
fearI have ubuntu mate running on my raspberry pi ( version 2 model b) using an arm processor, and it only sees 4gb of the 32gb on the micro sd card, why is this?02:13
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lautriv_hey there ;) anyone using a rockchip rk3188 with *buntu ?17:08
k1l_wasnt rockchip the ones that dont provide any sources?17:11
lautriv_k1l_, there are sources, there are also certain linux-images but made for a specific board useless for mine .17:13
lautriv_i found some sites talking about picuntu but appears that site is down.17:15
k1l_lautriv_: yeah, on ARM you need specific images for the boards. not a universal iso like on the pcs.17:15
lautriv_k1l_, i'm aware of the difference, working on a SoC under NDA. But the main difference for rockchips is the bootloader b/c init of memory.17:16
k1l_yeah, best is to look out for your specific board.17:17
lautriv_hardware is already present.17:18

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