
cyphermox@pilot out00:35
=== udevbot_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: feature freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of precise-vivid | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
=== _salem is now known as salem_
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
smoserhey, wonder if anyone has thoughts on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openhpi/+bug/148845302:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1488453 in openhpi (Ubuntu) "Package postinst always fail on first install when using systemd" [High,Confirmed]02:15
smoserneed some systemd help there.02:15
* smoser has to go to bed but will read scrollback and any comments on bug would be appreciated.02:16
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
dxhey what's the easiest way to get a package removed from trusty? it's extremely buggy, it has always been, and i don't want to continue supporting it for the next few years04:48
dxbug is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bitlbee/+bug/1315550 which seems to be considered closed just because it's fixed in vivid04:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1315550 in bitlbee (Ubuntu) "Current 14.04 bitlbee build using broken OTR (fixed in nightlies)" [Undecided,Fix released]04:59
dxtl;dr removing "bitlbee-plugin-otr" from trusty will fix my headaches and that bug. would be really appreciated05:00
Unit193Looks like you'd first thought about or tried SRU'ing.05:00
dxindeed. but i don't know enough about the procedures to go through all that. i'd rather just have it removed05:01
dxonly now we got another complaint about this bug, probably the first one in months05:03
ScottKBecause of the way the Ubuntu archive works, removal is effectively not possible.05:06
dxi really wish the bug was bad enough to fit in the category of security issues.05:07
ScottKIf you know how to fix it, attach the patch to a bug, explain what's going on and subscribe the ubuntu-sponsors team to the bug.05:07
ScottKAll the distro specific specific bureaucracy they should be able to handle.05:08
dxthere are several bugs (i think three of them, two critical, one not so much), is it okay if i submit a single patch with the three of them?05:10
infinitydx: We don't remove packages.  The best you could do for removal would be to replace it with an empty package, which would be a harder SRU to get through than just fixing the bugs.05:29
dxattached patch, subscribed ubuntu-sponsors team05:34
dxi hope that's enough. thanks everyone.05:34
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pittiseb128: langpacks> sprint this week, sorry -- can you take this up with William?06:32
seb128pitti, hey, I can try ... do we have logs from the langpack-o-matic work?06:32
seb128pitti, the launchpad export includes the .po06:32
pittisarnold: I did add a more permanent "fix" now -- they should be okay now?06:32
seb128so something is wrong in the export to source package processing06:32
pittiseb128: yes, they are all in log/06:33
seb128log from what machine?06:33
seb128or people page?06:33
seb128pitti, or do you mean I should try a local build?06:35
pittiseb128: macquarie, can you ssh there?06:36
seb128pitti, seems like I can06:36
seb128what dir/user should I lookfor?06:37
pittiseb128: /srv/language-packs.ubuntu.com/log06:39
seb128pitti, nothing useful in there :-/06:41
seb128pitti, I'm going to try a local build06:42
dholbachgood morning06:54
seb128pitti, did you see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ddeb-retriever/+bug/1500557 ?07:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1500557 in ddeb-retriever "Packages file(s)? for wily out of date" [Undecided,New]07:53
pittiseb128: no, not yet; sprint..08:05
seb128pitti, right, sorry08:07
pittiseb128, bdmurray: is that a big blocker? I thought we download the ddebs directly from LP in this case?08:23
seb128pitti, I don't know, bdmurray was investigating why some of the e.u.c retracing were failing08:23
seb128but maybe the cause is different08:23
seb128pitti, also langpack-o-matic doesn't generate buggy langpacks locally, is there any way you can kick a rebuild on the server side to see if that was a one time off issue?08:24
pittiseb128: that is highly unlikely, unless there was an exception in the log or so08:25
seb128so I don't understand08:25
pittiseb128: did you run ./cron.daily ? or how did you build?08:25
seb128the build from the 22 was good and the one from the 24 is missing like 10 files08:25
seb128pitti, ./cron.daily wily08:25
seb128the logs have no mention of e.g de/gedit08:26
pittifind wily/ -name eog*08:26
seb128but the .po is in the launchpad export tarball, it should be mentioned as copied or skept08:26
pittisources-update/ has eog for only a handful of langs08:26
pittibut all of the -base packages have it08:26
seb128why is the question08:27
