
MannyLNJLooking for guides on securing my home ubuntu server00:09
sarnolddisable password authentication to ssh, use ufw to allow only the ports you want open, use apparmor to confine the services that you do run; under no circumstance use a web "control panel" thing, those are usually garbage00:11
sarnoldset up unattended upgrades if you won't be logging in regularly00:11
MannyLNJsarnold, so instead of password auth for ssh use a pre-shared key? I only want to allow Point to point tunneling, for a VPN, and access to my calibre library from the outside world and inside my lan access some shared printers including a PDF printer on the Ubuntu server00:14
sarnoldMannyLNJ: yes, the ssh public key stuff is actually more convenient than using passwords anyway, so that'll be for the best :)00:15
MannyLNJsarnold, I forgot if I have another firewall on the system. i'm thinking if I got PPTPD working then i do so would UFW - Uncomplicated Firewall cause a conflict?00:20
sarnoldMannyLNJ: ufw is a friendly front end to iptables; if you're doing iptables entries yourselves for other reasons, feel free to skip ufw.00:21
MannyLNJsarnold, I prefer not to do them myself because I think a 6 year old knows more than i do about this topic00:21
sarnoldMannyLNJ: hehe, I know the feeling, iptables baffles me. that's why I like ufw. but if you're oging to run a vpn concentrator thingy yourself, you may need more than ufw is prepared to do for you.00:22
MannyLNJsarnold, I am just concerned about my system being compromised and used as a base to launch DDOS attacks. Or should I not be too concerned since I'm just on a home network00:24
patdk-lapiptables is great00:25
patdk-lapit's the whole ebtables and stuff that gets odd00:25
sarnoldpatdk-lap: I used ipf and pf for years, the change to iptables way of thinking hurts my head00:26
sarnoldyou're right thuogh, ebtables is Much More So :)00:26
MannyLNJI know the only truly secure system is one in a locked room with no keyboard, no network connection and encased in concrete but that would be useless ;-)00:26
patdk-lapI never wrapped my head around pf00:27
patdk-lapdid a crapload of ipchains00:28
sarnoldI never did ipchains either; I did ipfwadm, that fit my head alright..00:28
patdk-lapI was huge into 2.0 and 2.2 kernels00:33
patdk-lapwas kindof depressed when I was forced to upgrade to 2.400:33
patdk-lapand the scheduler and memory stuff was totally rewritten and my custom scheduler wouldn't work without well, months of rewrites00:33
sarnoldand then they threw away the scheduler and memory stuff again a few releases later, hehe00:34
MannyLNJAnother question-- I need to print from my Windows system to a PDF printer on my Ubuntu system. I *think* I have it installed correctly on the Ubuntu system see http://paste.ubuntu.com/12460867/ but can't get it to show as a shared printer in the network list00:37
sarnoldMannyLNJ: it looks like you need to set the access controls via <location> and set "browsing on" https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/CUPS_printer_sharing#Manual_setup00:41
MannyLNJsarnold, reading it....00:50
MannyLNJsarnold, I followed it but must have done something wrong because it isn't being seen by the PC01:01
sarnoldMannyLNJ: note one of the lower infoboxes that suggests windows is picky about the specific name01:03
sarnoldit may not show up in a browser, you may need to type it out01:03
sarnoldMannyLNJ: it may help to make the name as boring as possible -- lowercase a-z, no spaces, no punctuation, etc.01:04
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MannyLNJsarnold, I think the problem is my firewally actully01:23
sarnoldcould be :)01:23
MannyLNJsarnold, Would you be willing to help me figure out where I fsked it up and fix it?01:24
sarnoldsorry, gotta run MannyLNJ -- look for the zeroconf or whatever it's called services...01:26
sarnoldand use samba only as  a last last last resort01:26
MannyLNJsarnold, k01:28
PrudentMavwhen you set dir owner to www-data then upload/edit files as root, are they still owned by www-data or do you have to keep changing the owner?02:12
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lordievaderGood morning.07:22
linociscohi all09:34
linociscoi have only internet from USB cable of Nokia E-509:34
linociscoit is ok to use internet on ubuntu desktop but I dont know how to provide internet to ubuntu server09:35
mripguruhey guys - I've got a Dell 2950 III which I just freshly installed with 12.04 LTS — I can access it via the local network, etc., etc. — but, no ping or access from the outside world (though the box can access the outside world no issue).12:45
mripguruThis was all working just fine on CentOS 6.12:46
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huttanmripguru: Does your new ubuntu have the same IP that the centos had ?13:28
huttanmripguru: if all worked before, it might be as easy as changing IP, assuming that your router settings are the same too13:29
Ub3rN00bI'm trying to use Vagrant for the first time and am having a little trouble. I'm using Ubuntu and Apache, and when I try going to mysite.dev I get the error m"You don't have permission to access / on this server." I set all file and directory permissions to 755. Any ideas?13:33
mripguruhuttan:  yes - all is the same13:39
mripguruhuttan:  that's the strange thing though13:41
mripguruhuttan:  it all works just fine on the local LAN13:41
qman__mripguru: the only parts of that which are on the Ubuntu side are the IP, mask, and gateway settings, the rest is up to the router14:03
qman__Firewall settings could be blocking it too, but it has no rules by default and would allow it14:04
qman__If you changed hardware, the router might be unhappy about the MAC address changing14:06
mripguruqman__:  MAC address didn't change though14:43
saldot__trying to get ubuntu server running on my intel nuc but all i get is a black screen with a text cursor in the left corner when i boot15:29
sciiamHi !16:04
sciiamDoes anyone knows why postfix would keep appending full hostname when I put in configs that: myorigin = <domain.com>  ?16:07
sciiami mean appending to the email address of the sender16:07
sciiamkeep sending mail as user@host.domain.com16:07
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