
daftykinsstarting to wonder what the deal is with this denis00:15
Bashing-omdaftykins: Gonna have to expend the resources to keep an eye on him .00:19
daftykinsyeah :(00:20
daftykinsseems like one of our regular nutjobs though00:21
daftykins-ops didn't seem to care01:15
Bashing-omdaftykins: , Should I slap Huscurian on the wrist, or do you reserve that pleasure ?02:13
daftykinshehehe, you're welcome to!02:16
daftykinslooks like a right messy drive setup02:16
daftykinswin7 is installed on sdb but boot is on sda, blargh02:16
Bashing-omHow do we convince Huscurian that sda3 is NTFS file format, and ubuntu requires ext4 - that if he deletes sda3 and leaves it unallocated, ubuntu will install happily ??02:19
daftykinsi was more worried about GRUB placement, picking options in the installer is going to be fun :)02:20
Bashing-omdaftykins: I see that you are sly silver tongued devil in disguise . Ya got Huscurian convinced and covered, Can ya talk him into installing windows boot code to sdb, ubuntu to sda and change the boot order in bios if needed to boot Windows ? ( will windows boot from the 2nd hard drive ?)02:24
daftykinsdrat! he's not even in legacy after all!02:24
Bashing-omWalking/working  him throgh that is going to also be a work of art .02:26
daftykinsthis one should perhaps not have gotten a custom build PC02:31
Bashing-omdaftykins: By the time you get all installed, he will know his system .02:32
daftykinsi may also have aged ;)02:32
Bashing-omLOL ^02:34
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
lordievaderGood morning.07:29
daftykinsthis is the trouble with getting them successfully installed, the next day they want to actually USE the thing :)18:53
MonkeyDustam i the only one to think !test is a useless factoid?19:47
daftykinsnah we get tonnes of annoying users using #ubuntu as a test for IRC clients they're writing, or just don't realise whether they're connected or not19:49
daftykinsgets a good 4+ uses a week i'd say19:49
MonkeyDustyes, but no one comes back to test19:50
tgm4883daftykins: FWIW, that guy's celeron was capable of PAE19:50
daftykinsoh well, it's still a piece of junk and that request should not have been entertained19:50
tgm4883well that's certainly not a CoC way of looking at things19:51
daftykins256MB RAM, AGP graphics card and 1GHz single core CPU in 2015?19:51
daftykinsi don't think it would've run any variant acceptably19:51
tgm4883daftykins: so?19:51
tgm4883maybe lubuntu19:51
tgm4883definitely ubuntu server19:51
daftykinsno i don't think even that would function19:51
daftykinsserver, well that was obviously not the use case19:51
daftykinsi wish you'd relax more in here rather than acting all serious all the time :(19:52
daftykinsback in a tick, domestic chore bliss needs my attention :(19:52
tgm4883daftykins: lubuntu appears like it would work https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu19:53
daftykinsthe point of contention i'm trying to get at here... is work *well*19:56
daftykinsnot 'can it boot and endlessly spam errors + swap like a beast'19:56
tgm4883and I'm not worried about relaxing, nor do I think I'm too serious. It just pisses me off when "helpers" basically tell people to GTFO rather than actually doing some legwork to try and help the person. If you don't want to help then fine, but don't pretend to be a know it all. (note that you, in this context doesn't refer to daftkins but rather to whoever19:57
tgm4883is passing the buck)19:57
daftykinsi don't need to do some legwork in that situation19:57
tgm4883daftykins: "well" is a relative term, and I think when we look at old hardware and say we won't be bothered to support it we're looking at it from a very first world perspective19:58
daftykinsthat page looks to still be on about an older version for those requirements19:58
tgm4883daftykins: correct, you don't have to do any legwork, but you don't have to respond either19:58
daftykinslook, please drop the SJW attitude - i said what i said because it's true that using even lubuntu on that machine is going to suck19:58
daftykinsmaybe i should dig out my PIII 600 with 256MB o' RAM and see just how bad it'd be.19:59
daftykinsi'm being serious here, i believe that telling that user lubuntu would run is giving false hope19:59
daftykinsand them doing it for someone else too, is not right19:59
tgm4883daftykins: I'm not sure what your problem is with separating fact from opinion. You can obviously tell the user that it will run poorly/like crap. But don't just tell them it's not supported because (insert random incorrect thing here)20:00