seb128same for gedit, file-roller, etc08:27
Laneyspeaking of langpacks, there's a few of them out of date in wily vs vivid - https://udd.debian.org/~laney/less.txt08:30
Laneywhy's that?08:30
pittiseb128: you didn't build against existing -base packages, or did you?08:30
seb128pitti, I probably didn't, though I did copy a gedit.po in sources-base/... otherwise it was skipping it08:31
pittiLaney: they either fell through the "at least 5% translated" barrier or they actually didn't get new translations in wily yet08:31
seb128and it did copy gedit.po in sources-update08:31
pittiseb128: right; you can't build -base packages from a Launchpad delta export08:31
Laneypitti: should I just copy up the SRUs?08:32
pittiseb128: but I don't see how a file from the existing update packs would get removed -- langpack-o-matic only ever adds files to existing files08:32
Laneyat least some of them are sitting in vivid-proposed though08:32
pittiLaney: oh, because we did a -base refresh in vivid, but not in wily08:33
pittiactually we did08:33
pittiLaney: so maybe when we got the first wily export a lot of translations weren't imported into wily yet; I can only speculate08:37
pittiLaney: I propose I'll request a full export, we rebuild wily langpack -bases from scratch, and we remove the obsolete pacakges08:38
LaneyI don't know about langpacks, so I defer to you. :)08:38
LaneyI put a note to re-run this query in 1 week and see what's still out of date then08:38
pittiLaney: thanks08:46
pittiseb128, Laney: next export shold happen Thursday08:47
seb128pitti, it's a bit puzzling to me08:47
seb128let's see what happens then08:47
LaneyIt's not just -base packages that are listed there btw08:47
pittiLaney: right; but easier to investigate this from a full export/build08:49
TJ-Is there anyone about that deals with building the grub-efi signed core.img, that can discuss adding additional modules to support the LUKS-encrypted GRUB root-fs scenario?09:12
didrocksbarry: hey, when you get some time, do you mind looking at a regression due to python 3.4.3 which is breaking proxies with requests? bug #150076809:19
ubottubug 1500768 in python3.4 (Ubuntu) "python3.4.3 SRU break requests" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150076809:19
seb128hum, does anyone know why some of the recent uploads in wily are missing from the wily-changes list?09:33
seb128like the aptdaemon upload from yesterday evening09:33
LocutusOfBorg1hi, does anybody know how to give dm for Debian from Ubuntu?09:35
LocutusOfBorg1$ dcut dm09:35
LocutusOfBorg1No host dm found in config09:35
LaneyLocutusOfBorg1: I think you need dput-ng for this09:38
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LocutusOfBorg1Laney, but it seems to be not working09:39
Laneythat message indicates you have dput, not dput-ng09:39
LocutusOfBorg1dput.exceptions.InvalidConfigError: Error with config file profiles/debian - Required field 'incoming' is missing09:39
LocutusOfBorg1I also tried dput-ng of course09:39
cjwatsonseb128: looking09:40
seb128cjwatson, thanks09:40
LocutusOfBorg1oh well, I might have screwed up my config files09:40
seb128cjwatson, the recent rhythmbox upload is another example09:41
cjwatsonOh, hah, I bet I forgot to get PackageUploadNotificationJob added to the celery feature rules09:42
cjwatsonMaybe.  Checking further09:43
cjwatsonAh, in fact it would have worked but there's a missing DB user09:44
cjwatsonseb128: https://rt.admin.canonical.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=8510009:48
cjwatsonIt should catch up with the missing notifications once that's fixed09:48
seb128cjwatson, thanks09:48
cjwatsonThanks for letting us know, I hadn't looked over the OOPS report in a while :-/09:49
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cjwatsonoh, it's not even on the oops report.  how helpful.09:51
LocutusOfBorg1Laney, the trick was "dcut ftp-master dm"09:51
LocutusOfBorg1I was trying with -c but unsuccessfully09:51
LaneyI remember constructing the file manually the only time I did DM manipulations09:52
MirvI must say I'm happy with the new (opt-in) Launchpad bug e-mail footer tags, makes life better for a puny GMail user10:05
Mirv(https://launchpad.net/~/+edit -> Include filtering information in email footers)10:06
cjwatsonMirv: \o/10:13
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NikThseb128: 1500216 invalid ?10:41
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seb128NikTh, yes, wily-proposed is not meant to be used, those issue can be hit there11:35
NikThseb128: Thank for all the valuable help , disentangled quickly with this one. :-)11:38
seb128NikTh, yw!11:38
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NikThRAOF: Hi, I don't know if you saw the messages the other day, but...success ! mostly because of you. The first step was AUTOBUILD=true indeed , also some other removals (config/ vars/) and finally comment out a line in the debian/rules , because it messed up the binaries names.12:14
