
_denis_you find it running uname00:00
=== will_ is now known as Guest97677
Huscuriandaftykins: I'm deleting my stuff on the usb00:01
HuscurianI already saved it on my desktop00:01
chance3.19.0-28-generic I think??00:01
daftykinsHuscurian: you got any other storage than that? if it's really important it'd be handy to be off the target PC00:02
_denis_ok chance let me have a research :)00:02
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.00:03
chanceThanks _denis_00:03
_denis_Linux kernel 2.6 or above (up to 3.13)00:04
_denis_you haven't read this in the amd official page, don't you?00:04
_denis_your 3.19 is NOT SUPPORTED00:05
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest64029
Huscuriandaftykins: sorry about that00:05
HuscurianI moved the .iso to the usb flashdrive00:05
chanceOh. Ok. Can I not get it then?00:05
daftykins_denis_: i think that's inaccurate00:06
_denis_well, you can and may work00:06
_denis_but it was not designed to work with that00:06
_denis_so.... to have better success possibilities00:06
_denis_you can downgrade your kernel00:07
daftykinsnah you must have an outdated page up00:07
daftykinsthat for me refers to catalyst 15.9 which works with the 15.04 kernel fine00:08
daftykinsi'm assuming that link works, otherwise just follow through the download page wizard picking ubuntu 64-bit beside the choice for your card00:08
daftykinsthere's also an install guide at - http://www2.ati.com/relnotes/amd-catalyst-graphics-driver-installer-notes-for-linux-operating-systems.pdf00:08
daftykinschance: see the above ^ bear in mind there's also the package 'fglrx' and 'fglrx-updates' in the built in repos you can try too00:09
Huscuriandaftykins: I'm almost done with backing up my stuff00:09
_denis_what ubuntu version are you running?00:11
jmacdonaldhi. i'm wondering the proper syntax to put a device into promiscuous mode in /etc/network/interfaces00:11
chance_denis_ 14.04.300:12
_denis_chancecan you upgrade with the ubuntu utility to 14.04.04 LTS?00:13
_denis_chance can00:13
chancedaftykins: I've tried using the built in fglrx but when I do, my games just don't launch, and when I try to switch back to the default, it makes me have low resolution and I cant change it or the driver.00:14
Huscuriandaftykins: OK...  what next?00:14
PudgePacketI have a script that i removed the .sh extension from. When I execute it, how does bash know it's a script and not a binaryu00:14
daftykinsHuscurian: i already mentioned using universal USB installer from pendrivelinux.com to put the ISO onto the flash drive00:14
daftykins(from Windows)00:14
daftykinschance: right - and fglrx-updates ?00:15
_denis_chance , upgrade to 14.04.4 LTS00:15
chance_denis_: I don't know how to do that haha00:15
daftykins_denis_: that's rubbish advice00:15
chanceI don't know who to listen to lmao00:15
daftykinsnot that guy, trust me00:16
Coded1anyone else having problems with ubuntu-desktop-next?00:16
daftykinschance: go read the PDF i linked above and grab the appropriate download from AMD if you want to try that one00:16
_denis_I am not taking the responsibility to tell another man to try installing a driver that doesn't have lister that OS version in the compatibility list00:16
daftykinschance: be sure to read the uninstall part so you know how to get yourself out of trouble ;)00:16
daftykins_denis_: whatever page you were looking at was outdated00:16
Coded1I've installed 15.10 beta2 and when I install "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop-next" it fails at "bluetooth-touch"00:17
Huscuriandaftykins: I'm installing it via UUI00:17
daftykins!wily | Coded100:17
ubottuCoded1: Ubuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) will be the 23rd release of Ubuntu. Discussion in #ubuntu+100:17
Coded1daftykins: ty00:17
_denis_if i were you I would just have a combination of OS and kernet that is listed in the driver download page00:18
_denis_I would NOT try strange mixes00:18
_denis_because a black screen is annoying00:18
* daftykins chuckles00:19
_denis_so, chance, i suggest you to upgrade to 14.04.400:19
nicomachusGetting an error trying to extract a .rar, all it says is "an error occurred while extracting files". Any way to get a more verbose error message so I can see what the problem is?00:19
_denis_you do it using the software00:19
_denis_provided with ubuntu00:19
daftykinsnicomachus: got unrar-nonfree or which installed?00:19
nicomachusI have unrar, yes.00:20
nicomachusjust double-checked.00:20
_denis_"software updates"00:20
daftykinswhich one though00:20
nicomachuswhichever one "apt-get install unrar" gives me00:20
nicomachusis there another...?00:20
chance_denis_ so after I do that, I should be good to get the driver?00:21
Bashing-om_denis_: Fully updated system : lsb_release -a >> Description:    Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS  .00:21
_denis_theorically yes, your os will be in the compatibility page00:21
daftykinsnicomachus: good lord, i was pretty specific with 'unrar-nonfree'00:22
nicomachuswell since that's not a valid package, I assumed you meant something else.00:22
daftykinshmm must've been removed00:23
nicomachus"Package unrar-nonfree is not available, but is referred to by another package."00:23
nicomachusaka, unrar. what I have installed.00:23
_denis_Bashing-om where are you reading?00:23
daftykinsoh unrar-free exists though XD00:23
nicomachusshoulda been more specific...00:23
chance_denis_ alright well I'll go do that quick and come back if I have any problems.00:23
daftykinsnicomachus: haha, good one - you're getting no help now :)00:23
nicomachusif you dish it, you should be able to take it. I do appreciate your help, just not the snark.00:24
Bashing-om_denis_: My terminal . the .4 point release is yet in the future .00:24
daftykinsnicomachus: you're out of luck tonight :)00:24
Huscuriandaftykins: the USB is installed already with Ubuntu00:24
nicomachusstill the same error.00:25
daftykinsHuscurian: nice, just need to boot from it then00:25
_denis_chance i think i will quit in half an hour00:25
HuscurianSo restart the PC, go into BIOS?00:25
daftykinsHuscurian: not necessarily no, a single key press might give a boot menu00:26
_denis_please, chance, make sure to download the driver from here: http://support.amd.com/en-us/download/desktop?os=Ubuntu+x86+6400:27
daftykinsoh look where i linked ages ago00:27
Bashing-om_denis_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule .. Does not indicate there will be a .4 point release .00:27
daftykinsi vote it's a typo by AMD00:28
_denis_is it? repeated 2 times?00:28
daftykinswell since it doesn't exist it's a good sign00:28
_denis_yep, it is the .100:29
_denis_WAIT chance !!!!00:29
Huscuriandaftykins: I'm going to reboot the PC00:31
Huscurianand see if I can boot up Ubuntu00:31
_denis_damn you, wifi driver!00:42
CalebWAnybody on?00:43
CalebWI have Ubuntu 14.04 and one of my cpus is running at 100%, but I'm not doing anything...00:43
_denis_clean install?00:44
daftykinscheck with 'top' and sort by CPU00:44
CalebWWhat is cupsd?00:44
daftykinsprinter daemon00:45
CalebWWhy would that be running? I'm not connected...00:45
daftykinsthe printer daemon is always there00:45
CalebWIt doesn't need to be running at 100%00:46
daftykinsyeah i get that part00:46
daftykinsdo you have a printer?00:46
CalebWHP ENVY 450000:47
daftykinsso jump on http://localhost:631 and see if something's up00:47
daftykinsthat's a laptop not a printer00:47
destinydrivenhey guys, I'm running ubuntu 15.04 on an HP Pavillion CTO Quad 6100. I recently upgraded my RAM from 8GB to 16GB and immediately started noticing that the PC would do random reboots but especially at boot time.  I'd get this error ACPI PCC probe failed00:47
destinydrivensometimes, the PC reboots several times before I get the login screen00:47
CalebWWhat's a laptop?00:48
daftykinsdestinydriven: i don't think that message is necessarily related00:48
daftykinswell, or a model of computer - the Envy part you just said00:48
_denis_destinydriven perform a memory check with memtest00:48
destinydrivendaftykins, when I remove 8GB, it still happens but less often00:48
CalebWIt's a printer00:48
destinydriven_denis_, memory checks out fine00:48
CalebWI'm looking right at it00:48
destinydrivenI even tested the memory on another laptop00:48
nicomachusdestinydriven: possibly stupid question, but you shut down the PC and switched it off before swapping the RAM, right?00:49
daftykinsand it's called envy o0 weird.00:49
destinydrivennicomachus, yeah I did that00:49
daftykinsyou'd know 'cause it'd be fried00:49
_denis_daftykins have you connected the printer to the pc?00:50
nicomachusor short the RAM port and throw random ACPI errors.00:50
daftykins_denis_: i am not the person asking.00:50
destinydrivenI also did some research and saw that it might be related to some nvidia graphics (which I don't have, running AMD)00:50
_denis_ops, autoscoll. sorry00:50
CalebWSo on the webpage I have a job waiting to complete00:51
daftykinsCalebW: i reckon it's stuck spooling00:51
destinydrivenyou think the RAM port is damaged?00:51
daftykinsi'd say that was a stretch of a claim00:51
CalebWI tried to cancel it, but it says it can't because it's already canceled00:51
_denis_destinydriven does it happend only with ubuntu?00:52
destinydriven_denis_, sadly no, it's worse when I run windows on it00:52
daftykinsCalebW: try deleting it after stopping the service / rebooting00:52
destinydrivenI did try wiping the PC and installed windows 8.1 on it just to see what would happen00:53
_denis_so... the problem cannot be software00:53
wakeatnightwhats a good way to get a precompiled, latest, realtime kernel for 15.04? thanks00:53
orion_Konqueror see HTML5 no sound, how to solve?00:53
CalebWI managed to purge all jobs, thanks for helping00:54
daftykinsdestinydriven: disk issue?00:54
CalebWNow my battery should last longer00:54
daftykinsCalebW: definitely :D00:54
_denis_destinydriven don't you think at an hardware damage when you see that two completely different software beware the same way?00:54
destinydrivendaftykins, disk is fine. Brand new SSD00:54
daftykinsjust because it's new doesn't mean anything00:54
tonyarklesok, I'm having the strangest problem00:55
tonyarklesI'm trying to install 14.04.3-amd64-desktop00:55
destinydriventhe thing is HP recommends max 8GB for that model00:55
tonyarklesi've checked the md5sum on my ISO and it matches00:55
daftykinsdestinydriven: easiest way, assuming you're certain on memtest doing multiple passes without incident - i'd pull the drives and run a live session for a bit00:55
tonyarklesbut when I install it, I get 32-bit kernel and userland00:55
_denis_destinydriven, can i suggest you running a live version of an os after removing the HDD?00:55
daftykinstonyarkles: must've been an incorrectly marked file on a mirror00:56
tonyarklesdaftykins: the md5sum matches though?!00:56
destinydriven_denis_, I tried running ubuntu live and the problem doesn't surface00:56
daftykinstonyarkles: maybe they hashed their own files00:56
daftykinsjust grab another?00:56
Huscuriandaftykins: I'm on "Trying Ubuntu"00:56
krabadorif i would, from terminal, copy all files types in a folder, to another, all but not a particular extension?00:56
HuscurianI didn't install it since it asks for 6.6 GB00:56
tonyarklesdaftykins: i'm hesistant because i'm tethered and burning my data plan00:57
CalebWtonyarkles: just go to like a public library00:57
CalebWor some other free hotspot like MCdonalds00:57
tonyarkleshahahaha I'd love to00:58
tonyarklesgenuinely in the middle of nowhere right now00:58
daftykinstonyarkles: sadly we have not yet perfected beaming bits to your system, so i'm not quite sure what you expect us to do about that?00:58
_denis_destinydriven so...... you have those problems only when you run an os from hdd, right?00:58
CalebWThen sorry, but you'll have to settle for 32 bit then00:58
orion_ Konqueror see HTML5 no sound, how to solve?00:59
destinydriven_denis_, yes apparently00:59
daftykinsHuscurian: you'll need to make some space on the drive yeah, you can resize C: from within Windows - or just have more space from where you had X:00:59
HuscurianI have space within X:\00:59
daftykinsyou'll need to delete that partition01:00
HuscurianWould it be doable to install from there?01:00
daftykinsHuscurian: run 'gparted' and make space.01:00
HuscurianOK, one second01:00
daftykins*to* not from, from is coming from the flash drive01:00
_denis_destinydriven have you a working for sure HDD?01:00
destinydriven_denis_, so you think it's the SSD that's the issue?01:00
tonyarklesdaftykins: I'm just so confused is all01:00
_denis_it might be that01:00
HuscurianSo I delete the partition in the X:\, not the flah?01:00
destinydriven_denis_, yeah the HDD is in perfect condition. Passes SMART test01:00
_denis_destinydriven a not properly working hdd is a pain, i have experimented that01:01
wakeatnightwhen installting lowaltency kernel from repos, do I have to uninstall my current kernel (I think not, just run update-grub afterwards?) and remove fglrx?01:01
tonyarklesdaftykins: and it matches the MD5SUMS from releases.ubuntu.com01:01
daftykinsHuscurian: you look at the hard disk with gparted, because that's where Windows is and ubuntu will need to go beside it01:01
tonyarklesso in theory downloading it again from there should result in the exact same file?01:01
HuscurianAh, I see.01:01
daftykinstonyarkles: yeah so don't...01:01
_denis_smart test mean nothing or so on01:01
destinydriven_denis_, I can deal with the random reboots at boot time   . . it's when I'm working on something and then it happens abruptly01:02
destinydriventhat's the part that annoys me01:02
Huscuriandaftykins: I am in gparted.  I see dev/sda1, sda2, sda3 and unallocated.01:02
HuscurianUnallocated is 2.46 MiB01:02
Huscuriansda3 is 108.6401:02
Huscuriansda is 3.05 GiB01:02
daftykinsdestinydriven: i'd change the SATA cables :)01:02
Huscuriansda2 is 3.05GiB I mean01:02
tonyarklesdaftykins: how do I get a 64-bit install though? like... is this a known thing where the 14.04.3-amd64-desktop iso installs  32-bit binaries?01:02
CalebWSo you01:03
Huscuriansda3 is what I want though01:03
HuscurianTo install Ubuntu01:03
CalebWyou'll want to shrink sda301:03
destinydriven_denis_, ok I will try that. I have two HDD so I will try with the other cable01:03
daftykinstonyarkles: no it's not, i have no idea what you've managed to find - but going on and on about it when the answer is to download something else, i don't feel like we're going to make any progress here...01:03
tonyarklesdaftykins: I'm just curious what you'd recommend I download?01:03
daftykinseither a torrent or pick another mirror01:04
wileeetonyarkles, find the daily 14.04 use a link from there.01:04
_denis_destinydriven if the problem is not the hdd it might be a power fail01:04
tonyarkleswileee: ahhhh interesting!01:04
tonyarklesi didn't know there were dailies01:04
_denis_it seems strange01:04
wileeelts yes01:04
destinydrivenpower fail?01:04
destinydrivenlike a problem with the power board?01:04
Huscuriandaftykins: should I delete X:\01:04
Huscurianand make more space for Ubuntu or move Ubuntu into X:01:05
daftykinsHuscurian: ubuntu will never be part of a drive letter, only Windows uses driver letters :) yes you can delete it, all it did was hold the WUBI install before right?01:05
_denis_it wouldn't be this strange as a behaviour01:05
Huscuriandaftykins: correct.01:05
destinydrivenI'll try swapping the cables first01:05
HuscurianOK, deleting it01:05
daftykinsdestinydriven: well the problem would continue, you'd need only one disk attached01:05
destinydrivendaftykins, yeah that's the plan.  the other cable would be too short anyway01:06
HuscurianOK, by installing Ubuntu, it should create its own partition, correct?01:06
HuscurianWould this enable a dual boot?01:06
daftykinsyes and yes01:07
HuscurianI'm going to install right now01:07
daftykinsas long as when you booted it booted with a purple screen and a little logo01:07
destinydrivendaftykins, _denis_ I'm gonna go try this now. Will report back possibly tomorrow. Need to run it for a while to monitor01:07
destinydriventhanks again to all01:07
Huscuriandaftykins: it came with a purple screen, and has a purple/orange background01:07
_denis_no problem :)01:07
HuscurianEverything's running fune graphically01:08
_denis_just a auggestions01:08
destinydriven_denis_, yeah01:08
daftykins!efi | Huscurian just have a quick glance at this and be sure it booted either with the white text on black background or the purple one with the little logo at the bottom01:08
ubottuHuscurian just have a quick glance at this and be sure it booted either with the white text on black background or the purple one with the little logo at the bottom: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI01:08
_denis_detach everything from your PC01:08
destinydrivenI only have mouse01:08
Huscuriandaftykins: I booted from a white text with black background01:08
HuscurianIt had 3 different options01:08
Huscurian1) Try Ubuntu01:09
Huscurian2) Install Ubuntu01:09
Huscurianand the 3rd option, not sure01:09
_denis_one HDD at time01:09
_denis_each time in different slot01:09
HuscurianIt also specified e for edit command, and c for command line01:09
destinydriven_denis_, the other HDD only has user data.01:09
daftykinsHuscurian: ah, it sounds like it's booted in EFI mode - which isn't going to work with windows 7 beside it01:09
_denis_i suggest you to just use one HDD01:10
_denis_pick an USB drive01:10
Huscuriandaftykins: when I boot into BIOS, it said UEFI01:10
_denis_and put there your important data01:10
HuscurianAnd then when I entered the screen, it showed that white text/black background01:10
destinydrivenyeah, I can use an external enclosure01:10
daftykinsHuscurian: yeah there should be a boot menu with two choices, the flash drive as EFI and without EFI01:10
_denis_finding out the broken part will be easier01:10
HuscurianYeah, it had the two01:11
HuscurianWhich one should I pick?01:11
destinydriven_denis_, cool.   I'm gonna try this right now.01:11
HuscurianThe one without EFI?01:11
daftykinsHuscurian: yep, the installer will then detect 7 properly and install alongside it01:11
HuscurianGoing to reboot, K?01:12
_denis_remember destinydriven : the less hdd and usb attacched devices: the easier will be the broken part hunt01:12
_denis_you ARE going to find it destinydriven01:12
_denis_and if you don't..... well, you know that the problem is elsewhere: possibly the power board01:13
_denis_i'm leaving destinydriven01:14
_denis_see you tomorrow (hopefully)01:14
nicomachusdaftykins: if you're interested, it turned out to be a .zip masquerading as .rar01:19
daftykinsnot really :)01:23
^Ocean^okay, im running a fresh clean install of 14.04 lts, trying to get php runnign for userdir  have userdir working,  but when i try an navigate to a .php file, i get raw text, no php code is executed.01:23
^Ocean^phpmyadmin works fine.01:23
^Ocean^followed ever lamp how-to and cant get php files to execute, and nothing in error logs01:24
^Ocean^im stumped01:24
daftykinssounds like you didn't install the apache module01:24
daftykinsor you've not got the correct entries on that enabled site's config01:24
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest29041
=== Guest29041 is now known as Huscurian
nicomachusdaftykins: honestly, there's no need to be a jerk like that all the time. It turns people away. I know you do this all volunteer and everyone here appreciates all the help you give, but it's *possible* to do it without being a jerk. Whether you care or not is fine, but it does have an effect.01:25
Huscuriandaftykins: I checked the BIOS.01:25
HuscurianThere's the EFI option and the Legacy ROM option.01:25
HuscurianI used Legacy ROM, then found that there's only UEFI for the flashdrive01:25
^Ocean^im wondering what im missing01:27
daftykinsHuscurian: what are you booted into right now?01:27
^Ocean^its just a test box on a lan,  no vhosts or anything01:27
gshmuuname -r is 3.19, how to disable update kernel01:28
mozzarellaguys help01:29
Huscuriandaftykins: I'm booted into insecure boot mode, Legacy ROM, and the flashdrive as UEFI01:29
HuscurianIt came with the white text/black background01:29
gshmuI don't need to install 3.13 kernel version, I'm using synaptic to lock version, but didn't work01:29
mozzarellaI don't know how to remove the on-screen keyboard01:29
daftykinsHuscurian: so ubuntu live session right now? can you open the terminal application and type "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pastebinit" then "sudo parted -l | pastebinit" and paste the link it creates here?01:30
HuscurianIt's Try Ubuntu right now.01:31
daftykins^Ocean^: you definitely put the php module on for apache, if it's apache yes?01:31
daftykinsgshmu: 'update kernel' ?01:31
gshmudaftykins: disable update old version kernel01:32
^Ocean^daftykins: yup01:32
Huscuriandaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12607552/01:32
daftykinsgshmu: but you get security fixes in the updates?01:32
gshmudaftykins: I using newly version kernel01:33
daftykins^Ocean^: i definitely think either your site config is wrong, missing a setting - or perhaps it needs a restart (apache)01:33
mozzarellaI don't know how to remove the on-screen keyboard01:33
gshmudaftykins: I'm using v3.19, I need update v3.19, but v3.13 don't01:34
^Ocean^daftykins: iv been following every tutorial on lamp for ubuntu 14.10 and cant find anything miss-configured01:34
daftykinsHuscurian: ah so you've actually got 3 disks, yeah that win7 install definitely looks legacy and not EFI, so it's not going to install right until you can fight it into booting the ubuntu flash drive as legacy :)01:34
^Ocean^and nothing in the log files reveal anything wrong01:34
daftykins^Ocean^: where's the test browser running from? is it perhaps pulling cached responses?01:34
Huscuriandaftykins: so I have to fight the Win 7 legacy to have it dual boot with ubuntu?  Any thoughts as to how to do it?01:35
daftykinsHuscurian: well just poke around your EFI and try to make sure it's got legacy boot enabled and preferred, secure boot and EFI boot off... ensure win7 still boots like that, then try getting a boot menu which should list the flash drive twice - is it an Asus/MSI/gigabyte motherboard do you know?01:36
HuscurianASUS Rog Extreme Z mobo01:37
Huscuriandaftykins: I'll see about having a secure boot, use Legacy, and see if I can get EFI removed.01:38
HuscurianI'll wait until you can confirm any new info before I leave.01:38
HuscurianThis way I don't have to do "Try Ubuntu" and reinstall HexChat every instance.01:38
^Ocean^daftykins: cleard chache on browser, also tested from 2 seperate box's01:38
daftykinsHuscurian: could just jump on webchat.freenode.net when you do01:39
daftykinsno need to install a client so much01:39
Huscurianwhat does webchat.freenode.net have?01:39
HuscurianDoes it have an #ubuntu channel or?01:39
^Ocean^whats off, i dont think Apache is reading the conf files, i have a servername defiend in the default.conf and Apache still errors telling me it cannot resolve servers fqn01:39
daftykinsHuscurian: a browser client to come on here01:40
daftykins^Ocean^: did you say you've got this on 14.04?01:40
daftykins(cat /etc/issue)01:40
Huscuriandaftykins: thanks.01:40
HuscurianOK, rebooting.01:40
daftykins^Ocean^: are you sure? because that's EOL.01:41
^Ocean^14.10 is EOL ? thats the one the ubuntu page served upto me as the stable LTS release01:41
daftykins^Ocean^: you have it wrong then, run "cat /etc/issue" and you'll get confirmation01:42
^Ocean^oh my bad its 14.04.3 LTS01:42
daftykinsok good stuff01:43
daftykins14.04 changed the config approach a fair bit, so a lot of files are spread about now01:43
daftykinsif you have any parts getting ignored, it could be they're in the wrong file01:43
user23i has joined01:44
ubuntu___gabrielschulhof: hello, was the sig killed?01:44
^Ocean^hmm,   now im really confused lol, its a stock install.   installed linux, installed lamp and expexted it to work more or less out of box haha01:44
daftykins^Ocean^: i've got a few web servers on 14.04 working just fine, must've been some step that went wonky01:44
^Ocean^iv repeated the steps a few times,  usinga  few diff how-tos01:45
daftykinsthey must be pretty rubbish guides :)01:45
daftykinsare you putting php just in /var/www/html/ right now?01:46
nhylguys, please help me ... I cant unlock my drive on startup after i install nvidia driver (ubuntu bootup splash shows up with enter password thing, but i cant enter anything), i have to go to recovery mode, then there is a textconsole with "please unlock /dev/sda something" where i can type the password, then i can continue with normal boot, nvidia logo shows up for 1sec and i'm on the normal login screen. This works but it's really ann01:46
nhyloying to select recovery mode everytime i start the pc... how can i fix this? i need the prop nvidia drivers for gaming etc01:46
daftykinsnhyl: which ones did you install?01:47
Huscuriandaftykins: I tried to log into the flash drive without UEFI, tinkered around but no secure boot.01:48
HuscurianI booted in insecure mode, still got the white text/black background.01:48
nhyldaftykins, 352.41 is the graphics drivers (it says tested, also happening when i install the 340 driver), ubuntu version is 15.10 beta2, but it also happenend on 15.04 etc01:49
^Ocean^daftykins tried there and in ~user/01:49
daftykinsnhyl: ok, unfortunately wily help isn't in here, it's in #ubuntu+1 - but i think using encryption with that is a no go.01:49
daftykins^Ocean^: so you've defined a site file which has the document root in ~/ ?01:49
daftykins^Ocean^: pastebin your default site from /etc/apache/sites-available/01:50
nhyldaftykins, yeah but it is happening also when i install the lts version or 15.04, so i dont think the beta version is the problem right?01:50
wbillgoodevening isit normal when i do a finger to see a tty listed as root is that safe/secure?01:50
daftykinsnhyl: maybe not but can't help you with unreleased releases01:50
ubuntu___DOes the bcmwl source also build firmware?01:51
wbillthe listing in finger is *tty1 and *ttymxc001:52
russ5811anyone know of any problems with usb 3.0 speeds in 15.04?01:53
ubuntu___It's like watching a fibbonaci sequence.01:53
KramerboyHello, I am using nvidia-352 and nvidia-prime and only have one resoultion of 1920x1080 when launching any OpenGL game. However, I am able to switch resolutions in the Display settings. Is there anything I can do to fix this problem? Some examples of not being able to switch resolutions in-game are Briquolo and SuperTuxKart.01:53
RexterRuss5811, Linux started supporting USB 3.0 in the September 2009 release of the 2.6.31 kernel, and Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala was the first version of Ubuntu to support USB 3.0.01:54
ubuntu___Something like gallium on every chipset. Looks like a fib.01:54
daftykinsruss5811: why what're you having issues with?01:55
ubuntu___As far as usb speeds goes same thing.01:55
ubuntu___It is fairly stable. Inside its a swirl of words like gentoo. So someobody has to be doing something to keep ubuntu running. I downloaded updates and it quickly reaches 36GB of jumble.01:56
ubuntu___I'd like to see if a human really codes any of it.01:57
daftykinsubuntu___: none of what you're saying is relevant here i'm afraid, this is a support channel only - chat is over in #ubuntu-offtopic01:58
ubuntu___Does the bcmwl-kernel-source include firmware of is b43fwcutter still required?01:58
daftykinsi can link you to the broadcom page but can't answer your questions01:59
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx01:59
=== Huscurio is now known as Huscurian
Huscuriandaftykins: I wonder if you received my messages earlier.01:59
russ5811daftykins: I'm transferring about 800GB of data from an SSD to a usb 3.0 external hdd. it's definitely a usb 3.0 port. my speeds are maxing out at 70mb/s01:59
daftykinsHuscurian: oh yeah, hmm nothing to add really - installing whilst booted as EFI won't result in being able to use both together - could convert it afterwards i guess, but that'd be a hassle02:00
daftykinsruss5811: could be limited by the hard disk if it isn't a good one02:00
HuscurianYeah, that's true.  I have tried partitioning the drive to X:]02:01
Huscurianand when I saved it, I rebooted and found that Windows and Ubuntu were dual booted.02:01
russ5811it's a seagate...just bought it an hour ago02:01
daftykinsHuscurian: why bother? ubuntu can't be installed to windows NTFS formatted drives02:01
srgedHow can I boost my alfa card which has a 5bdi antenna? should i buy a 9dbi antenna or better an amplifier?02:01
HuscurianWhat kind of drives could Ubuntu be installed to?02:01
daftykinssrged: that's not ubuntu support, ##networking might be better02:01
daftykinsHuscurian: they must be partitions formatted with Linux file systems such as ext402:02
ubuntu___daftykins do you know anything about it?02:02
daftykinsubuntu___: 'it' ?02:02
ubuntu___Does the bcmwl-kernel-source include firmware of is b43fwcutter still required?02:02
HuscurianIf I partition as ext4, could it still allow a dual boot?02:03
daftykinsubuntu___: did you miss the bit where i said i can't answer that, but could link you to the broadcom page?02:03
daftykinsHuscurian: none of this needs to be done because the ubuntu installer would do it, but your problem is larger - as if you're booting EFI it's not going to work02:04
daftykinsHuscurian: so what brand of motherboard is this?02:04
HuscurianI am not booting EFI02:04
russ5811daftykins: thanks for trying to help. i appreciate it.02:04
HuscurianIt's been booted as Legacy.  I also booted from PNY, not UEFI PNY02:04
daftykinsHuscurian: ah so it's working!02:04
HuscurianI had to do a boot override.02:04
ubuntu___that is what highlights are used for02:04
HuscurianBut it still booted me into insecure mode.02:04
daftykinsHuscurian: insecure doesn't matter, only windows 8 and 10 use secure boot02:05
HuscurianThen I noticed that I have Ubuntu OS, a NTFS partition.  Should I delete that and change it to ext4?02:05
daftykinsubuntu___: i thought it was pretty obvious, you talking about broadcom... me talking about broadcom...02:05
daftykinsHuscurian: where do you see that?02:06
ubuntu___it is exploitable daftykins02:06
HuscurianI want to use that.02:06
ubuntu___many presumptions are exploitable daftykins02:06
HuscurianIt's /dev/sda3, 108.64 GiB02:06
HuscurianSorry, my bad.02:06
daftykinsHuscurian: i saw you have two SSDs and a 2TB disk, all you need to do is run the installer now and pick some empty space to put it on02:06
^Ocean^daftykins: http://pastebin.com/bjCchgQN02:06
daftykinsHuscurian: you need to leave the spot you want to install to as empty space, don't create a partition there02:07
ubuntu___the joker can have the whole town on moral exploit daftykins , happy comic book day02:07
HuscurianAll right.  There's 3 partitions right now.02:07
ubuntu___the days are evil daftykins02:07
daftykinsubuntu___: you're chatting what to me, is a bunch of irrelevant rubbish - so i'd appreciate you stopping now if you don't mind.02:07
HuscurianBut unallocated has 2.46 MiB.02:07
HuscurianThis would not be a problem?02:07
ubuntu___daftykins: preferr beeps?02:08
daftykinsHuscurian: can you use the print-screen key then firefox to throw a screenshot up on imgur.com ?02:08
daftykinsubuntu___: i prefer hearing support questions only, or nothing.02:08
ubuntu___daftykins: can this thing playthrough the speakers from line in?02:09
daftykins'this thing' ?02:10
HuscurianPming you02:10
Huscuriandaftykins: Check your message.02:10
daftykinsHuscurian: it's not really sensitive data02:11
HuscurianAh OK02:11
Huscurianhttp://imgur.com/Rn7Bu4C then this is the link02:11
ubuntu___daftykins: are you a slow learner?02:12
Huscuriandaftykins: I want to put Ubuntu into Ubuntu OS because it has the memory.02:12
daftykinsubuntu___: congrats, ignored for being an asshole02:12
daftykinsHuscurian: hmm, one sec just matching up your image with the earlier pastebin02:12
daftykinsso many disks :D02:13
Huscuriandaftykins: sure02:13
daftykinsHuscurian: alright i think what i've getting is that /dev/sdb is your second 120GB SSD with Windows on it, then /dev/sda which you screenshot'd there is the one that maybe WUBI was on - but is no longer02:14
daftykins*i'm getting02:14
KramerboyHello, I am using nvidia-352 and nvidia-prime under Ubuntu 15.04 and only have one resoultion of 1920x1080 when launching any OpenGL game. However, I am able to switch resolutions in the Display settings. Is there anything I can do to fix this problem? Some examples of not being able to switch resolutions in-game are Briquolo and SuperTuxKart.02:14
Huscurianwubi used to be on sda3 but is no longer there.02:14
daftykinsmmm that 117GB space02:14
daftykinsso what's sda2?02:15
HuscurianI want to make sure that Ubuntu can be installed there02:15
