
tewardanyone know what the correct upstream project for libkpeople is, if any?  (I asked because it landed on ubuntu-quality ML)00:01
sgclarklet me look00:01
tewardsgclark: thank you.00:02
clivejoisnt it part of kdepim?00:05
sgclarkteward: project page https://projects.kde.org/projects/frameworks/kpeople has contacts 00:05
sgclarkit is in line to be a framework afaik00:05
clivejoyeah, its source is here - http://download.kde.org/stable/frameworks/5.14/00:07
clivejosgclark: are you backporting frameworks 5.14.0?00:09
sgclarkclivejo: mmhmm. well finished but needs testers00:10
clivejomy system is wily Im affraid00:10
sgclarkVM can be used :)00:11
sgclarkI am trying to recruit more testers... we are in dire need.00:12
clivejoLOL I need my CPU for trying to compile and build calligra!00:12
clivejobut saying that Im not getting anywhere with it!00:13
sgclarkoh lol, then no a vm will not work for you00:13
clivejosgclark: any idea why it compiles on my own machine but refuses to work in pbuilder or LP?00:14
sgclarkmissing dep? dunno, would need to take a look really.00:15
clivejoplease do have a look, its driving me nuts00:15
tewardsgclark: clivejo: someone on the quality team is linking LP to upstream project pages - the question is where do we link it to00:16
teward(by 'it' i mean libkpeople)00:16
tewardIt's under Kubuntu Members ownership, hence the q00:16
sgclarkteward: my link was the current project page until we move to phabricator, so link to it for now please. Anyway someone from this team can contact me? I would like to keep in touch for when we do move to phabricator. (we being upstream)00:17
tewardsgclark: would you rather me just tell the ubuntu-quality mailing list (ubuntu-quality@lists.ubuntu.com) to stop going through KDE and linking Launchpad packages with upstream projects?00:18
tewardand say that that request came from Upstream?00:18
sgclarkI really don't mind if they link.. I think I need context though lol.00:19
tewardsgclark: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-quality/2015-September/006232.html00:20
tewardfirst message00:20
tewardi later follow up saying i'll poke here00:20
clivejooh thats a nice wee diagram - http://api.kde.org/frameworks-api/frameworks5-apidocs/kpeople/html/kpeople-dependencies.html00:23
sgclarkteward: let them know I am taking care of it. https://launchpad.net/libkpeople 00:39
ahoneybunsgclark: 'plasmashell restart' fixed the issue for now03:21
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soeegood morning08:52
sick_rimmitMorning soee08:53
sick_rimmitI'm just setting up a VM with Kubuntu 15.04 64Bit to do some Testing for sgclark ;-)08:54
soeeyup, was thinking about the same :)08:54
Riddellthanks sick_rimmit, soee_09:23
* sick_rimmit waves at Riddell09:32
soee_meh, when installing vivid in VB copying files goes to 21% than vb canceles installation09:36
zokiDimovskiHi everyone. I have upgraded my machine from 15.04 to 15.10 and I'm experiencing some problems.10:12
zokiDimovskiThe first and most annoying is “Configuration file "//.config/kwalletd5rc" not writable. Please contact your system administrator.”10:12
zokiDimovskiThis is happening every time I start the desktop.10:13
soee_zokiDimovski: what permissions have this file and does ot exist ?10:13
soee_i'v seen some problmes with this file i think10:13
zokiDimovskiThe file does not exist. I double check my permission in the home folder. All is good.10:14
Riddell/ sounds like it's not finding the home directory and wrinting it to / instead10:15
zokiDimovskiIs there a way that I can test that?10:16
zokiDimovskianother one...10:19
zokiDimovskiMissing Icons - When launching applications with root permissions (sudo app_name), there are no icons in the application. Tested on dolphin, kate, konsole and systemsettings. Tried to change different icons sets, it's the same result, there are no icons.10:20
sittermck182: that wallet thing sounds a bit meh10:45
sick_rimmitI wonder, does the Wallet problem have a relationship with the KWallet upgrade tool.10:46
