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[10:33] <kalikiana> rhuddie: so, wrt http://paste.ubuntu.com/12613971/ "psutil.NoSuchProcess" this is now hopefully the correct place to chat about it
[10:34] <rhuddie> kalikiana, sure. in mtg now, so i'll take a look after
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[12:10] <balloons> brendand, did you get a chance to play with fixing the system-image job, or stubbing the providers in PT so they have testids?
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[13:19] <brendand> balloons, it's easy enough just to add a system-image job to the providers. as long as you don't care whether the results end up in PT or not
[13:19] <balloons> brendand, I care only to the extent we need to have some reporting
[13:20] <balloons> and we don't want to reinvite the process, as it's intended to flow through PT
[13:20] <brendand> balloons, my understanding was that the reporting in the service was what you were after?
[13:22] <balloons> brendand, yes, but we didn't want to recreate PT inside the service remember?
[13:22] <balloons> brendand, I'd like to try stubbing out a testsuite in PT for the providers we are supplying and see if it works. I don't see why it wouldn't, but it could get tricky to build. I do get that
[13:23] <brendand> balloons, i haven't even started to look at any way of importing providers into testsets
[13:25] <rhuddie> kalikiana, problem is that the app is crashing as it tries to load, so the pid is no longer valid when autopilot tries to get the proxy object
[13:25] <balloons> brendand, can you do the work to make system-image results be optional anyway for PT results?
[13:25] <balloons> brendand, and looking at the system-image job, I only ever saw the resource definition with the system-image -i call
[13:25] <brendand> balloons, it is optional after the branch veebers landed, no?
[13:26] <rhuddie> kalikiana, I found that if you remove ActionSelectionPopover item from the test qml the app will load, so it seems something related to that
[13:26] <balloons> brendand, veebers made it sound like you needed to do something in qakit to make it optional
[13:26] <brendand> balloons, ok so right now results won't be succesfully uploaded to PT without a system-image resource job
[13:27] <brendand> balloons, but for the app test suites that's a moot point as they can't be uploaded to PT anyway
[13:27] <balloons> brendand, sure, I get that. But I'd like to try and find a way to get the app test suites to upload into PT
[13:28] <brendand> balloons, ok
[13:28] <balloons> since I think that's the saner way of doing things. If we don't do it, it breaks our workflow idea
[13:28] <balloons> we'd need to tag PT vs non-PT tests, fix the service, add more reporting, etc
[13:29] <brendand> balloons, that could alternatively be achieved by just adding those jobs...
[13:29] <brendand> balloons, i feel we might need a hangout...
[13:30] <balloons> brendand, sure. I'm free and it might help indeed
[13:30] <brendand> balloons, i just need to grab some coffee, i can give you 15 mins before our standup
[13:30] <balloons> brendand, ack, ty. Just send me a link when ready
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[14:06] <brendand> balloons, if you create the testset in PT we can take it from there - no panic :)
[14:06] <balloons> brendand, I'll work on putting things into PT now
[14:29] <balloons> brendand, 1 testset for each app, or ? It seems like that's the way PT wants it
[14:29] <brendand> balloons, doesn't have to be
[14:30] <brendand> balloons, is each app going to be a seperate test suite in checkbox?
[14:31] <balloons> brendand, each app is a provider in checkbox. They have several test plans for each provider
[14:32] <balloons> so in checkbox, you see 15 testplans or so for the 4 core apps
[14:32] <brendand> balloons, ok
[14:33] <balloons> brendand, so I made test #1606 in PT
[14:34] <balloons> and testset #653. Do these make sense?
[14:35] <balloons> the checkbox file used to create it was from : http://paste.ubuntu.com/12624869/
[14:47] <kalikiana> rhuddie: hmmm how did you figure it crashed? I don't see it even starting
[14:48] <kalikiana> rhuddie: but I'm thinking I might move it into a file. I hate inline qml because things like this get hard to investigate..
[14:49] <kalikiana> and funny thing, as you mentioned the popover might be at fault, removing its actions makes it run
[14:51] <brendand> balloons, seems fine
[14:57] <balloons> brendand, ok, so I'll do all of them like that, and then lump them into that testset. And we should be good after?
[14:58] <balloons> we'll have a provider we can use?