daftykins3GB is a bit small02:15
HuscurianThat's a secondary drive and won't be doable02:15
daftykinsand then sda1 looks like the boot partition from a windows 7 install02:15
HuscurianAnd sda2/sda3 used to be whole partitions02:15
HuscurianBut I split them in the middle eto give Ubuntu OS more memory02:15
ubuntu___link the site02:16
daftykinsah ok, so you don't need sda2? "Tertiary Drive"02:16
HuscurianI just want sda3 to hold Ubuntu02:16
HuscurianI right-clicked and it said Format to.  I can format it to ext402:17
daftykinsright, this disk setup is a bit messy right now - because sda1 is the boot data for the win7 install on sdb :(02:17
daftykinshow old is the windows 7 install?02:17
daftykinsdid you just put it on today, or?02:17
HuscurianAbout 3-4 years ago, I believe02:17
daftykinsah ok so you've got plenty of important stuff there02:17
daftykinsright, use gparted and delete both sda2 and sda302:17
daftykinsthen hit the green tick to apply02:17
HuscurianIf I delete, would it affect the partition?02:18
HuscurianFor windows 7?02:18
daftykinsnope because the boot data is sda1 and the windows install is on sdb - the whole other disk02:18
HuscurianOk, deleted the partitions02:19
HuscurianGreen tick is next to the red arrow crooked to the left, right?02:19
daftykinsnah it's further right from it02:19
daftykinsunless it moved it when the option became available02:19
HuscurianI deleted them02:20
HuscurianAnd when I went to the green "Check", it said "Apply all Operations"02:20
HuscurianIs this the one you're referring to?02:20
daftykinsthat'll do the trick02:20
daftykinsit should've reloaded gparted now and it should see that just sda1 is on sda02:20
daftykins(once you click close)02:20
daftykinsnow you can close gparted and run the installer02:21
daftykins(the icon on the desktop of course)02:21
HuscurianI'm trying to access gparted right now02:22
daftykinsHuscurian: well, we were done with it anyway really02:22
HuscurianThen install02:22
HuscurianIt says02:23
daftykinsyep, now during this you need to make sure when the partitioning stage comes, that you select "Something else"02:23
daftykinsit'll talk about installing beside Windows, but "Something else" will be the one to pick02:23
Huscurian"The machine's firmware has started the installer in UEFI but it loks like there may be existing operating system already installed using "BIOS compatibility mode".02:23
HuscurianIt goes on to give tow buttons: "Go Back", "Continue in UEFI mode"02:24
daftykinsah sounds like it didn't boot as legacy at all then :(02:24
HuscurianYeah, sounds like it.  I did boot from Legacy ROM and forced a boot of PNY, not UEFI PNY but..02:24
HuscurianIt seems like it still is in UEFI mode02:24
daftykinsmmm how annoying02:25
HuscurianYep, very annoying02:25
daftykinsi don't think you ever mentioned the motherboard brand?02:25
HuscurianOne sceond02:25
Huscurianlet me get my technical manual02:25
Huscuriandaftykins: mobo brand is Maximus IV Extreme-Z02:27
daftykinsah so it's an Asus02:27
daftykinsok, so F8 is usually the boot menu key02:27
HuscurianYes, it is02:27
daftykinsbut you did already see the flash drive listed with no EFI in it, just make sure it's not in a USB 3 port02:27
HuscurianIt's not.02:28
daftykinsthen try it again perhaps02:28
HuscurianI'll try again and see what happens02:28
daftykins^Ocean^: sorry i got distracted there, can you pastebin the output of " dpkg -l | grep apache" ?02:28
HuscurianSee you in a sec02:28
Jaglor daftykins: Why can it not be in a USB3 port?02:28
daftykinsit was just a thought of why it could be misbehaving, i don't have any reason in mind02:29
chaos7theoryIs there an Ubuntu release that's a rolling release yet?02:31
daftykinsdon't think so02:31
^Ocean^daftykins: any ideas what im missing ?02:33
daftykins^Ocean^: well can you pastebin the above command?02:33
Huscuriandaftykins: I did the F8 boot and used PNY02:33
daftykinsstill white text on black?02:34
HuscurianI entered and found that I'm at the Ubuntu screen with the white logo, text, and black background02:34
Huscurianbut not the white text/ black background with the white box02:34
daftykinsah har02:34
daftykinsso it asked you to pick a language?02:34
HuscurianI don't think so02:34
daftykinsif you run the installer it might show the warning again if it's EFI booted02:35
Huscuriandaftykins: trying the installer right now02:35
^Ocean^daftykins sorry which command ?02:35
trelanethis may sound like an idiotic question, but do I have to do anything additional with /etc/network/interfaces in 14.04 to bring them up on boot other than just specifying them?  I manually brought them up with ifup after boot fine, but they aren't starting on boot.02:36
Huscuriandaftykins: I pressed Continue and no UEFI error showed up just yet.02:36
trelaneis there something in /etc/default, or similar I'm missing?02:36
daftykinsHuscurian: hmm might be in luck02:36
HuscurianIt's still running, the Continue button is darkened.02:36
ctunokuUm... I was dual-booting Windows 7 and Ubuntu (through grub), and when I upgraded to Windows 10, I got a grub rescue prompt. I tried Boot-repair, but it doesn't seem to have done anything. URL is http://paste.ubuntu.com/12607774/. Any advice?02:36
daftykins^Ocean^: "dpkg -l | grep apache" on a http://paste.ubuntu.com please02:36
Huscuriandaftykins: just might be!  :P02:36
HuscurianI'm at the screen.02:37
HuscurianIt says the computer has multiple OS on it02:37
HuscurianInstall Ubuntu alongside it?02:37
daftykinsand it should have the 'something else' at the bottom02:37
HuscurianIt does02:37
HuscurianClick on that?02:37
daftykinsthen next02:38
^Ocean^daftykins: http://pastebin.com/Seeppsrs02:38
HuscurianOK, it shows the spaces02:38
daftykinsHuscurian: at the lower left, does it have a box referring to where to install GRUB? with /dev/sda selected ?02:38
Huscuriansda1 and sdc1 are Windows 7 loaders02:38
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
wileeectunoku, You upgraded the live usb?02:38
ctunokuwileee: I'm not sure, what do you mean?02:39
HuscurianIt says it should be installed to dev/sda ATA OCZ VERTEX PLUS (120.0 GB)02:39
HuscurianDevice for boot loader installation:02:39
daftykinsHuscurian: sounds good, do you know how much RAM you have?02:39
HuscurianIs what it asks for02:39
Huscurian16GB ram02:39
daftykinsok and are you likely ever to use sleep or hibernate?02:39
HuscurianNo.  It'll sleep by itself and I never sleep or hibernate much02:40
HuscurianI have to say something.  sda1 and sdc1 are windows 7 loaders02:40
daftykinsit won't be able to sleep unless you partition the disk correctly now02:40
HuscurianBut sdb1 is not.02:40
daftykinsyeah that's ok02:40
daftykinsi spotted this all before02:40
daftykinsyour disk layout is quite a mess, but it won't prevent things from working02:40
Huscurianthen sda right?02:41
^Ocean^daftykins: and i have modded php5.conf and commented out the lines to disable php execution in userdir02:41
daftykinsso essentially sleep won't be an option unless you make a specific partition for ubuntu the size of your RAM (or larger)02:41
daftykins^Ocean^: hrmm perhaps your modifications have caused this02:41
wileeectunoku, hmm, sorry, just a bit of a mess, I see efi in sda and msdos on others, no real help here.02:41
daftykins^Ocean^: have you run "a2enmod php" ?02:41
Huscuriandaftykins: one second02:42
^Ocean^daftykins: yup, its enabled02:43
^Ocean^php works in /var/www/html/02:44
^Ocean^just not in ~02:44
daftykinsoh i thought you said it didn't02:44
daftykinswhy are you trying to make it work in a user dir anyway? :)02:44
daftykinswant easy scp access?02:44
=== Guest85071 is now known as Huscurian
HuscurianI did a GB to MB converter02:45
daftykinsoh you don't need to bother with any of that02:45
Huscurian16384MB.  "New partition table?"02:45
daftykinsno no, just select the unallocated space and create an 18,000MB partition and make it swap02:46
^Ocean^daftykins: well i guess i could log in as root, and upload all my pages to /var/www/html/  figured it would be better to work as a normal user...  never had an issue getting it working before, but last time i set up apache and php it was ubuntu 1002:46
ctunokuwileee: Ah, OK02:46
daftykins^Ocean^: no you don't need to do that either, i'm shocked all your guides have been this bad :)02:46
Huscuriandaftykins: I pressed + and found "Create Partition"02:47
daftykins^Ocean^: add your user (not root, the normal user) to the group 'www-data' then chown your /var/www/html/ as www-data:www-data, change the group permissions to write, then your user can write to the standard document root02:47
HuscurianI added 18000 MB as you indicated.  It says Type for this new partition: Logical.  Location for Partition: Beginning of space.02:47
daftykinsHuscurian: sounds good02:47
HuscurianUse as: Ext4 journaling file system02:47
HuscurianAll good?02:47
daftykinsnah use as swap02:47
HuscurianWhat about mount point?02:48
daftykinsmount point will disappear once swap is selected02:48
HuscurianI clicked on "Swap area"02:48
daftykinsthen hit ok02:48
Huscuriansda5 swap showed up02:48
Huscurian17998 MB02:48
daftykinsnow create another, this time select 20480 MB and make it ext4 with / as the mount point02:48
tonyarkleswileee: unetbootin was only overwriting the boot files and not the iso...02:49
tonyarklesthe iso was just fine02:49
HuscurianOK, and stays the same for type: Logical, Location for new partiton: "Beginning of space"?02:49
tonyarklesafter doing a dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb02:49
HuscurianI did the / for mount02:49
daftykinstonyarkles: ugh unetbootin's fault all along eh? i always avoid that one for the dramas it causes02:49
tonyarklesevertyhing worked02:49
tonyarklesdaftykins: yup02:50
ubuntu___I want to use this for networking but there is always something broke.02:50
tonyarklesi can't believe it02:50
daftykinsHuscurian: yep logical again, start of space02:50
tonyarklesat least i wasn't going insane :D02:50
daftykinstonyarkles: :D02:50
HuscurianOKing it now02:50
tonyarklessomeone was gaslighting me instead02:50
rustanyone interested here to talk about deep web ?02:50
daftykinsHuscurian: and finally one more, all of the remaining space... ext4 and /home02:50
Huscuriansda6 ext4 is now showing up02:50
daftykinsrust: no this is a support channel, try #ubuntu-offtopic02:50
HuscurianGot it02:51
Huscuriansda7 ext4 /home is made02:51
daftykinsHuscurian: ok you're all set to hit the next button to keep installing now, should ask you the usual stuff like username, computer name, password - i'd recommend selecting to *NOT* install/download updates during installation02:51
Huscuriansda6 and sda7 are checked02:51
Huscurianis that normal?02:52
daftykinsthat'll be for the format bit i expect02:52
daftykinsyeah fine02:52
daftykins'cause they're new :)02:52
Huscurian:)  Installing02:52
HuscurianI didn't click on download updates while installing02:52
Huscuriansaysd, changes will be made to sda5, 6, and 702:52
HuscurianI'm continuing...02:52
HuscurianAll right02:53
HuscurianIt's running rightn ow02:53
=== Yukiku is now known as Dhs92
HuscurianInstall Now button is greyed out02:53
HuscurianMap of US02:53
HuscurianKeyboard layout02:53
HuscurianWell, it seems like I'm on the right track02:53
daftykinsyep, only thing left is to see it boot to a menu to pick ubuntu + windows 7 come the end02:54
daftykins(with the flash drive out of course)02:54
daftykinsHuscurian: fwiw anyone who knows what they're doing will look at the disk layout and think "what the hell?!" but eh, it'll work ;)02:54
Huscuriandaftykins: haha.02:55
daftykinsHuscurian: personally i would've had just one of those SSDs connected when installing windows so that it had put all its' files on the single drive, not spread across two like it is now02:55
daftykinsbit late now :>02:55
RagterI have some questinos about btrfs. Is there anyone here who can help me out with it?02:55
Huscuriandaftykins: when I build a new PC, it'll be setup to accept Windows and Linux the right way :P02:55
HuscurianI did the username, password, computer name.02:56
Huscurian"Welcome to Ubuntu"02:57
Huscurian"Installing system"02:58
daftykinsnow the waiting game02:58
Huscuriandaftykins: thanks for being so much help!02:58
Huscurian:)  Of course...  the patience game02:58
daftykinshehe, you're not out of the woods yet - but no problem02:58
HuscurianI hope I am out of the woods lol02:58
HuscurianUbuntu is more secure than Windows 7?03:02
daftykinsthat's an awkward one to ask really03:02
HuscurianYeah, it is.  Just curious though03:02
daftykinsrecent media events have shown that all OSs are vulnerable to people finding exploits in it all03:02
daftykinsand there'll always be problems no matter what you run, so to my mind - you just run the OS you prefer picking up after the most03:03
HuscurianThat's a good way to put it03:03
HuscurianI wanted to learn more about using linux with a distro years ago.  This would be my first time breaking myself in03:03
HuscurianSo I'm pretty happy with it right now.03:04
HuscurianSometime down the road when I'm more developed as a programmer, I may go Fedora03:04
Huscuriancomplete with software development programs03:04
Bashing-omHuscurian: My 2 cents, wait, you will only get happier with linux .03:04
HuscurianBashing-om: so strictly speaking, over time, I'll like Linux more?03:05
Bashing-omHuscurian: I am prejudiced . In my opinion linux is a programmers' dream, and 'buntu in particular .03:06
HuscurianBashing-om: Interesting.  You're a programmer yourself?03:07
bazhangcould we move this to the chat channel please03:08
HuscurianMy bad.  The chat channel is where?  #ubuntu-chat?03:09
Bashing-omHuscurian: In the past I have run sussie, slackware and knoppix .. when I was introduced to ubuntu. I was sold . support and documentation .03:09
Huscuriangot it03:09
bazhang-discuss or -offtopic both work, thanks03:09
HuscurianYeah, sorry for being off-topic03:10
Huscuriandaftykins: installation is done.  It's now asking me to "Continue Testing" or "Restart Now"03:17
HuscurianIt should come across a dual boot screen, correct?03:17
daftykinshit continue testing then shutdown, remove the flash drive then power back on03:17
daftykinsshould go to a menu kinda like the white text on black background one, yeah03:17
HuscurianI'll do that and let you know if it works.03:17
=== devuser is now known as pepigno75
=== pepigno75 is now known as devuser
ArchymeI have a thumb drive named "thumb 1". I get a "no such file or directory" error when I try cd thumb 1, cd thumb_1 etc... What am I missing?03:21
daftykinsArchyme: use tab complete?03:21
nemithArchyme: cd "thumb 103:22
nemithor cd thumb\ 103:22
Archymenemith, thanks that worked... i wasn't aware i needed the \03:23
Archymedaftykins, thanks for your help as well!03:23
ArchymeI will now change the name to "thumb1" and learn never to use spaces!03:23
daftykinsgood stuff :D03:24
=== Geom` is now known as Geom
Archymeis a "\" always required before a space?03:25
huscuriandaftykins: no dual boot03:25
huscurianI restarted, press F8, then joined OCZ Vertex Plus myself03:26
huscurianI then entered Ubuntu via a purple background with "*Ubuntu"03:26
daftykinswhat does it do when you don't interrupt at all?03:26
huscurianIt jsut takes me straight to Windows 703:26
daftykinsah ok03:26
daftykinswell that's easily resolved i should think03:26
huscurianHow do we get this resolved?03:27
huscurianJsut set Vertex Plus as the first boot?03:27
huscurianBecause it did show Windows 7 (loader) in the Ubuntu boot screen03:27
daftykinsdoes it not give you a menu when doing that?03:27
daftykinsoh right03:27
daftykinsyeah, so you could just swap the SATA cables too03:27
daftykinswhichever you prefer03:27
huscurianI'll just set the boot via BIOS, restart, and eventually have it that way myself03:28
=== arunbabu is now known as jingalala
=== jingalala is now known as arunbabu
=== arunbabu is now known as jingalala
OneM_IndustriesHow do I search by name of process in top(the command)03:34
daftykinswhy search in top?03:35
daftykinsps -ef | grep <process>03:35
JaglorOneM_Industries: 'h' in top will get you to help where you can determine if you are looking for a sort or a locate03:37
OneM_IndustriesThank you~03:37
OneM_IndustriesI am attempting to work on another Ubuntu box via SSH, and I need to find a process ID so I can kill it.03:38
daftykinsOneM_Industries: and which are you after?03:39
OneM_IndustriesAh ha!03:39
OneM_IndustriesFound an killed!03:39
JaglorOneM_Industries: top is usually not the most direct path for that03:41
tootheanyone gotten GHDL working?03:41
OneM_IndustriesNote to devs: if you make a program have repeating error codes, do not use the beeper to display the error codes.03:42
daftykins(i don't think the devs are reading ;) )03:43
OneM_IndustriesYeah, true.03:43
JaglorAt least no devs that do that  ;)03:43
toothei manually added a repo, but it doesn't seem to install.03:44
tootheI get a 404, not found error.03:44
daftykinsPPA you mean?03:45
daftykinsmaybe it's bad / for another version03:45
=== eclipse is now known as Guest37921
lex_helo all I am trying to install lubuntu and i need to manually enter the repository url.  If i want to use "ftp.ussg.iu.edu" what  do use for directory example "/linux/ubuntu/dists/trusty/"  ?03:51
daftykinslex_: why specifically that one?03:53
lex_It seems to work when i click on it,  i am getting stuck when it tries download.03:54
daftykinsdoes lubuntu not have the GUI program to switch repos?03:54
daftykinsor mirrors, rather03:54
lex_It limits me to Greatbriton and i am getting timed out,03:55
lex_what do i put for archive mirror directory?03:55
daftykinslex_: tried http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/ ?03:59
daftykinshandy repo configurator ;)03:59
lex_it gave me this deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty main04:03
lex_it doe snot worl04:03
lex_This is what i use for the mirror host:  http://us.archive.ubuntu.com04:03
lex_I used this for the directory : /ubuntu/ trusty main04:04
aurorauserhow would I rename a bunch of files that have the same prefix04:04
aurorauserto, etc04:05
huscuriandaftykins: already set the boot.  :)  Now I'm satisfied.04:05
huscurianQuestion.  Am I out of the woods?  :P04:05
daftykinshuscurian: if both boot, sure04:06
huscuriandaftykins: I'll check Windows 7 when I get back from my walk04:07
huscurianis there a linux version for adobe flash player?04:21
Abehuscurian: yes there is04:31
daftykinsFudge: whatever brings up the menu so you can hit 'e' to edit, please don't use caps04:40
Fudgeoh,sorry didnt realise04:40
Fudgeright so 'e' offers the prompt. great, thanks for that04:41
daftykinswell it edits the line, once you've got the menu up04:42
daftykinsreally depends whether you're booting media EFI or legacy04:42
AbeHey I hate watching movies when the music in movies are  always is so freakin loud and the voices are so quietly that you can't hear anything... Is there a method of equalizing it???? using a lubuntu atm04:43
Abealways have to force the volume up and down on my speakers which is very annoying :(04:45
daftykinsit's probably a case of listening to a surround feed on stereo04:45
Fudgedaftykins:  this is a travelmate 2300 so no EFI04:45
FudgeAbe:  try kodi maybe, they have plugins to normalise the entire movie04:45
Fudgethink the ppa is ppa:xbmc-team/ppa04:46
Abethank you Fudge kodi is a program? just have to install it?04:46
wafflejockyeah Abe the term you're looking for is normalizing or normalising the volume level, it basically makes quiet stuff louder and louder stuff quieter to even things out04:46
wafflejockAbe: kodi is a program it's the new version of something that used to be called xbmc04:46
Abeyes I need something like that so just adding the ppa and then sudo apt-get isntall what?04:47
Abekodi right?04:47
Abeok thx very much I am going to try it out right now04:48
Fudgeyes, kodi is the meta package which will bring everything in, i suggest you goole for youtube kodi demo or something Abe04:48
daftykinsno Kodi doesn't have any EQ yet04:48
daftykinsno point going there :)04:48
Abeok daftykins how to equalize anybody experience the same problem like me?04:48
wafflejockdaftykins: Fudge said it has some normalization option, never used that option myself but normalization should solve the problem04:49
daftykinsmmm i don't think so04:49
Abeso should I go with Kodi yes or No?04:49
daftykinsyou can try but i don't think it'll do the job for you04:49
daftykinscan you confirm you're playing something with a 5.1 track decoded to stereo?04:50
AbeNo it's all just stereo not surround04:50
Abeback in the day when I used Windows I found an option like that can't remember what it was called though04:51
wafflejockAbe: ah VLC has some compressor options in the tools04:51
daftykinsokie dokie04:51
Abewell I am not watching stuff over the vlc player just Internet. so I need something that equalizes basically everything ?04:53
wafflejockAbe: http://www.torrent-invites.com/showthread.php?t=194840 <-- that has instructions to get you to the menu that has the controls.... don't think you'll find something that sits on top of pulse to do it really... maybe... who knows04:53
wafflejockhmmm http://askubuntu.com/questions/95716/automatically-adjust-the-volume-based-on-content maybe04:54
daftykinsoh sounds like the source is at fault to begin with04:54
AbeLADSPA plugin... have to try it out...04:55
Abewait wait04:56
* daftykins waits04:56
Abedoes lubuntu even use pulseaudio?04:57
Abewait have to look on that lubuntu pc04:58
Abeok it is ok I'll try it out05:01
johnok I'm sitting on that lubuntu pc now05:03
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Guest23008so I'm Abe just with different Nickname05:03
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=== vmod_ is now known as vmod
Guest23008what do you guys think about that here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/72679/is-there-any-sound-enhancers-equalizer05:04
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Guest23008pulseaudio equalizer?05:04
=== vmod_ is now known as vmod
Fudgei couldnt find in my logs where i was told sorry05:05
Fudgelook on the wiki for kodi05:05
Guest23008daftykins: said kodi wouldn't help05:06
FudgeI am pretty sure it has the feature, I was told about it and used it but cant find in my logs what it is called, kodi.wiki up to you if you wwant to look further into it05:06
Guest23008Fudge: when u used it. did it help? did you used the programm of the same reason?05:08
Fudgei was already using it and yes it helped, but that was xbmc and ive just started using it again and it has changed to being called kodi, it is skin dependant, i suggest you have a play with it and some reading05:08
Guest23008ok I will take a look at it thank you05:09
shoeraindoes pulse audio have a sound test suite? left/right speakers, upper/lower ranges? i'm on 14.0405:09
johndoe2hello there :) any chance that ubuntu has changed mod_proxy/apache2 2.4.7 source code and has disabled one's ability to set ProxyAddHeaders Off ? I'm on a virgin 14.04, 64bit.05:16
wafflejockjohndoe2: not sure about that but are you sure you enabled mod_proxy and mod_proxy_http if you need that?05:18
Huscuriandaftykins: I rebooted.  I made it to Windows 7.  Thanks for everything.  I'm now out of the woods.05:18
daftykinssuccess is sweet05:19
HuscurianVery sweet05:19
Guest23008fuuu I added an outdated ppa now it doesn't want to go away with apt-add-repository --remove :/05:19
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html05:20
daftykinstry ^05:20
Guest23008daftykins: I did this too it's still there :/05:20
Guest23008wait I get it somehow05:20
Guest23008thats what I added add-apt-repository ppa:psyke83/ppa05:22
johndoe2wafflejock yes, everything is fine, except for the fact that httpd creates X-Forwarded-* headers when it forwards the request to the ProxyPass. I'm sniffing the traffic using ngrep, and that's the point where those headers are created.05:22
Huscuriandaftykins: when they come out with a new update, you do sudo apt-get update ubuntu right?05:23
daftykinsHuscurian: you mean like 15.10 ? nope05:27
Huscuriandaftykins: yes.  So how does one update Ubuntu when it comes out?05:28
daftykinsthe update manager program will spot it and offer it05:28
shooter2killHey all my question today is i have a progam that i installed called lan messenger it was a i386 program that i couldnt get to work how do i go about removing that05:28
HuscurianIs that Software Updater?05:28
HuscurianI looked for a update manager but there's none05:28
daftykinsyeah, when the time comes it'll be obvious05:28
hateballHuscurian: you can issue do-release-upgrade in a terminal if that's more to your liking05:29
Huscurianso 'sudo do-release-upgrade' and that's it?05:29
HuscurianWhat does it do?  It upgrades Ubuntu when it offers itself on the spot right away?05:29
nathanesau1I'm currently installing ubuntu 14.04 but don't see a progress bar for the install. Any ideas on how I can find out whether or not the install is working?05:29
daftykinsjust rely on the GUI prog offering you it once it gets released05:30
daftykinsnathanesau1: is the window overlapping the bottom of the screen maybe?05:30
jokersmile_woojust got alsamixer working.  no sound in youtube. lubuntu 15.04.05:30
ryan_56i had the same issue with my PC, my laptop installed fine but my PC went black and didn't progress, just going to format the USB05:31
jokersmile_wooacer apsire v5 122p 086905:31
nathanesau1like this @daftykins http://postimg.org/image/p4gu82b8h/05:31
Guest23008Hello again I'm trying to remove the ppa from deleting it here /etc/apt/sources.list.d but I don't have permissions :/ how do I gain permissions to do it?05:31
daftykinsnathanesau1: weird it doesn't have the lower portion with the progress bar, tried dragging from the bottom edge?05:32
daftykinsGuest23008: you can either run nautilus with gksu, or do it via the terminal with sudo05:32
nathanesau1yes - cant do so. will ubuntu prompt me when install is finished?05:33
daftykinsnathanesau1: it might not even be doing anything, tough call05:33
daftykinspersonally i'd look for a disk light, or check CPU usage05:35
daftykinsyou should be able to run the system monitor from there05:35
Guest23008sudo worked duh ^^05:35
Guest23008thx daftykins05:35
daftykinsnp :)05:35
shooter2killHey all i installed a program called lan messenger i wish to remove it but dont know how can anyone help please05:35
daftykinsshooter2kill: dpkg -l | grep messenger05:36
daftykinssee if you get any results with the package name05:36
nathanesau1should i just end the ubiquity process and restart it?05:36
daftykinsnathanesau1: that should work ja05:36
shooter2killdafty do i need to do sudo apt-get remove dpkg -l | grep messenger05:37
daftykinsno identify the package first with just the portion i typed05:38
shooter2killnothing comes up05:38
daftykinstry a few combinations of 'lan' etc to see if it comes up at all05:38
daftykinshard to tell what the name might be05:38
daftykinsif you installed it recently, it might be in your apt history.log too05:38
shooter2killcould you show me how to do that...05:39
daftykins"dpkg -l | grep lan"05:39
daftykinsor you can have a read then of /var/log/apt/history.log05:40
nathanesau1@daftykins I did that and its working i think (i have the progress bar now)05:41
daftykinsdefinitely sounds more normal :)05:41
shooter2killyea cant see anything with the dpkg -l | grep lan05:41
=== user is now known as Guest67070
daftykinsshooter2kill: mmm try the log05:41
shooter2killis the log under usr05:41
daftykinssee the path above05:42
shooter2killgot ya05:42
Guest23008Sorry Kodi is not what I am looking for. this is a media player not specifically an equalizer05:50
Guest23008I have to look more into that Ladspa plugin05:51
AldenIsZenAnyone have a reccomendation for a decent inexpensive VPN?05:52
penoswuts VPN05:53
daftykinsAldenIsZen: not really on topic for here05:55
shooter2killdafty i cant find anything with lan that looks like lan messenger in that log mate05:56
daftykinshmm, you sure it installed at all?05:56
daftykinsi'd just leave it maybe :) probably isn't large enough to do any harm05:56
daftykinsor maybe synaptic package manager could be an easier way to spot it05:56
shooter2killthing is ...it isnt working but i get a message at startup that says its on ..lol05:57
daftykinsshooter2kill: hmm, is it called lmc? "dpkg -l | grep lmc"05:58
shooter2killthe prob with the progam is that its a i386 package i tried to get working ...on my 64bit machine that didnt work05:58
daftykins(just guesses based on googling)05:58
shooter2killcool cool05:58
shooter2killthat seem to work05:59
daftykinsshould be a package name on the left given05:59
daftykinsshould be as simple as "sudo apt-get purge lmc" if not, "sudo apt-get purge lmc:i386"06:00
daftykinstry the link above for if it helps run it though06:01
shooter2killok great thanks06:01
shooter2killyea i did all that06:01
shooter2killbut didnt work had someone on here helping me ....but after a long battle we couldnt get it to run06:01
daftykinsah ok :)06:01
shooter2killok that seem to work mate.06:02
shooter2killwhen trying to remove a program should i be using the "remove" or purge06:02
daftykinsremove leaves config files left, purge will take out any config files too06:03
daftykinsso it depends if you want the 'backup' of the configs to remain06:03
shooter2killi see06:06
shooter2killso a total remove ...use purge06:06
shooter2killso had a drop out06:06
shooter2killso a total remove ...use purge06:06
QwertieIs it possible to upgrade from 15.04 to 15.10 now?06:07
daftykinsQwertie: feel like living dangerously?06:07
shooter2killis 15 a beta06:07
daftykinsprobably, with "sudo do-release-upgrade -d"06:07
maxtimbohey, so I have an ssd with like 250gb and a 3.5" with 3T. I want to make it so the system has all the programs and configs on the ssd amd all the files like saves, images, documents, etc, on the 3.5". How should I go about doing this? Ubuntu15.04, btw.06:07
daftykinswouldn't recommend it though :)06:07
daftykinsmaxtimbo: install to the SSD, format the HDD as ext4, then just mount/symlink it to your media paths, e.g. ~/Pictures ~/Video etc06:08
shooter2killdafty im running 14.10 should i be using 15?06:09
Qwertiedaftykins, I cant wait >.< I want libre office 506:09
Guest23008That equalizer works but it doesn't make quiet things louder and louder thing more quiet06:09
maxtimbodaftykins, I've never heard of symlink before. I'll look into it. Thanks06:10
Guest23008I tried pulseaudio-equalizer06:10
daftykinsshooter2kill: are you sure? 14.10 has been EOL for a number of months06:10
daftykins"cat /etc/issue" or "lsb_release -d" to confirm06:11
the_mapwhat is "EOL"?06:11
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades06:12
shooter2killsorry 14.0406:12
shooter2killim running 14.04 LTS06:13
daftykinsyeah that's good 'til 201906:13
shooter2killok sweet thanks06:13
shooter2killwhat is the difference and why is there a 15 ?06:14
daftykinsLTSs come every 2 years, (16.04 release 2016.April will be the next) the other releases are kinda experimental06:15
swebi need filesystem can i store milions of files without limitation06:15
daftykinssweb: wikipedia would be a fine resource for picking file system based on limitations06:16
shooter2killi see thanks that makes it easy so for me i should be looking at the LTS versions06:16
shooter2killso im guessing 16.04 is a LTS06:16
daftykinsyeah, LTS is where most people should be really. sometimes too new hardware requires newer releases to work properly though06:17
shooter2killarhhh ok im with ya06:17
brian|lfshello everyone question I did a Ubuntu server 15.04 install and have an encrypted swap on an lvm along with home and another partition06:18
brian|lfswhen I boot up with the defualt kernel I"m unable to put my password in for my hhome and othher partition06:19
brian|lfsbut am able to get in with recovery06:19
brian|lfsdo I need to change all my lvms in fstab to UUIDs maybe?06:19
brian|lfsI'm rather confused06:19
=== Gambit_ is now known as Guest82679
shooter2killdaftykings: can you recommend anything on line i should be reading to understand ubuntu (linux) better06:25
shooter2killfor example i woul d have never know that to remove the program meant typing dpkg -l | grep lmc how does one learn this better06:26
daftykinsshooter2kill: well technically that part was just to confirm it was that package installed06:30
daftykinsnot so sure on some guides tbh, i've just picked up things over the last 10+ years06:31
daftykinsthere's always the free edx.org Linux course i recommend people check out06:31
shooter2killwow thats cool06:34
shooter2killother thing i wanted to know more about was this.....06:34
aavrughello everyone06:35
neckI would like install winstricks in ubuntu 14.10 64 bits06:36
aavrugcan any one tell me how to know memory allocation recursively of a directory?06:36
neckI have had everything that u have on the web06:36
