
sakrecoerOvenWerks: how do you use the keys without it? ssh-add seem to be dependent on it. anytime i call a key, gpg-agent pops up. if i skip the password thing, it stores the private key encrypted by gpg-agent in ~/.gnupg/ without a password...10:33
sakrecoerhmm.... but perhaps, i'm responsible for gpg-agent being present on my system in the first place. I did install thunderbird and enigmail in my ubuntustudio on my own behalf...10:35
OvenWerkssakrecoer: I used this method: http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/getting-set-up.html13:02
OvenWerkssakrecoer: gpg --gen-key13:02
OvenWerksssh-keygen -t rsa13:02
OvenWerksjust enough to get the keys made.13:03
sakrecoerthanks OvenWerks, i don't have any difficulties creating keys, i encountered problems using them, as they would get stored in my system by gpg-agent without my understanding. The worrying thing (to me) was that they would remain in use, even after deletion of ~/.ssh/*13:13
OvenWerksI don't seem to have gpg-adent on my system.13:14
OvenWerkssakrecoer: in your settings manager under session and stratup in the Application Autostart tab, it is possible to uncheck gpg-agent so it doesn't run all the time.13:16
sakrecoerit is unckeched.... so is gnome-keyrin-deamon... yet ps aux show them both.. apt-cache rdepends gpg-agent gives me nothing... i wonder where i got it from...13:20
* OvenWerks is off to work...13:27
sakrecoerOvenWerks: have a great day! thanks for yhe suggestions! :)13:27
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