sick_rimmitWhen I installed 15.04 it asked would I like to upgrade Kwallet..10:46
sitterlatest information I saw in the bug report was that the pam causes it10:46
sick_rimmitI am just wondering perhaps that tool needs to run to create the config file your looking for10:46
sick_rimmitjust a though10:46
howlymowlyhi there ...  short question:  I installed kubuntu 15.10 everything working OK, just when I install AMD fglrx driver my system hangs at startup ... (i think at the moment when the login manager gets aktivated)  is this a known bug? i have a radeon 685010:47
clivejohas there been updates to PIM?10:51
clivejoits very unstable for me right now10:53
sitterRiddell: how did you get the ubiquity screenshot?10:53
vipoh, it is not only me having empty spaces in tray ;-)11:09
vipsitter: maybe vbox?11:09
soee_vip: one empty space yu mean ?11:10
vipoh, sometimes I even got two 11:12
soee_hmm do i do this wrong: sometimes i need to edit file with sudo using nano nd search some content in it, modify and save. This creates file ~/.nano/search_history that is owned by root11:25
soee_than if i want to use nano with my user, it can't access this and shows message11:26
soee_Error reading /home/soee/.nano/search_history: Permission denied11:26
soee_Press Enter to continue11:26
TJ-soee_: 'sudo' maintains the current user env settings, including $HOME, so that would be expected to happen11:27
sitteruse vim11:27
soee_i'm not sure why but i can't get used to vim11:28
TJ-soee_: sudo -H|--set-home may be what you want11:28
bshahwell never ever use sudo vim/nano foobar11:28
soee_TJ-: what does it do ?11:28
bshahbut do sudoedit11:28
TJ-soee_: "man sudo"11:28
bshahsudoedit is more safe11:29
soee_oh inteestign11:29
TJ-I saw a bug recently where sudedit is ignoring the EDITOR env-var, or its not being passed on11:30
sittersudo -i is your friend11:30
Neiniel-32Hi, I am wild tester that responded to the tester call, now I am checking all the bugs I suffered in  15.04 in the 15.10 beta2  (virtualized) or if I find new ones. Will report soon ¬¬ :D 11:35
soee_Neiniel-32: hiho11:37
soee_Neiniel-32: Scarlett wants to test first frameworks backports, can you do this ?11:38
Neiniel-32If I could do it in the virtualized install, just give me instructions I will try to do my best11:40
soee_Neiniel-32: install Vivid in VirtualBox for example, than add the testing ppa, upgrade system and check if upgrade wnet fine and system is stable etc.11:41
soee_Neiniel-32: to add frameworsk stagin ppa type: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/staging-frameworks11:42
soee_Neiniel-32: than: sudo apt full-upgrade11:42
Neiniel-32ok as soon I end to check wich bugs survived the new version, and get out of job I will do that, now I will download the vivid iso and let the pc installing11:42
soee_Neiniel-32: cool, thank you11:43
Riddellsitter: virtualbox wasn't working for me so it was a live system, I can double check if you like11:43
Neiniel-32the mayority of bugs I keep on finding are kde related and not kubuntu, (like the wrong behaviour in the panel with the option windows could cover activated)11:44
soee_Riddell: today Plasma 5.4.2 tars ?11:44
Riddellsoee_: yes indeed, lots of new icons to come11:45
Riddellof course no guarantee that packages will be ready to test today but let's try11:45
soee_Neiniel-32: such bugs should be reported on bugs.kde.org11:46
sitterRiddell: would be good11:46
Neiniel-32yes I now, just not enought time yet, but I will do it11:46
=== Neiniel-32 is now known as Furor
sitterRiddell: also can't break it on laptop11:55
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=== Furor is now known as Furor-ESP
Riddellsitter: I see it, the image yesterday still had ubiquity2.21.31, todays has .3212:05
Riddellwhich is strange since .32 had transitioned the day before but I guess not quite quick enough12:06
Riddellsorry for the noise sitter12:06
sitterheart attack for nothing12:07
alvinI've just installed Kubuntu 15.10 beta2. It still insists on using th de_BE locale for Belgium. There are only 77 German speaking people in this country. Why is this the default?12:11
