
BluesKajHowdy folks10:52
* BluesKaj finishes morning coffee12:45
micwhow can i simply switch back to "eth0" nic naming?12:46
* penguin42 thinks there is a flag for it somewhere12:47
BluesKajin /etc/network/interfaces ?12:49
* penguin42 thought udev rules - maybe /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules if you have one12:49
micwno, there's none12:55
micw/etc/network/interfaces has nothing (except lo, rest is done with network-manager)12:56
penguin42micw: Try passing net.ifnames=0 on the kernel command line12:56
penguin42micw: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/12:56
micwthx. i try it later (cannot reboot now)13:01
snadgei've just proper binned my system by updating to wily13:35
penguin42what broke?13:36
snadgei think maybe fglrx.. but not sure.. dkms wouldn't remove it13:49
snadgehad to do that manually13:49
snadgenow i can get it to boot in recovery mode.. but i probably need to reset X config13:51
penguin42ah, yeh it's generally safer to remove closed drivers before upgrade13:52
snadgefailsafe x didnt work13:52
snadgeaah i've got held packages.. eeediot14:00
ubottuA schedule of wily werewolf (15.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseSchedule14:24
snadgei got my desktop back at least :) .. just cant use fglrx for some reason.. crashes14:46
snadgeeven though the updated catalyst worked when i hacked it onto my vivid install14:46
snadgeno mesa 11 for wily? :(22:10
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