
elachecheMorning nizarus :D09:59
nizarusahla elacheche10:00
elachecheça va?10:00
nizarusfatigué :/10:02
elachecheme too x) Itta9ss yta3ab :(10:02
nizarusaprès la première journée d'enseignement :/10:03
elachechehahahaha :D10:03
nizarusya chmayti10:04
elachecheEni dima té3ib :D x)10:05
* elacheche is upgrading he's Workstation to 14.04 xD14:30
nizarusheuu ! 14.04 ? moi j'était entrain de faire la maj pour la 15.10 :p15:42
elacheche:D That's my work workstation :D x) And I don't use the do-release-upgrade binary shipped by cononical15:43

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