NikThCheck the binaries here: https://launchpad.net/~nick-athens30/+archive/ubuntu/trusty4-dev/+packages (48mins build time).12:15
NikThCheck the binaries here (generic and lowlatency exist) : https://launchpad.net/~nick-athens30/+archive/ubuntu/trusty4/+packages (4h+ build time).12:16
smoserpitti, i wonder if you have thoughts on bug 148845312:56
ubottubug 1488453 in openhpi (Ubuntu) "Package postinst always fail on first install when using systemd" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148845312:56
smoserbasically, the sysvinit job that is there would exit success even though the daemon would exit non-zero when marked explicitly as UNCONFIGURED.12:57
pittismoser: I posted my initial answer to the bg13:00
pittibug even13:00
smoserwe'd have to patch it to make exit code specific for this scenario.13:02
pittijust sent a followup comment13:02
pittismoser: ah, it doesn't already? how unfriendly13:02
pittiwell, anything which will tell you whether it failed or is just unconfigured13:02
smoseri said that in my comment, there are other reasons it exits 813:02
smoserwhich, yeah, is silly.13:03
pittiif it's configured and really fails, you don't want to silently ignore that13:03
smoserwe could look at the output13:03
smoserbut then thats assuming that its not localized13:03
smoseri couldn't find a condition that seemed sane.13:04
dokotvoss: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtubuntu-media/+bug/150085913:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1500859 in qtubuntu-media (Ubuntu) "hard coded dependency on non-existing version of runtime library" [Critical,Confirmed]13:04
smoserpitti, if i did '--no-start', then that woudl break the case where user installs their desired config, and then the package, right? as it woudlnt start.13:06
pittismoser: right13:06
pittismoser: or dh_installinit --error-handler=true13:06
pittismoser: (or something slightly more advanced than true if you want)13:07
tvossdoko, ack and noted down13:08
smoserso upstart trusted the exit code of the init script. systemd is finding the daemon process and noticing it fails.13:12
smoserpitti, thank you for your help13:12
seb128mdeslaur, hey, if tzdata updates go through security, does it mean bugfixes for issues created by those updates should go through security pocket as well?13:21
mdeslaurseb128: yes. talk to infinity, he's the one that takes care of tzdata and copies it to -security13:21
mdeslaurseb128: what is the issue?13:21
seb128mdeslaur, thanks13:22
seb128mdeslaur, bug  #1473533, I just backported the upstream fix to wily13:22
ubottubug 1473533 in python-tz (Debian) "CountryNameDict function trying to parse UTF-8 iso3166.tab as US-ASCII" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/147353313:22
barrydidrocks: yep, will look13:22
seb128basically pytz tries to read the tzdata files as ascii13:22
seb128and some got converted to utf8 in 2015e13:23
seb128which leads to an encoding error13:23
seb128test case is "import pytz; pytz.country_names"13:23
mdeslaurah, yuck :)13:24
shadeslayerI've been following https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/EGLDriverPackagingHOWTO to ship some custom egl implementation, however it seems like the system egl libs are prefered over my custom ones in my custom folder13:26
shadeslayerSo I added my libs at the top using LD_LIBRARY_PATH, is there a better way of achieving this?13:26
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seb128infinity, ^ see pytz/tzdata discussion13:27
seb128there is a corresponding fix in the wily unapproved queue13:28
shadeslayerok so I think it's because my arm-linux-gnueabihf_EGL.conf path gets loaded *after* arm-linux-gnueabihf.conf13:34
shadeslayerso if I simply ship another config which is loaded before arm-linux-gnueabihf.conf it'll work13:34
smoserpitti, ok. so almost by accident, i realized that just adding a systemd service fixes the problem13:48
kenvandine@pilot in13:52
=== udevbot_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: feature freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of precise-vivid | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: kenvandine
seb128kenvandine \o/13:52
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dokoseb128, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wxwidgets2.8/
seb128doko, your sentence lacks a verb14:05
seb128and maybe words14:05
dokothis should have been a library rename, but I don't care. in any case, could you do no-change rebuilds (lacking depite any verb)14:06
seb128no change rebuilds of what?14:06
seb128yeah, it should, but debian wontfixed it14:06
seb128well, I tested the rdepends and they seem to work14:06
seb128include amule which is what the report was against14:07