daftykinsshooter2kill: off topic distros there unfortunately06:37
shooter2killoff topic?06:37
neckwhat can I do to install correctly wine06:37
shooter2killBackTrack or Kali are not talked about in here because its not ubuntu?06:38
shooter2killi see06:39
wafflejockaavrug: can use the disk usage analyzer GUI07:01
wafflejockaavrug: alternatively I like ncdu for the terminal07:01
aavrugwafflejock, i got an alternate07:01
aavrugdu -hs /dir/*07:01
shooter2killhi all can i please get some advice on the best VMware for ubuntu thanks07:01
aavrugwafflejock, thanks07:02
wafflejockaavrug: yup np07:02
shooter2killso im after virtual machine software for ubuntu can i be recommended softeare07:04
daftykinsvmware is pay for, you can try virtualbox instead07:05
wafflejockshooter2kill: haven't really done a lot of comparison but I use virtualbox and it's fine07:05
shooter2killthanks waffle ...looks pretty good that will do thanks mate07:05
vltHello. What tool can I use to convert *.wps files to something readable like PDF?07:25
jrixПривет есть кто?07:27
SCHAAP137good morning07:28
Jackevansevovlt: a quick google shows there's a few online conversion tools, I've not had any experience with them though....07:29
the_maplocksmith2: can I buy a vowe?07:31
jrixwhether it is possible to find somewhere description of the main solutions for businesses running Linux? such as squid + Sams07:32
vltJackevansevo: But what tool can _I_ use? On my ubuntu machine? I can't send data to an online service to convert it.07:32
Jackevansevovlt: can the file be opened in libreoffice/openoffice/wpsOffice and then be converted to PDF?07:34
vltJackevansevo: Unfortunately not :-/07:35
akikvlt: you ask for a tool and then say you can not use a tool07:53
momkenWhenever I attach my usb3 8GB flash drive to my PC I get this message:07:56
momkenafter seeing "dmesg | tail" I get this error: [  338.257304] FAT-fs (sdc1): IO charset iso8859-1 not found07:59
momkenWhat is the problem? I could read it before, but after changing my mainboard I can't read it anymore07:59
momkenHello again. I updated my Ubuntu (security bug fixes) and it solved. Weird!!!08:10
elosz_any editors available for ubuntu such that i can directly edit file over my ssh connection? kind of what like notepad++ provides08:14
elosz_I mean i want to edit and save file directly on server instead of using scp to move it back and forth08:14
=== gigi is now known as Guest52686
Guest52686oarli italiano08:15
auronandace!it | Guest5268608:16
ubottuGuest52686: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)08:16
auronandaceelosz_: you can use terminal editors like nano, vim or emacs08:17
elosz_auronandace: something other than that:p08:17
auronandaceelosz_: nano has almost no learning curve, it is about as basic as you can get for a file editor and it would be more efficient to use a terminal based editor over an ssh conection08:20
elosz_auronandace: yeah am using nano as of now. But I am accustomed to gedit08:21
auronandaceelosz_: if your server has a gui then i guess you could use vnc over ssh08:21
elosz_i'll see auronandace .ty08:22
auronandace!vnc | elosz_08:22
ubottuelosz_: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX08:22
* ImQ009 sighs08:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1082418 in linux (Ubuntu) "[Fujitsu Lifebook AH532] Ubuntu UEFI install locks out UEFI firmware (~bios) access" [High,Expired]08:24
ImQ009This bricked my laptop. Again08:24
ImQ009I thought this would've been fixed already :|08:24
auronandaceImQ009: no offence but how can you brick something again? if it got bricked then it becomes tottaly useless08:26
ImQ009auronandace, Okay, half-bricked :P08:26
pHuNk3r5hey guys running 15.04, restarted my laptop and the sound suddenly ain't working.  It has just updated the linux kernel may that be the cause?  alsamixer and the sound bar at top says there is sound08:29
auronandace!sound | pHuNk3r508:33
ubottupHuNk3r5: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.08:33
pHuNk3r5auronandace, yeah it's okay realised it's just not playing in my browser08:34
[Tahinihummus]Hi all! could anybody explain me what do I have to do to install this https://github.com/rastersoft/panther_launcher ?08:57
[Tahinihummus]i dont quite understand... do I have to download the zip file, unzip it... then what? the instructions at the bottom of the page are not very clear, at least to me08:57
k1l[Tahinihummus]: its all explained on the site you linked. just scroll down. get to the directory where you unzipped it.08:59
k1l[Tahinihummus]: or find a .deb package for it09:00
lrdci want to change my keyboard shortcut, "menu key" into ctrl. can I do this with custom shortcut? http://i.imgur.com/mtx4UWw.png09:07
pyro_serpenti need a little help09:13
cfhowlett!help | pyro_serpent09:13
ubottupyro_serpent: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:13
pyro_serpentwhen I use goog chrome (not chromium) I face screen tearing issues. I have also posted about this on ubuntu forums. shall i post the link to that question here ?09:15
hateballpyro_serpent: what GPU + driver are you using?09:17
hateballpyro_serpent: and where is the tearing noticeable, in videos or just scrolling static pages?09:18
pyro_serpentintel built in with my dell n5110 laptop09:18
pyro_serpentscrolling pages and youtube videos09:18
pyro_serpentwhen I play on my pc the screen tearing isnt there, nor in firefox09:18
hateballpyro_serpent: you could try enabling hardware rending in chrome I guess, see http://www.webupd8.org/2014/01/enable-hardware-acceleration-in-chrome.html09:20
pyro_serpentI tried enabling hardware acceleration. No luck09:21
hateballpyro_serpent: No luck enabling, or no luck it working properly after?09:21
pyro_serpentno luck working properly even after enabling hardware acceleration. still screen tearing is present09:22
pyro_serpenthere is the post on ubuntu forum, with a screenshot of my hardware http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=229602609:23
carpediembabyHello, I have ubuntu 14.04 installed and the trackpad doesn't work anymore. It seems to be the case after an update. It sometimes comes back after a restart but now it seems to have been permanently gone. Could someone helps me restore the trackpad functionality?09:24
linociscohi which photo editor software to resize image and change resolution?09:25
linociscoGIMP only?09:25
hateballpyro_serpent: well, if you browse to "chrome://gpu" does it say everything is enabled?09:25
jpdslinocisco: Shotwell should do it09:25
pyro_serpentlet me check, one min09:26
linociscojpds, I have shotwell. it can't resize to desired dimension09:26
linociscocfhowlett, same. can't help09:28
pyro_serpentthis is what it says: Graphics Feature Status09:29
pyro_serpentCanvas: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable09:29
pyro_serpentFlash: Hardware accelerated09:29
pyro_serpentFlash Stage3D: Hardware accelerated09:29
pyro_serpentFlash Stage3D Baseline profile: Hardware accelerated09:29
pyro_serpentCompositing: Hardware accelerated09:29
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here.09:29
hateballpyro_serpent: ^09:29
cfhowlettlinocisco, imagemagick explicitly resizes ... http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/resize/09:29
nutzzI don't know why but I can't access any site from my browser, but I am able to connect and talk form irc. Is there a problem with my connection or with my computer?09:30
SCHAAP137nutzz: sounds like a DNS issue09:30
pyro_serpenthere is what it says in chrome://gpu :http://imgur.com/sSFvkSW09:32
nutzzSCHAAP137: What should I do in orner to properly diagnose the problem and fix it?09:32
aczx(15.04) The NVIDIA kernel module on my system is 304.126, the driver component is 304.128, and I don't know how to update the kernel driver.09:34
aczxSorry, 304.125, not 304.126.09:34
hateballpyro_serpent: Hmmm, looks good tho (same as me on this Intel machine). I wonder if upgrading mesa could help any...09:34
Ben64nutzz: can you access
hateballaczx: that's terribly outdated, you should have 346 with 15.04. Unless perhaps you are using an older piece of hardware09:34
pyro_serpentjust updated my pc a few minutes back, let me recheck if the problem is still there.09:35
nutzzBen64: yes09:35
Ben64then yep, dns problem09:35
aczxThe GPU is GeForce 6150SE nForce 43009:35
aczxIt's from 200409:36
aczxAt any rate, it doesn't matter. The kernel and hardware drivers are not matched and I don't know how to fix it, or even if it's possible.09:37
pyro_serpentits a bit less but the tearing is still there09:37
carpediembabyI tried the solution from here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/262287/synaptic-touchpad-on-laptop-not-working and the trackpad starts working but it is featureless. It removed the configuration settings from "Mouse & Trackpad settings" and there is no scrolling etc.09:37
vltakik: Yes, because I’m looking for a tool in #ubuntu ;-)09:37
linociscohi all, i am going to draw telecom project and network and server room diagram with office layout. which should I install?09:40
vltlinocisco: There’s "dia".09:41
CodeChrislinocisco: Libra Office has a program called Draw. But, to be honest with you, I've not found anything that beats MS Visio09:41
cfhowlettlinocisco, libre Draw or Dia09:42
slyferuse both09:44
linociscoCodeChris, u r right09:44
linuxnoobhi, I have a SanDisk extreme usb 3.0 64gb flash drive (for backups) with mounting problems. If I plug it in I get following error: http://pastebin.com/EBPYdJV6.09:44
TJ-linuxnoob: There's also inkscape, or the Windows program Sketchup (formerly Google Sketchup) that works well on wine09:45
hateballlinuxnoob: You can try removig the dirty flag with ntfsfix -d09:46
aczxI think I found the issue09:46
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TJ-linocisco: There's also inkscape, or the Windows program Sketchup (formerly Google Sketchup) that works well on wine09:46
aczxI had added vivid-updates to my repositories, which downloaded the legacy 304.128 driver. However, my kernel module has only gone up to 304.125. I just downgraded by "force version" in Synaptic to use 304.125, which came from the vivid repo.09:47
TJ-linuxnoob: sorry, tab-completion went wrong there!09:47
bujjiwhere can i find the chromium installaton directory09:47
akikvlt: you can download wpsoffice from here http://community.wps.cn/download/ (if the wps file is from wpsoffice)09:47
aczxI just wonder how I can get the kernel to upgrade to 304.128...09:47
linuxnoobTJ-, is the operation inside gparted -> partition -> check and repair SAFE?09:47
aczxI did this for OpelCL and CUDA too09:47
linuxnoobI get an warning so I guess not, but is this not as safe as removing a flag?09:47
bujjihello o/09:48
TJ-linuxnoob: The error tells you the problem. The NTFS MFT mirror is different to the primary MFT. That suggests Windows didn't cleanly close the file-system before you removed the device09:48
vltakik: WPS-Office is a thing? I had thought *.wps is from ancient MS Works :-D09:48
linociscoTJ-, thanks09:48
TJ-linuxnoob: any repair of NTFS file-systems on Linux is not recommended; always use the Windows tools for that09:48
linuxnoobI didn't use windows09:48
akikvlt: Jackevansevo asked whether you can open it in wpsoffice09:48
linuxnoobTJ-, I copied the files with ubuntu but I used NTFS because I wanted to use it later with windows09:49
vltakik: I’ll have to try that. Thank you very much.09:49
linuxnoobTJ-, ah. ok so I will use the windows tool. ty09:50
TJ-linuxnoob: It is safer (i.e. more recovery options) to use FAT32 to share file-systems with Windows.09:51
linuxnoobTJ-, but isn't there still the 4gb restriction?09:51
TJ-linuxnoob: for single files, yes.09:52
TJ-linuxnoob: That's Windows for you, I'm afraid!09:52
M4dH4TT3rim wondering if anyone knows the variable for set prompt in /home/user/.cshrc to change the color of the prompt to red?09:53
TJ-linuxnoob: I seem to recall there is a Windows ext* driver for Linux file-systems, if thats of any use. Only helps if you are only targeting Windows PCs you control of course.09:53
M4dH4TT3ryeah its called fs2ext or something like thaty09:54
M4dH4TT3rdo you have any idea what the variable is TJ?09:55
M4dH4TT3rhere come the clones09:56
TJ-M4dH4TT3r: I don't use c-shell; check its man-pages maybe?09:56
k1lM4dH4TT3r: what does the csh project say about prompt color?09:57
carpediembabySo I tried troubleshooting my trackpad issue. It is present in the xinput list. But when I do xinput --test [device id], nothing happens..09:57
M4dH4TT3rfrom everything ive read online all info is outdated and doesnt work, ive already tried man pages09:57
M4dH4TT3ri dont use c shell, its homework09:58
TJ-M4dH4TT3r: read the source-code then :)09:58
shooter2killhey all i install virtualbox and when i try to start the virtualbox it says missing kernel driver09:58
k1lM4dH4TT3r: c shell is a non standard shell. see their projects support. the chances that a user in here uses it are very low09:58
linuxnoobTJ-, I tried "ntfsf -d"  because I didn't remove most importand backup files yet and it worked.09:59
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k1lshooter2kill: what gives you "uname -a"?09:59
linuxnoobhateball, ty. "ntfsfix -d" did a great job09:59
shooter2killKLL ??09:59
k1lshooter2kill: its a terminal comman09:59
rsvi am trying to use a webcam, when i plug the webcam i get the message. but when i run camorama - it says /dev/video0 not proper device09:59
DennisZHey guys, is there a way to force-hide titlebars in certain applications (in gnome)?10:00
DennisZE.g. firefox has some 1000 px high titlebar with pointless information and a close button..10:00
M4dH4TT3rlooking at their docs now and they say they same non-working info everyone else does10:00
k1lM4dH4TT3r: find their support and tell them about it10:01
M4dH4TT3r% and /n /e dont work anymore10:01
k1lshooter2kill: so its a 15.04. is the package "linux-generic" installed?10:01
shooter2killno idea10:01
shooter2killi downloaded it from sofware centre10:02
M4dH4TT3ri dont have that kinda time kll10:02
k1lshooter2kill: then do a "sudo apt update && sudo apt install linux-generic"10:02
k1lM4dH4TT3r: me neither10:02
loahow i can get core dump under ubuntu?10:03
shooter2killjust so i know while its installing what am i trying to do by installing sudo apt install linux-generic10:03
TJ-M4dH4TT3r: it's your homework, not ours. I just pulled the source and looked at the csh.c::printprompt() function and also 'grep prompt *' to get an idea. If I can do that in 2 minutes, so can you10:04
k1lshooter2kill: that is a meta-package. it makes sure you got the latest kernel and the matching kernel-headers. that is needed to build the kernel moduls. it seems like that was the cause it could not build that vbox module10:04
shooter2killsweet thanks mate10:05
M4dH4TT3rTJ if you dont want to help me then just log off, yes its my homework and im seeking help because ive exhausted every resource at my disposal10:05
k1lshooter2kill: eventually you still need to make yourself a member of the vboxusers group on your system.10:06
k1lshooter2kill: "sudo adduser $USER vboxusers "10:06
k1lshooter2kill: after that you need to relogin to the desktop10:07
TJ-M4dH4TT3r: We've just told you how to find the info you seek. It's not an Ubuntu support issue. Try the CSH project10:07
shooter2killoh ok K1l just so ya know what im looking at10:07
M4dH4TT3rand i did10:07
akikthere's the ext2fsd program which provides access to ext3/ext4 partitions from windows10:08
O_OniGiriHi guys, I am trying to install elementary OS, but after the installation it does not boot and elementary is nowhere to be found :S Hope someone can help me10:09
k1l!elementary | O_OniGiri10:09
ubottuO_OniGiri: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.10:09
M4dH4TT3rthats the one akik10:09
shooter2killK1l: hey mate done what ya said same error10:16
k1lshooter2kill: what is the output of "groups" now?10:16
shooter2killnot sure what ya asking10:17
shooter2killim getting the very same error as i did before10:17
k1lput the command "groups" into a terminal and get a line of output. please put that into here10:18
k1lor tell me if vboxusers is named in that output10:18
shooter2killshooter2kill adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare vboxusers10:18
k1lok, so that cant be the cause now.10:18
k1l"sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup"  as a command into the terminal.10:19
shooter2killcmd not found10:19
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k1l"sudo service vboxdrv setup"10:20
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shooter2killvboxdrv: unrecognized service10:20
shooter2killyou think this program would be widley used on ubuntu10:21
GimbleProstheticWhat´s the problem with virtualbox?10:22
k1lshooter2kill: sudo apt-get install virtualbox-dkms10:22
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shooter2killgimble i keep getting a error10:23
shooter2killim creating another VM just have to wait a sec to test but have installed sudo apt-get install virtualbox-dkms10:25
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k1lshooter2kill: wait, is this inside a vm already?10:26
shooter2killim running ubuntu ...with virtualbox on it10:26
shooter2killand trying to install a OS on the virtualbox10:27
Ben64what is the host system10:27
shooter2killim running ubuntu10:27
Ben64more details10:27
shooter2killim running ubuntu 14.04 LTS i wanted to running kali also so i installed virtualbox after installing VB i created i ran in and selected what i wanted after pressing the start button on VB i got this errror10:29
k1lshooter2kill: ah wait its 14.04?10:30
shooter2killscratches head10:30
shooter2killwhat did you think i was running?10:30
k1lshooter2kill: make sure the package "linux-generic-lts-vivid" is installed10:30
k1lshooter2kill: 15.0410:30
Ben64thats why you should always give as much information as possible10:31
shooter2killi thought because 14.04 is the latest lts its the standard thing people would think everyone was running unless stated otherwise10:32
auspetrolG'day, my install is borked after running an update. Are you guys able to help, or is that more the realm of ##linux?10:33
Ben6414.04 comes with kernel 3.13 usually10:33
Ben64auspetrol: depends10:33
auspetrolIt looks to be graphics related. Hang on, let me paste the error from xsession_errors10:34
shooter2killok so after reading and viewing the screenshot do you know the prob of the error10:34
auspetrolupstart: logrotate main process (3077) killed by TERM signal10:34
auspetrolupstart: upstart-dbus-session-bridge main process (3117) ter10:34
auspetrolminated with status 110:34
Ben64auspetrol: give details, so far all you've indicated is that you have an install of linux that isn't working10:34
TJ-shooter2kill: 14.04 (Trusty) is the latest Long Term Support (LTS), but 15.04 (Vivid) is the latest release - until next month when 15.10 Wily is released10:34
auspetroldamn app, sorry, hang on10:34
auspetrolIt copied the wrong thing, hate working from my phone10:35
Ben64auspetrol: and don't paste a bunch of stuff in the channel10:35
auspetrolOkay, how should i provide the detail? Sorry mate!10:35
shooter2killTJ thats fine i only run LTS versions10:35
Ben64first, explain the issue fully10:35
TJ-auspetrol: boot the system into Recovery mode (GRUB menu, Advanced > Recovery) then you can check the logs of the failed boot10:35
auspetrolIt boots, but a login kicks me back out again10:36
adsca GUI login?10:36
auspetrol~/.xsession_errors contains an error about atifgxextension10:36
k1lshooter2kill: does "sudo modprobe vboxdrv" now work?10:36
TJ-shooter2kill: To keep up with support for recent hardware on LTS releases, we backport the kernel and GPU support from later releases, hence k1l recommending the "linux-generic-lts-vivid" package - that brings the later kernel10:36
TJ-auspetrol: Does a Guest login work?10:37
shooter2killsudo modprobe vboxdrv does not work10:37
auspetrolGrr, im sick of my phone kicking me off irc.10:38
TJ-shooter2kill: What error does it report?10:38
auspetrolTJ-: no, it doesnt, same symptoms10:38
Ben64auspetrol: come on, don't make people fight you to get information.10:38
TJ-auspetrol: Well... that's progress of a sort! at least you know the issue is not user-specific!10:38
Ben64auspetrol: computer specs, linux version, what did you do before it stopped working, etc10:39
k1l_shooter2kill: so did you now install the package i requested or not?10:39
k1l_<k1l> shooter2kill: make sure the package "linux-generic-lts-vivid" is installed10:39
shooter2killyes i did10:39
k1l_shooter2kill: that should have build the kernel module, so there is something really weird on you system10:39
auspetrolBen64: core2quad Q6600, 6gb ram (from memory). Linux version is now 15.04. I ran an update and it broke10:39
shooter2killvery standard system here10:40
auspetrolUbuntu version sorry10:40
Ben64auspetrol: ubuntu? kubuntu? lubuntu? xubuntu? edubuntu? what update10:40
auspetrolIt's been a long day. Ubuntu10:40
k1l_shooter2kill: close vbox. then run "sudo apt-get install --reinstall virtualbox"10:41
gtristan2 or 3 years ago, I recall trying a dist-upgrade and royally screwing up my system... I have one of those weird laptops with intel/nvidia graphics chipsets (the crappy intel one is listed first on the bus), I usually solve this with this bumblebee ppa10:42
k1l_shooter2kill: after that command is done put all the output into a pastebin service and show the link here.10:42
TJ-shooter2kill: did "sudo modprobe vboxdrv" report an error? if it just returned to the command-line silently, that indicates it was succesful. You can check if the module was loaded with "lsmod | grep vbox"10:42
gtristanNow, I am considering risking it10:42
TJ-k1l_: just noticed, if -vivid is installed, a reboot is required of course10:43
Ben64gtristan: newer versions of ubuntu don't need bumblebee10:43
k1l_gtristan: bumblebee is deprecated. nvidia now ships nvidia-prime which can handle intel and nvidia hybrid setups10:43
gtristanit would really be great, if it would work... but if I run the risk of having a non-bootable system again, I would rather save myself the hassle10:43
gtristanso, now I have ubuntu 12.0410:43
k1l_TJ-: he was already running 3.19 kernel so i think he was just missing headers.10:44
gtristanand I wonder... is it safe ?10:44
TJ-k1l_: ahhh!10:44
Ben64gtristan: time to upgrade to 14.0410:44
auspetrolIs what is in ~/.xsession_errors10:45
gtristanwhewww.... ok I'll prepare a bootable USB first, and backup my home on my external harddisk10:45
gtristan... just in case10:45
k1l_gtristan: of course backups are always a good idea10:45
auspetrolAnd the gpu is a Radeon HD 687010:45
shooter2killok i have unistalled virtualbox and downloaded the .deb file from virtualbox site10:46
Ben64shooter2kill: why10:46
shooter2killim going to try and install it that way and see if that works better10:46
auspetrolI tried an aticonfig --initial, also did a dist-upgrade since it stopped working10:46
k1l_shooter2kill: *sigh*10:46
shooter2kill<GimbleProsthetic> the site is blocked. I am at work so to say. For me the following never failed:10:46
shooter2kill<GimbleProsthetic> sudo apt-get install dkms linux-headers-$(uname -r)10:46
shooter2kill<GimbleProsthetic> then head over to the virtualbox website and download the .deb package https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads10:46
shooter2kill<GimbleProsthetic> then do sudo dpkg -i yourpackage.deb (if it fails issue sudo apt-get -f install) . Should work10:46
k1l_shooter2kill: nice, dont listen to the known supporters in here but what a guys tells you in PM....10:47
shooter2killi thought you had given up10:48
TJ-auspetrol: Try starting the system in 'text' (non-GUI) mode. At the GRUB boot menu highlight the Ubuntu entry, press 'E' to edit it, navigate to the line starting "linux ..", edit the line removing "quiet splash" and add "text" then press Ctrl+X or F10 to boot with that10:48
auspetrolRoger TJ-, thanks, ill give that a go10:48
Ben64shooter2kill: k1l_ gave you some things to do, you never reported back10:48
shooter2killcause you said "sudo apt-get install --reinstall virtualbox" i thought well i might as well try the .deb10:48
k1l_shooter2kill: do what you want, i am not interested anymore, since you dont do what i ask you to do.10:49
shooter2killthat i was doing the same thing10:49
k1l_shooter2kill: thats because we need precise erromessages and dont know what the hell of a mess your system is that such easy things like vbox dont work.10:49
auronandaceshooter2kill: installing a .deb from a website is not the same as using the software in the repo10:49
shooter2killok ok im only new to all this ...10:50
Ben64installing random debs from wherever a guy in a private chat tells you gets you into problems like this10:50
shooter2killi really cant tell the difference between someone that is random and someone that isnt ben6410:51
shooter2killhow does one tell10:51
Ben64well if someone PMs you instead of saying it in the channel where people can make sure the information is good, thats a sign10:51
shooter2killi thought wanting me to uninstall was what was wanted and i thought well maybe the .deb will be better ..10:51
auronandaceshooter2kill: you listened to somebody from a PM but not the people in the official #ubuntu help channel10:51
shooter2killmate i didnt know there was a differene10:52
auronandaceshooter2kill: now you do know10:52
shooter2killlisten learnt10:52
shooter2killi was def not trying to be rude sorry if it seemed so10:53
Ben64well when someone is trying to help you and you ignore them... its pretty rude10:53
auspetrolTJ-: no dice, replacing quiet splash with text, still cant log into X, i forgot to say I can login over SSH. And that the screen goes blank after typing in my password, like its trying to log me back in, but then returns to the login screen10:53
TJ-shooter2kill: The dailog box image you showed earlier isn't specific about the underlying cause of the issue, it suggests 2 possibles, so we need to discover the underlying cause. Having an installation that matches what we expect is key to diagnosing it10:53
TJ-auspetrol: When it started in 'text' mode did you get a console login prompt and were able to login?10:54
shooter2killBen64 i wasnt ignoring i thought i was being asked to uninstall and reinstall i thought i was using my head by thinking install .deb10:54
shooter2killi was trying to help with the helping if that makes sence10:54
Ben64<k1l_> shooter2kill: close vbox. then run "sudo apt-get install --reinstall virtualbox"10:54
auspetrolTJ-: ehh.. It booted without the splash screen, but it automatically opened X10:55
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Ben64quite clear it doesn't mean go download a deb and install it10:55
TJ-auspetrol: Hmmm! which release of Ubuntu is it?10:55
shooter2killyes once seeing that i thought maybe installing the .deb version is what im doing wrong10:55
auspetrolTJ-: just updated to 15.04 last night, it's base Ubuntu though, none of the derivatives10:55
TJ-auspetrol: I assumed 14.04 which uses Upstart init daemon, but if its 15.04 and is using systemd (aha!) then instead of 'text' add "systemd.unit=multiuser.target" and try again :)10:56
shooter2killBen64 as i said i didnt mean anything by it i thought i was doing the right thing10:56
Ben64shooter2kill: so did you run that yet10:56
shooter2killill do it now ...sorry10:56
TJ-auspetrol: if you can boot it to a console and log-in, you can control the starting of X ("sudo systemctl start lightdm"  and handle errors without being locked out10:57
auspetrolAh, ill give that a go. Although i kind of killed my ttys, i was trying to increase the resolution, found something from the ubuntu forums which said to edit /etc/default/grub and change gfxmode... That's going to be a problem10:57
auspetrolThey are black now... Oops. :/10:57
auspetrolThe resolution i set was listed in vbeinfo :/10:58
TJ-auspetrol: OK, use the ssh session to edit "/etc/default/grub" and comment out the change you made, then do "sudo update-grub" to install the change, and try rebooting and using the multiuser.target parameter10:58
auspetrol_roger, i'll do that10:59
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TJ-auspetrol_: getting to a physical console is key to being able to swiftly manage the issue10:59
shooter2killok so this is what happened10:59
auspetrolTJ-: oh yeah, I hear that. I spent an hour trying to get openssh to install inside a chrooted environment from a livecd :/11:00
auspetrolturns out when you bind dev to chroot/dev, it doesn't also bind dev/pts!11:01
Ben64shooter2kill: apt-cache policy linux-headers-generic-lts-vivid linux-headers-3.19.0-30 linux-headers-3.19.0-30-generic11:04
auspetrolTJ-: can you give me that bit to add to grub again, I forgot to save it when I switched clients - sorry!11:05
TJ-auspetrol: "systemd.unit=multiuser.target"11:05
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:05
auspetrolawesome, thanks. give me 511:06
auspetrolokays, i've got my terminal up, directly logged into root, what did you say to do next?11:07
TJ-auspetrol: I think the first thing is to try and find clues as to what  upgraded packages were installed last, and whether any caused errors. Shortcut first: "sudo apt-get -f install" in case there are broken packages. Tell us if it reports any11:08
Ben64shooter2kill: sudo apt-get install build-essential dkms && sudo dpkg-reconfigure dkms11:09
auspetrolnegative on the broken packages, that returned no results (which i'm frankly surprised about, this install has been dragged through a fair number of ubuntu versions lol11:10
shooter2killok doing that now11:11
TJ-auspetrol: well that's good in a way11:11
shooter2killok mate that is done11:11
Ben64shooter2kill: what was the output11:12
TJ-auspetrol: Now, check the most recent Xorg log file. Identify its name first with "ls -latr /var/log/" and then pastebin it with "pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.<whatever>.log" and tell us the URL11:12
wzInPShello guys! i just conntect my new hdd...i want to install ubuntu on hdd2...atm im in hdd1(windows 7) and in "Disk Management" should i choose MBR or GPT?11:13
Ben64shooter2kill: hmm, try just sudo dpkg-reconfigure dkms11:14
auronandacewzInPS: if your new harddisk already has windows on it then you don't want to change the MBR11:14
shooter2killben:shooter2kill@shooter:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure dkms11:15
TJ-wzInPS: if HDD2 currently has nothing on it, leave it alone with Windows Disk Management. Let the Ubuntu installer do the disk partitioning.11:15
Ben64shooter2kill: ls -ld /var/lib/dkms/*11:16
wzInPSauronandace: the new hdd(2) has nothing...im in windows 7 hdd(1) and i want to install ubuntu on hdd(2) - (new installation)11:16
wzInPSTJ-: oh, okay! so there is no problem! :) thank you again!11:16
TJ-wzInPS: The installer has a partitioning step that gives several options. Make sure you choose the emtpy drive at that point, of course!11:17
wzInPSTJ-: while install, ubuntu will recognise the new hdd?11:17
Ben64wzInPS: yep11:18
TJ-wzInPS: Yes. The installer is a full Linux kernel running so it'll recognise all hardware, it jsut has a custom installer GUI with only the apps needed for installing a system.11:18
auspetrolTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12610827/ - is this text mode supposed to not enable the network on its own? I had to ifconfig eth0 up and then dhclient eth0 to get it to work... (think those are the commands I used)11:18
Ben64shooter2kill: ok, can you run virtualbox now11:18
shooter2killno i still get the same error11:19
TJ-auspetrol: ah, assuming it has Network Manager, then you should do "nmcli con" to get the connection IDs, then do "nmcli con up id "Connection Name" :)11:19
wzInPSTJ-, Ben64: i got win7/ubuntu dual boot on hdd1...and i'll install ubuntu(new) on hdd2...so: on installation i choose "Something else..." ?11:19
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Ben64shooter2kill: find /var/lib/dkms/v* | grep ko$11:19
TJ-auspetrol: line 460. "[   124.563] (EE) fglrx(0): atiddxDriScreenInit failed. Probably kernel module missing or incompatible"11:19
Ben64wzInPS: easy way would be to disconnect hdd1 for the install11:20
shooter2killno output11:20
auspetrolTJ-: Ah, my bad. i'm used to doing things the old fashioned way haha11:20
auspetroloh, that's odd. should I apt-get purge the fglrx driver and reinstall perhaps?11:21
Ben64shooter2kill: find /var/lib/dkms/v* | grep log11:21
TJ-auspetrol: not yet, let's figure out why it failed.11:21
auronandacewzInPS: if you do disconnect the 1st harddisk for the install it would mean you would have to update grub on the first disk when you reconnect it to pick up your second harddisk installation in grub11:21
wzInPSBen64: oh! sounds cool...also i saw this guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbwWUO8ImPI11:21
