
sgclarkRiddell: nasty message on our facebook page, no clue what they are talking about. Unless it is the systray stuff.00:18
sgclarkOr actually this is probably a case for council members to deal with.00:20
valoriealthough I dunno if I'm an admin00:23
valorieI don't see anything nasty, sgclark00:25
valoriecan you give me a link?00:25
valorieoff to dinner for now00:27
sgclarkvalorie: it is in the messages. Not public. Have to be a pages admin I think.00:35
sgclarkwhich council outta be if not already00:35
valoriethanks for telling me about that, Scarlett. I've replied03:25
soeegood morning06:29
lordievaderGood morning.07:28
sitterRiddell: kdepim-runtime was built against kdepimlibs .0 and possibly because of that fails a test07:32
sittersame for kdepim. kdepim also needs its symbols refreshed with armhf07:33
* yofel wonders what happened to our versioned build-deps07:40
Riddellsitter: hmm ok, I'll reupload those07:54
Riddellsitter: what's wrong with mgmt_tools that kubuntu-ci keeps nudging me about? http://kci.pangea.pub/job/mgmt_tooling/765/console07:55
sittershadeslayer needs to fix a test07:55
Riddellsitter: kubuntu-notification-helper  kubuntu-driver-manager kubuntu-debug-installer are still not compiled, are you looking into that?09:13
sitteroh ffs09:17
sitterI HATE MAKE SO MUCH09:17
pursuivantkubuntu-notification-helper (master) b76f921 * Harald Sitter: debian (2 files)09:25
pursuivantFix rules. "Make - Like Perl, but Worse"09:25
pursuivantkubuntu-driver-kcm (master) 15.04ubuntu3-10-gcda4cdc * Harald Sitter: debian (2 files)09:26
pursuivantFix rules. "Make - Like Perl, but Worse"09:26
pursuivantkubuntu-debug-installer (master) 24f4430 * Harald Sitter: debian (2 files)09:27
pursuivantFix rules. "Make - Like Perl, but Worse"09:27
sitterRiddell: maybe fixed09:27
sitterRiddell: http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-kde/applications/kdepim-runtime.git/commit/?h=kubuntu_wily_archive09:29
sitterthat's even more NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCI than yesterday09:29
Riddellsitter: why does it need NOCI? just to save on compile time?09:30
sitterand don't block shit http://kci.pangea.pub/job/mgmt_docker/09:31
sitterin fact I don't care about the compile time. I care about the blockage09:31
Riddellsitter: why does to cause blocking?09:32
sitterRiddell: because jobs depend on one another and you cannot build one while one of its dependecies is building as then it would install a -data from the new version because amd64 is already done but then fail becuase i386 is not done building and so the -data is in fact not instalalble making the build fail09:33
Riddellsitter: I get that but I think I don't get what the mgmt_docker one is09:35
sitterRiddell: the job underneath all other jobs updating the docker containers09:36
Riddellit's where the magic happens!09:39
Riddellok sorry for the no nocis09:39
clivejodoes anyone know how to fix cant find FindICU.cmake error message?10:14
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:05
sitterRiddell: do you have a vivid ISO lying around and can test something?11:31
Riddellsitter: aye, what's up?11:31
sitterstart iso. go to live. start installer. switch to german. screenshot of that please11:32
sitterthe entire spacing in ubiquity is a joke11:32
sitterhttp://i.imgur.com/wVGdUnU.jpg that's the best worst case I can get at without too much change11:33
sitterthat's still pretty shit as the items are stuck together with multiline and too close too border for long words11:34
sitterARGH. actually that is also still broken for some languages11:34
* Riddell starts VM11:51
Riddellsitter: http://embra.edinburghlinux.co.uk/~jr/tmp/ubiquity.png11:54
Riddellall looks good there11:54
RiddellI'm not convinced of the lighter grey in the new colour scheme, lacks contrast11:55
sitterRiddell: second to last entry has an n at the end 11:56
sitterthat n is partially cut off11:56
sitterRiddell: can you shrink the size of that window?11:57
Riddellsitter: http://embra.edinburghlinux.co.uk/~jr/tmp/ubiquity1.png  as small as it goes11:57
sitterthe weird thing is I can shrink mine lower at which point the wordwrap breaks on the 4th entry in the list11:57
sitterRiddell: ok thanks11:58
sitterwhich is still less heigh than what I have12:00
sitterthe weird thing about this is that there were no spacing changes12:02
sitteronly thing that changed is quit moved12:02
sitteroh and the logo12:03
sitterbut the logo is minimum so that shouldn't shrink the steps layout 12:03
sitterit's all so very terrible12:03
sitterRiddell: I take it rewriting the thing in qml before release is not a desired solution? :P12:03
Riddellsitter: I fear this might break some freeze or other12:04
sitterit's the logo that breaks it!12:05
Riddellnasty branding, there's a reason we didn't put any in ubiquity12:05
Riddellalthough the reason probably wasn't to do with layout breaking12:05
