
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
robert_ancell_bye all03:56
didrocksgood morning06:03
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seb128good morning didrocks & desktopers06:19
dufluIndeed. Morning humans & didrocks06:19
didrocksre seb128, evening duflu :)06:21
seb128hey duflu06:21
dufluHey seb12806:21
seb128how are things down there?06:21
dufluseb128: Sunny, green and spring-y06:22
seb128good :-)06:22
Sweet5harkgood morning, desktoppers!06:31
didrockshey Sweet5hark06:31
Sweet5harkdidrocks: heya06:32
pittiGood morning06:33
didrocksbonjour pitti06:33
seb128hey Sweet5hark pitti06:33
Sweet5harkpitti, seb128: heya06:34
seb128pitti, how is the sprint? not too stressful?06:35
pittiça va didrocks et seb128 !06:35
pittimoin moin Sweet5hark06:35
Sweet5harkseb128: fyi, Im gonna finalize the libreoffice 5.0.2 FFE today, I guess.06:35
seb128Sweet5hark, great06:35
pittiseb128: lots of spec sessions, running over, still waiting for "mine" :)06:35
seb128pitti, what's your topic?06:36
pittiseb128: snappy classic dimension, i. e. having a dpkg/apt chroot/container for development and debugging06:36
seb128hey larsu, wie gehts?07:29
larsuseb128: gut danke! Et toi?07:30
seb128larsu, bien, merci!07:30
* larsu was at a pub quiz last night07:31
larsuone of the questions: what does http stand for07:31
seb128did you win the quiz? ;-)07:32
larsuno, they had other, harder questions07:32
larsuwe came in 3rd07:32
didrockshey larsu!07:33
larsubonjour didrocks! ça va?07:33
didrockslarsu: in a hate relationship with python for now, otherwise good :)07:33
didrocksstable release upgrade adding features, potentially breaking me07:33
* didrocks asks launchpad politely to publish his ppa07:34
didrocks"please please please"07:34
seb128hey Trevinho07:50
seb128how are you?07:50
didrockshey Trevinho07:52
Trevinhoseb128: allright, thanks :)07:55
TrevinhoI hope to finis the key grabbing fix today, as yesteday I spent some hours fighting with some memory oddness :/07:56
seb128ah, nice07:57
seb128what's the status of the scrollbars work? is that going to land in wily?07:57
Trevinhoseb128: i've to cleanup the branch. they're done. BUt i've put them in hold because of this. I hope to wrap these  up in these days08:00
willcookedidrocks has some how emailed me his cold08:02
didrocksthat's future-proof technology08:02
didrockshey Laney, feeling better willcooke or not?08:03
willcookepractice safe hangouts08:03
willcookedidrocks, worse08:03
willcookedidrocks, going to sort out my email and then bed until this afternoon I think08:03
willcookeSweet5hark, mind if we skip 1:1?  ^^08:03
didrockshave a good rest08:04
Sweet5harkwillcooke: fine for me08:04
seb128hey Laney willcooke08:04
Laneyoh no!08:05
Laneyhi hi08:05
Laneygot to take my bike to the shop at lunchtime08:09
LaneyI left it in the city centre on friday night and when I got back the wheel was all bent...08:10
willcookeLast time I left a bike in Nottingham town centre I came back and it only had 1 wheel08:11
willcookemy fault for not locking it properly I guess08:11
LaneyI replaced the quick release stuff years ago08:11
willcookebut stamping on a wheel is a real dick move08:12
Laneyonce had to ride from jubilee campus to west bridgford with no seat08:12
Laneythat was in the uni's "secure" storage too08:12
willcookeI guess all the freshers are in town now, getting drunk on watered down Ritzy lager and smashing the place up08:12
Laneyindeed they are back08:15
Laneywas on a bus past Rock City on Sunday night08:16
Laneydear lord08:16
seb128Laney, there a gvfs bugfix update out for some time, I'm going to have a look if you didn't yet/it's not on your list09:06
Laneygo for it09:09
seb128larsu, are you still working on the eog fixes? I guess we shouldn't try to land the theme fixes for the previous/next buttons until you look at the toolbar issue as well?09:09
larsuseb128: I actually have a terminal window open for a couple of days now with a finished patch09:10
* larsu should probably push that09:10
larsuI'll be with you in a min09:10
larsu(or two)09:10
seb128larsu, thanks09:10
seb128bah, why didn't I see an email on wily-changes about Laney's aptdaemon upload09:12
* Laney operates in the dark09:13
seb128Laney, you didn't include the 3 chunck on purpose?09:13
seb128the one removing the trailing ","09:13
seb128also I guess you didn't see my "if you upload please add a depends" line in the middle of the discussion yesterday?09:13
seb128said differently, we need another upload and I wonder if I should include the "," drop of if you discarded it for a reason09:14
Laneyno I didn't see that, we should get a VCS for this really to avoid problems like that09:16
davmor2Laney is a vampire quick everyone to the garlic and stake shops09:17
LaneyI think that part of it could be included if you want, just didn't hit that case09:17
seb128Laney, aptdaemon has a vcs but it's an upstream project and I just don't commit without going through mps09:17
seb128ok, thanks09:17
Laneynot a packaging one though, or?09:18
seb128indeed not09:18
seb128we should include the debian dir in the lp:aptdaemon ;-)09:18
didrocksseb128: confirming the regression is in python: bug #150076809:19
ubot5`bug 1500768 in python3.4 (Ubuntu) "python3.4.3 SRU break requests" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150076809:19
seb128didrocks, doookkoooo09:19
didrockspinged barry, let's see09:19
didrocksif nothing happens on their side, I'll just ship new requests and httplib in the ppa09:20
didrocks(and dep on them :/)09:20
* didrocks wonders how it's possible that a SRU ships new features…09:21
Laneyseb128: can you fix my patch header in fix-installation.patch please? :-)09:21
Laneyshould be Forwarded: and Bug-Ubuntu: the actual bug link09:21
seb128Laney, ok09:21
* Laney fail09:21
seb128Laney, is added a depends to gir1.2-packagekitglib-1.0 (<< 0.9) ok with you?09:23
seb1280.9 was in wily-proposed and seems like quite some users got it from there and are having aptdaemon not working now, ideally that version would have add a Breaks on things it made not work, but it didn't09:24
seb128that would at least let those user know that there is some version mismatch they need to resolve09:25
seb128other option is to reupload packagekit with a version 0.9.is.0.809:25
seb128but since the version didn't hit wily proper I don't think that's needed09:26
Laneythat would be terrible since >> 0.9 dependencies would satisfy it09:26
