
harlowjasmoser how goes the git stuff??01:01
harlowjadid u get gitty01:01
harlowjagitty with it01:01
smosergit gitty with it.01:11
smoserwe can get there, harlow.01:11
harlowjado i have to git gitty with it to?01:20
smoserna na nanananaaannannan01:20
=== _crobertsrh is now known as crobertsrh
pm90_hello, my backslashes in a #cloud-config file get replaced by undefined on the cloud server....is this a known issue in cloud init?14:43
smoserpm90_, example ?14:47
pm90_smoser: https://gist.github.com/pratikmallya/71562b7afc643b20e0be14:49
smoserpm90_, hm. it should not do that14:54
harlowjasmoser have u finished getting gittty with it19:38
harlowjadaily gitty with it reminder19:38
smosertell you what.19:40
smoseryou figure out why iscsi root has transient resolvconf issues19:40
smoserand i'll do the git thing19:40
harlowjak, i fixed it19:57
harlowjatransient, cause of the moon19:57
harlowjaso the red-moon thing passed, it should be all fixed19:57

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