dokoI would appreciate a sane solution, not just testing one specific binary14:07
pittismoser: ah, I thought it already had one -- so the .service does something magical to detect whether it's configured or not?14:08
smoserpitti, no14:08
seb128doko, ok, I can do rebuilds14:09
smoserits kind of a bug i think. its wierd.14:09
dokoseb128, ta14:09
smoserwhen the /etc/init.d/openhpid script is called via systemd, it must exit failure, and dh_installinit not like that14:10
smoserbut when there is a systemd job and it fails start, then that must not get raised to dh_installinit14:10
smoseras it doesnt fail the install14:10
smosernote, that the behavior of systemd with openhpi.service file is the same behavior we had on trusty with upstart + sysvinit script14:11
smoserin that install is fine, but 'status' will show it did not start.14:11
smoserdoes that make sense?14:11
smoserpitti, thanks again for your help. could you take a quick sanity check on the systemd job i'm considering14:15
smoser http://paste.ubuntu.com/12612654/ . its copied rom the fedora one14:16
pittismoser: hmm; this could need some cleanup14:18
pittismoser: but aside from that, this should fail similarly, once the forked process ends?14:18
ogra_infinity, i need to add name resolution to an initrd (dont ask ...), for that i apparently need to copy_exec libnss_dns|files and libresolv ... (plus creating nsswitch.conf) ... is there any way that prevents me from having to hand the triplet in the path to copy_exec ? (i would like to avoid ending up with a giant hook script)14:22
smoserpitti, well, yes. it does fail, 'systemctl status' shows the failure14:24
smoserbut the install succeeds.14:24
smoserie, the bug is that the package fails install14:24
smoserby design it doesnt start until configured, but it should still install :)14:24
pittismoser: oh, because starting it doesn't wait for that, I see14:27
pittismoser: so sort a happy accident14:27
smoserright. but the same happy accident that happened in upstart14:27
smoserwhat i dont understand actually is why the sysvinit script does not cause the same behavior.14:28
smoseras it is run via the systemd-sysv-generator14:28
smoserso, my feeling is that this gives us the same "working" scenario we've had since 10.04, and thus its acceptable.14:29
smoserbut if you have suggestions on how to make the systemd job better, i'm interested in that.14:29
smoserhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/12612758/ <-- debdiff14:30
=== Laney changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: feature freeze, user interface freeze, final beta freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of precise-vivid | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: kenvandine
=== Laney changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: pilot
=== Laney changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: feature freeze, user interface freeze, final beta freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of precise-vivid | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: kenvandine
system0x01Linux. Python. How to read current speed DVD/CD form /dev/sr0 at copy files?14:35
smoserpitti, does the systemd file look ok generally ?15:00
pittismoser: (in hangout, bbl015:00
pittismoser: it looks okay, but a bit crufty15:02
smoserif you have suggestions i can take them.15:02
pittismoser: After=syslog.target should be dropped (that doesn't even exist, and is early-boot stuff)15:03
pittismoser: should use /run, not /var/run15:03
pittismoser: and ideally it would avoid using "forking" and run the process in the foregroud15:03
smoserpitti, i think the pid file must be compile time15:03
smoseror otherwise int he source. ie, the config doesnt specify it15:03
pittismoser: but /var/run is a symlink to /run, and you might have /var on NFS15:03
pittithat also isn't relevant for late boot stuff15:03
pittibut it's something which we should get rid of long-term (using /var/run)15:04
pittismoser: i. e. dropping the PID file and using the default Type=simple and running stuff in the foreground is usually better15:04
pitti(both in upstart and systemd)15:04
pittias you can properly capture/log the output, errors, etc.15:04
pittiof course that might be the very thing to bring back that install error :)15:05
smoserok. i'll give that a test.15:05
bzoltan_cjwatson: Are you OK with the changes on the click MR now? https://code.launchpad.net/~bzoltan/click/add_overlay_ppa/+merge/27242815:06
cjwatsonum, let me suggest something a bit less ugly15:07
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cjwatsonok, suggestion in the MP now15:16
bdmurraypitti: I need to double check but I think if apport doesn't think the package exists in the apt cache then it won't check Launchpad.15:17
pittiwow, I'm getting "wily/proposed accepted" mails for stuff I uploaded a week ago15:23
