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rsalvetimorphis: I'll try writing something up for you tomorrow, but it's all done by the pulseaudio module (once the bt side is connected, there is a property that gets set that enables the data to flow at the audio hal)01:22
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imnicholSorry if this is has an easy answer, but I've been googling for a bit and haven't found one:  can I buy any Nexus 4 and install Ubuntu on it, or do I have to find a particular version of the N4?03:37
RAOFAny nexus 4.03:38
ljpworks well on nexus 4. thats what I have03:39
imnicholHm awesome.  Like, for example, this one? http://www.amazon.com/LG-Google-Nexus-Unlocked-Phone/dp/B00A9ZER46/ref=sr_1_3?s=wireless&ie=UTF8&qid=1443497990&sr=1-3&keywords=nexus+403:40
imnicholNot to disbelieve or anything, I'm just surprised that there isn't a catch somewhere ;)03:41
ljpno catch. I bought a used one off ebay. works just dandy03:44
you_c_thiswould there be a safe way to install & setup a NFS share on the Ubuntu phone?04:40
morphisrsalveti: that would be great!04:57
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dholbachgood morning06:54
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Tuesday, and happy World Heart Day! 😃  <308:23
abeatoxavigarcia, ping08:55
xavigarciaabeato pong08:57
abeatoxavigarcia, hey, question about mpris controls: are they supposed to be enabled when there is no track list? Currently they are after exiting music-app, and play the last played track, with no possibility of changing the track. Does the indicator track CanPlay to enable/disable the controls?08:57
abeatoxavigarcia, in other words, would it make sense to have CanPlay=false when there is no track list?08:58
xavigarciaabeato: hey, I think you didn't receive my answer :/08:59
xavigarciaabeato: the sound indicator only does what it gets from MPRIS08:59
abeatoxavigarcia, nop, I did not... :-/08:59
xavigarciaabeato: so if MPRS returns true it sets the buttons to true08:59
xavigarciaabeato: I don't know what should we do if there's no playlist09:00
xavigarciaabeato: should the indicator look if there's a playlist active?09:00
xavigarciaabeato: to be honest... I don't have an answer to that09:01
xavigarciaabeato: is this preventing silo 55's landing?09:01
abeatoxavigarcia, well, I guess that tracking "CanPlay" should be enough09:01
abeatoxavigarcia, no09:01
abeatoxavigarcia, I guess it is more a question for design09:02
xavigarciaabeato: another thing is that the play button (at least on the desktop) executes the player09:02
xavigarciaabeato: yeah, I guess so09:02
abeatoxavigarcia, hmm, probably it would make sense to do the same in the phone09:03
xavigarciaabeato: anyway... i think we should confirm with design09:03
abeatoxavigarcia, indeed, who do you discuss this with there?09:03
xavigarciaabeato: I'm waiting for a new spec updated to reflect some aspects for bluetooth headset09:04
xavigarciaabeato: not sure if it will also update the player controls or not09:04
xavigarciaabeato: normally I contact mpt09:04
abeatoxavigarcia, maybe it would be good to start a discussion about this09:05
abeatohey mpt ;)09:05
xavigarciaabeato: sure09:05
abeatompt, so we were discussing what the indicator-sound should do when there is no track list09:05
abeatojust be disabled? start music-app?09:06
nhainesI vote for dump core and corrupt the user partition.09:06
abeatoalso, does it make sense that we reset the play list when music-app exits?09:06
abeato+1 :p09:06
abeatonow that we have background playlists maybe we should not remove the tracks when music-app exits and let indicator-sound control the active list09:07
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tathhuit should definetly install gentoo09:19
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NwSHeya guys, now that Meizu is sold out will they bring a new one soon?10:57
k1l_imho they are going to re-stock them10:58
NwSk1l_, any ideas when mate?10:58
NwSI wanted to grab one -.-" Or maybe a newer model if they make one soon10:58
k1l_well no. but it was the same with bq. they dont want to make too much devices so they get to sit on thousands if they dont sell well.10:59
k1l_you could try to ask meizu support/social PR team if they can tell about that10:59
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mptabeato, obviously not be disabled, because it also includes the volume control12:01
mptabeato, if you mean the playback controls specifically, the spec says, abeato, the spec says, “The menu should always show exactly only one set of playback controls, for the player that was playing most recently.”12:01
mpt(sorry for the unintentional repetition there)12:04
ogra_pmcgowan, can you please put bug 1393515 on your radar ?12:07
ubot5`bug 1393515 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu RTM) "browser allows browsing the phone filesystem" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139351512:07
ogra_(critical and ignored since 10 months )12:08
pmcgowanoh my12:09
* ogra_ guesses having the browser check for a "file://" url would be a matter of a few lines for someone familiar with the code like oSoMoN as a quick hack12:10
ogra_until an actual fix is in place12:10
pmcgowanogra_, yeah given you need to unlock the phone and hand it to someone its not the worst, still surprised it sat so long12:14
ogra_pmcgowan, well, even if i hand the unlocked phone to someone, this person cant read passwords with the filemanager or terminal app because both ask for a PIN first ... the browser doesnt ...12:17
pmcgowanyep I get that12:17
ogra_and we can not really make sure that apps from the store actually handle passowrds in a safe manner on disk12:17
JanCnot to mention lots of people don't ever lock their phone  :)12:18
ogra_well, if there is no PIN at all then filemanager and terminal are open too12:18
ogra_thats the users fault12:18