alvinAre they perhaps all Kubuntu users?12:11
TJ-alvin: that sounds like a debian-installer/ubiquity issue 12:11
Riddellthe secret germanic belgium kde conspiracy12:11
Riddelllocale issues like that will be tricky to diagnose, it's all in some low level database we get from debian12:12
alvinI do install Debian a lot, and I never get that specific locale, but maybe there's some extra configuration here. I thought it would be difficult to find that. It has been there for several releases. Since you can no longer specifically say "I want my time to look like..." it has become more of an issue. You can no longer say: monetary unit is EUR, but you have to choose a locale and hope it's what you want. Instead of thursday, I now see 12:14
sitteralvin: what language do you install with? english?12:19
yofelmight be a kde issues too. Here my env says "LANG=de_DE.UTF-8", which certainly matches my regional settings, but not my language (en_US.UTF-8)12:19
alvinsitter: Yes. I want English as languate, but EUR as monetary unit, and a 24-hour clock. No AM and PM.12:20
sitteryofel: LANGUAGE is different from LANG and we can set them independently12:20
sitteralvin: that's not what I asked12:20
sitterwhen you are at the installer12:20
sitterwhat language do you install with12:20
alvinTrouble is that KDE knows locales that don't really exist. I can choose 'Belgium - English' which resulsts in en_BE.UTF-8, but on the command line, that results in 'setting locale failed'12:21
alvinsitter: I do install in English12:21
sitterthe setting locale thing is a bug12:23
alvinsitter: What is a bug? The existence of the en_BE.UTF-8 locale? I can choose that in KDE, but when adding it to (/var/lib/locales/supported.d/local), dpkg-reconfigure says there is no such locale definition.12:29
sitterthat'd be the bug :P12:32
sitterRiddell: didn't you have someone work on the locale api?12:32
alvin:-( It's hard to set it right, and the only way to do so more or less is the command line.12:33
Riddellsitter: only to install language packs using packagekit, and he's not finished it yet12:34
sitterthat would actually fix the locale not available problem12:34
sitterRiddell: we need newer frameworks in wily12:38
sitterthe icon loader in that release is fucked12:39
sittersee kickoff after installation using oxygen12:39
Riddellum, we have the latest 5.14 release in wily12:40
sitterso that's broken then12:40
sitteralvin: de_BE is a bug in ubiquity12:40
alvinsitter: Thanks. Is there a bug report already?12:41
sitterno clue12:41
alvinI'll report it as soon as I do another install12:44
sittercan't reproduce the problem with en_BE12:46
lordievaderHey sgclark. I was just testing the kf staging ppa.12:47
lordievadersgclark: Installs fine, by the way.12:49
lordievaderAnd reboots fine too.12:52
alvinFor reporting a bug against plasmashell, what package do I choose?13:00
TJ-alvin: i seem to recall something like plasma-workspace - do "dpkg -S 'bin/plasmashell' "13:02
alvinI don't know if it's a known bug. (Installed beta2) Multi-monitor works, but plasmashell is only started on the left monitor. lordievader told me to kquitapp plasmashell and kstart plasmashell. That brings plasmashell on the second monitor alive, but it goes wrong again next time.13:02
sitteryou don't because you report it on bugs.kde.org13:02
sgclarkRiddell: someone working on the new plasma?13:02
alvinsitter: Fair enough. Only, I don't know yet if it's Kubuntu-specific or not.13:03
sgclarkthank you everyone that answered my call for testers :)13:04
sitteralvin: neither do we :P13:04
alvinI take it there is no such thing as release blockers then?13:05
alvinI'll go look at the right bug tracker then.13:05
Riddellsgclark: not yet13:09
sgclarki'll take it13:09
* Riddell high fives sgclark13:09
soee_i think we shoudl have ~ 10 testers that will test stuff eahc time we have to release something13:10
soee_and release after all of them test it13:10
sitterRiddell: btw http://kci.pangea.pub/job/wily_stable_kaccounts-integration/13:10
