
=== markthomas is now known as markthomas|away
pmatulisopt1mal: yeah, the wiki is not to be trusted blindly01:12
pmatulisopt1mal: and there won't be a server guide for non-LTS releases01:12
pmatulisopt1mal: the server guide project is always looking for eager individuals to assist with reviews and new material01:13
ianorlinpmatulis: will some stuff that deals with init need to be adapted to systemd instead of upstart01:29
sarnoldianorlin: depending upon the task, significantly, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers for a nice guideline to the transition01:33
tonyyarussosarnold: Is there a wiki page for SystemD for people who never got around to figuring out Upstart?  :P01:52
sarnoldtonyyarusso: hehehe :)01:52
JanCtonyyarusso: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/System_D02:05
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* dsmythies there is no #ubuntu-doc page on the irc logs page for today. I am wondering if making this entry will force the page on the next hour boundary.03:06
* dsmythies Opps - wrong channle03:08
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linuxmint2Is this a good channel for chroot help?07:01
linuxmint2chroot doesn't work as per walkthrough. sftp access can still access the server's root directory http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2012/03/chroot-sftp-setup/07:01
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lordievaderGood morning.07:28
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shannHi, I have question with Juju and MAAS.11:50
shannOnline.Net purpose IaaS with scaleway.com (SSD BareMetal Server), deploy MAAS with this service is possible ?11:52
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pitti /close14:20
jamespagecoreycb, urgh ryu14:32
coreycbjamespage, yeah, I'm just working on that.  it's a bit of a pain.14:32
coreycbjamespage, what's your opinion on an MIR?14:33
jamespagecoreycb, it looks unavoidable14:37
jamespagebut I've not dug in deep14:37
coreycbjamespage, I agree, ovs openflow uses it now14:41
tedmcoxdoes anyone know if there are free ubuntu servers available for testing? while working on documentation, it would be nice to test out instructions or suggested bug fixes14:43
TJ-tedmcox: use a virtual machine, or LXD container14:48
medberryjamespage, at some point the openvswitch-datapath-dkms was eliminated (and looks like there is no openvswitch kernel module after taht)14:56
medberrydoes OVS work fine without the kernel module?14:56
jamespagemedberry, erm14:56
* medberry fears he screwed up something14:56
* medberry waves at arosales14:56
jamespagemedberry, well there should still be a ovs kernel module - but just not a dkms one14:56
medberry3.13.0-63 doesn't seem to have one.14:56
jamespagemedberry, >= 3.13 has enough goodness not to need dkms14:56
medberryor maybe it was renamed14:57
medberryah jamespage I had to get rid of the dkms module and depmod -a and then reboot. all is well. sorry for the noise14:59
coreycbjamespage, so even the latest release of ryu (3.25) requires pbr < 1.0 in setup.py.  seems a bit incompatible with the rest of openstack liberty.15:17
coreycbjamespage, pbr is uncapped in master of ryu but not released.  I'll see if I can touch base with the maintainer and see if they're releasing anytime soon.15:20
jamespagecoreycb, hmm15:21
jamespagecoreycb, this all seems a bit sticky15:21
coreycbjamespage, yeah..15:21
jamespagecoreycb, it might be easier to see if we can uncap it with a patch15:21
coreycbjamespage, yeah.. I'll see what all that entails15:21
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jvwjgamesMy internet is not working15:43
TJ-Looks fine from here :)15:48
jvwjgamesWhat is happening is I am getting a reply from my interface IP as the de15:50
jvwjgamesNo matter what the destination is15:50
jvwjgamesPing Google.com - Reply from destination host unreachable15:51
jvwjgamesthat 211 is my servers interface ip15:51
TJ- jvwjgames that suggests there's a routing or netfilters issue15:52
jvwjgamesMy static and gateway are fine I have this server direct connection to modem15:53
jvwjgamesIt just stopped working one day15:54
jvwjgamesUnless a setting changed I don't know about15:54
jvwjgamesWhat do I check15:57
TJ-You're currently showing an IPv6 address; you mention the return from an IPv4 address; could it be something to do with the local IPv6 config?15:58
jvwjgamesI am on my residential modem not my business modem right now15:58
jvwjgamesThat's why you are seeing it15:59
jvwjgamesMy business network has a proxy that blocks irc15:59
