
slangasekoh; my clock on the desk is off, indicator madness16:00
pittiI haven't heard from infinity in a while, I guess he won't join today16:01
slangasekhe's sent me his regrets privately16:01
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Sep 29 16:01:39 2015 UTC.  The chair is slangasek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.16:01
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick16:01
slangasek[TOPIC] Apologies16:01
slangasekAdam Conrad sends his regrets16:02
slangasekis everyone else here?16:02
pittistgraber isn't yet16:02
pittiand kees16:02
slangasekso just the three of us, in fact16:03
pittilet's overthrow the world!16:03
slangasek[TOPIC] Action review16:03
slangasek* ACTION: slangasek to document maas, juju, docker exceptions on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Special_Cases16:03
slangasekcarried over, but getting close to the top of my todo list16:04
slangasek(I almost did it before this meeting, but this meeting snuck up faster than expected ;)16:04
slangasek* ACTION: pitti to update SRU policy amendment proposals and gather feedback16:04
pittisent two weeks ago; kees sent +1, I haven't heard feedback from Adam16:04
pittihe said "if you don't hear from me by next meeting, consider it a silent agreement"16:05
slangasekI did raise the concern about whether we're going to see an increase in volume of requests for this kind of thing16:06
slangasekyou said you considered that an "abuse", but to me it looks like a natural outcome of people acting according to the letter of the policy in good faith16:07
slangasekbut I don't think we need to block on this16:07
slangasek* ACTION: infinity to review pitti's SRU policy amendments and +1/-1 on-list16:07
slangasekthis one is superseded by events, I think?16:07
pittiif this results in backporting 5 new features every week, it's collectively too much noise/potential instability IMHO16:07
pittii. e. if we can't keep up with verifying/reviewing any more16:08
pittiwhere "we" == SRU team16:08
pittibut I think this is a problem which we should address if/when we get it16:08
pittiin principle the same could happen for bug fixes16:08
keessorry I'm late!16:08
pittiand in some cases there are SRUs which are over the top16:08
pittihey kees!16:08
pittibut by and large it seems manageable16:09
slangasekstgraber, kees: hi there!16:09
pittislangasek: superseded by events> according to what he told me, yes16:09
pittiand we can adjust it further, after all16:09
slangasek[TOPIC] Mailing list archive16:09
stgraberhello, sorry for being late16:09
pittiso should we go ahead with the SRU policy amendments?16:09
slangaseklooks like the discussion was all about SRU policy this month, so that's fine16:10
slangasek[TOPIC] Community bugs16:10
slangasek[LINK] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-community/+bugs?field.assignee=techboard16:10
slangasek[TOPIC] Select a chair for the next meeting16:11
slangasekI believe the rotation is stgraber, with infinity as backup16:11
stgraberI think so yeah, note that I'll be at a sprint at the time though16:11
stgraberhopefully I won't be double-booked16:11
slangasek[INFO] Next meeting 2015-10-13, 17:00 London time. chair is stgraber, backup chair is infinity16:12
slangasek(hopefully that's right)16:12
mdeslaurI'll be on holiday, so I won't be attending16:12
slangasek[TOPIC] AOB16:13
slangasekanything else today?16:13
keesnothing from me16:13
mdeslaurnothing from me16:13
pittido we need to vote on the SRU policy again, or do we have enough votes on teh ML?16:13
pittiI got +1 from everyone but Adam now, I think16:14
slangasekI think it's been ratified on the list16:14
pittiso I'll update the policy and send it to u-d-a@16:14
slangasek[ACTION] pitti to update SRU policy wiki page and announce on u-d-a16:15
meetingologyACTION: pitti to update SRU policy wiki page and announce on u-d-a16:15
slangasekyay, a new action ;)16:15
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Sep 29 16:15:34 2015 UTC.16:15
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting-2/2015/ubuntu-meeting-2.2015-09-29-16.01.moin.txt16:15
pittilose 2, win 1 :)16:15
slangasekthanks, everyone!16:15
pittithanks everyone16:15
* pitti waves from Budapest16:15
pittislangasek: done/sent16:35

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