Laney<< is probably ok, I'm not sure what apt would do in that situation though09:26
seb128so (<< 0.9) in aptdaemon it is09:26
seb128well, it might remove aptdaemon09:26
Laneypeople should stop using proposed :(09:27
seb128but at least it shows them that there is an issue to resolve09:27
seb128yeah, that would be nice09:27
seb128in practice it's in the top 10 wily e.u.c issues09:27
seb128so quite some users seems to have it enabled09:27
Laneyyeah well09:27
LaneyI made my proposal to make it NotAutomatic but nobody replied :(09:27
larsuseb128: [sorry was doing laundry] testing it right now with 3.16 and will upload in a bit09:39
seb128larsu, danke09:39
larsusomehow I forgot to push this09:39
larsuit's 100% done :/09:39
larsuthe problem other people have with browser tabs, I have with terminals09:39
larsudpkg-source: error: can't build with source format '3.0 (quilt)': no upstream tarball found at ../eog_3.16.3.orig.tar.{bz2,gz,lzma,xz}09:44
Laneyput the tarball there09:45
Laneybzr bd usually gets it09:46
larsuya I'm wondering why it didn't get it automatically?09:47
Laneydunno, you only pasted the end result and not the previous attempts to find it :P09:48
larsuLaney: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12610228/09:49
Laneydebuild vs bzr bd ?09:49
* larsu tries09:50
larsuLaney: works indeed. thanks09:54
Laneykein problem09:54
Laneydo germans say kp instead of np on the internets?09:54
LaneyI always liked n8 too09:57
larsu8ung, too09:57
Laneyoh man09:57
larsuonly young people say this, though09:57
larsuhaven't seen it in ages09:57
larsuhm, seb128's patch doesn't like my patch on top of it10:00
larsuah, that patch doesn't really do what it should anymore10:14
larsudpkg-source: error: Version number suggests Ubuntu changes, but Maintainer: does not have Ubuntu address10:31
Laney$ update-maintainer10:32
larsuthanks :)10:32
larsuLaney, seb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~larsu/eog/menubar/+merge/27272410:38
Laneythx, will look10:40
* larsu ← lunch10:40
Laneywhat's the upstream bug link?10:42
larsuthere is none10:42
larsuother than the old bug about the title bar10:43
larsuwe'll need a slightly different approach going forward10:43
larsuplanning to talk to desrt about that in London10:43
Laneycan you stop it getting lost somehow?10:44
larsugetting lost?10:44
larsuoh, the patch?10:44
larsuit's in bzr, no?10:45
Laneythe discussion, fixing and upstreaming of this patchset :)10:45
larsuLaney: added it to the sprint blueprint10:48
willcookelarsu, thank you!10:48
larsuand now actually going to lunch10:48
LaneyI just worry about "we need to talk about that" turning into oh shit we forgot, sorry, let's just fix this patch up again10:48
Laneyor otherwise not happening and us carrying the patch10:48
Laneyeither way10:48
Laneyhappy lunch10:49
=== hikiko is now known as hikiko|ln
Laneylarsu: I changed the label for opening help to Contents11:25
Laneyand does the "accel" there do anything other than control what is shown in the menubar?11:25
Laneybecause it seems to be (and should be?) F1 not ctrl-f111:26
didrocksogra_: upstream is already pinged about it11:27
didrocksit's weird they mention android studio, it's working well here11:28
ogra_well, he doesnt even mention on which release11:29
didrocksI wonder if this happens with oracle jdk now11:30
ogra_if its wily ... shrug ... if its trusty ... omg ...11:30
didrocks(with a $random_upgrade)11:30
ogra_not even in the repo for trusty11:32
didrocksogra_: confirmed that you don't trigger it?11:33
ogra_i dont have any java apps :P11:33
ogra_but i can confirm that apt doesnt find it in trusty ... but finds it in vivid ...11:33
didrocksogra_: mind trying one? :) (intellij)11:33
didrocksogra_: ah, it's in trusty if you use ubuntu make11:33
didrocks(with the ppa)11:33
didrocksas you have a trusty machine, that would be great if you can give it a try11:34
ogra_i'm not close to that machine atm (ssh'ed in)11:34
ogra_i will if i'm back in the office11:34
ogra_didrocks, btw bug 144148711:37
ubot5`bug 1441487 in jayatana (Ubuntu) "Running any Java program produces messages in the terminal, while rendering many Java applications broken" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144148711:37
ogra_(in case you havent seen that yet)11:37
ogra_(open since april ... ugh)11:37
didrocksogra_: well… look at the last comment11:38
Laneyseb128: do you know if anything runs msgmerge on translations during a normal pkg build?11:44
Laneyfor this eog patch there are some strings which are brought back11:44
Laneythey are commented out in the po files but if you intltool-update and msgmerge then they come back11:44
Laneybut if I do a normal build the strings aren't translated11:44
seb128Laney, no, but it shouldn't matter11:44
seb128that's fine11:44
seb128they are in launchpad11:44
seb128it's going to autoresurect those11:44
Laneyeven the old ones?11:44
seb128series are shared11:44
Laneyno manual work?11:45
seb128it's magic11:45
Laneythere are no new strings if I fix Manual → Contents11:45
Laneyso don't need to ask translators11:45
seb128no you don't11:45
Laneywhat would upstream do?11:46
Laneymsgmerge for all languages?11:46
Laneymaybe that's part of making a release or something11:46
seb128some upstreams would try that11:46
seb128some others would let translators do it11:46
seb128well they would probably not change a string in a stable serie11:46
seb128so yeah, that string is in vivid/translated11:47
seb128it's going to just work11:47
Laneylooks like intltool does this11:47
Laneyif you make update-po11:47
seb128that sounds about right11:47
qenghoGood morning.11:49
Laneyseb128: also did you look at https://code.launchpad.net/~larsu/ubuntu-themes/eog-overlay-buttons/+merge/269482 ?11:51
Laneyhey qengho11:51
seb128Laney, no I didn't, can do now though11:51
seb128qengho, hey11:51
Laneythere is also https://code.launchpad.net/~tiheum/ubuntu-themes/vpn-indicator/+merge/272371 which is approved, dunno if you want to upload that too11:51
seb128that's probably a good idea11:52
seb128is there a branch for the toolbar issue?11:52
seb128or is that on the eog side?11:52
seb128also that eog mp could have a lp: # in the changelog11:53
seb128larsu, ^11:53
LaneyI added one11:53
Laneywill be there when uploaded11:53
seb128great ;-)11:53
Laneywhich toolbar issue?11:54
Laneythe big icons?11:54
seb128big icons and no bg11:54
seb128or was the no bg wanted?11:54
Laneyah yes, that's not fixed yet11:55
seb128pete-woods has an ubuntu-themes dual landing in a silo for the vpn thing11:55