TJ-jvwjgames: OK, good to know :)15:59
TJ-Can the server itself ( ping the same target ?16:00
jvwjgamesWhat do you mean same target16:00
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TJ-jvwjgames: you said you were trying "ping google.com" ... dies that work when done from the server?16:01
TJ-jvwjgames: or, are you saying that is where it is failing from?16:01
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jvwjgamesI should have explained better sorry my Ubuntu server is having the internet problem all other servers and computers work fine16:02
TJ-jvwjgames: Ahhh, ok. It sounded as if it was a gateway/router issue. So the server is directly connected to the Internet with a public IP?16:03
TJ-jvwjgames: is the server behind a switch/router of any kind?16:03
jvwjgamesNo direct connection16:04
TJ-jvwjgames: Is this a virtual machine or bare metal ?16:04
jvwjgamesSo are other computers so I know it is not an issue with modem16:04
jrwrenno direct connection or no, it is a direct connection?16:04
jvwjgamesIt is a direct connection sorry and bare metal16:04
TJ-jvwjgames: Right, so Ethernet connection to an upstream router somewhere? Or via some kind of modem?16:05
jrwrenjvwjgames: sounds like you are missing a default route. can is the direct connected server using dhcp or static config?16:05
jvwjgamesStatic and here is a pic of my setup16:09
jvwjgamesThe bottom server is the server that is having the issue16:09
TJ-jvwjgames: the server must be connected via Ethernet to a router, switch, modem or fibre port of some kind that connects to the ISP. What is that?16:12
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jvwjgamesEthernet to the modem on the left16:12
TJ-jvwjgames: OK, so is the modem doing routing, or is the server using PPPTP to the ISP?16:14
jvwjgamesModem is doing the routing but right now it is in bridge modem16:14
jvwjgamesOK I have a screenshot of traceroute and IP r command16:18
jrwrenpaste output of `ip -4 route`16:21
jvwjgamesSee pic for info16:22
jvwjgamesjrwren: see pic for the info16:24
jrwrencan you ping ?16:25
coreycbjamespage, can you sponsor my ryu changes?  https://code.launchpad.net/~corey.bryant/ubuntu/wily/ryu/3.24-updates/+merge/27282016:30
jamespagecoreycb, doing so now16:32
jamespagecoreycb, you might want to ping mterry and see if he has capacity to review16:32
jamespagecoreycb, i actually nacked ryu upstream when it was proposed16:35
jamespageI felt that pulling an entire network controller framework for ovs control was dumb16:35
jrwrenjvwjgames: you may want to try another ethernet cable between that host and cable modem. What type of network chip is it? What kernel version?16:35
coreycbjamespage, ok16:38
TJ-jvwjgames: Have you had any other PCs connected to the modem/router?16:38
jamespagecoreycb, ok uploaded - good work btw16:39
coreycbjamespage, ah, thanks!16:39
jvwjgamesYes other computers are connected and working16:39
TJ-jvwjgames: So that tends to tell you the server has a problem, either physical wiring or software misconfig16:40
TJ-I noticed eth0 and eth1; could the interface names have swapped over?. Does "sudo tcpdump -ni eth0" show any packets coming in, such as ARP requests, on eth0 ?16:41
jvwjgamesIs the result s real time16:45
jvwjgamesCause I did it and nothing just says listening on eth016:46
jvwjgamesOK this is weird eth0 witch is connected no traffic eth1 lots of traffic16:47
TJ-jvwjgames: what is eth1 connected to, the LAN?16:48
jamespagecoreycb, I've subscribed ubuntu-server/openstack to ryu bug traffic16:48
jamespagecoreycb, so just needs MIR and reviewer16:48
jvwjgamesNothing cause right now I have eth0 connected but I guess my interfaces switched over16:49
jvwjgamesI have noticed then doing that they will switch every once in a while so I will lose connection16:49
jvwjgamesI thought I fixed that though16:50
jvwjgamesShould I make the configure for eth1 to see if it works16:50
jvwjgamesNuke not make16:50
TJ-jvwjgames: udevd is supposed to write permanent net names rules in /etc/udev/rules.d/ so that the same name is always assigned to the same MAC address16:50
jvwjgamesActually in the interfaces file there is no eth1 so how the heck is it working16:52
TJ-jvwjgames: it exists because there's a device present and the kernel names it16:54
jvwjgamesOh ok16:54
TJ-jvwjgames: it has been auto-configured to a private address range since no manual nor DHCP config was present16:54
jvwjgamesOK I switched the cables from eth0 to eth117:01
jvwjgamesLet's see17:01
TJ-so you need to re-configure udevd's permanent net names. You must have disabled it at some point17:04