cariboudid someone just upload makedumpfile (1.5.5-2ubuntu1.4) to trusty-proposed ?15:23
caribouLP: #1469054 is by far not complete, apw was supposed to review it15:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1469054 in makedumpfile (Ubuntu Trusty) "Unsupported kernel warning while running makedumpfile" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146905415:24
caribouoh, wait, just don't bother about that noise15:24
caribouthat's another upload that I did a while ago15:25
cjwatsonpitti: Looks like IS just dealt with my ticket to sort out upload notification jobs, which have been broken for a while15:25
cjwatsoncaribou: ^- probably applies to yours as well15:25
* caribou goes back under his rock & hide15:25
cariboucjwatson: well, thanks then. I'm not that crazy15:25
cariboucjwatson: especially since this one of the few packages I have upload rights for :-)15:26
pitticjwatson: ah, thanks15:26
bdmurraycaribou: that doesn't you aren't crazy15:26
cjwatsoncjwatson@carob:~$ rsync loganberry.canonical.com::launchpad-production-logs/process-job-source-groups.log . | grep --count 'Running.*PackageUploadNotificationJob' process-job-source-groups.log15:26
cariboubdmurray: :) sure, they're not mutually exclusive15:26
cjwatsonand indeed I could actually hear the evidence of that working because my local mail server's disk is a little noisy and was processing the resulting large batch of -changes mail :-)15:27
didrockstdaitx: hey, do you have a minute to discuss bug #1441487?15:28
ubottubug 1441487 in jayatana (Ubuntu) "Running any Java program produces messages in the terminal, while rendering many Java applications broken" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144148715:28
cjwatsonseb128: ^- that dealt with the missing wily-changes mails you were asking about, BTW15:29
seb128cjwatson, yeah, I noticed the emails, thanks for getting the issue resolved!15:29
smbslangasek, Did you try to ping me yesterday. Recently xchat just dies in a heap after playing the highlight sound first start in the morning. Naturally taking all info with it15:34
hallynslangasek: hey - why is edk2 in multiverse again?15:36
tdaitxdidrocks, yeah, I just read the bug report15:36
didrockstdaitx: so, I don't get the crash on menus as some are reporting for instance on android studio/intellij…15:37
didrockstdaitx: however, it seems that the fact the openjdk prints the first line "Picked up <…>" is making a lot of program crashing15:37
didrocks(not eclipse, not intellij, not jetbrain, but others?)15:37
slangasekhallyn: crazy Intel licensing on the FAT driver15:38
didrocksas most of program are reading their output it seems to determinate with java -version the java version…15:38
slangaseksmb: I responded to your dpdk request (which is still sitting in front of me for review)15:38
didrockstdaitx: do you understand the same? It seems that unfortunately openjdk output isn't tunable15:38
slangaseksmb: I got as far as 'License: BSD+GPLv2+LGPLv2' in debian/copyright ;)15:38
hallynslangasek: :)  right, thanks15:39
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slangaseksmb: you correctly note that the license here is BSD+GPL, but you don't reproduce the BSD license in debian/copyright, which is a requirement of the BSD license15:41
tdaitxdidrocks, right, I am looking at those links in the bug report, will take a look at openjdk in a minute15:43
didrockstdaitx: thx! I've emailed jayatana upstream about the crash (that I didn't get), I can see script doing java -version | grep… :/15:43
didrockstdaitx: FYI, on the openjdk bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-803915215:45
smbslangasek, hm... nobody else was mentioning that before... from where does one take that?15:48
tdaitxdidrocks, right, so they can't disable the message since it would be considered a security vulnerability, there is also no way to output it somewhere else because the "options logic" in openjdk has not been run yet... it is unlikely they will 'fix' this15:53
didrockstdaitx: ok, I understand the rationale. I'm thus inclined to SRU a removal of this env variable export for the session (that will still let the user exporting it)15:55
didrockstdaitx: waiting for some feedback on my last comment on it, any chance you are working with java upstream to get proper global menu support for both Unity and gnome shell (same protocole)15:55
didrocksquite weird that java apps don't export their menu (and for developer tooling, it's annoying)15:55
smbslangasek, That part is long enough ago that I do not recall it fully but I thought I went somewhere which had examples of what licence text to repeat in the copyright file and that had gpl but somehow nothing usable for bsd...15:55
bdmurraypitti: yeah, its try: debsym = cache[dbgsym_pkg] ... except KeyError: 'no debug symbol found'15:56