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Laneyneeds the uife anyway12:26
Laneyjust asked for it12:26
Laneyok I'm off out for lunch, might be a bit longer today12:29
Laneywalking for miles and miles and miles to ye olde bike shoppe12:29
didrocksgood luck Laney!12:30
seb128Laney, have fun!12:31
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
seb128Laney, unsure those eog changes need an UIFe, they are a bugfix, not an UI change12:34
seb128UIF doesn't restrict fixes to thing that are obviously buggy12:34
seb128just changes for the sake of having a different result12:34
seb128dobey, nessita, hey, did you see errors like http://paste.ubuntu.com/12519695/ before? who would be the right person to look at that? (ubuntusso error in s-c helper)13:18
nessitaseb128, checking!13:22
nessitaand hi :-)13:22
dobeyseb128: hi. i've not seen that before, no. seems like maybe the token is invalid or there's a server side issue perhaps13:23
nessitaseb128, right, token seems invalid. Have any more data for this user? I can try to see his account details and se if there is something odd13:24
seb128nessita, it's on my laptop13:24
seb128I guess the token is invalid13:24
seb128but should something deal with it by requesting a new one?13:24
dobeymaybe. i'm not exactly sure what code path got you to that point. generally, a new token should only be requested in the event of unexpected failures like that, as a result of direct user action, so it's something the apps need to handle, rather than the account provider13:27
seb128dobey, "/usr/share/software-center/piston_generic_helper.py --datadir /usr/share/software-center/ --needs-auth --no-relogin SoftwareCenterAgentAPI subscriptions_for_me" triggers the error13:29
seb128which s-c seems to try to call in backend13:30
nessitaseb128, did you happen to invalidate u1 tokens in the keyring?13:30
seb128nessita, not that I can remember13:31
nessitaseb128, let me check your account13:32
dobeyseb128: "--no-relogin"13:33
seb128nessita, it works from other machines13:33
dobeyother machines will have differen tokens13:33
nessitaseb128, right, but I would hope your other machines have a different token13:33
dobeyunless you named your machines all the same hostname13:33
seb128nessita, I guess so13:33
seb128dobey, softwarecenter/backend/spawn_helper.py:            cmd.append("--no-relogin")13:35
seb128seems to use --no-relogin by default13:37
seb128is that wrong?13:37
Trevinhoseb128: do you have handy the bug # for the shortcuts issue?13:37
seb128Trevinho, no, but maybe didrocks has13:38
Trevinhoah, got it..13:38
Trevinhoit's 1459571 fyi13:39
nessitaseb128, hey, I see only one V1 token for you (V1 is the token that ubuntu-sso-client creates). Any chance you have changed your password recently?13:39
seb128nessita, I probably did since it started requesting stronger passwords13:39
nessitaseb128, around beginning of July?13:40
nessitaJuly 8th is your older token13:40
seb128that's probably when I changed my password13:40
nessitaseb128, so, on password reset all tokens are invaldited13:40
larsuLaney: sure, that can go in as well13:40
larsuLaney: thanks for adding the missing stuff13:40
nessitaseb128, and right now you have none for the V1 format, so no SC would work for you13:40
* larsu takes long lunch breaks these days because SUN13:40
seb128larsu, it's nice isn't it :-)13:41
dobeyseb128: i don't know if it's wrong or not. is that helper being called as a result of a direct user action?13:41
seb128nessita, shouldn't s-c warn about that/prompt through some UI?13:42
larsuseb128: perfect! Is there anything left for me to do on that MR or is Laney on it?13:42
dobeyseb128: it depends on when it failed. if it was the result of a direct user action, yes; if it just happens as a matter of start-up, possibly not13:43
dobeyseb128: likewise, the push client daemon on the phone doesn't pop up login windows randomly, because it's a background process with no UI13:43
seb128larsu, I think Laney is on it13:43
* larsu makes tea, then13:44
nessitaseb128, I'm not sure if SC has support to do that...13:45
nessitathe U1 control panel did13:45
seb128dobey, nessita, ok, so where the error is visible in the UI is if I try to write a software review it gives me an error dialog "authentificaiton failed"13:46
seb128with no way/suggestion on how to fix it13:46
dobeyseb128: and does it let you log in again there?13:46
dobeyok, that's an issue in software-center then13:47
nessitaseb128, you can remove the token from the keyring13:47
nessitaand the SC will ask you to login again13:47
seb128nessita, right, I know how to"fix" it13:47
seb128but normal users wouldn't13:47
seb128so I wanted to keep it in the buggy state and see if we can fix it for our users as well13:48
nessitaseb128, yeah, I get your point. Thing is if SC does not have the support for that (asking the local, invalid token to be removed) no one will remove it for you. Long time ago U1 control panel will do so13:48
nessitaand SC would implicitely benefit from that13:49
nessitaand U1 would try to use the token every day13:49
seb128ok, so basically "known issue/s-c limitation" and not an easy fix but rather it would need feature dev in s-c?13:49
nessitaseb128, correct13:49
dobeyi have no idea how much work it would need in s-c to fix13:50
seb128ok, fine then, it is it what it is13:50
nessitaseb128, sorry I can not give your a better answer13:50
seb128nessita, no worry, thanks for replying ;-)13:50
seb128dobey, thanks as well13:50
dobeyit could be a few lines, or a larger feature13:50
seb128dobey, I guess it's not something you could check on in a few minutes?13:50
seb128fine, topic closed then13:53
seb128thanks ;-)13:53
dobeyno problem :)13:53
seb128dobey, oh, speaking of which, you said you would merge https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/software-center/gtk-has-icon and https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/software-center/gtkgrid-deprecated-nrow13:54
seb128is that still on your list? ;-)13:54
seb128those are in the distro so no problem13:54
seb128but would be nice to have them in the vcs has well13:54
dobeyseb128: yeah, i just haven't been able to get around to setting up the ci train stuff to do that yet :-/13:54
seb128ok, no worry13:54
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desrtgood morning #desktop14:04
willcookehey desrt14:05
desrtkat and dave say hi14:05
seb128hey desrt14:06
desrtword up14:06
larsumorning desrt14:06