jvwjgamesNow that I have ash I will check17:05
jvwjgamesUdev running17:07
jvwjgamesHow do I reconfigure it17:08
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
TJ-jvwjgames: check in "/etc/udev/rules.d/" for a "70-persistent-net.rules" or similar name; can't recall it exactly17:16
jvwjgames  GNU nano 2.2.6        File: 70-persistent-net.rules                        # This file was automatically generated by the /lib/udev/write_net_rules17:22
jvwjgames# program, run by the persistent-net-generator.rules rules file.             #                                                                            # You can modify it, as long as you keep each rule on a single17:22
jvwjgames# line, and change only the value of the NAME= key.17:22
jvwjgames# PCI device 0x14e4:/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/0000:05:00.0/0000:0$SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="00:15:c5:ec:$17:22
jvwjgames# PCI device 0x14e4:/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.0/0000:03:00.0/0000:0$SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="00:15:c5:ec:$17:22
jvwjgames# PCI device 0x10de:0x0760 (forcedeth)17:22
jvwjgamesSUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="00:26:18:3d:$17:22
tewardjvwjgames: pastes should be in a pastebin17:26
teward(and copy/paste from Nano doesn't work when you go past the bounds of the edge of the window)17:26
jvwjgamesOK sorry17:26
teward[2015-09-29 13:26:26] <teward> (and copy/paste from Nano doesn't work when you go past the bounds of the edge of the window)17:30
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FlongAnyone here have luck getting 14.04 to install in an encrypted LVM?18:17
Flongon a laptop...18:17
Flong(I'm using it as a QEMU Guest Host)18:17
FlongI'm using two SSD's18:18
FlongThe slower one for the host18:18
FlongThe faster one for guests, they're all going to be on an internal NAT18:18
FlongSo I'm using X11 forwarding to the host OS running OpenBox18:18
FlongSound good?18:21
jamespagecoreycb, we might need to be a little nicer with the drop of ceilometer-agent-central/compute/ipmi19:23
jamespagecoreycb, it is a unified daemon 'ceilometer-polling'19:23
=== alexz is now known as TheRealAlexz
coreycbjamespage, is there a nicer way?  upstream dropped the binaries I think19:25
jamespagecoreycb, transitional packages might be nice - but I think you can run ceilometer-polling in different modes19:25
jamespage--namespace ipmi19:25
jamespagefor example19:25
jamespageI may be wrong - let me poke at it tomorrow19:26
coreycbjamespage, gotcha so maybe updating the init scripts to do something like ceilometer-polling --namespace19:27
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Danny_Hello, I would like to know if you could help me with an issue with setting services on my Ubuntu 14.04 server?22:16
Danny_I have a Minecraft Server, and was trying to set it up as a service, but it seems to be very "tasking"22:16
Danny_Anyone free to give me some help? I have stated the message above22:17
sarnoldDanny_: do you get error messages?22:18
Danny_Unknown job minecraft sarnold22:19
Danny_I even tried using like direct start stop commands22:19
sarnoldDanny_: alright, that's a start; what does your upstart configuration file for minecraft look like? what are the owner, group, and permissions of that file?22:20
Danny_Erm, may I PM you? as the chat is hard to read on the web chat >.<22:22
sarnold(if you don't have the pastebinit program installed yet, it's immensely useful for things like this; you could just pastebinit /etc/init/minecraft, for example)22:22
sarnoldi've never run minecraft, so if you talk with only me, you might miss someone else's advice that might be more useful than mine22:22
Danny_Good point, but okay is that apt-get install pastebinit22:22
sarnoldi'm not bad at generic troubleshooting but have zero experience with minecraft itself :)22:22
Danny_Awesome, bare with me a moment22:23
Danny_sarnold: Okay so as I was talking to you I renamed it, but it is currently at /etc/init.d/mc-proxy http://paste.ubuntu.com/12619097/22:24
sarnoldDanny_: aha :) try moving it to /etc/init/mc-proxy22:25
sarnoldinit.d is for the old sysv-init scripts; this is an unstart configuration file, which are way easier to write, and those usually live in /etc/init/ instead22:25
Danny_so shall I move that?22:26
Danny_to init/22:26
sarnoldDanny_: oh, sorry, move it to /etc/init/mc-proxy.conf22:26
sarnoldthe .conf is importan ttoo22:26
Danny_sarnold: mc-proxy start/running, process 5844 << got that22:27
