oui14:13
lotuspsychjeavec a little grass derin14:14
lotuspsychjeioria: good afternoon mate14:15
lotuspsychje38 users! we have a record i think14:16
iorialotuspsychje, good afternoon to all of you !14:16
lotuspsychjehey to u2 pauljw14:16
ioriaofficial ubuntu-youtube channel ? does it exist ?14:19
lotuspsychjehmm not sure?14:19
ioriai found only omgubuntu channel14:19
lotuspsychjeive recently saw a list of all channels14:20
lotuspsychjebut cant recall where :p14:20
ioriai could be useful .... with a lot of tutorial , and graphic video simulations ... and stuff14:21
lotuspsychjeyeah would be nice14:21
lotuspsychjebut not everyone approves the creation of new channels14:22
lotuspsychjei once tryed to make ubuntu-ssd14:22
ioriaoh... i see14:22
ioriaand ?14:23
lotuspsychjeand was brutally denied by an 0p14:23
lotuspsychjeso i made ##linux-ssd14:23
lotuspsychjeioria: because the channel name holds ubuntu, it needs approvement first14:23
lotuspsychje## are non-official channels14:24
ioriago it14:24
ioriagot it14:24
lotuspsychjeioria: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList14:26
lotuspsychjewhat a list omg :p14:26
lotuspsychjelol trivia is dead14:27
ioriai'm wondering what it takes to be approved ... being a  billioner hardware manufacturer ? ^_^14:28
lotuspsychjelol no i think it matters which 0p is replys at wich time14:29
lotuspsychjeand find it relevant to create14:29
ioriaoh... thanks for the info14:29
lotuspsychjenop ioria :p14:29
MonkeyDustdang, my 15.10 vm finds my NAS, but not my 14.04 shared folders14:32
MonkeyDustbridged network14:33
lotuspsychjerouter block?14:33
MonkeyDuststupid ubuntu14:46
MonkeyDustwish i was in windows14:46
lotuspsychjeMonkeyDust: if your getting too angry try this: http://news.softpedia.com/news/tutorial-for-microsoft-to-help-it-kill-linux-491638.shtml14:49
MonkeyDustno joke: in 2008 or 2009 i wrote as a user comment on a linux blog, that, in post-Ballmer times, Windows would become a "by-product" of MS and that they would focus on hardware and services ... it is now said that Windows 10 will indeed be the last release14:54
pauljwi read that as win10 will be a rolling release that never goes away14:55
MonkeyDustpauljw  yes, something similar14:56
lotuspsychjeupdates on w10 get forced now, unwanted14:56
pauljwnow i see where they're maybe building a linux distro too14:56
MonkeyDustwindows as a service, so to say14:56
lotuspsychjethe time their developers get smarter, were 10 years later lol14:57
pauljwi figure that ms will claim to own linux once they have a distro...  heheh...14:58
lotuspsychjebill torvalds14:59
MonkeyDustand the enter key will be patented by MS14:59
lotuspsychjestill 75 million users downloaded w1015:03
lotuspsychjei will have to convince more dualboot users to loose it :p15:04
MonkeyDusti have w10 in vmware, out of curiosity15:05
lotuspsychjeim curious what netstat does in w1015:05
lotuspsychjeoutgoing spy connections :p15:06
pauljwno doubt, i have xp pro in virtualbox with no network connection.  i consider windows to be a virus.  my daughter has a school laptop that i will no allow on my network.15:07
lotuspsychjeall win version are a security thread15:08
lotuspsychjefull exploits and mallware15:08
lotuspsychjeif you scan every pc with malwarebytes you reach easy 300+ malwares15:09
pauljwscary isn't it...15:09
lotuspsychjeand ppl trust their payed antivirus15:10
lotuspsychjefalse feeling of security15:10
pauljwthey don't know any better, ms is what they were raised on.15:11
lotuspsychjei once helped a guy with his win pc, because he had so many virusses15:12
lotuspsychjethe guy bought antivirus2007 online, and payed 60$ for it15:13
lotuspsychjebut that package was itself a pack with 200 malwares inside lol15:13
pauljwyeah, all to commom a practice.  so glad to be an all linux home these days.15:15
lotuspsychjesame here15:15
BluesKajmalware bytes generates a lot of false positives tho15:20
lotuspsychjeyeah cookies15:21
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: but for a pc that never been cleaned for years, malwarebytes can help15:22
BluesKajyup, I suppose , lotuspsychje ...wife's windows pc is remarkably clear of malware15:24
OerHeksa good botnet protects your pc from malware :-D15:25
lotuspsychjeyeats: welcome15:43
lotuspsychjeyour also doing support at #ubuntu sometimes right yeats?15:44
OerHeksold name, been here as far as i remember15:45
yeatsyep ;-)15:45
lotuspsychjeyeats: well we have gathered here to chitchat with most active supporters feel free to add to favs15:46
yeatsthank you - I've been less active recently, but I try to check in at least on the weekends15:46
lotuspsychjeyeats: not the quantity but quality counts :p15:46
lotuspsychjeyeats: we always doing support, but never have the chance to talk 2 each other, so here we are15:48
OerHeksgossip channel nr 115:49
OerHeksno, it can really be handy for volunteers to backtalk15:49
lotuspsychjeand no girlz, hows that possible15:49
OerHeksehh you think no girls are here, grinn15:50
* lotuspsychje slaps OerHeks into #ubuntu-women15:50
lotuspsychjeyou are visitor number 39 EriC^^16:10
EriC^^did i win anything? :p16:10
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: yes an empty bucket16:10
lotuspsychjeyou can carry 10 liters water with it16:10
lotuspsychjeand throw it over OerHeks face16:11
OerHeksYes, you get 1 chance .. me 216:11
lotuspsychjethe ubuntu bucket challenge16:12
lotuspsychjebut instead of icecubes we let it freeze completly16:13
lotuspsychjeok so far for quality ubuntu discussions16:14
lotuspsychjewhat will the new guys think...16:14
lotuspsychjeim out for dinner16:14
EriC^^ok see ya16:14
=== EriC^^ is now known as explosive
daftykinsaww i missed the group 'bye' :(20:59
pauljwbbl dinner time...21:58

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