slangaseksmb: "Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer [...]" so we do consider this satisfied by /usr/share/common-licenses/BSD, but then debian/copyright needs to point to /usr/share/common-licenses/BSD and not just /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL15:57
pittiinfinity, mdeslaur, slangasek, kees, stgraber: TB meeting reminder15:58
mdeslaurpitti: ack15:59
* slangasek nods16:00
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tdaitxdidrocks, I haven't tested it, but as far as I have seen other jvms (IBM, Oracle) also output it before the usual "version" info - I have seen other bug reports for those jvms when JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS is set16:01
tdaitxdidrocks, thus I don't believe it is something we can get openjdk to "fix"16:02
didrockstdaitx: ok, so the only solution is that we work with swing and other java toolkit to get proper exported menu16:02
didrocksin GS and Unity16:02
tdaitxof course, tools shouldn't be parsing the java -version in such a way, not something we can get everyone to fix =)16:03
didrockstdaitx: well, I'm not surprised that exists ;)16:03
tdaitxdidrocks, indeed, the correct solution is to work with swing to get the menus to work on unity16:04
didrockstdaitx: I know that the desktop team has no java expert and fundation no unity expert, maybe our manager should align to give some time for a co-working project :)16:05
tdaitxdidrocks, I'm not working with java upstream on it, I will check if there was ever a discussion on the 2d-dev ML about this16:05
didrockstdaitx: yeah, if you can dive into the ML to see if at least, that was discussed somewhere… that would be a great start!16:05
seb128slangasek, hey, is the patch from bug #1439769 on your list of things to look at/get reviewed for wily?16:06
ubottubug 1439769 in update-manager (Ubuntu Vivid) "various linux packages being marked as manually installed, still prevents 'apt-get autoremove' from doing the right thing for kernels" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143976916:06
didrockstdaitx: on my side, if I don't see any objection by tomorrow morning, I'm going to SRU removal of the env var16:06
seb128slangasek, should ubuntu-sponsors be subscribed?16:06
smbslangasek, ok, so like that http://paste.ubuntu.com/12613637/ or only with the "On Debian..." part?16:08
chilukinfinity, do you know who's responsible for rebuilding http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty-proposed/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/initrd.gz  ?16:23
chilukthe sfc network module was recently added to the nic-modules .udeb... and it needs to be rebuilt against at least -63 ..16:24
chilukit looks to currently be against -6116:24
chilukslangasek ^^ do you know who owns rebuilds http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty-proposed/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/initrd.gz16:26
xnoxchiluk: any of cyphermox infinity arges kernel-team foundations-team16:37
chilukxnox... kernel-team, and arges were a no-go.16:37
chilukinfinity, and foundations-team appear to be awol..16:37
cyphermoxI'm here.16:37
xnoxchiluk: do it yourself? =)16:37
chilukno perms.16:38
xnoxchiluk: i can sponsor =) har har =)16:38
xnoxcyphermox: can you rebuild d-i in trusty proposed, against proposed deps?16:38
xnoxplease, as per chiluk request above.16:38
cyphermoxchiluk: is there a bug for this?16:39
chilukcyphermox, it needs to be rebuilt at least against -63..16:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1481490 in linux (Ubuntu Vivid) "Add sfc to nic-modules udeb" [Undecided,Fix released]16:39
chilukI just started looking at it a few minutes ago.16:39
argescyphermox: so the abi bump will cause the udebs to be updated with the additional modules. ( ijust found my notes on how to do this btw)16:39
chilukcyphermox are you going to be able to twiddle the right bits for me?16:41
cyphermoxchiluk: is -65 ok? If we're to rebuild, might as well pick the latest.16:46
dokoRiddell, there are a bunch of kde packaages not migrating, pleaes see update_excudes16:47
chilukcyphermox, -65  is sitting in trusty-updates so that should be fine.16:47
cyphermoxthere isn't one in proposed at all16:48
chilukso -65 for both should be acceptable.16:48
chilukcyphermox any idea when it should be available in the archives?16:50
cyphermoxchiluk: depends on the SRU team :)16:50
cyphermoxit would be in proposed once reviewed.16:50
cyphermoxchiluk: it's in the queue now, arges or someone else can review it.16:52
argescyphermox: ok will do today or tomorrow16:53
argescyphermox: did you upload for vivid, or is that not necessary?16:57
cyphermoxarges: it wouldn't be the same changes, that's for sure16:57
cyphermoxis there the same issue for vivid?16:57
argeschiluk: ^^^ did you check if the current version has the rigth module?16:58
chilukarges ... the change was from no module to having a module16:58