sgclarkyeah we need more than we have for certain. looks like my call worked a little13:10
BluesKajHiyas all13:15
Riddellsitter: will investigate..13:20
BluesKajhi sgclark, soee_13:21
sitterRiddell: you merged unstable into stable as I recall13:21
mck182<sitter> mck182: that wallet thing sounds a bit meh [12:45:16] --> what wallet thing?13:46
Furor-ESP@soee_ I did that, some packages got updated, a pop up of distro upgrade appear and them dissapear, I tried to reboot, but failed and have to force a restart, after I loging in again, most of apps dissapared from start menu13:47
soee_popup of distro upgrade ?13:48
Furor-ESPthe notifcation on the system tray that advise you that a distro upgrade is available13:51
Furor-ESPsorry for my bad explanation13:51
Furor-ESPI didnt have time to read it completely as it happened fast, what I could asure you its that most of apps are inacesible from start menu and krunner13:52
soee_but you can search with krunner etc ?13:53
Furor-ESPno, krunner didn't find any app13:54
Furor-ESPcorrection: the apps belonging to system panel appear, others not13:56
Furor-ESPvery strange13:56
soee_Furor-ESP: oen krunner (ALT+F2)13:56
Furor-ESP(like screen lock, samba ..)13:56
soee_and click on that icon before search field13:56
soee_see if all those items are checked there13:56
Furor-ESPall checked13:57
soee_type in console: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop13:57
soee_what is the output13:57
Furor-ESPI am trying to manage how to open the terminal after this happened13:58
Furor-ESPI could use it with kdesudo also I suppose13:58
soee_try to switch to different tty13:59
sgclarktype in konsole into runner?13:59
Furor-ESPall normal apps are missed13:59
Furor-ESPfrom krunner and start menu13:59
soee_well are you sure it didn;t remove them while upgrding ?13:59
sgclarkyeah sounds like kubuntu-desktop got uninstalled14:00
Furor-ESPI know, but I have to change keys or I will do it on the host operating system14:00
soee_ah right it is VB :)14:01
soee_Furor-ESP: right click on the desktop14:01
soee_and pick: Run Command from menu14:01
Furor-ESPyes, that way I open krunner14:02
soee_and can you open Konsole ?14:05
Furor-ESPbut krunner its almost useless right now, I am trying to configure the virtual box to could do a control+alt+f1, give me some minutes14:05
soee_Furor-ESP: what if you switch to alternative launcher ?14:05
soee_it is also empty - does not list apps ?14:05
Furor-ESPI will check14:06
Furor-ESPbut when the normal one and krunner doesnt list apps...14:06
soee_well i doubt it will remove all apps, there must be something different14:08
Furor-ESPwtf, now let me execute konsole (as command but app with icon not listed)14:09
Furor-ESPsudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop doesn't need to install anything14:10
sgclarkbreeze maybe??14:10
Furor-ESPI put another screenshot in the link I shared before14:11
soee_Furor-ESP: and you have installed those frameworks from staging ppa ?14:13
Furor-ESPall this happened after I restart after that14:13
sgclarkapt-get upgrade exits cleanly?14:15
sgclarkFuror-ESP: can you point me to the vivid cd you used, I need to try and reproduce.14:20
Furor-ESPI downloaded a ISO from here http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/15.04/release/kubuntu-15.04-desktop-amd64.iso14:28
sgclarkthank you14:29
Furor-ESPI did all normal updates14:29
Furor-ESPadded the staging14:29
Furor-ESPproblem trying to restart, forced restart, login and them the problem to locate the apps14:30
Furor-ESP(missed in menu, and missed in krunner, unless I typed full command as you could see in screenshot)14:30
Furor-ESPI have to leave for today, to keep on working. Thanks for your patience, hope that test could be usefull14:31
Furor-ESPWill try to back tomorrow14:31
sgclarkRiddell: first time using new staging-upload script. What does it mean to remember to unpause? was I suppose to pause something? :(14:45
Riddellpause kci http://kci.pangea.pub/view/mgmt/job/mgmt_pause_integration/14:46