ogra_but if there is one set we should at least be minimally safe12:18
pmcgowanogra_, it seems we can fix the confinement without too much work, jamie outlined it and tested it12:19
ogra_fine with me too12:19
JanCogra_: thinking about that, are there any checks on third party apps for that sort of things?12:19
* ogra_ is only worried because it started making its way into the press 12:20
JanClike third party browsers etc.12:20
ogra_JanC, nope, not at all ...12:20
ogra_but they are confined ... apps cant see any other apps content or config12:20
ogra_with the exception of terminal, filemanager and browser12:20
ogra_a third party browser from the store can only operate under confinement12:21
ogra_else it wouldnt be in the store12:21
JanCI checked one (Liri), and it doesn't recognize "file:" at all (not sure if "file:" makes much sense on a phone browser anyway, especially when confined...)12:31
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
ogra_it makes sense to allow it in desktop mode12:32
oSoMoNogra_, you won’t be minimally safe if the terminal or file manager is already running though12:34
ogra_true true12:34
oSoMoNogra_, I’ll look into intercepting file:// requests as a temp workaround, but the real fix is to confine the browser, I hope I can work on that soon12:35
ogra_yeah, no doubt about the real fix here12:35
pmcgowanoSoMoN, I just targeted both, if you can do actual confinement thats best obviously12:36
ogra_only abbout the timeline :)12:36
oSoMoNpmcgowan, not for ota7, but would be good to have for ota812:36
pmcgowanoSoMoN, seems jamie had it worked out, but browser also needs to become a click?12:36
oSoMoNpmcgowan, no, I don’t think it does12:36
oSoMoNpmcgowan, jdstrand came up with a base apparmor profile, but it needs to be extensively tested, and probably tweaked12:37
pmcgowanoSoMoN, ack12:38
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mz97while compiling ubuntu touch for acer s500 (soc msm8960) it stops: this is the error ----- Making recovery image ------ usage: mkbootimg        --kernel <filename>        --ramdisk <filename>        [ --second <2ndbootloader-filename> ]        [ --cmdline <kernel-commandline> ]        [ --board <boardname> ]        [ --base <address> ]        [ --pagesize <pagesize> ]        [ --ramdisk_offset <address> ]        [ --dt <filename> 14:30
mz97 *** [/media/marco/Develop/Android/UbuntuTouch/phablet/out/target/product/swing/recovery.img] Errore 114:31
mz97someone can help me?14:31
marcoceppimz97: I'm only here because /media/marco triggered my notification ;)14:31
marcoceppiwish I could help14:31
popeyphablet triggered mine :)14:32
* guest42315 ubuntuonair in 20 min http://ubuntuonair.com/14:38
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tathhupopey :-D14:58
morphisrsalveti: thanks for the writeup!15:11
rsalvetimorphis: awe_: just sent an email giving a bit more details about HFP15:12
rsalvetiand how that is currently done15:12
rsalvetilet me know if you need more info15:12
awe_thanks rsalveti!15:12
morphisrsalveti: if I understand that correctly, all we have to do to enable the audio flow is setting the right ports on the droid card?15:12
morphisrsalveti: so that the sco.fake source/sink are just there to keep the SCO link up to the remote which is now completely on ofono?15:14
pmcgowansil2100, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/upstart-watchdog/+bug/149813315:37
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1498133 in Canonical System Image "Watchdog is too aggressive, can lead to unusable device" [Critical,Confirmed]15:37
ogra_just install muzzle_1.0.click15:38
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Wh0reHi there! Where can i find release plan?15:50
ogra_Wh0re, release plan is: "every 6 weeks"15:51
Wh0reogra_, thanks. Thank to all of you.15:53
ogra_if you want to know what is targeted for a specific release you can check https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image ... at the bottom of the right menu there are the milestones (work week 40 (ww40-2015) and work week 46 currently)15:55
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
TonyBostoncould anyone have a look at this?16:03
TonyBostonnot sure if I should file a bug report16:03
ogra_what exactly ?16:03
ogra_(nothing unusual in there)16:03
TonyBostonwhat about the recurring error?16:03
ogra_the libust noise is "normal"16:03
TonyBostonahh okay16:04
TonyBostonjust wondering16:04
ogra_its a bug and is reported, but not actually doing any harm16:04
ogra_tedg, when will that ever get fixed ?16:04
tedgogra_: I already fixed mine, now waiting on the qtubuntu folks to fix theirs16:05
TonyBostonwould be cool if one could report bugs right from the touch16:05
ogra_yup, it would16:05
TonyBostonthe log app helps a lot now though16:06
dobeyi guess launchpad should work in the browser, but maybe not very touchscreen friendly16:08
nocomphi folks16:48
nocompi need a tip16:48
nocomphow do i reverse my mx4 from rc-proposed to rc ?16:48
nocompubuntu-device-flash touch --channel ubuntu-touch/rc/meizu.en16:48
nocomp ?16:48
ogra_nocomp, why would you want rc ?16:53
nocompi am selling it16:53
nocompthe guy don t want rc-proposed16:53
ogra_thats a staging channel for the QA team to do tests in16:53
ogra_you rather want stable then16:53
ogra_not rc16:53
nocompflashing it atm16:54
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dobeynocomp: if you're reflashing it to sell, you probably want to use --wipe or do it from fastboot with --bootstrap17:03
dobeyyou'll also need to use the correct recovery to flash a retail ubuntu phone17:03
nocompdobey,  can you pls give me the proper way?17:07
ogra_for how much did you sell it ?17:10
nocomp250 eur17:11
ogra_not bad17:11
nocompdoesn t work17:11
nocompi go prepare dinner17:11
nocompi ll check after17:11
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tathhurememeber right recover Y:P17:52
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