
cyphermoxyay builds.00:52
flocculantinfinity: or indeed anyone who's in the know - no upgrade tests for beta 2 - missing or are we not getting those ?06:35
=== nudtrobert1 is now known as nudtrobert
davmor2infinity: netboot is missing from the beta 2 test run08:18
davmor2jibel: ^ is that something you can add or just the landing team?08:19
jibeldavmor2, I'll add it08:20
davmor2jibel: thanks08:22
pittiwhat's the current status wrt. image builds? can we accept the fixed langpacks?08:39
jibelpitti, first builds have been posted last night. It'd be nice to respin with latest langpacks08:42
pittii. e. if we do a respin, the langpacks and user-setup would be really worthwhile08:44
pittiI don't know about unity-control-center, there's no diff08:44
pittiah, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/218625387/unity-control-center_15.04.0%2B15.10.20150915-0ubuntu1_15.04.0%2B15.10.20150923-0ubuntu1.diff.gz08:44
pittiseems okay too08:44
davmor2pitti: I think they might need to resping to fix  this issue with wifi driver for the xps 13 too08:45
davmor2just trying it to see if it works now08:45
pittiif we are having a respin, I'll accept them now so that they can build08:45
pittiand if we don't have a respin, well then it doesn't matter anyway08:45
* pitti does, I'll take the bullets08:46
davmor2yeap b43 is still taking control of the wifi driver so I don't no if it landed in the image yet so there will be a respin08:46
pittiah, thanks to whoever approved those08:51
LaneySeems like we get one anyway so might as well have fixes especially for user-setup08:51
pittiLaney: right, I was going to accept them, but noticed they were gone; I first thought I messed up my mass-accept for langpacks08:52
=== nudtrobert1 is now known as nudtrobert
jamespagewould anyone in the release team object if I enabled python3 and doc packages for python-pylxd?10:48
jibeldavmor2, ^11:42
ogra_rtg, yo ...12:05
rtgogra_, dude12:05
ogra_http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html ... "linux-raspi2-tools-4.2.0-1008/armhf unsatisfiable Depends: linux-raspi2-tools-common "12:05
ogra_we probably want to drop the tools :)12:05
ogra_i doubt anyone in snappy will use them12:05
ogra_(and i'm not sure how well suited the kernel will be for non-snappy setups)12:06
rtgogra_, yup, will do.12:06
flocculantseb128: bug 1498544 - which you repurposed for new installs - was originally an upgrade bug ;)12:25
ubot93bug 1498544 in user-setup (Ubuntu) "Autologin not correctly enabled on 15.10 installations" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149854412:25
flocculantwhat package should I report against for upgrade fails in this then?12:26
seb128flocculant, depends of what's the issue. is the file mangled/change on upgrade?12:26
seb128I though lightdm was supposed to understand the old format12:26
seb128in which case it's a lightdm issue if it doesn't12:26
seb128if something migrates the config then it's that something but I don't know what that is12:27
flocculantseb128: mmm12:27
flocculantnot sure tbh12:27
seb128well, somebody needs to do a 15.04 install, look at the config, upgrade and see if that changed12:27
flocculantI did :) now I can't remember which file changed - it being different for me (xubuntu) than others12:28
flocculantI'll look again after I've finished worrying about b212:28
flocculantseb128: thanks for that fix though :)12:29
flocculantwill that get in when they respin?12:29
flocculantok - I'll make sure to check that out :)12:31
cyphermoxdavmor2: were you saying that you're still having an issue with bcmwl showing up in Drivers?14:49
davmor2cyphermox: indeed14:49
davmor2cyphermox: I added a work around for now for the beta but it is marked as critical for release unless you have some brain waves on fixes.  works fine in vivid by the way so I assume we lifted a blacklist on b43 in wily again14:51
cyphermoxwell, in wily it was matching for a whole bunch of devices from Broadcom14:52
cyphermoxnow it's specifically targetting those that it's useful for14:52
cyphermoxwhat I changed was adding the modalias for the one in your system14:52
davmor2cyphermox: I was wondering if it needed changing in b43 as well as bcmwl modules14:53
cyphermoxshould not14:53
cyphermoxin the worst case, if both had the modalias they would both show in the Drivers window14:53
apwwe have no blacklist for the others that wl takes over for14:54
cyphermoxso if it's still not showing, there probably is still something wrong in ubuntu-drivers-common14:54
