
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== davidcalle_ is now known as davidcalle
swaveckfirst Ubuntu show, then Tesla model X party :)14:57
tathhuno thml5? :/14:58
RidgewingHi guys 1 minute, yeah ?14:59
RidgewingWho is the guest today ?14:59
tathhu5sec :P14:59
pavakpaul@tathhu running on HTML5 here on Chromium15:00
gummygumwere is video? cant see video :(15:00
RidgewingWas snappy clinic good, then ?15:01
tathhuuh oh firefox is doing something..15:01
tathhuworks on chrome15:01
mhall119getting it setup now, one moment15:02
mhall119having to wait for Chrome to finish destroying my RAM15:02
pavakpaulfirefox is playing drama for a while. I switched to chromium months ago15:02
Ridgewingmhall119: did you clear the cache in chrome ?15:03
pavakpaulI got a visual, it's them!15:03
Ridgewing+1 live now.15:03
tathhu+1 popey15:04
RidgewingQUESTION: Who is the guest today ?15:04
gummygumQUESTION: what happened to meizu mx4? it's gone from meizumart15:04
pavakpaulQUESTION: What about making Chromium the default Ubuntu desktop browser instead of Firefox?15:05
RidgewingQUESTION: Would popey and Micheal Hall describe themselves as free software advocates ? Where does the boundary lie between transparency and convenience (for both)?15:06
gummygumQUESTION: is the 25k ubuntu phone sold estimate correct?15:07
justCarakasmhall119: http://www.commitstrip.com/en/2015/09/28/scumbag-chrome/15:07
Ridgewingmhall119: Sorry for the bad spelling of your name ;)15:07
RidgewingQUESTION: Whatever happened to popey's 'disco ball' in the corner ? Did he change house or just rooms ?15:08
pavakpaulmhall119, Ubuntu browser did better than firefox in fishgl test: https://www.facebook.com/pavakpaul/posts/926155840808526?comment_id=926160167474760&offset=0&total_comments=4&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R1%22%7D15:08
gummygumQUESTION: how do you guys feel about the 2month ota updates? aren't too far apart at this stage? we have to live with bugs for 2 months15:09
tathhuomg it really works :P15:12
tathhumhall119, sorry :P15:12
RidgewingQUESTION: Is there a place where we can suggest guests (in the obvious absence of a guest) for the Q&A ? Who's best to get in touch with about that ? i.e. Who's doing the scheduling ?15:12
RidgewingQUESTION: Is there going to be a cradle for the convergence phone ? & Why not, when android is kicking butt in this area ?15:14
ahayzenQUESTION: As iplayer works on ubuntu phone due to Media Source Extensions support.. does NetFlix work ? ;-)15:15
mhall119keep the questions coming!15:16
RidgewingQUESTION: Is popey and mhall119 watching the badvoltage livestream from Germany tomorrow ?15:17
RidgewingQUESTION: Wily Werewolf is pretty close to launch now - can you give us a background as to the promotion by Canonical and how to get involved with Ubuntu Loco groups etc ? And will Mark S. give another keynote ?15:20
netloreQUESTION: Why not use Ubuntu Browser... are there any plans to support plugins ?15:20
Ridgewing^ +115:20
RidgewingQUESTION: When's the next UDS dev summit ?15:22
LexiconQUESTION: Since a browser is a large and complex program and therefore takes a lot of effort to develop and maintain, would it not make more sense to let some organisation, such as the Mozilla Foundation, deal with it and for Canonical to focus on the OS?15:24
gummygumQUESTION: any telegram app updates? the telegram app is far behind android or iOS, lots of features are missing in ubuntu15:24
tathhu^ that15:24
RidgewingQUESTION: What's popey and mhall119 doing for Movember ? - will there be a gofundme campaign for popey's moustache ?15:24
LexiconQUESTION: Will Firefox come to the Ubuntu phone?15:25
pavakpaulQUESTION: is it possible to include pepperflashplugin-nonfree into ubuntu-restricted-extras? It's very important for chromium. Most people asks me for how they can get flash working in chromium.15:25
