
inetprogood mornings 05:04
pieter2627morning all09:12
nlsthzn>.< see I missed yesterdays meeting... one I could actually have made for a change 16:36
Kilosevening all19:11
nlsthznuncle Kilos ... how are you?20:00
nlsthznup late20:00
Kilosalive ty nlsthzn  and you20:00
Kilosyeah im gonna crash soon20:01
inetprohi nlsthzn20:02
inetpronlsthzn: you should come here more often20:03
nlsthznI am good thanks uncle Kilos ... and yes inetpro ... I agree, sorry20:03
nlsthznI am also almost to bed...20:03
nlsthznit being tomorrow here already20:03
grembleWhere are you that it is yesterday here?20:05
nlsthznthe future :p20:06
nlsthznoh hai gremble 20:06
grembleHey nlsthzn 20:06
nlsthznso what is news in ZA land?20:07
nlsthznall I have is, "Winter is coming"...20:08
nlsthznso temps are in the low 40's now20:08
grembleI think we surrendered to the Japanese last week 20:08
Kiloshaha and winter leaving here20:08
Kilosthank heavens20:08
grembleWe're a colony again20:08
Kilosbit of a shocker20:08
nlsthzna bit20:10
nlsthznI decided to forget it and deny it happened... so in my world sanity prevails...20:11
nlsthznit is a lie but I don't care >:)20:11
grembleLuckily I like sushi20:11
grembleSo I'm fine with our new masters20:11
Kilosi need to sleep peeps20:13
Kiloskeep well20:13
Kilosnight all, sleep tight20:13
nlsthznMaaz, tell Kilos good night oom, see later20:18
Maaznlsthzn: Got it, I'll tell Kilos on freenode20:18
nlsthznwell japan did hold on to scotland pretty well until the wheels came off20:18
inetpronlsthzn: join us at #ubuntu-africa20:19

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