tgm4883in fact, I did that yesterday to the guy asking the same type of question about old hardware20:00
daftykinsi never said it wasn't supported20:01
tgm4883daftykins: you're absolutely correct, and none of what I said above was directed at you20:01
tgm4883it's all in references to aurourance(sp?)20:01
daftykinsit's still very irritating these little jaunts20:01
tgm4883what, me requesting a little bit of accountability for what people say?20:02
daftykinsi think you're way too far into self-righteous territory today.20:08
wileee /j #ubuntu-couplestherapy20:10
wileeeI just ignore many bad calls, we get groups of beginners helping each other that are really messy if even resolved, more of a chat fest usually20:12
tgm4883daftykins: I'll agree to disagree with you on this. What I pointed out today was the same thing I pointed out yesterday, and the same thing that I pointed out the last time I did this (and I only recall calling people out a couple times). I suppose in the future I could just request the command output from the user myself, since that would be more helpful in20:13
tgm4883the short term20:13
wileeehaving an inflated ego myself, it can be a challenge to remember your own learning problems, and be fair a respectful if possible20:14
tgm4883daftykins: you can always ignore me, although I would rather you not as I think more often than not we work together to assist users20:15
daftykinsi don't recall anything from yesterday20:16
tgm4883daftykins: I don't recall if you were around, but it was actually the exact same situation with the exact same guy (aurourance). Someone came in with a machine that wouldn't boot. The error message was obviously not finding a bootable partition. And his response was it was too old and didn't support PAE20:19
tgm4883It's like he just learned that was a thing and wants to apply it to everything20:19
daftykinsoh i see for that guy, ok i thought you meant the poor spec system angle20:20
daftykinshehe, i know those kind20:20
daftykinskeep spotting this same user from italy that keeps giving some pretty shonky advice20:20
tgm4883daftykins: no, I'm specifically talking about giving someone incorrect info20:21
tgm4883daftykins: arg, I hate that20:21
daftykinsyesterday kept repeating what i was saying after i said it =|20:21
wileeedaftykins, And uses info found by other helpers to argue.20:21
TJ-Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery20:21
tgm4883Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery20:22
* daftykins is tempted to type it too but decides not to :D20:22
TJ-Stop flattening me, I can't breath :)20:24
daftykins9.04 lubuntu? seriously?20:24
TJ-Why not, it works, it hasn't suffered disappearing bits!20:25
daftykinsthis guy seems to be doing support for other folk, picking an LTS should at least be the minimum desire20:26
* TJ- waits for it!20:26
daftykinstgm4883: now you can school that guy!20:26
daftykinsnow we wait...20:26
tgm4883daftykins: I'm trying not to, but he spoke up20:26
TJ-all we need is 'forcepae', 'forcepae', 'forcepae', all we need is Radio Ga-Ga :)20:27
daftykinsnetwork boot, oy vey20:27
* daftykins waves a lighter side to side in the air20:27
daftykinsi'm seriously thinking about digging out that PIII laptop of mine20:28
daftykinsit always used to show controller errors with Linux back in the day though, so i'm not sure it likes booting non-Windows20:28
TJ-I have a bunch of 2002 Sony Vaio notebooks I test stuff on.. 256/384MB of RAM :)20:28
daftykins2002 that's plenty new ;)20:29
tgm4883I don't even know man20:29
TJ-Indeed! when I bought then they were smallest, lightest, notebook available. They're travelled the world and now they live in a crate most of the time (or the PC retirement home, if you prefer)20:31
daftykinsi might go dig it off the shelf after i go get some junk food20:32
tgm4883somehow I don't think he's sincere in that thank you20:32
daftykinsoh damn i didn't hang up the laundry either20:32
daftykinsit's all go here ;)20:32
daftykinsfood > chores > nerding20:35
tgm4883daftykins: if you tip your head sideways, that becomes a pyramid with nerding on top20:38
daftykinsooh my memory was terrible, she's a 400MHz Dell PIII :)21:03
TJ-Wow! even has an Upper Memory Block :)21:05
daftykinsi had a devil of a time getting an OS on this little guy many moons ago, i didn't have the external optical drive so i was trying to get an OS on by transplanting the disk into a desktop21:06