WaziKHello, where do I have to write to ask for making build for my device?11:21
TJ-auspetrol: "dmesg | pastebinit" please11:21
wzInPSauronandace: hmm...maybe its better not to disconnect it? i dont like grub problems... :/11:22
auspetrolTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12610872/11:22
auronandacewzInPS: no problem, it just means after you login to your 1st ubuntu installation you just need to run sudo update-grub11:23
WaziKHow much do i have to pay to have a build for my device?11:23
auronandaceWaziK: what do you mean?11:24
Ben64WaziK: if one doesn't exist already, it probably won't11:24
Ben64WaziK: not sure how you found a device that won't run ubuntu11:24
TJ-auspetrol: "pastebinit <( lspci -nnk -s 01:00.0 )"11:24
auronandaceWaziK: are you talking about ubuntu touch?11:24
shooter2killsorry ben i didnt see your last post11:25
WaziKI am talking about cyanogenmod. Am I on good irc btw? :D11:25
wzInPSauronandace: nice, so i just disconnect->install->connectAgain->sudo update-grub(old ubuntu)->end?11:25
Ben64WaziK: this channel is for Ubuntu support only11:25
auronandacewzInPS: yup11:25
WaziKOu, sorry. Something went wrong :D11:25
auronandace!alis | WaziK11:25
ubottuWaziK: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*11:25
Ben64shooter2kill: pastebin the make.log file11:26
wzInPSauronandace: okay! and something more: someone told me to creat swapPartition on the end...what does this means?11:26
WaziKOk, thank you :)11:26
auspetrolTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12610902/11:26
auronandacewzInPS: swap is needed for hibernation and is helpful if you run out of physical ram11:27
shooter2killsorry ben how do i do that11:27
auronandacewzInPS: for hibernation it must be at least the same size as your ram11:27
auronandace!partition | wzInPS11:27
ubottuwzInPS: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PartitioningSchemes l - For partitioning programs see !GParted, or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap11:27
TJ-auspetrol: Right! The command option '-k' asks lspci to list the kernel driver in use. Note there isn't one. So the fix is probably to get that built for the current kernel version. I assume it uses DKMS to do that11:27
wzInPSauronandace: but what does "at the end" means?11:27
TJ-auspetrol: "pastebinit <( dkms status )"11:28
auspetrolwell, that'll do it alright!11:28
auronandacewzInPS: doesn't really matter where the swap patition is located11:28
auronandacewzInPS: gparted gives you a nice graphical representation of where your partitions are located on the disk11:29
wzInPSauronandace: nice...and last of all: do you suggest me do root and home seseparately?11:29
shooter2killben64: that not what i did a few lines above your last msg?11:29
TJ-auspetrol: what does "uname -r" show you?11:30
auronandacewzInPS: depends on your needs, i tend to just have a / partition and almost never bother with swap since i never suspend/hibernate11:30
auspetrolTJ-: 3.13.0-45-generic11:30
TJ-auspetrol: Hmmm. You notice your current kernel version is not the same as the DKMS kernel the fglrx module is built for?11:31
TJ-auspetrol: did you boot to an older kernel version deliberately?11:31
auspetrolhmm, that's odd. Nah, I didn't - I used the first option, which is just listed as Ubuntu11:31
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auronandacewzInPS: i also prefer to have a separate storage partition that i add to fstab so that all my files are separate from the OS, makes installing new releases a lot easier/safer11:32
TJ-auspetrol: let's take a detour and check this out then. The DKMS listed kernel version is from 15.04 but your current boot kernel is from 14.0411:32
TJ-auspetrol: and I think you said you'd just release-upgraded from 14.04 to 15.04?11:32
auspetrolTJ-: affirmative, sure did11:32
TJ-auspetrol: so you went 14.04 > 14.10 > 15.04 ?11:32
wzInPSauronandace: is possible to do this separate storage partition after the installation(with only root partition)?11:33
auspetrolTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12610970/ < my /boot/grub/grub.cfg doesn't even contain the string 3.19 (if that helps)11:33
auronandacewzInPS: sure11:33
liftNew Skylake build here and I just fixed some weird graphics flickering issue (on both 3.19 and 4.3) and kworker @ 100% CPU by disabling an acpi interrupt.  Can anyone explain why this worked, and if this was an appropriate solution?11:34
auspetrolI can't remember what I was on before. To start with, my ubuntu install was prompting me for updates (has been for a while), so I hit install - finally. then it wouldn't boot. so in the hope it would fix it, i logged in and did an apt-get dist-upgrade11:34
wzInPSauronandace: excellent! really thank you!11:35
wzInPSi appreciate the work you're doing here guys! ;)11:35
TJ-auspetrol: dist-upgrade doesn't do a release upgrade. You'd need to do "do-release-upgrade" for that. What does "pastebinit <( lsb_release -a )" report?11:35
liftnevermind, graphics are still flickering a bit, but not as bad...11:36
auspetrolTJ-: doesn't it? well, I assumed it upgraded the distribution! ha! teach me to assume! what does dist-upgrade do then? also: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12611024/11:37
TJ-auspetrol: something is weird here since to have systemd-initd the 15.04 userspace must be installed, but the kernel is still the 14.04 kernel. Let's check that with "pastebinit <( ls /boot/{vmlinuz,initrd}*; dpkg -l 'linux-image*' )"11:37
TJ-auspetrol: dist-upgrade will install new versions of packages, whereas upgrade will only install fixes to existing versions11:38
akiklift: can you share what & how you did in disabling the acpi interrupt?11:38
TJ-auspetrol: hang on! typo, wait11:38
TJ-auspetrol:  False alarm - as you were, the command is OK11:39
auspetrolTJ-: haha, know that feeling! http://paste.ubuntu.com/12611053/11:39
auronandace!dist-upgrade | auspetrol11:39
ubottuauspetrol: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.11:39
liftakik: "grep . -r /sys/firmware/acpi/interrupts/", then look for one with a high count, it will be much higher than everything else (all others were 0), mine was gpe6F.  Then get root and do # echo "disable" > /sys/firmware/acpi/interrupts/gpe6F11:40
TJ-auspetrol: there's something wrong here; here's the list of Vivid (15.04) kernel versions:  http://packages.ubuntu.com/vivid/linux-image11:40
auspetrolDo I need to run do-release-upgrade then? since I didn't run that earlier?11:40
TJ-auspetrol: This *is* a bare-metal PC isn't it - not a virtual machine?11:41
auspetrolTJ-: yep, it's a real PC11:41
noidea_how do i get mp3 files to play in firefox with gmail11:41
TJ-auspetrol: for the first time in a very long time I'm stumped. I cannot conceive of how the system can get into that state!11:41
TJ-k1l_: are you watching? can you cross-check me on this auspetrol issue?11:42
auronandacenoidea_: i don't think gmail is intended for playing mp3s inside your browser11:42
auspetrolTJ-: well, at least it's not the same old "i forgot my password" issues that you get on a normal helpdesk!11:42
k1l_TJ-: about what cross check?11:44
TJ-k1l_: auspetrol: summary: lsb_release indicates 15.04 userspace, and it boots using systemd which confirms that. 15.04 uses kernel version 3.19, but the only kernels installed are 3.13, although "dkms status" shows "fglrx-core, 15.200, 3.19.0-30-generic, x86_64: installed"11:44
auronandaceauspetrol: you only got the one 3.16 kernel?11:44
k1l_TJ-: seems missing linux-generic package11:45
auspetrolauronandace, 3.13 kernel11:45
k1l_auspetrol: "apt-cache policy linux-generic"11:45
auronandaceauspetrol: i see 3.16 in there along with the 3.13 ones11:45
TJ-k1l_: lsb_release: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12611024/  Kernels: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12611053/ dmesg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12610872/11:45
k1l_could be an issue with the enablement stack installs 14.04.5 etc that they dont get the regular kernel meta package back when upgradeing to non LTS11:46
noidea_auronandace:  it goes to a player window just no sound11:46
auspetrolauronandace, oh, really? I'm booting with 3.13 though11:46
TJ-k1l_: I'm trying to figure out how this could happen, since to get to 15.04 from 14.04 requires 2 release-upgrades (14.04 > 14.10 > 15.04)11:46
TJ-k1l_: cannot imagine 2 release-upgrades both failing to upgrade the kernels11:47
auronandaceauspetrol: what is your sources.list set to?11:47
k1l_auspetrol: and a "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" please in a pastebin too11:47
TJ-auspetrol: "pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list"11:47
auspetrolauronandace, k1l_, TJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/12611153/11:48
TJ-auspetrol: k1l_ I don't want to recommend force-installing the 15.04 kernel until we know what is going on here, else we might break it worse11:48
k1l_there we go. source.list already set to vivid11:48
TJ-k1l_: can we do 14.04 > 15.04 directly?11:48
k1l_auspetrol: did you do some upgrades intentionally?11:49
TJ-k1l_: yes, I expected that. Everything about userspace indicates 15.04, but the kernel is 2 releases old, and how the hell did DKMS build a 3.19 fglrx-core module!?11:49
k1l_TJ-: iirc no. but if you manually change the sources.list it could go through.11:49
auronandacenoidea_: installed any codecs?11:50
auspetrolk1l_, my box was prompting me to update - has been for a while - so I did the update. On reboot, I couldn't log in - X login prompt, enter username and pass, black, back to login. So I ran an apt-get dist-upgrade, no dice. That's when I came to you guys11:50
k1l_TJ-: imho its 2 regular upgrade to 14.10 and 15.04. but since on 14.04.5 is no linux-generic (but that lts linux-generic packages) installed it doesnt install the proper kernels after the upgrade due to that missing meta package.11:50
TJ-k1l_: Hmmm, yes, that's possible. auspetrol Over to you to solve this mystery of how you went about doing the upgrade! You said earlier you did a "dist-upgrade" - if so, that implies you *also* manually changed "/etc/apt/sources.list" to point to vivid?11:51
auronandace!mp3 | noidea_11:51
ubottunoidea_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:51
noidea_auronandace:  i have gstreamer etc11:51
k1l_TJ-: imho installing the linux-generic should fix at least that kernel mess.11:51
TJ-k1l_: I think the key here is auspetrol told me he only did "apt-get dist-upgrade"11:51
auspetrolTJ-, negative, I didn't change the sources.list, haven't for >6 months11:51
auspetrolin fact, probably >12 months11:51
TJ-k1l_: auspetrol Yes, I think that is the way to go. "sudo apt-get install linux--generic"11:52
auronandacenoidea_: there are several gstreamer packages, if you don't have plugins-bad or plugins-ugly then that is likely why you can't play mp3s in firefox11:52
TJ-k1l_: The system must have the 3.19 headers for DKMS to build the module11:52
noidea_auronandace:  i have it11:52
auspetrolTJ-, roger, i'll run the command11:52
TJ-auspetrol: "sudo apt-get install linux-generic"11:53
auspetrolah, I was wondering about the double hyphen. it has listed 3.19 as to be installed11:53
auronandacenoidea_: hmm, have you tried downloading it and playing it offline to check if mp3 playback is actually working?11:53
noidea_auronandace:  yup11:54
auspetrolwell, I feel better about not being able to figure out this issue now! I do pride myself on being fairly linux savvy, but this error was odd!11:54
ioriaTJ- maybe he did something trying to install fglrx...11:54
knobGood morning!11:54
auronandacenoidea_: most strange, sorry i'm not of much help, i tend to listen to mp3s offline and i use chromium rather than firefox11:54
auspetrolalso, what's the recommended way to enable numlock on boot? do I have to dig out the forum post on what files to edit? or is there a GUI option for it now? I can11:55
auspetrolI can't be the only one who prefers numlock on boot, surely?11:55
ioriaauspetrol, have you looked at your bios ?11:56
auspetrolas far as I know it's set to enable numlock on boot - it used to work fine in Windows, when I had it on this machine, it's just Ubuntu hates it for some reason11:57
auspetrolTJ-: new kernel is installed, is there anything else you would like me to run before reboot?11:57
ioria!info numlockx11:59
ubottunumlockx (source: numlockx): enable NumLock in X11 sessions. In component main, is optional. Version 1.2-7 (vivid), package size 8 kB, installed size 68 kB11:59
auspetrolah, awesome! thanks ioria!11:59
ioriaauspetrol, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NumLock12:00
auspetrolsaw the first bit: me: "yay! proper option to do it now!" read the bit about doesn't take effect at login console. me: "aww!"12:01
TJ-auspetrol: I think you can attempt a reboot :)12:03
auspetrolTJ-: okay, fingers crossed! :)12:04
icmaxWhat should I do here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12611331/12:05
TJ-I'm still puzzled on how DKMS could build a module for v3.19 kernel if that kernel wasn't installed and running!12:05
HackerIIlemmings xchat script12:05
auronandaceicmax: did you read it?12:05
auspetrolmoment of truth!!!12:06
icmaxauronandace: Yes. It says the packages are no longer required. But I'm worried whether it may delete anything important.12:06
auronandaceicmax: can you show us the output of: uname -a12:07
icmaxLinux ubuntu-linux 3.19.0-30-generic #33~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 22 09:27:00 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux12:07
auspetrolTJ-, I have a desktop that looks suspiciously like the one I had before! score! :D thanks mate!! and thanks k1l_ and anyone else who had a part in helping!12:07
auronandaceicmax: so all those kernels are older than the one you are running, so it is safe to remove them if you really want to12:08
auspetrolaaaaaaaand looks like I have no menu bar or launcher on the side (whatever you call that thing). damn. :'(12:08
auronandaceicmax: it is usually good practice to keep a known working kernel as a backup incase you need it12:08
TJ-auspetrol: Grrr @ Unity. check $HOME/.xsession-errors for clues12:09
icmaxauronandace: So it'd be preferable if I didn't remove these packages?12:09
k1l_auspetrol: does guest account work properly?12:09
auronandaceicmax: do you know if you have a separate /boot partition?12:09
roryI have this: if [[ $env =~ (pre)?prod ]]12:09
roryhow do I negate it? bash doesn't like !=~12:10
icmaxauronandace: I think I've only got one /boot partition. But I'm not quite sure...12:10
TJ-rory: ! predicate before the entire expression12:10
auronandaceicmax: you can fire up gparted to take a look12:10
auspetrolk1l_, how can I log out of my account without any menu bars?12:10
roryif ![[ $env =~ (pre)?prod ]] ?12:10
roryIt doesn't like that TJ-12:10
auronandaceicmax: if you do have a small /boot partition then you don't want loads of kernels taking up space12:11
TJ-rory: "if [[ ! $env =~ (pre)?prod ]]"12:11
auspetrolTJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/12611383/ < .xsession_errors12:11
roryif ![[ $env =~ (pre)?prod ]] ?12:11
roryty TJ-12:11
auronandaceicmax: it is usually a good idea to have 3 kernels on your system at any one time (fedora automatically does this and removes older ones as newer ones are installed)12:12
icmaxauronandace: How do I check in gparted?12:12
TJ-auspetrol: no clues there. I don't use Unity but I do see many people report this. Someone else familiar with Unity will beed to step in now12:12
auspetrolI'm rebooting the PC to check the guest account, not sure how to log out without a logout button lol12:12
auronandaceicmax: have you launched gparted?12:12
icmaxauronandace: Yup.12:13
k1l_auspetrol: sudo service lightdm restart12:13
ioriaauspetrol, sudo service lightdm restart12:13
auronandaceicmax: what partitions do you see?12:13
icmaxaurondace: I see /dev/sda{1..3}12:14
auronandaceicmax: any of them mounted as /boot?12:14
icmaxauronandace: /dev/sda1 => /boot/efi12:14
liftakik: I seem to have fixed my intel graphics screen tearing issue with Skylake by turning on compton and using glx as the backend with vsync on.12:15
auspetrolmenus are visible under the guest login. so something odd with my account then!12:15
auronandaceicmax: great, i hate uefi systems.. can you take a screenshot for me please12:15
auspetrolany ideas?12:15
auronandace!screenshot | icmax12:15
ubottuicmax: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here.12:15
akiklift: have you activated the tearfree option?12:15
liftakik: where's that option at?12:16
ioriaauspetrol, which is the last command you issued (before reboot) ?12:16
k1l_auspetrol: log into tty1 (ctrl+alt+f1, come back with ctrl+alt+f7), log into your account, then "mv .config .configbackup". then get back to login screen and try to login12:16
auspetrolioria: apt-get install linux-generic12:16
akiklift: you can add it to xorg config12:16
TJ-auspetrol: I recall someone saying a dmrc file under .config was responsible. Try "find $HOME/.config -name '*dmrc*' "12:17
akiklift: https://atkdinosaurus.wordpress.com/2015/09/06/collection-of-kde-related-configuration-changes/12:17
ioriaauspetrol, do what k1l_ said , if not working urge fglrx*12:17
TJ-auspetrol: ioria: I think it's caused because when the kernels were broken X couldn't start due to no fglrx kernel module, and left something in the user config12:17
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ioriaTJ- he can purge them... or not ?12:18
auspetrolive issued the move command, just waiting for it to finish logging in guest so i can logout and check... forgot no numlock :(12:18
TJ-ioria: I'd say not... the drivers are OK, it's a bad config entry causing this.12:18
auspetroland we have a winner!!!12:18
icmaxauronandace: http://imgur.com/5dfajrL12:19
TJ-auspetrol: look for the *dmrc* file in the .config/ you moved, I think that'll be where the problem is12:19
TJ-auspetrol: moving everything out of .config means many apps have lost access to their own settings12:19
k1l_auspetrol: ok, so if you want some old settings back look into the .configbackup folder and copy that stuff back to the .config folder.12:20
auronandaceicmax: looks good, you can keep the kernls installed if they don't bother you much12:20
reactormonkhow do I enable otr in empathy in gnome?12:21
icmaxauronandace: What's the unallocated bit?12:21
liftakik: Makes me wonder why that isn't enabled by default?12:21
liftakik: that seemed to do the trick, just added that option, rebooted, and no tearing :)12:22
jmacdonaldany snort users kicking around?12:23
auronandaceicmax: nothing to worry about, you won't be missing that 1mb of space12:23
auspetrolTJ_: should i not be able to just go "find . -name *dmrc*"? or am i doing something stupid? (it *is* stupid time of night after all...)12:23
akiklift: success!12:23
auspetrolah. like i said, stupid.12:23
akiklift: which application did you test with?12:23
TJ-auspetrol: Just looked back in the logs to a previous user with the same issue, but they never reported what fixed it12:24
auspetroli tried running the find command in the correct directory this time, still no hits though...12:24
icmaxauronandace: Yeah that won't be a problem but I'm wondering why it's unallocated?12:24
liftakik: mpv and scrolling quickly in a browser and files12:24
TJ-auspetrol: apparently, in their case, removing "$HOME/.dmrc" didn't help, but you could look at that file, maybe move it to a back-up12:24
auronandaceicmax: if i remember correctly it is to do with how partitions line up with the physical sectors of the disk12:25
auspetrolTJ-: the moving the .config worked, just not sure what in there is the issue...12:25
auspetrolshould I try copying everything except the unity directories?12:25
auspetrol(back from the backup to the .config)12:26
TJ-auspetrol: worth a try for sure12:26
TJ-auspetrol: I really get annoyed with the patchy logging for user sessions12:26
liftakik: I was just going ot fall back to using my 770GTX, but I really wanted to use that just for the GPU passthrough for gaming.  Pretty much the ONLY reason I ever need windows is games that aren't supported on Linux.  I decided to make the switch with this new build instead of going to W10.12:26
icmaxauronandace: I've also got another problem with ubuntu. I've seemed to have got it fixed but  do you know what could be the problem? My touchpad doesn't work but when I add the line "blacklist i2c-hid" in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf it works fine....12:26
auspetrolTJ_: fair enough!!12:27
TJ-icmax: Some devices on the IIC bus mis-report themselves and end up being controlled by the wrong driver. By blacklisting the IIC Human Interface Device driver you avoid that happening12:27
akiklift: it seems to be a reason for a lot of people, to use windows almost only for gaming12:28
auronandaceicmax: modprobe is responsible for loading kernel modules, it must be that that particular module interferes with your touchpad, hence why blacklisting it makes your touchpad work12:28
bujjiinstallaion directory for chrome where can i find12:28
liftakik: I spend too much time in PuTTY while in windows it seems anyways ;)12:29
akiklift: and the way windows seems to be going forward, windows 8.1 looks to be the last version i'm installing12:29
bujjiakik: o/12:29
icmaxauronandace: Is it possible that something else might have stopped working at the cost of the touchpad now working by blacklisting i2c-hid ?12:30
auspetrolTJ_, k1l_, returned everything but unity and unity3d to the new .config folder, works fine12:30
auronandaceicmax: try: modinfo i2c-hid12:31
bujjiakik: where can i find the installation directory in ubuntu for chrome default location12:31
auronandaceicmax: that should give you a description of what that kernel module is for12:31
auspetrolthanks for all the help, it is much appreciated!!12:31
icmaxauronandace: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12611603/12:32
auronandaceicmax: have you noticed anything that doesn't work since you've blacklisted that module?12:33
icmaxauronandace: The only thing I've noticed is that the touchpad now works. Nothing else...12:34
Kinokoubottu: Eric^^: i found the solution for luksClose . Whe i mount the container i will never specify the -t ext2 filesistem. Only mount /device /folder :D12:34
ubottuKinoko: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:34
EriC^^Kinoko: great12:35
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auronandaceicmax: it appears to be for simple input devices, if no other input devices (keyboards, mice) are not functioning then i'd assume it is fine to keep it blacklisted12:36
KinokoNow i will encrypt my music disksss hehe12:36
icmaxauronandace: This is a bug though, correct? I shouldn't have to blacklist i2c-hid. The touchpad should just work. Will this be fixed in later ubuntu releases?12:37
auronandaceicmax: you could check launchpad to see if it has been filed as a bug and the likelyhood of a permanant fix12:38
auronandace!launchpad | icmax12:38
ubottuicmax: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/12:38
akikbujji: dpkg -L google-chrome-stable12:39
arjun__Connection problem to a Windows PC from Ubuntu via Remote Desktop Connection(rummania)12:39
decciI am facing error message /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcrypto.so.10: version `libcrypto.so.10' not found (required by /opt/dell/toolkit/bin/syscfg12:39
decciAny idea how shall I get libcrypto error fixed12:40
akikbujji: or find the chrome package name first with dpkg -l | grep chrome12:40
arjun__Connection problem to a Windows PC from Ubuntu via Remote Desktop Connection(rummania)12:40
TJ-!find libcrypto.so.10 | decci12:41
ubottudecci: Package/file libcrypto.so.10 does not exist in vivid12:41
TJ-!find libcrypto.so | decci12:41
ubottudecci: File libcrypto.so found in libssl-dev, libssl1.0.012:41
decciTJ-: What package do I need to install it?12:42
bujjiakik: i am getting "ii  xserver-xorg-video-openchrome             1:0.3.1-0ubuntu2.2                      i386         X.Org X server -- VIA display driver"12:42
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TJ-decci: that file (libcrypto.so.10) doesn't exist in Ubuntu.12:44
decciWhat package do I need to install it12:44
k1l_decci: did you talk to dell about that?12:44
deccik1l_: Dell doesnt have OM packages for Ubuntu. I sent them a mail in poweredge mailing list12:45
akikbujji: so it looks like you don't have chrome installed12:46
TJ-decci: I think the Dell packages are either out-of-date of not intended for Ubuntu12:46
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k1l_a lot out of date, imho.12:48
aajkhi all12:50
aajkcan anyone tell me how to enable automatic installation of security updates?12:50
aajklike how it's asked during installation12:50
TJ-k1l_: it's not out of date, it's a different SO naming system used on RedHat/Fedora12:53
akikbujji: actually i noticed that first you asked about chromium and then about chrome. which one are you using?12:53
akikoh he left already12:53
k1l_TJ-: decci ah wait. was it that rpm packages again?12:53
kubast2What are packages like chntpw12:53
cfhowlett!info chntpw | kubast212:53
ubottukubast2: chntpw (source: chntpw): NT SAM password recovery utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0-1 (vivid), package size 83 kB, installed size 428 kB12:53
Nilakis there a place to go for apps etc12:54
auronandace!software | Nilak12:54
ubottuNilak: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents12:54
cfhowlettkubast2, but better to use your terminal: apt show packagenamehere12:54
TJ-k1l_: I think Dell package their files as rpm and deb, but the files in them are only compiled for a RedHat based distro so the dynamic linker SO names are wrong on Ubuntu12:54
kubast2*what are packages that are similiar to chntpw12:54
kubast2it just failed to restart windows server 2008 vm password12:54
kubast2and I need some alternatives12:55
Nilaka good place to learn to use terminal?12:55
k1l_i recall a user some days ago using rpm packages with the same issue.12:55
TJ-k1l_: it might be as simple as creating that file as a symlink to the Ubuntu .so file, but that will only work if the ABI matches what is expected12:55
decciDecci here12:56
decciSorry got disconnected12:56
decciAccessing through mobile12:56
cfhowlettNilak, www.fullcirclemagazine.com/downloads       almost every issue has a "command line" article or tutorial12:56
decciI was able to use alien to convert most of the rpm12:56
decciTo deb12:57
TJ-decci: the files are only compiled for a RedHat based distro so the dynamic linker SO names are wrong on Ubuntu12:57
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decciBut I was able to install most off deb except deng n omilcore12:59
Lumia930I have a public share folder.. but i need to make one folder inside as read only ...12:59
Lumia930how to i make that in ubuntu ?12:59
TJ-decci: that's not an Ubuntu issue; talk to Dell12:59
decciLibcrypto is something related to libssl12:59
decciDell said no13:00
decciThey don't have that13:00
TJ-decci: Yes, and the ABI naming for libraries used on RedHat is different to that used with Debian/Ubuntu, which is why it fails13:00
decciI checked at mailing list13:00
k1l_decci: converting with alien is a try. its not guarantee13:00
k1l_decci: dell should be able to make proper .deb packages13:00
TJ-decci: The Dell binaries are dynamically linked and were done on a RedHat system. You try to use ththose on a Debian based system and the dynamic library names are different, so the run-time dynamic linking fails13:01
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TJ-decci: The number in the name after the .so (10) is the Application Binary Interface (ABI) version. That changes each time the symbols (function names + arguments expected) change in the library. So it's not just a case of altering the naming, it probably means the library the executable was linked against on RedHat has different symbols (therefore different ABI) and will therefore not work on Ubuntu13:03
=== Fuchs is now known as Fennekin
Lumia930can some one till me how do i make the files and folder as read only ?13:04
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cfhowlett!permissions | Lumia93013:04
ubottuLumia930: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions13:04
auronandaceLumia930: by public share are you talking about samba?13:05
Lumia930i have samba auronandace13:07
Lumia930i have created read/write for all ..13:07
Lumia930but just planning to make one folder alone to be read-only13:08
BrowserHello, I have a customer display connected through a USB port and it is in /dev/ttyACM0. For any reason, when I send echo "text" > /dev/ttyACM0 I have to send it many times because first I see a "t" then "tex" and like that. If I do tail /dev/ttyACM0 I see all the messages so the device is using like a queue :/. I didn't use to have this problem. If I run wrong command like run sudo -e "test" > /dev/ttyACM0. The screen sh13:08
auronandace!samba | Lumia93013:08
ubottuLumia930: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/samba.html13:08
vitahello world13:10
=== dreamon_ is now known as dreamon
tonyarklesBrowser: I've seen similar things before13:37
tonyarklesis the sign a super old thing?13:38
tonyarklesBrowser: one thing to check is whether or not the sign is trying to use flow control to limit the rate that you are sending to it. Possibly through RTS/CTS wires on the connector, possibly with XON/XOFF software flow control, or possibly through some proprietary control protocol they've made up13:40
=== mahendrak is now known as astromahi
=== astromahi is now known as mahendra
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mach1nistI found an uncharacteristically large software update today for my 14.04 LTS, video drivers and a whole bunch of Apache and Mysql updates.  Is there a way I can check to see if this is legit or if my machine is problematic?13:45
auronandacemach1nist: when was the last time you updated?13:46
mach1nistProbably a couple days ago13:46
mach1nistCertainly less than a week13:46
auronandacemach1nist: you could check your sources.list to see if it is using the correct repos13:46
Picimach1nist: personally I install apt-listchanges on all of the servers I manage, so that I can review the changelogs before installing updates.  I'm not sure if the default config will block the upgrade, or just email you, so you may need to run sudo dpkg-reconfigure apt-listchanges after you install it.13:47
Pici*it still downloads the new packages, but prompts you before you actually install them.13:49
ArchNoobhello, I'm using ubuntu 14.04 and wondering if i upgrade to any version say, 15. Will I be forced to reinstall all the softwares and apt repos afresh!?13:50
hateballArchNoob: No13:51
mach1nistsources.list urls are all ubuntu, other than two for canonical, looks good?13:51
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade13:51
hateballArchNoob: ^13:51
hateballArchNoob: that said, if you're on 14.04 now and not having any major issues... probably better to wait for 16.04 which is another LTS release13:52
ArchNoobhateball: that's nice to know. How will i preseve them? or what command do i run to upgrade13:52
hateballArchNoob: The update manager (or do-release-upgrade) will offer you upgrades, but if you install LTS it is by default set to only notify on new LTS13:52
ArchNoobhateball: yes, thank you.. and i'm waiting for that release. But how will i upgrade when it comes?13:52
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ArchNoobhateball: aaaaahhh... that's really good.. :)13:53
MrMart_Hello there13:53
ArchNoobMrMart_: hello .. :)13:53
auronandaceArchNoob: you won't need to reinstall everything but they will all be updated to the latest repos, so if you are looking to save bandwidth then i'm not sure what to suggest13:54
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brandonhello friends13:55
brandoni would like some help with ubuntu themes13:55
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ArchNoobauronandace: No, I will do anything for the upgrade..! thanks for the reply..13:55
=== Guest60395 is now known as Avenger_q
MrMart_ArchNoob: I'm looking for some help with ubuntu. Am I in the right place? :p13:55
k1l_!details | MrMart_13:56
ubottuMrMart_: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)13:56
Avenger_qwhat is the more popular themes for ubuntu 14.04? the purple look gets old.13:56
Pinkamena_DI am trying to remove a process from startup. I have removed entried for it from /etc/init and /etc/init.d but it is still listed in $ initctl list ; can anyone let me know where else to remove it from?13:56
Avenger_qid like ti find something simple and elegant13:56
k1l_!themes | Avenger_q13:57
ubottuAvenger_q: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy13:57