sitterbut... there either is a hardcoded height somewhere or it is incidentially large enough because the highest height of the wizard pages is just heigh enough to not let me shrink so it breaks12:05
sitterso that likely is also broken with hidpi, good thing qt4 doesn't support hidpi xD12:06
sitterbarely not too big on 1024x768 with some languages12:31
sitterRiddell: https://code.launchpad.net/~apachelogger/ubiquity/fix-squished-text/+merge/27273812:50
Riddellsitter: ❤12:58
sitterim-config (I think) is weirdly intercepting keyboard control btw13:25
sitternot sure I like that13:25
sitterincredibly hard to switch from de_DE keyboard to en_US13:25
sitteror maybe I am too stupid13:25
Riddellit does seem to have reappeared on images recently13:27
sitterit's on the CI iso for some reason13:28
sitterat least I think that is im-config13:28
Riddellyes I noticed it on the beta, panel applet13:38
clivejoRiddell: do you know how to fix a cant find FindICU.cmake error message?14:46
clivejoIm trying to package kdb, it build locally but wont build in pbuilder14:46
clivejowhen I do a dpkg -S FindICU.cmake it doesnt find anything on the local system14:47
Riddellinstalling libicu-dev at a guess14:51
Riddellif it can't find FindICU I think cmake falls back to general ways of looking for a library14:51
clivejoand whats the traditional way?14:53
Riddellwell that might be deliberate, have you tried it?14:54
clivejotrying it now14:54
Riddellhaving said that FindICU.cmake does exist in calligra source code14:54
Riddellso maybe it just wasn't copied to whatever you're compiling now14:55
TJ-If it were shipped in the distro it'd likely be in 'extra-cmake-modules' - but it isn't there14:55
clivejoI wonder is it now a separate package too14:56
clivejolike kdb, kreport and kproperty14:56
Riddellclivejo: you're probably the first person to try to package it from any distro, you may well find bugs like that, patches can be made for upstream15:26
clivejoand havent a clue how to fix them15:31
Riddellclivejo: add that  FindICU.cmake into it :)15:33
clivejoeasy for you to say!15:34
TJ-clivejo: are those all packages that need to build-depend on FindICU.cmake? If so it might be useful to add FindICU.cmake to extra-cmake-modules, then on the packages that require it, in debian/control, add a Build-Depends: extra-cmake-modules (>= X.Y.Z) where X.Y.Z is the package version containing FinICU.cmake15:34
clivejoTJ-: those are the deps for calligra15:35
clivejoIm trying to package kdb, but its failing in pbuilder15:35
TJ-clivejo: So, calligra would need a Build-Depends that pulls in the package containing FindICU.cmake15:36
clivejoyet it works when building on local machine15:36
TJ-clivejo: probably because you have the additional build-dependency available on the host. That's why we use pbuilder, to catch missing build-depends15:36
yofelclivejo: did you at least add libicu-dev to the build-deps?15:37
clivejoyofel: yes, its just errored out, but Im a little further now15:38
clivejowants db files15:39
yofelok, so if it doesn't fail on the same thing, we probably don't need FindICU15:39
clivejoit passed FindICU this time15:42
clivejofailing on MSQL, xbase etc dev files15:42
=== tazz_ is now known as tazz
clivejoRiddell: did you test kamoso?15:45
clivejoanyone know off hand what the postgres dev package is called?15:49
clivejopostgresql-server-dev-all ?15:50
TJ-clivejo: looks like it: "apt-cache showsrc postgresql-common | grep '^Binary:' "15:50
clivejoI generated a package called kreport, but when I use it as a build dep the package installed is saying its a virtual package and wont install it?15:53
clivejoits in my PPA15:53
yofelwell, kreport FTBFS15:55
clivejogood lord15:59
clivejoit built in pbuilder15:59
yofeldoes the PPA config match your pbuilder config?15:59
clivejowhat is it even failing over?16:00
yofelthat's a good question actually o.O16:00
clivejonow kdb is doing the same16:01
clivejoCould not find   "/tmp/buildd/kdb-2.96.0+git20150928/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/src/KDbResult.h"16:01
clivejoI think Im going to give up on this, I have no idea what the error message means!16:03
clivejoand I should be sawing sticks16:04
TJ-I only see a "src/KDbResult.shared.h"16:09
sgclarkoh. looks like rsibreak used to reside in svn. I presume we want that in git? I need a refresher on the new app in git process.17:35
sgclarkRiddell: ^17:35
sgclarknm sorted17:45
soeekrunner works for you ?18:20
sgclarkfor who?18:29
sgclarkworks for me18:29
Riddellclivejo: yep kamoso worked good for me19:18
Riddellsgclark: did you work it out?19:18
sgclarkyep. just need to bug sitter for ci19:18
sgclarkputting it in staging19:18
sgclarkas we speak19:19
Riddellsgclark: anything we want to FFe into wily?19:20
sgclarkum no clue, it is an app that tells you to stop working. Not sure who that is important to lol19:20