daftykinsOS not found hahaha21:06
TJ-Probably still on the CD :p21:07
daftykinsi was sure it still would've had Windows on there21:07
daftykinstgm4883: hey maybe it's a PAE problem ;)21:07
tgm4883daftykins: what's happening? I've not been in the caht21:10
daftykinsah no see my pic above21:10
daftykinsi'm trying out my old relic21:10
daftykinspoor little guy seems to have a case of amnesia though, forgot an entire OS!21:11
tgm4883daftykins: yea, a black screen with white text. Obviously a PAE issue. you need to install libpae-dev and recompile your facebook21:12
daftykinsoh dear i think my ancient optical drive has lost the will to live21:14
daftykinsi think i've reached game over already21:14
TJ-daftykins: give a good blow21:14
daftykinsno! she lives!21:14
TJ-old drives gather dust and humidity on the lens21:14
daftykinsnow i just need to burn the lubuntu 14.04 ISO21:14
daftykinsah i think the disk was just zero'd last21:17
daftykinsyou'll have to forgive me for what i had on CD-R to hand... https://www.dropbox.com/s/ov2fydiil2x24eq/IMG_20150929_221652.jpg?dl=021:17
daftykinsi know i'm apologising to myself for ever booting that again21:17
TJ-You should have a PXE/TFTP VM handy and do a net boot21:20
daftykinsmmm, i think this will be rare enough an activity that i can get by with my flash drives here in the present :)21:22
TJ-I find it really useful. I have it pre-configured to auto export over TFPT/NFS a series of ISOs and autogen the pxelinux menu listing them21:22
* daftykins chuckles at the CD-R being too small for lubuntu21:24
TJ-All you need then is a small floppy or CD-ROM with Plop boot loader on as the hard fallback :)21:25
EriC^^TJ-: i dont think ubuntu uses encrypted swap by default in case it helps21:30
EriC^^i couldn't find anything online about it, and i dont remember seeing any crypt stuff when trying out 15.0421:31
TJ-EriC^^: I'll check with the installers again but it has always been created on bare metal installs21:31
EriC^^i think he had encryption before and he reused it or something21:31
TJ-The reason I'm so sure is when I do manual configs I forget to do it, and originally I had to read the installer code to see how it was created :)21:33
EriC^^oh :)21:33
TJ-for herrkin's issue... it not showing up is weird. We have /dev/sda8 passed to cryptdisks_start which makes /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 which is in /etc/fstab and gets auto-mounted by mountall21:34
daftykinsoh yeah i had a cardbus wifi card!21:37
daftykinsvery repetitive optical sounds, not sure we're gonna get anywhere21:39
TJ-clean the heads :)21:40
daftykinsoh wow it's working21:44
daftykinsjust... slow :)21:44
tgm4883daftykins: and you're in live mode?21:47
daftykinsnot yet, very much text splash screen right now21:47
daftykinswith lots of lens seeking :)21:48
tgm4883installed it should do better21:48
daftykinsyou don't say :)21:49
daftykinsi swear booting media used to be a fair percentage of your entire tasks' success21:49
daftykinsgot a wallpaper + pointer21:52
daftykinsstill booting here :)22:10
TJ-LOL ... see you next year, in time for 16.04 :)22:10
daftykinsooh we have a loading mouse pointer animation now! progress!22:10
TJ-This is where Plop to boot via USB comes in so handy22:10
daftykinsmmm, i suppose even USB 1.1 would've been an improvement22:11
daftykinswe have ubiquity!22:11
TJ- you're using the GUI installer!!? Masochist!22:12
daftykinsi didn't do too much reading before grabbing the LTS ISO, so if there was something else... :)22:13
daftykinsi clicked continue, i'll glance over again by about Friday22:13
daftykinsapparently NANOOK went on to reform his attitude over in ##windows - http://i.imgur.com/zek3PcE.png22:26
daftykinsor not.22:27
daftykinsah crap denis is back22:42
daftykinswe're currently about 40% installed and take about 9 seconds from key press to the display turning back on :)23:14
TJ-You're a glutton for punishment... if it fails at 99% you'll never know :)23:31
daftykinsit's doing just fiiiine!23:31
daftykinsabout 75% now23:31
daftykinsat least it's offline so there'll be no updating ;)23:31
daftykinsoh man now we're on 'installing system' after copying files ;)23:44
daftykinsat least it's disk based XD23:44
daftykinsi seem to recall a 600 or 800MHz PIII would get max-loaded purely from maintaining a single SSH session23:51

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