
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
=== th3s3_3y3s is now known as veritvine
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
daftykinswhere's the late night club? :D02:15
zmoylan-piwoke up 2 hours ago, listening to yesterdays podcasts02:31
daftykinsah har02:32
daftykinswhat kinds of things do you follow?02:32
zmoylan-pitwit, tech new tonight/today, irish documentary, bbc documentary, npr, no such thing as a fish, ted radio hour, infinite monkey cage,  this american life,  wait wait don't tell me, witness, bbc daily commute, few history podcasts02:44
zmoylan-picurrently bbc great lives02:46
SADQUAGood morning folks04:09
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
SADQUAHello folks, I am looking for a system administrator in the north west area to do some contract work on our servers and infrastructure.06:38
SADQUAUbuntu, Python, Apache, MySQL, VMWare :)06:39
davmor2Morning all08:07
davmor2have you guys seen this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHR4oOIcVZo  wow what a voice.08:08
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Wednesday, and happy Restless Legs Awareness Day! ☺08:49
popeyi read that as relentless legs08:52
davmor2JamesTait: I know all about restless legs, my wife suffers from it, it is not fun.08:58
zmoylan-pibut don't worry the phrama industry has a bunch of drugs to treat it09:00
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:04
davmor2zmoylan-pi: doesn't treat it it just suppresses it this isn't 100% reliable as we have discovered.09:04
MooDoohowdy all09:09
selinuxiumMorning :)09:10
davmor2MooDoo: how do?09:32
zmoylan-pii think it's more grammatically correct to say how do MooDoo... :-)09:33
zmoylan-piand of course the rain in spain as ever falls mainly on the plain09:38
davmor2popey, MooDoo: this just dropped into my head https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-kcCNgd9SE09:57
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)12:08
davmor2bigcalm: morning dude12:09
lubotu3LTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04)12:34
popeyradio 4 now12:47
popeycomputer games from the 1980s12:47
foobarryi'm not sure of the point of these programmes12:53
foobarryactually i just don't get radio412:54
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
davmor2popey: I think this is a nice track for JamesTait 's topic of the day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZaz7OqyTHQ12:59
popeyhahaha, foobarry grumpy old man before his time13:00
foobarryisnt radio4 for GOM?13:01
foobarryor where GOM learn about GTA and tombraider13:02
popeyI've listened to radio 4 for about 20 years13:03
popeyFirst started listening when I was a mobile engineer, used to time my drive home to listen to the 6:30 comedy13:03
LaneyR4 extra is worth checking out too13:31
JamesTaitdavmor2, I approve of this brand of popular music. 😉13:31
lubotu3Error: unresolvable <alias> to isitout-#ubuntu-release-party14:02
diddledanlubotu3, you suck!14:02
bigcalmBit early to be asking14:03
diddledanit might tell me about the beta :-p14:03
davmor2diddledan: it might also hit you repeatedly with elastic bands fired from it's drone army of elastic band launchers :D14:16
diddledanlaccyband cannons are teh worst!14:17
diddledanfoobarry, are you having an out-of-body experience?14:22
foobarryback in my body now14:22
bigcalmTum te tum14:48
diddledando be do14:49
selinuxiumHi guys, anyone here had experience with opensll certs? Struggling getting logstash-forwarder to 'forward'14:49
davmor2hi de hi14:49
diddledanho de ho14:49
diddledanselinuxium, what's the problem?14:49
selinuxiumFailed to tls handshake with x509: certificate is valid for , not rb-lon-elk.redmayne.co.uk14:50
diddledanself-signed certificate?14:50
selinuxiumsudo openssl req -subj '/CN=rb-lon-elk.redmayne.co.uk/' -x509 -days 3650 -batch -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout private/logstash-forwarder.key -out certs/logstash-forwarder.crt14:51
diddledanaah that only creates a CSR14:52
diddledanyou then need to sign the CSR to create a cert14:52
diddledansomething along the lines of (for self-signed): openssl x509 -req -days <time-span> -in certs/logstash-forwarder.cert -signkey private/logstash-forwarder.key -out certs/logstash-forwarder.real-cert14:54
diddledanI've taken account of the fact you saved a csr as .cert14:55
diddledanusually you save CSRs as .csr14:55
diddledanoh, I might be wrong actually - you do have an -x509 flag in your commandline.15:13
diddledanI wasn't aware you could do it all-in-one-step15:14
selinuxiumyeah... Maybe I should not do it in one step.. But it definitely produces a cert.15:15
selinuxiumIt is driving me nuts! lol15:15
diddledanok, in that case then I think your client is being too strict on verification15:15
diddledanthere should be an option in the configuration of the client to reduce it's checking15:17
=== Pendulum1 is now known as Pendulum
davmor2A rinky dinky, a rinky dink, a rinky dinky, a rinky dink16:09
diddledanrinky dink dink16:14
diddledandavmor2, how do you know so many choones?16:24
