
sakrecoerzequence: excellent! i havn't been able to test the new release for logisitc reasons, and os i was a bit worried that scribus bug would have slipped in :)08:43
sakrecoerdo you guys also have problems with gnome keyagent for ssh? i'm going crazy over it. over at #gnome, they find my problem intersting but have no sollution...10:52
sakrecoeri've deleted all my keys from the system, yet gnomekeyring finds it somewhere, stating it is in ~./ssh (where it is not) seahorse see no SSH keys, but my gpg keys are there... yet i can connect to my servers using the deleted keys (yes i have rebooted severeal times)10:53
sakrecoersudo find / -iname '*rsa*' gives no return...10:54
sakrecoerbtw, seahorse is not showing up in our menu...10:56
sakrecoerafter install..10:56
sakrecoerok... so gnome keyring is storing a copy of the secret ssh key in ~/.gnupg/private-keys-v1.d/11:08
sakrecoerbut it seems to get coded as to claim that it is located in ~/.ssh/rsa_id11:09
sakrecoerok... so it is gpg-agent that is sotring the key. seems we have 3 different agents: ssh-agent, gpg-agent, and  gnome-keyring-daemon12:30
zequencesakrecoer: I never bothered getting that to work. You might want to ask in #xubuntu how to get ssh paswords stored17:37
sakrecoeri asked all over freenode today, but i got an answer. its gpg-agent and it is stored in both ~/.gnupg/sshcontrol and in ~/.gnupg/private-keys-v1.d/<keygrip>.key17:40
sakrecoeri'm sure there is a good reason to have 3 different ssh agents... its just very confusing. When you add a key sith ssh-add, it gets copied by gpg-agent and encrypted behind a 2nd password...17:41
sakrecoeranyways, now that i understand howit works, i'm happy enough to let it go... :D17:43
OvenWerkssakrecoer: I don't use the keyring thing. I found it was asking me for a password in too many places it didn't need to.21:43

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