MrMart_Im looking for some help. I accidentally ran "dpkg-reconfigure -a" and didn't realies until it was to late that this probably was a mistake...I would need some tips on how to undo the changes. For example nginx now throws a 502 at me if i try to reach transmission webgui13:57
ArchNoobMrMart_: Yes, you are in the right place, The problem is am not the right person :P14:02
TJ-MrMart_: if you were lucky the reconfiguration caused the original config files to be renamed as backups. You could check with something like "sudo find /etc -name '*.*dpkg*' - I *think* the files are used renamed to something like filename.dpkg-old14:02
EriC^^MrMart_: in the future a ctrl+c and then killing the dpkg process should help, if you kill it it writes each config after you press enter so it should be ok14:03
auronandaceEriC^^: interrupting dpkg like that sounds rather risky14:04
EriC^^auronandace: yeah ,i know, i've tried it though14:05
MrMart_!pastebin /etc/adduser.conf.dpkg-save /etc/ca-certificates.conf.dpkg-old /etc/nginx/sites-available/default.dpkg-dist /etc/init.d/screen-cleanup.dpkg-new /etc/issue.net.dpkg-old /etc/update-motd.d/99-footer.dpkg-bak14:05
ubottuMrMart_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:05
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=== cir is now known as circle
TJ-This is a good example of why using a source-code control tool (e.g. git) on /etc/ is always a great idea14:05
EriC^^it opens a new process for every question it asks, and if you kill it it just doesn't end up writing anything new to replace the old config14:05
MrMart_TJ-: This is the output of said command http://pastebin.com/NYtj0XLm14:06
JaglorTJ-: never thought of that ... I like it14:06
TJ-MrMart_: That suggests "/etc/nginx/sites-available/default.dpkg-dist" might be the original file. Try "diff -u /etc/nginx/sites-available/default.dpkg-dist /etc/nginx/sites-available/default" and see what the changes are14:06
TJ-Jaglor: I have a system service that uses inotify to be informed of changes under /etc/ and then it does a "git add . && git commit -m "Changed on $(date)"  "14:08
caralimonHello, my sound does not work in the distro 12.04 , modify the file as alsa- base.conf forums say but just does not work14:08
JaglorTJ-: Is that config setup itself on git for usage?  ;)14:09
ubunu athi14:10
TJ-Jaglor: It's totally GNU :p14:10
ubunuadath bada riawa14:10
MrMart_TJ-: I din't notice any changes unfortunantley14:11
JaglorTJ-: I work with a massive installation base (and play irc on the side) and we should totally be doing something like that14:11
TJ-Jaglor: for that you want a configuration management system, e.g. Puppet, Vagrant, etc.14:13
JaglorTJ-: agreed, but imagine an entrenched infrustructure under constant legal audit swimming upstream four years behind and you'll get the idea14:14
TJ-Jaglor: I can imagine :)14:14
JaglorTJ-: I had a manager once that dared to whisper "docker" and he's no longer a manager  ;)  It proved him unworthy14:14
TJ-Jaglor: I don't see why; LXC is a great solution for containment14:15
* mahendrak hello.14:15
auronandaceraypalmer: do you have a ubuntu issue?14:15
lil_saltyhello people from other schools14:16
JaglorTJ-: I've only recently come out of my own decade long stupor here.  I honestly have never seen LXC and only barely used docker.14:17
frendaIs it possible to zoom in Unity quickly?14:18
frendaThis is captured using COMPIZ: http://uploadkon.ir/fl/dd/76948 --> it's in low quality to reduce the size14:18
frenda"enable enhanced zoom desktop" --> This is a feature for Compiz which allow you to zoom in/out when your capturing desktop by a video recorder such as ffmpeg14:18
frendaIs there any such facility for UNITY?14:18
TJ-Jaglor: wonderful tool. Docker is built on top of it. I deploy firefox within it to reduce the potential for vulnerabilities being able to get to the home directory contents14:18
auronandacefrenda: you could install ccsm and try to use that feature but i don't know if this would negatively impact on unity14:19
TJ-Jaglor: LXC/LXD is used extensively in Ubuntu server installations for creating lightweight VM-type guests without the hypervisor layer14:19
frendaauronandace: Is ubuntu using Compiz as its window manager?14:20
EriC^^TJ-: please check http://paste.ubuntu.com/12612679/14:20
auronandacefrenda: indeed14:20
frendaAh well14:20
TJ-EriC^^: looks good: "# 1  Extended offline    Completed without error       00%     16715"14:21
EriC^^TJ-: ok, cool, thanks! :)14:21
JaglorTJ-: I'm running my irc client inside my first docker container right now.  Set it up two days ago.  I will have to pick something to test out raw LXC without docker.  Sounds like a nice plan for the morning.14:21
AmozIn a normal ubuntu-desktop install with Xorg disabled, are there any background processes/daemons I can remove/disable as well to minimize noise in a benchmark setting?14:21
swyhey all.  I have a ubuntu server that's not booting, root cause is /boot being 100% full due to old kernels.  Have the system booted from boot-repair-disk, with access to my normal volume.  First question: how do I confirm what kernel the system will boot from, as uname -r lists the kernel on the recovery disk.14:22
TJ-EriC^^: there may be some sectors that report I/O errors that haven't been relocated due to not being able tor ecover their contents. In those cases it is a bit fiddly to identify what data is at the sector in order to manually fix the files affected14:22
EriC^^TJ-: i see, np14:22
EriC^^swy: type grep -m1 vmlinuz /boot/grub/grub.cfg14:22
auronandaceswy: by defult it will use the latest one (the one with the highest number)14:22
TJ-EriC^^: The problem is the I/O errors may still show up from the kernel, and/or files will have corrupt content14:22
Jaglorswy: Do you have access from the repair disk to the full partition?  ie. mounted?14:22
EriC^^swy: and grep DEFAULT /etc/default/grub14:23
brandon_i feel like a man when i use terminal14:23
swyJaglor: yes, it's mounted14:23
EriC^^TJ-: oh14:23
brandon_i want to become a script kiddie14:23
brandon_just like swy14:23
EriC^^TJ-: it's been happening a couple times when i copy large files from the ext hdd to the hdd14:23
system0x01Linux. Python. How to read current speed DVD/CD form /dev/sr0 at copy files ?14:24
TJ-EriC^^: A drive's own relocation functionality is only good when it notices ECC errors on reading a sector, retries and manages to get the good data, and then marks that physical sector bad and copies the data to a spare physical sector. The logical block address (LBA) stays the same as far as the OS is concerned.14:24
Jaglorswy: EriC^^ and auronandace got you covered then14:24
TJ-EriC^^: if the drive cannot get the data and ECC to match, it can't relocate the sector on its own, it needs the user to replace the sector's data with known-good14:25
EriC^^TJ-: oh, ok14:25
auronandacesystem0x01: perhaps a question for the people at ##python14:25
EriC^^TJ-: is there any way to force it to check all sectors and mark them as bad?14:25
EriC^^( and i guess lose the data that's on them? )14:26
brandon_sson i will be a hax0r14:26
swyEriC^^: this has been puzzling me: /boot/grub is without a grub.cfg .  gfxblacklist.txt and grubenv are present14:26
TJ-EriC^^: That has already happened as part of telling the OS it can't return data for the sectors. That's the LBA in the kernel I/O error.14:26
EriC^^swy: maybe you're using grub1 ? is there a menu.lst?14:26
knotenhow can it be possible that php5-mysql is installed but no mysql module is listed under phpinfo()#14:26
EriC^^TJ-: oh ok14:27
brandon_knoten i can help you14:27
swyEriC^^: negative.  Just those 2 files.14:27
EriC^^swy: maybe chroot and reinstall grub?14:27
knotenbrandon_: that would be much appreciated!14:27
TJ-swy: Can you pastebin the root file-system's "/etc/fstab" ?14:28
swytried a grub reinstall, but that takes me back to the 100% full /boot issue to be solved.14:28
TJ-swy: Well that makes sense. IF there's no space left /boot/grub/grub.cfg can't be created14:28
system0x01python channel inactive14:29
auronandacesystem0x01: unfortunately that doesn't make your question a ubuntu support question14:29
TJ-swy: list the files under the /boot/ directory. You'll see the kernel (vmlinuz-*) and initial ramdisk (initrd.img-*) ... look at the version numbers. That'll tell you what is the most recent14:30
jayjois there a way to name my screen sessions something meaningful?14:30
jayjoAlready created I mean14:30
system0x01yes :)14:30
jayjoOtherise I would use -S14:30
swyyeah, I can't touch grub until I clear out old kernels.  Since default=highest, next question is how to purge kernels from a volume that's not the boot disk.  All the guidance I googled up addresses teh boot volume.14:31
brandon_is ubuntu a gnome shell or unity? whats the difference?14:31
system0x01i want add a plot function to copy dailog on nautilus - when copy from cd/dvd14:31
ioriaknoten, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24444847/php5-msql-installed-on-ubuntu-but-not-shown-in-phpinfo-php14:31
knotenhi ioria14:31
auronandaceswy: if your /boot is full then that is where you need to clear the kernels from, not any other partition14:32
EriC^^swy: you can manually delete the initrd until you have enough space to run sudo apt-get purge linux-image-<kernel version>14:32
swyauronandace: yep, we're on the same page.14:32
system0x01only one variable - and plotting will be work14:32
system0x01the speed in kb/s14:33
TJ-jayjo: ":sessionname"14:33
swyEriC^^: if I rm initrd.img-3.13.0-44-generic, should I also be purging it's parallel system.map-<version>?14:33
auronandacebrandon_: unity is the default desktop environment tha is based on gnome-shell and compiz14:33
brandon_thank you14:34
EriC^^swy: no need, apt-get purge will take care of everything14:34
knotenioria: do you have any idea :/?14:34
system0x01thx for help and good day :)14:34
swyEriC^^: and does the apt-get purge need to be directed to my normal boot disk?  I wouldn't expect it to purge there by default.14:36
EriC^^swy: you need to chroot into the install and mount everything, then apt-get will work as usual14:37
knotenbrandon_, ioria: soo... were you just trolling?14:48
ioriaknoten, did you read the link ?14:48
brandon_knoten : no sir. i am learning terminal14:49
knotenioria: oh, very sorry! i did not see the link. was right after the line break. shame on me14:49
brandon_knoten : what are some things a new user should be learning?14:49
auronandace!manual | brandon_14:50
ubottubrandon_: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/14:50
swyEriC^^: chrooting is not familiar territory to me.  Got a favorite readme to shove me towards?14:52
JaglorHow do systemd .path objects compare to inotify methods?14:52
auronandace!chroot | swy14:52
ubottuswy: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot14:52
swyah, look at the friendly bot in the channel!14:52
EriC^^swy: type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999914:54
EriC^^swy: there's also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#via_ChRoot14:55
ROKO__ROKO__> hello14:56
ROKO__<ROKO__> i still not able to make work xvba on ubuntu.. with my apu fx750014:56
ROKO__<ROKO__> https://dpaste.de/YgCb14:56
ROKO__<ROKO__> roko__@Lenovo-Z50-75 ~> ls /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/xvba_drv_video.so14:56
ROKO__<ROKO__> the file exist14:56
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal14:57
=== Shrooms` is now known as Shrooms
elieoctohello all15:06
eurythmiaHi folks. I have a script to change my desktop background to a random image in a particular directory. I have scheduled this script to run once a minute (for testing purposes) via cron (*/1 * * * * "/path/to/script.sh"). I am running 15.04, and I see cron output in /var/log/syslog that indicates the script is being run, but the background is not changing. Any ideas?15:16
EriC^^eurythmia: what's the script look like?15:17
MarcGuayHello.  Ubuntu 15.04.  When I run "systemctl restart mysqld" I get an error "Failed to restart mysqld.service: Unit mysqld.service failed to load: No such file or directory.".  I'm trying to change the LimitNOFILE/open_files_limit for mysql.15:17
EriC^^eurythmia: does it work if you open a terminal and run it?15:17
eurythmiaEriC^^, give me a moment, I'll paste my script and crontab somewhere for public viewing15:18
MonkeyDusteurythmia  if the script doesnt work, try with Shotwel > File > Set as background ... you can select a collection15:18
geniieurythmia: The previous picture is likely cached.15:18
eurythmiaEriC^^, also: yes, running from terminal it does work.15:18
korsakofeurythmia: look at your command return value in your script with echo $?15:18
EriC^^eurythmia: ok, try ctrl+alt+f1, login and type DISPLAY=:0 /path/to/script.sh does it work?15:18
MarcGuaySeems to be called mysql not mysqld on ubuntu...15:19
eurythmiaEriC^^, no, that doesn't seem to work.15:20
eurythmia.... brb, in about 10 mins15:20
EriC^^eurythmia: there's wallch15:20
EriC^^!info wallch15:20
ubottuwallch (source: wallch): wallpaper changer. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.0-0ubuntu4 (vivid), package size 600 kB, installed size 1580 kB15:20
korsakofeurythmia: I use variety. http://peterlevi.com/variety/how-to-install/15:21
ioriaMarcGuay, mysqld is the executable... (daemon)   if you     sudo systemctl restart mysql ?15:24
MarcGuayioria: That command executes cleanly, no msg.15:25
MarcGuayI have a feeling the problem lies elsewhere...15:25
ioriaMarcGuay, ok...     sudo systemctl status mysql ?15:25
MarcGuayioria: Seems like mysql is running fine.  Is it normal that the same command for mysqld returns inactive/not found?15:27
TheNumbMarcGuay: yes15:28
MarcGuayMy actual goal is to change the value of the LimitNOFILE mysql variable as described here: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/server-management-using-systemd.html.15:28
TheNumbMarcGuay: because there's no mysqld.service15:28
TheNumbThere's only /lib/systemd/system/mysql.service15:28
MarcGuayTheNumb: Ok...15:29
ioriaMarcGuay, mysqld should be the executable... not a service ...15:29
xStarkI need some help15:29
xStarkI'm unable to install Ubuntu15:29
TheNumbxStark: any errors?15:29
MarcGuayioria: Ok.  Seems like that info conflicts with the tutorial I'm following.15:30
eurythmiak, I'm back.15:30
eurythmiaEriC^^, I was using wallch, but it became unreliable and started crashing all the time.15:30
xStarkTheNumb: No errors. When I try to install using the option "Install in Windows 7" Computer restarts, nothing else happens15:30
TheNumbxStark: don't use that option.15:30
xStarkTheNumb: I have explained the full problem here http://askubuntu.com/questions/679674/help-with-ubuntu-installation-14-04-3-lts15:31
ioriaMarcGuay, can you paste the link ?15:31
MarcGuayioria: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/server-management-using-systemd.html, "Configuring MySQL Using systemd" section15:31
xStarkTheNumb: Which option must I use?15:31
TheNumb!dualboot | xStark15:32
ubottuxStark: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot15:32
ioriaMarcGuay, it's for RedHat... i think15:32
sabbieI have a custom ppa installed and recently changed the ssl certificate to a Comodo PositiveSSL. The certificate works in all browsers, but apt is saying: "server certificate verification failed.". What could be the cause of this?15:32
MarcGuayioria: I got there from here, which says that Ubuntu 15.04 is using systemd https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=7810215:33
ioriaMarcGuay, vivid is using systemd ... but ubuntu version of systemd and its own sql package...15:34
eurythmiaEriC^^, I have my script pasted here (http://paste.ubuntu.com/12613243/) and my crontab pasted here (http://paste.ubuntu.com/12613257/)15:35
MarcGuayioria: Hmm, ok... Any practical advice on how to proceed?15:35
xStark_UbuntuSorry I lost connection15:36
ioriaMarcGuay, googling...15:36
xStark_UbuntuTheNumb: I'm unable to use the unallocated space on the hard drive that I freed by shrinking Local Disk (C:) to install Ubuntu15:36
ioriaMarcGuay, are you using Mariadb ?15:38
eurythmiakorsakof, EriC^^ : I don't want to use a "wallpaper changing program" because they are too complex, and prone to breakage. Also: why use a big program, when a small one will do?15:38
=== xStark_Ubuntu is now known as xStark
EriC^^eurythmia: i think you can't use gsettings from cron15:38
ioriaMarcGuay, https://linuxdevops.wordpress.com/2013/08/02/why-raising-the-mysql-open_files_limit-may-not-work-and-how-to-fix-it/15:38
eurythmiaEriC^^, thanks, I'll google issues/solutions around that.15:38
EriC^^ok, np15:39
EriC^^eurythmia: hold on, i can use gsettings from tty115:39
EriC^^eurythmia: can you append > /tmp/cron.log 2>&1 to the cron command?15:39
xStarkTheNumb: Literally I'm unable to choose which drive must I shrink in "Something Else" option to obtain space for Ubuntu because all the things present are Windows 7 loaders or Windows recovery environment loaders15:40
TheNumbxStark: interesting15:40
loacan somebody explain what change in gnome terminal in 15.04? before i was under 14.0415:40
loait looks and feel different.15:41
EriC^^eurythmia: this seems to have the solution http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10374520/gsettings-with-cron15:41
TheNumbxStark: well, the best way of doing it is to shrink the volume under windows.15:41
TheNumband then reuse the free space15:41
xStarkWindows 7 loader?15:41
MarcGuayioria: Thanks15:41
ioriaMarcGuay, good luck15:41
JaglorxStark: diskpart as administrator in your windows environment has a volume shrink option that may help you15:42
jayjocan I copy a files contents to the system clipboard with cat or some other combination?15:42
jayjoCLI only15:42
xStarkJaglor: I have shrinked Local Disk (C:) before to obtain unallocated space. When I try to install Ubunty there, Ubuntu classifies the "Unallocated Space" as "Unusable Space"15:43
JaglorxStark: That's something I've never seen happen15:44
eurythmiaEriC^^, I was just browsing that questions as well, thanks :-)15:44
xStarkTheNumb and Jaglor: This is the data I get when I select the "Something else" option http://i.imgur.com/zV1lKHU.png15:44
JaglorxStark: seems odd that sda2 is marked as a recovery partition  Does that seem right to you?15:46
utu8ohello is it possible to easily use the liveCD/USB to turn a laptop into a wireless access point receiving connection from WIFI and distributing the link to a wired desktop?15:46
xStarkJaglor: I've literally been trying for days to install Ubuntu. This is the full info on the problem http://askubuntu.com/questions/679674/help-with-ubuntu-installation-14-04-3-lts15:47
TJ-xStark: !info xclip | jayjo15:47
TJ-!info xclip | jayjo15:47
ubottujayjo: xclip (source: xclip): command line interface to X selections. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.12+svn84-4 (vivid), package size 16 kB, installed size 66 kB15:47
xStarkJaglor: I cross checked the data several times. The data that I gave you is perfect15:47
TJ-!info xsel | jayjo15:48
ubottujayjo: xsel (source: xsel): command-line tool to access X clipboard and selection buffers. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.0-2 (vivid), package size 19 kB, installed size 71 kB15:48
seb1234Hi there! Sorry to disturb, its my first time here. I'm looking for some help regarding my ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS laptop15:49
ZombieHyperdriveseb1234 shoot15:50
ZombieHyperdrivetell us whats wrong ;)15:50
seb1234alright ;)15:51
MarcGuayWhat is the correct way to modify /lib/systemd/system/mysql.service?  Edit the file directory or is there a place where it can be overridden/appended to?15:51
JaglorxStark: it literally comes back to shrinking the volume in windows and making sure it's done right (ie windows now reports that there is unallocated unused space available for a new partition or volume15:51
stupidnicI am using a preseed file with mirror/http/proxy set to an apt-cacher server. Later in my preseed file I am calling another local server (outside of apt) via wget and that is also going through the proxy server (which I don't want). Is there a preseed command for specifically setting the apt-cacher for apt calls? Or a setting in apt-cacher to not proxy local addresses?15:51
seb1234i boot my system and eerything goes normal until the first display for login should be shown. but: diplay goes black. tt4 works. starting a program like firefox it tells me: Glib-CRITICAL **: g_slice_set_config: assertion 'sys_page_size ==0' failed Error: no display specified15:52
xStarkJaglor: I have created unallocated space before. After I have created unallocated space, I boot into linux from my USB flash drive and attempt to install. But Ubuntu calls the Unallocated Space as "Unusable Space". I will attempt one more time.15:53
ioriaseb1234, sudo service lightdm restart  ?15:53
knotenioria: thanks, for the link.15:55
MarcGuayioria: In case you're interested, the method that worked for me is the first one mentioned here: https://books.google.ca/books?id=QJNqCQAAQBAJ&pg=PT283&lpg=PT283&dq=ubuntu++/lib/systemd/system/mysql.service&source=bl&ots=TOhwAoTDT5&sig=lTPlri_YnwXwH5FUp9MSDc-R5e4&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CDkQ6AEwBWoVChMI2oSn1sycyAIVSzc-Ch1bDgRe#v=onepage&q=ubuntu%20%20%2Flib%2Fsystemd%2Fsystem%2Fmysql.service&f=false15:55
seb1234nope, restart did not work. the typical ubuntu noise came, but display goes black again15:55
MarcGuayInteresting that they mention the method I tried earlier which didn't work.15:55
ioriaknob, you're welcome15:55
ioriaMarcGuay, good !15:56
ioriaMarcGuay, ls -al .Xauthority ?15:57
ioriaseb1234  ls -al .Xauthority ?15:57
ZombieHyperdriveseb1234 looks like xserver doesnt start15:57
k1l_seb1234: what did you do before that issue happend?15:58
seb1234if i'd know that... not even some update15:58
ZombieHyperdriveDo you have terminal? Try startx?15:58
seb1234authority is mine -rw--- no one else15:59
k1l_startx will not work on ubuntu unless you ruin your filepermissions with sudo15:59
k1l_seb1234: see dmesg and xorg.log in /var/log whats going on with your video driver16:00
k1l_i assume its not an intel card16:00
ioriaseb1234, did you install some program without apt-get ?16:00
seb1234terminal does work. alt least. graphics. nvidia geforce GT520M Cuda. does that help?16:01
ioriaseb1234, in the worse scenario, you purge nvidia* .....16:02
seb1234apt-get not recently... just the normal updates, which was around 2-3 days before now16:02
seb1234purge the nvidia driver?!16:03
Browsertonyarkles: I just saw your message about flow control16:04
ioriaseb1234, yes.... but wait for less traumatic solution :-)16:04
seb1234khil: which part of dsmeg would interest you?16:05
k1l_seb1234: all of it.16:05
k1l_use "pastebinit" if you are on cli16:05
eurythmiaEriC^^, perfect. My desktop is now changing as it ought to, thanks.16:05
Browsertonyarkles: when I run screen /dev/ttyACM0 it works well. It is a customer display. I don't know how to configure the flow control with stty16:06
seb1234well right now i am using a second pc to chat ere, so i don't know how to transfere all these lines16:06
ioriaseb1234, you don't even get to the login screen ,  right ?16:07
EriC^^eurythmia: great, np16:07
seb1234true, i can hear the sound, but nothing to see... then i change to use tty4 to get some info16:08
ioriaseb1234, how did you install the nvidia driver , command line or with Additional driver ?16:09
seb1234additional one, a friend of mine did the setup. but he's unfortunately not available16:10
ioriaseb1234, sudo lshw -c video | grep driver ?16:11
seb1234Konfiguration: driver=nvidia latency=016:14
seb1234Konfiguration: driver=i915 latency=016:15
seb1234external screen does not help by the wa. screen says then: no cable input16:15
ioriaseb1234, you are on an hybrid laptop16:15
ioriaseb1234,  intel/ndivia16:16
seb1234so they bashed themselves?16:16
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ioriaseb1234,  apt-cache policy nvidia-prime | grep Installed16:17
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seb1234ioria, no reaction.16:19
pm5000Hi there, is anyone available to help out with a sound issue I have?16:19
ioriaseb1234,  cat /etc/issue16:19
pm5000Boy this is quiet for a 2k user chat ._.16:21
seb1234apt-cache policy nvidia says as output: nvidia: istalliert(installed): keine(none)     Installationskandidat: keine(none)     Versionstabelle: ()16:21
bazhangchat in #ubuntu-offtopic pm500016:22
swyEriC^^: tnx for your help earlier- I got Humpty Dumpty put back together again.16:22
EriC^^swy: great, np16:22
seb1234 ioria, cat says Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS \n \116:22
pm5000Yeah but I actually have a technical question, thats why I came here, @bazhang16:22
ioriaseb1234,  please, try again    apt-cache policy nvidia-prime | grep Installed16:23
seb1234       @ioria: nothing...16:24
k1l_pm5000: nearly 2k users still waiting for a detailed technical question :)16:24
ioriaseb1234,  and    apt-cache policy nvidia-prime     ?16:24
MonkeyDustpm5000  or is that long, that you're still typing?16:25
pm5000I don't know the rules here, didn't start with one right off the bat. Here goes - Whenever I plug in or unplug headphones, I have to manually switch output devices in order to have the desired functionality of the sound on the system. So I would expect that while I am watching a movie, a youtube clip or whatever, unplugging my headphones would default to the hdmi output and blast the sound via my monitor speaker, but it just16:26
pm5000 continues outputting to the headphone part..16:26
seb1234nvidia-prime: installiert: keine (none)    Installationskandidat 0.6.2   Versionstabelle 0.6.2      500 http://source.../ubuntu/ trusty/main amd64 Packages16:26
bazhanggot pavucontrol and padevchooser installed yet pm500016:26
k1l_seb1234: so it was a bumblebee setup? bumblebee is deprecated and the official nvidia nvidia-prime is now used for the hybrid grafix16:27
pm5000OK.. So I need those packages before that behaviour occurs? Is it as simple as installing them or do I need to configure them somehow?16:28
seb1234yes, maybe. as said. a friend of mine did the setup. unfortunately he is not here...16:28
ioriaseb1234,  try sudo nvidia-xconfig     and sudo service lighdm start (or restart)   ; if it fails you can 1) purge nvidia* or trying to reinstall ubuntu-desktop (if you use unity)16:29
deweydb_is there some command to find files that recently had their permissions changed?16:29
seb1234i've tried lightdm before -does not work... wait a minute for the first idea16:30
ioriaseb1234,  after sudo nvidia-xconfig    you should reboot... (or restart lighdm)16:31
deweydb_i sort of just blundered a command. i meant to do: find ./ -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; within a specific web folder. but instead i did: find / -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; so folders files being found it root were all getting their permissions changed. i stopped it pretty quickly, and at the time my user was non root, so i didn't effect any root owned files, but i'm not sure if i screwed up permissions on files that i d16:31
deweydb_id have access to modify?16:31
pm5000bazhang, I installed the modules, "pavucontrol" seems largely pointless and "padevchooser" does not even start. I presume I need to do some additional stuff. Care to guide me through that? (If you have time?)16:33
bazhangwhat about paprefs pm500016:34
bazhang!info paprefs | pm500016:34
ubottupm5000: paprefs (source: paprefs): PulseAudio Preferences. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.10-1 (vivid), package size 60 kB, installed size 541 kB16:34
jason_radtrying to get rc.local to run.. I change execution bits 755 .. still does not run.  Anything else I need to do?16:35
seb1234wait, output tells me: using x config file: /etc/X11/xorg.conf"    WARNING: Unable to find Corepointer in x configuration; attempting to add new CorePointer section     WARNING: The CorePointer was not specified explicitely in the layout; using the first mouse device.     WARNING Unable to find CoreKeyboard in X configuration, attempting to add new CoreKeyboard section. WARNING: The CoreKeyboard device was not specified explicitely 16:35
pm5000bazhang, already got this installed.16:36
hexagonSun_hello, I'm trying to connect through SSH for an university assingment, however, when I run the command our teacher gave us I get: SSH: command not found. I have installed openssh-server, I am on ubuntu 14.0416:36
seb1234...using the first keyboard device.    ---backed up file 'path' as '.original'. New X configuration file written to 'path'16:37
MonkeyDusthexagonSun_  is openssh-client installed?16:38
seb1234reboot done.. no changes :(16:38
hexagonSun_MonkeyDust: I don't think so, I haven't installed myself, how can I install it?16:39
MonkeyDusthexagonSun_  in ubuntu: sudo apt install openssh-client16:39
TJ-hexagonSun_: 'ssh' or 'SSH' ?16:39
TJ-hexagonSun_: the command name  is lower-case16:39
MonkeyDusthexagonSun_  ah, try lower case16:39
TJ-hexagonSun_: 99.99% of commands on *nix are lower-case16:39
hexagonSun_that was it, now I can enter... I really have to stop listening to this teacher of mine...16:40
ioriaseb1234,  you can purge nvidia* if you don't have specific issues...16:41
MonkeyDustthe only uppercase command i know of, is Xephyr16:41
TJ-MonkeyDust: and X !16:42
pm5000dunno.. Reading about it online seems you can't really achieve this without writing user scripts16:42
pm5000anyway, thanks for the help16:42
seb1234ioria, lightdm start tells me that it's allready running. restart does not work.16:42
vbgunzhello everyone, I'm having an interesting issue. trying to run crontab from any users shell (including root) results in crontab just hanging on enter. how can I fix this?16:42
TJ-hexagonSun_: pro-tip: on Debian/Ubuntu there are manual pages for almost every command. you can do "man <name>" to view comprehensive help. E.g. "man ssh"16:43
seb1234ioria, i will use purge, but I hopefully wont miss any personal data afterwards?16:43
vbgunzI think I got it, I think I have to launch it with the -e flag16:43
ioriaseb1234,  it doesn't affect data, but maybe some applications16:44
hexagonSun_TJ-:  thank you16:44
ioriaseb1234,  and remove xorg.conf in /etc/X1116:45
ioriaseb1234,  no, backup it...16:46
LangleyHello, a bit off topic I know, but can you say if trusty-security and trusty-updates should be enabled in Ubuntu based distros? (elementary os)16:47
bazhang!elementary | Langley16:47
ubottuLangley: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.16:47
LangleyIs that a "no"?16:47
bazhangwe dont know what elementary does, ask them16:47
mmmmwhat is best webmail that may support linux command line?16:48
HackerIIgive mutt a try16:48
mmmmmutt is client16:49
mmmmnot service16:49
CodeChrisYou mean a webmail service that supports command line?16:49
CodeChrisWithout a client?16:49
Picimmmm: mutt with gmail16:50
mmmmCodeChris: yes16:50
mmmmPici: gmail is the best then?16:50
mmmmtext based16:50
Picimmmm: for various definitions of best.16:51
CodeChrisNot sure that exists, you would need a client that supports command line, such as mutt, and connect to a service16:51
mmmmthe service sometimes needs javascript16:51
mmmmcommandline will not support this16:51
Picimmmm: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MuttAndGmail16:51
CodeChrisWell, gmail does, but not if you connect with a client, such as mutt16:51
mmmmtext based webmail service16:52
TJ-mmmm: any client that supports IMAPv4 can connect to gmail16:52
CodeChrisI don't think that exists, not without using a client.16:52
CodeChrisYou're asking for a website that is basically a terminal. But that doesn't exist I don't think. You need to use a client to do that, like mutt16:52
seb1234ioria, sorry for taking so long. I am still on it, but not used to terminal commands16:53
AncelmoBoa tarde16:53
Ancelmoestamos testanto16:53
xubuntu_teste de comunicacao.16:53
mmmmgmail and famous webmail servies don't seem text base16:54
mmmmthere may be something more for unix16:54
ioriaseb1234,  did you run sudo apt-get purge nvidia*      ?16:54
CodeChrisYes, use gmail or anyone else you want, with mutt16:54
seb1234not yet. but its the next step to do16:55
ioriaseb1234,  cd /etc/X11 and check for xorg.conf  and sudo mv xorg.conf xorg.conf.backup16:55
seb1234 did that so far16:56
ioriaseb1234,  be sure there is no xorg.conf in there16:57
seb1234deleted just backups and xorg.conf.dates left. The star after nvidia is important?16:58
ioriaseb1234,  yes16:59
seb1234ioria, deleted the original one. Now just backups and xorg.conf.dates left. The star after nvidia is important?16:59
ioriaseb1234,  yes16:59
seb1234ioria, thx16:59
seb1234ioria, done. restart?17:01
ioriaseb1234,  yes17:01
ArchNoobhello, i have a problem. I was downloading yt videos, chatting in irc (all in terminal) and started sudo bleachbit in terminal (it ran and got stuck) i closed it from the terminal and everything got stuck after a while. I forced restart the system and now ranger command wont work on my home folder. Checked and saw a weird folder called " 9IrmvrfQk" it has a space infront. I can17:03