Danny_is that running?22:27
sarnoldDanny_: yeah; check with ps auxw | grep java22:28
Danny_What may I be looking for?22:28
sarnoldprobably process 5844 -- just doublecheck that it's still there :)22:29
Danny_dannysm+  5926  0.0  0.0  12224   928 pts/1    S+   00:28   0:00 grep --color=auto java22:29
Danny_I get that :S22:29
tewardother than netstat -tulpn, what can I use to get the same data from my Ubuntu server?22:29
tewardSince I heard netstat's becoming obsolete22:29
sarnoldteward: ss22:29
sarnoldteward: though I've been hearing that about ifconfig for fifteen years now.22:30
ivokswhy would netstat be obsolete?22:30
sarnoldDanny_: dang that doesn't look like it's running.22:30
Danny_Oh :/22:30
Danny_sarnold: Any new ideas? xD22:30
ivoksifconfig is obsolete; it's actually wrong and doesn't show correct data22:30
sarnoldivoks: iirc netstat uses /proc to get data; ss uses netlink22:30
ivoksah, ss22:30
sarnoldDanny_: check /var/log/upstart/mc-proxy -- there might be errors there22:31
tewardsarnold: i still use netstat... :P22:31
tewardsarnold: ss gives me unuseful data22:31
tewardextra duplicate cruft22:31
tewardI'll stick with netstat -tulpn    :)22:31
tewardivoks: I know ifconfig's obsolete, although some things still use it22:31
sarnoldteward: you may be able to find a similar set of options..22:31
Danny_sarnold: nope, empty file? I did sudo nano to it?22:31
teward(`ifconfig -a` is a way to get network adapter info though, like mac address and such)22:32
ivoksteward: those should have bugs reported22:32
ivoksip l22:32
ivoksor ip a22:32
ivoksip r (for routes)22:32
sarnoldDanny_: it might be in /var/log/upstart/mc-proxy.log or /var/log/upstart/mc-proxy.log.0 or something similar; ls /var/log/upstart/mc-proxy* to see if it's there with a different name..22:32
ivoksteward: intesreting... netstat -tulpn is exactly the same as ss -tulpn22:33
Danny_sarnold: the only file is the mc-proxy.log but it is empty22:33
tewardivoks: except i got a ton of UNCONN on a 14.09422:34
tewardlemme ssh to my other system22:34
tewardmaybe this one's weirdish22:34
ivoksudp's are unconn22:34
tewardoh, so they are22:35
tewardivoks: interesting headache: it doesn't display right in 80x24 on my screen22:35
tewardmaybe a bug22:35
ivoksi would say it's a bug22:35
sarnoldDanny_: dang. does minecraft log anything? perhaps to /srv/minecraft/Proxy?22:35
ivoks'useless whitespace'22:35
Danny_sarnold: having a look now, bare with me22:35
tewardsarnold: minecraft's a .jar... if it logs anywhere it logs to ~/.minecraft or a Java config folder22:37
tewardor stdout22:37
teward(I came in late)22:37
Danny_sarnold: what is the command to reload the init file again?22:37
sarnoldteward: how about this thing? http://paste.ubuntu.com/12619097/22:37
sarnoldDanny_: service mc-proxy restart   ought to do it22:38
tewardsarnold: if it's a modified .jar then perhaps, but no way for us to know without md5-summing22:38
tewardand mc-proxy might be a separate executable/service22:38
teward(but if it's running as part of Minecraft, the problem is Minecraft)22:38
sarnoldteward: mc-proxy is http://paste.ubuntu.com/12619097/  :)22:38
tewardsarnold: then the logs need to be output and spat out to a folder somehow22:38
tewardperhaps a > redir?22:38
tewardhate to suggest it but...22:39
tewardexec /usr/bin/java -Xms4G -Xmx4G -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui 2&>1 > /some/logpath       <-- maybe for logging22:39
tewardbut if it's inside of the minecraft_server.jar file the last time I messed with one even a modded one it stdout/stderr'd22:39
teward(until I redir'd)22:39
sarnoldteward: could be. I would have epxected the 'console log' directive to do the same thing..22:39
Danny_Okay thanks teward  and sarnold  I shall try your options, hoping it works >.<22:40
tewardsarnold: assuming Java processes correctly, or Upstart, or systemd, or w/e handles it22:40
tewardDanny_: i was talking to sarnold but OK22:40
Danny_sarnold: It worked!22:40
tewardsarnold: i learned the hard way: don't mess with Minecraft unless you want to beat things with a hammer :)22:40
sarnoldteward: Danny_'s the guy running minecraft :)22:40
Danny_teward: he was helping me22:40
sarnoldDanny_: nice :D22:40
tewardboth of you: i know :)22:40
tewardi was merely talking to sarnold about the logging side :)22:40
* teward yawns22:40
ivoksteward: lol, this is a bug. if you make terminal very narrow and run 'ss'; if you resize that terminal to 80x24, it will show just fine. output is tailored to screen size, but it's doing that badly.22:40
tewardsomeone give me coffee22:40