ndgQUESTION: Do you know what big picture mode in Steam is? Could the mobile UI be used on a TV to allow for greater viewing distance? Is this possible with grid units, or would you have to create a separate UI for TVs?15:25
netloreI think the Ubuntu browser is basically a lot of chromium / webkit backend, wjth a QML UI, so it may be worth the development effort to have an well integrated browser... since it's only UI work.15:26
netloreThat's probably a gross oversimplification.15:26
RidgewingQUESTION: Sorry to be rude but could the presenters give their username's on twitter and G+ etc for the good of the community ? Or is that too shallow ?15:26
justCarakasQUESTION: what is your favorite app at the moment and what app is at the top op your wishlist15:27
gummygumQUESTION: if jolla can make a tablet, why can't canonical?15:27
Ridgewinggummygum: That's the edge4K campaign , hush !15:28
Ridgewingit's a secret.15:28
Ridgewinghi dholbach \o/15:28
dholbachhi Ridgewing15:28
RidgewingQUESTION: If you could buy the Uber webcam that, DEFINITELY, worked with Ubuntu 100% of the time - which won would you suggest I put on my amazon wishlist ?15:30
Ridgewing**one, not won15:31
RidgewingQUESTION: How's Sky - is she feeling the weather ?15:34
netloreQUESTION: is anything being done about the memory manement killing apps15:35
RidgewingQUESTION: What kickstarter's or indiegogo's or Patreon's have you seen that really appeal to you ?15:35
ahayzenpopey, i assume netflix doesn't work due to Encrypted Media Extensions maybe missing?15:40
Ridgewingsky seems happy in the backround :) Anyone else see the cat ?15:40
tathhu(was telegram-q already answered? :/)15:40
RidgewingQUESTION: Will there probably be a an Ubuntu release party in London for the convergence phone, for people to, err, converge ?15:48
RidgewingGhehe :-)15:49
Ridgewinggood answer popey :)15:50
ahayzenPepper flash is only i386 and amd64 as well not arm IIRC15:52
tathhupasswords too?15:55
RidgewingI don't have a pound key anyway :)15:55
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Ridgewinghaha ha.15:56
tathhuI'd like to see Ubuntu-tablet so my nexus7 would get more lovE :P15:58
netloreQUESTION: Do you know how bad the "Killnig apps" thing is?...Open Podbird, start podcast, Open G+ app start browsing... 10 seconds later podbird stops playing...16:01
netloreIE, gets killed.16:01
Ridgewingnetlore: Could you find a bug in launchpad for that , please. Just for the ref. ?16:02
popeynetlore: :(16:02
netloreI can look up the bug number, it's there already.16:02
popey netlore try using browser, not the g+ app16:02
Ridgewingpopey, one last question ? come on ?16:03
popeyRidgewing: eh?16:04
ahayzenmhall119, popey, thanks guys :-)16:04
* mhall119 kills chrome with prejudice16:04
Ridgewingpopey: QUESTION: Will there probably be a an Ubuntu release party in London for the convergence phone, for people to, err, converge ?16:04
Ridgewingnext week I guess , then .16:04
mhall119Ridgewing: check loco.ubuntu.com for one16:04
Ridgewingwill do, thanks.16:04
netloreBug numbers 1449719 & 1474018 refer to this issue... It think others do too.16:04
Ridgewingcheers, I'll put that in reddit shownotes - I think someone else does discourse.16:05
netloreBTW, I don't mean to ask negative questions... that bug is anoying, but the work on the phone in general is amazing... it's come a long way.16:06
popeyRidgewing: ooh, yes, we should hae one16:06
RidgewingJust sayin'16:07
Ridgewingconvergence only happens one epoch.16:07
popeymhall119: that was fun, thanks16:08
mhall119netlore: no worries, I know there's some memory leak with the webapps container that makes the phone kill apps more frequently over time, fixing that will definitely help16:09
Ridgewingpopey, say hi to sky for me :) bye.16:09
ubuntuBrasilola em alguem fala portugues17:51
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