seb1234ioria, it's running! but without any addtional graphics, right?17:03
ioriaseb1234,  now you are using nouveau ... i think check in sudo lshw -c video | grep driver17:04
ArchNoobI can't remove it, not even when i log in from other distro (fedora) with root privileges. What can i do please!?17:04
seb1234ioria, Konfiguration: driver=i915 latency=017:06
ioriaseb1234,  can you paste sudo lshw -c video    on paste.ubuntu.com ?17:08
seb1234ioria, I'll try.17:09
ArchNoobanyone!? Help..!17:10
ioriaseb1234,  seems you are using Intel now17:10
bazhangpatience ArchNoob17:10
seb1234ioria, I think it's the onboard graphics, right?17:11
ioriaseb1234,  yes17:11
ArchNoobbazhang: :) okay..17:11
ioriaseb1234,  then be sure that you don't have any bumblebee packages installed ....17:11
ioriaseb1234,  deprecated17:12
seb1234pasting output17:12
broken_packagesCan someone help me out? I receive this message when doing an 'apt-get upgrade' http://i.imgur.com/RoniWzW.png17:14
ioriaseb1234,  open Additional Driver and see what's in there17:14
k1l_broken_packages: is it still there after you run a "sudo apt update"?17:14
h00kbroken_packages: did you do the command it recommends you?17:14
seb1234ioria, where to find?17:14
ioriaseb1234,  open Dash and type Additional17:15
ioriaseb1234,  open Dash with SuperKey (Windows key)17:15
k1l_broken_packages: this is a 12.04?17:15
seb1234so far alright ;)17:15
seb1234ioria, no results.17:16
broken_packagesh00k:Yes, this is what happens: http://i.imgur.com/UEW9ghS.png17:16
broken_packagesk1l_:yes 12.04LTS17:16
k1l_broken_packages: you can use a pastebin to show text. paste.ubuntu.com for example17:17
ioriaseb1234,  it means that you don't find Additional Driver Gui ?17:17
broken_packagesk1l_:hard to copy paste because I'm doing so from a weird terminal17:17
bazhanguse pastebinit then broken_packages17:18
seb1234ioria, nope. but trying my motherlanguage was a success ;)17:18
k1l_broken_packages: ok. it seems it uses the libc6-dev from the precise repo and got the libc6-dev already from the precise-updates repo. can you show a "cat /ect/apt/sources.list"  (you can replace cat with pastebinit after install to get it paste that directly)17:19
ioriaseb1234,  good ... what's in there ?17:19
broken_packagesbazhang:thanks, but the machine that I'm having a problem with is currently in recovery mode so I'm copying from Hyper-V connection17:19
k1l_http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/libc6-dev   see the difference when clicking on the repos at the top17:20
seb1234ioria, 6 different NVIDIA binary drivers - not used. In use: x.org-X-Server: Nouveau17:20
ioriaseb1234,  ok   can you paste lspci   ?17:21
broken_packagesk1l_:I'll need a minute to try and get this output to text so I'm not sending one hundred screenshots17:21
k1l_broken_packages: if you are already doing it please add "apt-cache policy libc6 libc6-dev"17:21
seb1234ioria, lcspi?17:21
ioriaseb1234,  lspci17:22
ioriaseb1234,  you can install pastebinit and do    lspci | pastebinit   if you want17:23
broken_packagesk1l_:sorry I hadn't seen your second request: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12614659/17:25
ioriaseb1234, your nvidia is GF119M [GeForce GT 520M]  but for using it (and switch between Intel and Nvida) you need to install the a nvidia driver and prime...  unless you prefer to use only intel ...17:25
k1l_broken_packages: erm. a "sudo apt-get install libc6-dev" doesnt work?17:26
ioriaseb1234, ad said is an hybrid system   and you can read some here : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/HybridGraphics  and here http://askubuntu.com/questions/411439/hybrid-graphics-nvidia-and-onboard-intel17:27
mmmmhow to change dhcp public ip. dhclient -r does not work or me17:27
seb1234ioria, thanks a lot!! thats good to know. But for the moment i am fine with intel. I don't need that much graphic power at the moment.17:27
ioriaseb1234, ok.... take a look anyway ... is instructive :þ17:28
k1l_mmmm: public ip like the ip shown to outside internet?17:28
mmmmk1l_: yes17:28
seb1234ioria, i will. I did bookmark both pages. Thanks again!17:28
k1l_mmmm: you cant.17:29
ioriaseb1234, you are welcome17:29
mmmmk1l_: why?17:29
k1l_mmmm: because your ISP does that for you17:29
mmmmi want to renew it17:29
demhlyrif your isp provides you with a dynamic ip you might be able to change it by restarting your router/modem17:32
amcsi_workIs it normal for a deploy with composer to take 15 minutes?17:33
loacan somebody explain what is right way for building packages?17:34
loai need recompile package17:34
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall17:34
loais this ok? http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/rebuilding-ubuntu-debian-linux-binary-package/17:34
loak1l_, i need recompile one that exists17:34
k1l_!checkinstall too17:34
k1l_loa: get the sources per apt-get. then make your changes, then recompile and make your own package17:35
ubottucheckinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!17:35
broken_packagesk1l_: No, this is what happens if I try to install libc6-dev - http://paste.ubuntu.com/12614847/17:37
brandon_broken_packages can you help me?17:37
broken_packagesbrandon_:Maybe, what's up?17:38
brandon_im trying to install directx9 redistro using wine but its saying its not supported by the current version of windows. im emulating windows xp...17:38
brandon_any ideas sir?17:38
k1l_brandon_: best ask in #winehq for wine issues17:38
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brandon_thank you17:39
loak1l_, but what is right way to replace default packages with my own17:41
loak1l_, i rebuild ffmpeg and libav ones... i need --enable-nvenc configure option17:41
iamrohit7how can i set my default lowest clock speed?17:41
loai don't think checkinstall is right way.17:42
loak1l_, this way did not work for me https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpdatingADeb17:42
auronandaceloa: why do you need to rebuild them?17:42
baizoniamrohit7: gpu? cpu?17:42
loaauronandace, i wrote why.17:42
iamrohit7baizon: cpu17:43
auronandaceloa: sorry, i read it but it didn't register. imust be having a slow brain day17:44
ioriaauronandace, he needs a feature for nvidia, i think17:44
baizon!info cpufreq-set | iamrohit717:45
ubottuiamrohit7: Package cpufreq-set does not exist in vivid17:45
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baizon!info cpufrequtils | iamrohit717:45
ubottuiamrohit7: cpufrequtils (source: cpufrequtils): utilities to deal with the cpufreq Linux kernel feature. In component universe, is optional. Version 008-1 (vivid), package size 37 kB, installed size 227 kB17:45
iamrohit7baizon: i tried but it didn't work17:46
baizoniamrohit7: well, then its not supported by the hardware?17:46
baizoniamrohit7: or you have to do it in your bios17:46
iorialoa, have you seen this http://clojurehackers.com/p/Brainiarc7/ffmpeg_libnvenc17:47
loaioria, i don't need another one version ffmpeg...17:48
loait is not ubuntu way.17:48
brandon_i am so stupid17:48
brandon_im so stupid17:48
brandon_i am dumb17:48
auronandacebrandon_: wine already has directx917:49
iorialoa,  if you need to recompile , it wouldn't be anyway 'ubuntu way', i guess17:49
loaioria, nvenc is almosts a year in ffmpeg, and there no any precompiled packages with it.17:52
iorialoa,  i see... but maybe there is a reason...17:53
tonyarklesBrowser: apologies for only being here sporadically17:55
tonyarklesBrowser: stty ixon?17:56
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tonyarklesBrowser: or crtscts?17:57
Luke_Can i get some help18:00
k1l_broken_packages loa sorry was at dinner18:02
just-nowhi there, is there a way to specify certain configuration details when installing with apt-get install from a ppa?18:03
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asher128just-now, what do you mean with certain configuration details18:03
k1l_just-now: that depends on the package18:03
k1l_just-now: if the package launches a interactive installer, yes. as default? no18:04
just-nowi'm trying to solve a vim library pathing problem that seems to have been created upon install. I have liblua5.2.so on my system, but I don't think vim knows where to look when i install. If I were compiling I would be able to specify the location I believe.18:05
Guest80246Hi! I have a question: how can i fix a problem with type language? en - write on russian, ru (russian) - on english18:05
k1l_just-now: that sounds like a mess of 3rd party and self compiled packages already18:05
just-nowhaha a bit.18:06
Guest80246i'm use ubuntu first time18:06
geir_Hi! I need to bind to port 53 but I cant :( Ubuntu says it's in use. Any one know how to fix it?18:06
geir_(I am root)18:07
akikgeir_: probably dnsmasq has that port already open18:08
geir_akik: Yes looks like it. Do I need it?18:09
akikgeir_: not necessarily :)18:09
akikbut as dnsmasq gets installed by default nowadays it might have some dependency elsewhere18:10
geir_I've commented out dns=dnsmasq in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf and done service restart network-manager18:10
geir_but still running and bound to the port :(18:10
rollerwhere can I upload a pdf file so coworkers can see it?18:10
akikgeir_: stop dnsmasq and see if something breaks18:10
geir_akik: just kill it?18:11
k1l_roller: make a samba share if its in the same local network18:11
rollerno, coworkers are waaaay away18:11
rollermaybe that was not the most appropiate wordx18:11
akikgeir_: it looks like networkmanager starts it18:11
k1l_roller: than use a filehoster you like. or dropbox or or or. but that is not really a ubuntu issue.18:12
geir_akik: I killed the process, looks like everything is fine :) Thanks18:12
esphMy sister sent me this image of her boot failing (14.04): http://i.imgur.com/kxgZleB.jpg Any ideas? I don't have direct access to the computer.18:13
asher128esph, file system problem?18:14
asher128esph, the filesystem needs to be checked with fsck18:14
asher128esph, as root, recovery mode18:14
esph@asher128 ah, okay. Didn't know that Ubuntu had something like that. Saves me from having her make a recovery USB18:16
esphThanks for the info18:16
esph@asher128 wait, though, wouldn't there be problems running fsck on a mounted drive?18:18
Paul^^hello all18:18
mamba_I'm brand new to Ubuntu and all of this Opensource is a bit overwhelming!18:19
FlongQuestion for you awesome people!18:19
FlongI am setting up Ubuntu server in an encrypted LVM18:19
FlongThis server will run OpenBox on my Laptop on my slow ssd18:19
FlongQEMU will be used as the accelerated VM for clients.18:19
FlongLinux clients will be x11 forwarded to the host so they have seamless integration.18:20
=== hp4790k is now known as e8400_
FlongSound good?18:20
FlongThe goal is to be like Qubes but the entire machine can be trashed once it's no longer needed18:20
Paul^^I tried to re-install grub on a Efi bios pc but it don't go18:21
FlongPaul^^, EFI = No Trust18:21
Flonguse BIOS18:21
Paul^^Flong, : I must change the bios setting ?18:21
esphWhy trust BIOS?18:22
Flongesph, No networking support18:22
Flongmost EFI / UEFI have the ability to go online on their own thanks to a full blown TCP/IP Stack18:22
esphMy uefi has that option, but I've disabled it.18:22
Flongesph, you can't trust it.18:23
FlongThe best option is to ensure the UEFI is never loaded into memory.18:23
Paul^^I tried much time, with the network disconnect18:23
FlongIntel AMT doesn't help.18:23
esphYou can say that, but I've not seen evidence of UEFI implementations disregarding those settings18:23
Flongesph, have you seen evidence of them respecting them?18:23
daftykinslets get back onto ubuntu support and stop spreading FUD regarding EFI thanks folks, you're welcome to discuss it over in #ubuntu-offtopic18:24
EriC^^i second that motion ^18:24
daftykinssadly the tinfoil hats must be removed whilst discussing support in here :)18:24
Paul^^ok, excuse me18:24
EriC^^Paul^^: can you boot a live usb?18:24
bazhangFlong, cut it out18:24
Flongbazhang, no.18:25
Paul^^EriC^^, : sure , I tried with the classic metod , before mount the /dev/sda2 /mnt18:25
EriC^^Paul^^: ok type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999918:25
EriC^^paste the link here18:25
Paul^^after mount other parts of filesystem, the istallation go on without error , but when I re boot start only windows :(18:26
EriC^^Paul^^: oh, np, it's probably a stubborn bios, it can be fixed though18:26
EriC^^type sudo efibootmgr -v | nc termbin.com 999918:27
Paul^^ nc termbin.com 9999 ??? this command connect the output to termbin.com port 999918:27
EriC^^yes, it pastes it there18:27
Paul^^I'm from another pc now more old witjout efi, I re-installed windows here too, and with live ubuntu re-install grub18:28
dlamwah anyone know how to get "Qualcomm Atheros Killer E2200 Gigabit Ethernet Controller" to work   ...it always says Ethernet Network disconnected =(18:30
vijuHello, I am using Ubuntu 12.04. I am using a month old headphone, suddenly it started giving me issues thought there's something wrong with the hardware. I did a speaker test from settings and everything seems fine but as soon as I switch to youtube or some other audio, it doesn't sound right. Any idea?18:30
Paul^^EriC^^, : however there the first partetition is ntfs , after I have debin and ubuntu and a swap partetition, I usa a mb asus P8H61-M18:30
EriC^^Paul^^: ok18:32
EriC^^Paul^^: did you try pressing esc to get a boot options menu when the pc starts?18:33
daftykinsdlam: 15.04?18:34
dlam14.04 !18:34
dlamthink i gotta install compat-wireless or something18:35
daftykinsbut you said gigabit wired18:35
daftykinsdlam: which kernel? those atheros devices aren't well supported yet, so you likely need a newer mainline kernel to try with it.18:35
dlamyeah its the wired  (just when i google it)18:35
daftykinsok, so you can either install the vivid HWE stack or try something newer from the mainline kernels18:36
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds18:36
Paul^^EriC^^ : I don't remenber, but start immediatly windows without the grub prompt18:36
dlamoooo thank thanks havent tried that yet  daftykins18:36
EriC^^Paul^^: ok, boot a live usb18:37
CarlenWhiteQuick question,18:37
* daftykins listens for it18:38
CarlenWhiteIf I want to use XRDP, what is the desktop I need to punch in?18:38
CarlenWhiteParticularly the Ubuntu desktop.18:38
=== Gambit_ is now known as Guest14224
Paul^^eric : ok, wait I change pc18:41
Paul^^5 minute18:41
=== Kryxo is now known as Kryptron
wakeatnighthi, after installing fglrx on 15.04 I can't exit openbox anymore. that is I can but it just shows a blank screen18:42
wakeatnightany ideas how to fix this?18:42
AJ_Z0What kind of a world is it in which I update a binary video driver on years-old OS platform with ancient video card and a rare monitor with no EDID which doesn't even work without a voodoo* config... and it just works?18:42
daftykinsAJ_Z0: doesn't sound like a support question to me :)18:43
AJ_Z0wakeatnight: That wasn't meant for you. Just unfortuate timing18:43
wakeatnightAJ_Z0: ah :)18:44
daftykinswakeatnight: what do you expect, your greeter to show up again?18:44
wakeatnightno, my shell18:44
huscurianIs pepperflash a better alternative to adobe flash?18:45
wakeatnightI don't use login managers18:45
AJ_Z0wakeatnight: Sounds like a VTY switching issue. How are you starting openbox?18:45
wakeatnighthuscurian: i think its the developed one18:45
johelishHey! Ive had big problems with my boot partition and i read that I could boot with a live cd and use gparted to repartition my boot sector but I can\t!18:45
huscurianwakeatnight: pepperflash?18:45
wakeatnightvia xinitrc: exec openbox-session18:45
wakeatnighthuscurian: "pepper" in chrome is the one being developed on I think18:45
huscurianAh, then what's the alternative for Firefox?18:45
wakeatnightthe regular flashplayer18:46
wakeatnightbut don't quote me on this18:46
daftykinswakeatnight: ah, pretty common for fglrx to trash TTYs18:46
wakeatnightI try to avoid flash :/18:46
wakeatnightdaftykins: ah how so?18:46
daftykinsbecause AMD drivers suck18:46
AJ_Z0wakeatnight: So you should go back to a long prompt on the VTY from which you ran xinit (or startx), but if not, then try switching to it with ctrl-alt-F1 (or whichever)18:46
daftykinshuscurian: pepperflash is the choice for chrome or chromium, you won't get flash in firefox.18:46
daftykinspepperflash wrappers exist, but i don't know anything about how well they work18:47
wakeatnightAJ_Z0: but it is reading input (even though I can't see it)18:47
AJ_Z0I don't know the current state of fglrx and whatever the AMD driver in Xorgh is called these days, but fglrx has a poor history and you might be better off not using it18:47
wakeatnightI can press uparrow and enter18:47
wakeatnightto startx again18:47
CarlenWhiteXRDP does not like Ubuntu desktop.18:48
AJ_Z0wakeatnight: That's better than it could be. Does switching VTYs fix this?18:48
wakeatnightAJ_Z0: I have this problem with radeon: ever so often the screen colours all turn pink, 1000x saturated :/18:48
wakeatnightand I have to restart it to fix18:48
wakeatnightI will try later18:49
wakeatnightbut I could also use radeon, just if this issue goes away18:49
wakeatnight(and if I get tear-free)18:49
wakeatnightis that asking too much from open source amd driver?18:49
AJ_Z0Yes, it is too much to ask AMD to work on a decent driver or support free software18:50
daftykinsi was under the impression tearfree was intel only18:50
wakeatnightamd too18:50
daftykinsactually i believe AMD are pushing one of their own drivers, other than radeon and fglrx18:51
huscurianwhat about pipelight?18:51
huscurianWould that be a good alternative to flash?18:51
wakeatnightwhy do you need flash so badly?18:51
huscurianhulu.com requires flash so I can't play any videos on here.18:51
wakeatnightand you don't want to use chrome (just for that)18:52
AJ_Z0Note that I'm going on historical recollections, not the current state of AMD graphics on approximately every platform.18:52
wakeatnightwould work the best I guess18:52
tgm4883pipelight isn't an alternative to flash18:52
huscurianChrome can't be used on Ubuntu?18:52
daftykinshuscurian: +1 to tgm4883 - not even the same thing. as i said, pepperflash wrappers - or use pepperflash with chromium.18:52
daftykinssure it can18:52
daftykinschromium, the open source base, is one package install away18:52
daftykinsapt-get install chromium-browser18:53
ioriaCarlenWhite, you cannot connect , or the Unity Desktop is wrong  ?18:53
AJ_Z0Chrom(ium) with pepperflash "works" (including hulu.com last time I used it)18:53
CarlenWhiteEchoed $DESKTOP_SESSION and it gave 'ubuntu'18:53
huscurianthanks guys18:54
javascriptI am javascript devoloper18:54
wakeatnightdaftykins: what kind of driver is that?18:54
=== javascript is now known as Guest26548
Guest26548your have questions?18:54
CarlenWhiteSo I threw that in and it just gave a grey screen.18:54
daftykinswakeatnight: what? i have no info on it.18:54
daftykinsCarlenWhite: if you're talking about session names, you should be after 'unity' no?18:54
daftykinswakeatnight: what card is it anyway?18:54
MonkeyDustunity is in fact gnome, as it is a compiz plugin18:55
daftykinsi don't think that changes the session name ;)18:55
Redial2416I have a question.  Running 14.04 64, will run perfectly for up to 18 hours, then locks up.  My runtime clock just stops, keyboard won't respond, mouse will move.  Only recourse is hard reboot.18:56
eelstreborinteresting, i can't get my new nick registered - according to my logs, my mail system rejected the e-mail from freenode because of a reverse lookup failure18:56
k1l_eelstrebor: talk to #freenode about that18:56
k1l_Redial2416: see the old logs in /var/log/ whats happening18:57
Redial2416I will check18:57
daftykinsRedial2416: memtest and new CMOS battery18:57
ioriaCarlenWhite,  i mean .... you are connecting from a Windows machine , right ? with Remote Desktop18:57
tiblockHi. I have system with Celeron 1.0 GHz and AGP 64mb video card. Will ubuntu 14 run there or hardware is not supported at all?18:58
pablo-I'm from live cd , I'm using irssi , xchat don't go with apt-get install xchat18:58
MonkeyDusttiblock  try it with a live dvd or usb18:58
k1l_tiblock: try Lubuntu. others might not run well18:58
EriC^^pablo-: you were Paul^^ ?18:59
=== pablo- is now known as Paul^^
Paul^^yes excuse me18:59
ioriaCarlenWhite,  and you installed xrdp on the Ubuntu server machine ....18:59
tiblockMonkeyDust, k1l_, okay, thank you18:59
EriC^^Paul^^: ok, type sudo efibootmgr -v | nc termbin.com 999918:59
daftykinstiblock: i wouldn't waste my time, anything single core simply will not cut it today.18:59
tiblockdaftykins, but person that owns it don't have money for anything else and WinXP is super slow19:00
CarlenWhiteioria: Yes...?19:00
Chaser!requirements | tiblock19:00
ubottutiblock: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu19:00
CarlenWhiteI'm able to connect to the server with XFCE4, but that's not the ideal situation I want to be in.19:00
daftykinstiblock: so they'll have to save up and buy something, it's simply game over - i wouldn't give that to my worst enemy19:00
auronandacetiblock: you may run into a problem with PAE if your processor is too old19:00
daftykinsauronandace: good point, i think lubuntu is meant to be ok in that regard though19:01
tiblockauronandace, will it be because ubuntu or linux kernel in general?19:01
daftykinsbut even lubuntu won't run on that heap19:01
ioriaCarlenWhite,  you can try this and then restart xrdp : echo "gnome-session --session=ubuntu-2d" > .xsession    and sudo /etc/init.d/xrdp restart19:01
tiblockauronandace, i mean will other linux bases OSes work or not any linux at all if there is no PAE?19:01
Paul^^EriC^^: http://pastebin.com/tphK4QLE19:01
EriC^^Paul^^: ok, you're using msdos ( bios ) not uefi19:02
auronandacetiblock: ubuntu has enabled PAE by default in the kernel for a few years now, you'll need to use a kernel with PAE not enabled to boot19:02
daftykinstiblock: what RAM does that thing have?19:02
esph@tiblock Lubuntu is your best bet for an Ubuntu distro. There are other distros that might work better though; some are specifically aimed at being lightweight or running on older hardware.19:02
EriC^^Paul^^: do you have csm legacy enabled?19:02
tiblockauronandace, ah, okay, thank you. Will try live cd now19:02
huscurianI installed pepperflash via Software Center.  I tried Hulu.  It played back the video but cut short.  Error 3336.19:02
huscurianis there a sudo command I have to do to make pepperflash work with Chromium?19:02
tiblockdaftykins, 256mb19:02
daftykinstiblock: ok that's not even going to boot most likely, that really is totally beyond the time of usefulness - promising that person anything is a mistake19:03
auronandacetiblock: ouch, you are going to struggle with that much ram19:03
daftykinshuscurian: no, proprietary chrome might be better19:03
Paul^^EriC^^: sorry I don't know what is this stuff19:03
tgm4883auronandace: why do you always run to that without any evidence whether his CPU supports PAE or not?19:03
Paul^^EriC^^: http://pastebin.com/6pVVUGaD19:03
EriC^^Paul^^: in the bios, there should be a csm legacy option, to choose legacy instead of uefi19:04
daftykinstgm4883: it's obvious it doesn't since it's an AGP era celeron19:04
auronandacetgm4883: i used the word may19:04
Paul^^EriC^^: I must choose csm ?19:04
Redial2416So I looked at the old logs, appears to be graphics related, last entries are to do with ATI Radeon19:04
tgm4883auronandace: ah ok, so any time a system won't boot that's going to be your response.....19:04
daftykinsRedial2416: can you pastebin that file?19:05
EriC^^Paul^^: yes, choose csm legacy or legacy19:05
Redial2416Yes, one moment19:05
auronandacetgm4883: considering the age of the machine in question it is very likely correct, it won't be my stock response19:05
EriC^^Paul^^: wait a sec19:05
Paul^^EriC^^: I must reboot and look inside the bios19:05
sooliHi all19:05
EriC^^Paul^^: hold on19:05
sooliI'm thinking moving from OSX to ubuntu 15.0419:05
EriC^^Paul^^: i think it's already set, cause you said windows was booting automatically, right?19:06
Redial2416Just to make sure, you want me to drop it in here?19:06
sooliI'm thinking about moving from OSX to ubuntu 15.0419:06
akikpae is used when you have lots of memory. what does this have to do with a machine with 256 megs ram?19:06
BluesKajsooli, yes we saw that the firstr time19:06
sooliI need a computer only for coding (ruby / javascript)19:06
Paul^^Eric: yes, only windows19:06
sooliBluesKaj: sorry, I thought I was able to modify my sentence19:06
Paul^^I don't see the grub prompt19:07
daftykinsakik: completely irrelevant interpretation of what PAE kernels are :)19:07
EriC^^Paul^^: ok, type sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt19:07
k1l_akik: its needed since the kernel depends on it now. its standard on nearly all actuayl hardware.19:07
CarlenWhiteioria: Tried that session. Same error."19:07
akikpae is physical address extensions19:07
CarlenWhiteAlso sorry for that pause, was waiting for something to finish.19:07
Redial2416daftykins, you don't really want me to drop that log file here, how to get it to you?19:07
daftykinsRedial2416: paste.ubuntu.com19:08
Paul^^EriC^^: you mean this procedure : http://howtoubuntu.org/how-to-repair-restore-reinstall-grub-2-with-a-ubuntu-live-cd19:08
daftykinsRedial2416: you can also install 'pastebinit' and run 'pastebinit file'19:08
sooliI didn't use a linux/GNU system as Desktop for a while ... But it looks good and finaly my OSX is so slow :)19:08
akikare you saying that since the pae kernel expects a lot of ram, it won't boot on 256 megs ram?19:08
k1l_akik: no. it has nothing to do with ram19:08
EriC^^Paul^^: yeah19:08
daftykinsakik: current kernels _require_ PAE support of the CPU, if the CPU doesn't support it, nothing will boot.19:08
tgm4883akik: you need a CPU that supports PAE it in order to boot a kernel that has PAE enabled19:09
ioriaCarlenWhite,  which error ?19:09
EriC^^Paul^^: still though, let's try it19:09
daftykinsRedial2416: you should have a link to paste here now, with a number after .com/19:09
Redial2416One moment19:09
CarlenWhiteNo error. Just a grey screen.19:09
Paul^^Eric: I used that on others pc without eif and all go19:09
EriC^^Paul^^: yes, your install isn't in uefi mode though, it's in legacy mode19:10
EriC^^and windows is in legacy mode too19:10
SCHAAP137i like legacy mode19:10
daftykinsRedial2416: hmm looks ok to me19:11
akikwikipedia says pae was introduced in pentium pro. does it mean that every processor after pentium pro has the functionality?19:11
EriC^^Paul^^: did you run sudo mount ... ?19:11
daftykinsakik: no.19:12
quantsHi guys, I need anti virus and anti spyware on my system, I deal with a lot of data and need the extra protection19:12
Paul^^EriC^^: root@ubuntu:/# grub-install /dev/sda19:12
Paul^^Installation finished. No error reported.19:12
daftykinsakik: would you mind taking this topic to ##hardware perhaps? it doesn't really bear relevance to this channel19:12
ioriaCarlenWhite,  should work with unity-2d...19:12
Redial2416No rhyme or reason to it.  Just all of a sudden locks up.19:12
shamskyjoin #russian19:12
daftykinsRedial2416: i'd definitely get a memtest on the go19:12
Paul^^sda5 the usually procedure19:12
EriC^^Paul^^: ok, type update-grub19:13
Redial2416I hate to utter the words, never had the prob on Win719:13
Paul^^I have 2 partetition here ext4 , ubuntu & debian19:13
TJ-Redial2416: do you have the most recent kern.log ?19:13
EriC^^ah i see19:13
k1l_akik: PAE is standard since 1995. (that is 20 years ago!). some intel M (Banias family) just dont announce the pae flag but can be foreced to boot pae.19:13
daftykinsRedial2416: and you use both regularly?19:13
Redial2416Bear with me, noob, I will look19:13
ioria!info unity-2d19:14
ubottuunity-2d (source: unity): transitional dummy package. In component universe, is optional. Version 7.3.2+15.04.20150420-0ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 4 kB, installed size 130 kB19:14
TJ-Redial2416: is the 18 hours an accurate timing, and always very close to that? Is it the same time each day? Is the PC being used when it freezes? If so, is the same combination of applications running?19:14
CarlenWhiteioria that just straight up fails.19:14
Paul^^EriC^^: http://pastebin.com/1aA0Xs1q19:15
k1l_akik: the reason behin PAE is that only with activated PAE nx-bit can be used etc.19:15
Paul^^before have tried this 2 times but it don't go19:15
CarlenWhiteioria: http://puu.sh/ksFEI.png19:15
k1l_akik: so dont get caught by the "more than 4gb ram" myth19:15
SET001how can I send output of multiple commands in single console and then to be able to kill all that commands with single ctrl+c or something19:16
EriC^^Paul^^: ok, try grub-install --recheck /dev/sda19:16
* huscurian is away19:16
Paul^^the usually command to re-install grub ; uefi bios of s...19:16
ioriaCarlenWhite,  what client is that ?19:16
SET001running commands with & can share console but then I have to kill them manually19:16
Redial2416Yes, I can dual boot, trying to get more used to Ubuntu and throw the Win disks on the fire pile19:16
CarlenWhiteThe client I'm using to connect? Windows Remote Desktop.19:16
CarlenWhiteThat's the window from XRDP.19:16
Paul^^EriC^^: : Installation finished. No error reported.19:16
EriC^^Paul^^: ok, type exit and try rebooting19:17
Paul^^ok, in god we trust :)19:17
ioriaCarlenWhite,  i'm afraid you cannot use unity....19:17
CarlenWhiteOh well.19:17
SET001guys... *(19:18
CarlenWhiteXFCE4 will be something I'll bear with.19:18
ioriaCarlenWhite,  until 12.04 you could have used unity-2d...19:18
Redial2416Never the same time period, usually my ram load is around 16-18%, I have noticed that the crash happens if over 25-33%, may be just coincidence.19:19
auronandaceioria: they dropped that quite a while back didn't they? it used metacity instead of compiz19:19
ioriaCarlenWhite,  iy you really needs unity, you can install Lubuntu, the unity-2d and use xrdp with unity19:20
ioriaauronandace, think so....19:20
MonkeyDusti loved metacity for ssh -Y connections19:20
TJ-Redial2416: I think you're killing the system with the full logging being done by UFW! Change that to minimal logging19:21
Redial2416I will be happy to, instructions please?19:21
EriC^^Paul^^: any luck?19:21
Redial2416Or a link to them19:21
Paul^^EriC^^, : thank you very much, maybe I was a dumb ... I knew perfectly how re-install grub , maybe I made any error before19:21
EriC^^Paul^^: great, np19:21
Jordan_UPaul^^: And just to confirm, can you still boot Windows without issue?19:22
quantsWhat's the best antivirus I can get for Ubuntu19:22
TJ-Redial2416: could be the GPU overheating: "[ 6997.432035] radeon 0000:05:00.0: GPU lockup (waiting for 0x0000000000000008 last fence id 0x0000000000000002 on ring 5)"19:22
auronandace!av | quants19:22
ubottuquants: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using Samba). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus19:22
Paul^^Jordan_U, : I must try to boot windows19:22
Paul^^another reboot ... ?19:23
MonkeyDust!find metacity19:23
ubottuFound: libmetacity-dev, libmetacity-private2, metacity, metacity-common, metacity-dbg19:23
Paul^^!find boot19:23
ubottuFound: debootstrap, efibootmgr, gfxboot, gfxboot-dbg, gfxboot-dev, gfxboot-theme-ubuntu, grub, kpartx-boot, multiboot-doc, multipath-tools-boot (and 68 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=boot&searchon=names&suite=vivid&section=all19:23
bipulWhat is wrong here  bzr dh-make hello-2.7 hello-2.7.tar.gz  bzr: ERROR: command 'dh-make' requires argument TARBALL19:23
Redial2416I will search for the minimal logging and try that.19:23
Redial2416Thanks to all that helped19:23
TJ-Redial2416: UFW Logging: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW#Logging19:23
k1l_quants: the biggest security issue is the user not running the updates to get the security fixes that ubuntu ships and installing 3rd party stuff.19:23
Jordan_UPaul^^: I think it's a good idea to reboot and test booting Windows, yes.19:24
Paul^^ok, I have debin too here , however this uefi bios are a dirty thing from M$ ...19:26
Paul^^bye bye and thanks , reboot19:26
daftykinsugh i do not appreciate those silly statements19:28
MonkeyDustpeople still think UEFI is a product from MS19:29
EriC^^uefi is satan in code form19:30
TJ-UEFI is the best thing since sliced brown bread!19:30
EriC^^if you run the right algorithm on it, you get 666 O.o19:30
MonkeyDustand the Evil One appears19:30
esphUltimate Evil From Illuminati19:31
esphI cracked the code, people19:31
TJ-I guess most folks are too young to remember all the terrible bugs in BIOS systems19:31