apwthe act of installing wl because it is offered disables b43 anyhow14:54
davmor2apw: yeap if I install it manually we can see that happen, it just isn't doing it automagically14:55
cyphermoxdavmor2: we'll go step by step and retrace what ubuntu-drivers does15:04
cyphermoxdavmor2: could you please run this python code: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12531607/15:04
davmor2cyphermox: give me about 30 minutes to finish up what I'm running and flash 15.10 to usb again15:05
cyphermox^ that will list all the modaliases on the system, from there we'll see if it's something I missed in there, or if there's something else in ubuntu-drivers that's the matter15:05
davmor2cyphermox: also I got hit by https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/modemmanager/+bug/1481798 running upgrade test from 15.0415:06
ubot93Launchpad bug 1481798 in modemmanager (Ubuntu) "package:modemmanager:1.4.10-1:subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 100" [Critical,Triaged]15:06
davmor2cyphermox: I know I lead the funniest life you've ever known right ;)15:06
* cyphermox stabs modemmanager some more15:07
* davmor2 hands cyphermox his jackhammer15:07
pittimdeslaur: ^ FTR, this might disrupt the thing you are working on?15:26
mdeslaurpitti: yes! please reject15:26
pittimdeslaur: I can't -- someone accepted them, so the version number is "burned"15:26
mdeslaurack, will bump and retest, thanks15:27
davmor2cyphermox: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12531876/ hope that looks right15:32
davmor2cyphermox: I just thought, the bcmwl package isn't actually installed on the system is it, so wouldn't that mean that the instruction set you gave it will have no effect on the live version?15:46
flocculantseb128: I assume that as lightdm appears to mangle it - that's what I should report this against? http://paste.ubuntu.com/12531997/15:47
seb128flocculant, yes15:48
davmor2cyphermox: or does the system recursively scan the system for none installed packages to see if they can be used for certain pic: listings15:49
flocculantseb128: ok - I'll do that now then15:49
davmor2pci even15:49
seb128flocculant, thanks15:49
flocculantwelcome ofc15:50
flocculantseb128: bug 149897515:57
ubot93bug 1498975 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Vivid to wily upgrade fails for autologin" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149897515:57
seb128flocculant, thanks15:57
cyphermoxdavmor2: what I gave you does nothing to packages15:57
flocculantseb128: I'll keep that vm about as it is if anything else is required15:57
seb128flocculant, k, thank you, I emailed robert_ancell about it, so let's see15:58
rtgogra_, uploaded raspi2 kernel and meta. both awaiting approval.15:58
davmor2flocculant: seb128: there is a bug for the fact that autologin is broken in wily on the tracker I don't know if it is just upgrades but wily as a whole15:58
flocculantdavmor2: I did see a bug - but that was all fix released15:59
flocculantand things on tracker recently - are probably me and flexiondotorg :)15:59
davmor2flocculant, seb128: looks like the iso still has ubuntu6 on the system and you have fixed it in ubuntu7 of user setup16:01
flocculantbut - flexiondotorg reports that he's seeing it still fail after he respun Mate16:02
davmor2so if the package  is stuck in proposed it won't show via update either16:02
seb128cyphermox is doing an ubiquity update to include the fixed user-setup, that was not done earlier16:02
flocculantaah cool16:02
flocculantI was waiting for a global respin16:02
ogra_rtg, oh, weird, why do they need approval again ? i thought once granted they should just go through16:05
cyphermoxdavmor2: I think I just found out what was wrong with ubuntu-drivers-common too16:05
ogra_infinity, ?? ^16:05
davmor2cyphermox: nice16:05
rtgogra_, the beta release cycle has started16:05
cyphermoxdavmor2: can I get you a patch to apply after, or do you prefer a PPA package?16:05
cyphermoxoh wait, this is going to be annoying to update anyway without network.16:06
davmor2cyphermox: I have a usb key16:06
davmor2cyphermox: sneaker-net16:06
davmor2cyphermox: package is easier than a patch, I've used patch before and had mixed results so something that is guaranteed to work is always better :)16:07
wxlare we planning on releasing today, infinity ?16:08
ogra_rtg, ouch, bad timing then16:08
apwdon't we go into soft freeze from beta anyhow as well ?16:09