desrti love the new system :D14:06
larsusay hi to kat and dave14:06
larsuhow's openhelp?14:06
desrtthe usual goodness14:06
desrthad a lot of talk this year about how to properly deal with noobs14:07
desrthad a cool talk about "how to successfully turn 'total noob' into 'noob'"14:07
seb128desrt, do you any time for glib hacking this week?14:07
desrtseb128: heh...14:07
desrtfile monitors, huh?14:07
desrtstarting to be increasingly clear that we will need some stable release cleanups :/14:08
ubot5`Gnome bug 749314 in gio "Cannot restore a just-trashed file" [Normal,New]14:08
desrti figured out this bug already14:08
seb128which I'm unsure is a file monitor issue14:08
desrtit _is_ a file monitor issue14:08
desrt_and_ it is a bug in glib14:08
seb128is it going to be fixed before wily? ;-)14:08
desrtbut the bug is not in the file monitoring code -- it's in the trashing code :)14:08
desrti think i know how to fix it already14:08
desrtsee https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=75533514:09
ubot5`Gnome bug 755335 in Trash "Restoring from Trash doesn't work" [Normal,New]14:09
seb128maybe you can comment on the bug? ;-)14:09
desrti commented in the dup bug :)14:09
seb128yeah, I didn't know you ignored Laney and commented on a duplicate ;-)14:09
seb128anyway seems you are on it, thanks14:10
desrtthe docs people found the bug yesterday :)14:11
desrtthey're running through the new release and making sure everything "works as documented"14:12
desrtand either filing bugs or fixing docs14:12
larsuwow that's pretty awesome of them14:12
desrthey laney14:18
desrtalready wrote the patch for your bug.  testing it now :)14:18
Laneyyou da man14:18
desrtsorry for the delay :)14:18
Laneyor wo-man?14:18
Laneyor person14:18
Laneyyou da person14:18
Laneythat's better14:18
Laneyseb128: UIF doesn't have the concept of bug fix changes, so yes it is needed14:19
seb128Laney, I though it was discussed years ago and that the release/documentation/etc teams agreed that bugfixes don't need exception14:20
seb128but I didn't find a write recording mentioning that :-/14:20
seb128I should raise the topic agian14:20
seb128is that a TB thing?14:20
Laneyit's so their documentation is up to date14:21
Laneyif they screenshot a bug and we fix it they want to fix it too14:21
desrtthere ought to be a package that depends on auto*, libtool, pkg-config, etc.14:21
desrtmaybe build-essential ...14:21
seb128Laney, with the same logic you could ban bugfixing, like if a toolbar button doesn't work and it starts working the documented behaviour changes14:22
seb128Laney, oh, I see what you mean14:22
seb128right, so in which case it's not a UIF14:22
seb128it's "you need to notify documentation team on UI changes"14:22
seb128which makes sense14:22
seb128like you don't need permission or to ask14:22
seb128just to let them know14:22
Laneytechnically the release team has to agree14:23
Laneyand you just have to 'notify' the others14:23
seb128which is what I would like to dispute14:23
seb128would that be a TB topic?14:23
seb128or some other team/board?14:24
Laneystart with the release team themselves14:24
seb128it doesn't make sense that the rt has to be involved in bugfixes14:24
Laneythere's a weird glowing blue button in front of me14:35
Laneyevery desk seems to have one14:35
Laneyshall I press it....14:36
flocculantafternoon all - noticed a bug with creation of new files during wily b2 testing - I'm seeing it on Xubuntu, but confirmed it in Ubuntu as well > bug 149717014:42
ubot5`bug 1497170 in xdg-utils (Ubuntu) "New file creation - not opening with file editor" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149717014:42
flocculantnot actually been able to see anything upstream in either xdg nor gvfs14:43
seb128flocculant, hey, I don't understand that bug description14:45
seb128how do you create a new file/with what app and how do you try to open it?14:46
seb128if I do "touch bug" and click on that "bug" file in nautilus it opens with gedit14:47
flocculantmmm - ok thanks seb128 - this is with right click create new file14:47
seb128right click where?14:48
seb128I guess xubuntu doesn't use nautilus14:48
desrtLaney, seb128: patch on the bug if you want to take a look14:48
seb128if I right click->new document in nautilus14:48
seb128and then double click14:48
desrtit _seems_ to do the right thing for me, but maybe there is some other problem that i don't understand14:48
seb128it opens with gedit14:48
seb128desrt, thanks14:48
seb128Laney, can you look at this one?14:48
desrtamigadave is also testing14:48
flocculantseb128: I definitely wasn't seeing that in Ubuntu14:48
desrt...if he can stop playing ingress long enough14:49
flocculantseb128: also - if I thought it was just Xubuntu I'd have kept it 'in-house' :)14:49
Laneyand that 'bug' does happen for me14:50
seb128flocculant, well, I'm just saying that the bug lacks info on what you are using as softwares for your actions14:50
seb128but yeah, get it in a guest session14:50
seb128so I guess my session has an handler user registered for some type14:50
flocculantseb128: yea - not complaining at what you're saying :)14:51
flocculantand as far as guest - I see this on live with iso booting in vbox14:51
flocculantseb128 Laney - so if I right click on desktop in a livesession - http://paste.ubuntu.com/12612919/14:56
seb128flocculant, Laney, desrt, that is another glib bug/behaviour change14:59
desrtissue is that we don't call empty files like text/plain anymore?15:01
seb128$ LD_PRELOAD=./libgio-2.0.so.0.4400.1 gvfs-info bug | grep :content15:01
seb128  standard::content-type: text/plain15:01
desrtyup.  i can see that here too.15:01
seb128$ gvfs-info bug | grep :content15:01
seb128  standard::content-type: application/octet-stream15:01
* desrt has no idea how the content sniffing code works15:01
* desrt can take a look anyway15:01
desrtcould be someone updated xdgmime or something15:01
flocculantthanks all :)15:02
seb128desrt, or you on https://git.gnome.org/browse/glib/commit/?id=b6fc1df022a0326e7c36122b1416061bf796c98f ?15:02
seb128"GLocalFileInfo: don't content-sniff zero-length files"15:02
desrtthat looks likely :)15:02
LaneyI should use that one more15:03
Laneyit's cooler than :wq15:03
larsuseb128: watch out! Your changes!15:03
seb128larsu, I didn't exit 1 from bzr bd-do yet ;-)15:03
* larsu cries15:03
Trevinholarsu: here's what happens15:04
LaneyI always type exit 015:04
seb128desrt, unsure what's the right change, return plain/Text is the size is 0?15:04