MonkeyDustand we use WUBI to fight the Evil One19:32
auronandaceTJ-: isn't it true though that most manufacturers do a very poor job of implementing uefi so that various linux distros need workarounds to get around buggy implementations19:33
auronandacekinda defeats the point in having a standard if nobody is going to implement it properly19:34
TJ-auronandace: actually no... because they mostly use pre-packaged UEFI packages from Phoenix or AMI/Award, and those companies base the code on the Intel Open Source EDK 2 (EFI Development Kit v2). The problems stems from inexperienced/unqualified software engineers at the manufacturers tinkering with the package defualts, and adding 'value-add features' which are often buggy - such as boot menu management19:35
auronandaceTJ-: ahh, thanks for the info19:35
TJ-auronandace: UEFI is based on the concepted of loadable modules, rather like the Linux kernel. The common core modules are built into the firmware, but you can load additional hardware drivers at boot-time using the EFI shell. Unfortunately, many manufacturers remove the shell - it is *very* powerful, like working in BASH19:36
ioriaPaul^^ is missing in action ...19:36
auronandacegood timing19:37
TJ-auronandace: I always install the EDK2 shellx64.efi in the ESP as "/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI" as a fall-back for problems. (that's the Simple Media Boot Path used on removable media)19:37
Paul^^EriC^^: ok, thanks, I'm from debian now, tested win7 all ok, but....win is slow and heavy ;-)19:37
EriC^^Paul^^: great :)19:38
Paul^^and full of backdoors and spyware, etc... as 0-day flash etc...19:38
Jordan_UPaul^^: This channel is for Ubuntu support, not anti Microsoft rants. Please keep to support related discussion in the future.19:38
auronandace!yay | Paul^^19:38
ubottuPaul^^: Glad you made it! :-)19:38
TJ-auronandace: for the shell binary, see https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-ShellBinPkg/tree/master/UefiShell/X6419:39
Paul^^Here in italy was a trial of hacking team, a society specializated to make backdoor for all OS & smartphone :-(19:39
daftykinsPaul^^: that's not on topic for this channel19:40
auronandacePaul^^: all your ubuntu issues sorted out now?19:41
* woodruffw test19:41
auronandace!test | woodruffw19:41
ProbabilityMoonmy screen turns off when I watch full screen videos (e.g. youtube), is there a way to prevent it without disabling "turn screen off when inactive"?19:41
woodruffwoops, sorry19:41
ProbabilityMoonI run a fresh install of Ubuntu 15.04, watching videos in Chrome19:42
EriC^^ProbabilityMoon: i dont think so, you can maybe use a cronjob or something to check if flash is being used and use gsettings to turn it on or off19:42
ProbabilityMoonhmm ok19:43
ProbabilityMoonhaven't used Ubuntu in a while, but I remember 12.04 not showing this behavior19:43
ProbabilityMoonit didn't go to sleep when watching full screen videos19:43
ProbabilityMoonI wonder what changed19:43
ProbabilityMoonanyway, thanks19:43
daftykinsi'm a bit shocked at that, i thought it was just a failing of xubuntu to go to power save during full screen video19:44
auronandaceperhaps that's an issue with flash in particular19:44
ProbabilityMooncould be19:44
BadDreami have the same issue ProbabilityMoon....19:45
BadDreamin xubuntu 14.0419:45
ProbabilityMoonsome people recommend installing Caffeine, but I hate installing third party apps to fix issue that shouldn't be there19:45
ProbabilityMoonI suppose I have no choice :)19:46
daftykinsProbabilityMoon: welcome to FOSS land19:46
ubottuwoodruffw: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )19:46
woodruffwthat took ubottu long enough19:47
ProbabilityMoondaftykins: lol no, the FOSS solution would be: code your own solution19:47
ProbabilityMoonlike EriC^^ recommended19:47
ProbabilityMoonbut I'm too lazy for that19:47
daftykinsi kind of want to test that really happens on a standard unity desktop now19:47
ioria!info xautolock19:48
ubottuxautolock (source: xautolock): Program launcher for idle X sessions. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.2-4 (vivid), package size 24 kB, installed size 76 kB19:48
auronandaceWUBI: silly question: have you tried pressing the caps lock button on your keyboard?19:48
ProbabilityMoonwell it happens on a fresh Ubuntu install with nouveau display driver, playing flash videos in Chrome, so yeah...19:48
Guest14224ALT + F419:48
ProbabilityMoonI tried installing the proprietary Nvidia drivers, but they borked my computer, wouldn't start the graphic login19:49
WUBIthanks, it worked19:49
ProbabilityMoonhad to ssh into the box from my laptop and remove them manually :)19:49
EriC^^ProbabilityMoon: i've come to learn that ubuntu/linux is like building legos of some sort, you can't really expect anything to be any way it "should" from the get go, but you're sure to find a program that already does it that you can add19:50
daftykinsWUBI: i hope you're not actually using wubi :(19:50
bongorI'm having trouble installing grub to an external usb ssd19:50
bpromptProbabilityMoon:    if the video is playing in the browser, in this case a flash video, it has no access to disable the screensaver or timeout from the system, so even in 12.04 I'd think it never did it either, though you think it did, since the browser has no access to that part of the system anyway, much less the flash component or any embedded video api, you could from a player, like Kaffeine, or just use smplayer19:50
ioriaProbabilityMoon, give a look at xautolock. ... not sure but can be useful19:50
bpromptProbabilityMoon:   since those player apps installation include access to such system resources and can do the timeout disabling19:50
wileeebongor, What is the end use?19:51
bongorTo run ubuntu from the ssd with any computer I need it to19:51
wileeebongor, Is it a msdos rather than gpt setup, the external?19:51
ProbabilityMoonbprompt: I don't expect it to disable the screensaver, that would be intrusive, just to signal activity, like any other app does19:51
ProbabilityMoonflash runs as a browser addon, which is essentially run as a separate process, I think19:52
ProbabilityMoonioria: thanks will take a look19:52
ioriaProbabilityMoon, you can use xscreensaver19:52
wileeebongor, When you installed or install to a disk or whatever you use the something else option and point grub to where you want.19:52
bongorwileee: what do you mean? it's only ubuntu19:52
bongorI've installed it a long time ago, i tried to reinstall it manually19:53
bongorI installed ubuntu a long time ago, grub I tried just now19:53
wileeebongor, I'm assuming to the mbr, not a big deal, you can mount from a live and install or chroot in, are you familiar with either?19:54
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub219:54
auronandacebongor: when you install ubuntu you install grub at the same time, the installer lets you choose where to put it. why would you do them separately?19:54
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bongorauronandace: because it was a long time ago and I installed grub in a different HDD19:55
bongorI used the external SSD with this computer all the time19:55
bongorNow I want to use it in a different computer19:55
bongorSo I'm trying to install grub on the SSD itself19:55
bpromptProbabilityMoon:     hmmm video playback doesn't do activity signaling, not even from a player app either, reason why video players provide their own "disable screen timeout" option in their settings, if you were to run it in smplayer o kaffeine or vlc and you do not disable it from there, you'd get the timeout kicking in anyway19:55
WUBIwubi works good for me19:55
ubottuWubi was a way to install Ubuntu from within Windows, but it is no longer supported in recent versions of Ubuntu and was never well maintained even for Ubuntu 12.04. Do not use Wubi. See !install for other options for installing Ubuntu.19:56
daftykinsWUBI: ok, well as long as you know it's not supported and can cause lots of issues :)19:56
ProbabilityMoonbprompt: got it, thanks19:56
holmsanyway knows how to launch cron/crontab/crond on ubuntu? trying this in docker... cron -e doesn't work, says illegal option, cron -f works but doesn't do anything, crond is absent, crontab is absent too19:56
Paul^^in ubuntu 12.04 LTS italian localization I noted 2 little bug : 1- it's about the classic GNU help system 2- another is about irssi configuration19:57
wileeebongor, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing19:58
auronandacePaul^^: you could report them on launchpad19:59
Jordan_U!bug | Paul^^19:59
ubottuPaul^^: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.19:59
auronandace!launchpad | Paul^^19:59
ubottuPaul^^: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/19:59
auronandaceJordan_U: would localisation fixes be considered ubuntu bugs or would they be forwarded upstream?20:00
wileeebongor, Changing computers you may run into graphic issues at times, but can be dealt with, you probably know this. You just need grub in the mbr of the ssd if all else is on it.20:00
Paul^^the info classic help from GNU don't exist ( don't exist node ) ; and irssi don't support $0 $1 etc... in the internal scripting language ; debian haven't this problem20:01
esphMy sister's laptop fails to boot, and the "recovery mode" kernels also fail to boot, with these errors: http://imgur.com/a/OsiTA Any ideas? I don't have direct access to the computer.20:01
Jordan_Uauronandace: Like any other bug, they would be considered Ubuntu bugs and hopefully the fix (and possibly the bug report itself) would be upstreamed.20:01
daftykinsesph: looks like impending disk failure, i don't think you can do anything useful remotely (other than boot a live session) if any of the data on there is important to her20:02
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Jordan_Uesph: Does your sister have backups of all of her important data?20:03
esphSo it really is disk failure?20:03
bongorwileee: yep, but it doesn't work for some reason20:03
bpromptesph:     can you/she go back to the recovery screen/menu and pick "root shell" from the menu, and run an "fsck" on the system?    looks like the hdd is going south though20:03
wileeebongor, Have you gone as far as a chroot?20:03
daftykinsesph: looks pretty bad yeah.20:03
esphugh, that's bad20:04
daftykinsbprompt: i think that's unwise because it looks like it's going to just murder the data more20:04
esph@bprompt like I said, that is the recovery kernel failing to boot20:04
daftykinsesph: can you instruct to use another system to prepare some live media to boot?20:04
daftykinsesph: a quick command from a live session could confirm the hard disk's status20:04
wileeebongor, If it boots from the computer now you can put it's grub in it's mbr from the running desktop.20:05
bpromptdaftykins:    just wondering the level of cluster error, if fixable, there's a tiny percentage in which could help a bit, is all20:05
daftykinsbprompt: mm maybe, probably worth checking for bad sector state first off though, as if it's too widespread an fsck could murder a lot more :)20:05
bpromptesph:    right... but yeah, if she has a liveusb or livecd bootable *nix,  it'd a great idea to use that, and mount the hdd from there, and move her important data while she can20:06
esph@daftykins I was hoping to avoid that, since she doesn't have any USBs that aren't currently in use. I guess I could get her to go buy one...20:06
TJ-esph: your screenshot only shows logical file-system errors, no actual I/O errors. If that is the entire issue then an fsck -f should fix it20:06
daftykinsbut if sector remaps were going on at the firmware level you wouldn't see any?20:07
TJ-esph: further, the screen shot only shows a problem with a single block (4294967295) which if that is the only one reported, is even better news20:07
daftykinsor might not o020:07
Jordan_Udaftykins: You'd still see IO errors for reads.20:07
TJ-daftykins: reallocation can only occur if the data in the 'bad' physical sector can still be read and passes the ECC check20:08
esphTJ-: see, that's what I thought. I only ever saw the one block in the errors20:08
Jordan_Uesph: Does your sister have backups of all of her important data?20:08
esphTJ-: any idea how to get to be able to run fsck though? It would be kinda a pain to have her make a liveusb at this point, since she'd have to first go buy one, and then figure out how to make it on OS X.20:08
TJ-esph: I'd prefer booting from a Live ISO and running smartctl to check the drive health before doing an fsck, but its a close call whether to just go for the fsck!20:09
daftykinshmm guess i'm remembering logs badly20:09
TJ-esph: No, you need to boot from a stable device/file-system to do it20:09
esphAlright, just making sure20:10
bpromptesph:    well, to be fair, daftykins has a good case, the error messages look mostly like inode OS allocation errors, mostly software, not i/o hardware per se, BUT running an fsck -f;   may modify things that may be salvageable now and not much available after the fsck20:10
daftykinsit's always handy just to see how affected the HDD is before going too far20:10
TJ-daftykins: When there are I/O errors reported to the kernel 1 of 2 situations has occured: 1) no reallocation can be done because repeated read attempts of the failing sector don't match the sector's ECC or 2) there are no more spare sectors to reallocate to20:10
esphbprompt: I'll keep that in  mind, thanks20:11
Jordan_Uesph: It's an important question that changes how you should approach this problem, so please answer it. Does your sister have backups of all of her important data from this drive?20:11
esphJordan_U: I think not20:11
esphThough some of it is backed up20:11
daftykinsooh dear, another one of lifes lessons learnt the hard way then!20:11
esphProbably some yes some not20:11
daftykins(might get lucky though)20:11
TJ-esph: does the PC have any other operating systems on it?20:12
daftykinsTJ-: i was aware of the mechanics, just not of what shows up in logs on a Linux machine particularly for each event :)20:12
TJ-daftykins: OK :) sometimes we don't see reallocation events; some drives don't inform the OS, unfortunately20:13
daftykinsthat's why it's all about the SMART data table \o/20:14
Jordan_Uesph: You should figure out how important the data that isn't backed up is to her. If it's very important then this may warrant you or someone else taking a trip in person to make sure that what's still accessible is salvaged as well as possible.20:14
Jordan_Uesph: If it's not terribly important, then you can keep plugging along remotely.20:14
esphJordan_U: so you're of the mind that it's a more serious problem? People seem to have different ideas about how bad the problem is. (I'm not calling anyone out here, just curious)20:15
TJ-esph: Have you asked your sister what happened immediately before this occurred? Was it from a cold boot where the PC had been switched off a while? If so, did it do a clean shutdown last time? Or maybe the PC spontaneously crashed and rebooted?20:15
esphJordan_U: of course "safety first" is sensible, if that's what you're saying20:15
TJ-esph: it's a serious problem there is vital data with no backup, regardless of having a good, or bad, disk20:16
auronandaceesph: if she has important work on it then it would be a plus if it is stored on dropbox or google drive or something similar20:16
esphTJ-: I know that, but it's difficult to convince people to be responsible with their data, unfortunately. Like I said, I know at least some of her stuff is backed  up.20:16
auronandaceesph: online storage like that is good for backup20:17
TJ-esph: Ask her how she'd cope if the PC was stolen - I find that the best wake-up call20:17
Jordan_Uesph: That's sort of what I'm saying. Put another way, if her only copy of her wedding photos are on this drive then you should pay a company to do professional data recovery on the drive just to be safe. If she'll be out her most recent additions to her stash of cute cat videos then you should just walk her through re-installing Ubuntu over the phone. If you don't know how important the data she would lose is, you ...20:17
Jordan_U... should try to figure that out.20:18
esphJordan_U: gotcha20:18
bpromptesph:     the error messages show mostly software errors, not I/O hardware errors as TJ-  pointed out, BUT, often times errors on hardware are just inherited from hardware errors, it just happens that the software errors surface before if any hardware issues exist, or becomes exacerbated20:18
TJ-bprompt: if the underlying cause was a hardware error, we'd probably see it on previous kern.log entries, if we could get to them :)20:19
bpromptTJ-:    yeap, better to have data backed up by then though =)20:19
TJ-Another great argument for a separate /var/ :)20:19
TJ-bprompt: agreed, but analysis is always better with data about what happened, rather than guessing after the fact20:20
bpromptesph:    anyhow, I mean, errors on software are inherited from hardware issues, so.. . either way, data can get corrupted and it does often times, so..... is not light issue :)20:21
esphTJ-: as for what happened before: The computer failed to suspend (screen just went gray/black, backlight still on), so my sister left it for a while and then turned it off and on, and it didn't boot.20:21
TJ-esph: OK, that makes me think the problem is just that the in-memory metadata block cache wasn't flushed to disk before the power went off20:22
esphTJ-: when I say a while, I mean overnight. Don't know if that makes a difference.20:23
TJ-esph: or, the disk was in the process of writing as power disappeared, resulting in an incomplete write20:23
tiblockif somebody is curious, loaded into live CD ubuntu 9.04 on celeron 1.0 GHz, 256mb ram, works very well20:23
esphtiblock: Lubuntu?20:24
daftykinstiblock: 9.04 is long since EOL though, that would be unsafe online20:24
tiblockesph, ubuntu20:24
tiblockdaftykins, not a problem since netwrok card is not working for some reason :P20:24
bprompttiblock:     1.0ghz should run it smooth, sure20:25
auronandacetiblock: did you end up trying a recent release, i'd be curious if you hit the PAE issue20:26
tgm4883auronandace: probably not, since his CPU supports PAE20:26
tiblockauronandace, i don't have CD disk writer in house, i will try network boot to install 14.04 so googling how to do that ATM20:26
jackiaHi everybody20:27
auronandacetgm4883: he said it was a celeron, my t40 had a celeron and that had an issue with booting from PAE20:27
jackiaI want to install julia from here, but I dont know what should I do20:28
k1l_jackia: sudp apt-get install julia"20:29
tgm4883auronandace: ah, well. Since your celeron had an issue with it, then there's no reason to get any more info from him. I mean, 'cat /proc/cpuinfo' or 'lscpu' is obviously too much for that little CPU to handle20:29
k1l_jackia: sorry typo: "sudo apt-get install julia"20:29
auronandacetgm4883: i'm sorry my experienceis not enough to render adequate technical support, thank you for educating me20:30
jackiaK1l_ thanks very much20:30
tgm4883auronandace: I'm just pointing out (in a rather pointed way since you didn't like my response earlier), that if you want to assist people in here, you should do a bit more legwork rather than just assume all booting issues on older hardware are due to PAE issues.20:31
auronandacetgm4883: noted20:31
tiblockI'm curious, what is faster, swap on 40gb HDD or mount swap over 100mbps network to somewhere20:32
daftykinsthe HDD20:33
tgm4883daftykins: +120:33
daftykinsthough i almost typed "more RAM" first20:33
tiblockwill install HDD benchmark and test speed20:34
tgm4883tiblock: but as others have pointed out earlier, performance on that is going to be  terrible20:34
JaglorOnly way the network could possibly be faster would be HUGE read/write edge cases and even then...20:34
tiblocktgm4883, i don't think it will be more bad than WinXP20:34
TJ-tiblock: local hard drive, even IDE interfaces can shift 10s of Megabytes of data per second, although for random read/writes the network might be faster and lower latency20:34
n_blownapartanyone ever have trouble installing vagrant on a late ubuntu system? I forget the distro number.20:35
TJ-40GB HDD implies an older IDE interface, possibly UDMA66/10020:35
Jagloryour "somewhere" better be close, have no network collisions and zero system contention20:35
* tgm4883 wonders what performs better, tiblock's machine or ubuntu on a rpi220:35
TJ-tgm4883: we cn ask for the BogoMIPS :)20:36
tiblocktgm4883, i have RPi2, it is muuuuch faster than WinXP on that machine20:36
tgm4883tiblock: what are you wanting to use this machine for anyway?20:36
tiblocktgm4883, person that owns this PC needs skype and photos20:37
auronandacetiblock: the skype in the ubuntu repos is 4.3, a bit old but it works20:38
tgm4883tiblock: *IF* you can find more ram for that and it supports more RAM you should have them buy more. But it's likely going to be cost prohibitive20:39
TJ-heads-up: 180Gbps DDoS from compromised Linux servers (check your logs!): https://www.stateoftheinternet.com/resources-web-security-threat-advisories-2015-xor-ddos-attacks-linux-botnet-malware-removal-ddos-mitigation-yara-snort.html20:39
tiblockclicked "start" in WinXP, it took 23 seconds to open, yay20:41
herrkinhello community20:41
tiblockand opening network interfaces was about 5 minutes20:41
herrkinI have a doubt about partitions20:41
herrkinmy machine is an hp with efi20:41
TJ-herrkin: what doubt?20:41
herrkinI have installed ubuntu in it20:42
herrkinI realized I have more than 7 phisical partitions20:42
TJ-!enter | herrkin20:42
herrkinmy swap doesnt mount20:42
TJ-!punctuation | herrkin20:42
EriC^^TJ-: ubottu is drunk tonight20:42
TJ-oh well! herrkin please write the issue on one line rather than using Enter key for punctuation, thanks :)20:43
TJ-EriC^^: So I am, it seems! :D20:43
* TJ- makes a strong coffee20:43
* genii sneaks some20:43
auronandaceherrkin: msdos partitioned drives allows 4 primary partitions, gpt partitioned drives allows more than 420:44
n_blownapartstill working on vagrant problem above. I get errors on the install.20:45
herrkinok, on gparted there are 8 partitions. my machine came with 4 partitions already, I had to install ubuntu so i split the windows one redimentioned so I have some space for ubuntu and there it is. I have then one ext4 for / and a swap partition20:45
EriC^^herrkin: type sudo blkid | nc termbin.com 999920:45
herrkinbut the swap partition never mounts no matter what I do20:45
TJ-herrkin: swap is often configured as encrypted, that can cause some issues with mounting the swap device sometimes20:45
herrkinwhat is that EriC^^20:46
TJ-herrkin: check "/etc/crypttab" for a crypt_swap entry20:46
EriC^^herrkin: pastebins the output of blkid20:46
VoidWhispererAnyone know a good way to change the launcher background color on ubuntu 14.04 LTS desktop? The launcher background looks ungodly ugly with the rest of my theme. xD20:46
jackiaI installed julia with sudo apt-get install  julia , but can't open it20:46
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EriC^^herrkin: ok, and free -m | nc termbin.com 999920:47
jackiaI search julia but cant find anything20:48
auronandacejackia: not sure what you mea by open it, it seems to be a programming language20:48
EriC^^herrkin: ok and cat /etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 999920:48
auronandacejackia: what happens when you type julia in a terminal?20:49
jackiaso where I should give julia my program?20:49
TJ-herrkin: "/dev/mapper/cryptswap1 "20:49
jackiathanks auronandace , I give it20:49
TJ-herrkin: show us "/etc/crypttab"20:49
herrkincat that to termin too?20:50
auronandacejackia: typically programming languages are written in text editors or IDE's20:50
TJ-herrkin: please20:50
dlam ehh there's a  linux-hwe-generic-trusty and a linux-hwe-virtual-trusty:   how do i kno what to pick? generic vs virtual?20:51
jackiaauronandace it is command line , maby later I should install an IDE , thanks for your help20:51
auronandacejackia: no worries, have fun20:51
herrkinby the way I have tried mounting the swap manually once and it did but when I restart the machine it wont mount again.20:51
EriC^^herrkin: are you using an encrypted swap?20:52
TJ-herrkin: looks like you have too many entries :)20:52
herrkinI guess so, I don't remember to have that prompted20:53
TJ-herrkin: and none of them matches the UUID of the swap partition itself20:53
herrkinbut I wanted to encrypt my home20:53
herrkinok  good20:53
herrkinhow can I fix that?20:53
EriC^^herrkin: shouldn't he have an encrypted root too?20:53
TJ-herrkin: do you know how to use a text editor with root privileges?20:53
TJ-herrkin: OK, open /etc/crypttab in a text edit, as root, delete all but the last line20:54
EriC^^TJ-: but shouldn't he have an encrypted root too? he's just using an encrypted swap?20:54
TJ-herrkin: then, on the remaining line replace the UUID=..... part with "UUID=f4ef6653-b73b-45e4-9446-fedda6aca2e1"20:54
TJ-EriC^^: Ubuntu installs with encrypted swap by default, to protect it20:55
EriC^^what? O.o20:55
TJ-herrkin: save the file20:55
herrkinits saved20:55
herrkinthe computer keeps crashing from time to time I guess thats because it cannot use swap.20:56
TJ-herrkin: Then, at a terminal do "sudo cryptdisks_start cryptswap1" then  "sudo swapon" and then "cat /proc/swaps" to see if that was sufficient to start it20:57
herrkinswapon gave me a list like the help20:58
TJ-EriC^^: the reason for encrypting swap is that if it is used to hibernate the system memory image, someone can't examine the memory contents20:58
brw31415nub here, i have remote access to a 14. LTS ubuntu site, and i am using a chromebook. can it or i use a gui environment?  i installed an ide to ithe linux box.20:58
herrkinsure there is nothing else missing?20:58
TJ-herrkin: sorry, that should have been "sudo swapon -a"20:58
fsocietyfi want to change to Zsh how do i do this in ubuntu?20:58
EriC^^TJ-: yeah, but it's not default installer behavior!20:58
TJ-EriC^^: it has been on all the tests I've done since 14.0420:58
fsocietyfanyone help me out20:59
herrkinok it is showing /dev/dm-020:59
EriC^^that's odd, i've never had that on my install or any vm i've installed20:59
herrkinthe /proc/swaps20:59
TJ-EriC^^: I always forget to set it up when I do a manual install20:59
TJ-herrkin: ok so swap is now active20:59
TJ-herrkin: at reboot it will start automatically20:59
herrkinit will start automatically when restart?20:59
herrkinok I will try now20:59
cameronAnyone use slackware20:59
herrkinthanks a lot, I will be back if I have an issue.21:00
auronandace!topic | cameron21:00
ubottucameron: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic21:00
TJ-herrkin: I'm not sure how you ended up with 3 entries in crypttab, or how the swap partition UUID had changed so much. Have you been manually recreating the swap with mkswap?21:00
herrkinI reinstalled ubuntu and kept the swap from the last one21:00
herrkinthen trying to get it running I reformated the swap21:01
herrkinthats why21:01
TJ-herrkin: that'd do it :)21:01
herrkinyes thanks, restarting now21:01
JaglorTJ-: Thank you for the git etc inotify idea.  I have it working under systemd now  :)21:03
TJ-Jaglor: cool :)21:03
TJ-Jaglor: did you add a git push to a central repo server too?21:04
JaglorTJ-: umm, no.  In what instance would that be a good idea?21:04
simon1764Hi, by triyng to pull the desktop on the panel of the file mager I (accitendially?) pulled it over the trash bin, but the trash bin is empty and I receive a failure message everytime after I open the desktop (btw. I'm using the German version so the desktop is named "Schreibtisch")21:04
brw31415is it possible to access an ide remotely?21:05
JaglorTJ-: I don't know much about git... but I guess if I was running an internal repo...21:05
EriC^^simon1764: so the Desktop dir disappeared?21:05
auronandace!vnc | brw3141521:05
ubottubrw31415: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX21:06
herrkinhey TJ-  restarted, no swap.21:06
EriC^^simon1764: try ls ~/.local/share/Trash/files21:06
TJ-herrkin: really!? has /etc/crypttab changed? has the UUID of the swap partition changed?21:07
herrkinI restarted the system, it is behaving identically as before it doesn't mount swap EriC^^ , TJ-21:07
herrkinlet me see21:08
EriC^^herrkin: type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999921:08
TJ-herrkin: which Ubuntu release is it?21:08
SET001how can I send output of multiple commands in single console and then to be able to kill all that commands with single ctrl+c or something? running commands with & can share console but then I have to kill them manually21:08
TJ-herrkin: thanks. if something is altering the UUID of the partition on each boot that'd break things21:08
simon1764@EriC^^  ls ~/.local/share/Trash/files21:08
simon1764(no results)21:08
EriC^^herrkin: ok, try sudo blkid | nc termbin.com 999921:09
simon1764I get an "Unbekannte Fehlermeldung: Fehler beim Holen der Informationen für Datei »/home/3/Schreibtisch«: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden" =21:09
auronandaceSET001: would running them inside a screen/tmux session help? then you could just kill the session and everything in it dies21:09
simon17643 = username21:10
herrkinthere is no swap21:10
herrkinit doesnt recognize it.21:10
SET001auronandace, screens is something related to byobu?21:10
herrkinbut if I open gparted its there21:10
TJ-herrkin: OK, I see the issue.21:10
TJ-herrkin: start editing /etc/crypttab again21:11
simon1764so this means unkown error, failure by getting the file /home/§USERNAME/Desktop/ file or dictionary not found21:11
TJ-herrkin: replace the entire "UUID=...." with "/dev/sda8" and save the file21:11
auronandaceSET001: i'm not conversant with byobu sorry21:11
TJ-herrkin: now the encrypted swap is working, the partition no longer has a UUID so we have to give its actual device name21:12
EriC^^simon1764: try find ~/ -iname "Schreibtisch"21:12
herrkinit says /dev/urandom21:12
herrkinafter the uuid21:12
TJ-herrkin: no, that's the keyfile source, leave that21:12
TJ-herrkin: it should read something like "cryptswap1 /dev/sda8 /dev/urandom ..."21:13
herrkinok file saved21:13
herrkinswap on again?21:13
simon1764@EriC^^ now I recreated it with mkdir, so it will re21:13
TJ-herrkin: try a reboot, lets make sure it works from start21:13
herrkinok good rebooting21:13
korsakof__Why does sda8 disappeared after reboot?21:14
TJ-korsakof__: ?21:14
korsakof__Just curious about herrkin case21:15
SET001auronandace, anyway - can you please make a simple hint on how can I use it in screen?21:15
korsakof__The second blkid did not contain sda821:15
TJ-korsakof__: I think you're referring to the output from 'blkid' - when the sda8 partition was correctly in use it lost the UUID that was there previously, so later runs of 'blkid' won't report anything for it21:16
TJ-korsakof__: previously no encrpytion was happening so the partition contained a valid swap header that includes a UUID.21:16
simon1764@EriC^^ It reveals it at /home/$username/Schreibtisch/ but the data which was located at ~/Schreibtisch/Desktop is gone (not dramatical) but somehow strange, I just tried to place the Desktop in the file manager below all other entries and accitenially put it in the trash21:16
herrkinEriC^^, TJ- , Same thing again21:16
herrkinit says cryptoswap1 is not found I hit s to skip21:17
simon1764and the the trash is empty^^21:17
TJ-herrkin: Grrr! can you "pastebinit <( cat /etc/crypttab; sudo blkid /dev/sda8)"21:17
ubuntuHi there, do you read me_21:17
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest70650
auronandaceSET001: i'm probably not the right person to ask21:18
TJ-herrkin: "cryptoswap1" with an 'o' in? that's a typo21:18
TJ-herrkin: it should be 'cryptswap1'21:18
auronandaceSET001: i have very little experience in that area21:18
herrkinno I dont know exactly21:18
TJ-herrkin: show us the  "pastebinit <( cat /etc/crypttab; sudo blkid /dev/sda8)" and we'll see21:18
Guest70650hi guys, do you read me?21:19
SET001auronandace, I was thinking about running all needed commands inside grunt task - it will output to same console and will exit when I kill task but then I thought grunt is an overkill for my task21:19
herrkinTJ-, sudo blkid /dev/sda8 doesnt output anything21:20
TJ-herrkin: you forget to delete the "UUID=" part21:20
TJ-herrkin: Good - we don't want it to :)21:20
herrkinok I need to delete uuid too21:21
TJ-herrkin: the entire line should be "cryptswap1 /dev/sda8 /dev/urandom swap,cipher=aes-cbc-essiv:sha256"21:21
herrkinok restarting again21:21
TJ-herrkin: we only put UUID= in when we're referring to a device by its UUID.21:21
herrkinok, those are new concepts to me I just thought we were replacing one value for another :D thanks21:22
Guest70650I'm thinking that I can't connect to IRC channel, do you read me?21:23
auronandaceSET001: sounds like you know a lot more about it than me, sorry i'm not of much help21:23