[14:58] <brendand> balloons, we just have to get over the hurdle of associating the instances with checkbox jobs
[15:00] <balloons> brendand, afaik, after we do an export we'll have some checkbox providers that we can run through checkbox and submit back to PT just fine. They will however lack any steps to execute them. So instead we can replace the steps by hand before building the click and the resulting effort should just work.
[15:05] <brendand> balloons, ah the other way around. interesting. ok
[15:07] <balloons> brendand, do you agree with that would be easier, or no?
[15:09] <brendand> balloons, well different at least
[15:10] <brendand> balloons, either way we need to manually transcribe something into the jobs
[15:10] <balloons> brendand, right. So I'm open to how you feel it would be best to do it. So I don't end up re-working things in PT
[15:14] <brendand> balloons, i don't think it matters really if you're going to do it by hand. if i were to automate it i'd probably update the checkbox jobs with the instance id from PT directly
[15:15] <balloons> brendand, well when I said automation is out; is it possible at this hour to have any automation help that would point us to doing it one way or another
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[19:53] <flocculant> balloons: could you have a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~flocculant/ubuntu-manual-tests/1493917 please
[19:53] <balloons> ohh this was that irc testcase we spoke about
[19:54] <flocculant> yea - I did things - then forgot all about it :p
[19:54] <balloons> this looks just fine. I'm curious if facebook still works actual
[19:55] <flocculant> wouldn't know - didn't try - haven't got any social media things at all here - not in the slightest bit social :p
[19:56] <flocculant> I assume that Istimsak did the whole testcase and only irc failed
[19:56] <flocculant> http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/341/builds/95071/testcases/1415/results
[20:09] <flocculant> balloons: thanks - all merged and tracker updated
[20:09]  * balloons high fives flocculant
[20:09] <balloons> flocculant, right. I too can't really try
[20:09] <balloons> but I'm guessing it might fail
[20:09] <flocculant> heh
[20:10] <balloons> flocculant, ah-hah
[20:10] <balloons> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2015/04/facebook-chat-api-empathy-pidgin-stop-working
[20:10] <balloons> if you'd like, feel free to remove it :-)
[20:11] <flocculant> oh
[20:11] <flocculant> balloons: you ok if I just do it - without getting you (or someone) to check
[20:12] <flocculant> if so - I'll do it now - while the iron is hot
[20:13] <balloons> yes, I'd do it now
[20:13] <balloons> I remember them changing the API.. And it's something that could cause headaches in the future. I'd can it
[20:16] <flocculant> I've done that - just got the google test left now
[20:17] <balloons> thanks. poor empathy
[20:17] <flocculant> well
[20:17] <balloons> the days of the multi-client messenger seem to have diminished
[20:17] <flocculant> I've not got much empathy for it ...
[20:17] <balloons> everything is going back to locked up messaging
[20:17] <balloons> anyways..
[20:17] <flocculant> yea
[20:17] <balloons> hah
[20:18] <flocculant> can't remember now what empathy replaced - without any empathy for it's predecessor ...
[20:18] <flocculant> 2 dad jokes in 3 lines \o/
[20:18]  * balloons is empathatic about remembering
[20:19] <flocculant> hah
[20:20] <flocculant> balloons: manual testcase bugs - do we really think that the kde ones will ever see traction?
[20:20] <flocculant> perhaps you could find out if they're ever going to use tracker? if not I'll make the bug list much much shorter ...
[20:21] <balloons> flocculant, excellent question. I don't believe so. They've decided against it
[20:21] <flocculant> ok - I'll invalid them then
[20:21] <balloons> you/we could confirm with .. umm.. it'll come to me
[20:21]  * balloons cannot remember her name
[20:21] <balloons> scarlett
[20:22] <flocculant> not sure - think I am - or you could ask one of the council - valorie is about on irc iirc
[20:23] <balloons> sgclark was who I was thinking of
[20:23] <flocculant> right - not sure tbh - have little to do with kubuntu
[20:23] <balloons> indeed
[20:24] <flocculant> I think it's probably fair to say that after 2 years it's pretty unlikely that anything is going to happen now
[20:25] <flocculant> but I won't clear the list until you're sure :)
[20:25] <balloons> flocculant, I'm sure, hah. I know they use other tools
[20:25] <flocculant> I'll try and catch zequence re the studio things
[20:25] <flocculant> balloons: if you're sure - then I'll do it
[20:25] <balloons> in general, I think we can invalid anything not yet covered, as suggested
[20:25] <flocculant> would really like a manageable list of bugs there
[20:25] <balloons> it's been a bit
[20:26] <flocculant> ok - taking that as a green light :p
[20:27]  * knome sends a brown signal
[20:28]  * balloons waves to knome
[20:28] <knome> better wave...