flocculantnot being a coder - but an electrician I would wonder if bug 1487546 is a symptom of that, then I would shut my eyes :)15:04
ubot5`bug 1487546 in gvfs (Ubuntu) "Newly copied files report zero (0) file size" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148754615:04
desrtseb128: ya.  i think so.15:05
Trevinholarsu: as you see is requested to be grabbed twice XF86PowerOff (always from uss)15:05
desrtglad to see this one is my fault too :)15:05
desrtcan someone file a bug about this?15:05
seb128flocculant, no, that's more likely fixed with the gvfs upload in the unapproved queue15:05
larsuTrevinho: is this on startup? that's really weird - it calls GrabAccelerators() with all the ones it wants for me15:05
seb128desrt, sure15:05
Trevinholarsu: that's on startup yes15:06
* larsu is thoroughly onfused15:06
seb128flocculant, it could be https://git.gnome.org/browse/gvfs/commit/?h=gnome-3-16&id=725eaa2e33a842f812caf59af8a8766461bf951215:06
Trevinholarsu: starting your compiz with UNITY_LOG_SEVERITY="<root>error;unity.key.gnome.grabber=debug" should give you more infos15:06
larsuTrevinho: it never calls GrabAccelerators() for you?15:07
Trevinholarsu: it does I guess, let me double-check15:07
larsumaybe you restarted compiz or something? I get a single call when I start up u-s-d15:07
* larsu kills compiz15:08
Trevinholarsu: yes, that's when restarting... but it shouldn't matter15:08
larsuyeah it does15:08
larsuit's a different code path15:08
larsufor whatever reason15:08
larsuman, this interface is ... shit15:08
desrt  standard::content-type: text/plain15:09
desrt  standard::fast-content-type: application/octet-stream15:09
larsuwhat's a fast content type?15:09
larsu"guess by extension"?15:09
desrtsomething like that15:10
seb128desrt, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=75579515:11
ubot5`Gnome bug 755795 in gio "2.46 considers empty files as octet-stream rather than text (leads to gedit not opening those)" [Normal,New]15:11
seb128larsu, one is on the name, one is by opening/reading content15:11
seb128oh, #gtk+ notifies of new reported bugs now?15:12
desrtthis is pretty annoying15:12
desrtg_content_type_guess() is a bad function15:12
desrtit takes a filename and some data to test15:13
Laneylarsu: are you going to follow up with the toolbar fixes for eog?15:13
desrtbut you can give it (NULL, 0) to mean "i am not giving you the data to test"15:13
desrtrather than "i am giving you the zero-byte content of the file"15:13
Laneylike in a second upload15:13
larsuLaney: oh, right! thanks for reminding me.... this was about moving the fullscreen button into the toolbar itself, right?15:14
larsubecause of the background?15:14
larsuor are you also missing the theme changes?15:14
* larsu is not very organized this week15:15
larsuTrevinho: it calls GrabAccelerator() (on the bus) only once for me15:15
larsuare you sure this isn't something internal?15:15
Laneytransparent background, huge icons15:15
larsuright, let me figure out this issue with Trevinho and then i'll go hunting for that patch15:16
Laney(on scale factor >= 2)15:16
Laneyit exists already?15:16
larsuI think so?!15:16
Trevinholarsu: I get  GrabAccelerators (.. including XF86PowerOff)  call and then a single GrabAccelerator "XF86PowerOff" call15:16
larsuTrevinho: but an ungrab before, no?15:17
Laneybasically I'm asking if I should wait or do it in a second round :)15:17
Trevinholarsu: nope15:17
larsuLaney: wait15:17
larsuTrevinho: how is this supposed to work even? You get *one* id from GrabAccelerators() that ungrabs all of them?15:17
Trevinholarsu: oh, wait no that's something else15:19
larsuTrevinho: ah no it returns an array of ids15:20
larsuoh my this interface is getting worse the longer I look at it15:20
larsudesrt: I think I need the talk :P15:21
Trevinholarsu: yeah, the array is even not checked for being of the same size15:21
Trevinhoso if I return an array with different sizes, then everything crashes15:22
Trevinho(uss, I mean)15:22
larsuugh, ok15:22
larsuno matter what I restart, I only see single calls of GrabAccelerator()15:22
larsuon the bus,that is15:22
desrtseb128: patch is up if you want to test it: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=75579515:22
ubot5`Gnome bug 755795 in gio "2.46 considers empty files as octet-stream rather than text (leads to gedit not opening those)" [Normal,New]15:22
TrevinhoHowever, it seems that via dbus I get that keygrab just once... So something else is grabbing that before, but I don't see who15:23
larsuTrevinho: internally?15:23
Trevinhomight be, but...15:23
larsuTrevinho: that's what stack traces are for :P15:23
Laneyoh man I wish I left my computer on at home15:26
Trevinhoeh, yes :)15:26
Trevinholarsu: ah, no that's not internally (it looked weird in fact)...15:28
Trevinholarsu: that's the call I get: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12613201/15:28
Trevinholarsu: so, some are repeated15:28
larsuTrevinho: ah indeed! I have this as well :)15:29
larsuTrevinho: (should have checked that I guess)15:29
larsuTrevinho: in any case, this *should* work15:30
willcookeHONK HONK15:30
larsuI'll have a look into why it does this thoguh15:30
Trevinholarsu: the've different flags, though... Which we ignore15:30
larsuTrevinho: what are the flags?15:30
Trevinholarsu: so, I should just return the same ID and that's it15:30
seb128willcooke, who is there?15:30
larsuTrevinho: what kind of flags?15:30
willcooke#startmeeting Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-09-2915:30
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Sep 29 15:30:48 2015 UTC.  The chair is willcooke. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.15:30
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick15:30
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-09-29 | Current topic:
Trevinholarsu: https://developer.gnome.org/shell/stable/shell-shell-action-modes.html15:30
Trevinholarsu: which might have a sense, but we just ignore.... Let's meet now :)15:31
larsuTrevinho: ah, thanks15:31
willcookeTrevinho, larsu  - you guys need to finish this up now?  We can hold for a few mins if you need?15:31
larsuwillcooke: thanks but I think we're good15:31
larsuTrevinho: I'll have a look after the meeting as well15:31
willcookeRoll call:15:31
larsuthis is ... strange15:31
willcookeandyrock, attente, desrt (conf),  dgadomski, didrocks,15:31
willcookefjkong, happyaron, hikiko, laney, larsu, qengho, seb128,15:31