davmor2diddledan: I'm old16:24
diddledaneven so, you must not do anything other than listen to moosics :-p16:24
diddledanthe hit ratio is far too high16:25
davmor2diddledan: I used to driver lorries for a living so just listened to the radio all day for anything from 6-16 hours a day16:25
diddledanthat makes sense16:25
diddledanalthough 16 hour day :-(16:25
diddledanthat's a long shift16:25
davmor2diddledan: just depended on how long you were kept, trips to the doc were 3 day runs, and the doc is a 4 hour drive16:26
davmor2you just had to sit in queue16:26
davmor2diddledan: this is why popey likes to taunt me with his name something modern and why I like to hit him hard with something that is less than 10 years old to upset him :)16:28
* diddledan bows at mention of the holy popey16:29
diddledan"and the lord shall giveth, harry wheeler!"16:29
diddledanwho is harry wheeler?16:29
diddledanthose religious folk are always calling out his name in celebration16:30
davmor2diddledan: I know songs from way back till now, 2000→2015 is a lot more spotty that prior to 2000 that is due to there being mostly rap and really bad boy band music on the whole so the good exceptions are the ones that stuck in my head.  But pre 2000 most radio music is stored in my head somewhere from originals to covers to cover of covers16:37
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
davmor2diddledan: also equates to why I always have a piece of music in my head :)  and hence the morning head songs playlist which is nearly 9 hours of music now iirc16:57
davmor29hours 5 minutes nice16:57
MartijnVdSthat'as a long morning, davmor217:18
davmor2MartijnVdS: I know right :D17:49
daftykinsd'aww i have a little Western Digital 2 bay NAS unit that seems to have given up the ghost, disks are ok but i've returned to it twice now when it's been ridiculously hot and stopped responding to ping20:40
zmoylan-piair vents blocked?20:40
daftykins(or rather it's a clients) it's probably 6 years old too20:40
daftykinsmaybe more20:40
ali1234today i learned about nested sets in SQL20:51
ali1234joomla could be used as a case study in over-engineered OOP, turns out it's database schema is even worse20:52
diddledanI hate drupal's database usage20:52
diddledanI haven't really played any with joomla20:53
ali1234joomla is 300,000 lines of code that do nothing20:53
ali1234anyway i need to write a python script to fix the nested set because i stuffed a load of rows into the table manually20:56
ali1234the easiest way to do this is going to be select the entire table, generate it, and then update every row20:56
ali1234http://robsite.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/3oc0f8.jpeg lol21:07
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
diddledando you know the muffin, man?23:01
daftykinsi study them as much as i can23:04
m0nkey_the muffin man?23:08
diddledansigh, lenovo have been caught out again: https://boingboing.net/2015/09/22/yet-another-pre-installed-spyw.html23:08
m0nkey_i know the muffin man, who lives down on Drury lane.23:08
diddledanyeah, that's him23:09
zmoylan-pilenovo do like their spyware, don't they?23:09
m0nkey_well, she's married to the muffin man23:09
daftykinsthe above is still a factory install23:13
m0nkey_lenovo used to be the mutts nuts. today they're a joke.23:13
daftykinsno mention of the model either, so far only non-biz ones have been naughty (little consolation i know)23:14
diddledanI need to have a nosey on my dad's newish lenovo desktop to see if any of these nasties are on there23:18
daftykinsdoes he run Windows or?23:19
zmoylan-pinobody spying on him but windows 8 :-)23:19
diddledanhe got it pretty much a month before the superfish thingy happened23:19
diddledanhe's running win10 on it23:19
zmoylan-pino spyware in win10, no siree23:20
diddledanit came with 8 and he got off that asap :-p23:20
* m0nkey_ is waiting for NCIX to ship his new AP he pre-ordered.23:20
diddledanm0nkey_, which one did you get?23:20
m0nkey_Ubiquiti UAP-AC-PRO23:20
m0nkey_the second generation one23:20
diddledanthose UAPs are funky23:21
m0nkey_It'll replace my UniFi AP23:21
m0nkey_which is only 2.423:21
diddledanI want a new rooter23:21
m0nkey_i recommend the ubiquiti edgemax poe23:21
daftykinsarsenip: might nip over to London on Thursday the 8th, you still in the same pad? might try catching up with shiver if you remember from quakenet time23:47
diddledanthat london?!23:48
diddledanscary things happen in that london!23:48
daftykinsyep! the big one!23:48
* daftykins nods23:48
daftykinsi might fail to use the underground spectacularly again23:48
diddledanI _always_ fail to use the underground23:48
daftykinsglad i'm not the only one :>23:49
diddledanI have no idea what to do down there23:49
diddledanso much so that I often stand on the left of the escalators23:49
daftykinsoh you fiend!23:51
daftykinsi at least know of that one :>23:51
daftykinsmy primary school in fact had a stairs side rule23:51
diddledanmy schools were both "always walk and stair on the left"23:54

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