
wgrantcjwatson: If you're still around, could you please look at https://code.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/bug-1500576/+merge/272676?01:15
cjwatsonwgrant: Right, I'd wondered if that was going to require ILaunchBag in the model, but when it was reported it was a bit late for me to start in on it.  Thanks.  r=me08:32
wgrantcjwatson: Thanks.08:34
wgrantYeah, no choice here, unfortunately.08:34
StevenKwgrant: You mean you haven't abolished the bag? :-(08:36
wgrantStevenK: I removed two callsites today.08:36
wgrantBut added one...08:36
StevenKNet -1!08:36
cjwatsonblr: morning :)20:37
blrcjwatson: morning!20:38
blrjust found a bug in my token invalidation that did have a test, but the test was too naive..20:39
blrtests can certainly engender a false sense of security heh20:40
cjwatsonEarlier today I had a bug where I'd left out "self" in a parameter list - almost all the tests passed anyway due to luck, but I was saved by one that now had a *very* confusing traceback ...20:50
blrcjwatson: wgrant: in the token purge script called by cron, is there any harm in reporting the number of tokens purged to stdout? (useful for a manual test)21:44
wgrantblr: You could also log it at INFO or something and have that not shown by default.21:50
cjwatsonYep, I'd do that21:51
cjwatsonLots of our cron scripts have that kind of status output21:51
blrright, thanks21:52

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