willcookesweet5hark, themuso (hols), tkamppeter, trevinho, robert_ancell (out)15:31
* Sweet5hark sneaks in.15:31
Trevinho(no hands today? o/ !!!15:32
willcookeHi all, so we'll get started in a second.  If someone isn't here when it's their go we can come back to them.15:33
hikikobasically I was about to send an email...15:33
willcookeLaney, you want to go first if you are out and about?15:33
Laneyno thanks, I'm writing it still :P15:33
LaneyI'm just in the library, it's fine15:33
willcookehikiko, you want to go first?  Are you heading out?15:33
hikikosure :) thanks!15:33
willcooke#topic hikiko15:33
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-09-29 | Current topic: hikiko
hikikoso this week:15:33
hikiko1. Closed several bugs15:33
hikiko2. Fixed the put plugin - awaiting review (the windows seemed to move to the wrong direction in some cases)15:33
hikiko3. Almost fixed the 3d windows (I wrote the shaders sent the clipping planes to the gpu but there are still some issues I have to fix before uploading the branch to lp)15:33
hikiko4. Reproduced/Investigated the toggle shading unity bug (#1313446) but no much progress there15:33
hikikoPlans for next week:15:34
hikiko1. submit the 3d windows branch (I hope tomorrow)15:34
hikiko2. work on the ezoom (I haven't worked at it for a long time because I was looking at the bugs :/)15:34
hikiko3. work on bug #1313446(that's basically a unity bug but it's quite important because it affects all users)15:34
ubot5`bug 1313446 in unity (Ubuntu) "window disappears on toggle shade" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131344615:34
willcookethanks hikiko15:34
hikikobye everyone!15:34
willcooke#topic andyrock15:34
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-09-29 | Current topic: andyrock
andyrockbasically just one point15:34
andyrockworking on fixing the indicator-appmenu leak15:34
andyrockand bugs scrubbing15:35
andyrockdamn leaks :(15:35
willcookeThanks andyrock - keep plugging away, it'll be a big improvement15:35
seb128andyrock, not looking at the u-p-s/menu segfault? :-(15:36
andyrockshould I?15:36
andyrockTrevinho is better for that15:36
andyrockI can add it to my list15:36
Trevinhowell, since you're there... :P15:36
seb128Trevinho, is already fighting keybinding and scrollbars didn't change15:37
seb128but as you guys prefer ;-)15:37
andyrockk added to the list15:37
andyrockmaybe the cause is the same15:37
willcookegood, thanks guys15:38
willcooke#topic attente15:38
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-09-29 | Current topic: attente
attenteported the rest of the gtk widgets to use the new popup menu placement api. currently debugging some margin/padding issues, and still need to implement the positioning in some of the backends, which shouldn't be too hard15:39
attentespent some time trying to debug u-g-m, bisecting glib. must've been bisecting wrong though... thanks Laney for fixing the issue15:39
attenteuploaded new versions of the java non-latin shortcut u-s-d fixes to a ppa15:39
willcookethanks attente15:40
Laneyit's a good week for attente when he gets to do a bisection15:40
willcooke#topic dgadomski15:40
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-09-29 | Current topic: dgadomski
dgadomskihey, unfortunately nothing new in the desktop department from my side. I currently focus on a fix for bug #1337873 which will keep us consistent with Debian.15:41
ubot5`bug 1337873 in ifupdown (Ubuntu) "Precise, Trusty, Utopic - ifupdown initialization problems caused by race condition" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133787315:41
dgadomskiEOF, thanks15:41
willcookethanks dgadomski15:41
willcooke#topic didrocks15:41
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-09-29 | Current topic: didrocks
didrocksUbuntu Make:15:42
didrocks- jetbrains start to serve windows binaries on linux url. Fixed it with the new linux binary url and changes the test assets.15:42
didrocks- new dart website is client-side templating, rendering version pickup and release urls "interesting". Found a way, however, this complicates the medium testing side. Still working on a proper solution15:42
didrocks- fix some bugs when multiple matches per page were available15:42
didrocks- fought with some squid proxy errors on our testint site, adding debugs and such through the week. Found that python 3.4.3 trusty SRU is faulty. Pinged Barry about it (also got some report that it's an issue in production as well).15:42
didrocksDeveloper story:15:42
didrocks- worked on snapcraft/develop workflow diagram.15:42
didrocks- introduced a device manager concepts and wrote specs on the capabilities  and duties15:42
didrocks- debug the unity accel key issues with Trevinho and larsu.15:42
larsuMisc??? /me feels degraded15:42
willcookelol @ jetbrains15:42
didrockswillcooke: ?os=linux -> bring the exe!15:43
willcookethanks didrocks15:43
willcooke#topic FJKong15:43
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-09-29 | Current topic: FJKong
willcookewe can come back15:44
willcooke#topic happyaron15:44
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-09-29 | Current topic: happyaron
willcookeAlso out I expect15:44
happyaron1. Fixed SSL security issues of my instances running on Canonistack15:44
happyaron2. Updated: a list of ubuntu kylin packages, some not uploaded yet due to freeze15:44
happyaron3. Handling libstdc++ transition for IME packages at Debian15:44
happyaron4. Going to be on a long national holiday, but will remain responding (with delay)15:45
willcookethanks happyaron, have a great Golden Week15:45
willcooke#topic larsu15:45
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-09-29 | Current topic: larsu
willcookeoops, sorry laney15:45
qenghohappyaron: happy mid-autumn!15:45
happyaronqengho: ty!15:45
* Laney relaxes15:46
* happyaron is sitting next to mom.15:46
larsuoh wow me already?15:46
larsu- add traditional menubar to eog; update its titlebar patch; fix fullscreen toolbar15:46
larsu- make a plan and prepare how we can make menubars with dynamic window-specific menus (e.g. recent files) easier for applications to support15:46
larsu- help Trevinho and didrocks figure out the u-s-d/unity interaction when grabbing keys15:46
larsu- look into how all the things that log things are logging things - added onto sprint agenda15:46
larsu- some random bug work and discussion15:46
willcookehi happyaron's mum!15:46
willcookethanks larsu15:46
willcooke#topic Laney15:47