EriC^^Guest70650: yeah21:23
Guest70650oh god thanks!21:23
Guest70650well guys i have a problem after installing Elementary OS and I'm just a newbie >S anyone can bring me a hand?21:25
auronandace!elemantary | Guest7065021:25
auronandace!elementary | Guest7065021:25
ubottuGuest70650: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.21:25
Guest70650Thank u21:26
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simon1764@EriC^^ sorry, timed out, /home/$username/Schreibtisch revealed not results, i recreated the desktop dir with mkdir meanwhile21:27
herrkinEriC^^, TJ-, Wow, problem still there21:27
pressure679Are the number of process threads constant?21:27
EriC^^simon1764: ok, did you have any important stuff you needed?21:27
TJ-herrkin: That makes no sense; unless the swap service isn't running. Let me check on a 14.04 system as to how it is supposed to start21:28
simon1764@EriC^^ nope, but still strange that it didn't appear in the trash folder after I accidentially removed it by putting it over the trash bin21:29
herrkinTJ-, I dont have swap in gparted21:29
EriC^^simon1764: yeah21:29
herrkinit says unknown21:29
TJ-herrkin: can you pastebin /etc/default/cryptdisks21:29
herrkinI mean the partition is there but its not marked as swap21:30
TJ-herrkin: that's fine, the partition only contains what looks like random data21:30
TJ-herrkin: the swap device only shows up as a file-system once the encrypted device /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 is active21:30
simon1764@EriC^^ should I try to move the desktop in there again and file a bug report if it happens again?21:31
TJ-herrkin: can you pastebinit /etc/fstab21:32
EriC^^simon1764: yeah sure21:32
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=== Kwaku is now known as maxtimbo
simon1764@EriC^^ ok, thanks, maybe it's something that occurs because of the translation of the directories21:34
EriC^^simon1764: maybe21:34
maxtimbohey, I need to make sure a HDD is mounted on boot and create a "mount --bind --verbose" command on boot. This requires super user privileges. How do I do this?21:35
TJ-herrkin: just so I'm 100% sure, pastebinit /etc/crypttab21:35
herrkinlol lack..21:35
maxtimboI disabled join/part msgs. Am I still connected?21:40
TJ-herrkin: OK, so everything is in place, but the mount scripts don't seem to be activating it. Can you check if the crypt device is there: "ls /dev/mapper/" - do you see a "cryptswap1" there?21:40
herrkincontrol  cryptswap121:41
Guest70650in elementary channels people doesn't answer T_T I've installed this ubuntu based distro erasing everything in my mac disk. well, I turn on my lap and nothing happens, I'm here throw live usb try. I saw the partitions and it exists but my OS can't start by itself. if anyone can help me I will be happy. thanks.21:41
TJ-herrkin: AHA! the crypt device is there, so this is a mount issue21:42
maxtimboGuest70650, you may need to set the bios to run the correct partition first21:42
wileeeGuest70650, elementary OS has their own channel is all.21:42
TJ-herrkin: how are you determining there is no swap ?21:43
herrkinI mean the partitions are not marked as swap21:43
Guest70650maxtimbo: thank you very much, I'm sorry for disturbing you21:43
herrkinin the first command you asked me there was no /dev/sda821:44
Guest70650I'll google it...again21:44
herrkinwhen I rebooted this time you asked me for a command, there is no /dev/sda8 there21:44
TJ-herrkin: the way to check is "cat /proc/swaps"21:44
herrkinoh and aslso free -m21:44
herrkinswap 0 021:45
herrkinyeah that command shows only the field names21:45
herrkinno values21:45
TJ-herrkin: OK, so that confirms you have a mounting issue21:45
TJ-herrkin: try "sudo swapon -a" and then check again21:46
herrkinswapon: /dev/mapper/cryptswap1: read swap header failed: Invalid argument21:46
TJ-herrkin: ok, that makes it clearer now!21:47
maxtimbois it possible to create a live usb that loads to grub so i can choose between 64 and 32 bit OSs?21:49
TJ-herrkin: try "sudo cryptmount --swapon cryptswap1"21:49
herrkinnot found21:49
herrkincommand not found21:49
wileeemaxtimbo, any usb multiloader should work.21:49
TJ-herrkin: what does "which cryptmount" tell you?21:50
TJ-herrkin: aha!21:50
herrkinits not installed it seems21:50
TJ-herrkin: "apt list cryptmount"21:51
herrkincryptmount/trusty 4.5-1 amd6421:52
TJ-herrkin: It should show "cryptmount/trusty,now 4.5-1 amd64 [installed]"21:52
TJ-herrkin: "sudo apt-get install cryptmount"21:52
TJ-herrkin: and now you can reboot and it *will* work :)21:52
herrkinwhat it didnt install when I install the system?21:53
TJ-herrkin: actually, hang on!21:53
TJ-herrkin: lets check the other scripts are there before you reboot21:53
herrkinTarget name "cryptswap1" is not recognized21:53
herrkinthe output of the last command21:53
TJ-herrkin:  no worries. Your system now seems to be identical to my working systems21:55
TJ-herrkin: try the reboot :)21:55
herrkinok rebooting21:56
herrkinTJ-, swap is on. the system threw the same error but after a couple of seconds it kept on going22:00
herrkinfinally I checked the swap and its active22:01
TJ-herrkin: yes, that is expected. Mountall has to wait for the cryptswap1 device to appear22:01
SSRI* Now talking on #debian22:01
SSRI* Topic for #debian is: Debian 8 Jessie released! /msg dpkg jessie ; /msg dpkg wheezy->jessie ; /msg dpkg install jessie | current point releases: /msg dpkg 8.2; /msg dpkg 7.9 | NO FLOOD: /msg dpkg paste | /msg bots NOT people | offtopic: #debian-offtopic | testing/unstable: #debian-next (irc.oftc.net) | chanlogs: /msg dpkg irclog22:01
SSRI* Topic for #debian set by jelly!~jelly@00012145.user.oftc.net at Sun Sep  6 00:55:24 201522:01
SSRI-ChanServ- [#debian] Welcome to #debian! Please see /topic for current information. This channel may be publicly logged. NO FLOOD: /msg dpkg paste | /msg bots NOT people | offtopic: #debian-offtopic22:01
SSRI* DesertBeagles has quit (Quit: Leaving)22:01
SSRI<SSRI> Hey can someone help me here. :-) I guessed my neighbor pass, and i was able to surf the net whit his internet, I was messing whit
herrkinthanks a lot, I hope the laptop wont crash anymore. I guessed it was because of the swap. it kept freezing every time22:02
TJ-herrkin: the init system tries to run jobs in parallel, so mountall has to wait for the cryptmount service to complete before it can do its job, and you get a warning22:02
herrkinI couldnt even open 4 tabs on chrome22:02
=== Fennekin is now known as Fuchs
herrkinTJ-, is it normal it has 0 used?22:03
TJ-herrkin: until the kernel needs to swap memory pages out, yes22:03
herrkinok, how much is advised to have in swap?22:04
TJ-herrkin: once demand increases swap should start to be used22:04
herrkinI have 2gb22:04
herrkin4gb of ram22:04
NANOOKwindows is not opening'22:04
TJ-herrkin: to support hibernation we usually recommend 1.25 x RAM, but if you're not hibernating 0.5 x RAM is fine22:04
NANOOKwait what?22:04
herrkinI do hibernating all the time, I just didnt know how much to do use in swap.22:05
herrkinthen I edit the partitions, resize them to make it 1.25 the ram22:05
NANOOKcan is speak to someone else you are making no sense!22:06
SSRICan someone help me? I have stupid internet problem. PM me22:06
NANOOKmanager please!22:06
daftykinsNANOOK: you mean Windows the OS, or graphical windows in general?22:06
maxtimboNANOOK, they're talking about someone else's issue. State your question with more detail so we might help you. If no one answers right away, just wait and be patient. Please don't flood the chat room22:06
daftykinsSSRI: no, we don't do PMs here - you must ask in the channel22:06
=== pdostal_ is now known as pdostal
TJ-herrkin: you'd need to do that, yes. Are you sure it does hibernation? hibernation needs a large swap area. Are you sure you don't put it in S3 Sleep mode (battery keeps RAM contents)22:06
NANOOKmy microsoft got deleted when i tried inspalling ubuntu22:06
bpromptNANOOK:    may want to restate the issue, so we can see what you mean22:06
daftykinsNANOOK: if it's really gone you'll need to do some data recovery if you want anything back22:06
NANOOKmy windows microsoft was deleted somehow when i was trying to install ubuntu22:07
herrkinoh I think its just sleep mode TJ-22:07
herrkinthen I dont need that I guess22:07
maxtimboenjoy you're new OS and say goodbye to windows22:07
TJ-herrkin: Yes, I thought it would be.22:07
daftykinsNANOOK: nobody.22:07
TJ-NANOOK: you are, by learning not to do the wrong thing :)22:07
NANOOKim filing a lawsuit22:07
TJ-!ot | NANOOK22:07
ubottuNANOOK: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:07
NANOOKyour company broke my computer22:07
daftykinsNANOOK: you are being childish, you have no recourse22:07
NANOOKwow you are super professional22:08
herrkinok thanks a lot again, I will test the machine to see how it behaves now. if it crashes then its temperature or other factor.22:08
TJ-NANOOK: no, you broke your computer. Either be constructive or use another channel for your comments22:08
NANOOKexpect to hear from my laywer22:08
maxtimboNANOOK, good luck with that. You're going to waste your time and money.22:08
NANOOKfuck off22:08
TJ-!ops | NANOOK22:08
ubottuNANOOK: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang22:08
k1l_NANOOK: lets focus on solving issues in here22:09
TJ-genii: thanks22:09
TJ-herrkin: good luck with it, I hope you can use more tabs in the browser now :)22:09
herrkinTJ- I used to have skype, virtual machines, docker, several tabs in the browser, sublime text, node.js a lot of those at the same time running22:10
TJ-herrkin: It didn't lose a stick of RAM did it? :D22:11
herrkinnow imgagine how it feels to have a machine that with 2 big web apps freezes22:11
herrkinno, it didnt.22:11
herrkinin fact if I switch to windows I can do that22:11
maxtimboIt's totally possible to install windows alongside ubuntu without reinstalling Ubuntu, right? I remember that's the way I used to have to do it...22:18
daftykinsmaxtimbo: ideally Windows goes on first, you'd not have to repeat either no22:19
TJ-maxtimbo: Yes; the issue that causes problems on BIOS based PCs is that the last-installed OS takes over as the primary boot-loader. Windows doesn't acknowledge and work with other OSes, whereas Linux generally does via installing GRUB22:19
daftykinsSSRI: depending on where you are, you are likely breaking the law - i personally will not help you with this, i think you should go speak to your neighbour and apologise personally.22:19
maxtimboTJ-, so I would have to install grub2 if it hasn't been installed already22:21
TJ-maxtimbo: If you have Ubuntu you'll have GRUB installed as the boot-loader22:21
maxtimboSounds like only kind of a pain. I think I should be able to manage22:22
TJ-maxtimbo: if you install Windows after Ubuntu, it will remove grub's boot sector. You'll need a Live ISO to fix that afterwards22:23
TJ-maxtimbo: you can make it slightly easier by saving a backup of the boot sector before starting the Windows install, to make it quicker/easier to fix after22:24
SSRIdaftykins, I understand, but their son knows what am I doing, i said to him that reason is experimental. So tehnicly whit his premision I aint breaking nothing. Even tho his parents pay the internet, and yes he is older than 18 (23)22:24
daftykinsSSRI: i'm not interested in any of your own justifications, the facts are as i shared - this is wrong i'm afraid.22:25
herrkinTJ-, I once typed "free -m" using only  chrome visiting facebook. ram was 3gb occupied I killed chrome it went to less than 1gb, incredible.22:25
SSRIdaftykins,  Ok man22:25
maxtimboTJ-, cool, thanks. I just wish more steam games worked on Ubuntu as this is the only reason I am even considering Windows right now22:25
TJ-herrkin: some web applications use ridiculous amounts of memory22:26
Bl4ck_Tig3ri see kali linux 2.0 omg very slow22:26
daftykinsBl4ck_Tig3r: Kali is not supported here nor on topic22:27
ubottuUbuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)22:27
maxtimboSo I need to make sure a HDD is mounted on boot and then create a sym link with the command "sudo mount --bind" I understand I need to create a bash script for this operation, but the sudo part has me unsure because I really don't want to have to put my password in twice to log in...22:30
maxtimboWhat would that script look like and where would I put it?22:31
daftykinscan't you do that from fstab?22:31
maxtimbodaftykins, can you?22:32
=== human is now known as Guest44849
daftykinsnot sure22:32
tewardmaxtimbo: why do you need the symlink though?22:32
tewardmaxtimbo: making sure a HDD is mounted at boot, that's an fstab entry.22:32
tewardmaxtimbo: but why would you need a symlink?22:33
daftykinsmust say the bind requirement sounds odd22:33
tewardit is22:33
maxtimboteward, I have the OS on an SSD and then I have a 3t HDD I want to keep all files, etc on. So I make sym links to Music, Documents, etc...22:34
maxtimbobecause the ssd is pretty small22:34
daftykinsah so now we know the real task :)22:35
daftykinsnah you're not going about that right, maxtimbo - mount it in fstab then make the symlinks22:35
teward^ that22:35
maxtimbook, I get nervous with fstab because I know it's dangerous22:36
tewardmaxtimbo: note that if you intend to run executable files on *nix form those directories, you'll need a *nix compatible filesys for the executable bits22:36
tewardmaxtimbo: it's dangerous if you do it wrong, but if you do it right, it's the CORRECT way to do it22:36
tewardmaxtimbo: you're more likely to break things if you start messing with `mount` in scripts without knowing what you're doing it22:36
maxtimboteward, I already formatted the drive to ect422:37
maxtimbook so how do I do this? -- the correct way22:37
amazoniantoadI did a hard reset on my ubuntu laptop and now I can't detect my wifi card22:40
amazoniantoadHow can I fix this?22:40
noethicsanyone use f.lux? or equivalent?22:41
daftykinsamazoniantoad: 'hard reset' ?22:41
amazoniantoaddaftykins: Held the power button down until it shut off22:41
daftykinsah right22:41
daftykinswhat kind is it, internal to the laptop?22:41
daftykinssure it doesn't show up from "lspci" ?22:41
_denis_hi noethics22:41
noethics_denis_, hi22:42
amazoniantoaddaftykins: I don't know. Should I run lspci? Or something more specific?22:42
IRCJOEhello guys i have ubuntu 15.04 but my vnc ( remote desktop has a security that i can not match how can i fix it )22:42
IRCJOEi dont' need security22:42
daftykinsamazoniantoad: yep run that, are you online from that system now? such as with a network cable22:42
amazoniantoaddaftykins: no22:42
korsakof_TJ-: thanks for herrkin swap debug. I learned a lot with it..22:42
amazoniantoaddaftykins: I can if you need me to be22:42
amazoniantoaddaftykins: I'll be running around the house in between questions to submit data and retrieve it here22:43
daftykinsamazoniantoad: it'd make it easier to share the output of commands online, is all22:43
amazoniantoaddaftykins: will do. please hold22:43
herrkinkorsakof_, yeah me too22:43
_denis_ksobkowiak, hi22:44
_denis_hi esteeb22:45
_denis_hi Foxy22:45
IRCJOEany ideas guys22:46
IRCJOEi need to remove the type 18 encryption from my remote desktp22:46
jr_daftykins: here is my laptop. The output is: http://pastebin.com/aNz90r4822:47
_denis_no, sorry IRCJOE22:47
daftykinsjr_: ok looks good, intel 6235... what interfaces do you see from "ip a" ?22:47
FoxyI feel very intimidated22:47
IRCJOEohh man22:48
FoxyI'm literally just running xubuntu off of a flash drive right now22:48
korsakof_IRCJOE: did you tried remmina?22:48
_denis_why Foxy?22:48
IRCJOEremmina no i will search on it thanks for the hint22:48
jr_daftykins: http://pastebin.com/Yne0Lycp22:48
jr_Foxy: ayyyy lmao22:48
daftykinsjr_: try "sudo modprobe iwlwifi" then repeat "ip a" and you should see an extra interface22:49
jr_daftykins: http://pastebin.com/YQNAwJji22:50
TJ-jr_: what does "lspci -nnk -s 02:00.0" report ?22:50
daftykinsjr_: "cat /etc/issue" ? (single line so you can paste here)22:50
blackhi guys22:50
jr_daftykins: Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS \n \l22:51
daftykinshmm so bit out of date22:51
daftykinsjr_: see what TJ-'s gives you22:51
blackmother fuckkers22:51
daftykins!ops | black22:51
ubottublack: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang22:51
jr_TJ-: 02:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Intel Corporation Centrino Advanced-N 6235 [8086:088e] (rev 24) Subsystem: Intel Corporation Centrino Advanced-N 6235 AGN [8086:4060]22:51
TJ-jr_: thanks... hang on whilst I cross-reference it22:51
jr_TJ-: thanks22:51
maxtimbodaftykins, teward I found this link http://code.seanodonnell.com/?id=7422:52
bekkstonyyarusso: may I pm you for a short question?22:52
tewardmaxtimbo: 40422:52
maxtimboIs this the right way in your opinion22:52
daftykinsmaxtimbo: no22:52
tewardmaxtimbo: it's not the right way, no22:52
daftykinsmaxtimbo: do it as i mentioned :)22:53
tonyyarussobekks: If it's an IRCish question, sure, if it's an Ubuntu question that should stay in channel.22:53
TJ-jr_ daftykins it's supported: "/lib/modules/3.13.0-62-generic/modules.alias:6116:alias pci:v00008086d0000088Esv*sd00004060bc*sc*i* iwlwifi"22:53
bekkstonyyarusso: It's an ircish question :)22:53
jr_TJ-: What do I do with that?22:53
daftykinsTJ-: mmm i think it's missing modules on and old kernel, i was going to go with a dist-upgrade?22:53
TJ-jr_: try "sudo modprobe --verbose iwlwifi"22:54
daftykinsjr_: i spotted you're on an old kernel anyway so your install is not up to date, i'd run a "sudo apt update && sudi apt dist-upgrade" if i were you22:54
TJ-daftykins: the issue is no moddeps. "could not open moddep file '/lib/modules/3.13.0-44-generic/modules.dep.bin'"22:54
daftykinsso they're not there for that (old) kernel22:54
jr_TJ-: http://pastebin.com/mm5NAsVa22:54
daftykinswhat does that mean? :)22:54
daftykinsi was suggesting at least being up to date, no point fixing it for the -4422:55
TJ-jr_: do "sudo moddep --all"22:55
jr_daftykins: I think there was an issue with installing the newest kernel...couldnt boot after or something22:55
TJ-daftykins: there's no database of aliases that match device IDs to driver names22:55
TJ-jr_: sorry, typo!22:56
jr_TJ-: command not found22:56
TJ-jr_: do "sudo depmod --all"22:56
daftykinshmm ok, i'd still dist-upgrade personally but i shall let TJ- work his magic :)22:56
jr_TJ-: done22:56
TJ-daftykins: agreed, lets fix the moddeps first though22:56
jr_daftykins: haha alright22:56
TJ-jr_: now "sudo modprobe iwlwifi"22:56
TJ-jr_: this time it should silently return to the command line22:57
jr_TJ-: done22:57
jr_its up22:57
TJ-jr_: ok now "ip -a" you should see the wlan if22:57
TJ-daftykins: over to you :p22:57
jr_This is why I love #ubuntu22:57
* TJ- goes for a coffee22:57
jr_Thanks TJ-22:57
daftykins^_^ come to think of it i recall that depmod as a process when installing new kernels22:57
daftykinsjr_: "sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade" as before then22:58
jr_daftykins: o now onto dist upgrade?22:58
jr_running it now22:58
=== brandon is now known as Guest42772
Guest42772im going to make them pay23:01
_codepoetWas the ‘open_by_handle_at’ syscall not present in  12.04.5 LTS (Precise Pangolin) ?23:03
bekks_codepoet: if its a syscall, i bet it was.23:03
_codepoetI’m trying to use that in auditd, and from what I read, that should’ve been available in kernel 2.something (I lost the page)23:04
_codepoetbut it complains about it not being know. When I switch to 14.x, it’s fine23:04
bekks_codepoet: it complains when doing what?23:04
_codepoetUsing that syscall in auditd23:04
Guest42772those developers will pay for the virus they sent me in docker wiget!!!23:04
_codepoetRestarting audit daemon auditd. Syscall name unknown: open_by_handle_at23:04
Guest42772i found the key logger!23:04
maxtimbodaftykins, are spaces important in fstab?23:05
bekks_codepoet: are you tied to using 12.04?23:05
bekksmaxtimbo: whitespaces, like space, tabs are.23:05
_codepoetFor now yes  - our software is built on a VM made out of 12.04. We’re upgrading but it will be 6 months out23:05
maxtimbobekks, my fstab entry: http://pastebin.com/jNjUU2Mz23:06
bekksGuest42772: which devs, downloaded your "widget" from where?23:06
bekksmaxtimbo: Looks fine.23:06
Guest42772the repository23:06
Guest42772bekks i found it all!23:06
bekksGuest42772: "the repository" doesnt mean much. Provide details.23:07
Guest42772bekks sudo apt-get install docker or whatever that guy said to do!23:07
Guest42772i found the keylogger and its going to be analized23:07
_codepoethttp://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/vivid/en/man2/open_by_handle_at.2.html#contenttoc5 says ‘These system calls first appeared in Linux 2.6.39.  Library support  is23:07
_codepoet       provided in glibc since version 2.14.’ .. but it doesn’t say if that is what Precise uses or if for some reason it was removed for LTS.23:07
_codepoetapologies for two lines23:08
bekksGuest42772: that will install docker itself and no "widget" whatsoever. So provide details on what you are talking about, avoid !, and consider full sentences please.23:08
Guest42772bekks there was a keylogger installed with it. i have the terminal txt to prove. this is going to be anal23:09
bekksGuest42772: So provide your "terminal text" in a pastebin please.23:09
bekksI dont believe there was a keylogger in the repos.23:10
bekksUNLESS you are using some 3rd party repo.23:10
_denis_me too23:10
_denis_packages are pre-compiled, and they SHOLD be controlled before compilation23:11
Guest42772bekks: brandon@terrafusion:~$ bekks fucks men23:11
Guest42772bekks: command not found23:11
Guest42772brandon@terrafusion:~$ sudo apt-get install bekks-small-cock-in-my-mouth23:11
Guest42772[sudo] password for brandon:23:11
Guest42772Reading package lists... Done23:11
Guest42772Building dependency tree23:11
jr_daftykins: should I restart the computer?23:11
bekksGuest42772: I told you to use a _pastebin_, not spamming the channel.23:11
_denis_hi isene23:11
bekks!ops | Guest4277223:11
ubottuGuest42772: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang23:11
Guest42772bekks : stop this invasion at once23:12
bekksgenii: thx, sorry for the noise. I'll readjust the troll detector.23:13
geniibekks: np23:13
a_hey guys. i downloaded the .deb file for google earth and after running the command 'dpkg -i google......' it failed to install. never mind it. now i am trying to install steam and i am getting the following error that is related to google earth: 'The following packages have unmet dependencies: google-earth-stable .....' what to do?23:14
TJ-_codepoet: it was added in commit becfd1f3754 in March 2011, so you ought to be seeing it in 12.04. Which architecture is the 12.04 ?23:14
daftykinsa_: for steam, "sudo apt-get install steam" is all that should be necessary23:14
_codepoetTJ-: Linux ec2-52-21-5-201.compute-1.amazonaws.com 3.2.0-76-virtual #111-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jan 13 22:33:42 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux23:15
_denis_has just happened?23:15
_denis_genii what happened?23:15
a_daftykins, that's what i am running, but it talk about dependencies related to google earth23:15
a_it talks*23:15
genii_denis_: Abusive user was removed.23:16
IRCJOEguys how can i run remote desktop always just keepit running23:16
wileeea_, Not uncommon there are web pages addressing fixes per releases of google versions23:16
tiblockGuys, how do you think, can this card run lubuntu 14.04? http://vgamuseum.ru/gpu/weitek/weitek-power-9100/23:16
_codepoetCould it be that someone purposely removed the syscall from the  3.2.0-76-virtual kernel for whatever reason? I’m grasping at straws here ;)23:16
a_wileee, all i want is it to stop talking about google earth so that i will install steam23:16
a_i don't care about google earth anymore23:16
_codepoetI just don’t know how to even go about checking for that , to give this customer a definitive answer23:17
_denis_genii i thought that it was upset23:17
wileeea_, Ah, I see, sorry, what do an update and upgrade show, any held or broken packgs?23:18
daftykinsa_: can you pastebin the actual output to http://paste.ubuntu.com to share here?23:18
TJ-_codepoet: try "grep 'sys_open_by_handle_at' /proc/kallsyms"23:18
_denis_a_ try sudo apt-get clean23:19
brandon_sudo apt-get install bekks-small-cock-inmy-mouth23:19
BrowserHello. I have a customer display connect through a USB cable in /dev/ttyACM0. When I do: echo "Text" > /dev/ttyACM0 until I don´t do cat /dev/ttyACM0 the text is not displayed. Why do I have to do cat? It used to work without running the cat command. With screen /dev/ttyACM0 it works with the echo command23:19
_codepoetTJ-: ffffffff811d10c0 T sys_open_by_handle_at  .. and ffffffff811c8b90 T compat_sys_open_by_handle_at23:19
TJ-_codepoet: so it is there23:19
_codepoetyeah, I looked at the headers before and saw references23:20
_codepoetI wonder if auditd is somehow not getting the right headers when it determines if there are proper syscalls?23:20
a__denis_, already tried that23:21
TJ-_codepoet: how about the system libraries? "grep -rn 'open_by_handle_at' /usr/include/*"23:21
a_daftykins, give me a minute23:21
_codepoetIs there a way of testing out a syscall, other than grepping for it there? perhaps a tool I can give to this customer and say ‘hey look, your auditd problems are your own, the call is there'23:21
tiblockoh wow, installed that card in celeron 1.0GHz system, its working23:22
tiblock1994 year made card, 2mb memory23:22
_codepoetTJ-:  yeah, that’s where I looked earlied. A few hits in there http://paste.ubuntu.com/12620079/23:22
TJ-_codepoet: The customer with auditd is using the Ubuntu system you've described?23:23
_codepoetso all signs point to that its there. Is there a way of suppressing syscalls on the system at all, or do these two locations point to it definitiviely being a problem with Auditd?23:23
_codepoetTJ-: yes. They’ve installed the same version. http://thecloudmarket.com/image/ami-e2296b8a--ubuntu-images-hvm-ubuntu-precise-12-04-amd64-server-20150204#/definition23:23
_codepoetI verified their problem exists  on a  fresh install of the same AMI23:24
_codepoetthen when I upgraded to 14, it worked fine23:24
TJ-_codepoet: I'm looking at the audit source code23:24
TJ-_codepoet: hang on! are you trying to audit the syscall itself?23:25
_codepoetI don’t have the version of audit that they’re using, unfortunately. Basically they are saying ‘hey guys, this is a pretty standard syscall  and has been for a bit, and we need it for infosec to be happy’23:25
_codepoetand it’s turning in to quite the myster for me and my low to mid level sysadmin abilities23:26
TJ-_codepoet: "Restarting audit daemon auditd. Syscall name unknown: open_by_handle_at" ... shouldn't it be "sys_open_by_handle_at" ?23:26
_codepoetTJ-: I tried both. Let me do it again just to be sure I am not crazy23:27
brandon_who wants to cum on my face?23:27
TJ-_codepoet: Oh!!!! This is a 64-bit kernel isn't it?23:27
_codepoetTJ-: Yes23:27
TJ-_codepoet: Doh! syscalls are 32 bit23:28
brandon_who wants to fuck me in the ass when i play with terminal?23:28
TJ-_codepoet: in the audit.rules you need "-F arch=b32" or similar23:28
_codepoetTJ-: ah ,right now its -a always,exit -F arch=b64 -S creat -S open -S openat -S truncate -F exit=-EACCES -k access -S name_to_handle_at23:29
_codepoetso I need to ‘down bit’ audit for it to work?23:29
_codepoeton trusty 64 bit, it works fine :/23:29
_codepoettrying this though!23:29
_codepoetignor name_to_handle_at, that was leftover from a debug attempt23:30
TJ-_codepoet: check out "man 7 audit.rules"23:30
=== AntiSpamMeta_ is now known as AntiSpamMeta
TJ-_codepoet: it could also be caused by the syscall numbers being different between 64-bit and 32-bit23:32
_codepoetTJ-: yeah still no dice :( tried with b32, with sys_open_by_handle_at, etc23:32
_codepoetTJ-: current rule line is:   “-a always,exit -F arch=b32 -S creat -S open -S openat -S truncate -S open_by_handle_at -F exit=-EACCES -k access"23:33
=== qdii is now known as Guest95038
_codepoetand still get  * Restarting audit daemon auditd --  Syscall name unknown: open_by_handle_at23:33
pigererz_codepoet: you got it23:34
=== hinderaker is now known as Guest92139
=== hxm is now known as Guest42223
_codepoetI wish there was another way that we could test the syscall without including audit, to see if it itself is causing the issue23:34
_codepoetpigererz: hrm?23:34
_denis_just write a program23:35
_codepoetI was hoping for something a bit more independent and more GNU so I can have the client do it themselves :P23:36
daftykinswhy can't the client just use trusty?23:37
_codepoetBecuase our software is built on top of precise for at least 6 more month23:37
TJ-_codepoet: I can reproduce here; working on it23:37
_codepoetTJ-: woo! I am not crazy!23:38
_codepoetTJ-: Thanks so much for your time thus far. I owe someone a beer ;)23:38
TJ-_codepoet: This is weird; If I do "sudo auditd -f" it works!23:39
_codepoetthat doesn’t look at rules23:40
_codepoetrules come in via the init.d script23:40
pigererzBut me a beer _codepoet23:41
tachibanahelp aptoncd is having troubles loading up my .iso file i backed up my system to with it23:41
tachibanagoogle says the source of the problem is HAL23:41
bekkstachibana: so pastebin you errors, etc.23:42
TJ-_codepoet: hmm, maybe that is because the rules aren't read, you're right!23:42
muka_I have external usb drive that I want to mount at boot (fstab) but I get errors. After login, when I "mount -a" all works, so it looks like usb dev is not detected while booting. Anyone can help?23:43
brandon_muka_ suck my sudo cock23:43
brandon__codepoet code your fingers into my ass23:44
TJ-_codepoet: OK, got it by calling auditctl -R manually23:44
_codepoetwith the -S syscall?23:44
tachibanaim not getting ANY errors23:44
daftykins_denis_: stop hassling ops please23:45
TJ-_codepoet: got it, as it fails now I'm reading the audit.rules! (this is with kernel 4.1 too)23:45
brandon__denis_ cry to my small bull sack23:45
tachibanaall i am getting is a blank file browser 'in program' that refuses to laod23:45
=== trick is now known as Guest81127
tachibanaload my .iso*23:45
brandon_daftykins i am so horny right now23:45
TJ-!ops | abuse from brandon_23:45
ubottuabuse from brandon_: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang23:45
tachibanabecause it doesnt work and therefore cannot 'find' my .iso23:45
TJ-_codepoet: if I have it failing with 12.04 on kernel 4.1, then it isn't a kernel issue23:46
tachibanamy ubuntu install has ALL updates/upgrades23:46
tachibanaand the software manager has only positive reviews for the app and displays it top priority among backup utilities23:47
_codepoetyea, I think something else is amiss, but I couldn’t find much online. Either no one uses this syscall, or there is a problem and people have been able to solve it without turning to the internet for help23:47
TJ-_codepoet: the code fails in src/auditctl.c::set_opt() with "rc = audit_rule_syscallbyname((struct audit_rule *)rule_new, optarg)23:48
TJ-_codepoet: switch case -123:48
=== eclipse is now known as Guest47463
tachibanaoh i see my problem, it must be all because my .iso must be burned to a CD or dvd media :/23:49
_codepoetI wish I knew enough about programming in the shell to write something that included the appropriate headers and proved to the client that this is a problem with audit23:50
TJ-_codepoet: not promising: "lib/deprecated.c:142:int audit_rule_syscallbyname(struct audit_rule *rule," (deprecated!)23:50
_codepoetthat particular call is deprecated? odd that it doesnt speak to that23:50
TJ-_codepoet: that has led to "lib/lookup_table.c:89:int audit_name_to_syscall(const char *sc, int machine)"23:52
_codepoetim looking at the source now myself23:53
TJ-_codepoet: which selects on machine arch type to call found = x86_64_syscall_s2i(sc, &res) (if you don't have my suggested arch=b3223:53
=== raj` is now known as raj
_codepoetyea, I tried both b32 and b64, ala : -a always,exit -F arch=b32 -S creat -S open -S openat -S truncate -S open_by_handle_at -F exit=-EACCES -k access23:54
agliodbshey, I'm trying to debug an upstart job which works fine when I run it interactively, but fails silently when I run it under upstart23:55
Jordan_Uagliodbs: Please pastebin your upstart configuration.23:56
agliodbsthere doesn't seem to be any way to capture the output of the daemon I'm trying to start though; upstart buries all logging23:56
TJ-_codepoet: and the answer. It isn't listed in "lib/x86_64_table.h"23:57
agliodbsJordan_U: here's the current version http://pastebin.com/N2qMf8dd23:58
agliodbsfeh, trailing "23:58
agliodbsfixed that, still the same issue23:59
_codepoetTJ-: Hrmmm.. then why does it work in trusty? because apt-get installs a newer version there?23:59
* _codepoet goes to try it out23:59

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