cyphermoxseb128: flocculant: flexiondotorg: ubiquity ^16:33
davmor2cyphermox: just give me a ping if you want me to look at something need to press on with testing now ;)16:41
flocculantcyphermox: what do you mean by ^^ ?16:42
Riddellcould someone add upgrade to the beta 2 tests? it still fails ( bug 1488838 )16:44
ubot93bug 1488838 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "upgrade fails on modemmanager" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148883816:44
davmor2Riddell: it does indeed still fail I pointed cyphermox at it earlier to make his day :)16:44
Riddelldavmor2: I pointed him at it a month ago, does that mean I made his month?16:45
davmor2Riddell: possibly, you know he isn't happy without bugs to tackle16:45
cyphermoxflocculant: meaning that the ubiquity package for user-setup is in the queue now. someone in the archive admin team will have to review it.16:54
flocculantcyphermox: ok - just checking - I'll assume that's gone through when I see a rebuild16:56
infinityrtg: There was no manual approval process for raspi2, it was auto-accepted.16:57
rtginfinity, huh. I received an email that said it was awaiting approval, but I see it is building now.17:00
rtgogra_, ^^17:00
infinityrtg: Yeah, everything hits the unapproved queue, but the vast majority of uploads get accepted by a bot < 60s later (which you also got a mail about).17:01
flexiondotorgcyphermox, Brilliant. I'll give it the new Ubiquity a test now.18:16
flexiondotorgAh, it's proposed.18:17
cyphermoxflexiondotorg: it's still in the queue18:17
* flexiondotorg waits.18:17
flexiondotorgcyphermox, Thanks for working on that.18:17
flexiondotorgcyphermox, And the modemmanager too. I ran into that just a moment ago building the Raspberry Pi 2 image.18:18
flexiondotorgtouch /etc/init.d/modemmanager and dpkg --configure -a sorted it ;-)18:18
* cyphermox is building a vivid package for it right now, to test the change with minimal fuss18:22
* flexiondotorg nods18:22
davmor2cyphermox: hows the package for ubuntu-drivers-core coming?18:47
cyphermoxoh, right, that.18:48
cyphermoxfailed tests, I either broke something or need to adjust the tests with my changes18:48
davmor299 little bugs on a wall, 99 little bugs, take one down fix around there's 101 little bugs on the wall18:54
wxl105 now18:54
wxloops make that 15918:55
wxlummm 224!18:55
cyphermoxjust want to make sure I'm not making it too many more with this fun hack18:55
cyphermoxwxl: you're running dangerously close from -19481419.18:55
davmor2infinity: if you are still about upgrades are missing from the tracker19:49
infinitydavmor2: I have no idea how upgrades appear on the tracker, I don't do that bit.19:51
infinitydavmor2: stgraber or balloons might have a clue about it. :P19:52
stgraberthey're manually added19:52
infinitystgraber: FSVO "manually" that involves a scripted loop and some API calls, I hope?19:52
infinitystgraber: (ie: could add-upgrades-to-tracker be a thing in ~ubuntu-archive-tools?)19:53
stgraberinfinity: web ui, go to Builds, tick those you want, enter the milestone name as the version number, select the milestone in the dropdown and click add19:53
stgraberinfinity: doing it now19:53
davmor2stgraber: thanks19:54
stgraberyou can select them all in one click, then just uncheck those that are lts-only19:54
flexiondotorginfinity, Can I pick you brains about do-release-upgrade a sec?19:58
flexiondotorginfinity, I just upgrade Ubuntu MATE 15.04 to 15.10.19:59
flexiondotorgdo-release-upgrade did that just fine, other than the modemmanager issue cyphermox is working on.19:59
flexiondotorgHowever, all the packages that a new to the ubuntu-mate seeds during the 15.10 cycle and now identified as no longer a required.20:00
flexiondotorgAn apt-get auto-remove will remove them.20:00
flexiondotorgCan you think what I have done wrong in the seeds to case this?20:01
flexiondotorgI'm sure cjwatson is afk but maybe he has an suggestion too? ^^^20:01
infinityflexiondotorg: Example package?20:02
infinityflexiondotorg: But that sounds sort of like either ubuntu-mate-desktop wasn't kept installed, or it's not up to date with your seeds, or you're mistaken about what you think should be installed. :P20:03
flexiondotorgOK, not 3 ;-)20:03
infinityflexiondotorg: Or the upgrade isn't pulling in ubuntu-mate-core.20:03
* flexiondotorg checks if ubuntu-mate-desktop is installed.20:04
infinityflexiondotorg: That package is core, not desktop.20:04
infinityflexiondotorg: Is that split new?20:04