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-09-29 | Current topic: Laney
happyaron0. wow Laney15:47
Laney• Final smoothing of tests to get glib in15:47
Laney• Upload glib & glib-networking stable release to unstable, sync15:47
Laney• Cherry-pick a patch to fix GSequence which broke loads of random stuff like unity-gtk-module, upload to sid & sync15:47
Laney• Test + upload gstreamer 1.5.91 (1.6 RC)15:47
Laney• Fix gnome-themes-standard to not pull the "full" icon theme onto the ISO15:47
Laney• Fix to sessioninstaller to not die when called with packagekit's "Modify2"-style parameters, even though we don't support that API yet (gstreamer calls it like that unconditionally...).15:47
Laney• Re-review and upload aptdaemon fix to get PK install working15:47
Laney• Got pinged by Debian libphonenumber maintainer about our diverging package - synced our changes over there (including package naming scheme) - can hopefully sync this next cycle & once it is NEWed15:47
Laney• Try to help debug some random issues (e.g. evolution-ews), fwd upstream where they make sense15:47
Laney• eog:15:47
Laney∘ Help to review/test of the eog menu fix from larsu (thanks!), might be a second patch for toolbar stuff - will upload when that comes along15:47
Laney∘ hide toolbar in fullscreen15:47
Laney• Review a lot of stuff in the wily-proposed queue now we are frozen15:47
Laney• DMB meeting with me in the chair, do some admin15:47
Laney• Getting ready to upload new default wallpapers in a minute15:47
willcookethanks Laney15:48
happyaronwillcooke: ty, :)15:48
willcooke#topic qengho15:48
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-09-29 | Current topic: qengho
Laneyhappyaron: was it right?15:48
qengho* Getting new Chromium 45.0.2454.101 ready for release.15:48
qengho** fixes autopkgtest bogus test-depends failures.15:48
qengho** fixes old, newly-discovered xdg-settings bug in setting default browser. ...15:48
qengho* Reported bug upstream as https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=92170 . Attached fix.15:48
qengho* Travel arranged.15:48
happyaronLaney: almost and can be understand15:48
ubot5`Freedesktop bug 92170 in xdg-utils "xdg-settings assumes desktop files have exactly one Exec line" [Normal,New]15:49
Laneygood enough for me15:49
willcookethanks qengho15:49
willcooke#topic seb12815:49
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-09-29 | Current topic: seb128
seb128• helped investigating unity8-dash/trust store/settings issue and wrote a settings bugfix15:49
seb128• e.u.c triaging and pinged people/provided debug info/worked on some bugfixes15:49
seb128∘ software-properties python3 exception in some error handling callback15:49
seb128∘ glib/unity/menu segfaults15:49
seb128∘ aptdaemon issue due new packagekit that quite some user got from wily-proposed15:49
seb128∘ reviewed/landed indicator-bluetooth segfault bugfix from robert_ancell15:49
seb128∘ rebuilt wxwidgets for gcc5, fixes amule not starting on abi mismatch error15:49
seb128• looked at why empty files do not open with gedit in wily, turned out to be a glib issue15:49
seb128• investigated wily langpack update issue (missing some translations), didn't figure out what was going on though, waiting for the next build to see if that was a one time issue15:49
seb128• synced new libmtp bugfix version15:50
seb128• some launchpad patches queue reviews/sponsoring (hunspell, u-c-c, pytz)15:50
seb128• investigated double lockscreen issue, found it's due to lightdm libaudit changes15:50
seb128• tested current unity8 desktop versions to check some of the improvements, looks better with every update ;-)15:50
willcookethanks seb12815:50
willcooke#topic Sweet5hark15:50
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-09-29 | Current topic: Sweet5hark
* willcooke guess "conf"15:50
Sweet5hark- LibreOffice conference and Aarhus Hackfest (topic: C++11 and LibreOffice)15:50
Sweet5hark- following some resulting leads15:50
Sweet5hark- had a look at errors.ubuntu.com, didnt find anything superurgent15:50
Sweet5hark- 5.0.2 FFE (finalized changelog, building now)15:50
Sweet5hark- inbox backlog from conference15:50
Sweet5hark- travel stuff for LibreOffice conference and Desktop sprint, and preparing for Hamburg Hackfest15:50
willcookethanks Sweet5hark15:50
willcooke#topic tkamppeter15:50
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-09-29 | Current topic: tkamppeter
tkamppeter- cups-filters: Allow two configurable modes for cups-browsed's load balancing, one queueing up the jobs on the client (like a CUPS class does) and one queueing up the jobs on the servers.15:51
tkamppeter- ghostscript: First look into 9.18, does not need libtrio any more (closed MIR).15:51
tkamppeter- Phone for printing stack testing stuck in Brazilian customs, so this will start only after the Sprint where I will get another device.15:51
tkamppeter- Bugs.15:51
willcookethanks tkamppeter15:51
willcooke#topic Trevinho15:51
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-09-29 | Current topic: Trevinho
Trevinho· Fix FTB in compiz wily15:51
Trevinho· Kylin meeting: they're working in the lockscreen15:51
Trevinho· Apply user contribution patch for fixing icon rendering in Wily15:51
Trevinho· Refactoring of unity's GnomeKeyGrabber, to fix randomly not-working keybindings15:52
willcookethanks Trevinho15:52
willcooke#topic robert_ancell15:52
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-09-29 | Current topic: robert_ancell
willcooke- Diagnosing / fixing release serious bugs15:52
willcooke- Updated XMir in overlay PPA15:52
willcooke- Investigate GNOME Software Centre suitability for Ubuntu15:52
willcooke#topic Any Other Business15:52
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-09-29 | Current topic: Any Other Business
willcookeSo #1.  *I* think that the "hi/bye" concept is working really nicely.  I hope you agree.  We can discuss more at the sprint15:53
* larsu +1s15:53
willcookeActually, that's all I got atm.  There will be information coming from the sprint in Budapest soon which I will share as soon as I have collated it15:54
larsuI'm feeling a bit sick (hope it's nothing serious), but I might take it slow and be online a bit later tomorrow15:54
* larsu judges in the morning15:54
willcookeHe gave it to me as well15:54
larsunot cool15:55
willcooketake it easy larsu15:55
Laneytake it HARD15:55
Laneygo for a long run15:55
willcookeI'm going to call it EOD pretty soon as well15:55
* willcooke -> bed15:55