[20:28] <balloons> I got to make an icon today
[20:28] <knome> hello balloons
[20:28] <knome> aha, interesting
[20:28] <balloons> my artistic side comig out, hah
[20:28] <knome> :D
[20:28] <balloons> you'll find out why tomorrow ;p
[20:28] <knome> show us
[20:30]  * flocculant suspects wolflike 
[20:31] <knome> :)
[20:31] <balloons> you guys never like to wait
[20:32] <balloons> are you offering to make a proper icon? not simply a resized photo?
[20:32] <knome> depends...
[20:32] <flocculant> I'm not ...
[20:32] <flocculant> at all
[20:32] <flocculant> ever :D
[20:32] <knome> flocculant, but you just worked with html too ;)
[20:32] <flocculant> and be thankful for that
[20:32] <flocculant> ha ha ha
[20:32] <balloons> knome, depends on how poor mine is?
[20:33] <knome> well show it and we'll see :D
[20:34]  * balloons uploads
[20:34] <balloons> http://imgur.com/jwynUEz
[20:35] <knome> so... where's the icon? :P
[20:35] <balloons> LOL
[20:35] <balloons> don't you love it?
[20:36] <knome> it's fine, but that's not an icon :P
[20:36] <balloons> indeed, it' snot
[20:36] <knome> it's snot?
[20:36] <knome> ewww.
[20:36] <flocculant> balloons: invalid or won't fix?
[20:36] <knome> flocculant, won'tfix
[20:36] <flocculant> that's what I thought
[20:37] <knome> balloons, what are you using that for?
[20:39] <balloons> a phone application
[20:39] <knome> is that the smallest size?
[20:40] <balloons> 256x256 is indeed the size
[20:42] <flocculant> balloons: ok so if I'd had the slightest bit of sense I'd have check the tags instead of opening the bugs ...
[20:42] <flocculant> because you shouldn't read an app name and blame KDE for it
[20:42] <knome> :D
[20:43] <flocculant> zequence: there are 50 testcase bugs - eg this testcase needs building - are you actually going to use the tracker and testcases?
[20:45] <flocculant> I'll try and catch stgraber about the 59 edubuntu ones :)
[20:45] <balloons> flocculant, :-)
[20:46] <flocculant> 1 kde bug ...
[20:46] <flocculant> ha ha ha - what an idjit I am :D
[20:47] <flocculant> balloons: I guess that edubuntu and mythbuntu forgot all about this as they're both LTS only releases
[21:09] <flocculant> balloons: last one today :) https://code.launchpad.net/~flocculant/ubuntu-manual-tests/1493908
[21:14] <flocculant> balloons: ta - all done
[21:14] <balloons> woot
[21:14] <balloons> nice to get things in order
[21:14] <balloons> thank you much flocculant
[21:14] <flocculant> bit by bit
[21:14] <flocculant> yw of course :)
[21:40] <zequence> flocculant: We'll use them once someone starts writing tests. I haven't had the time yet, but I might get to that before next LTS.
[21:41] <flocculant> zequence: okey doke :)
[22:14] <flocculant> balloons: could you answer Brendan's query on - I'd not want to send him to the wrong place :)
[22:14] <flocculant> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual-tests/+bug/1466574/comments/5
[22:14] <ubot5`> Ubuntu bug 1466574 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "test 1438 Install (kvm +jeos) cannot select UTC" [Undecided,Incomplete]
[22:16] <balloons> flocculant.. hmmm. I'm not sure off the top. quality ml isn't a bad place; someone might chime in
[22:17] <flocculant> possibly - no idea of the spread of people reading it
[22:18] <flocculant> server-bugs maybe?
[22:18] <flocculant> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Ubuntu-server-bugs
[22:23] <flocculant> gone with both of them
[22:23] <flocculant> time for me to toddle off now - night :)