argescyphermox: and also do we typically leave off bug #s for these kinds of uploads?16:59
cyphermoxthere usually are not16:59
cyphermoxI can certainly re-upload with the bug number17:00
cyphermoxdo you want to reject it so I re-do the upload?17:00
argescyphermox: its fine17:15
jtaylorcyphermox: is an sru backport the the grub -21 patch planned?17:27
cyphermoxjtaylor: yes17:27
jtaylorcyphermox: great thanks17:27
jtayloryou can ping me for testing if required17:28
cyphermoxjtaylor: it's in the trusty queue for review by the SRU team already: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/218703135/grub2_2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.4_source.changes17:28
cyphermoxas long as we're both indeed talking about the "malformed file" message on boot.17:28
jtaylorcyphermox: that patch fixed my malformed file issue17:29
jtaylorI currently have trusty grub + this patch installed and it works fine17:29
cyphermoxwell, it's in the queue.17:29
smbslangasek, would the mentioned change by ok and/or are there further things you think should be changed?17:33
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bipulWhere i can get the logs for ubuntu-devel channel?19:01
sarnoldbipul: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/19:02
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too.19:02
bipulUnit193, I am new to this channel, and i wanted to learn how to fix bugs19:03
smoserpitti, still around ?19:22
smoseri'm seeing transient errors where iscsi root i do not get resolvconf updated19:22
smoserin wily19:22
bipul bzr dh-make hello-2.7 hello-2.7.tar.gz19:23
bipulbzr: ERROR: command 'dh-make' requires argument TARBALL19:23
bipulWhat's wrong here? I was going through the guide, but unable to perform this part..19:24
brendandbipul, Usage:   bzr dh-make PACKAGE_NAME VERSION TARBALL19:26
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slangasekseb128: bug #1439769> I had the impression somehow that Michael was still iterating; thanks for drawing my attention to it, I'll follow up19:35
ubottubug 1439769 in update-manager (Ubuntu Vivid) "various linux packages being marked as manually installed, still prevents 'apt-get autoremove' from doing the right thing for kernels" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143976919:35
slangaseksmb: you want to either reproduce the license or point to /usr/share/common-licenses/BSD, not both19:36
slangaseksmb: I haven't made any progress yet on reviewing the rest of the packaging, sorry about that19:36
smbslangasek, ok. in that case I probably go for the pointer (as that would look less bulky). If you manage to make progress and have additional questions/requests, maybe shoot me an email as that is more reliable. And then I try to add anything before re-uploading. Feel free to reject the current package when you are done.19:41
slangaseksmb: will do19:41
smbslangasek, thanks19:42
infinitychiluk: I generally do them.  But it's more than "just rebuild d-i", so I tend to just do the whole thing end-to-end when there's a need.19:58
infinitychiluk: Was it -61 or -62 that has the change you need?19:58
infinitychiluk: (Sorry for the late response, been sick all day)19:58
chilukinfinity, -63 has the change we need..19:59
infinityErr, 63... Yeah.  Not braining right now.19:59
chilukinfinity, no worries man.. an upload for 3.13.0-65 is sitting in the trusty upload queue19:59
chilukinfinity, I uploaded a debdiff for vivid to the bug..19:59
chilukI just based the vivid debdiff against latest in -updates, but iirc -23 was minimum necessary20:00
infinitycyphermox: I'm going to reject that d-i in the trusty queue and do a more complete job.20:00
infinitychiluk: So, this needs fixing in vivid too?  Mmkay.20:01
infinitychiluk: Bug # again?20:01
chilukinfinity, well vivid would be appropriate since that's how we usually fix stuff.20:01
infinitychiluk: It's appropriate if people need the fix in vivid, yes. :P20:02
chilukinfinity https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/148149020:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1481490 in debian-installer (Ubuntu Vivid) "Add sfc to nic-modules udeb" [Undecided,In progress]20:02
chilukinfinity, yes people need it in vivid as well.20:03
infinitychiluk: Closing the wily task, it should be fixed there already.  I'll bang out the other two, if you're willing to verify.20:04
chilukyeah I didn't open the wily task... you are probably correct20:04
chilukinfinity, I am willing to verify, and I have a user that will verify as well.20:05
cyphermoxinfinity : more complete job? What did I miss?20:05
infinitycyphermox: All the other kernels.20:08
chilukyeah I'm actually wondering about utopic as well because of hwe-u20:08
infinitycyphermox: But also, d-i SRUs in LTSes are "special", in that you simultaenously break CD builds when you upload d-i, so there's some timing and fallout preparation. ;)20:08