sgclarkmeh too late now. sorry did not know14:47
RiddellI should probably force that in the script14:47
Riddellthen again it's no bad thing to test the merges14:48
marco-parilloI want to thank the Kubuntu Devs. On identical 1GB VM, each with Plasma 5.4.1, identical FF and Chrome tabs, a just-released distro just spun helplessly, while Wily Beta was also able to run Muon-updates.17:16
clivejosgclark: did you get a chance to look over kreport ?18:40
sgclarkclivejo: eek, no I totally got distracted by that launchpad request thing, can I have another link?18:41
sgclarkwell it cannot find the header file, of which I conclude it did not get generated?18:44
clivejowhy does it compile locally?18:44
clivejobut not on LP?18:44
clivejodont understand why its failing18:46
sgclarkwell it looks like it uses ECM to generate those headers, perhaps a different version of ECM that LP is using? 18:46
sgclarkwild guess here, I have no idea what your local setup is, nor what dependencies LP is using18:47
clivejoVersion: 5.14.0-0ubuntu2 installed locally18:48
clivejoIll enable proposed, see it that helps18:51
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soeedo we have Plasma 5.4.2 started to build ?21:34
clivejoI dont know21:34
sgclarkyes it is in staging21:35
soeei see no status page for it http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ppa-status/plasma/21:36
sgclarkcuz I have not made one. sorry distracted21:36
soeeah ok :)21:37
clivejosgclark: do you have a weegie login?21:41
sgclarkwell it let me loging but no I cannot su to kubuntu21:43
sgclarkso I cannot creat a status page sorry21:44
Riddellsgclark: I'm onto it21:45
soeesgclark: but are there some builds that faild or 5.4.2 is ready ?21:45
Riddellsgclark: you're in sudo group, just ping or another sudoer to reset your password21:46
sgclarksoee: all green but that does not necessarily mean they are done.21:47
Riddellsgclark: not bad http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ppa-status/plasma/build_status_5.4.2_wily.html :)21:48
sgclarksorry I got distracted on to another task.21:48
sgclarkthanks Riddell21:48
soeewow so 1 package only failed ?21:49
sgclarkmmm xinput - isnt that the one not available in debian based distros?21:49
sgclarkRiddell: ^21:49
sgclarknot failed but cmake wants a package that I do not believe we can provide.21:50
sgclarkyep xcb-xinput no exist21:54
sgclarksoee: feel free to test, debian based does not ship with xcb-input so that orange will remain so. 21:58
ubottutesters is Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley, alket, SourBlues, sgclark, neo31, vip, mparillo for information21:58
sgclarkplease test staging-plasma21:59
soeesgclark: and oxygen-fonts ?22:04
sgclarkoh hmm22:07
sgclarksoee: nice catch, I am going blind.22:08
soeesgclark: and why it is 5.4.1 not 5.4.2 ?22:13
clivejoprobably in manual22:13
sgclarkthat is why it was in manual, all fixed now uploading...22:14
clivejonothing to actually compile?22:14
soeewowo i think this was the fastest plasma build ever22:15
clivejosgclark: is an expert :)22:16
soeetrue :)22:16
soeeclivejo: beeing an expert  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKorP55Aqvg :D22:16
* clivejo wonders if sgclark's next job is to backport them22:16
sgclarkyes it is, but working on application backport atm22:17
soeesgclark: can you tell me what -ppa1 or -ppa2 sufix means in package name ?22:26
Quintasansoee: first upload to ppa, second upload to ppa and so on22:26
soeeQuintasan: thanks22:26
soeeso package gets it before or after build?22:27
soeeuploader gives that name or LP ?22:27
sgclarkyeah it rejected my build, so I made another, but now looking I think possibly Riddell was working on it without saying anything.. 22:27
Quintasansoee: We just have to somehow differ uploads which only have changes in the packaging. We can't exactly bump the software version number itself.22:28
Riddellsgclark: I uploaded oxygen-fonts but then got distracted22:28
Riddelland failed to say so22:29