flexiondotorgI've always had -core and -desktop20:04
flexiondotorgBut I moved a lot of stuff from -desktop to -core.20:05
flexiondotorgDuring the 15.10 cycle.20:05
infinityflexiondotorg: Well, it's not installed, if apt is trying to remove its deps.20:05
flexiondotorgYep, ubuntu-mate-core was missing from the upgraded system.20:06
flexiondotorgCan I tweak the seeds to ensure ubuntu-mate-core does remain installed?20:06
infinityflexiondotorg: So, check out data/DistUpgrade.cfg in ubuntu-release-upgrader20:07
infinityflexiondotorg: No one taught it about mate.20:07
flexiondotorgPhew, because it's the first I've heard of it :-)20:07
infinityflexiondotorg: That said, in my personal opinion, if "apt-get dist-upgrade" doesn't get it mostly right, you're already fighting a losing battle.  The ensure-metas-don't-go-away quirk in the release-upgrader is a last resort fixup, not a crutch.20:08
infinityflexiondotorg: But if you violently moved a bunch of packages from one meta to another, apt's not super good at resolving that.20:08
flexiondotorgSo, Ubuntu MATE is not in there.20:09
infinityflexiondotorg: Right, not at all.20:09
flexiondotorgShould I prepared a merge proposal?20:09
flexiondotorgOr debdiff?20:09
infinityflexiondotorg: So, the two metas should be added to the big list at the top, then two ini-style stanzas further down for them tha tidentify some "key mate deps" to allow us to guess if mate is meant to be there.20:10
infinityflexiondotorg: debdiff works for me.20:10
flexiondotorginfinity, Ok. I'll go a make a debdiff.20:10
flexiondotorginfinity, Many thanks for helping me with that.20:10
infinityflexiondotorg: The point of the ini-style bits is so we can "guess" if a user removed one of your packages and lost ubuntu-mate-desktop, but still has "these 7 things that probably mean it really is a MATE install", we can reinstate mate-desktop/mate-core after upgrade.20:11
infinityIt's not foolproof, but kinda sorta works. :P20:12
flexiondotorginfinity, Go to be better than what I've just seen :-)20:13
davmor2cyphermox: if you get that package sorted throw me a link in an email and I'll hit it first thing20:18
flexiondotorginfinity, OK, identifying markers done. Anything else I need to add/change in there before I make a debdiff?20:39
flexiondotorgOK, found blackliested packages, looks like I need ubuntu-mate-core in there.20:40
infinityflexiondotorg: No idea.  I don't add flavours to the upgrader on a regular basis. ;)20:40
infinityflexiondotorg: Err, why would you blacklist the package you want installed?20:40
infinityflexiondotorg: Oh.  The removal blacklist. :P20:41
flexiondotorgComment reads "blakclist of packages that should nver be removed."20:41
infinityflexiondotorg: You don't need that in an explicit blacklist if you already list it in MetaPkgs.20:41
flexiondotorgI've done it anyway.20:42
infinityflexiondotorg: Oh, see, I say that, but most of the metas are in there.  That seems entirely redundant.20:42
* infinity shrugs.20:43
infinityThis whole package is a hack, nothing in it surprises me anymore.20:43
flexiondotorginfinity, You want me to bump the standards in debian/control?20:46
infinityflexiondotorg: If you go through the policy upgrade checklist and/or make sure lintian doesn't have any new things to whine about, sure.20:48
infinityThe number shouldn't be a lie just to chase after the latest. :P20:48
flexiondotorginfinity, After a standards bump to 3.9.6 lintian complians about one less thing that before.21:10
infinityflexiondotorg: Handy.21:10
infinityIt's rather odd when you decide to hide in your hotel room to get some work done, and the maintenance staff decides that's the best time to replace your windows.21:11
flexiondotorginfinity, Here you go - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-release-upgrader/+bug/149907821:17
ubot93Launchpad bug 1499078 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "ubuntu-release-upgrader has no support for Ubuntu MATE" [Undecided,New]21:17
flexiondotorginfinity, Thanks for helping.21:17
mdeslaurhey SRU team, there's an update to fast-track because of a regression caused by the new python SRU in trusty22:08
mdeslaurbug 149907522:08
ubot93bug 1499075 in python-botocore (Ubuntu Trusty) "python3.4.3 SRU breaks awscli" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149907522:08
mdeslaurbroder and nelhage in #ubuntu-devel can test22:08
mdeslaurthat's it ^22:09
* mdeslaur -> away22:09

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