clivejoRiddell sgclark would you have a wee look at this, give me a clue as to why its failing? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/218985877/buildlog_ubuntu-wily-amd64.kreport_2.96.1%2Bgit20150927-0ubuntu1~ubuntu15.10~ppa1_BUILDING.txt.gz19:22
RiddellKDbGenerateHeaders.cmake wants obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/src/KReportLineStyle.h I think it says19:24
Riddellso it's probably a bug in a cmake file somewhere19:24
Riddell"Creating shared data class in KReportLineStyle.h from common/KReportLineStyle.shared.h" it says a few lines above19:25
Riddellso that file is made, where is it made?19:25
Riddellpresumably not where cmake is looking for it19:25
clivejoa header file?19:25
Riddellso tell whoever wrote KDbGenerateHeaders.cmake to fix it to look in the right place19:25
sgclarkRiddell: anything else that still needs work?19:26
clivejoRiddell: but why is it build on my system?19:29
sgclarkplease test rsibreak !testers19:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tester19:30
ubottutesters is Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley, alket, SourBlues, sgclark, neo31, vip, mparillo for information19:30
sgclarkworks for me.19:31
Riddellclivejo: dunno do you have KReportLineStyle.h somewhere?19:32
Riddellsgclark: the whole world could do with being backported to vivid19:32
clivejoRiddell: yup - /home/clivejo/project/kreport/kreport/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/src19:32
clivejoits looking in kreport-2.96.1+git2015092719:33
sgclarkworld eh? that it? Hmm.19:34
Riddellsgclark: I expect kci has stuff that needs symbols updated, I know kdepim* did earlier today19:41
ahoneybundamn clivejo your on fire, https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/staging-kdeapplications/19:41
Riddellsgclark: this could do with a review to see if any of it is still relevant https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-devel/2015-August/009849.html19:42
Riddellsgclark: and of course trello always has ideas19:42
sgclarkI will do backports19:42
clivejoahoneybun: I just staged and uploaded them19:43
clivejoRiddell: LP is rejecting my upload now, saying "File kreport_2.96.1+git20150927.orig.tar.gz already exists in Wily, but uploaded version has different contents."19:51
BluesKajadded the staging ppa , installing 43 upgrades ... will report back later19:57
soeesgclark, Riddell: rsibreak install fine, runs fine, configuration fors fine :)20:00
Riddellclivejo: well does it?20:00
clivejoIve had to rename it20:01
clivejoinstead of 2720:01
* soee would liek to chabe some nice breeze style icon in ysstray for rsibreak20:01
sgclarkhmm yeah.20:01
sgclarkguess vdg needs bugging20:02
clivejoRiddell: nope, wont build on LP20:02
soeesgclark: i'll post an issue for breeze theme @github20:02
sgclarksoee: ty20:03
clivejoRiddell: but still builds fine locally20:03
soeesgclark: it has been ported to QT5 right ?20:04
sgclarksoee: yep this was the initial port20:04
clivejoI dunno, this is driving me crazy20:04
Riddellclivejo: what's up now?20:06
clivejostill cant find that file20:06
soeesgclark: https://github.com/NitruxSA/breeze-icon-theme/issues/28520:07
BluesKajok I've upgraded the packages that were in the staging ppa , should I comment the debs now?20:08
sgclarkcomment the debs?20:08
soeeRiddell: are there any chances to have Rsibreak as a part of apps ?20:09
BluesKajsgclark,  yes20:11
sgclarksorry I dont know what you mean20:11
BluesKajthe staging ppa debs20:12
Riddellsoee: hmm? that's a decison of KDE and the maintainer.  currently it's in extragear20:12
BluesKajin the sources list20:12
sgclarkoh yes BluesKaj20:12
BluesKajok thanks sgclark20:12
sgclarkRiddell: oh I thought it was an application. may need moved in debian git20:13
Riddellsgclark: a simple mv command should work fine20:16
sgclarkwhere would extragear go?20:17
valoriesgclark: thanks for packaging rsibreak!20:23
valorieAlbert brought it back from life-support20:24
pursuivantmuon (master) v5.4.0-39-ga820e58 * andreas kainz: notifier/plasmoid/metadata.desktop21:34
pursuivantApplet: Add breeze icon for muon applet icon21:34
Riddelluh oh, what's up kubuntu-ci?22:41
sgclarkthis is a nightnare. not sure backports is something I can fight with22:42
sgclarkwell I can, but time is an issue22:43
shadeslayerthere be conflict22:43
sgclarkyah think?22:43
shadeslayerlook it's fixed22:43
sgclarkpft yeah attica is now22:43
* shadeslayer has a headache, heading to bed22:43
sgclarkecm is next. then I am shoving backports back into a corner to be ignored. don't have time for this.22:44
Riddelloh is it not liking merging from the vivid branches?22:44
sgclarkconflict every one, it is completely magling the changlogs and I don't know how to stop that22:45
sgclarkahh nm, forgot about harolds script. That really needs to be with the automation tools23:13

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