seb128larsu, get better!15:55
larsuLaney: I actually might :)15:55
Laneysweat it out15:55
larsubut not before finishing that patch15:55
larsuseb128: thanks!15:55
willcookeany more for any more?15:55
* Laney tries to remember how to jhbuild15:55
larsuLaney: jhbuild build gtk+15:56
* larsu feels very helpful15:56
Laneymore how to jhbuildrc15:56
seb128willcooke, oh, not really meeting material but shotwell has no upstrema anymore it seems15:56
jcastroam I too late?15:56
seb128they are missing at least15:56
jcastromeeting over?15:56
seb128jcastro, not yet15:56
* happyaron sees gdm breaks IME other than ibus, again and again15:56
larsuLaney: shall I paste mine?15:56
willcookeseb128, oh, that's not good.  Something for the sprint15:56
larsuseb128: missing?15:56
seb128willcooke, and shotwell has an facebook appkey which needs updating15:56
willcookejcastro, shoot15:56
willcookeseb128, ohhhh.  That's going to be fun15:57
Laneylarsu: yeah if it overrides the directories15:57
jcastrohey so if someone new shows up and wants to help, those two bugs for the steam controller I posted on -desktop are still open15:57
seb128willcooke, I wonder if we should generate/replace it by a key for ubuntu15:57
larsuLaney: it does15:57
jcastrobut got a bunch of new data on the one so it should be straightforward15:57
seb128larsu, missing, like they facebook permissions need updating and nobody replied to mailing list or bugzilla since june15:57
larsuLaney: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12613503/15:57
larsuah, got it15:57
Laneydid anyone try to get hold of jim directly?15:58
jcastromostly I just wanted the bugs to make the notes of the meeting so they can be reported on. :D15:58
Laneyor, does anyone have a line to him that they can use? :)15:58
willcookejcastro, looks like mdeslaur and pitti might be on the case there15:59
seb128Laney, unsure what's the best way to contact him, I assumed he would be subscribed to their list and that if he's not that's probably for a good reason/he doesn't want to maintain shotwell anymore or something16:00
jcastroyeah, I was just spreading the word just in case, I know release work is also ongoing16:00
pittiwillcooke: wut?16:00
willcookepitti, steam controllers16:00
Laneyseb128: maybe not, just sometimes personal contact works16:01
Laneythey might be willing to hand the keys over to the gnome foudnation or whatever if that is possible16:01
larsuthe elementary guys might know him?16:01
larsusome of them live in ca as well16:01
seb128right, I just felt like I was not the best placed to take over that/ask about it16:01
LaneyI wasn't pinning it on you16:01
seb128k, just saying16:02
seb128if somebody feels like private emailing him or pinging other people who might please do16:02
seb128otherwise we should maybe look at generating a new key for the package16:02
Laneymight make sense for gnome to own this in any event16:02
Laneyif they are up for that16:02
seb128yeah, they have gnome-photos, unsure they care about shotwell16:02
seb128I've just tried to get that moving a few times upstream but nobody picked it up16:03
seb128so if anybody has better person they can ping, please do ;-)16:03
seb128willcooke, that was all on that topic I think16:04
willcookeoki, added to the BP16:04
seb128and yeah, steam controllers is a systemd thing, pitti seemed to be on it16:04
willcookethanks all, let's wrap16:04
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316"
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Sep 29 16:04:53 2015 UTC.16:04
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-desktop/2015/ubuntu-desktop.2015-09-29-15.30.moin.txt16:04
Laneydesrt: you got a line to yorba jim by any chance?16:05
Laneychecking whether the C compiler works... no16:09
Laneyyou what now16:09
* Laney fail16:11
didrockshave a good evening guys!16:17
larsuyou too!16:19
desrtLaney: jim@yorba.org?16:32
desrtseb128, flocculant: okay.  this is fixed in glib master and backported to 2.46 as well16:33
desrt(the text/plain thing)16:33
seb128desrt, thanks!16:35
flocculantdesrt: thanks16:36
seb128the change/diff looks good to me ;-)16:36
seb128oh,and seems you are off the hook for the ews auth issue with the new glib, they fixed it in eds16:37
larsuLaney: I think I gave wrong attribution to seb128 in that hide-headerbar-in-fullscreen patch16:38
seb128larsu, you likely did, I don't remember writing that one ;-)16:38
Laneyoh well16:39
larsushall I fix?16:40
larsuabout to upload a branch anyway16:40
Laneyok, if you like16:41
larsubrr bzr bd doesn't add my new patch :/16:44
Laneydid you bzr add it?16:44
larsuyes, it's committed16:44
seb128is it in the series?16:44
seb128non sense :p16:44
larsuand no error while building16:44
seb128bzr bd-do16:44
seb128quilt applied16:44
* larsu might be too sick for this shit16:45
Laneybzr status16:45
larsuya, redoing all of this made it wotrk16:45
larsuweird. sorrt16:45
larsuLaney: pushed to lp:~larsu/eog/fullscreen-button16:46
larsuI'll MR it, but I'll fix ubuntu-themes tomorrow (the icon issues)16:46
larsuI need to lie down or something16:46
larsufiled upstream at https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=75579916:46
ubot5`Gnome bug 755799 in general ""Exit fullscreen" button has a dark background" [Normal,New]16:46
seb128larsu, taking it easy, see you tomorrow!16:47
Laneylooking at this tomorrow16:47
desrtLaney: i suspect this bug is evil........16:47
desrtthe monitoring one16:47
Laneythe one I pointed to?16:47
larsuseb128, Laney: thanks! See you tomorrow16:47
desrti get the impression you've uncovered a fairly fundamental race inside of how gvfs works16:47
Laneysomeone just gave me an extremely weird look16:48
* Laney is perched like an owl on a chair in the library16:48
desrtlarsu: off for the night?16:48
larsudesrt: ya, feeling a bit sick16:48
seb128larsu, :-))16:49
desrtlarsu: feel better.  good night.16:49
Laneydesrt: I just suspected a similar thing since it worked with 2.4416:50
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
* willcooke -> EOD16:58
Laneyalso bye!17:20
Laneyreally bye :)17:34
* Laney is too late to climb so will see what goodies the library can offer up17:34
* qengho afk to retrieve repaired car.17:34
desrtLaney: your testcase contains a very annoying bug :)18:52
desrtLaney: can you tell me when you ran into this issue?18:53
robert_ancellhi all19:51
=== Cimi_ is now known as cimi
andyrockgood night all23:58
qenghogood night23:59

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