tewardivoks: yeah, i need to finish config on my 15.04 box for further testing but meh22:41
Danny_sarnold: seems it was a java error... needed to update it? xD22:41
tewardfinally having barebones hardware is nice for testing xD22:41
tewardDanny_: ewwwwwwwwwwJava22:41
tewardjava can give headaches like that yes22:41
Danny_teward: I hate it too :( I like C personally, like imagine if Minecraft was coded in C...22:41
tewardDanny_: more likely C#, from what I heard from devels22:41
tewardbut meh22:41
tewardin any case glad it's working22:41
tewardwhen in doubt, run on its own without a service, observe errors22:42
Danny_teward: Never really used it tbh, and thanks22:42
tewardit's how I mess with nginx and test :)22:42
tewardgiven systemd noms the logs and doesn't give data easily22:42
Danny_Yeah it was working before, but never gave the actual file a run itself22:42
teward(applies to upstart even more)22:42
Danny_teward: yeah I was finding it hard to figure out how things were like displayed if something goes wrong >.<22:42
tewardsarnold: remember the flurry of headachey bugs for nginx without debug data?22:42
sarnoldteward: yeah..22:43
Danny_one more question22:43
sarnoldendless streams of "maaintainer script failed with exit code 1" stuff over and over again22:43
Danny_How do I install cgilua or lua_mod on apache2?22:43
Danny_and enable ssl_mod as well22:43
tewardsarnold: and now we fix it xD22:43
* genii slides teward a fresh mug of delicious coffee22:43
Danny_I tried the mod_lua and broke apache2's configuration file22:44
tewardspeaking of which I need to get a late SRU into Wily to fix a misspell on the apport hooks22:44
tewardmeh, maybe i'll fix it for X and wait :)22:44
Danny_I feel like a script kiddy... >.<22:44
tewardsarnold: you probably know more about Apache than me :)22:45
sarnoldDanny_: re: apache tls, a friend put this guide otgether a while ago, I recall liking it https://confluence.id.ubc.ca:8443/x/0pxvB22:47
Danny_Okay thanks! sarnold22:47
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ponyofdeathanyone know how i can get this bug to get some love :) ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libapache2-mod-perl2/+bug/89812423:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 898124 in libapache2-mod-perl2 (Ubuntu) "Missing Files for Apache2::SizeLimit in libapache2-mod-perl2 (2.0.5-2 oneiric 2.0.5-5 precise)" [Medium,Triaged]23:15
holmsmaybe anyone knows how to launch cron  in non-daemon mode?23:22
holmsi'm in docker container23:22
geniiwith -f23:23
holmsthat what i've found too23:23
holmsand it's no output or anything23:23
holmsalthough i've added a crontab file23:23
bekksSo adjust your script to provide output.23:24
holmsyeah it was actually sending output to file, removing that, checking :)23:25
holmsbekks: hmz.. nothing23:31
holmsdockerfile: http://paste.openstack.org/show/47475323:31
=== hxm is now known as Guest42223
bekksholms: use an absolute path to python in your crontab entry.23:41
=== trick is now known as Guest81127
holmsstill nothing23:47
holmscron -f just gives blank output23:47
holmsscript works as expected from cli23:47
bekksholms: on cli, is there some output?23:49
holmsbekks: http://i.imgur.com/iDaidPG.png23:51
bekksLooks like the pip invocation, right?23:52
bekksTry using absolute paths in your actual script, too.23:52
holmsthen it won'twork locally23:53
holmsactually that's not even possible23:53
holmsor with hard hacks23:53
bekksIsnt it possible to use an absolute path for pip, for apt-get, etc?23:53
bekksWhy would that break things?23:53
holmswhy do we need pip in here?23:54
bekksIt's mentioned in your script, isnt it?23:54
bekksSo this isnt your python script you are running from cron?: http://paste.openstack.org/show/474753/23:55
holmsit's a dockerfile23:56
holmswhich prepares docker container23:56
holmsall environment is set, script works if launched manually23:56
holmsproblem is with cron.. when launching it23:56
holmsnothing happens..23:56
bekksThe problem is, there is no environment defined when running it from cron.23:56
holmscrontab -e, actually does show a file23:56
holmscrontab file to edit, which is which i've copied23:56
bekksSo you have to use full paths to every executable you are using.23:57
holmsyeah so in crontab file23:57
holmsit's a full path is it?23:57
holmscrontab file: http://paste.openstack.org/show/47475423:57
bekkserrm, thats not a valid bash script, nor a valid crontab entry.23:58
holmsah ok23:59
holmsso then this should be fixed23:59
holmschange to this> SHELL=/bin/bash23:59

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