[04:36] good morning to all [04:46] Good morning, cupcake [04:46] lol [04:46] PrincessCuddles: and welcome to you too :p [04:47] PrincessCuddles: first time i see you here [08:24] * ObrienDave waves from Englewood, Colorado, USA [11:39] Howdy all [13:18] yes but no [13:19] Colorado, sounds "très" western movie to me [19:19] !mini [19:19] The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want. The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD [19:29] hehe, 14.04 32-bit mini.iso didn't like 128MB of RAM in a VM :) [19:30] the text mode installer didn't start! [21:31] bbl [21:32] daftykins: weird [21:32] i should try an intermediary value to see where is the sweet spot :) [21:33] hmm initrd 44MB extracted [21:33] I'm pretty sure I installed with the full server CD in a 128MiB RAM VM in the early Ubuntu days [21:35] ah i'm sure it's no bother with an earlier version [21:35] around the 8.x era probably [21:35] but then, have you got any servers you move up between LTSs and see the extra resource consumption for essentially doing the same job? [21:36] i saw quite the climb moving my one from 10.04 to 14.04 [21:36] in servers it's not been that much of a problem for me; in desktops OTOH... [21:36] * JanC needs a 32-64 GiB RAM laptop soon [21:37] if this keeps going on :P [21:37] haha, yeah i hear you [21:37] but it's pretty bad actually [21:37] i do a bit of virt so i'll want a fair amount in a future machine [21:37] there is no good reason for that [21:38] although most of this is because of Chromium [21:39] my main browser is Firefox, but the 5% of websites that I have open in Chromium need about 5× more memory than all the rest in Firefox :-( [21:41] Evolution quite memory-hungry too [21:42] and Firefox third, but that's to be expected with 300 or so tabs open [21:42] :P [21:43] and then there is Compiz/Unity leaking memory like hell [21:43] ouch! [21:43] yeah i do not keep tabs ;) [21:44] do you find the modern DEs justify their usage given how you work with them? [21:44] such that something light wouldn't cut it [21:45] Firefox is 3.1 GiB RES & 4.8 GiB VIRT, so it's actually fine [21:45] as I have 16 GiB RAM [21:46] i dunno, i go by more than 'it works' :D i have this client who keeps open so many that he used to get daily crashes due to flash ads [21:46] but the "every tab is a 250-350 MiB process" crap from Chromium is completely silly [21:47] daftykins: I only se flash I want :) [21:47] see [21:48] does make me wonder how FF 42 will be with the per process design [21:48] I sort of hope you can disable it... [21:49] yeah i know of such functions, just it wouldn't have been the type of client to deal [21:50] already I need more RAM because they broke the "unloadtab"-style extensions [21:51] (which were using hacks, to be honest, but it should be a default part of the browser IMNSHO ;) ) [21:56] daftykins: I use https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tree-style-tab/ BTW, if you wonder how I manage 300+ tabs :) [22:00] ah yeah, i know some folks that speak of it [22:01] i'm a tab groups fan myself [23:01] While slow, I am going to climb into the rain locker. When I finsih grooming my facial foliage I will return to the keyboard. [23:04] very good, sir! [23:04] daftykins: tab groups don't cut it for me, personally [23:05] ah [23:05] I assume they are fine if you keep tabs < 50-100 maybe [23:05] also, i thought FF unloaded on clean starts? [23:05] daftykins: yes, it does [23:06] ah so the extensions you mentioned do it continually? [23:06] that's the interface extensions like unloadtabs/suspendtabs try to re-use [23:06] they unload tabs that haven't been used for X time [23:07] haven't been focused [23:07] and you can set a white-list so that e.g. your webradio tab doesn't get "unloaded" [23:09] when you re-focus unloaded tabs, they get re-loaded again :) [23:12] but even without that, Firefox does much better than the multi-process crap in Chromium, memory-wise [23:14] Ubuntu Touch is suffering from this too, I think [23:15] ah ok :) [23:15] they don't use Chromium, but the use the same web engine [23:15] yeah i've had a bit of an issue with seeing friends and most folk moving to Chrome like it's some kinda Jesus browser [23:16] and process model, I think [23:17] daftykins: it has some security advantages, I guess, and the renderer _seems_ to be faster in some tests