sgclarkI uploaded another not knowing that sory, oh well it is done22:29
clivejonaughty Riddell22:29
sgclarkRiddell: did you see my statement about xcb-input? seems debian refuses to enable it22:29
Riddellsgclark: no, what's that about?22:30
sgclarkI recall this coming up on my CI22:30
sgclarkupstream debian refuses to enable xcb-input. something about buggy and ABI.22:31
Riddellsgclark: for what?22:31
sgclarkthe orange one lol22:32
Riddellthen let's just add it to cmake-override.json22:32
sgclarkmmm this sounds new22:32
sgclarkis this in packaging or what?22:33
sgclarkRiddell: I don't know where that is sorry22:34
Riddellit's in kubuntu-automation22:35
Riddellbut I'm curious about debian's objection22:36
sgclarkyeah walcomtablet will never run for us without it22:37
sgclarkperma red on my ci :(22:37
Riddellsomething to do with ./kcms/input/CMakeLists.txt22:37
RiddellI think I'd add it to the packagae, trusting upstream more than some fellow packagers22:38
sgclarkyou lost me22:38
Riddellwe want wacom tablet support22:39
Riddelland if upstream says we want it then we should have it22:39
Riddellso I'd add it to the packaging22:39
Riddellhmm but I can't work out what build-dep to add22:43
soee_sgclark, Riddell: smoth download and upgrade, will reboot now22:43
sgclarkRiddell: the xcb parent would need to be rebuilt with the xinput flag enabled then grab the bits out and put in packaging for those that want it?22:43
sgclarkI may be really confused, my brain is fried22:44
Riddellah really22:44
Riddellwell let's just add it to ignores then22:44
Riddelldo you want to add it to cmake-ignore.json or shall I?22:44
sgclarkgo ahead22:45
sgclarkI have to afk for a bit22:45
soeei'm back :)22:45
clivejoany problems?22:46
soeeclivejo: nope22:47
soeeany idea how can i download 64bit deb from here https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/isv:ownCloud:community:nightly/owncloud-client ?22:48
Riddellperfect green http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ppa-status/plasma/build_status_5.4.2_wily.html :)22:48
clivejocheating :P22:48
soeeRiddell: +1 22:48
soeeah her eit is https://build.opensuse.org/package/binary/isv:ownCloud:community:nightly/owncloud-client?arch=x86_64&filename=owncloud-client_2.0.2~git-1_amd64.deb&repository=xUbuntu_15.0422:49
soeewoho new updates icon :)22:50
* sgclark blogs for more testers22:52
KubuntuSuperBot<Aaron>: Plasmashell is acting odd22:58
KubuntuSuperBot<Aaron>: I can't right click on the desktop and the panels don't work22:58
KubuntuSuperBot<Aaron>: For switching tasks or anything22:58
KubuntuSuperBot<Scarlett>: Works for me. What are you running?22:58
KubuntuSuperBot<Aaron>: Driver?22:58
KubuntuSuperBot<Scarlett>: Last update?22:58
KubuntuSuperBot<Aaron>: Yea wily22:58
KubuntuSuperBot<Aaron>: Wow 132 packages to update22:58
KubuntuSuperBot<Aaron>: It Started yesterday I  believe, I just killed xorg and I was fine till a min agao22:58
KubuntuSuperBot<Aaron>: But now even a reboot did not fix it22:58
KubuntuSuperBot<Aaron>: So I'm updating to see if that fixes it22:58
sgclarkerr that is old23:06
soeeif someone will test 5.4.2, please tell me if you also have ~15 sec lag when booting system after sddm23:06
soeeso the proggress bar is 100% than 15 sec lag23:06
Riddellwho was that kubuntusuperbot?23:13
sgclarkarrons telegram bot23:13
soeecalligra has nice icons23:31
clivejoin Software and Updates Im getting an unhandled error occurred - org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message recipient disconnected from message bus without replying23:35
sgclarkis this testing plasma or in general?23:36
sgclarkok let me clarify. You installed staging plasma and this popped up or?23:42
clivejoas I was adding the staging plasma PPA it started23:43
clivejoso prior to it23:43
sgclarksoftware and updates - is that muon?23:43
clivejooh its not23:44
clivejoits gtk23:44
clivejothats gnome?23:44
sgclarkit is, not sure what it has to do with updates though23:50
clivejoIve removed it23:51
clivejouse the kde one23:51

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