infinitychiluk: Did this fix go into lts-u?  It obviously went into lts-v if it went into v.20:09
cyphermoxinfinity :good to know, we should discuss this more20:09
chilukinfinity, checking20:09
cyphermoxinfinity: oh, I see now, indeed, hwe- kernels :/20:10
infinitycyphermox: And keystone.20:10
infinitycyphermox: SO MANY KERNELS.20:10
chilukinfinity, hmmm wasn't pushed into hwe-u..20:10
cyphermoxZomg kernels20:10
chiluklet's just stick with trusty, and vivid for now.20:11
infinitycyphermox: Anyhow, my 'rgrep | xargs sed'-fu is muscle memory at this point, I'll just fix it up.  Unless you want the practice.20:11
cyphermoxI can practice next time. I get the idea20:11
infinitychiluk: Well, we'll bump them all in d-i regardless, but you should get the fix committed to lts-u and let us know if you need another d-i $later.20:11
* cyphermox was going to script it for next time 20:11
infinitychiluk: I don't do them for every kernel bump, but I do them when there's a good reason to be back in sync.20:12
chiluki'm not sure why ogasawara didn't drop it into lts-u... is there even a way to netboot using an lts-u kernel?20:12
chilukmaybe that's why..20:12
infinitycyphermox: update-kernel-version $old_abi $new_abi is almost as much typing as "rgrep -l $old_abi | xargs sed -i -e "s/$old_abi/$new_abi/g', which is why I never bothered scripting. :P20:13
chilukalthough I guess maas would get broken if you depended on the sfc module for your primary networking20:13
infinitychiluk: Yes.20:13
infinitychiluk: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/trusty/20:13
cyphermoxinfinity the goal would be to not pass an abi version if it can be determined otherwise20:13
chilukalright I'll harass the kernel  team for lts-u stuff.20:14
infinitycyphermox: Trickier, since sometimes you want the updates kernel, sometimes the proposed kernel, but I guess you could pick a default and have an argument to switch.20:14
infinitycyphermox: A better goal would, perhaps, be to determine kernel versions in debian/rules and not hardcode them at all.  Overridable, of course, when you want to explicitly build against something that's not $latest.20:16
infinitycyphermox: But I'd rather not introduce more deltas like that until we can sit down and waste a few months of our sanity on merging with debian.20:16
cyphermoxOf course20:17
infinitychiluk: Added a linux-lts-utopic task to the bug.  When we turn around the d-i fix, which will close the d-i/trusty bug, feel free to reopen the d-i/trusty task with a note that it needs re-fixing for lts-u, once that lands.20:21
chilukalright... I responded to the original kernel bug on the kernel-team mailing list.. I expect we'll be revisiting this in 4-6 weeks after it lands in a new kernel.20:22
* infinity nods.20:22
infinitychiluk: We're at the beginning of an SRU cycle right now, you could probably talk bjf or henrix into slipping it in for you if you ask really nicely.20:23
infinitybjf: ^20:23
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infinityogra_: Does /lib/*/libname.so.6 not do the trick?21:07
ogra_infinity, already found my fix http://paste.ubuntu.com/12613208/ ;)21:07
infinityogra_: Possible guarded with a [ -f ] if paranoid.21:07
ogra_find ftw :)21:08
infinityogra_: S'pose that works too.  Curious why you need nsswitch in an initrd, but I suspect I don't want to know the answer. ;)21:08
ogra_(no idea if it works yet, i havent tested it in an actual initrd ... but all files end up wheer they should during update-initramfs)21:09
ogra_well, i need a working resolv.conf21:09
sarnoldinfinity: iscsi or nfs root?21:09
ogra_i doubt thats possible without a minimal nsswitch.conf21:09
infinitysarnold: Those both clearly already work, so nope.21:10
ogra_infinity, or would libresolv alone work ?21:10
infinityogra_: I'd have to refresh my memory on POSIX (and thus how libc has it split up), but I was fairly sure pure DNS (sans nsswitch) should Just Work with resolv.conf and libc.21:11
infinityogra_: You might be right about needing -lresolv, though.21:12
ogra_yeah, I#ll do some real world tests tomorrow21:12
infinityogra_: But nsswitch should be unnecessary.21:12
infinityogra_: I could also be entirely wrong.  It's possible nsswitch has become so deeply embedded in the libc resolver that it breaks without it, but I'd actually consider that a bug if it's the case.21:15
infinity(The sort of bug that might be unfixable, mind you)21:15
ogra_well, stgraber suggested nss :)21:16
infinityogra_: Easy enough to experiment by unpacking your initrd, chrooting in, and deleting files until name resolution breaks. ;)21:19
tsimonq2hello ogra_21:22
tsimonq2ogra_: How are you today?21:32
ogra_super busy in #snappy :)21:33
tsimonq2ogra_: What's new?21:34
mwenninghappy birthday kentb :-)22:15
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