=== jan__ is now known as jtheuer [18:28] i would like to add a command to an upstart script i'm working on. [18:28] basically send a SIGUSR1 by doing service foo halt [18:29] is this possible? i couldn't really find anything in the manual that talked about this. [19:31] I assume you mean 'stop' instead of 'halt'? [19:31] that should work [19:36] sort of, my use case is that i want to send a USR1 command to a sidekiq process. This signal tells the process not to take any more work and finish any open jobs. Then at a later point send a TERM signal to actually stop the process. [19:36] you can just send the signal too... [19:36] or use whatever command the process provides, or whatever [19:38] yeah, just realized i can do a `service foo status` and grep out the process id and send the right signal [19:38] wasn't sure how that would be handled.